Applications Documents Links Broken

Can anyone access the Oracle Applications documentation links from OTN? Every link have I have tried results in a Page Cannot be displayed error e.g.

Hi Scot,
The /docs/ directory on OTN has been decommissioned.
You can access the Applications 11.5.9 Documentation CD from:
a) The OTN documentation homepage -
b) Directly from Appsnet -

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    2.  Open AR invoice and select 'copy to AR Credit note'. NOTE:  Base document link in active in the window. 
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    Even you can do that by booking a standalone invoice and Reconcilling the partial amount with the original invoice. Use BP Internal Reconcillation Window - Amount to Reconcile field

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    You can read table "SWW_CONTOB".  Field "OBJTYPE" is the business object that the workflow is built from and the business object key data is in the field "OBJKEY".
    Business Object - VBAK
    Sales Doc - 0123456789
    Client - 010
    Since the key fields for VBAK are client(mandt) and sales doc number(vbeln), you have to concatenate these two values and use this in the field "OBJKEY".
    Select single * from sww_contob
           into sww_contob
           where objtype = 'VBAK'
             and objkey = '0100123456789'.
    Hope this helps,

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    There is a new tool called Idoc Tracking that allows the user to see the Idoc status from XI to the R3 system.
    More on this link,
    Is this what you are looking for?
    Also, you can use TREX from SP15 onwards.

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    Thanks in advance.

    Hello Raj,
    this is indeed a sad thing, not having a control table that links transaction codes to objects or classes. The GOS-Integration (Generic Object Services) are implemented within each transaction and usually the business object types used there are hard coded.
    You can have a look at the where-used-list of ABAP class CL_GOS_MANAGER. You'll find an example here, include LMEORF1M at form routine  bus2053_object_publish.  There  you'll see the common way of how objects are used/published.
    Furthermore, the event creation/handling is also usually hard coded.
    Not all transactions that make use of business objects, also use the GOS. So you'll always get a part of this.
    You can also have a look at the where-used-list of Business Object Interface IFGOS.
    Best wishes

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    Upgraded SharePoint team sites from 2010 to 2013. add new document link not working for shared document in upgraded sharepoint 2013?. it is specially not working on machine where Office web apps set up with this sharePoint server and it
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    Hi  Sushil,
    According to your description, my understanding is that the add new document link was not working on machine where Office web apps set up with this SharePoint server after you upgraded SharePoint team sites
    from 2010 to 2013.
    For your issue, it can be caused by integrating Office Web Apps with upgraded SharePoint Site.
    Firstly please make sure claims-based authentication is used by the SharePoint web application that is used to create the new document. Only web applications that use claims-based authentication can open
    files in Office Web Apps. To determine the authentication provider for a web application, follow these steps:
    1.In SharePoint 2013 Central Administration, click Manage web applications.
    2.Select the web application that you want to check, and click Authentication Providers on the ribbon.
    The authentication provider must be displayed as Claims Based Authentication for Office Web Apps to work correctly with the web application. To resolve this issue, you can delete the web application and recreate
    it using claims-based authentication, or you can change the authentication method of the web application.
    Secondly, make sure the WOPI zones match on the SharePoint 2013 and the Office Web Apps Server farm.
    To do this, run the following command on the SharePoint Server:
    The result will be one of the following:.
    Next, run the following command on the SharePoint Server.
    In the output, look for WopiZone: zone. If the results from Get-SPWopiZone don’t match the zone that is returned by Get-SPWOPIBinding, run the Set-SPWOPIZone -Zone cmdlet on the SharePoint Server to change
    the WOPI zone to match the result from Get-SPWOPIBinding.
    If not work, you can try to disconnect SharePoint 2013 from Office Web Apps Server and re-configure Office Web Apps for SharePoint 2013.
    For more information, please refer to the article:
    Best Regards,
    Eric Tao
    TechNet Community Support

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    You certainly could keep the old Mac Pro in Firewire mode (hold down the T key on its keyboard as you boot) to show its drives on the new MP. This is basically as fast as putting the drives into a Firewire enclosure.
    Or you could boot it normally and share its files over the network using the Sharing panel of System Preferences. If you turn on both File and Screen Sharing, you don't even need to have a monitor attached - you can do all administration using screen sharing. However, this method requires that you open all files over the network, which will be slower than the direct-connect method above, and may also not work with all applications.

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    Regards Silje

    I figured this one out myself. There is a setting in Web Application Designer, directly on the query in question. In properties for the query I tick of "Document Links Visible".
    Regards Silje

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  • Urgent: Error in idoc(Application document not posted)

    Hi experts,
    i am getting the error in R/3 side when i am extracting data from it.
    i checked with WE07 it's shows the error as follows
    "Application document not posted".
    it's been urgent how to resolve this issue. please through a light on it.
    Harikrishna N

    Hi Hari,
    You start error processing by executing the corresponding work items in your Business Workplace. If a file read error could be corrected, for example, the IDocs which have not yet been read can be read and stored in the database manually, by starting report program RSEINB00.
    This could be the reason for ur error..
    IDoc could not be generated under MC
    EDIN: Evaluates the partner data from the MC record
    No process code in the additional partner profile MC parameters; Error when writing the application data in the IDoc.
    this link givs u the req info
    Hope it helps U

  • Show 'Text' Document contents  instead of using Document Links

    I have a requirement from my customer that requires comments to be stored and display both on the planning layout and display instantly in query.
    I am aware that documents which type other than text is stored in BIN form, so my first approach is just to assume to work with document with type 'TEXT'.
    I am aware this can be partly achieved by using the document links, but are there ways to get round of using document "links"? We want to show <b>instantly</b> the content of the document when the layout is opened and when BW query with the right combinations of characteristic values are displayed.

    Yes, for bex, it works only in workbook.
    Check F.Group: SKWF_CONTENT. There are many FM for documents which you can use.
    Here are the VBA Code part for calling RFC FM :
    Public Function BW_DOCUMENT_READ()
      Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    ' Declaration
      Dim FuncCtrl As Object
      Dim ABAP_FUNC As Object
      Dim Row As Object
    ' Class Declaration
      Set FuncCtrl = CreateObject("SAP.Functions")
    ' Transfer SapConnection
      FuncCtrl.Connection = SapConnection
    ' Setting ABAP Functions and parameters
    '   Func Name
        Set ABAP_FUNC = FuncCtrl.Add(ABAP_FUNC_NAME)
    '   Func Export Params
        ABAP_FUNC.Exports(ABAP_FUNC_EX_PARAM2) = SapConnection.Language
    '   Excute Function
    '   Check Function Call return
        If ABAP_FUNC.Exception <> "" Or Not CALL_ABAP_FUNC Then
           Call COLLECT_MESSAGE(Msgtxt001 & ABAP_FUNC.Exception)
           'MsgBox Msgtxt001 & ABAP_FUNC.Exception
        ' Func Import Params
        ' Doc Content
          X_pos = 1
          ' Create Header for Doc content
            Call WRITE_DOC_TABLES(SHEET_NAME_DOC_CONT, X_pos, 1, "Document Nr.")
            Call WRITE_DOC_TABLES(SHEET_NAME_DOC_CONT, X_pos, 2, "Document Line Nr.")
            Call WRITE_DOC_TABLES(SHEET_NAME_DOC_CONT, X_pos, 3, "Document Content")
          ' Fill Doc content
            For Each Row In ABAP_FUNC.Tables(ABAP_FUNC_TABLE2).Rows
              X_pos = X_pos + 1
              Call WRITE_DOC_TABLES(SHEET_NAME_DOC_CONT, X_pos, 1, Row("DOCNR"))
              Call WRITE_DOC_TABLES(SHEET_NAME_DOC_CONT, X_pos, 2, Row("LINENR"))
              Call WRITE_DOC_TABLES(SHEET_NAME_DOC_CONT, X_pos, 3, Row("LINE"))
        ' Doc Properties
          X_pos = 1
          ' Create Header for Doc content
            Call WRITE_DOC_TABLES(SHEET_NAME_DOC_PROP, X_pos, 1, "Document Nr.")
            Call WRITE_DOC_TABLES(SHEET_NAME_DOC_PROP, X_pos, 2, "Property Name")
            Call WRITE_DOC_TABLES(SHEET_NAME_DOC_PROP, X_pos, 3, "Property Value")
            Call WRITE_DOC_TABLES(SHEET_NAME_DOC_PROP, X_pos, 4, "Language")
            Call WRITE_DOC_TABLES(SHEET_NAME_DOC_PROP, X_pos, 5, "Text Short")
            Call WRITE_DOC_TABLES(SHEET_NAME_DOC_PROP, X_pos, 6, "Text Long")
          ' Fill Doc Property
            For Each Row In ABAP_FUNC.Tables(ABAP_FUNC_TABLE1).Rows
              X_pos = X_pos + 1
              Call WRITE_DOC_TABLES(SHEET_NAME_DOC_PROP, X_pos, 1, Row("DOCNR"))
              Call WRITE_DOC_TABLES(SHEET_NAME_DOC_PROP, X_pos, 2, Row("NAME"))
              Call WRITE_DOC_TABLES(SHEET_NAME_DOC_PROP, X_pos, 3, Row("Value"))
              Call WRITE_DOC_TABLES(SHEET_NAME_DOC_PROP, X_pos, 4, Row("LANGU"))
              Call WRITE_DOC_TABLES(SHEET_NAME_DOC_PROP, X_pos, 5, Row("TXTSH"))
              Call WRITE_DOC_TABLES(SHEET_NAME_DOC_PROP, X_pos, 6, Row("TXTLG"))
        ' Infoobjects Text
          X_pos = 1
          ' Create Header
            Call WRITE_DOC_TABLES(SHEET_NAME_IOBJ_TEXT, X_pos, 1, "Infoobject Name")
            Call WRITE_DOC_TABLES(SHEET_NAME_IOBJ_TEXT, X_pos, 2, "Language")
            Call WRITE_DOC_TABLES(SHEET_NAME_IOBJ_TEXT, X_pos, 3, "Text Short")
            Call WRITE_DOC_TABLES(SHEET_NAME_IOBJ_TEXT, X_pos, 4, "Text Long")
          ' Fill Texts
            For Each Row In ABAP_FUNC.Tables(ABAP_FUNC_TABLE3).Rows
              X_pos = X_pos + 1
              Call WRITE_DOC_TABLES(SHEET_NAME_IOBJ_TEXT, X_pos, 1, Row("IOBJNM"))
              Call WRITE_DOC_TABLES(SHEET_NAME_IOBJ_TEXT, X_pos, 2, Row("LANGU"))
              Call WRITE_DOC_TABLES(SHEET_NAME_IOBJ_TEXT, X_pos, 3, Row("TXTSH"))
              Call WRITE_DOC_TABLES(SHEET_NAME_IOBJ_TEXT, X_pos, 4, Row("TXTLG"))
        End If
        Range("A2").Select: Selection.End(xlDown).Select
        MAX_NR_DOC = Selection.Value
        Cells.Select: Cells.EntireColumn.AutoFit
        Cells.Select: Cells.EntireColumn.AutoFit
        Cells.Select: Cells.EntireColumn.AutoFit
    End Function
      Application.ScreenUpdating = False
      Set DOC_POS = Application.Worksheets(SHEET_NAME)
      DOC_POS.Cells(I_X, I_Y).NumberFormat = "@"
      DOC_POS.Cells(I_X, I_Y).Value = I_TEXT
    End Function
    For the BW Web, you can searh in how to paper from Tobias Kaufmann. Or search for Doc: "WEB API REFERENCE". In that Doc, search for the topic: 'WEB DESIGN API FOR TABLES'. There you will get all info needed, about how to enhance BW Web application designer.
    There is no possibility for me to attach that doc here. sorry, you have to search it by your self, or send me your email.
    Hope it helps.
    Best Regards,
    Suan Liono

  • Error: Application document not posted

    while posting IDOC into R3, I got below error in WE05.
    under status records
    51  Error: Application document not posted
    Account group is not defined in table T077K
    reward points always helpful for helpers.

    Check the posting program use call transaction, if no analyze the error message and fix the problem. If yes then debug your program step by step until you hit the error screen.
    If error in IDoc data , then Exit the IDoc restart from BD87, else problem with application configuration, restart from beginning.
    --related Data error contact your Functional team
    Also see the below links
    IDOc testing - /people/
    idoc erros -

  • Error "Application document not posted" when tried to receive an idoc

    Hi All,
    My scenario is File to IDOC. the idoc reaches the R/3, but when i check in the transaction we02, under Inbound IDOCS, i see my idoc in status 51 - Application document not posted.
    Does it mean idoc has reached R/3, but it didnt update the respective table in R/3? i'm sending idoc of type MATMAS05, its supposed to update table MAKT, but its not. Do i need to make any special settings for this? pls help me, its urgent.
    Thanks & Regards,

    The IDOC is successfully coming from XI, but there is problem in R\3 end.
    Idoc status is 51 with "Application document not posted"
    This indicates that the logic for posting the application document is not coded properly in inbound function module. Verify the logic once again.
    Also you need to confirm that the data related or in application configuration is right. If the data values are not correct the above error get generated.
    refer blow link for the program
    Edited by: Swarup Sawant on Jan 28, 2008 11:13 AM

  • Application document not posted

    hi Gems,
    I am new to BW, have system installed 3.0B, r/3 as 4.7e
    I am learning Generic Extraction,  I have
    InfoCube: 0PA_CO1 which takes data from 2 Info sources 0hr_pa_0,0hr_pa_1 and datasources sources 0hr_pa_0,0hr_pa_1
    Installed BCT for ds
    Steps I followed
    1. Transfer DS
    2. Replicate Ds
    3.Already I have Infosources and already assigned datasources so,
    4. I created Info Packages and loaded the data,
    here I am getting an error, when I check in the Monitor's Details Tab
    Transfer IDoc's.....
          Requested Idoc's:Application document not posted
    will any body help me on this issues
    thanks in advance

    Try to look at the links below . Might help you solve the problem
    Error in Data loading
    Re: Problem with Info Idoc -- please suggest

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