Applications not running

Only thing I can run is Opera.  If I try to run anything from the terminal, there's no output.  It just goes back to the commandline, the HDD reads, and nothing happens.  Where do I go from here?

Nevermind, more tinkering and X finally threw an error about cairo.
pacman -Rd cairo
pacman -Sy cairo
I love pacman. 

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  • Finder got an error. Application not running (-600)

    I have a LaunchAgent that calls a shell script, at login.  The shell script runs and determines the users AD container and then will runn the correct applescript application depending on the AD Container.    The applescript applications simply mount up the users network volumes, runs a few do shell scripts and then exits.
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    This sounds like a typical race condition, and it's impossible to solve without seeing the script.
    The issue is that your script is targetting some application that isn't available. Ordinarily AppleScript will launch an application if it's not already running, but during launch it's possible that your script is trying to target an application before it can be launched (because the user's envirnment is still loading).
    So you need to look at the script to see what it's doing, and what apps it's targeting. The fix might be as simple as adding a few delays to allow the system to finish logging in, but t's hard to say without more data.

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    See [[Installing a previous version of Firefox]]
    If you are going to use Firefox 3.0, you should try the last version 3.0.19 rather than 3.0.1

  • Sample application not running.

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         at com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIContext.lookup(
         at com.evermind.server.ApplicationContext.lookup(
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    To provide a little context for the problem I am having:
    I am following examples on how to use Essbase based on the book "Look Smarter Than You Are With Essbase" by Edward Roske and Tracy McMullen. I am new to Hyperion and Essbase, and am trying to learn about it and document what it can do. I used the the Sample Applicaiton, Basic database that came with the installation files and opened it in Excel by connecting to Essbase through Provider Services (all of this was done within Excel). The sample is based on a fictious company called The Beverage Company. I set-up a specific view that shows Sales of the Cola product in the East region, comparing the Actual sales with the Budget sales. The Sales of each city within East sum-up into a total for the East region. When I change the Sales in a specific city, like New York, I can successfully hit Submit Data (from the Hyperion menu within Excel), and then can see that it has been updated in the Essbase Administrative Services Console. However, when I try to calculate the data, throught Excel menu Hyperion > Calculation Options > Calculate (like the book says to do), I do not get the same result as the book says. Instead of updating the Total Sales for the East region, it reverts the data entry in the New York cell back to the original value. So essentially, any ability to enter in new data or change budget data, which is the purpose of Planning, is non-functional if I cannot get the Calculate the data I change. Have other people tried to do a similiar task of updating cell data in Excel and calculate it? If so, were the results successful?

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    adt -package -target ipa-debug -storetype pkcs12 -keystore  development_key.p12 -provisioning-profile flex_air.mobileprovision  testIphone.ipa testIphone-app.xml testIphone.swf
    The .ipa files are generated in the root folder of the C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4.5\sdks\4.5.0\bin folder.
    But when I am running that file in Ipad it is not working.Cant install that application on Ipad.
    Can anybody have any solution for this??

    Hi Debarghya:
    As you mention "Cant install that application on Ipad." I am assuming that you can't get it on your iPad if that is the case. There are two things you should check.
    1. Does your mobileprovision has your device added to it, on iTunes portal?
    2. Make sure the id tag in testIphone-app.xml matches with your application identifier for which you created this provision and certificate on iTunes portal.
    If the problem is that application is installed on your iPad. But when you launch you see black screen forever or application closes automatically to take you to home screen.
    1. try with  -target ipa-debug-interpreter instead of -target ipa-debug and see if application starts and post your findings back.

  • Applications not running after upgrade

    I upgraded to 10.6.6 from 10.5.8. All seemed well until I tried to open Aperture 3.0. Aperture, which is my lifeline, will not start. The icon jumps up and down in the dock and then I finaqlly get a error message that says it is not compatible, contact the developer or try reinstalling. I tried reinstalling, restatred and the same problem persists. I have a BU of my Aperture vault, but not of my entire 10.5.8. I very much need to get aperure running for client images. Any ideas or suggestions for fixes would be welcomed. Reading all the issues associated with 10.6.6 is Apple going to be putting out a fix soon?

    Here is what did the trick for me if others are having the same problem:
    Open the Applications folder.
    Drag the Aperture application to the Trash.
    Open the Utilities folder within the Applications folder.
    Open the Terminal application.
    On the command line, type the below command (which is case-sensitive) and then press Return:
    *sudo pkgutil --forget*
    When prompted, enter your user password and press Return.
    Insert your Aperture disc and install Aperture.
    When finished, choose Software Update from the Apple () menu to update your software to the latest version.

  • My R12 application not run in EI

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    Could you please elaborate more? What page you cannot access? Are you able to login to OA main page? Can you access the page with the list of responsibilities?

  • LiveUpdate 6-not running after last update

    application not running after start win7x64, but I did not set anything and not even start
    pls. test application
    main PC:
    moth. H97
    CPU: Corei-5
    VGA: GTX 560Ti

    I am pretty sure you want to know what forum's experienced users think about Live Update, don't you?
    Live Update is terrible, and in most cases it's better to remove it and forget about it. It's alright to keep it installed and run to check for updates but a lot better and safer to install them manually (yourself) from MSI's product page. And forget about updating BIOS. It's as good as smashing the BIOS chip with the hammer  MFlash or Forum's tool is much safer and more efficient.
    What updates did it do? What drivers/utilities do you have installed from the CD/MSI's page?

  • Images are not comming out when application is running through jar file.

    I have written an application program using j2sdk1.4.1 that needs your help.
    My application folder's contents.....................................................................................
         C:\Examination\Examination.class <-----This is the main class and application's entry point.
         C:\Examination\Images\(some jpg & gif files)
         C:\Examination\Sounds\(some au files)
    Compilation Report:     There was no error.
    Execution Report :     Was working properly using the command:- java Examination
    Now, I created a jar file for my application in the following steps.................................
              STEP-1:          Firstly, I created a text file(mainclassInfo.txt) that contains
              the line:--     Main-Class: Examination
              This line would be automatically added to the default manifest file when I would include the                name of that text file with the command to create the jar file.
              Location of the text file I created:     C:\mainClassInfo.txt
              STEP-2:          Then I went to C:\Examination and executed the following command(by using                'Command prompt'):--------------------------------------------------------------------
    jar cmf C:\mainClassInfo.txt Examination.jar Examination.class ExamBox.class PaperSetterBox.class pspBox.class epBox.class TimerBox.class ReportCardBox.class HelpBox.class AboutBox.class Images Sounds
    Finally, I got the jar file:-     Examination.jar
    Double clicking on it application ran as it was expected.
    Then, I thought, that as all the files & folders the application needed to run properly were packaged in the jar file; I should delete all the contents of the folder 'Examination', so that no one could see or use anything of the resources easily. I did that.
    So, then it became only:-- C:\Examination\Examination.jar
    Thereafter, I tried to run the application again and there a problem occurred! The application was running, but the images, those were to be used and shown by the application were missing somehow!!
    Moreover, when I kept a copy of those 2 folders('Images' and 'Sounds') into the C:\Examination and ran the application again all the images came out normally!
    I just can't understand why it's happening so mysterious?
    I don't want to leave anything of the resources in an open place; I mean, outside of the jar file. The images should be used and shown by the application.
    Help me please!

    The Image class itself does not have any methods for loading images from files so you must be using something more. Most methods for loading images from files have an overload that lets you use a URL, so you just need to use that method with a call to getResource like in the other thread. If you can't think of anything else, you can use ImageIcon to load an Image (the Image is returned by a call to ImageIcon.getImage). See also "how to use icons" from the swing tutorial:

  • I have an OpenGL application that run in a window. I would like to use this application and use its window in a VI interface. Note t

    hat I DON'T WANT TO OPEN the window application FROM the Labview VI BUT IN the Labview VI. I think it's possible to do that and to do communicate the OpenGL application with the Labview Interface using an ActiveX but I don't know how. Can someone help me ?You can answer the question or send it at [email protected]

    hat I DON'T WANT TO OPEN the window application FROM the Labview VI BUT IN the Labview VI. I think it's possible to do that and to do communicate the OpenGL application with the Labview Interface using an ActiveX but I don't know how. Can someone help me ?The desired behavior you desribed may not be possible with that application. In general LabVIEW does not offer a window object that other standalone applications can run it. The closest thing is the ActiveX container. If the programmers for your application created an activeX control of your program and they provided documentation, it should be pretty easy to incorperate the app and labview into one window. I recommend contacting the manufacuturer of the app to see if they have an activeX control version of the app.

  • Application is not running in IntegratedWeblogic server

    I have installed JDeveloper & Webcenter for my project development work in my windows 7 64-bit machine.
    Here are the versions i have installed.
    1) Installed Weblogic server (Generic version for 64-bit machine - wls1035_generic.jar)
    2) Installed Webcenter
    3) Installed JDeveloper
    4) Configured the Weblogic server (along with webcenter components)
    In JDeveloper, I have simple application which pulls data from database (not involves any of Webcenter services). When i ran the application, the integrated weblogic server is started & running. But the application deployment is not happening.
    And I'm unable to stop the IntegratedWeblogic server also.
    Please help me in solving these 2 issues.
    Thank You.

    hi user,
    am not well aware about webcenter.
    so am replying for this statement,
    In JDeveloper, I have simple application which pulls data from database (not involves any of Webcenter services). When i ran the application, the integrated weblogic server is started & running. But the application deployment is not happening. And I'm unable to stop the IntegratedWeblogic server also. by default if you are running intergrated web logic server,
    it will automatically deployed and make it as run
    for example if you are running in intergared weblogic server means.
    [Another instance of the application is running on the server.  JDeveloper redeploy the application.]
    [Application GeneralLedger stopped but not undeployed from Server Instance IntegratedWebLogicServer]
    [Running application GeneralLedger on Server Instance IntegratedWebLogicServer...]
    [01:48:18 PM] ----  Deployment started.  ----
    [01:48:18 PM] Target platform is  (Weblogic 10.3).
    [01:48:18 PM] Retrieving existing application information
    [01:48:18 PM] Running dependency analysis...
    [01:48:18 PM] Deploying 2 profiles...
    [01:48:20 PM] Wrote Web Application Module to C:\Users\rmsys0034\AppData\Roaming\JDeveloper\system11.\o.j2ee\drs\GeneralLedger\GeneralLedgerUIWebApp.war
    [01:48:20 PM] Wrote Enterprise Application Module to C:\Users\rmsys0034\AppData\Roaming\JDeveloper\system11.\o.j2ee\drs\GeneralLedger
    [01:48:20 PM] Redeploying Application...
    <Nov 25, 2011 1:48:20 PM IST> <Warning> <J2EE> <BEA-160195> <The application version lifecycle event listener is ignored because the application GeneralLedger is not versioned.>
    [01:48:33 PM] Application Redeployed Successfully.
    [01:48:33 PM] The following URL context root(s) were defined and can be used as a starting point to test your application:
    [01:48:33 PM]
    [01:48:33 PM] Elapsed time for deployment:  15 seconds
    [01:48:33 PM] ----  Deployment finished.  ----
    Run startup time: 15104 ms.
    [Application GeneralLedger deployed to Server Instance IntegratedWebLogicServer]
    Target URL --
    if you hit means it will open some browser.
    if you are running your application in standlone weblogic server means,
    there some steps. to achieve that.
    go here.
    3.8.1 How to Start and Stop Integrated WLS
    is there any error shows in log.
    see log. if any error means. please paste here.
    Edited by: Erp on Nov 25, 2011 12:18 AM

  • MacBook Address Book Application Does Not Run

    MacBook OSX 10.5.8 - Address Book application will not run - it shows up in Applications Folder but will not run - either double click or command File - Open.  I have reinstalled the Address Book application with the original installation disk, which indicated the application was installed, still will not run.  Rebooted, reinstalled again - same result -- the Applications Folder shows the file size as 1.4 Mb - updated today - the installation disk showed approx. 53 Mb was being installed - not sure if the Application Directory is only showing a command file or what - also ran the hardware diagnostic and found no problems.  Software update shows current software is up to date.
    Haven't used Address Book so do not know if it ever worked.  Need it now to sync with IPhone 4.  Any Ideas?

    After reinstalling an Apple application from the installation disk, it is also necessary to reinstall the latest Combo Update for the installed system. In your case that would be Mac OS X 10.5.8 Combo Update.
    Try that and see what happens with your Address Book application.

  • Avoid users to run applications not in "Applications" folder

    I am looking for a solution to avoid users (they do not have admin rights and they are AD accounts) to run applications they download from the web.
    If they download a dmg file they can run the application (app file) inside the dmg without having to install it.
    For security reasons, I would like to stop that.
    Thanks a lot for your help.

    Is one of the Application folders in your Home folder and one in the root level (/Applications) of your drive. Usually, Applications are installed to /Applications, not in Users/yourname/Applications.
    Or, is it a subfolder of your Applications folder? In other words /Applications/Applications.
    First let's copy those folders to removable media for safety, if you don't already have a backup.
    Either way you need to check carefully which Applications are real and which are alias. The is an arrow icon on aliases and when you "Get Info" (command - i) or just Preview in Finder, the "kind" will be "alias". Round up the "real" Apps and put them in /Applications. When all are copied into Applications, delete Users/yourname/Applications.

  • "Net use" not working in application that runs as "system"

    I am trying to create an application object to distribute a program which
    during the setup procedure creates two local users on the workstation. I
    tried to set up the application to run as an unsecure system user and
    start the setup.exe. This method worked fine for quite a number of apps in
    the past.
    However this app needs a drive mapping to a windows 2003 server to start
    the setup.exe. Apparently under windows 2003 it is no longer possible to
    use the "net use" command when running a script as system user. I get
    system error 1312 "A specified logon session does not exist. It may have
    already been terminated". There seems to be no solution from microsoft
    since this is probably working as designed.
    In another similar situation I copied the complete setup directory to a
    novell drive, but in this case the setup procedure needs to write
    information into a database located on the windows server. I might be able
    to set up the application via snapshot and create the user accounts using
    a distribution script. But I would need the consent of the windows
    administrators since I need the passwords for those user accounts, and I
    am not sure that they are cooperative in this respect. Furthermore I get
    the feeling that this program is going to present a number of other
    problems and surprises which probably will make the snapshot method very
    Is there any solution or workaround for this problem?
    Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    1) It should not be an issue to run "Net Use" to authenticate to a Windows
    2003 server from an "Unsecure System Prompt". This is quite common.
    2) If the PC is in the domain already, this may be part of the issue since
    you are already authenticated to the domain. Try adding the Domain
    Workstation Object the proper rights.
    3) Does the "Setup.exe" expand to an MSI install in the temp directory? In
    such a case you could like create an MSI install that runs as a normal user
    but the Windows Install will allow for the elevated rights.
    Craig Wilson - MCNE, MCSE, CCNA
    Novell Support Forums Volunteer Sysop
    Novell does not officially monitor these forums.
    Suggestions/Opinions/Statements made by me are solely my own.
    These thoughts may not be shared either Novell or any rational human.
    "Anna Schmitz" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:BBvdi.3656$%[email protected]...
    > Hello,
    > I am trying to create an application object to distribute a program which
    > during the setup procedure creates two local users on the workstation. I
    > tried to set up the application to run as an unsecure system user and
    > start the setup.exe. This method worked fine for quite a number of apps in
    > the past.
    > However this app needs a drive mapping to a windows 2003 server to start
    > the setup.exe. Apparently under windows 2003 it is no longer possible to
    > use the "net use" command when running a script as system user. I get
    > system error 1312 "A specified logon session does not exist. It may have
    > already been terminated". There seems to be no solution from microsoft
    > since this is probably working as designed.
    > In another similar situation I copied the complete setup directory to a
    > novell drive, but in this case the setup procedure needs to write
    > information into a database located on the windows server. I might be able
    > to set up the application via snapshot and create the user accounts using
    > a distribution script. But I would need the consent of the windows
    > administrators since I need the passwords for those user accounts, and I
    > am not sure that they are cooperative in this respect. Furthermore I get
    > the feeling that this program is going to present a number of other
    > problems and surprises which probably will make the snapshot method very
    > tricky.
    > Is there any solution or workaround for this problem?
    > Any suggestions would be appreciated.

  • Event 701 - The Application Impact Telemetry (AIT) Agent is not running because AIT is disabled.

    In a survey of several Windows 7 systems, in the Application-Experience Program-Telemetry log, I found daily instances of Information Event 701 "The Application Impact Telemetry (AIT) Agent is not running because AIT is disabled".  The trigger
    for this event is execution of the built-in scheduled task to run Aitagent.exe daily at 02:30.
    The message "AIT is disabled" is puzzling to me. 
    I checked participation in the Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP) on the idea that a setting to disable participation could translate into "AIT is disabled", but CEIP is set to Yes (participate).
    I checked Windows Error Reporting settings - they are set to "Automatically check for solutions and send additional report data, if needed"
    I checked the REG_DWORD value AITEnable in HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\AIT is set to 0x1, which should indicate that AIT is enabled.
    I would appreciate if anyone can explain where/how AIT is disabled.

    Arthur Xie-
    Thank you for suggesting installing the
    Microsoft Application Compatibility Toolkit 5.6 (ACT).  This is quite an enterprise-level program (the Step-by-Step guide says "We
    recommend that you collect your data from approximately 10,000
    Anyway, installing the ACT and sending an empty data set to Microsoft worked, but did not eliminate Event 701 when the scheduled task to run AitAgent.exe executed
    (as scheduled or manually) or when AitAgent.exe was run from an Administrator command prompt.
    Since the scheduled task to run AitAgent.exe is part of a out-of-box installation of Windows 7, and its description states "Aggregates and uploads Application Telemetry
    information if opted-in to the Microsoft Customer Experience Improvement Program", it would seem that it would run without error, at least when participation in the CEIP is enabled.

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