Apply text styles to multiple objects

Hey everyone,
So here's another interface issue I can't seem to resolve.
I've figured out how to save a text's style to be applied later (thanks Qbert), but now how do I apply that style to multiple text items without having to go to each individual item, press the text tab in the inspector, press the style sub-tab, press the style preset drop menu and press the saved preset I want to use. I have 7 project files each with 5-8 text items that need this particular style applied to it and it would be much faster to be able to do this once for each project file rather than have to repeatedly do these 5 steps for each text item. I've already tried highlighting all of the text items I want to apply this style to and there is no way to drag anything into or out of the style sub-menu.
Thanks in advance.

Hey Graham,
Your question got answered on the other thread here.

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  • How to apply different styles to multiple spry accordian panels?

    Hi all,
    I have a website that I'm building that has multiple spry accordian features on it.
    I am trying to apply different styles to each accordian. A problem arises when I try to place an accordian within another accordian.
    I have styled two different background images for two of the accordians for the styles (AccordionPanelTab, AccordionPanelTabHover and AccordionPanelOpen AccordionPanelTabHover) which work fine.
    When I try and place an accordian within another accordian the background image for this accordian for the styles (AccordionPanelTab and AccordionPanelOpen AccordionPanelTabHover) has the different style applyed that I stated in the accordion.css file, however the style (AccordionPanelTabHover) has the same style as the accordian it is within even though in the accordion.css file I stated a different background image.
    I hope all this makes sence below is my source and CSS Code.
    I appriciate any help that can be given to help resolve this issue I am running in too.
    Source Code
    <div id="content">
    <p><span class="first_header_word_packages">Welcome</span> <span class="header_word_packages">to our packages page</span></p>
    <p class="content_txt">Here you can build the website package that matches your business needs as well as being able to work out the cost of your site without having to worry about scary hidden costs at a later date.</p>
    <p class="content_txt"> We have two packages available for our customers;</p>
    <div id="Accordion1" class="Accordion" tabindex="0">
      <div class="AccordionPanel">
        <div class="AccordionPanelTab"></div>
        <div class="AccordionPanelContent">
       <p>Text Goes Here</p>
        <div id="Accordion2" class="Accordion" tabindex="0">
          <div class="AccordionPanel">
        <div class="AccordionPanelTab"></div>
        <div class="AccordionPanelContent">
        <p>Text Goes Here</p>
        </div><!-- end #Accordion2 Content -->
      </div><!-- end #AccordionPanel -->
    </div><!-- end #Accordion2 -->
        </div><!-- end #Accordion1 Content -->
      </div><!-- end #AccordionPanel -->
    </div><!-- end #Accordion1 -->
    <div id="Accordion3" class="Accordion" tabindex="0">
      <div class="AccordionPanel">
        <div class="AccordionPanelTab"></div>
        <div class="AccordionPanelContent">
             <p>Text Goes Here</p>
          <div id="Accordion4" class="Accordion" tabindex="0">
            <div class="AccordionPanel">
        <div class="AccordionPanelTab"></div>
        <div class="AccordionPanelContent">
         <p>Text Goes Here</p>
        </div><!-- end #Accordion4 Content -->
      </div><!-- end #AccordionPanel -->
    </div><!-- end #Accordion4 -->
        </div><!-- end #Accordion3 Content -->
      </div><!-- end #AccordionPanel -->
    </div><!-- end #Accordion3 -->
    </div><!-- end #content -->
    @charset "UTF-8";
    /* SpryAccordion.css - version 0.5 - Spry Pre-Release 1.6.1 */
    /* Copyright (c) 2006. Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. */
    /* This is the selector for the main Accordion container. For our default style,
    * we draw borders on the left, right, and bottom. The top border of the Accordion
    * will be rendered by the first AccordionPanelTab which never moves.
    * If you want to constrain the width of the Accordion widget, set a width on
    * the Accordion container. By default, our accordion expands horizontally to fill
    * up available space.
    * The name of the class ("Accordion") used in this selector is not necessary
    * to make the widget function. You can use any class name you want to style the
    * Accordion container.
    .Accordion {
              border-left: solid 1px gray;
              border-right: solid 1px black;
              border-bottom: solid 1px gray;
              overflow: hidden;
    /* This is the selector for the AccordionPanel container which houses the
    * panel tab and a panel content area. It doesn't render visually, but we
    * make sure that it has zero margin and padding.
    * The name of the class ("AccordionPanel") used in this selector is not necessary
    * to make the widget function. You can use any class name you want to style an
    * accordion panel container.
    .AccordionPanel {
              margin: 0px;
              padding: 0px;
    /* This is the selector for the AccordionPanelTab. This container houses
    * the title for the panel. This is also the container that the user clicks
    * on to open a specific panel.
    * The name of the class ("AccordionPanelTab") used in this selector is not necessary
    * to make the widget function. You can use any class name you want to style an
    * accordion panel tab container.
    * NOTE:
    * This rule uses -moz-user-select and -khtml-user-select properties to prevent the
    * user from selecting the text in the AccordionPanelTab. These are proprietary browser
    * properties that only work in Mozilla based browsers (like FireFox) and KHTML based
    * browsers (like Safari), so they will not pass W3C validation. If you want your documents to
    * validate, and don't care if the user can select the text within an AccordionPanelTab,
    * you can safely remove those properties without affecting the functionality of the widget.
    .AccordionPanelTab {
              background-color: #CCCCCC;
              border-top: solid 1px black;
              border-bottom: solid 1px gray;
              margin: 0px;
              padding: 2px;
              cursor: pointer;
              -moz-user-select: none;
              -khtml-user-select: none;
    /* This is the selector for a Panel's Content area. It's important to note that
    * you should never put any padding on the panel's content area if you plan to
    * use the Accordions panel animations. Placing a non-zero padding on the content
    * area can cause the accordion to abruptly grow in height while the panels animate.
    * Anyone who styles an Accordion *MUST* specify a height on the Accordion Panel
    * Content container.
    * The name of the class ("AccordionPanelContent") used in this selector is not necessary
    * to make the widget function. You can use any class name you want to style an
    * accordion panel content container.
    .AccordionPanelContent {
              overflow: auto;
              margin: 0px;
              padding: 0px;
    /* This is an example of how to change the appearance of the panel tab that is
    * currently open. The class "AccordionPanelOpen" is programatically added and removed
    * from panels as the user clicks on the tabs within the Accordion.
    .AccordionPanelOpen .AccordionPanelTab {
              background-color: #EEEEEE;
    /* This is an example of how to change the appearance of the panel tab as the
    * mouse hovers over it. The class "AccordionPanelTabHover" is programatically added
    * and removed from panel tab containers as the mouse enters and exits the tab container.
    .AccordionPanelTabHover {
              color: #555555;
    .AccordionPanelOpen .AccordionPanelTabHover {
              color: #555555;
    /* This is an example of how to change the appearance of all the panel tabs when the
    * Accordion has focus. The "AccordionFocused" class is programatically added and removed
    * whenever the Accordion gains or loses keyboard focus.
    .AccordionFocused .AccordionPanelTab {
              background-color: #3399FF;
    /* This is an example of how to change the appearance of the panel tab that is
    * currently open when the Accordion has focus.
    .AccordionFocused .AccordionPanelOpen .AccordionPanelTab {
              background-color: #33CCFF;
    /* Rules for Printing */
    @media print {
      .Accordion {
      overflow: visible !important;
      .AccordionPanelContent {
      display: block !important;
      overflow: visible !important;
      height: auto !important;
    #Accordion1  .AccordionPanelTab {
    #Accordion1 .AccordionPanelTabHover,
    #Accordion1 .AccordionPanelOpen .AccordionPanelTabHover {
    #Accordion2  .AccordionPanelTab {
    #Accordion2 .AccordionPanelTabHover,
    #Accordion2 .AccordionPanelOpen .AccordionPanelTabHover {
    #Accordion3  .AccordionPanelTab {
    #Accordion3 .AccordionPanelTabHover,
    #Accordion3 .AccordionPanelOpen .AccordionPanelTabHover {
    #Accordion4  .AccordionPanelTab {
    #Accordion4 .AccordionPanelTabHover,
    #Accordion4 .AccordionPanelOpen .AccordionPanelTabHover {

    Okay guys,
    I figured it out, if anyone was having the same problem as me and looking on this thread for the answer, here it is.
    Firstly if you're wanting to seperatly style two or more Spry Accordions that are not within each other e.g.
    <div id="Accordion1" class="Accordion" tabindex="0">
      <div class="AccordionPanel">
        <div class="AccordionPanelTab">Label 1</div>
        <div class="AccordionPanelContent">
       <p>Content Goes Here </p>
    </div><!-- end #Accordion1 Content -->
      </div><!-- end #Accordion1 .AccordionPanel -->
    </div><!-- end #Accordion1 -->
    <div id="Accordion2" class="Accordion" tabindex="0">
      <div class="AccordionPanel">
        <div class="AccordionPanelTab">Label 1</div>
        <div class="AccordionPanelContent">
       <p>Content Goes Here </p>
    </div><!-- end #Accordion2 Content -->
      </div><!-- end #Accordion2 .AccordionPanel -->
    </div><!-- end #Accordion2 -->
    You don't have to do this, as long as you have seperate ID's for the divs (which dreamweaver automatically does anyway) you'll be fine.
    However if for some reason you want to put one accordion inside another like I did e.g.
    <div id="Accordion1" class="Accordion" tabindex="0">
      <div class="AccordionPanel">
        <div class="AccordionPanelTab">Label 1</div>
        <div class="AccordionPanelContent">
       <p>Content Goes Here </p>
    <div id="Accordion2" class="Accordion" tabindex="0">
      <div class="AccordionPanel">
        <div class="AccordionPanelTab">Label 1</div>
        <div class="AccordionPanelContent">
       <p>Content Goes Here </p>
    </div><!-- end #Accordion2 Content -->
      </div><!-- end #Accordion2 .AccordionPanel -->
    </div><!-- end #Accordion2 -->
    </div><!-- end #Accordion1 Content -->
      </div><!-- end #Accordion1 .AccordionPanel -->
    </div><!-- end #Accordion1 -->
    Too style Accordian 1 & 2 so their tabs both have different backgrounds and Hover background when the content panel is open and closed you have to style it in the CSS they following way;
    #Accordion1  .AccordionPanelTab {
    #Accordion1 .AccordionPanelTabHover,
    #Accordion1 .AccordionPanelOpen .AccordionPanelTabHover {
    #Accordion2  .AccordionPanelTab {
    #Accordion2 .AccordionPanelClosed .AccordionPanelTabHover,
    #Accordion2 .AccordionPanelOpen .AccordionPanelTabHover {
    Normally when styling two seperate spry accordions you can just use the following code
    #Accordion1  .AccordionPanelTab {
    #Accordion1 .AccordionPanelTabHover,
    #Accordion1 .AccordionPanelOpen .AccordionPanelTabHover {
    The only difference with styling a Spry accordion within another to ensure they have different hover backgrounds when the content panel is open and closed is ".AccordionPanelClosed".
    Hope this helped anyone who was having the same issue I was.

  • How to apply different styles to multiple spry collapsible panels?

    Hello every.
    I would really appreciate some help with this problem I am coming up against.
    I am creating a website which has multiple Spry collapsible panels in it. I applied the styles I wanted for the first Spry collapsible panel I did in the styles panel with no problems what so ever.
    However when I go to apply the styles I want for my second and every other Spry collapsible panel, when I applied the style I wanted it changed the first panel I did. I’ve tried giving all my collapsible panels different Div ID’s but no luck. I just can’t seem to apply different styles to each of my collapsible panels.
    Can someone please advise me how to do this?
    Thank you in advance for your help.
    Kind regards

    I've figured the most of it out.
    By giving the Spry Collapsible Panel that you want to style differently a separate ID and class and then duplicating the original Spry Collapsible Panel style in the CSS style panel on the right and renaming them the same name as the panel you want to style differently it will allow you to style it differently to all the other panels apart from the Hover.
    I've tried everything! Below is the code I'm using for the two Collapsible Panels I want to style Differently.
    I only want to have different Tab backgrounds and Hover backgrounds
    1st Spry CollapsiblePanel
    <div id="CollapsiblePanel1" class="CollapsiblePanel">
        <div class="CollapsiblePanelTab" tabindex="0">Tab</div>
        <div class="CollapsiblePanelContent">Content</div>
    CSS Style
    .CollapsiblePanelTabHover, .CollapsiblePanelOpen .CollapsiblePanelTabHover
    2nd Spry CollapsiblePanel
    <div id="CollapsiblePanel2" class="CollapsiblePanel2">
      <div class="CollapsiblePanel2Tab" tabindex="0">Tab</div>
      <div class="CollapsiblePanel2Content">Content</div>
    .CollapsiblePanel2TabHover, .CollapsiblePanelOpen .CollapsiblePanel2TabHover
    As I said the Tab works both I have two seperate background images for the Tabs but I can only seem to have one background for the hover.
    Has anyone any ideas on how to get around this?
    Kind regards

  • Applying filter settings to multiple objects

    Is it possible like in Microsoft Word, Excel et al using the
    'paint' icon to apply formatting settings to other objects? In
    Fireworks case, filter settings like drop shadow, angle etc..

    Hi Adobe,
    > Is it possible like in Microsoft Word, Excel et al using
    the 'paint' icon
    > to apply formatting settings to other objects? In
    Fireworks case, filter
    > settings like drop shadow, angle etc.. ?
    Yup! Apply what you want to one object, then copy the object,
    shift+ctrl+alt+v the other objects to paste attributes (or

  • How do I apply CSS style to multiple topic files?

    I'm using RH9 for help projects originally created with RoboHelp X5. When I generate .chm, roughly half of the pages lose their .css styles (font changes, background color disappears etc.). This can be cured by opening the topic in RH via Project Manager, then right-clicking and selecting "Properties". In the Appearance tab I re-select necessary Style Sheet (although it is already selected - I select some other one and then back the one I need, then 'Apply' button becomes active), and click OK. After that I save the topic and regenerate .chm. Only after that the topic looks good in the .chm. The problem is that this procedure needs to be applied to every single topic file that is displayed incorrectly. If I don't open the topic before I click 'Properties' and save it after, it doesnt't work. If I select multiple topics in the Topic List view and click 'Properties, it doesn't work either. I have several thousand topics in the project and I can't say which ones need to be repaired before I build .chms.
    Is there a faster solution to this problem than processing all files manually?

    Perhaps check the code for a problem topic (outside Robohelp) and see if the stylesheet reference has type="text/css". If not, you could try running a search and replace to add that to the link reference. Not sure if this occurs in RH9, but not hard to check.
    old: <link rel="StyleSheet" href="styles.css" type="" />
    new: <link rel="StyleSheet" href="styles.css" type="text/css" />
    Fonts and Style Changes in Generated Help

  • How do I copy and paste text style for multiple video tracks?

    I am creating multiple video tracks with text.  I want to easily copy and paste the style, i.e., Font, Color, Size - rather than having to scroll down the giant list of fonts to find the one I want, then change the color, then change the size - each and every time.  This is arduous.
    I tried copy / paste of one text onto a new video track, but when I type in a different word, it alters the original.
    I have 9 tracks of video for 9 different texts that will pop in and out of my video.  I would like to be able to copy/paste then just change the text.  This would save me a huge amount of time.

    I know of no way to alphabetized the Adobe Styles that come with the program.
    If you had the time and the inclination, you could rename them all to force them to appear alphabetically, but that does not seem all that practical.
    But, if your interest is in the Styles that you save and you do not hit the Reset File List, the new Styles will be at the bottom of the list and you can name them so that they appear that alphabetically at the bottom of the whole Styles list. But that does not address the matter of you having to scroll to the bottom of the Styles list.
    In some instances, some things that you think that you cannot do in Premiere Elements obvious features, can be done by computer keyboard shortcuts. I check the keyboard shortcuts under the Edit Menu/Keyboard Customization and unfortuately did not find any that would be applicable to this situation.
    As for your changes in one text file popping up unwantedly in another text file, that is because you have text files with the same name. Look into creating duplicates (with different file names) in Project Assets at the onset.

  • Applying shape styles to multiple shapes or paint strokes...

    Is it possible to apply a shape style (such as "Hard Chalk") so multiple shapes or strokes at once?
    Dragging and dropping onto one line at a time until the drawing is completely made up of chalk strokes is quite tedious...
    Alternatively, perhaps there is a way to combine paint strokes...grouping is OK, but you can't drop a shape style onto a it doesn't help here.
    any thoughts?

    Hi Daniel,
    If you need to use the master page for multiple site collections, then you’d better to choose the option 2 or options 3, as you do not need to make copies of the CSS or JS files and re-upload them to each site collection.
    And per my knowledge, option 3 is better. Because the CSS or JS files are stored at the local system of SharePoint server in option 3, it is faster than referring a file which is stored in database in option 2.
    Generally, it depends based on your situation as you don’t like option 3 when the CSS or JS files are not accessible in SPD.
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Victoria Xia
    TechNet Community Support

  • Applying common styles to multiple HNCS: What is the best practice?

    Hi Community
    Adhering to best practices, we have built a SharePoint 2013 intranet with multiple Host Named Site Collections all accessible via HTTPs, for example   -  Landing Page
    We have noticed issues with the home page on each site having an affect on the Meta Data Navigation Menu so thought it was time we reviewed our references.
    Ok, we want to have a common master page and CSS, JavaScript, Fonts etc throughout the intranet.  So what is the best way of implementing this
    and what is a candidate provision strategy say from Dev
    My thoughts are copy a common custom master page to each Master Page Gallery but with options as to how we reference external files
    Option 1:  replicate on each of the HNSCs:
    Local copies of CSS, JS  etc  in  •   /siteAssets/  and or,  •   /Style Library/syles.css Or 
    Option 2:  explicit reference to the styles held on the home site   collection
    The master page might have common reference to
    Option 3: use the _layouts file structure  - not my favourite as not accessible in SPD 2013 or using sp2013 built in document management
    Use the hive and not the content database structure.  Hence, all master pages would have references similar to: •   _layouts/15/styles/mystyles.css •   _layouts/15/images/client/home.jpg
    Would be interested to hear you thoughts as clearly there is more that one way to achieve styles nirvana!
    Freelance consultant

    Hi Daniel,
    If you need to use the master page for multiple site collections, then you’d better to choose the option 2 or options 3, as you do not need to make copies of the CSS or JS files and re-upload them to each site collection.
    And per my knowledge, option 3 is better. Because the CSS or JS files are stored at the local system of SharePoint server in option 3, it is faster than referring a file which is stored in database in option 2.
    Generally, it depends based on your situation as you don’t like option 3 when the CSS or JS files are not accessible in SPD.
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Victoria Xia
    TechNet Community Support

  • How do i apply one gradient across multiple live paint objects??

    I need to apply a single gradient acros a number of live paint objects but am finding it annoyingly hard to find a way.  I know that normally, to apply a gradient across multiple objects, you would need to make them all into one compound path but does this apply to live paint groups in any way??  Can what i need to achieve actually be done??
    Thanks for any help given 

    1. With the Live Paint selection tool, shift-select those shapes you want to unify with a gradient.
    2. Fill this (multi-shape) selection with your gradient. Now each shape is filled separately.
    3. With the gradient tool, drag across all of the selected shapes.
    "Annoyingly hard." Is that different than "hard"?

  • Change text size in multiple titles

    To me, iMovie's most glaring weaknesses seem to fall under its text handling abilities, despite all the glitzy swoopy things you can do.
    I have several screens of rolling titles in a project and last night I decided to change the text size. It's impossible! No, you can change it, but how do you get them all the same size when iMovie doesn't give you any exact type sizes, just that stupid slider? The only way I've been able to do it so far is trial and error, and it's faster to simply recreate the titles than do that, there's so much error involved.
    So I thought maybe there's a way of applying a style to multiple there?

    I can't speak for the old iMovie 4, but it works on iMovie 6 is you shift-select all the ones you want to change, and then apply the change.
    I tried all the multiple selection things I could think of, but the problem is that iMovie 4, when you select a title, also selects the text. So even if you could apply a change to all the title clips, you would be applying the same text to each one - not gtreat. But so far I haven't been able to effect changes to multiple titles this way so they must have changed it in the later version.
    What with the new bug I discovered yesterday (the audio track and the video track's visual sync is off after seven minutes, even though the two are in sync to the ear - in this case, they are FOUR friggin' seconds off! The visual representation of the audio track is ahead of where the sound is at that point even though the audio and video tracks end at the same time visually. Yeesh!) I'm thinking I need to try to find an old copy of Final Cut somewhere, one that will run on my machine. I got my iLife off Craigslist, a must for people like me with virtually no disposable income. Then again, I don't know squat about Final Cut. I just know that what's available on the Mac for video editing on the lowest spectrum really seems to be less than usable for my purposes.

  • Gradient Annotator across multiple objects - weirdness

    I have six rectangles in a row. I apply a radial gradient to them as a whole, by dragging the Gradient Tool. According to the documentation for CS4, that's what you do if you want only one Gradient Annotator across multiple objects. Problem is, I can see the Annotator, but not the color stops. If I deselect all, and select only one rectangle, I can see and move the stops, but it only effects the selected shape. Further, if I group the objects, the Annotator doesn't appear at all, and when I UNgroup, I get six Annotators.
    None of these examples behave as I think they should. Yes, I have "Show Gradient Annotator" on in the View menu. I've worked with the Annotator a fair amount, but it's always seemed buggy.
    What I want to do is apply the gradient across multiple objects, as in example 1, then edit it across multiple objects. Is that so hard?

    It is still not actually one gradient and you do see actually the 
    annotator with four elements one for each object but if you change the 
    fills you can see them with the annotator which the originally says 
    they cannot see, which is true unless you hover the cursor or one of 
    the annotator you only have to change the fill in one o change them all
    in a relative manner.
    The compound path method will adjust the gradient by stretching the 
    annotator or actually the gradient and that might be desired on many 
    the only difference between prior versions is that you can adjust the 
    markers at the target object or group and you have more directional 
    control as well even if the annotator is a bit ugly and unwieldy.
    In order to see four annotators one seems to have either unselect the 
    object then select them again and the gradient tool or find some kind 
    of sweet spot to make them show up with the markers as you hover.
    Still no gradient that follows the path and no radar gradient.

  • How to apply style to multiple links?

    I'm a newbie here, so maybe this is a simplistic question.  I am having trouble applying a color style to multiple links on a webpage at the same time.  I have a page setup with a layout similar to the Drudge Report, which posts href links separated by horizontal rule lines.  I want to apply a color style to these links, but I'm finding I have to select each link individually in design mode to apply the style.  When I select multiple links in design mode, the color doesn't apply to the text.  It's time consuming to select each link individually.  I can do this easily in Microsoft Visual Web.  How can I do it in Dreamweaver?

    The best way is to put all related links into a division. 
    Let's say you want to have red links in your #header and white links in your #footer which has a black background.
    CSS, set up two sets of link styles:
    #header a {text-decoration:none}
    #header a:link {color:red}     /**unvisited**/
    #header a:visited {color:gray} /**visited**/
    #header a:hover,               /**on mouse over**/
    #header a:active,              /**on click**/
    #header a:focus                /**on tab key**/
    #footer {background: #000;}
    #footer a {text-decoration:none}
    #footer a:link {color:white}
    #footer a:visited {color:yellow}
    #footer a:hover,
    #footer a:active,
    #footer a:focus 
    <div id="header">
    <a href="some-link.html">Link in the header</a> |
    <a href="some-link.html">Link in the header</a> |
    <a href="some-link.html">Link in the header</a> |
    <div  id="footer">
    <a href="some-link.html">Footer link</a> |
    <a href="some-link.html">Footer link</a> |
    <a href="some-link.html">Footer link</a> |
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

  • Applying object style to all objects in a project?

    In Cp4, it was possible to change the style of an object and then apply those changes throughout the entire project.
    How is this accomplished in Cp5?
    I have set up a default style for captions but it seems like I can only change the style of individual captions (one at a time) in the properties of each caption.
    Is there a hidden "apply to all" feature in Cp5?
    Thank you

    Hello Lilybiri,
    I really tried to follow your example but it simply did not work for me.
    >Supposing  I already have a lot of Text Captions and decide to change their style,  which can include font,
    >caption style, alignment, colors....
    >All  Text Captions up to that moment did use the Default Caption Style as it  was set in
    >the Object Style Manager...
    >If you want to change object styles for future projects you  have to set them in the
    >Object Style Manager without any project opened.
    This is problem one. I have one standard caption style for all my courses. I have changed the default in the Object Style Manager with and without a project opened. The change simply doesn't stick! Additionally, I have exported a new style to a .cps.
    Let me pick through your instructions:
    1. First, I open a project.
    2. I open the Object Style Manager and notice that the default caption style is back to the original Adobe default (Adobe blue).
    3. I import my new caption style. The style is called NewTextCaptionStyle.
    4. On the first slide, I select the first text caption (in Adobe Blue).
    >I then change one Text Caption  to  the new style and a + sign appears next to the
    >Default Caption Style as you can see in the screenshot.
    How do you come to that?  The moment I go to the first slide and select the first text caption, it already shows: "+[Default Caption Style]" I have not changed the caption style yet. If I select my desired caption style (NewTextCaptionStyle) from the pull down menu, there is no "+" symbol. I cannot follow this step.
    In an attempt to interpret your instructions, I went back to the Object Style Manager and changed the default caption style to what I need.
    Okay, now the [Default Caption Style] is exactly what I require.
    Back at the first slide, I select the first caption (which is still Adobe Blue). Now, I can follow your first step.
    >There are 2 quick ways to proceed now:
    >1. If  you will not use the original Default Caption Style anymore in this  project (it will have no consequences
    >for other projects), use the Save  icon (yellow highlighted) to save the changes and have a new
    >Default  Caption Style that will automatically be applied to all Text Captions  that are already created and
    >new Text Captions will get the same style  too.
    I will follow your first method.
    1. I select the Save icon. [Save Changes to Existing Style]
    ... it doesn't work. ????
    I wonder... the project that I am working with were converted from Cp4 recordings. I wonder if that is causing my grief?

  • Find.text Then apply Paragraph.Style

    Hi Everyone,
    Is that possible we find the text then apply the paragraph style every find text.
    We find [CN] then apply paragraph style "Chap_Num", Find next  [CT] apply PS "Chap_TTL" Find next [COX1] apply PS "Chap_Para".
    Any trick find and apply para style one time.
    Thank you! I appreciate your help and explanation Adv.

    @s_ashok – you'll find the right methods and properties in the CHM file for InDesign CS2 at:
    Just a few hints:
    InDesign CS2 does not support GREP search/replace, so every line in your code that points to GREP does not work.
    Further: "app.findTextPreferences" and "app.changeTextPreferences" were "app.findPreferences" and "app.changePreferences" in InDesign CS2. And then there were no "findChangeTextOptions" or any counterpart for that in CS2…
    That should get you running…
    I have no InDesign CS2 installed to debug, so this is all I can say…

  • Best way to apply simple CSS text styles?

    Merry Christmas all!
    I'm about to apply pre-defined CSS text styles to about 200
    individual pages.
    Most of the text will be 'Body'.
    As all of my pages are children, based in an editable region
    in a cell of a table in my template page, am I safe to apply this
    'Body' style to the whole cell at template level?
    I will then overwrite individual bits of the pages with other
    styles e.g 'Headline'.
    OR, do I need to apply the CSS styles only to which text it
    will apply to for each individual page? I.e. will I run into
    trouble if I apply a CSS style to all text and then overwrite
    certain parts?
    Any advice most appreciated!

    In your template you could apply a style in the non-editable
    region. This style will apply to all content within that container.
    Say, you specify color:#333 and font-weight:bold
    In a specific webpage, in the editable region you could apply
    a different style to all or some content say color:#FFF . This
    would over rule the color:#333 but the font-weight:bold would stay
    unless you specifically define this property as something else.
    Incase you're still not sure, backup your work, experiment
    with one set and if things get out of control, you still have the
    backup copy.

Maybe you are looking for

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