Applets & RMI - How Straightforward

I recently developed an application to run over the corporate Intranet using an Applet on the the client side and Servlets on the server to do the database querying. Everything works fine but I cannot deploy the solution as the server runs IIS and I canot get the administrator to set up a servlet container.
Thus, I thought I would switch to using RMI on the server. I'm new to RMI and have been trying to get the basic communication between the Applet and a remote object working in order to test the feasability of this solution. I can run it okay on the local machine with both Applet Viewer and IE5.0, however, when I try to run the Applet from another machine I get the following error. access denied ( connect,resolve)
The Applet is trying to connect to the same machine from which it was downloaded and thus, I believe, there should not be any need to mess around with the policy files as seems to be suggested by mnay replies to other posts relating to this error.
I am confused by the fact that the exception indicates the client loopback address - - which suggests to me that the problem possibly lies elsewhere???
A println of the String ipadd below indicates the correct host -
String ipadd = getCodeBase().getHost() + "/QueryServer";
DatabaseQuery dq = (DatabaseQuery)Naming.lookup(ipadd);
Vector v = dq.performDatabaseQuery("SOME_QUERY");
}In the main() of my remote object I Have:
RemoteQuery rq = new RemoteQuery();
String serverObjectName = "//";
Naming.rebind(serverObjectName, rq);
System.out.println("Server Running.....");
}After compiling the classes. I do start rmiregistry followed by rmic RemoteQuery followed by java RemoteQuery . As stated above, everything works perfectly on the local machine.
Any ideas anyone.
No dukes awarded for suggestions involving policy files!!

Given that the loopback address is quoted in the Exception Message, it seems to me that possibly my Applet is "missing something" and the applet's lookup attempt is defaulting to the client (hence the exception as the Applet cannot of course access the local system) rather than the server.

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    You may want to distinguish between 'resources' and data/configuration files.
    'Resources' are non-class files that are part of your application, i.e without them the application would simply not work, just like class files.
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    If the document resides on the local filesystem, you will need to sign a CAB or JAR for the applet to circumvent the sandbox's security restrictions. There are dozens of posts on how to do this. Basically, that will turn the applet into an application, from a Java security perspective.
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    Hi Charles,
    Parental Controls has always had problems with https sites, no idea if it's fixed in 10.9.x or not.
    When you setup your Mac it shouldv'e made an admin account, are you not running from that account, or did you somehow change it to a Managed account???

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    Vielen Dank Volker,
    That sounds like a handy tip! We're getting our feet wet with 10g writing new apps, for the time being, so these conversion headaches haven't yet entered the picture, for us. We have, however, several 6i apps to migrate, so I'm trying to learn as much as possible, from others on the forum.
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    Anyway, I just wanted to mention JDAPI, for the benefit of anyone who might not be familiar with it. I would like to add, as an intermediate Java programmer, that one need not be a Java expert to have success with JDAPI. As always, there is a learning curve, but I found it fairly straight-forward. I, and others, have posted a few simple JDAPI examples to the forum, so anyone interested can have a look at these, to get a sense of what JDAPI code looks like.
    Eric Adamson
    Lansing, Michigan

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    the server can't know that the client is dead. If it get's a method call, it handles it and then continues waiting.
    In my case a sort of heartbeat on the client and detection on the server were sufficient to determine whether the client's still running - you keep a timer and if the client has not accessed after a certain interval, it is considered dead. The client runs a similar timer that sets off a simple heartbeat call with a certain frequency to tell that it's alive, even if no request went to the server in the meantime. - In your case the heartbeat will have to contain an ID for the client and the server will have to keep a list of clients to listen for...

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         print("Starting Init Method");
         print("Server Hostname = " + hostname);
         try {
              String objectName = "//" + hostname + "/EMSL Test RMI Server";
              print("Looking up RMI Object : " + objectName);
              Object object = Naming.lookup(objectName);
              print("Result = " + object);
              ServerInterface server = (ServerInterface)object;
              print("Using Remote Object to get Remote Object Hostname");
              print("... " + server.getHostname());
         }catch(Throwable e) {
              print("Error :");
              print("Stack Trace :");
              StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
              PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(stringWriter);
    Stack Trace:
    at java.rmi.Naming.getRegistry(bytecode 12)
    at java.rmi.Naming.lookup(bytecode 6)
    at AppletClient.init(bytecode 41)
    at 167)
    at (bytecode 11)
    Any thoughts? This works as an appliction under WinCE using insignia EVM, but not as an applet.

    Stack Trace:
    at java.rmi.Naming.getRegistry(bytecode 12)
    at java.rmi.Naming.lookup(bytecode 6)
    at AppletClient.init(bytecode 41)
    ode 167)
    at (bytecode 11)
    Any thoughts? This works as an appliction under WinCE
    using insignia EVM, but not as an applet.Looks like it cant find the registry.
    Make sure that the registry deamon is started and accessible from within your applet.
    Verify that host and port are correct and that the applet is running in an environment where the registry deamon can be reached, eg inside the same subnet.
    This advice sounds like a simple truth, but it is always the simple things stopping software from working.

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    Warning: <param name=... value=...> tag requires name attribute.
    Warning: <param name=... value=...> tag requires name attribute.
    Warning: <param name=... value=...> tag requires name attribute.
    BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 0 seconds)
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    Thanks for your time and help.

    Copy the MyApplet.html launcher file from the build folder to the package where the applet class lives in the src folder (in this case, to Make sure that the MyApplet.html launcher file has the same name as the applet class.
    Note that later it says....
    Note that applets run in the virtual machine of the IDE's default web browser. The IDE uses a different virtual machine and therefore applets are not included in a web application's debug session. Debug the applet within the Java project, as explained above.
    So, if you create the htm file and add in some parameters, it becomes a web application and the caveat is that no breakpoints can be set and you cant step into the code.
    Which is the problem I am having.
    Of course none of the examples or help pages only ever give the most simplest of the "Hello Word" examples, and it would appear that doing something a little more complex is beyond the help articles.......
    I am still stuck, and would much prefer someone to state excatly how to debug an applet.....
    I cant believe this beyond some of the experts here.
    Thanks for your comments so far.

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    This forum is for discussions related to Sun Java Studio Creator. Please post your query in the appropriate forum. You can try posting your query at:

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    Will this scale ?. Are there any benchmark numbers that weblogic can
    provide ?.
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    [email protected]

    Is it possible, that the IE crashes or runs in a loop, if the server don't answers in a approbiate time to the RMI call?No. The client part of an RMI call is just a network write followed by a network read. No loops.
    I would suspect the Jacob/ActiveX part of it myself rather than anything you could do to IE via Java

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    When I start my applet , my paint method doesnt run on some clients. Sometimes it doesnt run on all.
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    I register it with the server and the server invokes a remote method on the client. Now which method runs first , the paint() or the remote method. What if both run simultaenoulsy ? is that a problem?
    Also the buttons I show o nthe applet(this is another remote method invoked fro mthe server) only appears after I resize the applet .
    Any ideas?

    just use ctrl+a to mark the code and the ctrl+c to copy it. then focus on the textfield you want to paste into and hit ctrl+v...
    thats it ;)

  • Applets, RMI  & ClassCastException

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    java.lang.ClassCastException: com.alcatel.applet.FileUploaderRemote_Stub
    at com.alcatel.applet.FileUploader$
    I'm pretty sure I've got my interfaces, etc. setup correctly and I'm not sure what the problem is. The client has a signed .jar which contains the same stub/skel as the server:
    jar tvf FileUploader.jar
    846 Tue Apr 16 09:01:10 PDT 2002 META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
    899 Tue Apr 16 09:01:14 PDT 2002 META-INF/mycompany.SF
    960 Tue Apr 16 09:01:14 PDT 2002 META-INF/mycompany.DSA
    0 Tue Apr 16 09:01:08 PDT 2002 META-INF/
    5012 Fri Apr 12 13:28:52 PDT 2002 com/mycompany/applet/FileUploader$$3.class
    3624 Tue Apr 16 09:01:14 PDT 2002 com/mycompany/applet/FileUploader$UploadThread.class
    5134 Tue Apr 16 09:01:14 PDT 2002 com/mycompany/applet/FileUploader.class
    1447 Tue Apr 16 09:01:14 PDT 2002 com/mycompany/applet/FileUploaderRemote.class
    340 Mon Apr 15 16:17:36 PDT 2002 com/mycompany/applet/FileUploaderRemoteInterface.class
    2216 Tue Apr 16 09:01:32 PDT 2002 com/mycompany/applet/FileUploaderRemote_Skel.class
    4126 Tue Apr 16 09:01:30 PDT 2002 com/mycompany/applet/FileUploaderRemote_Stub.class
    Here's my implementation... maybe something is wrong here.. Anyone got any ideas where I'm going wrong?
    package com.mycompany.applet;
    import java.rmi.*;
    public interface FileUploaderRemoteInterface extends Remote {
    package com.mycompany.applet;
    import java.rmi.*;
    import java.rmi.server.*;
    public class FileUploaderRemote extends UnicastRemoteObject
                                          implements FileUploaderRemoteInterface {
      public static void main(String args[]) {
        try {
          FileUploaderRemote fur = new FileUploaderRemote();
          Naming.rebind("FileUploader", fur);
        catch(Exception e) {
    package com.mycompany.applet;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.text.*;
    import java.rmi.*;
    public class FileUploader extends JApplet implements ActionListener {
      FileUploaderRemote remote =  null;
      try {
        remote = (FileUploaderRemote)Naming.lookup("rmi://myserver/FileUploader");
      catch(Exception e) {

    You must cast your remote reference to the interface that the RMIServer implements.
    So remote should be FileUploaderRemoteInterface and the getting the reference should look like this:
      FileUploaderRemoteInterface remote =  null;
      try {   
        remote = (FileUploaderRemoteInterface)Naming.lookup("rmi://myserver/FileUploader");
      }  catch(Exception e) { 
      ...That is because Naming.lookup(...) actually returns the stub object which is obviously not the server object itself. It just implements the remote interfaces that the server object does...
    Hope it helps,

  • RMI :- how to know that rmi registry is running or not using java code

    I want to know that how to check wather rmi registry is running or not by program in java
    plz any one reply

    Simple method - try to connect to it and see if you get an exception.
    Since the registry can be running on a remote machine, the only simple way
    is to try connecting.
    If the registry is running on a local machine you can also use OS tools (like "ps" on unix) to check whether the process is running, or network tools (e.g. netstat) to check whether it's listening on its TCP/IP port.

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