Apps newbee

Iam new to oracle apps.i have just migrated from oracle core DBA to oracle apps.I donot know about oracle apps.
i would like to get expertised in this domain.can anyone sayme the necessary things in which i should be familiar as oracle apps dba.
Please provide me the list of activities and the necessary operations which i should know in those activities.
provide me ur valuable suggestions

Have a look at the following threads, it should be helpful.
New to EBS
Re: New to EBS
How to go over E business suite?
Re: How to go over E business suite?
DBA and APPS DBA Activities
Re: DBA and APPS DBA Activities

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    Yes, it is necesery to pay the 99 dollars.
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    TSR is old DOS shorthand for Terminate and Stay Resident. It was a big deal because you could only fit so many such programs into the 80K or so TSR area of your 640K. You could increase your high memory area, to a point. It it got too big you wouldn't have enough low memory left. You needed about 540K to have enough to load enough in so that your expanded memory could function. Boy I miss those days!
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    -------- 8< ------
    <h:outputText value="Hello World" />
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    -------- 8< ----
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE faces-config PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JavaServer Faces Config 1.1//EN" "">
    <faces-config xmlns="">
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    ---------- 8< -------
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    ---------- 8< ---------
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <web-app version="2.4" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
    --------------- 8< ---------------
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE faces-config PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JavaServer Faces Config 1.1//EN" "">
    <faces-config xmlns="">
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    I don't know of any apps like the one you want; however, there is probably something out there that will do the job. I did want to suggest Google Calendar, which will send you email and SMS reminders about events and things you have put on your calendar. You might already be aware of this, so if you are, just disregard. I just wanted to suggest it in case you weren't aware of it. I use it all the time, and it's very handy. 

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    I would strongly recommend you not do this.  You will regret it.
    I have played with this issue a lot.  You have to remain signed into match in order for it to show up on your phone. If you sign out to purchase an app or redownload one from your appstore id you use then match will be removed from your phone and when you go into your music app the icloud will not be there.  You then have to go sign back out of the store id you used for your app purchase and then sign back into match and everything will have to go though the download to your device process again.  This really is not what you want to do.
    Sign up to match with the apple id that you know you will use the most or has the most purchased items and use that for all purchases, i.e. books, apps, movies, and music.  You don't want to go though the other process.
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    Message was edited by: 2009 IPOD TOUCH

    I have the same problem. Brand new two days ago. I synched the touch with Itunes but wasn't hooked up to the internet at the time so didn't do the software upgrade right away. Then I downloaded about a dozen apps (free and paid) with wifi directly to the touch. They all worked fine. Then I plugged it back in to Itunes and had it upgrade it to 3.1.2. It locked up Itunes several times since then and the downloaded apps no longer work (they start to open then disappear).
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    Message was edited by: IPatronius

  • Download error in (osx) adobe desktop app (corrupted download link).

    Here is a discription of the problem. Please consider that some of the wording might not be correct, as I do have to translate the error message from German into English.
    Using OSX 10.9.2, when clicking inside the adobe desktop app (top of the screen bar) on the tap "apps", the following screen (screenshot) appears, which states, translated from top to bottom:
    download error
    download error. Please contact support.
    (link) contact support
    (link/button) download creative cloud -> This button unfortunatly leads to the following error page ""
    All apps, like Bridge, Photoshop, Lightroom, etc. are installed and work just fine. So no problem here. I seem however unable to redownload the desktop app (in order to reinstall). As stated above the provided link inside the desktop app itself is coruppted and within the (online) web-based download centre (user logged in) I am only adviced to use the desktop app. This is a dead end and I do not know what to make of this error, let alone solving it. Please help!

    I am sorry Romsinha but this doesn't really help.
    I already restarted the desktop app and while I am obviously online and connected the problem (error message) remains the same. Information within the "home" tap is recieved/loaded  (little blue spinning wheel) stating that various apps recently have been updated. Yet the same loading wheel within the "apps" tap results in an error. My best guess is that some internal link within the app is corrupted, leading to a source on a server that can not be reached.
    I clean uninstalled adobe creative cloud as discribed in the article you provided (using the cleaner tool) and even uninstalled the browser plugin. After downloading and reinstalling creative cloud the problem however remains the same. "Apps" tap still shows the same problem. "Home" tap now displays the following:

  • Adobe Cloud App Problems

    Cannot sign into adobe cloud app. Will sign in and then kick me right out. I can on the web but the app will not work. Ive tried uninstalling it and installing it again but still nothing has worked. Any help will be appreciated thank you .

    Sign Out When Sign In may help
    -and 'looping'
    A chat session where an agent may remotely look inside your computer may help
    Creative Cloud chat support (all Creative Cloud customer service issues)

  • App-V 5 SP1 Creative Cloud Enterprise Illustrator 213:19 Error

    Hello, I'm currently working on creating an App-V 5 sequence for Adobe Creative Cloud Enterprise. Firstly I'm trying to create a sequence for CC Illustrator, however I'm running into what appear to be licensing errors.
    From what I understand in Adobe Create Cloud Enterprise, the licensing restrictions which tie the license to the machine have now been removed so that packages can be created with serial numbers included for deployment and imaging purposes.
    I've created a package for Illustrator using the Creative Cloud Packager and included the serial number and then sequenced this in App-V 5.
    When I deploy this app-v sequence, Illustrator loads but I end up with a 213:19 error. Looking in the amt3.log the full error is
    09/24/13 16:58:35:478 | [ERROR] |  |  |  | SLCoreService |  |  | 5624 | error deleting bad mkey:
    09/24/13 16:58:35:478 | [ERROR] |  |  |  | SLCoreService |  |  | 5624 | Could not load machine key
    09/24/13 16:58:35:478 | [ERROR] |  |  |  | SLCoreService |  |  | 5624 | License store synchronization took 14.6 ms and return "License Store Access Failure: Machine key cannot be deleted (213:19)".
    09/24/13 16:58:35:539 | [INFO] |  |  |  | ALM |  |  | 5624 | _time_: (func: ALM_License_SilentValidate, duration: 0.078 sec)
    09/24/13 16:58:35:539 | [INFO] |  |  |  | ALM |  |  | 5624 | _info_: ALM_License_SilentValidate return license status: Invalid and error: 213 : 19
    09/24/13 16:58:35:539 | [ERROR] |  |  |  | ALMService |  |  | 5624 | ERROR: License_Check error 213:19. (Errno = 2)
    I've also tried creating a package using a trial licence and then using the adobe_prtk.exe tool to serialize the product at launch with no success.
    I've read the support statemnt at, but would appreciate direction from adobe as to what would be causing the above error.

    Hello, thanks for the reply.
    I have read those articles (multiple times :-)) I've installed the required c++ redistributables on the sequencer and also on the test machines.
    I'm not getting any errors being reported in the App-V eventlogs.
    I initially used the adobe_prtk.exe tool to serialize the app-v application at launch via startprocess in the userconfig file as shown. This runs but it doesn't work around this issue.
          <StartProcess  RunInVirtualEnvironment="true">
            <Arguments>--tool=VolumeSerialize --provfile=[{AppVPackageRoot}]\..\Scripts\prov.xml</Arguments>
            <Wait RollbackOnError="true"/>
     <ApplicationId>[{AppVPackageRoot}]\Support Files\Contents\Windows\Illustrator.exe</ApplicationId>
    Following that I read that AAMEE 3.1 removed the ( machine to license issue
    therefore allowing packages to be created using serial numbers and to be included within build images.
    As I'm packaging Creative Cloud (not CS6), I'm assuming this has been carried into the Creative Cloud Packager for Enterprise which now must be used.
    Any other ideas appreciated.

  • App-V 5 Adobe Creative Cloud (CC) Enterprise Licensing Error 213:19

    Hello, I've posted this on Adobe forums but also posting here to see if anyone else has experienced/overcome this issue.
    I'm attempting to create an App-V 5 sequence for Adobe Creative Cloud Enterprise software, but I appear to be getting licensing errors when launching the App-V sequence.
    From what I understand in Adobe Create Cloud Enterprise, the licensing restrictions which tie the license to the machine have now been removed so that the base packages can be created with serial numbers and can be included within build images etc as opposed
    to creating a trial package and then using a serialization file at install/launch time.
    To start with I've created a package using the Adobe Creative Cloud Packager tool (CCP) for just the Illustrator CC application which includes the serial number. I've  then sequenced this package using App-V 5 SP1.
    When I run this app-v sequence on a test machine , Illustrator loads but I end up with a 213:19 error. Looking in the amt3.log the full error is 
    09/24/13 16:58:35:478 | [ERROR] |  |  |  | SLCoreService |  |  | 5624 | error deleting bad mkey:
    09/24/13 16:58:35:478 | [ERROR] |  |  |  | SLCoreService |  |  | 5624 | Could not load machine key
    09/24/13 16:58:35:478 | [ERROR] |  |  |  | SLCoreService |  |  | 5624 | License store synchronization took 14.6 ms and return "License Store Access Failure: Machine key cannot be deleted (213:19)".
    09/24/13 16:58:35:539 | [INFO] |  |  |  | ALM |  |  | 5624 | _time_: (func: ALM_License_SilentValidate, duration: 0.078 sec)
    09/24/13 16:58:35:539 | [INFO] |  |  |  | ALM |  |  | 5624 | _info_: ALM_License_SilentValidate return license status: Invalid and error: 213 : 19
    09/24/13 16:58:35:539 | [ERROR] |  |  |  | ALMService |  |  | 5624 | ERROR: License_Check error 213:19. (Errno = 2)
    I've tested out modifying permissions on the following folders within the app-v package under root but this has no effect.
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Adobe PCD\
    I've also tried creating a package using a trial licence and then using the adobe_prtk.exe tool to serialize the product at launch (startprocess event in userconfig file) with no success.
    Anyone tried this or have any ideas?

    Hello, thanks for the reply.
    I have read those articles (multiple times :-)) I've installed the required c++ redistributables on the sequencer and also on the test machines.
    I'm not getting any errors being reported in the App-V eventlogs.
    I initially used the adobe_prtk.exe tool to serialize the app-v application at launch via startprocess in the userconfig file as shown. This runs but it doesn't work around this issue.
          <StartProcess  RunInVirtualEnvironment="true">
            <Arguments>--tool=VolumeSerialize --provfile=[{AppVPackageRoot}]\..\Scripts\prov.xml</Arguments>
            <Wait RollbackOnError="true"/>
     <ApplicationId>[{AppVPackageRoot}]\Support Files\Contents\Windows\Illustrator.exe</ApplicationId>
    Following that I read that AAMEE 3.1 removed the ( machine to license issue
    therefore allowing packages to be created using serial numbers and to be included within build images.
    As I'm packaging Creative Cloud (not CS6), I'm assuming this has been carried into the Creative Cloud Packager for Enterprise which now must be used.
    Any other ideas appreciated.

  • Cannot send email from the Mail App?

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    I've a Hotmail account linked up to izymail. Anyone know how to fix this problem?

    I fixed my problem - I deleted my email account on my iPhone, then tried to setup a new account. I had a few problems setting it up. It wouldn't recognize the incoming or outgoing servers and I lost my email altogether for a few hours. Then I changed every setting possible and finally figured out that I had 2-3 "Other SMTP Servers" as well as my "Primary Server". Once I deleted the Other SMTP Servers, my email worked and i'm able to send emails now!
    I also think changing the "Server Port" number helped solve my problem also, and making sure "Use SSL" was turned off.

  • Battery , time , signal strength bar is not getting displayed in home screen , these will be displayed only when i click on any app. Can u let me know the setting change ?

    Battery , time , signal strength bar is not getting displayed in home screen , these will be displayed only when i click on any app. Can u let me know the setting change ?

    Did you check the Zoom setting?
    Have you tried a reset (reboot)? Hold HOME and SLEEP until an Apple logo appears.
    If it isn't Zoom and a reboot doesn't help try Settings/General/Reset - Reset all settings

Maybe you are looking for