Applications with Terastation Live NAS

I have a Terastation Live NAS and have an issue with using it with applicaitons. It is easy to mount it by using finder and it can see the share on the NAS easily.
For example, I have a spreadsheet and when I try to open it by double clicking it, or using file open from the menu, the process hangs, the spinner spins, and FORCE QUIT is the only option with any effect. If I drop and drag the same file to my desktop and double click or use file open - no problem. The same is true of Microsoft drived applications, like office, and Apple derived applications like iPhoto.
I also have a Windows laptop computer and it too can see the share on the NAS, but applications like Office work just fine by double clicking on the file on the NAS. There is no need to "drop and drag".
My goal is to put photo libraries, iPhoto and Aperature, on the NAS and to access them from any one of my Macs.
Since it works well for the Windows client but not the Mac client, I conclude that there is nothing wrong with the NAS and probably something wrong with the way I am set up.

I have a Bufalo Terastation and was maintaining both iPhoto and iTunes on it. I wrote a script to automatically connect via SMB to the server prior to invoking the application (iTunes or iPhoto). The MAC is Ethernet wired via a GB switch. But with the new much larger file formats for iPhoto '08 I found the response time for each interaction intolerable and eended up copying the iPhoto (new format) library back down to my Intel dual core Powerbook for signifcantly better performance and only use the NAS for backup purposes.
So much for sharing photos across multiple MACs!

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    My experience (on BPC 5.1 MS, and earlier versions) has been as follows:
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                                    Fixed Value            ShortDescription
                                  0000001                   ABCD
                                  0000002                   EFGH
                                  0000003                   IJKL
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    Hi, Badni,
    If you can live without your custom domain, then you can use any standard data element and then programatically fill the attribute property with whatever content you want.
    For example, you can create the following method and call it from WDDOINIT of your view:
    METHOD set_values_for_dropdown_by_key.
        lo_nd_fli    TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node,
        lo_info_fli  TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node_info,
        lt_value_set TYPE wdr_context_attr_value_list,
        ls_value_set LIKE LINE OF lt_value_set,
        ls_scarr     TYPE scarr.
    * get node info
      lo_nd_fli   = wd_context->get_child_node( 'YOUR_NODE' ).
      lo_info_fli = lo_nd_fli->get_node_info( ).
    * set values
      ls_value_set-value = '0000001'.
      ls_value_set-text  = '1 - ABCD'.
      APPEND ls_value_set TO lt_value_set.
      ls_value_set-value = '0000002'.
      ls_value_set-text  = '2 - EFGH'.
      APPEND ls_value_set TO lt_value_set.
      ls_value_set-value = '0000003'.
      ls_value_set-text  = '3 - IJKL'.
      APPEND ls_value_set TO lt_value_set.
    * assign value set to attribute
        name      = 'YOUR_ATTRIBUTE_NAME'
        value_set = lt_value_set ).
    Furthermore, if you insist on domain fixed values, you can get them from the tables DD07L and DD07T and include them in your DropdownByKey programatically with program similar to the above one.

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    Found this with a quick Google search:
    To sync contacts with your computer, choose Sync Contacts on your Windows-based PC, or Sync Contacts with Address Book on your Mac.
    You can sync your contacts with:
    * Microsoft Outlook 2003 or Microsoft Outlook 2007 (Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7)
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    * Microsoft Entourage 2004 or Microsoft Entourage 2008
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    Try this..
    Open an Internet Explorer browser page on your wired computer(desktop).In the address bar type - and press Enter...Leave Username blank & in Password use admin in lower case...
    On the set-up tab change the MTU Size to 1365 and click Save Settings...Click on "Administration" tab and disable the option UPnP and click Save Settings...
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    2) Once you return to the set up page click on the Security tab and uncheck Block Anonymous Internet Requests and click on Save Settings...
    3)Click on the Status tab and take note of DNS1 and DNS2 Addresses...
    4) Goto the XBox Network Settings and IP Address Settings and select manual IP Settings and assign the following on your XboxIP Address :-, Subnet Mask :-, Default Gateway :-
    5) Also assign the DNS Addresses on the Xbox
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    6) Turn off your modem, router, and Xbox...Wait for a minute...
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    You can start a new thread by making a thread object and passing it an implementation of a runnable object. Runnable has just one method, public void run(), this is was gets executed in a second thread. perhaps the code you would use would look something like this.
    // set up thread for login window
    new Thread(new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
    // construct your login window here
    // when you are done processing the
    // password....
    if(goodPassword) {
    authorized = true; // a global variable
    notifyAll(); // don't forget this
    else {
    // control does not stop this code gets executed while
    // the above thread is running.
    // Set up main program here. This is done in the
    // backround.
    while(!authorized) {
    { wait(50); }
    // now when the user logs in this frame pops
    // up real quick.
    Hope you can figure it out.. good luck :)

  • How to launch an application with elevated administrator account privilege from windows service even if the account has not yet logon

    Here is the case:
    OS environment: Windows 7
    There are two user accounts in my system, standard user "S" and administrator account "A", and there is a windows service running with "Local System" privilege.
    Now i logged-in with account "S", and i want to launch an application with elevated administrator account "A" from that service program, so here is the code snippet:
    int LaunchAppWithElevatedPrivilege (
    LPTSTR lpszUsername, // client to log on
    LPTSTR lpszDomain, // domain of client's account
    LPTSTR lpszPassword, // client's password
    LPTSTR lpCommandLine // command line to execute e.g. L"C:\\windows\\regedit.exe"
    DWORD dwExitCode = 0;
    HANDLE hToken = NULL;
    HANDLE hFullToken = NULL;
    HANDLE hPrimaryFullToken = NULL;
    HANDLE lsa = NULL;
    BOOL bResult = FALSE;
    LUID luid;
    DWORD err;
    PTOKEN_GROUPS LocalGroups = NULL;
    DWORD dwLength = 0;
    DWORD dwSessionId = 0;
    LPVOID pEnv = NULL;
    DWORD dwCreationFlags = 0;
    STARTUPINFO si = {0};
    if (!LogonUser( lpszUsername,
    LOG_FAILED(L"GetTokenInformation failed!");
    if( !GetTokenInformation(hToken, (TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS)19, (VOID*)&hFullToken,
    sizeof(HANDLE), &dwLength))
    LOG_FAILED(L"GetTokenInformation failed!");
    if(!DuplicateTokenEx(hFullToken, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, NULL,
    SecurityIdentification, TokenPrimary, &hPrimaryFullToken))
    LOG_FAILED(L"DuplicateTokenEx failed!");
    DWORD dwSessionId = 0;
    WTS_SESSION_INFO* sessionInfo = NULL;
    DWORD ndSessionInfoCount;
    bResult = WTSEnumerateSessions(WTS_CURRENT_SERVER_HANDLE, 0, 1, &sessionInfo, &ndSessionInfoCount);
    if (!bResult)
    dwSessionId = WTSGetActiveConsoleSessionId();
    for(unsigned int i=0; i<ndSessionInfoCount; i++)
    if( sessionInfo[i].State == WTSActive )
    dwSessionId = sessionInfo[i].SessionId;
    if(0 == dwSessionId)
    LOG_FAILED(L"Get active session id failed!");
    if(!SetTokenInformation(hPrimaryFullToken, TokenSessionId, &dwSessionId, sizeof(DWORD)))
    LOG_FAILED(L"SetTokenInformation failed!");
    if(CreateEnvironmentBlock(&pEnv, hPrimaryFullToken, FALSE))
    if (! ImpersonateLoggedOnUser(hPrimaryFullToken) )
    LOG_FAILED(L"ImpersonateLoggedOnUser failed!");
    si.cb= sizeof(STARTUPINFO);
    si.lpDesktop = L"winsta0\\default";
    bResult = CreateProcessAsUser(
    hPrimaryFullToken, // client's access token
    NULL, // file to execute
    lpCommandLine, // command line
    NULL, // pointer to process SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES
    NULL, // pointer to thread SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES
    FALSE, // handles are not inheritable
    dwCreationFlags, // creation flags
    pEnv, // pointer to new environment block
    NULL, // name of current directory
    &si, // pointer to STARTUPINFO structure
    &pi // receives information about new process
    if (bResult && pi.hProcess != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
    WaitForSingleObject(pi.hProcess, INFINITE);
    GetExitCodeProcess(pi.hProcess, &dwExitCode);
    LOG_FAILED(L"CreateProcessAsUser failed!");
    if (pi.hProcess != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
    if (pi.hThread != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
    return dwExitCode;
    I passed in username and password of account "A" to method "LaunchAppWithElevatedPrivilege", and also the application i want to launch, e.g. "C:\windows\regedit.exe", but when i run the service program, i found it do launch
    "regedit.exe" with elevated account "A", but the content of regedit.exe is pure back. screenshot as below:
    Can anyone help me on this?

    You code is not dealing with the DACL access to Winsta0\Default.  Only the LocalSystem account will have full access and the interactively logged on user which is why regedit is not displaying properly.  You'll need to grant access to your user. 
    You also need to deal with UAC since that code is going to give you a non-elevated token via LogonUser().  You need to get the full token via a call to GetTokenInformation() + TokenLinkedToken.
    Frank K [MSFT]
    Follow us on Twitter,

  • Apex Application With Oralce SSO (inbuilt) application integration

    Installed oracle 11g, configured Application Express Release 3.0.
    I developed application in APEX.
    Now I want to authenticate my application with Oracle SSO login.
    Please help me on this.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hello Surya,
    If you follow the instructions here you should be able to connect to your SSO.

  • Register application with SSO

    Hi all
    I have a APEX install which I have succesfully registered with SSO as a partner application (I have registered APEX/HTMLDB itself). On this machine we host a number of applications which can be accessed as (and so on to APP_NAME_n).
    The business owner of one of these applications wants to have an application-specific URL instead of the generic type URL (eg,, and to keep the new alias in the browser URL. However, I am sure that this will require me to register the application with SSO as the SSO server won't recognise the new URL.
    I have searched the forum and not found any reference to having the entire HTMLDB engine registered as a partner app, and registering individual apps with SSO at the same time. Perhaps, this is so trivial and straightfoward that no-one has come across any problems with this. But I wonder if there are any "gotchas" in having this kind of set up before I actually start on it.

    Gerard - That should work as that was the intended purpose of having the two "flavors" of SSO partner app integration - so that a workspace schema could have a local copy of the SSO SDK and could use it independently of the Application Express installation's copy. Do let us know how it goes, especially if it works.

  • Registering a Partner application with Oracle SSO 10gR2

    Hi Everybody
    I'd like to ask a question around registering a partner application with Oracle SSO.
    I have entered my home_url, logout_url and cancel_url e.g. home_url is and so on for the other fields.
    When I save the details some information is automatically created e.g. Site Id, Site Token etc.
    The bit that I am particularly interested in are the fields Single Sign-On URL and Single Sign-Off URL.
    For my purposes these fields are respectively: and
    My questions are:
    1. Where do these values come from?
    2. Can I view them anywhere, say, in Oracle Directory Manager or using ldif queries?
    I would like to be able to verify these values.
    Many Thanks

    I'm afraid this won't answer your question completely, but AFAIK in principle it does not matter on which machine SSO is running, as long as it passes the user id and credentials properly through the HTTP Header. Even more: in practice it is very common to have SSO running on a different machine than where your app runs.
    So what I would do is find out how to use ADF Faces with SSO. Perhaps someone else can provide pointers on that.
    Jan Kettenis

  • APEX 3.2 Associating application with SSO login page.

    My requirement is to replace my login page of APEX3.2 application with an SSO login page. Also, the application uses some tables with some history columns like: "Last Updated by", "Created by", "Last Update Time", etc... While create/edit of any table, I want these columns to be automatically populated according to the credentials used in SSO login page to that application. Please help.
    The link given on this forum ( for the purpose seems to be obsolete i.e. for previous versions of APEX.

    That how-to explains all the steps you need to set up SSO with Application Express.
    As far as the audit columns, just create triggers on your tables. Referenced v('APP_USER') to get the authenticated username.

  • Single Sign On and Application with Web Services

    My Application Server is set as partner application for SSO so for example this address: http://myserver:80 is SSO enabled.
    I have two ADF applications on it with jspx pages and the ADF security is enabled on them. SSO works for these applications (for jspx files).
    I added a new application with a web service and deployed this new application. It is on the same application server as those two applications and its security provider in identity management, SSO enabled. Its address is something like:
    So I expect to be unable to test web service, but I can and I am not prompted for user name and password.

    Thank you.
    Yes I had cleared the cache and in these cases I always use a new browser also.
    I deployed a third application without declarative security options (ADF application, no security settings) and this application also didn't ask me for user information though it was under SSO.

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    I haven't used Quicken in a while, but most applications store your files in your Documents folder. Is that where your Quicken data file is? What you do next depends on how many family members need to get at that data.
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    If you're the only one allowed to see that Quicken data, move the Quicken data file from the old main account to your account, and don't leave a copy behind. You can use the Shared folder as a way station for the transfer since you won't be able to see both accounts' Documents folders at the same time (because you're not allowed to peek into other people's accounts). Or you can use another disk or server for the transfer, as long as you can get to it when logged into either account.

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