How to apply different styles to multiple spry accordian panels?

Hi all,
I have a website that I'm building that has multiple spry accordian features on it.
I am trying to apply different styles to each accordian. A problem arises when I try to place an accordian within another accordian.
I have styled two different background images for two of the accordians for the styles (AccordionPanelTab, AccordionPanelTabHover and AccordionPanelOpen AccordionPanelTabHover) which work fine.
When I try and place an accordian within another accordian the background image for this accordian for the styles (AccordionPanelTab and AccordionPanelOpen AccordionPanelTabHover) has the different style applyed that I stated in the accordion.css file, however the style (AccordionPanelTabHover) has the same style as the accordian it is within even though in the accordion.css file I stated a different background image.
I hope all this makes sence below is my source and CSS Code.
I appriciate any help that can be given to help resolve this issue I am running in too.
Source Code
<div id="content">
<p><span class="first_header_word_packages">Welcome</span> <span class="header_word_packages">to our packages page</span></p>
<p class="content_txt">Here you can build the website package that matches your business needs as well as being able to work out the cost of your site without having to worry about scary hidden costs at a later date.</p>
<p class="content_txt"> We have two packages available for our customers;</p>
<div id="Accordion1" class="Accordion" tabindex="0">
  <div class="AccordionPanel">
    <div class="AccordionPanelTab"></div>
    <div class="AccordionPanelContent">
   <p>Text Goes Here</p>
    <div id="Accordion2" class="Accordion" tabindex="0">
      <div class="AccordionPanel">
    <div class="AccordionPanelTab"></div>
    <div class="AccordionPanelContent">
    <p>Text Goes Here</p>
    </div><!-- end #Accordion2 Content -->
  </div><!-- end #AccordionPanel -->
</div><!-- end #Accordion2 -->
    </div><!-- end #Accordion1 Content -->
  </div><!-- end #AccordionPanel -->
</div><!-- end #Accordion1 -->
<div id="Accordion3" class="Accordion" tabindex="0">
  <div class="AccordionPanel">
    <div class="AccordionPanelTab"></div>
    <div class="AccordionPanelContent">
         <p>Text Goes Here</p>
      <div id="Accordion4" class="Accordion" tabindex="0">
        <div class="AccordionPanel">
    <div class="AccordionPanelTab"></div>
    <div class="AccordionPanelContent">
     <p>Text Goes Here</p>
    </div><!-- end #Accordion4 Content -->
  </div><!-- end #AccordionPanel -->
</div><!-- end #Accordion4 -->
    </div><!-- end #Accordion3 Content -->
  </div><!-- end #AccordionPanel -->
</div><!-- end #Accordion3 -->
</div><!-- end #content -->
@charset "UTF-8";
/* SpryAccordion.css - version 0.5 - Spry Pre-Release 1.6.1 */
/* Copyright (c) 2006. Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. */
/* This is the selector for the main Accordion container. For our default style,
* we draw borders on the left, right, and bottom. The top border of the Accordion
* will be rendered by the first AccordionPanelTab which never moves.
* If you want to constrain the width of the Accordion widget, set a width on
* the Accordion container. By default, our accordion expands horizontally to fill
* up available space.
* The name of the class ("Accordion") used in this selector is not necessary
* to make the widget function. You can use any class name you want to style the
* Accordion container.
.Accordion {
          border-left: solid 1px gray;
          border-right: solid 1px black;
          border-bottom: solid 1px gray;
          overflow: hidden;
/* This is the selector for the AccordionPanel container which houses the
* panel tab and a panel content area. It doesn't render visually, but we
* make sure that it has zero margin and padding.
* The name of the class ("AccordionPanel") used in this selector is not necessary
* to make the widget function. You can use any class name you want to style an
* accordion panel container.
.AccordionPanel {
          margin: 0px;
          padding: 0px;
/* This is the selector for the AccordionPanelTab. This container houses
* the title for the panel. This is also the container that the user clicks
* on to open a specific panel.
* The name of the class ("AccordionPanelTab") used in this selector is not necessary
* to make the widget function. You can use any class name you want to style an
* accordion panel tab container.
* This rule uses -moz-user-select and -khtml-user-select properties to prevent the
* user from selecting the text in the AccordionPanelTab. These are proprietary browser
* properties that only work in Mozilla based browsers (like FireFox) and KHTML based
* browsers (like Safari), so they will not pass W3C validation. If you want your documents to
* validate, and don't care if the user can select the text within an AccordionPanelTab,
* you can safely remove those properties without affecting the functionality of the widget.
.AccordionPanelTab {
          background-color: #CCCCCC;
          border-top: solid 1px black;
          border-bottom: solid 1px gray;
          margin: 0px;
          padding: 2px;
          cursor: pointer;
          -moz-user-select: none;
          -khtml-user-select: none;
/* This is the selector for a Panel's Content area. It's important to note that
* you should never put any padding on the panel's content area if you plan to
* use the Accordions panel animations. Placing a non-zero padding on the content
* area can cause the accordion to abruptly grow in height while the panels animate.
* Anyone who styles an Accordion *MUST* specify a height on the Accordion Panel
* Content container.
* The name of the class ("AccordionPanelContent") used in this selector is not necessary
* to make the widget function. You can use any class name you want to style an
* accordion panel content container.
.AccordionPanelContent {
          overflow: auto;
          margin: 0px;
          padding: 0px;
/* This is an example of how to change the appearance of the panel tab that is
* currently open. The class "AccordionPanelOpen" is programatically added and removed
* from panels as the user clicks on the tabs within the Accordion.
.AccordionPanelOpen .AccordionPanelTab {
          background-color: #EEEEEE;
/* This is an example of how to change the appearance of the panel tab as the
* mouse hovers over it. The class "AccordionPanelTabHover" is programatically added
* and removed from panel tab containers as the mouse enters and exits the tab container.
.AccordionPanelTabHover {
          color: #555555;
.AccordionPanelOpen .AccordionPanelTabHover {
          color: #555555;
/* This is an example of how to change the appearance of all the panel tabs when the
* Accordion has focus. The "AccordionFocused" class is programatically added and removed
* whenever the Accordion gains or loses keyboard focus.
.AccordionFocused .AccordionPanelTab {
          background-color: #3399FF;
/* This is an example of how to change the appearance of the panel tab that is
* currently open when the Accordion has focus.
.AccordionFocused .AccordionPanelOpen .AccordionPanelTab {
          background-color: #33CCFF;
/* Rules for Printing */
@media print {
  .Accordion {
  overflow: visible !important;
  .AccordionPanelContent {
  display: block !important;
  overflow: visible !important;
  height: auto !important;
#Accordion1  .AccordionPanelTab {
#Accordion1 .AccordionPanelTabHover,
#Accordion1 .AccordionPanelOpen .AccordionPanelTabHover {
#Accordion2  .AccordionPanelTab {
#Accordion2 .AccordionPanelTabHover,
#Accordion2 .AccordionPanelOpen .AccordionPanelTabHover {
#Accordion3  .AccordionPanelTab {
#Accordion3 .AccordionPanelTabHover,
#Accordion3 .AccordionPanelOpen .AccordionPanelTabHover {
#Accordion4  .AccordionPanelTab {
#Accordion4 .AccordionPanelTabHover,
#Accordion4 .AccordionPanelOpen .AccordionPanelTabHover {

Okay guys,
I figured it out, if anyone was having the same problem as me and looking on this thread for the answer, here it is.
Firstly if you're wanting to seperatly style two or more Spry Accordions that are not within each other e.g.
<div id="Accordion1" class="Accordion" tabindex="0">
  <div class="AccordionPanel">
    <div class="AccordionPanelTab">Label 1</div>
    <div class="AccordionPanelContent">
   <p>Content Goes Here </p>
</div><!-- end #Accordion1 Content -->
  </div><!-- end #Accordion1 .AccordionPanel -->
</div><!-- end #Accordion1 -->
<div id="Accordion2" class="Accordion" tabindex="0">
  <div class="AccordionPanel">
    <div class="AccordionPanelTab">Label 1</div>
    <div class="AccordionPanelContent">
   <p>Content Goes Here </p>
</div><!-- end #Accordion2 Content -->
  </div><!-- end #Accordion2 .AccordionPanel -->
</div><!-- end #Accordion2 -->
You don't have to do this, as long as you have seperate ID's for the divs (which dreamweaver automatically does anyway) you'll be fine.
However if for some reason you want to put one accordion inside another like I did e.g.
<div id="Accordion1" class="Accordion" tabindex="0">
  <div class="AccordionPanel">
    <div class="AccordionPanelTab">Label 1</div>
    <div class="AccordionPanelContent">
   <p>Content Goes Here </p>
<div id="Accordion2" class="Accordion" tabindex="0">
  <div class="AccordionPanel">
    <div class="AccordionPanelTab">Label 1</div>
    <div class="AccordionPanelContent">
   <p>Content Goes Here </p>
</div><!-- end #Accordion2 Content -->
  </div><!-- end #Accordion2 .AccordionPanel -->
</div><!-- end #Accordion2 -->
</div><!-- end #Accordion1 Content -->
  </div><!-- end #Accordion1 .AccordionPanel -->
</div><!-- end #Accordion1 -->
Too style Accordian 1 & 2 so their tabs both have different backgrounds and Hover background when the content panel is open and closed you have to style it in the CSS they following way;
#Accordion1  .AccordionPanelTab {
#Accordion1 .AccordionPanelTabHover,
#Accordion1 .AccordionPanelOpen .AccordionPanelTabHover {
#Accordion2  .AccordionPanelTab {
#Accordion2 .AccordionPanelClosed .AccordionPanelTabHover,
#Accordion2 .AccordionPanelOpen .AccordionPanelTabHover {
Normally when styling two seperate spry accordions you can just use the following code
#Accordion1  .AccordionPanelTab {
#Accordion1 .AccordionPanelTabHover,
#Accordion1 .AccordionPanelOpen .AccordionPanelTabHover {
The only difference with styling a Spry accordion within another to ensure they have different hover backgrounds when the content panel is open and closed is ".AccordionPanelClosed".
Hope this helped anyone who was having the same issue I was.

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    1st Spry CollapsiblePanel
    <div id="CollapsiblePanel1" class="CollapsiblePanel">
        <div class="CollapsiblePanelTab" tabindex="0">Tab</div>
        <div class="CollapsiblePanelContent">Content</div>
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      <div class="CollapsiblePanel2Tab" tabindex="0">Tab</div>
      <div class="CollapsiblePanel2Content">Content</div>
    .CollapsiblePanel2TabHover, .CollapsiblePanelOpen .CollapsiblePanel2TabHover
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    Kind regards

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    mitchgart wrote:
    BalusC wrote:
    How to achieve a cell-specific style is already answered in my 1st reply of this topic.That tells how to apply a style to the text (or other content) inside a cell but not how to apply a style to the <td> as a whole. It would work for something like text font or text color but not cell border.
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    Hey Graham,
    Your question got answered on the other thread here.

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    Try the below js code.
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        myDoc.xmlElements[0].xmlElements.add({markupTag:"TEST", xmlContent:mySel});
    var myDocument = app.activeDocument;
    app.findGrepPreferences.appliedParagraphStyle = "test";
    app.findGrepPreferences.findWhat = ".+(?=\\r)"
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        myDocument.xmlElements[0].xmlElements.add({markupTag:"TEST", xmlContent:mySearch[a]});

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    check the below program.
    REPORT zalv_dropdowns.
    *Type pools declarations for ALV
    TYPE-POOLS : slis.
    *data declarations for ALV container,ALV grid, Fieldcatalogues & layout
    DATA: g_grid  TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_grid,
          g_custom_container TYPE REF TO cl_gui_custom_container,
          gt_fieldcat TYPE lvc_t_fcat,
          gs_layout TYPE lvc_s_layo.*INTERNAL TABLE AND WA DECLARATIONS FOR t517 A table
          wa_outtab TYPE t517a.
      CALL SCREEN 600.*On this statement double click  it takes you to the screen painter SE51.
    *Create a Custom container and name it CCONT and OK code as OK_CODE.
    *Save check and Activate the screen painter.
    *Now a normal screen with number 600 is created which holds the ALV grid.
    PBO of the actual screen , Here we can give a title and customized menus
    Here we also call the subroutine for ALV output.
          MODULE PBO OUTPUT                                             *
      PERFORM alv_output.
    ENDMODULE.                    "pbo OUTPUT
          MODULE PAI INPUT                                              *
    ENDMODULE.                    "pai INPUT
    *&      Form  BUILD_FIELDCAT
    FORM build_fieldcat.
    DATA ls_fcat TYPE lvc_s_fcat.
    *Build the field catalogue
          i_structure_name = 'T517A'
          ct_fieldcat      = gt_fieldcat.
    To assign dropdown in the fieldcataogue
      LOOP AT gt_fieldcat INTO ls_fcat.   
    CASE ls_fcat-fieldname.
       WHEN 'SLART'.
    *is the first list box
            ls_fcat-drdn_hndl = '1'.
            ls_fcat-outputlen = 15.
            MODIFY gt_fieldcat FROM ls_fcat.
    is the second list box    
    WHEN 'ABART'.       
            ls_fcat-drdn_hndl = '2'.
            ls_fcat-outputlen = 15.
            MODIFY gt_fieldcat FROM ls_fcat.   
    ENDFORM.                    "build_fieldcat
    *&      Form  ALV_OUTPUT
    FORM alv_output .*Create object for container
      CREATE OBJECT g_custom_container
             EXPORTING container_name = 'CCONT'.
    *create object for grid
      CREATE OBJECT g_grid
             EXPORTING i_parent = g_custom_container.
    Build fieldcat and set column
    *Assign a handle for the dropdown listbox.
      PERFORM build_fieldcat.
    *Build layout
      PERFORM build_layout.
    Define a drop down table.
      PERFORM dropdown_table.
    *fetch values from the T517A table
      SELECT * FROM t517a INTO TABLE gt_outtab.
    *Display ALV output
      CALL METHOD g_grid->set_table_for_first_display
          is_layout       = gs_layout
          it_fieldcatalog = gt_fieldcat
          it_outtab       = gt_outtab.ENDFORM.                               "ALV_OUTPUT
    *&      Form  dropdown_table
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM dropdown_table.*Declarations for drop down lists in ALV.
      DATA: lt_dropdown TYPE lvc_t_drop,
            ls_dropdown TYPE lvc_s_drop.
    First SLART listbox (handle '1').
      ls_dropdown-handle = '1'.
      ls_dropdown-value = '01 Primary school'.
      APPEND ls_dropdown TO lt_dropdown.  ls_dropdown-handle = '1'.
      ls_dropdown-value = '02 Lower Secondary'.
      APPEND ls_dropdown TO lt_dropdown.  ls_dropdown-handle = '1'.
      ls_dropdown-value = '03 Upper Secondary'.
      APPEND ls_dropdown TO lt_dropdown.
      ls_dropdown-handle = '1'.
      ls_dropdown-value = '04 Professional School'.
      APPEND ls_dropdown TO lt_dropdown.
      ls_dropdown-handle = '1'.
      ls_dropdown-value = '05 College'.
      APPEND ls_dropdown TO lt_dropdown.
      ls_dropdown-handle = '1'.
      ls_dropdown-value = '06 University'.
      APPEND ls_dropdown TO lt_dropdown.
      ls_dropdown-handle = '1'.
      ls_dropdown-value = '09 Other Establishment'.
      APPEND ls_dropdown TO lt_dropdown.* Second ABART listbox (handle '2').  ls_dropdown-handle = '2'.
      ls_dropdown-value = '10 Primary School certificate'.
      APPEND ls_dropdown TO lt_dropdown.
      ls_dropdown-handle = '2'.
      ls_dropdown-value = '20 Lower secondary/Junior high'.
      APPEND ls_dropdown TO lt_dropdown.  ls_dropdown-handle = '2'.
      ls_dropdown-value = '30 High school diploma(B-levels)'.
      APPEND ls_dropdown TO lt_dropdown.
      ls_dropdown-handle = '2'.
      ls_dropdown-value = '31 Vocational'.
      APPEND ls_dropdown TO lt_dropdown.  ls_dropdown-handle = '2'.
      ls_dropdown-value = '32 Matriculation'.
      APPEND ls_dropdown TO lt_dropdown.  ls_dropdown-handle = '2'.
      ls_dropdown-value = '40 Specialist vocational certificate'.
      APPEND ls_dropdown TO lt_dropdown.  ls_dropdown-handle = '2'.
      ls_dropdown-value = '50 College degree Level1'.
      APPEND ls_dropdown TO lt_dropdown.  ls_dropdown-handle = '2'.
      ls_dropdown-value = '51 College degree Level2'.
      APPEND ls_dropdown TO lt_dropdown.  ls_dropdown-handle = '2'.
      ls_dropdown-value = '52 Masters degree'.
      APPEND ls_dropdown TO lt_dropdown.  ls_dropdown-handle = '2'.
      ls_dropdown-value = '60 Univ Degree level1'.
      APPEND ls_dropdown TO lt_dropdown.  ls_dropdown-handle = '2'.
      ls_dropdown-value = '61 Bachelors degree'.
      APPEND ls_dropdown TO lt_dropdown.  ls_dropdown-handle = '2'.
      ls_dropdown-value = '62 Masters degree'.
      APPEND ls_dropdown TO lt_dropdown.  ls_dropdown-handle = '2'.
      ls_dropdown-value = '63 Licenciate'.
      APPEND ls_dropdown TO lt_dropdown.  ls_dropdown-handle = '2'.
      ls_dropdown-value = '64 Doctors Degree Ph.D'.
      APPEND ls_dropdown TO lt_dropdown.  ls_dropdown-handle = '2'.
      ls_dropdown-value = '89 None'.
      APPEND ls_dropdown TO lt_dropdown.  ls_dropdown-handle = '2'.
      ls_dropdown-value = '90 Unknown'.
      APPEND ls_dropdown TO lt_dropdown.*method to display the dropdown in ALV
      CALL METHOD g_grid->set_drop_down_table
          it_drop_down = lt_dropdown.ENDFORM.                               " dropdown_table
    *&      Form  build_layout
    *layout for ALV output
    FORM build_layout .  gs_layout-cwidth_opt = 'X'.
      gs_layout-grid_title = 'ALV DROPDOWN LISTS'.
      gs_layout-no_toolbar = 'X'.ENDFORM.                    " build_layout
    Edited by: S.r.v.r.Kumar on Jun 1, 2009 2:48 PM

  • Applying different style sheets

    I'm not sure if this is possible, but I would like to apply
    different style sheets to different outputs.
    For example: (Both outputs use the same data)
    Output to PDF = Style Sheet 1
    Output to WebHelp = Style Sheet 2
    Is there an easy way to do this?

    It would be lovely to select a style sheet as you are
    generating the output, wouldn't it? As far as I can see, however,
    style sheets are assigned per topic thru a reference RH sticks in
    the HTML header.
    Which leaves you two options:
    1) The simple but tedious way: In the Topics list (on the
    right), select all the topics. Right-click and pick Properties.
    When the Properties window opens, choose the stylesheet you want on
    the Appearance tab. Click OK. You would need to do this each time
    you switch from generating WebHelp to generating PDF.
    2) The complex but cool if it works way: I don't use the PDF
    plug-in - do you still generate PDF from the Printed Documentation
    layout? If so, can you use the template? (I seem
    to remember that the PDF goes through a Word stage behind the
    scenes.) You can open in Word (be sure to use File
    > Open so you get the .dot) and change the styles into what is
    effectively a new style sheet. It may take some tweaking - I still
    can't get my bulleted styles to come out quite right - but it's
    great for global changes.

  • Re: Spry Accordian Panels

    Hi.  I used Spry Accordian Panels in a new website I created using Dreamweaver CS6.  Most people can see and click the panel to open it and see the content in it.  However, I know someone that's blind that would like to use the site but is having a lot of trouble with it.  The panel tabs are not links so it doesn't tell him to click it.  I've tried putting the tabindex attribute on each panel tab and the aria-polite:polite but it hasn't helped.  Any ideas?

    Hi.  I used Spry Accordian Panels in a new website I created using Dreamweaver CS6.  Most people can see and click the panel to open it and see the content in it.  However, I know someone that's blind that would like to use the site but is having a lot of trouble with it.  The panel tabs are not links so it doesn't tell him to click it.  I've tried putting the tabindex attribute on each panel tab and the aria-polite:polite but it hasn't helped.  Any ideas?

  • How would you apply different calibrations to multiple channels

    I'm attempting to apply calibration data to multiple channels. The calibrations could have been done at different times for different channels and could be using different fits. I think I have a solution for just applying the calibration information to one channel. I'm posting the solution for one channel in this post. In the next post I will include the multi-channel problem I'm working on. I had to add txt onto the initial file in order to post this.
    Thanks in advance.
    Go to Solution.
    Apply Calibration One ‏138 KB
    Initial.txt ‏1 KB

    Thanks for the links John. I just logged on to post my working solution so I haven’t had a chance to look at them yet.
    I’ve been working on this problem and have come up with the below attachment. I believe the logic is correct, but do not know if this is the most efficient way of doing this. I start by reading the calibration information in my ini file for only the channels that I am collecting data for. This is accomplished by the case structure enclosed in the for loop. The calibration values are stored as variables so I don’t have to read them with each data point I collect. I then start the data collection within my while loop. As I collect the data I pass it through a for loop where I apply the calibration curve to it and pull the calibration variables from the 2nd case structure. I’m using a for loop for this so I can index the wave files and apply the correct calibration information to each one. The channels and sections will be inputs to this vi from the choose channel vi.
    John I don’t know if this is better or worse than what you are suggesting. I will read the links you sent me.
    Does anybody have any comments on what I’ve put together?
    Thanks, Eric
    Acquire and Transform ‏209 KB

  • Apply different styles to text within a Text field?

    I am working on an application that consumes a user-generated
    HTML file and displays it on part of a Flex screen. The main
    problem is HTML can look something like this (for example):
    Hello <span class="greeting">Mr. Smith</span>,
    how are you doing <span class="title>today</span>.
    Unfortunately, the Flex Text control only accepts a single
    style that is applied to all text within the control and the
    htmlText property only allows for very basic HTML markup and does
    not include support for applying styles to a part of the text.
    I've thought about creating a series of Text controls (each
    with its own style as needed) and putting them together in an HBox.
    However, this messes up word wrapping if the text exceeds the width
    of its container.
    Anyone have any ideas how to solve this problem?

    Could you please elaborate your requirement since you can have different instances of synchronized text have different formatting.
    So your original menu can consist of various text blocks (marked with different content tags) and then duplicate them and apply different formatting to the copied text. The text is still linked and an update to one will get synced to the other.
    If you are looking at applying different styling to chunks of text within one textframe (marked using a content tag), THAT is not possible, since the tagged content is supposed to maintain integrity of text and not the associated styling (which you should be able to apply independently).
    Hope that makes sense.

  • How to apply Time Remap to multiple clips simultaneously

    Quite often after trimming many different clips for a wedding video I will then want the majority of them slowed down to a 50% speed. I know how to apply the Time Remap Speed % change in the Motion Tab, but have yet to figure out how to make the change to multiple clips simultaneously.
    Thanks for your help!

    You can apply a speed change from one clip to multiple clips by copying the first one, then pasting attributes (option + V, then select speed from the list) onto as many clips as you have selected.
    Just be aware that this will ripple your timeline by extending all of your clips. FCP keeps the original out point of the source clip, not the out point of each cut on the T/L.

  • How to apply different 'headers' to different sections of a document?

    I realise that 'headers' may not be the correct term but... is it possible to apply a series of different 'headers' to different sections in a single document?
    In the example where a single document consists of three 'chapters' (say, 10-15 pages each) I'd like to have a 'header' that reads: "This is the first part" at the top of all chapter one pages, "This is the second part" at the top of all chapter two pages and "This is the third part" at the top of all chapter three pages (etc).
    I thought this might be possible using a series of master pages but have no idea whether that would work or how to go about it so any clues would be most appreciated - am using latest release of ID (CS6) on Windows 7.

    Well you don't need different master pages.
    You go to the single master page and go to
    Type>Text Variables>Define
    Click the pre-exisiting Running Header and click "edit"
    Select "Running Header Paragraph Style"
    Style: <select the style of the chapter heading> (if you don't have styles applied to your chapter headings then you need to apply a style to them so they show up)
    Say Ok
    On the Master Page - insert a text frame in the desired location.
    With the Text Indicatior in the text frame - you can choose Type>Text Variable>Insert and choose the Running Head variable you just created.
    That will do it.

  • How to apply different keyboard shortcuts to an actions with the same name but in different menus within one application?

    Hopefully someone can help. I have the application "djay" and in two different menus there is the action "Eject". I was wondering if it's possible to apply different keyboard shortcuts to those actions with the same name? I can't see how to do it as it seems you can only write the action but as there are two it doesn't seem to work for me.
    For example:
    djay>Table-1>Eject - ⌘⇧1
    djay>Table-2>Eject - ⌘⇧0
    Thanks in advance for any help!!

    A NodeList doesn't only contain 1 element. In your example it contains ALL <Data> elements inside the document.
    NodeList nodes = document.getElementsByTagName("Data");
    System.out.println(nodes.getLength() + " \"Data\"-elements found");
    for(int i=0; i<nodes.getLength(); i++) {
       Node node = nodes.item(i);

Maybe you are looking for

  • "The application was unable to start correctly (0x000007b) with borderlands on bootcamp

    Hi ! First, excuse my english : I'm french. I'm trying to run Borderlands (the first, not the 2) on bootcamp with Windows 7 but when I lunch it, I have a textbox wich says : "The application was unable to start correctly (0x000007b)." I have a MacBoo

  • Hard Drive Compatible for Mac And Windows

    This is a strange problem, and I cannot find a solution. I just built a PC with a 300gb drive for just installing programs. I also bought a 500gb internal for storage of music, movies, pictures. I want the 500gb to be able to be accessed over the net

  • Going back to a completed question

    Hi, I have a Captivate 8 project where there are several sections with review questions at the end of each section. I am using the table of contents to allow users to move around the whole project, and have enabled the move backwards option on the qu

  • CS6 thumbnails not taking updates after RAW edit, cleared cache

    Cleared cache and changes are appearing in the Camera Raw edit screen, save the changes, clear the thumbnail cache and the changes are not reflected in the thumbnail.  This use to work fine in CS4, any suggestions?

  • Trouble Using Triple Triangle PlugIn

    Anyone having issues with Triple Triangle's Color Spec Cubed plugin? I can create the callouts beautifully, close the file - reopen and all works - BUT if I try to toggle the Color Spec Cubed layer in any fashion, InDesign crashes. Tests have been pr