Registering a Partner application with Oracle SSO 10gR2

Hi Everybody
I'd like to ask a question around registering a partner application with Oracle SSO.
I have entered my home_url, logout_url and cancel_url e.g. home_url is and so on for the other fields.
When I save the details some information is automatically created e.g. Site Id, Site Token etc.
The bit that I am particularly interested in are the fields Single Sign-On URL and Single Sign-Off URL.
For my purposes these fields are respectively: and
My questions are:
1. Where do these values come from?
2. Can I view them anywhere, say, in Oracle Directory Manager or using ldif queries?
I would like to be able to verify these values.
Many Thanks

I'm afraid this won't answer your question completely, but AFAIK in principle it does not matter on which machine SSO is running, as long as it passes the user id and credentials properly through the HTTP Header. Even more: in practice it is very common to have SSO running on a different machine than where your app runs.
So what I would do is find out how to use ADF Faces with SSO. Perhaps someone else can provide pointers on that.
Jan Kettenis

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    - Step B : Load Packages for the partner application (Successful)
    - Step C : Obtain the registration information (Successful)
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    - Step E : Compile and Run
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    I believe that this is not possible as the mod_osso realizes that the URL is below an URL that you want to protect.
    The only way I see that you can do this is the following modification in the mod_osso.conf:
    <Location /myApp/secure_partA>
    AuthType basic
    Require valid-user
    <Location /myApp/secure_partB>
    AuthType basic
    Require valid-user
    <Location /myApp/secure_partX>
    AuthType basic
    Require valid-user
    So your application /myApp/subApp will not be effected and people can just access this part. However you will have more administration in your mod_osso.conf

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    Thanks for all your help Scott
    I've added the -PORTAL_SSO- .....
    After this I've had a new problem same to this: Re: SSO Authentication Not Working
    "get the error below and it then directs me to http://hostx/htmldb/f? and the "p=" is missing"
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    This an extract from the installation doc :
    SetEnv force-proxy-request-1.0 1
    ProxyPass /htmldb
    ProxyPassReverse /htmldb
    ProxyPass /i
    ProxyPassReverse /i
    ProxyPass /sys
    ProxyPassReverse /sys
    where you replace with the name OR ip address of your XE installation. 8080 is the default http port of your XE installation. "
    Well, I used the IP ADDRESS and in the @regapp > listener_token the NAME!!! (HTML_DB:servername.domain:80)
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    Hello Surya,
    If you follow the instructions here you should be able to connect to your SSO.


    If anyone knows how Portal switches context to run as the db user mapped to the lightweight schema and how it knows the db schema password please let me know.
    Should you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me on 07775 896738.
    From document Oracle Portal Security Overview on
    In Single Sign On mode (EnableSSO=Yes in the DAD), mod_plsql determines the name of the light-weight user and mapped database schema by calling
    ** These calls are done using the Portal Schema (PORTAL30) and Portal schema password **
    mod_plsql then executes the procedure in the requested URL by using the N-Tier Authentication feature to connect to the database as the user returned from
    WPG_SESSION_PRIVATE.GET_DB_USER. ..... Note that N-Tier Authentication requires all schemas to be used for Portal user mappings to be granted 'connect
    through' privleges to the Portal schema (PORTAL30).
    The WWCTX packages are also used.
    So this is how it works with standard Portal
    - the document states that the WPG_SESSION_PRIVATE package is only accessible to the Portal schema
    - but I checked and it is also available to PORTAL30_SSO
    Argument Name Type In/Out Default?
    Argument Name Type In/Out Default?
    Argument Name Type In/Out Default?
    In my case only the Login Server (PORTAL30_SSO) is going to be used/installed
    - the SAMPLE_SSO_PAPP application will only work if the DAD used to access is it set to use Basic authentication, i.e. the actual integration with the Login Server
    is done in the sample application code calls, stored in the database
    - when a DAD has enableSSO=yes it automatically accesses Portal (PORTAL30) packages to implement N-Tier authentication
    I'm currently testing:
    1. Configuring the SAMPLE_SSO_PAPP sample as documented with a DAD with Basic authentication
    2. Amending the ssoapp procedure to set context to another (db) user on successful authentication:
    wwctx_api.set_context (
    p_user_name => 'SCOTT',
    p_password => 'TIGER' );
    3. If this works then set_context with get_lw_user instead
    I have now amended the ssoapp procedure as follows to print out
    1. The userid entered when the login box is presented
    2. The Database user which the Portal Lightweight user is mapped to
    3. The Lightweight user Portal has used for authentication
    Amendments to papp.pkb:
    (ssoapp procedure, declare db_user_info and lw_user_info as VARCHAR2 in declare section)
    htp.p('Congratulations! It is working!<br>');
    db_user_info := wwctx_api.get_db_user;
    lw_user_info := wwctx_api.get_user;
    htp.p('User Information:' || l_user_info || '<br>');
    htp.p('DB User Information:' || db_user_info || '<br>');
    htp.p('LW User Information:' || lw_user_info || '<br>');
    The following shows the interesting results from my testing:
    - if the user owning the sample_sso_papp package is PORTAL30_SSO then the call to wwctx_api.get_db_user succeeds
    - if the user owning the sample_sso_papp package is a non-portal schema e.g. SSOAPP below the call to wwctx_api.get_db_user generates a User Defined exception
    Steps to test:
    Created new schema SSOAPP on the database
    - edited it in Portal and checked the use this schema for Portal users checkbox
    - created new Lightweight user SSO_LW in Portal, mapped it to SSOAPP schema
    - created new Lightweight user SSO_SCOTT in Portal, mapped to SCOTT schema
    - loadjava -user ssoapp/ssoapp@portal30 SSOHash.class
    - sqlplus portal30/portal30@portal30
    @provsyns ssoapp
    - sqlplus ssoapp/ssoapp@portal30
    Created DAD with basic authentication SAMPLE_SSO_PAPP
    - username: ssoapp
    - default home page: sample_sso_papp.ssoapp
    Registered the Sample SSO Partner Application with the Login Server and ran regapp.sql
    Commented out the calls to get_db_user in papp.pkb to avoid exception
    - called http://<server>/pls/sample_sso_papp
    - logged on as SSO_LW/sso_lw
    - got output:
    Congratulations! It is working!
    User Information: SSO_LW
    LW User Information: PUBLIC
    So the Portal lightweight user is not returned as SSO_LW
    if anyone knows why the Lightweight User in my test is returned as PUBLIC not SSO_LW
    Best Regards

  • Creating partner application in Oracle

    -oracle_home_path <oracle_home_path>
    -config_sdk_papp TRUE -site_name SSO_APEX
    -u cn=orcladmin
    -papp_schema <apex schema>
    -papp_schema <apex schema> what goes here?

    Please tell us your first name and update your forum profile with it to assist us. Thanks.
    Where did you get that script and what are you trying to do, exactly (generally, I got that your aim is "creating partner application in Oracle").

  • Creating partner application in Oracle Portal

    -oracle_home_path <oracle_home_path>
    -config_sdk_papp TRUE -site_name SSO_APEX
    -u cn=orcladmin
    -papp_schema <apex schema>
    -papp_schema <apex schema> what goes here?

    Please tell us your first name and update your forum profile with it to assist us. Thanks.
    Where did you get that script and what are you trying to do, exactly (generally, I got that your aim is "creating partner application in Oracle").

  • Upload file in JSP with Oracle Database 10gR2

    How to upload file with oracle database 10gR2??
    i can't find how to upload..
    i've tried to create a procedure in oracle and execute in netbeans but the file save in directory and then from directory save to database.
    it means the file save in 2 location, in directory and database..
    does anybody know how to save file direct from the JSP file into database without save in directory?
    this is the procedure..
    create or replace PROCEDURE load_file (
    p_id number,
    p_photo_name in varchar2) IS
    src_file BFILE;
    dst_file BLOB;
    lgh_file BINARY_INTEGER;
    src_file := bfilename('DIR_TEMP', p_photo_name);
    -- insert a NULL record to lock
    INSERT INTO temp_photo
    *(id, photo_name, photo)*
    *(p_id , p_photo_name ,EMPTY_BLOB())*
    RETURNING photo INTO dst_file;
    -- lock record
    SELECT photo
    INTO dst_file
    FROM temp_photo
    WHERE id = p_id
    AND photo_name = p_photo_name
    -- open the file
    dbms_lob.fileopen(src_file, dbms_lob.file_readonly);
    -- determine length
    lgh_file := dbms_lob.getlength(src_file);
    -- read the file
    dbms_lob.loadfromfile(dst_file, src_file, lgh_file);
    -- update the blob field
    UPDATE temp_photo
    SET photo = dst_file
    WHERE id = p_id
    AND photo_name = p_photo_name;
    -- close file
    END load_file;

    Well your Oracle procedure is designed to load a file, so that's what it does. If you want it to load from a data stream such as an upload, you need to rewrite it accordingly.
    So far this is not a Java question at all.

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    Try using the server name instead of the cluster name.

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    I take from this description that you currently have your Web Application and you would possibly like to trigger or create an instance into an OBPM business process. If this is the case, you have several options available here:
    a) Use PAPI (Java API).
    b) Use PAPI-Ws (SOAP API).
    c) Use some sort of communication channel that the process is implemented to listen (for example a JMS Queue or Topic).
    For the first 2, you can try to take a look into the official Documentation page for OBPM through this link: (Check the For Developers section).
    If I have miss interpreted your question, please do not hesitate to provide more details.

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    You can check the source code at:
    You can also use the JDeveloper wizards that can generate JSP code. You can download them from:
    and then click on software (left frame).

  • Register the partner application through SSO Administer Partner Application

    When should I use the "Administer Partner Applications" link on the SSO Server Administration page to register the application among the following cases?
    1. sign-on SDK integrated application
    2. mod_osso integrated application

    Were you able to resolve the issue???
    Can you pls try Rerunning ssodatan/x with the correct data. The ssodatan script is located in the directory ORACLE_HOME/portal30/admin/plsql/ssodatan.
    Refer following link for more info on SSODATAN , SSODATAX and DIAGNOSTICS scripts in Portal 3.0.x:

  • Getting error like "Error in portal_sso_redirect: missing application registration information" while trying to run application using Oracle SSO

    Hi All,
    I am trying to implement SSO authentication for my APEX application. I have registered the application as a SSO partner application.
    I have set the authentication scheme to Oracle Application server Single Sign On.
    When i run the application i am getting the below error.
    Error in portal_sso_redirect: missing application registration information: register this application as described in the installation guide.
    Please help me to resolve this.
    Thanks and Regards,

    After you registered your application as a SSO partner application did you use the information from Oracle SSO (home URL, success URL, Logout URL, app_name etc) and loaded it into the APEX_SSO schema using the regapp.sql script from the ssosdk?
    Step 4 of

  • Writing Partner Application Using Java SSO APIs

    Following the document "Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On Application Developer's Guide" to implement Single Sign on
    for Partner Applications.
    When try to login into the application for the first time they successfully get redirected to the Login Server. The login page for the
    Login Server is displayed and prompts for a username and password to be entered. On entering the details for a valid user
    get redirected to the SSOSignOnServlet as expected. This servlet then calls the method
    setPartnerAppCookie(request, response) on the SSOEnablerServletBean.
    This in turn calls the setPartnerAppCookie(request, response) method on the SSOEnablerBean.
    This method requests a parameter from the HTTPRequest object which it appears should be added to the request by the Login Server.
    However, the request for the parameter returns NULL. This prevents the Servlet from setting the
    application cookie and causes the application to fall over.
    Error: java.lang.NullPointerException
    Since the example was going into a continuous loop of redirecting to the login
    server and then back to the application the following change has been made to the file.
    // Requested URL (User requested page)
    private static String requestUrl =
    // Requested URL (User requested page)
    private static String requestUrl =
    Any reply will be highly appreciated.

    I have the same problem here.
    Any ideas?
    Thank You in advance

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