Applets and web frameworks.

What are the differences between using JApplets or a web framework like Woodstock or ICE Faces?
Which is more safe?
Thank you!

Please do not crosspost the same question over all places without any notification. You should know it better after walking around at forums for years. Or are you such a stereotypical helpdesker who only posts questions for own convenience and never reads other topics, let alone helps others?
Please stick to one topic, I already answered your other topic: [].

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    I'm not 100% sure this is the correct forum to post this in, but as the communication is initiated from the applet I'm posting it here.
    I have an applet that we are slowly breaking pieces out of into a web app.
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    URL url = new URL("http://.................");
    ServletMessage message = new ServletMessage(url);
    InputStream returnStream = message.sendPostMessage(sending);The servlet takes the user credentials and other info that was sent and authenticates the user and stores the info that was passed into the session on the web server. Then based on the users permissions and where they want to go in the web app the servlets redirect method calls
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    So the solution I came up with was when the applet jumps to the web app the first time instead of storing everything in session I store them in a map in the servletContext under their employee number.
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  • Applets and Web Services

    May I connect to a web service using an applet?
    When I run my applet with appletviewer I have a answer from web service. But if I run my with applet in a browser I do not have any answer from web service.
    Any suggestion?

    Don't forget this:
    "Applets, like other Java programs, can use the API defined in the package to communicate across the network. The only difference is that, for security reasons, the only host an applet can communicate with is the host it was delivered from."

  • No option to Enable the Java applet plug-in and Web Start applications

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    Their is no option under java preferences General Tab
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         Run appelts
              in their own proccess
              Within the browser process
              (Defaut most compatible)
    Under the network tab im told
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    Mac OS 10.6.8
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    Hello all,
    Using ML 10.8.1 and Safair 6.0
    After Java patch 1.7.0_07 ENable applet plug-in and Web start checkbox is gone! The check box to enable Safari to load Java pages is 100% gone, missing, just not there anymore.
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                    Run applets:  in their own process
                                         within their browser process
    Both boxes for the two are unchecked.
    Then this page would disappear and nother would show up without the option / check box
    Enable applet plugin and Web Start applications

  • Global Web Applets and My Custom Home Page Report

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    Innoveer, you can contact customer care and ask them to provision your On Demand application with the custom homepage "Execute Report Immediately" option. However, you want to make sure that this custom report loads quickly - if not it will delay the loading of your homepage.

  • How can I enable java applet plug-in and Web Start applications via terminal?

    Since the last Java update to Snow Leopard, I have found that the system periodically disables the Java applet plug-in after a period of disuse.  I know I can go to /Applications/Utilities/Java Preferences and just click to re-enable Java.  But I want to write a script which will do this periodically for a couple hundred Mac users where I work. 
    My question is - how can I reenable the Java applet plug-in and web start applications via Terminal command?  Is this possible?  Is there a plist file that can be modified, etc.?
    Bob Reed

    It is my understanding that Apple's most recent Java update automatically disables Java after a certain period of time that it hasn't been used.  We don't want users to have to keep re-enabling it.  So we wanted to find a way to do this via script either run by a Casper JSS server or stored locally on each workstation.   With the guidance provided by Mark Jalbert above and some text from a script written by Rich Trouton, I was able to make a script (with some minor changes) and a launch agent to re-run the script upon login.  So the preference is always enabled.
    For your reference, the script content is:
    if [[ `ioreg -rd1 -c IOPlatformExpertDevice | grep -i "UUID" | cut -c27-50` == "00000000-0000-1000-8000-" ]]; then
    MAC_UUID=`ioreg -rd1 -c IOPlatformExpertDevice | grep -i "UUID" | cut -c51-62 | awk {'print tolower()'}`
    elif [[ `ioreg -rd1 -c IOPlatformExpertDevice | grep -i "UUID" | cut -c27-50` != "00000000-0000-1000-8000-" ]]; then
    MAC_UUID=`ioreg -rd1 -c IOPlatformExpertDevice | grep -i "UUID" | cut -c27-62`
    # Set the the "Enable applet plug-in and Web Start Applications" setting in the Java Preferences for the current user.
    /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Delete :GeneralByTask:Any:WebComponentsEnabled" /Users/$USER/Library/Preferences/ByHost/${MAC_UU ID}.plist
    /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Add :GeneralByTask:Any:WebComponentsEnabled bool true" /Users/$USER/Library/Preferences/ByHost/${MAC_UU ID}.plist
    /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Delete :GeneralByTask:Any:WebComponentsLastUsed" /Users/$USER/Library/Preferences/ByHost/${MAC_UU ID}.plist
    /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Add :GeneralByTask:Any:WebComponentsLastUsed real $(( $(date "+%s") - 978307200 ))" /Users/$USER/Library/Preferences/ByHost/${MAC_UU ID}.plist
    The launch agent plist content is:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
    <plist version="1.0">
    I hope this is helpful to anyone wishing to keep the Java web plugin enabled.
    Message was edited by: Robert Reed2

  • Looking for a good Javascript to let me know if the "Enable applet plug-in and Web Start Applications is enabled" is disabled or enabled within Java Preferences?

    If this code could work on Snow Leopard as well, that would be awesome. I have a code to tell if Java is enable or disabled on any web browser, but it does not detect if the Java Preferences "Enable applet plug-in and Web Start Applications is enabled" is enabled or disabled. Just looking for a specific code to tell if this option is disabled or enabled.
    Thank you

    Launch Applications/Utilities/Java by double-clicking.
    EDIT; But I think you are confusing this with JavaScript which has nothing to do with it.

  • Applet behaves differently in appletviewer and Web Browser, how to resolve?

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    Does anyone have a clue on how to resolve?
    Thank you.

    I know you can do it with JavaScript, and I know how to do that...but this is a Java forum (I want a Java solution, that's why I post it here)!
    Therefore my question relates to Java, and in this case, it's an applet.
    Any solution to my problem, please?

  • IIS, Javascript, Signed Applet and ASP Blank Page Problem

    I'm having a problem using a Signed Applet in a site that runs in a IIS (Windows Server 2003).
    My aspx web page uses the applet to read my smart card and get information from it.
    This applet uses an auxiliar dll (stored in a second Signed Jar file) in order to read the information from my smart card.
    The way the solution is design:
    1) Aspx page is asked from server
    2) Internet Explorer recieve the page and asks the server for it content (images, applet, javascripts, etc)
    3) After this the JVM runs (console opens)
    4) After the Aspx page render fully a javascript register onload fires and call an applet method
    5) Applet receive the call and run the logic of the method:
         - reads the smart card;
         - calls Javascript function in order to fill aspx fields with information from smart card
         - calls Javascript function the simulates a click in a botton of aspx page (in order to call server side part sending data readed from smart card to server)
    5) The server makes some logic with the information receive and responds to client registering in aspx page a call to another Javascrit function
    6) The client received the asnwer from server and runs the Javascript function registered on step 5)
         This Javascript calls another method from applet and runs the following logic:
         - reads more information from smart card;
         - call javascript function in order to fill more fields of aspx page with the information readed
         - calls Javascript function the simulates a click in a botton of aspx page (in order to call server side part sending data readed from smart card to server)
    7) The server makes some logic and call another pages with no Applets
    8) Client asks for a second page with the same applet and we start with another logic express on steps 1);2);3),4);5) and then 7).
    This is all ok, until sometimes the server stop responding correcly for requests regarding this two pages with the Applet.
    When this happens the server just responds with a blank page.
         - with fiddler I can seer the request for the aspx page (that uses the applet)
         - but server responds with a blank html page
    The JVM doesn't fire.
    The IIS log don't show errors.
    The eventviewer doesn't show errors.
    The problem is solved with an IIS reset or a Application Pool reset.
    After a while the problem returns.
    This problem occours for other user in another machine, the server just stops responding correcly to request regarding pages with applets, the other pages still continue to work.
    If we disable Java Control Panel->Advanced->Java Plug-in->Enable the next-generation Java Plug-in the problem seend to stop, but we can't force all clients to disable this option right?
    Or there is a way to force the Applet to run with this option disabled?
    As anyone experience similar problem?

    This is all ok, until sometimes the server stop responding correcly for requests regarding this two pages with the Applet.
    When this happens the server just responds with a blank page.
    - with fiddler I can seer the request for the aspx page (that uses the applet)
    - but server responds with a blank html pageWell, if http requests look identical in case of success and failure (pay attention to cookies, etc) then it has to be something on the server side.
    It could be that server gets into this wrong state because of previous requests made by applet but it is hard to tell.
    I am not clear how old/new plugin can make a difference unless your applets run in the legacy mode (i.e. you are actually trying to reuse SAME instance of the applet when
    it is loaded next time).
    I'd start with
    1) carefully comparing good/bad sessions
    2) checking whether server will serve correct response to another client when it serves "bad" page for current client
    3) add debug statements to aspx - it is scripted page, may be some condition is not met and then it returns blank?
    4) record all http requests in one session until you get to "error" state and then use any http server testing tool to "replay" this set of requests.
    You should be able to get server into the same state without use of applet. Then you can try to tweak set of requests to see what makes a difference.

  • I need help with Applets and Multithreading

    [hello all.  first time poster. big fan of java.]
    now to the important matter: Applets and Threads
    1) I have an applet with that implements the runnable interface, and has one thread (and a simple animation). If I try to view this applet in the applet viewer with JGrasp, it spits an insane error telling me
    " access denied (java.lang.RuntimePermission modifyThreadGroup)"
    but, if I run the applet through a web browser, by putting it in an html document, it runs correctly, without error
    What on earth is wrong, and how do I fix it?!?
    2) I want to put 2 threads in my applet?
    If I implement the Runnable interface, I can only have one Run() method in my applet, right?
    So how do I define behaviour for 2 threads when I only have one run method in which to define the behaviour? Can I use two threads with the runnable interface, or do I have to make objects of my own defined thread classes?
    3) I tried to make 2 threads in my applet by creating my own thread classes, and instantiating them in my applet (instead of implementing the runnable interface).
    I still get the same insane error as I mentioned in my first point (which I expected), except now, the applet won't work even when viewed through a web browser!!
    Please please help me. I am frustrated beyond belief (at what is probably a very simple problem)
    I have searched and searched all over and found no answers on this

    If I try to view this applet in the applet viewer with JGrasp, it spits an insane error telling me
    " access denied (java.lang.RuntimePermission modifyThreadGroup)"Don't know anything about JGrasp, but it runs with pretty tight security - thats what this insane error is all about. Use the appletviewer or a browser.
    If I implement the Runnable interface, I can only have one Run() method in my applet, right?Correct
    So how do I define behaviour for 2 threads when I only have one run method in which to define the behaviour?
    Can I use two threads with the runnable interface, or do I have to make objects of my own defined thread classes?You can create two Runnable implementations (classes) in your applet.
    example (missing code)
    class MyApplet extends Applet {
      void doSomething() {
      void doSomethingElse() {
      void startThreads() {
        Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { doSomething();}});
        t = new Thread(new Runnable2());
      class Runnable2 implements Runnable {
         public void run() {
    }If the above seems confusing, read up on anonymous and inner classes.
    3) I tried to make 2 threads in my applet by creating my own thread classesTry not subclassing thread - this causes a security check

  • XML and Web Service Data Source Missing in Crystal Reports for VS

    I would like to use a Web Service as the data source for a Crystal Report that will be running outside of my Visual Studio application.  So setting the data source to the web service in code is not possible.  My understanding is Crystal Reports has a connection (in the Database Expert under New Connection) named XML and Web Service.  Here you can select web service and enter the WSDL URL for the web service.  However it does not appear in the list for Crystal Reports for Visual Studio.  Does this connection type come with the Visual Studio version of Crystal Reports and if not is their a way to obtain it? 
    Thank you for your assistance.

    None of the bundled versions of CR have the driver. Reason is that the driver responsible for these connections requires the Java framework and I suspect MS would not be too pleased if we installed the Java framework. The stand alone versions, since they are not part of any bundle can and do install the Java framework and the driver. Note that even the latest release of CR - CRVS2010 does not have the driver as it essentially becomes a bundle or a VS2010 plug-in.
    So, the short of it is; you have to obtain a stand-alone version of CR. I'd recommend CR 2008 (12.x) as CRXI R2 will run out of support in June of this year.
    - Ludek

  • How is the processing speed while using struts,spring,and JSF framework

    Hi friends,
    As per earlier technology like Servlets,I mean that there would have much more performance speed than other new technologies like JSP,struts,spring and hibernate framework.Because,in new technologies,flow of processings implicitly via MVC2 basis will probably much more time than older one.
    Total goal is only for attaining MVC2 or any other purpose?
    Please clarify my doubt?
    With Regards,

    Home grown applications have a problem in that as more and more features are added, it becomes increasingly impossible to maintain the application and enhance it. This is especially true when the original programmers leave the company. A framework provides a standard design approach that other programmers can hopefully more easily pick up.
    A lot of work has gone into creating these frameworks and they have been used in web sites that have millions of hits from users per day. They have high preformance. Of course, programmers can still write bad code in them that slows down the system. I believe anyone using these frameworks should study them well before using them (such as reading books on them).


    Hi All,
    As a part of our part time project me and my friends are exploring on development of a j2ee web framework. For this we are exploring the behaviours of some famous frameworks such as STRUTS.
    We are looking at the normal Controller model, The automatic httprequest to Java bean bindings and other such features.
    We would like to hear more suggestions as to what
    1. What all should be the salient features of a j2ee Web Framework.
    2. Any feature that isnt present in the existing web frameworks but wud be a real value add if present.
    Any other general suggestion about design of such frameworks etc are also welcome.
    It would be great if all you guys give us your genuis feedbacks..

    Sorry, I used up all my genuis feedback advice for the week. However, here are some ideas.
    Struts framework is/was very popular but is rapidly being replaced by the Spring framework.
    I dont believe you can just read some on-line articles on these frameworks because there is a lot of information to learn.
    I suggest you buy a book on either framework and go through it cover to cover. Similiarly I suggest you read a JSP book first (you can look through them at the bookstore, then buy them on cheaper).
    I few quick suggestions about building your own framework before messing with a framework:
    Ideally, you should have a separation of concerns between the layers (Model View Controller):
    View = this is the JSP pages. Those pages should read all the information necessary to populate itself from objects placed in request scope. They should not contain business logic (such as instansiating java objects) or database logic (such as sql statements to fetch data from the database).
    Control= this usually is a single servlet responsible for taking in all url browser requests (say, a JSP button update click), verifying the user is logged in, then calling up business logic to obtain data to populate the JSP page. It puts the data provided by the business logic in request scope for the JSP page to read, then dispatches to the correct JSP page. The control does not genereate html tags to put on the JSP page. The user should never directly call up a JSP page. All requests should go through the servlet to ensure you have a single class that verifies the user's login (security).
    Model: The model consists of business logic and database logic. Often, these are separated into thier own layers as follows:
    1) business logic: The control calls the business logic and passes all the data from the JSP page to it. It then determines what data to pass back to the control so it can pass it back to the JSP page. The business logic does not deal with the request scope (request is a presentation object), it does not call sql statements to talk to the database. Instead it calls database logic to actually get the data.
    2) database logic: fetches data from the database for the business logic to use. It has sql. It has no business logic or presentation logic.
    Lastly, I normally create a form object to hold all the data I read from the JSP page. Example: You have a JSP page called MyJspPage..jsp:
    class MyJspPageForm{
    public MyJspPageForm(HttpRequest request){
    //get all data from the request scope that the JSP page put there
    //have a bunch of get/set functions for the business logic to access the data.
    I suggest creating a project based on the above ideas before you mess with a framework such as struts or spring. a lot of work has gone into creating those frameworks and they abstract away a lot of the low level code that I discussed above.

  • Hyperion Reporting and Analysis Framework

    Hi Everyone,
    In the services, the Hyperion Reporting and Analysis Framework is not STARTED. When I start it manually, it starts but again after a minute the START status goes away, meaning it stops by itself.
    What could have happened?
    Any input would be appreciated.
    Thanking you in advance.

    These are the kinds of logs it has.
    Checking the log in this location
    [2012-09-20T10:17:44.299-04:00] [RaFramework0] [INCIDENT_ERROR] [] [] [tid: 20] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 0000JbUajWR6qIC0ZFM6Vr1GMS55000000,1:24476] [SRC_CLASS:] [APP: RAFRAMEWORK#] [SRC_METHOD: printServerStatus:?] Servlet pulse, memory( free = 603394288 used = 470347536 total = 1073741824 ) total users = 0 active req = 0 max concurrent req = 0
    [2012-09-18T08:55:49.009-04:00] [RaFramework0] [ERROR] [EPMREG-11037] [oracle.EPMREG.REG] [tid: 11] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 0000JbPSg2e6qIC0ZFM6Vr1GM6xB000000,0:1] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.hit.registry.Registry] [APP: RAFRAMEWORK#] [SRC_METHOD: getConnection] An error occured when checking the status of the registry connection and reseting it.[[
    com.hyperion.hit.registry.exceptions.RegistryException: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-28001: the password has expired

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