Appleworks Templates???

One of the biggest complaints I have about Appleworks is the lack of practical office based templates. An easy way to create a sheet of address labels. Like 33 of the same address for frequent mailing to the same address, or to be used as a return address label. A basic FAX cover sheet that is easy to add a to name and number, from name and numbeer, and comments. What I'm looking for is a way to access these things on-line, quickly and easily. The current crop of offerings in Appleworks just doesn't do the trick. I don't have time to fiddle around with going out on the internet to find programs, or shareware, and spend two hours trying to do something that takes a few minutes on a (gasp!) microsoft word doc! Any ideas? Perhaps Jobs & comany could spend a bit of time upgrading some every day stuff while they're knocking out the next gee whiz ap? Hmmm?

Apple didn't designed these kind of tools when AppleWorks was well and alive (AppleWorks is back in Appleland since about ten years). I would be surprised if they do something now that they dropped it.
For the return addresses, it's really simple.
create a database with a single field.
replicate the empty record so you have x records if your sheets contains x labels
create a label layout including nothing.
open this layout in layout mode.
insert a text frame containing the needed address.
menu Window > Page View
That's all folks.
Yvan KOENIG (from FRANCE mardi 8 novembre 2005 11:13:10)

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    I also posted this question on the AWUG Forum as well. I apologize for the double post.

    You can create any number of folders in Applications > AppleWorks 6 > Starting Points & place the templates there. You can change the names in Finder or you can open the templates in AppleWorks & resave them as templates with a new name. Be sure to navigate to your desired folder in the save dialog with the latter method.

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    SW Texas wrote:
    "> Yes, the document is named estimate.cwk
    If your description is accurate, then you've got some other issues, as well. The extension should have changed to ".cws" for a stationary template.
    Are you working with some sort of non-standard AppleWorks installation?"
    The document has the ".cwk" when I choose "save as" and it is still on the "document" radio button, when I choose the "template" radio button, the extension changes to ".cws" for the stationary template.
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    scott01 wrote:
    In the original Appleworks 6 install log on the G5, the installer created a number of folders in the System folder as well as the Appleworks 6 folder in /Applications. Those folders contain Help files, fonts, MacLink Plus translators, etc. When you say "Any AppleWorks associated files that are required by the application will be created as they are needed, and should NOT be transferred," are these the files you refer to?
    The key phrase there is "required by the application".
    In the "System Folder"
    I do see an AppleWorks folder in my Application Support folder.
    It contains many of the items you mention.
    and a Claris folder containing the older XTND translators and some other files,
    And an AppleWorks folder in the Preferences folder.
    This is the Mac OS 9 System Folder, and the enclosed files are not required by AppleWorks running in OS X. (And running in OS 9 requires Classic, which is not supported on intel based Macs.)
    It MAY be useful to move fonts and the translators to the new machine, and I doubt that doing so will do harm, but I can't make a recommendation either way.
    In the "System" folder, which belongs to OS X, I don't see any of these items.
    Alternatively, should I just use the original Appleworks CD and the 6.2.9 updater (thanks for the link!) to do a clean install of Appleworks on the 10.6 iMac? I know it will need Rosetta to run. I figure I could then move my custom Appleworks templates into the new Starting Points folder.
    Installation from your original AW (retail box) CD will either work or return a "not supported on this architecture" or similar message. The message, if returned refers to the installer on the disk, not to AppleWorks 6.2.x.

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    AppleWorks template files are intended to be opened from Starting Points (they contain information that AW uses to organize your template files). It doesn't hurt anything, but is just a matter of self-preservation. AppleWorks has indexed those template files so you can find them easily from within AppleWorks. If your Mac has multiple user accounts, it keeps each user's templates separate from the others, while allowing all users access to the common templates. When you try to open them from the Finder, AW immediately makes a copy of it to make it harder for you to make an inadvertent change to the original indexed version.
    If you want to be able to double-click a template, you can use my solution to delete the original template after a "copy" was created, then remove "(space)copy" from the name of the copy created. I found that this copy (now named as the original template) will not create copies.

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    I write a newsletter every month for my customers. As
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    items", there are 4 extra versions shown, 3 with
    added numbers before the cwk. I have to open each one
    to see which is the real mccoy. This has never
    happened before, so I figure something is wrong, but
    what? And how to I correct it?
    I've never heard of this happening either, and I've visited these forums daily for years.
    I have heard of something similar with AppleWorks templates though. But you've said this is happening with recent items.
    My suggestion would be to find the original document, ensure it's not in the Recent Items folder, delete all your recent items, and then reopen the original document. Only one recent item will be created for it, and hopefully extras won't be created when you reopen it. You should also follow Peggy's instructions in the 'AppleWorks has stopped working' user tip:
    If the problem reoccurs please let us know.

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    For some reason I don't understand, unchecking "stationery pad" in Get Info is not really changing the document. It still says it is an under General in the Get Info window. The same thing happens if I use this method to change an AppleWorks document to a template. In this case the icon changes to a stationery pad, but it is still a document.
    I've worked out a method to make the change without having to open each document in AppleWorks & save it as an AppleWorks document. If your AppleWorks templates all have the .cws extension, you may skip the first step. Create a new folder to put the files to be changed in. If you don't have the AppleScript menu in the Menu Bar, see my user tip, AppleWorks 6 won't open my AW 5 files, that explains how to activate it. It also gives some information on the process below.
    1. Select all of the files you have put in the change folder & then click on the AppleScript icon > Finder Scripts > Add to File Names > type .cws in the text box & click Suffix.
    2. Now select all of the files in the change folder (they should now all have the .cws file extension). Again, go to Finder Scripts but this time choose Replace Text in File Names > File Names > type cws > OK > type cwk > OK > OK. Now, Pages will recognize the AppleWorks 6 word processing documents as those it can open. Remember, Pages can only open AppleWorks 6 word processing documents.

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    tommccandless wrote:
    Just loaded Lion - AppleWorks is incompatible - have I just lost all that data?
    No, data is not lost.  Problem is, depending on which data, you may not have an easy upgrade path in Lion:
    Last call for AppleWorks users
         If you have a copy of iWork, you can easily open your word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation files in Pages, Numbers, and Keynote respectively. Select an AppleWorks word-processing file in the Finder, press Command-I to bring up the Info window, click on the Open With pop-up menu, and choose Pages from the list that appears. Click the Change All button and now all your AppleWorks word processing documents will open in Pages. Do the same thing with any AppleWorks spreadsheet files except choose Numbers instead. Similarly, for the six people who created and still keep AppleWorks presentation files, you can use this trick to open them in Keynote.
    Regrettably there’s no path nearly so easy for your AppleWorks database files. FileMaker has a tutorial that tells you how to move these files to Bento, but it’s inelegant. Essentially you save your file as ASCII text and add a .tsv extension to it. Then within Bento you choose File -> Import -> File, click Choose in the resulting Import window, and then select your .tsv file. You’ll lose your AppleWorks templates, but your data will move over.
    AppleWorks painting files can be converted to a variety of graphics formats including jpeg, .png, and TIFF. Regrettably this is something you have to do via a Save As command. You can’t simply change the file’s extension.
    And AppleWorks drawing files can be opened and edited with the $95 EazyDraw. It’s not an inexpensive option, but it’s one that doesn’t require that you futz about with converting files.
    Although this should go without saying, if you’re still using AppleWorks today to generate files and wish to stay current with Apple technology, it’s time to set AppleWorks aside and start using up-to-date tools. Continue using it and you’re only generating more work for your future self.

  • How do I unlock a file for viewing by other computers

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    Pooper: A .cws file is a ClarisWorks or AppleWorks template: a file that, when you double-click it, causes the parent application (C'Wks or A'Wks) to create a new file that is an exact duplicate of the template file, except that it's unlocked and ready to have text entered into it. The template file is locked, not by using the "locked" checkbox, but by virtue of being a template instead of a document. A template is locked by definition, so you won't change it by mistake, and can use it over and over as the basis for many new documents.
    Instead of saving all your documents as templates, save them as documents. In AppleWorks or ClarisWorks, this will result in their having .cwk instead of .cws as a filename extension. The necessary options can be found in the "Save" and/or "Save As..." dialog boxes in Appleworks or ClarisWorks — probably in a pull-down file format menu. I don't use those apps myself, so I'm not certain what those dialog boxes look like in them.
    The issue of other people not being able to open the files you email to them is unrelated. Anyone who doesn't have AppleWorks or ClarisWorks will be unable to open files that are written in its native formats. If you trashed your copy of AppleWorks/ClarisWorks, you wouldn't be able to open them yourself. Files that you will want to share with people who don't have A'Wks/C'Wks should be saved in a universal file format such as RTF or plain text.

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    You might try resetting the default template for WP documents. From the help file "Setting up default templates (Options documents) for specific document types":
    Creating a default template
    To create a default template document for a specific document type:
    1 Prepare a document that contains all the text, graphics, and formatting options you want to be a standard part of the template.
    2 Choose Save As from the File menu.
    3 Click the Template button.
    4 Enter the appropriate name for the document, deleting the .cws extension from the filename.
    For word-processing documents, type "AppleWorks WP Options".
    MPORTANT: Your default template is saved in the AppleWorks Templates folder. If you move the template to another folder, it will no longer function as the default template.

  • Microsoft Works runs in Classic on my PowerBook but not on my G4...  Why?

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    Everything works fine on my PowerBook as it always has.
    On the G4 tower, Works documents show up either as UNIX Executable files or as Appleworks Templates (but won't actually launch or work). The Works application shows up as an application, but when I try to run it it launches the AppleScript editor as if it was an AppleScript.
    I just installed a new hard drive in the tower and freshly installed OS X and a bunch of app's. When I brought my OS 9 installation over from my PowerBook I had the exact same problem.
    I've tried rebuilding the Classic Desktop and I've replaced the critical Microsoft OLE Extension with a hopefully clean one but Works still doesn't work.
    I even called Apple (I had AppleCare on the PowerBook) but they gave up and told me that "These aren't questions that we can answer." Obviously something is different between the tower and the PowerBook, but I can't figure out what.
    Mr. Bill

    Try rebuilding the Classic desktop. That has always been the OS 9 "cure" for mis-matched Icons and launching the wrong Applications.

  • Use MS Word templates with Appleworks?

    Here's the problem. My MS Word won't work with 10.4.3. It starts up and immediately shuts down when I choose a blank doc, a template, or a template that I created. I've reinstalled the 10.1.6 update several times to no avail.
    I have created 5 templates for MS Word and wonder if there is a way to use them with my Appleworks Word Processor? I don't want to spend any more $$ on MS Word upgrades (I'm using MS Office X) and if I don't have to, don't want to have to redo the templates in Appleworks. I also have iWork if it would be easier to use that (altho I find Pages a bit less than intuitive). Thanks for any and all suggestions.

    Answer my own question. After trying to use appleworks with the ms word personal templates without success (whether only my fault or an impossibility), I decided to reinstall ms office. After the reinstall of ms office x and the reinstall of the 10.1.6 updater, it works ok but have lost the personally created templates. Since I have a backup of my os drive with apps, I copied the templates over from there and they work......for now. Now I have to reinstall ms office x and updater on the backup drive and then copy the templates over to there. Wonder if I saved any time from re doing the templates......but at least ms word now seems to work.

  • In Pages 5, how to get date to automatically update upon opening a template?

    I'm using Pages 5.2. In prior versions of Appleworks and Pages I was able to construct and save a template in which the date would automatically update to the current date when the template was opened. I have tried "Insert Date" and I can click on that to update to current date, but I don't always remember to do that and therefore, some of my documents are dated several months prior.
    Can't seem to find how to do it under Pages 5.2 Anyone have help or a work around?

    I have the same problem.
    What confuses me is that all the apple provided templates in pages seem to auto update their time and date upon opening.
    So there MUST be a way to do it... although I've been unable to work out how...

  • Pages '08 Business Card Template Question

    In Pages '08, is there a way to change the business card template page view to a single card view, allowing me to create one card that would automatically display itself in all 10 positions when the layout is changed to multiple card view? This can be done with the old Appleworks program, but I can find no way to do this with Pages. It seems I have to choose a card template, modify one of the boxes with my info, then copy and paste it into the other 9 boxes. Is this correct? If so, it is a step way behind the Applewoprks method.

    Yes it is a step backwards, but herre is the way to work with it.
    Create your one card, highlight all of its components, group them, then copy and paste it into the space below it perfectly. NOW DON'T TOUCH ANOTHER KEY!!! Instead, just repeat the paste function (Command+V) 3 times to fill the left side of the card stock. Now paste another one in the right top spot, select the right top, copy and paste and then position in the next lower spot to repeat what you did on the left side. If you positioned the second card correctly, this should have only taken maybe 1-1½ minutes.
    Good Luck.
    Adam (Long live AppleWorks)

  • Can't print from AppleWorks

    I have a template I set up in AppleWorks several years back to print addresses on Avery-type labels. I just tried to print one, but nothing happened. I looked in the printer utility (Canon iP90) window, and the job appears there, but says "Stopped". I clicked the Resume button there, and nothing happened; I clicked the Resume button again, and a dialog appeared: "Operation could not be completed. client-error-not-possible".
    I created a new AppleWorks WP document, with just a few letters typed in it, and tried to print it; same result: it appears in the print utility window as "Stopped".
    Finally, I tried making a PDF of the document I want to print, opened it in Preview, and tried to print it; the first couple of times it just fed the paper through without printing, while this message appeared in the print utility window: "/System/Library/Printers/Libraries/PrintJobMgr/Contents/MacOS/PrintJobMgr failed". The third time the same message appeared, but it printed (on test paper). The fourth time, I put the label sheet in, and it printed as normal, without the error message.
    Maybe there's something screwy about the printer software -- though I've had no problem printing from other applications. But I do recall having trouble printing from AppleWorks before; I think since I moved to 10.5. Has anyone else had problems printing from AppleWorks?

    Thanks for the responses. I don't have time at the moment to make further tests, but I also have a Canon MP610, and will try printing to it when I can. I "moved to 10.5" some time back from 10.4 by erasing my HD and installing fresh, as I usually do with major upgrades, then downloaded the latest drivers for my printers from the Canon website. It may be that the driver for the iP90 is corrupted, though as I said I've had no problems printing from other apps, e.g. TextEdit, Preview. I don't print often.
    I expect to be moving up to 10.6, now that the font problems have apparently finally been solved, within a week or so; from Apple's list of printer drivers for 10.6, it appears the one they have is newer than the one on the Canon site (v. vs., and I gather that 10.6 installs only the drivers needed (rather than the whole gigabyte package) so I'll go with that one and see how it works with AppleWorks.
    Of course, eventually I'll have to move out of AppleWorks entirely, though I still wish it had been properly updated for OS X, rather than replaced with iWork, which may be very slick but lacks much of AW's sophistication and ease of use.

Maybe you are looking for