Application.onConnectAccept example code problem

Hi All,
I'm trying to understand how client calls work and I'm stuck
on a problem. I'm using the client code and the server code that is
given as an example in the livedocs entry about
That entry contains the following simple client side code
(slightly adjusted for my URI and application name):
nc = new NetConnection();
nc.onStatus = function(info) {
nc.doSomething = function(){
trace("doSomething called!");
And the following simple server side code:
// When using components, always load components.asc.
application.onConnect = function(client, username){
trace("onConnect called");
gFrameworkFC.getClientGlobals(client).username = username;
if (username == "hacker") {
else {
// Code is in onConnectAccept and onConnectReject statements
// because components are used.
application.onConnectAccept = function(client, username){
trace("Connection accepted for "+username);"doSomething",null);
application.onConnectReject = function(client, username){
trace("Connection rejected for "+username);
When I run the code connecting to localhost it works fine
– almost immediately I see the trace
doSomething called!
but if I cnahnge the URI to my remote server, after a brief
wait I see the trace:
So despite having identical main.asc files the remote server
is failing to successfully call "doSomething" on the client. At
first I wondered if this was a network or a firewall issue, but
that seems unlikely since such issues should make the "onStatus"
call fail too.
Can anyone see what's wrong? If not has anyone got any
debugging tips I could use to work it out?

i think i did as i set the classpath to
i did also try to set it directly to the rt.jar in the subdirectory /jre but
it didn't work .
could you please add more detail?
there's no /usr/local/jre1.6.0 in /usr/local so i thought
the jre must be the one in the jdk directory.

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    i think i did as i set the classpath to
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    could you please add more detail?
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    Hi Wang,
    as a lucky guy working on SP2, you have all logs at hand - did you check both \usr\sap\<id>\j2ee\j2ee_00\cluster\server\managers\console_logs\...error.log as well as \usr\sap\<id>\j2ee\j2ee_00\cluster\server\managers\log\portal\logs\knowledgemanagement.x.log ?!
    Did you try to log extensively? try/catch every Exception?
    Both interfaces do exist on SP2 P31.
    Did you check which class context.getValue(RoomExtensionParameter.ROOM_INFO) in fact produces?! (If not null, ask for .getClass().getName().)
    Hope it helps

  • The application has encountered a problem and needs to close

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    Daniel Coelho
    VISToolkit - - Your Real Virtual Instrument Solution
    Controlar - Electronica Industrial e Sistemas, Lda
    Go to Solution.

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    VISToolkit - - Your Real Virtual Instrument Solution
    Controlar - Electronica Industrial e Sistemas, Lda

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    This practice in the book was developed with JDev 9.0.3 build 988 (late beta) and confirmed with build 1035 (production). I remember some issues with the navigator control in earlier builds but had not experienced that one with the 988 and 1035 builds. It is possible some bug was introduced on this control between 9.0.3 and 9.0.4. If you are able to get your hands on an earlier 9.0.3 version, you would be able to confirm that.
    Additionally, you could try to generate a full BC4J JSP application from the New gallery. It contains the navigator bar and, if it works there, you could compare the JSP files to see if there are any differences.
    Peter Koletzke

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    How to do in LV 8.0 please?  Thanks. 

    Hello Takata:
    You are right. This option existed in 7.1 but no longer exists in 8.0. This is due to the massive internal differences between the way 8.0 and 7.1 work. As of right now there is no example code that exists currently to do this. We are working on a utility that will accomplish this and will notify as soon as it is complete. However, as of now the same thing can be accomplished by using FTP and VI Server. Basically a wrapper VI around the executable that would download the files to the target and run them dynamically.
    We apologize for the inconvenience related to this issue and are trying our best to come up with a solution soon.
    Best Regards,

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    The ear file or example should have,, and etc files.
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    Please send a copy to me if you have it. My email is [email protected]
    Thank you.

    The problem has been solved by SAP. SAP has created a SAP Note 1083420. The Note has the sample codes attached.

  • DrawHouse code problems...

    Hello All,
    Forgive my ignorance...
    i am writing very simple code to draw a very simple house....My problem is this code must function as an applet and an application combined. So far I have it working as an applet.....but, whenever I execute the application it produces a frame that is empty...any help would be appreciated..The code follows..can you see the problems I cannot...I believe the problem lies in my main method...
    import javax.swing.JApplet;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    import java.awt.image.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class DrawHouse extends JApplet
                   public static void main(String[] args)
    Frame f = new Frame(); //Create a new frame object
    DrawHouse drawHouse = new DrawHouse(); //Create an instance of DrawHouse
    //Add the new instance into the frame
         //     getContentPane().setBackground( Color.WHITE );
              f.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
              f.add( drawHouse );
    //An "anonymous" inner class used to close the window
    f.addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter()
    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent we)
    drawHouse.init(); //Call the applet's init method
    } //End of main
    public void paint( Graphics g )
              //super.paint( g );
              Graphics2D g2d = ( Graphics2D ) g;
              g2d.setColor( Color.BLUE );
              g2d.drawRect(10,10,600,600 );
              g2d.fillRect(10,10,600,600 );
         Polygon polygon2 = new Polygon();
    g2d.setPaint( new GradientPaint( 10, 400, Color.GREEN, 400,500, Color.YELLOW, false) );
         polygon2.addPoint( 10, 400 );
    polygon2.addPoint( 400, 500 );
    polygon2.addPoint( 10, 700 );
    polygon2.addPoint( 10, 700 );
    g2d.fillPolygon( polygon2 );
    //house image
    BufferedImage buffImage = new BufferedImage( 10, 10,
    BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB );
    Graphics2D gg = buffImage.createGraphics();
    gg.setColor( Color.WHITE );
    gg.fillRect( 0, 0, 10, 10 );
    gg.setColor( Color.RED );
    gg.fillRect( 2, 4, 7,9 );
    // paint buffImage onto the JFrame
    g2d.setPaint( new TexturePaint( buffImage,
    new Rectangle( 10, 10 ) ) );
              // g2d.setColor( Color.RED );
              g2d.drawRect(10,300,150,200 );
              g2d.fillRect(10,300,150,200 );
              //garage image
         BufferedImage buffImage2 = new BufferedImage( 10, 10,
    BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB );
    Graphics2D gg2 = buffImage2.createGraphics();
    gg2.setColor( Color.WHITE );
    gg2.fillRect( 0, 0, 10, 10 );
    gg2.setColor( Color.RED );
    gg2.fillRect( 2, 4, 7,9 );
    // paint buffImage onto the JFrame
    g2d.setPaint( new TexturePaint( buffImage2,
    new Rectangle( 10, 10 ) ) );
              // g2d.setColor( Color.RED );
              g2d.drawRect(160,400,100,100 );
              g2d.fillRect(160,400,100,100 );
              // windows images
    g2d.setPaint( new GradientPaint( 20, 300, Color.WHITE, 40,500, Color.BLUE, false) );
              g2d.drawRect(20,320,40,40 );
              g2d.fillRect(20,320,40, 40 );
              g2d.setPaint( new GradientPaint( 20, 300, Color.WHITE, 40,500, Color.BLUE, false) );
              g2d.drawRect(90,320,40,40 );
              g2d.fillRect(90,320,40, 40 );
              g2d.setPaint( new GradientPaint( 20, 300, Color.WHITE, 40,500, Color.BLUE, false) );
              g2d.drawRect(20,380,40,40 );
              g2d.fillRect(20,380,40, 40 );
              g2d.setPaint( new GradientPaint( 20, 300, Color.WHITE, 40,500, Color.BLUE, false) );
              g2d.drawRect(90,380,40,40 );
              g2d.fillRect(90,380,40, 40 );
                        //front door image
              g2d.setColor( Color.ORANGE );
              g2d.drawRect(55,430,40,70 );
              g2d.fillRect(55,430,40,70 );
                        //garage door image
                   g2d.setColor( Color.BLACK );
              g2d.drawRect(160,430,90,70 );
              g2d.fillRect(160,430,90,70 );     
         }//end paint
         }// end class DrawHouse

    Hey Cepahlic,
    The key to running a program as an application and an applet, for me anyway, is to add a main method to the applet.. Now...I am know expert and am actually a novice to JAVA so it took me awhile to get the code correct. I will post code here that I did not right but is a great example of a program that functions as both an applet and an application..Basically you create the applet with a main method where you create a frame
    object and add your program as an object within the frame(this will let it function as an application). At the end of the main method you will use your program instance and add it to an .init() method..example in the code is dateTime2.init(); You must remember to add a window closing event in the code as well or you will not be able to exit your application..The code I posted here I picked apart and studied till I figured out what was going on..I AM SURE YOU CAN DO THE SAME!!! Then I wrote some of my own to test..It was a lengthy process but well worth the effort.
    hope this helps.........
    * A Java Application and Applet in one demonstrating different ways of
    * getting the date, time, and day of the week.
    * Khim Theng
    * [email protected]
    * Last modified on 05/16/2000
    import java.applet.Applet;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.util.*; //Used for Date and Calendar
    import java.text.*; //Used for DateFormat and TimeFormat
    import java.awt.event.*; //Needed for WindowAdapter and Listener
    public class DateTime2 extends Applet
    private static Date now; //Date variable
    //Add a main method to enable the applet to run as an application
    public static void main(String[] args)
    Frame f = new Frame(); //Create a new frame object
    DateTime2 dateTime = new DateTime2(); //Create an instance of DateTime2
    //Add the new instance into the frame
    f.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
    f.add("Center", dateTime);
    //An "anonymous" inner class used to close the window
    f.addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter()
    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent we)
    dateTime.init(); //Call the applet's init method
    } //End of main
    public void paint(Graphics g)
    Calendar today; //Calendar variable for day of the week
    String dateTimeString; //String variable for date and time
    String dateString; //String variable for date
    String timeString; //String variable for time
    String dayOfWeekString; //String variable for day of the week
    int positionX = 20; //Variable to hold the x coordinate
    int positionY = 20; //Variables to hold the y coordinate
    setBackground(Color.white); //Set the background of the applet to white
    now = new Date(); //Set Date variable now to the current date and time
    dateTimeString = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance().format(now); //Command to format both the date and time
    dateString = DateFormat.getDateInstance().format(now); //Command to format the date
    timeString = DateFormat.getTimeInstance().format(now); //Command to format the time
    today = new GregorianCalendar(); //Create a new Gregorian Calendar
    today.setTime(now); //Set the time to the present
    String weekDay[] = new DateFormatSymbols().getWeekdays(); //Capture the days of the week in an array
    dayOfWeekString = weekDay[today.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK)]; //Get the current day of the week
    g.setColor(; //Set the forground color to black
    g.drawString("Display the date and time:", positionX, positionY);
    positionY+=20; //Increment position y by 20
    g.setColor(; //Set the forground color to blue
    g.drawString(dateTimeString, positionX, positionY); //Draw the datetime string at position x and y
    g.drawString("Display the date separately:", positionX, positionY);
    g.drawString(dateString, positionX, positionY); //Draw the date string at position x and y
    g.drawString("Display the time separately:", positionX, positionY);
    g.drawString(timeString, positionX, positionY); //Draw the time string at position x and y
    g.drawString("Display the day of the week:", positionX, positionY);
    g.drawString(dayOfWeekString, positionX, positionY); //Draw the dayOfWeek string at position x and y
    } //End of paint
    } //End of DateTime2

  • Question on the example code 8253eventcount.c

    I saw the example code 8253eventcount.c before in the NI-DAQ6.9.x. That is very useful.But i still confuse that "Do i need to set up each clock pulse duration?". From the program, it seems that the counting process solely depends on the function NIDAQDelay(sec).....
    By the way, if i am now using an old version of NI-DAQ6.8.5, How can i update some calculated voltages for each 1ms. Although i have read and followed the procedures in the user mannual of lab-pc+,but, i am still not sure how to program the counterA2 with appropriate update interval. Could anyone give me an example code? It seems that no examples are given in the version of NI-DAQ6.8.5.
    I am now using lab-pc+ with Ni-daq6.8.5 by using c++ and win
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    The NIDAQDelay() is only in there to control how often the program checks the current count on the counter. If it is set to 1 seconds, it will read the counter every one second and return how many counts have been read since the start. If you take that function out, the program will check the counter as fast as it can which will tie up your CPU.
    As to your question about calculated voltages, can you be more specific as to what your application is and what you are trying to do, I'm a little confused.

  • Error while calling COM routines via application prog(return code 1028533-)

    Hello Expert,
    In Interactive Demand Planning ( /SAPAPO/SDP94 ), when I'm trying to load data in a planning book , error
    'Error while calling COM routines via application program (return code 1028533-)' is encountered.
    In my selection id, i have only two locations....there is no material selection. 
    When I select the 1st location and load the data its getting loaded properly.....but when i select the 2nd location and try loading data ...the above error is coming.
    I did run /SAPAPO/TS_LCM_CONS_CHECK but the problem persist.
    Any advise to fix this issue would be much appreciated.

    Hi Tom,
    Please see if below exiting threads help you.
    COM error 40134 in Interactive Planning on SCM 5.0 Support Pack SAPKY50011
    Error for COM Routine application program (return code 40028)

  • My iTunes won't detect my iPhone that has to be restored via iTunes *because if pass code problems* and its running iOS 7.2

    my iTunes won't detect my iPhone that has to be restored via iTunes *because if pass code problems* and its running iOS 7.0.4

    If itunes is comming up and saying it can't read the device because it's locked with a passcode, you may have to put your device into recovery mode first.
    To put your device in recovery mode: (Following these steps will erase your device and reset everything to factory defaults)
    1) press and hold the power button until you see the slide to power off option
    2) swipe to power off
    3) Press and hold the home button while the device is off and connect it to your computer. Continue holding the home button until you see a graphic with the iTunes logo with a picture of a USB cable below it.
    4) iTunes should give you a message that it has detected a device in recovery mode. Click ok and then select Restore iPhone. iTunes will download a fresh copy of iOS and then wipe the device and restore it. Depending on the speed of your computer's internet connection this may take a while. Just leave the iphone connected to your computer until it's finished.
    If itunes is not detecting it at all or is Not giving you the message that the phone is locked with a passcode, you may end up having to reinstall itunes. This seems to be a fairly common problem after the most recent itunes update (11.1.5)
    If this is the case and you happen to be running a windows based computer you will have to uninstall itunes in this order from your programs and features option in control panel:
    Apple Software Update
    Apple Mobile Device Support
    Apple Application Support (iTunes 9 or later)
    Then download and reinstall itunes from try putting your device into recovery mode again and restore.
    Hope this helps.

  • Is there example code for using Ni488 and PCI-GPIB card in non controller mode?

    Is there example code for using Ni488 and PCI-GPIB card in non controller mode?

    Your code looks good to me. What is the problem? What happens when it fails? What is the IBSTA value on the controller, and at what point in the code does it stop? What is the IBSTA value on the slave, and at what point does it stop?
    One thing is that you might not want to call IBCLR() in a loop on the device. At the beginning of the program is fine...This will send a clear command to the device and will clear out any LACS and TACS bits that might be set. Also your IBDEV call shouldn't be in a loop.
    Hope this helps, but let me know if you need more information.
    Scott B.
    GPIB Software
    National Instruments

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