Apply diff file to source tree

I have a source tree and a diff file containing about 200 changes to different files in the source tree.
In the past I only applied changes to a source tree using patch files, but how do i do this with a diff file?
I tried stuff like patch srctree -n updates.diff, but that fails ...
Do i have to create a patch file out of the diff file? Cause i saw that it seems to be the normal case that you create
patch files using two different source trees and than compare them using diff.
Thank you!

thx for the help!
If i run patch < file.diff i get  " patch: **** Only garbage was found in the patch input. "
So i assumed the file has no valid format. The head of the file looks like that.
diff -rN old-ion-3plus-1/README new-ion-3plus/README
> The code in `de/unicode' (producing `de/precompose.c') is taken from
> xterm.
diff -rN old-ion-3plus-1/build/ new-ion-3plus/build/
diff -rN old-ion-3plus-1/config.h new-ion-3plus/config.h
> #define CF_USERTIME_DIFF_NEW 4000
diff -rN old-ion-3plus-1/de/Makefile new-ion-3plus/de/Makefile
< SOURCES=init.c draw.c font.c colour.c brush.c fontset.c style.c
> SOURCES=init.c draw.c font.c colour.c brush.c fontset.c style.c precompose.c
diff -rN old-ion-3plus-1/de/font.c new-ion-3plus/de/fo
Should i be able to use this with patch?

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    I although I know how to keep a unix system up and running I actually don't know how to apply the patch for gzip :(
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    Thanks a lot

    are you refering to this patch:
    If you have a compiler installed (such as gcc or cc)
    You can apply this patch if you download the entire gzip source from
    then apply the patch using gpatch -p0 < patch file
    .. and compile your own' gzip using:
    make install

  • Help:UIModel.xml file for ADF Tree with three level depth

    I am trying to create a DCTree with structure like this:
    Because I can not create more than one binding rule due to the problem that "Add New Rule" button disappears after the first rule is created when I use the tool under Createbinding/Input/Tree to create the DCTree.
    Could somebody post or send me a script of the UIModel.xml file of the tree structure above so that I can work around this problem?
    Thanks in advance,

    I haven't test it for more than 3 layers but I have never seen this limitation mantioned anywhere.
    I used HGrid and this is my code:
    1. UIX file (the relevant part highlighted):
    <?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'windows-1252'?>
    <page xmlns=""
    xmlns:html="" expressionLanguage="el"
    <templates xmlns="">
    <templateImport source="baseTemplate.uit"/>
    <dataScope xmlns="">
    <!-- Add DataProviders (<data> elements) here -->
    <!-- Set the page title -->
    <head title=""/>
    <form name="form0">
    <myTemplate:baseTmpl title="" xmlns:myTemplate="test">
    <link text="Bets View" destination=""/>
    <spacer width="10" height="10"/>
    <link text="Customer Bets" destination=""/>
    <spacer width="10" height="10"/>
    <hGrid id="hg1" treeData="${}" proxy="${uix.eventResult.hGridProxy}">
    <col text="Email"/>
    <col text="Bet Date"/>
    <col text="ID"/>
    <col text="Is Winner"/>
    <col text="Amount"/>
    <col text="Rate"/>
    <text text="${uix.current.text}"/>
    <columnFormat columnDataFormat="textFormat" width="140"/>
    <columnFormat columnDataFormat="textFormat" width="160"/>
    <columnFormat columnDataFormat="textFormat" width="40"/>
    <columnFormat columnDataFormat="textFormat" width="70"/>
    <columnFormat columnDataFormat="textFormat" width="70"/>
    <columnFormat columnDataFormat="textFormat" width="40"/>
    <text text="${uix.current.Email}"/>
    <text text="${uix.current.BetDate}"/>
    <text text="${uix.current.BetID}"/>
    <text text="${uix.current.IsWinner}"/>
    <text text="${uix.current.Amount}"/>
    <text text="${uix.current.Rate}"/>
    <formValue name="${bindings.statetokenid}" value="${bindings.statetoken}" id="_uixState"/>
    <data name="treeData">
    <method class="view.CreateTreeData" method="getTreeData"/>
    <event name="*">
    <method class="view.BetDetailsAction" method="doHGridEvent"/>
    2. CreateTreeData class:
    It has a static method getTreeData() that returns a DataObject containing the tree nodes. This methode is mentiond in <provider> node in UIX/XML.
    package view;
    import java.util.Enumeration;
    import model.*;
    import oracle.cabo.servlet.BajaContext;
    import oracle.cabo.servlet.ServletConstants;
    import oracle.cabo.servlet.ui.BajaRenderingContext;
    import oracle.cabo.ui.RenderingContext;
    import oracle.cabo.ui.UIConstants;
    import oracle.jbo.ApplicationModule;
    import oracle.jbo.ViewObject;
    import oracle.adf.model.BindingContext;
    import oracle.adf.model.binding.DCDataControl;
    //import oracle.jbo.common.Configuration;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
    import oracle.jbo.client.Configuration;
    public class CreateTreeData
    public CreateTreeData()
    public static DataObject getTreeData(RenderingContext context, String namespace, String name)
    // create root node
    SimpleTreeData root = new SimpleTreeData();
    int BetID = 0;
    // get the parameter from url
    BajaContext bContext = (BajaContext) context.getProperty(ServletConstants.BAJA_NAMESPACE,
    HttpSession session = bContext.getServletRequest().getSession(true);
    //BetID = new Integer(( bContext.getServletRequest( ) ).getParameter( "BetID" )).intValue();
    String s = ( bContext.getServletRequest( ) ).getQueryString();
    BetID = new Integer(s).intValue();
    session.setAttribute("BetID", s);
    //BetID = new Integer(session.getAttribute("BetID").toString()).intValue();
    catch ( Exception ex)
    // log the error on the console
    BetID = new Integer(session.getAttribute("BetID").toString()).intValue();
    //System.out.println( "Parameters cannot be retrieved" );
    //System.out.println( ex.getMessage() );
    String amDef = "model.AppModule";
    String config = "AppModuleLocal";
    ApplicationModule am = Configuration.createRootApplicationModule(amDef, config);
    AppModuleImpl myAm = (AppModuleImpl)am;
    root = myAm.createNodesData(BetID);
    // return the tree
    return root;
    3. createNodesData(int Id) is the actual function that creates the data structure containing the nodes.
    It is in AppModule. The actual tree is kept in one table and every node knows its parent ID. There is no limitation in depth.
    This function is called recursively until the tree is finished and the parameter Id is the Id of the parent node that I want to be listed. Tne top parent nodes has null in ParentID field.
    public SimpleTreeData createNodesData(int Id)
    SimpleTreeData tData = new SimpleTreeData();
    String baseSQL =
    "BetClass.NAME, CustLogin.EMAIL, CustLogin.ID AS CUST_LOGIN_ID " +
    "FROM BET Bet, CUST_LOGIN CustLogin, BET_CLASS BetClass " +
    "WHERE (Bet.CUST_LOGIN_ID = CustLogin.ID) AND (Bet.BET_CLASS_ID = BetClass.ID) ";
    String sqlStmt = baseSQL + " AND (Bet.ID = '"+ Id +"')";
    ViewObject betVo = this.createViewObjectFromQueryStmt("betVo", sqlStmt);
    //SimpleTreeData tData = new SimpleTreeData();
    tData.put("Email", betVo.first().getAttribute("EMAIL").toString());
    tData.put("BetDate", betVo.first().getAttribute("BET_DATE").toString());
    tData.put("BetID", betVo.first().getAttribute("ID").toString());
    tData.put("IsWinner", betVo.first().getAttribute("IS_WINNER").toString());
    tData.put("Amount", betVo.first().getAttribute("AMOUNT").toString());
    tData.put("Rate", betVo.first().getAttribute("WIN_RATE").toString());
    String sqlStmt = baseSQL + " AND (Bet.PARENT_BET_ID = '"+ Id +"')";
    ViewObject betVo = this.createViewObjectFromQueryStmt("betVo" + Id, sqlStmt);
    return tData;
    Hope this will help...

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    Drag the files, or press Option when pasting them; this accesses the Move To function.

  • Importing pre-existing source tree... how?

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    I want to use JDeveloper, which I'm fairly new to, but when I try to import pre-existing source jdev rearranges everything in the project navigation window to suit its preferred source tree structure.
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    Is there any way I can get jDeveloper to respect/display the pre-existing source tree structure? It looks a little something like this...
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    I got my 'Applet' working but now can't get an 'Application' to execute in netBeans...
    - Execute steps 1 & 2 as sabre posted in first respone to my original post.
    - Right click the source file and click Properties
    - Under Execution change... Executer External Execution to Applet Execution
    - Now right click the source file and click Execute.
    - netBeans will create the HTML file for you and it will popup and execute the applet.
    - Error I get & source below
    - What is it that netBeans wants or doesn't like about this java application ??
    Thanks for the continuing help - I'm still missing something simple, I know. - Will
    netBeans ERROR MESSAGE:
    javac: invalid flag: C:\Documents and Settings\Will\MyJava\Project_1_Src\Project_1_Pkg\HelloWorldApp.Java
    Usage: javac <options> <source files>
    where possible options include:
    -g Generate all debugging info
    -g:none Generate no debugging info
    -g:{lines,vars,source} Generate only some debugging info
    -nowarn Generate no warnings
    -verbose Output messages about what the compiler is doing
    -deprecation Output source locations where deprecated APIs are used
    -classpath <path> Specify where to find user class files
    -sourcepath <path> Specify where to find input source files
    -bootclasspath <path> Override location of bootstrap class files
    -extdirs <dirs> Override location of installed extensions
    -d <directory> Specify where to place generated class files
    -encoding <encoding> Specify character encoding used by source files
    -source <release> Provide source compatibility with specified release
    -target <release> Generate class files for specific VM version
    -help Print a synopsis of standard options
    Errors compiling HelloWorldApp.
    // Here is the Application Source...
    /*** From the Java Help Tutorial
    public class HelloWorldApp {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    // Display "Hello World!"
    System.out.println("Hello World!");
    // End Application source

  • A PKGBUILD that helps you compile kernel from local source tree

    I don't know if someone did this beofore. Hours ago I wrote a PKGBUILD file for compiling kernel,
    it is different than the one from abs. It allows you
    compile a kernel from a exiting kernel source tree and leave it clean.
    honor the Archway, this means you have a clean filesystem
    It is acutally because I'm currently playing with The Eudyptula Challenge.
    and I'm tied our compress/decompress a kernel tree all the time. If you are kernel developer, you
    may also find it useful.
    The PKGBUILD file worked on my machine, I will add headers and docs later.
    Oh, almost forgot: here is my PKGBUILD:
    #So we will have a clean src tree
    #the variable you have to provide
    #end the variable you have to provide
    pkgdesc="The Linux kernel and modules"
    depends=('coreutils' 'linux-firmware' 'kmod' 'mkinitcpio>=0.7')
    makedepends=('xmlto' 'docbook-xsl' 'kmod' 'inetutils' 'bc')
    optdepends=('crda: to set the correct wireless channels of your country')
    arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
    source=(#if we provide this, means kernel compile progress is already done
    #this one strip the linux off
    prepare() {
    #build dir has to be the same as kernel_bin files, then builddir is created
    #automatically by tar
    if [ "${kernel_src_dir}" == "" ];then
    return 1
    #provide kernel source tree for compile and move modules
    ln -s ${kernel_src_dir} ${srcdir}/${_srcname}
    mkdir -p "${srcdir}/${_srcname}"
    #we need to check here if there exist kernel bin files
    if [ "${_kernel_bin}" == "" ]; then
    make O="${srcdir}/${_builddir}" menuconfig
    build() {
    cd "${srcdir}/${_srcname}"
    #we need to check here if there exist kernel bin files
    if [ "${_kernel_bin}" == "" ]; then
    #return 1
    make O="${srcdir}/${_builddir}" bzImage modules
    #otherwise this step is done already done
    _package() {
    #we dont need to worry about mkinitcpio, depmod thing, They are done by
    #install script, we need to provide a preset and install file instead.
    #we build kernel objs on _builddir, and install them in pkgdir
    #install binary files, this means we have a compiled binary tree
    cd "${srcdir}/${_srcname}"
    #echo "$(pwd)"
    # get kernel version
    _kernver="$(make O="${srcdir}/${_builddir}" kernelrelease)"
    _kernver=$(echo "${_kernver}" | sed -n 2p -)
    #strip the -dirty away
    mkdir -p "${pkgdir}"/{lib/modules,lib/firmware,boot}
    make O="${srcdir}/${_builddir}" INSTALL_MOD_PATH="${pkgdir}" modules_install
    cp "${srcdir}/${_builddir}"/arch/$KARCH/boot/bzImage "${pkgdir}/boot/vmlinuz-${pkgbase}"
    # set correct depmod command for install
    cp -f "${startdir}/${install}" "${startdir}/${install}.pkg"
    true && install=${install}.pkg
    sed -e "s/KERNEL_NAME=.*/KERNEL_NAME=${_kernelname}/" -i "${startdir}/${install}"
    sed "s/KERNEL_VERSION=.*/KERNEL_VERSION=${_kernver}/" -i "${startdir}/${install}"
    # install mkinitcpio preset file for kernel
    install -D -m644 "${srcdir}/linux.preset" "${pkgdir}/etc/mkinitcpio.d/${pkgbase}.preset"
    sed \
    -e "1s|'linux.*'|'${pkgbase}'|" \
    -e "s|ALL_kver=.*|ALL_kver=\"/boot/vmlinuz-${pkgbase}\"|" \
    -e "s|default_image=.*|default_image=\"/boot/initramfs-${pkgbase}.img\"|" \
    -i "${pkgdir}/etc/mkinitcpio.d/${pkgbase}.preset"
    # remove build and source links
    rm -f "${pkgdir}"/lib/modules/${_kernver}/{source,build}
    # remove the firmware
    rm -rf "${pkgdir}/lib/firmware"
    # gzip -9 all modules to save 100MB of space
    find "${pkgdir}" -name '*.ko' -exec gzip -9 {} \;
    # make room for external modules
    ln -s "../extramodules-${_basekernel}${_kernelname:--ARCH}" "${pkgdir}/lib/modules/${_kernver}/extramodules"
    # add real version for building modules and running depmod from post_install/upgrade
    mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/lib/modules/extramodules-${_basekernel}${_kernelname:--ARCH}"
    echo "${_kernver}" > "${pkgdir}/lib/modules/extramodules-${_basekernel}${_kernelname:--ARCH}/version"
    # Now we call depmod...
    #echo "Call Depmod"
    cp "${srcdir}/${_builddir}/"
    depmod -b "${pkgdir}" -F "${_kernver}"
    #echo "Called Depmod"
    # move module tree /lib -> /usr/lib
    mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr"
    mv "${pkgdir}/lib" "${pkgdir}/usr/"
    # add vmlinux
    install -D -m644 "${srcdir}/${_builddir}/"vmlinux "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/modules/${_kernver}/build/vmlinux"
    for _p in ${pkgname[@]}; do
    eval "package_${_p}() {
    and here is the address of it on github
    Last edited by xedchou (2014-12-23 12:41:55)

    Based on the title alone I almost reflexively binned this thread.  Please rename this thread to *something* relating to what you're actually posting.

  • Error in sender file adapter: source directory does not exist

    The PI system is 7.11
    I've created sender file adapter with following details:
    Transport Protocol : File System
    Source directory: /interfaces/In
    I checked in AL11 that this path really exists and it does. (I can even see the .txt file that should be processed.)
    But still i get in Communication Channel Monitoring the following error:
    "Configured Source directory "/interfaces/In" does not exist.
    (i also tried to give the source directory as "interfaces/In" and as "//interfaces/In" but still the same error.
    Any suggestions as to what is wrong?

    Actually, Need to use forward slash (/) to separate directory names in accordance with the Java specification.
    But wanted to try if that works..
    Also check directory name , path again as this is case sensitive...

  • Oracle SQL Developer  error - "The file-based source procedure Name is not present in the database."

    I recently started working on the Oracle SQL developer. I have 'select' privileges on the QA schema and when tried to execute proc in QA. It is giving the error as 'The file-based source <procedure Name>  is not present in the database.  Was it compiled?'
    instead 'you do not have sufficient privileges to execute this procedure'. Did research on internet but with no luck.What configuration changes needed to be done to make it work.Guide me.

    Sounds like you do not have the correct privileges.  What should have been granted to you by the QA user, or some other user with appropriate privileges, is...
    Note that a grant of execute on a procedure has nothing to do with grants of select on some or all of QA's tables and views.
    So, as Vadim suggests, from your connection node in SQL Developer's Connections view, if you expand the Other Users node, then expand QA and look in the Procedures node, do you see the procedure of interest?  If not, you cannot expect to be able to execute it from your userid's connection. And even if you do see it, you may have some other privilege that permits viewing but not executing, like...
    The system privilege SELECT ANY DICTIONARY
    And even if you do not see it there, then having certain other privileges granted to you could permit executing it in general, like...
    The system privilege EXECUTE ANY PROCEDURE
    Also, note that the 3.0 release is a bit dated nowadays. Upgrading to 4.0.3 production or even the 4.1 EA2 (early adopter) release will, in general, give you a better experience.
    Best wishes,

  • Data Source not visible in Data Source Tree in 7.0 System

    Hi Experts
    I have a CO_PA Data-Source that I have brought into our Development System from an other R/3 System via RSDS and that all worked fine. Trying to get it into the System via "Replicate Data Source" of the Source System didn't work even do the System showed me in the System_line on the bottom, that it was saving Data-Source etc, while replicating.
    The thing is now, that even do I managed to activate my Data Source via RSDS, build a Transformation, and fetcht the Data out of the Source System into PSA, my Data-Source-Tree just show's me a Top-Node called "NEW_HIER_ROOT" for this Source-System but not my Data-Source underneath !!
    Can anybody help me on this behaviour of the Data Source Tree ?
    Thank you

    Worked perfect
    Thank you very much Simon !
    Best regards
    Edited by: Armin Baggenstos on Feb 25, 2010 1:23 PM

  • How to specify  inclusion and exclusion rules for File data sources

    This is the seed URL for a file data source: file://localhost/c:/myDir/
    I want to exclude indexing and searching of files under: file://localhost/c:/myDir/obsolete/
    What is the exact format for the exclusion URL?
    I have tried both file://localhost/c:/myDir/obsolete/ and /myDir/obsolete/
    but neither of it seems to work; it still indexes everything under /myDir/
    Should I just put: /obsolete/ as the exclusion URL?
    Also after initial crawling, if I change the inclusion and or exclusion rules and then run the crawler again, it should update the indexes accordingly. Is that right?
    The version of UltraSearch I am using is 1.0.3.
    Thanks for any help on this.

    Try "/c:/myDir/obsolete/"
    Changing inclusion/exclusion rule does not affect files already crawled. It onyl
    affects next crawling behavior.
    To do any DML to existing data set, use SQL directly on wk$url table under the instance owner.

  • File Data Source:  does not support any other host except LOCALHOST?

    I am using US 1.0.3.
    This exercpt is from the OTN iLearn Subscribed course titled "Oracle9i UltraSearch New Features" on operating system file access:
    "The file protocol is used only for the machine that launches the crawler. You can not specify any other host for this kind of URL, except LOCALHOST."
    Does it mean that US 1.0.3 can not be used to search other file servers on the network? For example, we have US 1.0.3 installed on a server S1 which is on a network with other servers (e.g. S2). I want to use US to search files in the folder myDir on server S2. So I tried to create a file data source with this URL:
    But I got this error:
    Invalid file protocol URL: file//\\s2\myDir\
    Hostname of the file URL "file://\\s2\myDir\ is not "localhost".
    My question:
    (1) Can US 1.0.3 search files on a different server than the one US is running on?
    (2) If so, how to specify the URL using the above example for it to work?
    (3) If not, how about the newer version of US, 9.2 or 9.02? Can they be used to search files on other network servers/drives?
    (4) If no to question (3), is there any plan to support this in the future version of US?
    My comment: Not able to search other servers really limits the userfulness of US. I really hope Oracle will consider adding this capability.

    More on my previous questions:
    Since I posted my previous question, I have read on the 1.0.3 online help that we can define remote crawlers to crawl "on a remote machine other than the Oracle Ultra Search database". So I assume this is how to make US to search on other servers. In the online documentation it also includes the following paragraph on "Remote Crawler Profiles Page":
    "Use this page to view and edit remote crawler profiles. A remote crawler profile consists of all parameters needed to run the Ultra Search crawler on a remote machine other than the Oracle Ultra Search database. A remote crawler profile is identified by the hostname. The profile includes the cache, log, and mail directories that the remote crawler shares with the database machine. "
    The Remote Crawler Profiles Page, however, displays only remote crawlers already defined and the page seems to be used just for editing the porfiles of these defined remote crawlers.
    My questions:
    (1) How do I create the remote crawlers and defines the profiles in the first place?
    (2) Where can I find more documentation on remote crawlers?
    (3) Once the remote crawlers are set up, how do I specify the file URLs for each remote crawler?
    (4) With US9.02 or 9.2, does remote crawler work the same as in 1.0.3, or are there any enhancements?

  • Move files from source to destination directory

    I would like to copy files from source directory to destination directory, which have a creation date lower than p_date. p_date is a entered value of a forms field.
    c:\tmp\my_b.pdf 10.10.06 04:21
    c:\tmp\my_c.pdf 10.10.06 04:20
    c:\tmp\my_d.pdf 09.10.06 01:35
    c:\tmp\my_e.pdf 05.10.06 02:13
    c:\tmp\my_f.pdf 01.10.06 00:20
    User enter the value: 09.10.06 09:35
    destination should be:
    f:\tmp\my_d.pdf 09.10.06 01:35
    f:\tmp\my_e.pdf 05.10.06 02:13
    f:\tmp\my_f.pdf 01.10.06 00:20
    win_api_utility.move_file move all files from source to destination, but only I need a part of them. I have installed Forms 6i and Windows 2000. Does anybody have an idea?
    Best regards,

    Hi Tom,
    In a Forms 10g environment you would probably use a Java component. On a c/s environment I would issue a host command. Although the windows 'copy' statement has no 'date' flag, the windows 'xcopy' statement has. Type 'help xcopy' in a command/dos box for the syntax/flags for the 'xcopy' statement.
    Hope this helps,
    Matthieu de Graaf

  • [SOLVED] Error 'Your source tree might be broken' in kernel26zen-git

    Since a few days I am trying to rebuild my custom ZEN-kernel. After updating the sources everything was built using my own config, that worked many times before.
    However, makepkg halted every time I tried to build the kernel, saying:
    ==> Building kernel and modules...
    scripts/kconfig/conf -s arch/x86/Kconfig
    CHK include/linux/version.h
    UPD include/linux/version.h
    CHK include/generated/utsrelease.h
    UPD include/generated/utsrelease.h
    HOSTCC scripts/kallsyms
    CC scripts/mod/empty.o
    HOSTCC scripts/mod/mk_elfconfig
    MKELF scripts/mod/elfconfig.h
    HOSTCC scripts/mod/file2alias.o
    HOSTCC scripts/pnmtologo
    HOSTCC scripts/conmakehash
    HOSTCC scripts/mod/modpost.o
    HOSTCC scripts/mod/sumversion.o
    HOSTLD scripts/mod/modpost
    CC kernel/bounds.s
    GEN include/generated/bounds.h
    CC arch/x86/kernel/asm-offsets.s
    GEN include/generated/asm-offsets.h
    CALL scripts/
    CC init/main.o
    HOSTCC usr/gen_init_cpio
    GEN usr/initramfs_data.cpio
    AS usr/initramfs_data.o
    LD usr/built-in.o
    CHK include/generated/compile.h
    UPD include/generated/compile.h
    CC init/do_mounts.o
    init/main.c: In function 'do_one_initcall':
    init/main.c:723:10: warning: 'calltime.tv64' may be used uninitialized in this function
    CC init/do_mounts_initrd.o
    CC init/initramfs.o
    CC init/calibrate.o
    LD arch/x86/crypto/built-in.o
    AS [M] arch/x86/crypto/aes-i586-asm_32.o
    CC [M] arch/x86/crypto/aes_glue.o
    CC init/version.o
    AS [M] arch/x86/crypto/salsa20-i586-asm_32.o
    CC [M] arch/x86/crypto/salsa20_glue.o
    LD init/mounts.o
    LD init/built-in.o
    CC kernel/sched.o
    AS [M] arch/x86/crypto/twofish-i586-asm_32.o
    CC [M] arch/x86/crypto/twofish_glue.o
    CC [M] arch/x86/crypto/crc32c-intel.o
    LD [M] arch/x86/crypto/aes-i586.o
    LD [M] arch/x86/crypto/twofish-i586.o
    LD [M] arch/x86/crypto/salsa20-i586.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/process_32.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/signal.o
    AS arch/x86/kernel/entry_32.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/traps.o
    CC kernel/fork.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/irq.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/irq_32.o
    CC kernel/exec_domain.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/dumpstack_32.o
    CC kernel/panic.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/time.o
    CC kernel/printk.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/ioport.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/ldt.o
    CC kernel/cpu.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/dumpstack.o
    CC kernel/exit.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/setup.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/x86_init.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/i8259.o
    CC kernel/itimer.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/irqinit.o
    TIMEC kernel/timeconst.h
    CC arch/x86/kernel/probe_roms_32.o
    CC kernel/softirq.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/sys_i386_32.o
    kernel/softirq.c: In function 'run_ksoftirqd':
    kernel/softirq.c:719:4: error: implicit declaration of function 'rcu_note_context_switch'
    make[1]: *** [kernel/softirq.o] Error 1
    make: *** [kernel] Error 2
    make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
    CC arch/x86/kernel/i386_ksyms_32.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/bootflag.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/e820.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/pci-dma.o
    CC arch/x86/mm/init.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/quirks.o
    CC arch/x86/mm/init_32.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/i8237.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/topology.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/kdebugfs.o
    CC arch/x86/mm/fault.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/alternative.o
    CC arch/x86/mm/ioremap.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/i8253.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/pci-nommu.o
    CC arch/x86/mm/extable.o
    CC arch/x86/mm/pageattr.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/hw_breakpoint.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/tsc.o
    CC arch/x86/mm/mmap.o
    CC arch/x86/mm/pat.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/io_delay.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/rtc.o
    CC arch/x86/mm/pgtable.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/trampoline.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/process.o
    CC arch/x86/mm/physaddr.o
    CC arch/x86/mm/gup.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/i387.o
    CC arch/x86/mm/setup_nx.o
    CC arch/x86/mm/tlb.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/xsave.o
    CC arch/x86/mm/pgtable_32.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/ptrace.o
    CC arch/x86/mm/iomap_32.o
    LD arch/x86/mm/built-in.o
    LDS arch/x86/vdso/vdso32/
    CC arch/x86/kernel/tls.o
    AS arch/x86/vdso/vdso32/note.o
    AS arch/x86/vdso/vdso32/int80.o
    AS arch/x86/vdso/vdso32/sysenter.o
    CC arch/x86/vdso/vdso32-setup.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/step.o
    VDSO arch/x86/vdso/
    CC arch/x86/kernel/acpi/boot.o
    VDSO arch/x86/vdso/
    VDSOSYM arch/x86/vdso/
    VDSOSYM arch/x86/vdso/
    OBJCOPY arch/x86/vdso/
    OBJCOPY arch/x86/vdso/
    VDSOSYM arch/x86/vdso/
    AS arch/x86/vdso/vdso32.o
    LD arch/x86/vdso/built-in.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/acpi/cstate.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/apic/apic.o
    LD arch/x86/kernel/acpi/built-in.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/cpu/intel_cacheinfo.o
    arch/x86/kernel/apic/apic.c: In function 'lapic_suspend':
    arch/x86/kernel/apic/apic.c:1989:3: warning: statement with no effect
    arch/x86/kernel/apic/apic.c: In function 'lapic_resume':
    arch/x86/kernel/apic/apic.c:2066:3: warning: statement with no effect
    CC arch/x86/kernel/cpu/addon_cpuid_features.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/apic/apic_noop.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/cpu/proc.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/apic/probe_32.o
    MKCAP arch/x86/kernel/cpu/capflags.c
    CC arch/x86/kernel/cpu/powerflags.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/cpu/common.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/apic/ipi.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/apic/nmi.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/cpu/vmware.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/cpu/hypervisor.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/cpu/sched.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/apic/io_apic.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/cpu/bugs.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/cpu/cmpxchg.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/cpu/intel.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/cpu/perf_event.o
    arch/x86/kernel/cpu/perf_event.c:1206:32: warning: 'emptyconstraint' defined but not used
    LD arch/x86/kernel/apic/built-in.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/reboot.o
    LD arch/x86/kernel/cpu/cpufreq/built-in.o
    CC [M] arch/x86/kernel/cpu/cpufreq/speedstep-ich.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/early-quirks.o
    CC [M] arch/x86/kernel/cpu/cpufreq/speedstep-lib.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/smp.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/cpu/mcheck/mce.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/smpboot.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/cpu/mtrr/main.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/cpu/mcheck/mce-severity.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/cpu/mcheck/mce_intel.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/cpu/mtrr/if.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/cpu/mcheck/threshold.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/cpu/mtrr/generic.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/cpu/mcheck/therm_throt.o
    LD arch/x86/kernel/cpu/mcheck/built-in.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/cpu/perfctr-watchdog.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/cpu/mtrr/cleanup.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/cpu/mtrr/amd.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/cpu/mtrr/cyrix.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/cpu/mtrr/centaur.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/tsc_sync.o
    LD arch/x86/kernel/cpu/mtrr/built-in.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/cpu/capflags.o
    LD arch/x86/kernel/cpu/built-in.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/setup_percpu.o
    AS arch/x86/kernel/trampoline_32.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/module.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/doublefault_32.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/vm86_32.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/hpet.o
    AS arch/x86/kernel/head_32.o
    arch/x86/kernel/head_32.S: Assembler messages:
    arch/x86/kernel/head_32.S:64: Warning: shift count out of range (32 is not between 0 and 31)
    CC arch/x86/kernel/head32.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/head.o
    CC arch/x86/kernel/init_task.o
    LDS arch/x86/kernel/
    CC [M] arch/x86/kernel/msr.o
    CC [M] arch/x86/kernel/cpuid.o
    LD arch/x86/kernel/built-in.o
    LD arch/x86/built-in.o
    ==> ERROR: Failed... Your source tree might be broken. Run 'make mrproper' in src/kernel26zen-stable to clean it up
    I know the problem is probably not in built-in.o but somewhere else.
    Of course I ran `make mrproper` in the mentioned directory before I rebuilt over and over again, enabling and disabling several modules, like Mountainjew did in this topic. I even tried to download the complete source tree again, but to no avail.
    Does anyone know if there's currently a problem with one of the kernel modules or with the ZEN sources in general?
    Last edited by Marcel- (2010-08-02 21:50:06)

    Stupid me! I overlooked this error message:
    kernel/softirq.c: In function 'run_ksoftirqd':
    kernel/softirq.c:719:4: error: implicit declaration of function 'rcu_note_context_switch'
    Some searching resulted in a post in the Gentoo forums, saying that CONFIG_BRIDGE_IGMP_SNOOPING is the culprit. I noticed that flag wasn't enabled at all, but two posts below it turned out that using Classic RCU can cause troubles. I switched to Tree RCU and my kernel was built successfully (though this still sounds like a bug to me).

  • How to apply GUI640_PDB files ??

    How to apply GUI640_PDB files ??

    usually you don't need the .pdb-file(s) as they contain symbols, labels etc. for debugging. See note 503115.
    Points always appreciated

  • Flat File as Source in OWB Mapping.

    Hi All,
    Configuration Details is as follows:
    Oracle 9i Warehouse Builder Client:
    Oracle 9i Warehouse Builder Repository:
    Windows XP Professional
    I developed a mapping which involves a flat file as source & Oracle Table as target steps followed were as follows.
    1. Created Flat File module, selected Connector & Location Details.
    2. Done mapping for source file & target table.
    3. Validated & Generated the mappings.
    4. Deployed the mapping in Deployment Manager.
    5. Following was Error Message after execution of the mapping.
    Completion Status: Completed with errors.
    Meesage Log: Starting Execution of VHM_MAP2. Starting Task VHM_MAP2. RPE-01013:SQL Loader reported error condition,number 4. Completing Task VHM_MAP2.
    Following was Control File generated by the above mapping.
    OPTIONS ( ERRORS=50, BINDSIZE=50000, ROWS=200, READSIZE=65536)
    INFILE '{{TEXT_DATA_LOCATION.RootPath}}dept.txt'
    BADFILE '{{TEXT_DATA_LOCATION.RootPath}}dept.bad'
    DISCARDFILE '{{TEXT_DATA_LOCATION.RootPath}}dept.discard'
    "DNAME" CHAR ,
    "LOC" CHAR
    Please note that no message is displayed in Row Activity & output parameters in Deployment Manager.
    I worked on lower version of the OWB & in that version there was no concept of Location, Connector, Deployment Manager.
    Not sure why the above mapping is failing?
    Also I would like to know where can I get more information about the mapping errors which are different from oracle error messages.
    e.g. In above case error message is RPE-01013: SQL Loader reported error condition, number 4 .
    Thanks in Advance.

    I'm using single host implementation OWB10g/Oracle on same host.
    My flat file location is
    Pl tell me if I have to save the same file on any particular location for OWB to read.
    Implementation in OWB10g
    1. Created Flat File module, selected Connector & Location Details.
    2. Done mapping for source file & target table.
    3. Validated & Generated the mappings.
    4. Deployed the mapping in Deployment Manager.
    5. Following was Error Message after execution of the mapping.
    Can not read data from file
    OPTIONS ( ERRORS=50, BINDSIZE=50000, ROWS=200, READSIZE=65536)
    INFILE '{{TEXT_DATA_LOCATION.RootPath}}dept.txt'
    BADFILE '{{TEXT_DATA_LOCATION.RootPath}}dept.bad'
    DISCARDFILE '{{TEXT_DATA_LOCATION.RootPath}}dept.discard'
    "DNAME" CHAR ,
    "LOC" CHAR
    Thx in advance

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