Approach Context node in code

Dear forumpeople,
At this moment I try to set an attribute with this code:
But, how should I set an attribute which is set in a node?
We tried:
But this is not working because of a NullPointerException.
Any ideas?

That code applicable for context attubutes not for context Node Attributes.
Follow this code,
  Adding Values to Context Node:
IPrivate<View Name>View.I<Node>Element x = wdContext.node<node>().create<node>Element();
for ( int i=0;i<=10;i++){
IPrivateBusinessGraphicsView.ITestElement x = wdContext.nodeTest().createTestElement();
This must be  solve your Problem
<b>Ramganesan K</b>

Similar Messages

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    Hi All,
    I am having a basic problem. I have created a new Webdynpro Abap application. Here, in the main view, i have define a text view as well as a table. I have created context nodes A and B in component controller. The attributes under A are A1 and the attributes of B are B1,B2, and B3. I have also created an action button C in the same view. These have been mapped to the context nodes in the main view. A1 is mapped to the text view and B1, B2 and B3 are mapped to the table.
    My requirement is as follows. When user Clicks on execute, i want to use the value A1 from the text view in a function module and return the values to B1, B2 and B3. B1, B2 and B3 are multiple values mind you.
    I have successfully executed the function module within the WDONACTIONC method. How to i accomplish this Basic Task. Please Help
    Best Regards

    Hi Mazin,
    Step 3 is as follows...
    Say you have a context node, you have to bind this node with table UI element, now this node must contain some context attribute which you have to bind with your columns of table. now say name of context node is cn_table. now what you have to do is get data from FM in the internal table..........
    now move data by using move corresponding or by looping depending on requirement to an internal table which has fields with the same name as that of name of your attributes... this is imp to display the data...... now you can bind this internal table with context node using code below.......
    data lo_nd_cn_table type ref to if_wd_context_node.
      data lo_el_cn_table type ref to if_wd_context_element.
      data ls_cn_table type wd_this->element_cn_table.
      data it_table type wd_this->elements_cn_table.
      data wa_table type wd_this->element_cn_table.
      data it type standard table of t005t.
      data wa type t005t.
    **   navigate from <CONTEXT> to <CN_TABLE> via lead selection
    select * from t005t into TABLE it.
      loop at it into wa.
        wa_table-ca_one = wa-land1.
        wa_table-ca_two = wa-landx.
        wa_table-ca_three = wa-natio.
        wa_table-ca_enable = abap_true.
       append wa_table to it_table.
    lo_nd_cn_table = wd_context->get_child_node( name =
    wd_this->wdctx_cn_table ).
    *   get element via lead selection
        lo_el_cn_table = lo_nd_cn_table->get_element(  ).
    lo_nd_cn_table->bind_table( it_table ).
    ca-one, ca_two, ca_three and ca_enable are name of my context attribute......
    Edited by: Pranav Nagpal on Dec 22, 2008 10:08 AM

  • Read Context  Node/Attribute option in webdynpro code wizard not available

    Hi Expets,
    I am new to webdynpro Abap, i have developed a small application to set default values for two fields. i want to use code wizard to implement the code. When i click on code wizard icon  in application tool bar, i have found lot of option like Method call in current controller, method call in used controller, Instantiate used component ... etc. But i didn't find the option Read Context Node/Attribute. Do i need to do any settings to get that. Kindly suggest. Your help will be greatly appreciated.

    Check the NW release,
    I checked with NW 7.02 - 2 tabs were available.
    with NW 7 - only 1 tab was available which you mentioned.
    Additional tab (Context ) might have been added after NW release 7.0.
    Manas Dua

  • How to populate a context node on the basis of the values in another node?

    I have a Webdynpro application which has to run on Portal as well as BlackBerry.
    In this application I have a scenario where I need to have a sub node inside a node but as Blackberry doesn't support sub nodes with Singleton value false, I have to use another node for storing the values which earlier wre present in the sub node.
    The actual scenario here is that we have two tables A & B. For each row of table A we have a no of rows in table B. This can be easily accomplished for Web Browser but we need to do this for Blackberry.
    My question here is that how can i populate the data in table B at runtime using the concept of onLeadSelect. I am not able to fully undersans this concept.
    According to my approach I have two a while loop which generates data for  table A and inside this while loop I have another while which generates data for table B corresponding to each iteration of the outer while loop. I create the node elements for the rows of the table B and store them in a list and then store this list in a HashMap corresponding to a key formed by combining the values of all the elements of the row of table A.
    Now I am not able to understand how can I display this data into table on user slecting a particular row.
    Please guide ASAP.
    It wille quite useful if you can provide me with some code snippets for the same.
    Thanks in advance!

    Hi Manish,
             In WebDynpro u can use the onLeadSelect event of table A and do all the processing in that method.Like u can use this method to fill ur context node,which will be the source node for table B. So this way u need not to use any hash map.Fill the source node of table B with data corresponding to ur selected data of table A.
      I hope this solution wud help u in solving ur problem.

  • How to use attributes from different context nodes in one view?

    I am VERY new to the concept of CRM and currently working on creating an alternate version of the BP_HEAD_SEARCH. With help from SAPPRESSs book 'SAP CRM Web Client' i was ble to create my own simple Z-component.
    However after going back and forth the book and the forum (including this [article|]) i was not able to find a solution to my problem. My current search uses BuilHeaderAdvancedSearch as context node for searching. But the search should also be able to use attributes from BuilActivity, which is directly related to BuilHeader. I can't seem to find a way to get attributes from BuilActivity into the search window of my component without having to change SAP-Standard.
    Is this really the only way? Please advise on possible code and insertion point.

    Any suggestions?

  • Reading Attributes from different context nodes in the same view

    I have added a new field as part of an enhancement for Trade Promotions. This field is a checkbox and part of the context node TRADE in the view TPMOE/HeaderEOF. This field will be checked or unchecked using a logic in the background.
    The logic will be based on an attribute (Fund Plan ID) which is part of another context node FUNDPLAN in the same view.
    How can I read the attribute of FUNDPLAN context node in TRADE context node?
    A sample code will be quite helpful as I am new to CRM 2007.
    Edited by: Abhishek  Periwal on Oct 16, 2008 2:35 PM

    Hi Abhishek,
    If I understand your question correctly, you would like to access the Fund plan ID (in a different context node) in the getter setter methods of the check box attribute which you have added.
    The code snippet mentioend by sudeep works perfectly fine when you are making any checks in the view implementation class. But since you are in the getter setter methods of the context class, this doesnot work as "me" always refers to the class instance in which you are present.
    Now in this case what you need to do is :
    1)  create an attribute <view_controller> in your context class. Here the context is TRADE. The type of this attribute wud be same as the view controller class CL_TPMOE_HEADEREOF0_IMPL
    2) Go to the view controller class and redefine the method
    DO_VIEW_INIT_ON_ACTIVATION. This method is called only once when the view is loaded for the first time.
    3) In this method, put the following code
    me->typed_context->(Trade)->[view_controller] = me.
    by the above code, you are setting the newly created attribute to the view controller instance.
    4) The next step would be, go back to your getter setter methods or what ever it may be, try referring to the Fund plan ID by the code snippet mentioned below
    data: lr_entity type ref to cl_crm_bol_entity.
    lr_entity ?= me->[view_controller]->typed_context->[the context node in which the fund plan id is present]->get_current().
    lv_field_value = lr_entity->get_property_as_String( **pass the field name here ).
    This should definitely resolve the problem.

  • How to set value from one view to other view's context node attr b4 save

    HI all,
    My requirement is as below:
    There are two views in component BP_CONT.
    BP_CONT/ContactDetails    IMPL class
    I want to set value from first view to second view's context node's attribute.
    i get Sales Employee BP number in ContactDetails view, from here i want to set that value in to STRUCT.SALESEMPLOYEE
    of second view in the same component.
    please send me code snippet for doing the same.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Seema
    You can access the fields from different views by either using custom controllers or by using component controllers, in your case you can access the Sales employee BP number from the Component controller.
    first access the component controller  as below in BP_CONT/SalesEmployee  (in do_prepare_output method) or in (specific setter method)
    lv_compcontroller type ref to CL_BP_CONT_BSPWDCOMPONENT_IMPL,
    lv_partner type ref to cl_crm_bol_entity,
    lv_role type string,
    lv_partner_no type string.
    lv_employee TYPE REF TO if_bol_bo_property_access,
    lv_compcontroller  = me->COMP_CONTROLLER.
    lv_partner ?= lv_compcontroller  ->typed_context->-partner->collection_wrapper->get_current( ).
    lv_role = lv_partner->get_property( iv_attr_name = 'BP_ROLE' )
      lv_partner_no ?= lv_current->get_property( iv_attr_name = 'BP_NUMBER' ).
    now set the value
    lv_employee ?= me->typed_context->salesemployee->collection_wrapper->get_current( )
    CHECK lv_employee IS BOUND.
        lv_employee->set_property( iv_attr_name = 'SALESEMPLOYEE' iv_value =  lv_partner_no  )
    Thanks & Regards

  • How to read the context node of used component?

    I have component called : SRQM_INCIDENT_H. This component has used component - BTSTATUS.
    Now, I need to read the context node of the BTSTATUS/UserStatus in GET Methods of Context node in SRQM_INCIDENT_H.
    Can you plese help me out.

    The component usages can be accessed from the component controller
    You should however assure that the context node is present in comp controlelr of the used component.View context nodes cannot be accessed.
    if not ,then you need to goto the component BTSTATUS ,add the context node  explicitly to comp controller,and do correct bindings to the view context node.
    Once you add the context node to the com controller,yo also need to expose it.
    go to runtime repository->component_interface->interface_controller->context->right click and select ADD CONTEXT NODE, and add you newly creatde context ndoe of comp contorller here.
    Now you cann access it using the code below in your comp SRQM_INCIDENT_H
    data:lr_comp_controller type ref to <ur comp controller class>lr_comp_controller ?= me->comp_controller.
        lr_comp_usage ?= lr_comp_controller->get_component_usage( iv_usage_name = '<name of the comp usage as in runtime repository' ).
        CHECK lr_comp_usage IS NOT INITIAL.
        lr_cnode ?= lr_comp_usage->get_context_node( iv_cnode_name = '<the required context node name>' ).

  • How to read the value of a field belonging to a different context node in GET_I method during runtime

    I want the read the value of a field,'LCSTATUS' belonging to context node 'BTADMINH' in the GET_I method of the field, 'ZZFLD000008' belonging to context node,'ZBTACTIVITYH'.
    In the context node class of context node 'ZBTACTIVITYH',I have created an instance attribute,GR_OWNER type ref to context class.
    I get the following error in the line - lv_act_status = Lr_entity->if_bol_bo_property_access~GET_PROPERTY_AS_STRING( 'LCSTATUS' ).
    'An exception (CX_CRM_CIC_PARAMETER_ERROR) occurred Message no. TPDA430'
    I have used the below code.
    method GET_I_ZZFLD000008.
         DATA: current TYPE REF TO if_bol_bo_property_access,
               lv_act_status TYPE string.
         DATA:lr_entity TYPE REF TO cl_crm_bol_entity,
               lr_current TYPE REF TO if_bol_bo_property_access,
              lr_parent TYPE REF TO cl_crm_bol_entity.
         rv_disabled = 'TRUE'.
         if iterator is bound.
           current = iterator->get_current( ).
           current = collection_wrapper->get_current( ).
    CHECK gr_owner IS BOUND.
    lr_entity ?= gr_owner->btadminh->collection_wrapper->get_current( ).
    CHECK  lr_entity  IS BOUND.
    lv_act_status = Lr_entity->if_bol_bo_property_access~GET_PROPERTY_AS_STRING( 'LCSTATUS' ). "error states that lcstatus can't be used here.
             IF current->is_property_readonly(
                           'ZZFLD000008' ) = abap_false. "#EC NOTEXT
               rv_disabled = 'FALSE'.
         CATCH cx_sy_ref_is_initial cx_sy_move_cast_error

    LCSTATUS is not an attribute of the BTADMINH structure. It is read using the relation to the status object
    BTADMINH-> BTHeaderStatusSet-> BTStatusHCurrent-> ACT_STATUS.
    Try reading the ACT_STATUS of object BTStatus as given below.
            data: coll   type ref to if_bol_entity_col.
           data: entity type ref to cl_crm_bol_entity,
                         lv_act_status TYPE string.
           entity ?= current.                                                               "BTADMINH entity.
           coll = entity->get_related_entities(
                    iv_relation_name = 'BTHeaderStatusSet' ).    "#EC NOTEXT
           current = coll->get_current( ).
            entity ?= current.
           coll = entity->get_related_entities(
                    iv_relation_name = 'BTStatusHCurrent' ).     "#EC NOTEXT
           current = coll->get_current( ).
           lv_act_status = current->if_bol_bo_property_access~GET_PROPERTY_AS_STRING(  'ACT_STATUS' ).
             catch cx_crm_cic_parameter_error.
    Regards JP

  • How to read the value from one context node in other in the same view.

    I am working on enhanced component ICCMP_BP_CP/BuPaContactPersonCreate ,  i need to read the partner_guid from Customer context node in  contactpersonaddress context node.
    Could you please guid me how to achieve this? if possible, please explain me with some sample code.
    i am trying this code in GET_FAXFAX method of contactpersonaddress-faxfax, but it is throwing me the type cast exception.
    data: lr_entity type ref to cl_crm_bol_entity.
    data: lv_test type string.
    lr_entity ?= collection_wrapper->get_current( ).
    lr_entity = lr_entity->get_related_entity( 'BuilContactPersonAddressRel' ).
    Thanks in advance.
    Kamesh Bathla
    Edited by: Kamesh Bathla on Jun 25, 2009 7:46 PM

    problem solved by writing the code in context node class CREATE_CONTPERSADDRESSVALNODE method
      coll_wrapper = customer->get_collection_wrapper( ).
          entity ?= coll_wrapper->get_current( ).
        CATCH cx_sy_move_cast_error.
      IF entity IS BOUND.
    CONTPERSADDRESSVALNODE->on_new_focus( focus_bo = entity ).
        DATA: lr_collection TYPE REF TO cl_crm_bol_entity,
              lv_fax TYPE string,
              lv_fax_ext TYPE string,
              lv_tel TYPE string,
              lv_tel_ext TYPE string,
              entity_addr TYPE REF TO if_bol_bo_property_access, "#EC *
              coll_wrapper1 TYPE REF TO cl_bsp_wd_collection_wrapper.
         lr_parrent type
        lr_collection = entity->get_related_entity( 'BuilStandardAddressRel' )."'BuilContactPersonAddressRel' ).
        IF lr_collection IS BOUND.
          coll_wrapper1 = contpersaddressvalnode->get_collection_wrapper( ).
              entity_addr ?= coll_wrapper1->get_current( ).
            CATCH cx_sy_move_cast_error.
    getting fax number
          CALL METHOD lr_collection->if_bol_bo_property_access~get_property_as_value
              iv_attr_name = 'FAXFAX'
              ev_result    = lv_fax.
    ***setting fax number
          CALL METHOD entity_addr->set_property
              iv_attr_name = 'FAXFAX'
              iv_value     = lv_fax.

  • How to read the details in the context node of the custom controller

    Hi friends,
        My requirement is i enhanced the component ICCMP_BP_DETAILS , now on EH_ONSAVE i want to read the details of the Context node in the Custom COntroller .
    In custom controller from ICCMP_BP_DETAIL/CuCoBPDuplicate  From this in context node CUSTOMER is there in that attributes first name last name is there i want to read those details
    so can u pls provide the logic for this how can i get the values.
      am very new to the BSP programming

    Hi Suchitha,
    when i am following the above code the lr_entity is not Bound, so can u pls suggest is there any thing is missing
    i used the below mention code but lr_entity is not bound
    DATA: lr_cuco type ref to CL_ICCMP_BP_CUCOBPDUPLICA_IMPL.
                lr_entity type ref to cl_crm_bol_entity.
    lr_cuco ?= me->get_custom_controller( 'ICCMP_BP_DETAIL/CuCoBPDuplicate') .
    CHECK lr_cuco IS BOUND.
    lr_entity ?= lr_cuco->typed_context->customer->collection_wrapper->get_current( ) .
    CHECK lr_entity IS BOUND .
    lr_entityIF_BOL_BO_PROPERTY_ACCESSGET_PROPERTY_AS_VALUE( iv_attibute =  'FIRST_NAME' ev_attribute = lv_firstname ) .
    Please correct the code if any thing is missing

  • Not able to set the value in marketing context node for BP_HEAD

    I am trying to set the value in marketing node of BP_HEAD from bp_addr component. i am calling the set_property method but it is not changing the value, when i debugg the code, it actually changing the value in bol structure but it is not calling the get/set method of bp head.
    i am working on BP corporate person  creation i.e. in bp_head component and account details view. I added the marketing attributes in UI configuration and also the address attributes.
    this is what i coded in get method of country in standardaddress context node of BP_ADDR
    lv_entity ?= current.
        IF lv_entity IS BOUND.
          lv_parent = lv_entity->get_parent( ).
          IF lv_parent IS BOUND.
            lv_entity_mkt = lv_parent->get_related_entity( iv_relation_name = 'BuilMarketingRel' ).
            IF lv_entity_mkt IS BOUND.
              CALL METHOD lv_entity_mkt->set_property
                  iv_attr_name = 'ATTRIBUTE'
                  iv_value     = attribute1.
    Can anyone please guide me on how to set the value cross component and can we call the get/set method of that attribute which is not in same component?
    Kamesh Bathla

    Sorry, what I said was rubbish, because the LSMW and the session run in different external sessions.
    I have searched forum for these terms: "company BUK parameter BDC background"
    These threads Is it possible to set default company code in SM35? and Release BDC in SM35 in background, How to set defaul company code? seem promising, but I'm not sure they really solve.
    In case these threads don't help you, I think you can create your own Z transaction which sets the BUK parameter id and then does a LEAVE TO TRANSACTION 'ABAON'. Then create again the recording on the Z transaction.
    If you are using ECC6, then you may also enhance the standard to reset BUK parameter id at the very beginning of ABAON, in case it's run in batch input (sy-binpt = 'X'). Be careful as sometimes SAP does batch input on some transactions, so that could make the standard fail.
    Last thing, you can contact SAP support, though it might probably be considered as consulting.

  • How to search data from a context node.

    Hi Friends,
    Thanks for ur help for previous problem . I am facing some other problem i.e how to
    search data from a context node.
    i have a context node :-
    Car(main node) which consist of details, owners, engine and Brand  as its sub node.
    the value attibutes of difft nodes are:-
    Car-  category
    Details-  Mileage, Price, registration_no, miles_used
    owner -  name, phnno,addrs
    Brand -  main_brand, co_brand
    Engine- Bhp,Rpm
    Now i have to apply a search criteria on the basis of price, miles_used .
    pls help to implement that .
    Thanks & regards
    Pravin jha

    Hi PRAVIN,
                       What I can understand from your problem is that, you have a list with various properties and you want to display them and search them in your WD App. If I am correct, use the following approach:
    Instead of using "details, owners, engine and Brand" Nodes, use the attributes inside the parent node. i.e in the node Car, add all the attributes viz. Mileage, Price, registration_no, miles_used, name, phnno,addr etc.
    Now you can create a table of this node "Car" and can easily search on the basis of any criteria.
    I hope this solves your issue. If you are looking for something else, please revert, I'll be happy to help you.

  • Error creating dynamic context node in Webdynpro for ABAP. Plesae help!

       I am getting the following error while creating a dynamic context node with 2 attributes. Please help me resolve this problem.
    The following error text was processed in the system PET : Line types of an internal table and a work area not compatible.
    The error occurred on the application server FMSAP995_PET_02 and in the work process 0 .
    The termination type was: RABAX_STATE
    The ABAP call stack was:
    Method: GET_REF_TO_TABLE of program CL_SALV_WD_DATA_TABLE=========CP
    My code is like the following:
    TYPES: BEGIN OF t_type,
                CARRID TYPE sflight-carrid,
                CONNID TYPE sflight-connid,
             END OF t_type.
      Data:  i_struc type table of t_type,
      dyn_node   type ref to if_wd_context_node,
      rootnode_info   type ref to if_wd_context_node_info,
      i_node_att type wdr_context_attr_info_map,
      wa_node_att type line of wdr_context_attr_info_map.
          wa_node_att-name = 'CARRID'.
          wa_node_att-TYPE_NAME = 'SFLIGHT-CARRID'.
          insert wa_node_att into table i_node_att.
          wa_node_att-name = 'CONNID'.
          wa_node_att-TYPE_NAME = 'SFLIGHT-CONNID'.
          insert wa_node_att into table i_node_att.
    clear i_struc. refresh i_struc.
      select carrid connid into corresponding fields of table i_struc from sflight where carrid = 'AA'.
    rootnode_info = wd_context->get_node_info( ).
    rootnode_info->add_new_child_node( name = 'DYNFLIGHT'
                                       attributes = i_node_att
                                       is_multiple = abap_true ).
    dyn_node = wd_context->get_child_node( 'DYNFLIGHT' ).
    dyn_node->bind_table( i_struc ).
    l_ref_interfacecontroller->set_data( dyn_node ).
    I am trying to create a new node. That is
    As you see above I am trying to create 'DYNFLIGHT' along with the 2 attributes which are inside this node. The structure of the node that is, no.of attributes may vary based on some condition. Thats why I am trying to create a node dynamically.
    Also I cannot define the structure in the ABAP dictionary because it changes based on condition

    Ok, I think I found a bug... It seems for adobe forms in WD4A, the root context node must be 1-1 and you must nest the 1-n node within that... Not sure why, but it worked. So in my case my context would look like this:
    FOO_NODE (1-1)
         Widget (1-N)
              -Widget_info (1-1)
              -Widget_plant (1-M)
              -Widget_pic (1-1)

  • Error while generating the context node

    Hi ,
    Requirement is to add the marketing attribute field under the Account details overview Page. As the field was not available in the context node i have added a new context node in the Account details. I used the wizard and added the context node BuilmktattributeRel so as i can add "Attribute set" under the BP overview page."
    Now after adding the context node and while executing i am unable to see the overview view page, i am getting an error :
    1. Component GET_ATTRIBUTE does not exist
    2. Determination of BOL attributes failed
    Also i am unable to regenrate the GET_I_method. If i want to delete the Zcontextnode, i am unable to do so.
    Kindly help me with the technical approach to add the context node in the overview page.
    Thanks in advance,

    One thread would have been sufficient.
    Error while generating the context node

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