AR Aging Summary

I am trying to understand how to take my existing query for AR Aging and create a version that is a one line summary. I have the detailed version working correctly down to the penny along side the systems version. Now I need to create the the same thing as the systems when you hit "collapse all" .   I have tried adding sum, and removing the detailed items from the query, but it just gives constant errors.
Do any of you experts happen to have a query statement already prepared that I can try?

The full query that I am using to get the detailed version is:
SELECT       (SELECT     TOP (1) Projektnummer
                            FROM          P4100_PM.dbo.MPProjektstamm
                            WHERE      (Kostentraeger =
                                                       (SELECT     TOP (1) Project
                                                         FROM          JDT1
                                                         WHERE      (TransId = l.TransId) AND (ISNULL(Project, N'') <> '')))) AS 'Project Number',
                          (SELECT     TOP (1) Projektname
                            FROM          P4100_PM.dbo.MPProjektstamm AS MPProjektstamm_2
                            WHERE      (Kostentraeger =
                                                       (SELECT     TOP (1) Project
                                                         FROM          JDT1 AS JDT1_2
                                                         WHERE      (TransId = l.TransId) AND (ISNULL(Project, N'') <> '')))) AS 'Project Name',
                          (SELECT     Personenname
                            FROM          P4100_PM.dbo.MPPersonenstamm
                            WHERE      (Personalnummer =
                                                       (SELECT     Personalnummer
                                                         FROM          P4100_PM.dbo.MPProjektstammProjektleiter
                                                         WHERE      (ProjektleiterTyp = 1) AND (Projektnummer =
                                                                                (SELECT     TOP (1) Projektnummer
                                                                                FROM          P4100_PM.dbo.MPProjektstamm AS MPProjektstamm_1
                                                                                WHERE      (Kostentraeger =
                                                                                (SELECT     TOP (1) Project
                                                                                FROM          JDT1 AS JDT1_1
                                                                                WHERE      (TransId = l.TransId) AND (ISNULL(Project, N'') <> '')))))))) AS 'Project Mgr',
                          (SELECT     TOP (1) P4100_PM.dbo.MPProjektGruppen.Bezeichnung
                            FROM          P4100_PM.dbo.MPProjektstamm AS MPProjektstamm_3 INNER JOIN
                                                   P4100_PM.dbo.MPProjektGruppen ON P4100_PM.dbo.MPProjektGruppen.GruppenID = MPProjektstamm_3.Umsatzgruppe
                            WHERE      (MPProjektstamm_3.Kostentraeger =
                                                       (SELECT     TOP (1) Project
                                                         FROM          JDT1 AS JDT1_3
                                                         WHERE      (TransId = l.TransId) AND (ISNULL(Project, N'') <> '')))) AS 'Business Group',
                          (SELECT     TOP (1) OcrCode
                            FROM          INV1 AS INV1_1
                            WHERE      (DocEntry = OINV.DocEntry)) AS [Profit Center], OCRD.CardCode AS 'Customer Code', OCRD.CardName AS 'Customer Name',
                      CASE l.transtype WHEN '13' THEN 'AR Invoice' WHEN '14' THEN 'AR Credit Memo' WHEN '15' THEN 'Delivery Note' WHEN '18' THEN 'AP Invoice' WHEN
                       '19' THEN 'AP Credit Memo' WHEN '20' THEN 'Goods Reciept PO' WHEN '202' THEN 'Production Order' WHEN '24' THEN 'Incoming Payment' WHEN '25'
                       THEN 'Deposit' WHEN '30' THEN 'Journal Entry' WHEN '46' THEN 'Outgoing Payments' WHEN '58' THEN 'Stock Taking' WHEN '-3' THEN 'Profilt / Loss'
                       WHEN '60' THEN 'Issue for Production' WHEN '69' THEN 'Landed Costs' ELSE 'Other' END AS 'Doc Type', j.BaseRef AS 'Doc #',
                       ELSE ' ' END END AS [Doc Status], l.TransId AS [Jrnl Entry #], CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), l.TaxDate, 101) AS 'Doc Date', CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),
                      l.DueDate, 101) AS 'Due Date', OINV.NumAtCard AS 'BPs Ref. No.', CASE WHEN (OINV.DocStatus = 'O') THEN (OINV.DocTotal - OINV.PaidToDate)
                      ELSE CASE WHEN (ORIN.DocStatus = 'O') THEN (ORIN.DocTotal - ORIN.PaidToDate) * - 1 ELSE CASE WHEN (l.Transtype = '24')
                      THEN (ORCT.NoDocSum * - 1) ELSE CASE WHEN (l.Transtype = '30') THEN (l.Debit - l.Credit) ELSE '0' END END END END AS 'Open Balance Due',
                      DATEDIFF(dd, l.DueDate, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) AS 'Days Due', CASE WHEN (DATEDIFF(dd, l.DueDate, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP))
                      <= 0 THEN CASE WHEN (l.TransType = '14') THEN (l.Credit * - 1) ELSE CASE WHEN (OINV.DocStatus = 'O')
                      THEN OINV.DocTotal - OINV.PaidToDate ELSE '0' END END END AS [Current], CASE WHEN ((datediff(dd, l.DueDate, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)) >= 1 AND
                      (datediff(dd, l.DueDate, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)) < 31) THEN CASE WHEN (l.TransType = '14') THEN (l.Credit * - 1)
                      ELSE CASE WHEN (OINV.DocStatus = 'O') THEN (OINV.DocTotal - OINV.PaidToDate) ELSE '0' END END END AS [1 to 30 days], CASE WHEN ((datediff(dd,
                       l.DueDate, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)) > 30 AND (datediff(dd, l.DueDate, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)) < 61) THEN CASE WHEN (l.TransType = '14')
                      THEN (l.Credit * - 1) ELSE CASE WHEN (OINV.DocStatus = 'O') THEN (OINV.DocTotal - OINV.PaidToDate) ELSE '0' END END END AS [31 to 60 days],
                      CASE WHEN ((datediff(dd, l.DueDate, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)) > 60 AND (datediff(dd, l.DueDate, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)) < 91)
                      THEN CASE WHEN (l.TransType = '14') THEN (l.Credit * - 1) ELSE CASE WHEN (OINV.DocStatus = 'O') THEN (OINV.DocTotal - OINV.PaidToDate)
                      ELSE '0' END END END AS [61 to 90 days], CASE WHEN ((datediff(dd, l.DueDate, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)) > 90 AND (datediff(dd, l.DueDate,
                      CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)) < 121) THEN CASE WHEN (l.TransType = '14') THEN (l.Credit * - 1) ELSE CASE WHEN (OINV.DocStatus = 'O')
                      THEN (OINV.DocTotal - OINV.PaidToDate) ELSE '0' END END END AS [91 to 120 days], CASE WHEN ((datediff(dd, l.DueDate, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP))
                      > 120 AND (datediff(dd, l.DueDate, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)) < 181) THEN CASE WHEN (l.TransType = '14') THEN (l.Credit * - 1)
                      ELSE CASE WHEN (OINV.DocStatus = 'O') THEN (OINV.DocTotal - OINV.PaidToDate) ELSE '0' END END END AS [121 to 180 days],
                      CASE WHEN ((datediff(dd, l.DueDate, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)) > 180 AND (datediff(dd, l.DueDate, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)) < 366)
                      THEN CASE WHEN (l.TransType = '14') THEN (l.Credit * - 1) ELSE CASE WHEN (OINV.DocStatus = 'O') THEN (OINV.DocTotal - OINV.PaidToDate)
                      ELSE '0' END END END AS [181 to 1 Year], CASE WHEN ((datediff(dd, l.DueDate, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)) > 365 AND (datediff(dd, l.DueDate,
                      CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)) < 545) THEN CASE WHEN (l.TransType = '14') THEN (l.Credit * - 1) ELSE CASE WHEN (OINV.DocStatus = 'O')
                      THEN (OINV.DocTotal - OINV.PaidToDate) ELSE '0' END END END AS [1 Year to 1.5 Years], CASE WHEN ((datediff(dd, l.DueDate,
                      CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)) > 544 AND (datediff(dd, l.DueDate, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)) < 731) THEN CASE WHEN (l.TransType = '14') THEN (l.Credit * - 1)
                      ELSE CASE WHEN (OINV.DocStatus = 'O') THEN (OINV.DocTotal - OINV.PaidToDate) ELSE '0' END END END AS [1.5 Years to 2 Years],
                      CASE WHEN (DATEDIFF(dd, l.DueDate, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)) > 730 THEN CASE WHEN (l.TransType = '14') THEN (l.Credit * - 1)
                      ELSE CASE WHEN (OINV.DocStatus = 'O') THEN (OINV.DocTotal - OINV.PaidToDate) ELSE '0' END END END AS [2 Years and Greater], (SELECT     SUM(P.LineTotal) AS Expr1
                       FROM          INV1 AS P INNER JOIN
                                              OINV AS PP ON P.DocEntry = PP.DocEntry
                       WHERE      (P.AcctCode = '41101-001') AND (PP.DocNum = j.BaseRef)) AS Retention,
                      CASE l.transtype WHEN '13' THEN
                          (SELECT     Comments
                            FROM          OINV
                            WHERE      OINV.Transid = j.Transid) ELSE '-' END AS [Invoice Remarks]
                      OJDT AS j ON j.TransId = l.TransId INNER JOIN
                      OCRD ON l.ShortName = OCRD.CardCode LEFT OUTER JOIN
                      ORCT ON l.TransId = ORCT.TransId LEFT OUTER JOIN
                      ORIN ON l.TransId = ORIN.TransId LEFT OUTER JOIN
                      OINV ON l.TransId = OINV.TransId
WHERE     (OCRD.CardType = 'c') AND (l.BalScDeb <> l.BalScCred) AND (OCRD.Balance <> 0)
ORDER BY 'Project Number', 'Project Mgr', 'Customer Code', 'Customer Name', l.TaxDate
I am also pulling in items from Maringo's Project management add on. you can see those as the P4100_PM.dbo lines.

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  • Receivables Ageing Summary 90+ Days Variable in 8.8

    Hi Experts
    In 2007A there was a variable for the Customer Receivables Ageing Summary PLD which totalled all outstanding values from 90+.  The variable was 115.  Does anyone know what this variable is in 8.8 please?  I haved checked the file which is on the SAP Portal which lists all the variables however it doesn't list the variables for the Aging reports.
    Many thanks,

    Hi Caroline,
    Not sure if this will help but we are using this here:
    select T0.shortname,T2.cardcode 'Customer Code',T2.cardname 'Name', sysdeb 'Debit Amount',syscred 'Credit Amount',
    case T0.transtype
    when '13' then 'INV'
    when '14' then 'AR CN'
    when '24' then 'INCOMING'
    else 'Other'
    end 'Type',
    T1.BaseRef'Trans #',
    case T0.transtype
    when '13' then
    (Select Comments from OINV where OINV.Transid=T1.Transid)
    else '-'
    end 'Inv.Rem.',
    (Select SeriesName From NNM1 Where Series=T1.DocSeries and ObjectCode=T0.TransType)'Series',
    fccurrency 'BP Currency',
    CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), T0.refdate, 103)'Posting Date' ,
    CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), T0.duedate, 103) 'Due Date',
    CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), T0.taxdate, 103) 'Doc Date' ,
    when (DATEDIFF(dd,T0.refdate,current_timestamp))+1 < 31
    when syscred <> 0 then syscred * - 1
    else sysdeb
    end "0-30 days",
    case when ((datediff(dd,T0.refdate,current_timestamp))+1 > 30
    and (datediff(dd,T0.refdate,current_timestamp))+1< 61)
    when syscred <> 0 then syscred * - 1
    else sysdeb
    end "31 to 60 days",
    case when ((datediff(dd,T0.refdate,current_timestamp))+1 > 60
    and (datediff(dd,T0.refdate,current_timestamp))+1< 91)
    when syscred <> 0 then syscred * - 1
    else sysdeb
    end "60 to 90 days",
    case when ((datediff(dd,T0.refdate,current_timestamp))+1 > 90
    and (datediff(dd,T0.refdate,current_timestamp))+1< 121)
    when syscred <> 0 then syscred * - 1
    else sysdeb
    end "91 to 120 days",
    case when ((datediff(dd,T0.refdate,current_timestamp))+1 > 120
    and (datediff(dd,T0.refdate,current_timestamp))+1< 151)
    when syscred <> 0 then syscred * - 1
    else sysdeb
    end "121 to 150 days",
    case when ((datediff(dd,T0.refdate,current_timestamp))+1 > 150
    and (datediff(dd,T0.refdate,current_timestamp))+1< 181)
    when syscred <> 0 then syscred * - 1
    else sysdeb
    end "151 to 180 days",
    case when ((datediff(dd,T0.refdate,current_timestamp))+1 > 180
    and (datediff(dd,T0.refdate,current_timestamp))+1< 221)
    when syscred <> 0 then syscred * - 1
    else sysdeb
    end "181 to 220 days",
    when (DATEDIFF(dd,T0.refdate,current_timestamp))+1 > 220
    when syscred= 0 then sysdeb
    when sysdeb= 0 then syscred * - 1
    end "220 + days"
    from JDT1 T0
    Inner Join OJDT T1 On T1.TransId=T0.TransId
    left outer join
    OCRD T2 ON T2.cardcode =T0.shortname where
    T2.cardtype = 'c' and T0.intrnmatch = '0'
    and (T0.BalDueCred = '0' OR T0.BalDueDeb = '0' )
    ORDER BY T2.CARDCODE, T0.taxdate
    Kind regards
    Sean Martin
    Arrow Industrial
    Edited by: Sean Martin on Feb 4, 2011 10:31 AM

  • How can I create an aging summary that shows unreconciled transactions only.

    Please help experts!!

    Duplicate Thread...
    How can I create this aging summery in System Currency. Currently it shows Local Currency.
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    DocTotalSy TotalpaymentSC,OpenBalSc as NotReconciledSC ,NoDocSumSy as "Total before partial reconcile SC"
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  • AR aging report does not print alphabetically by customer name in 8.8

    AR aging report does not print alphabetically by customer name in version 8.8.
    It is possible to create a custom layout for the receivables aging summary report (to print alphabetically by BP name) to overcome this problem. However, itu2019s not possible for the u201Cdetailed receivables aging reportu201D or u201Ccustomer statement reportu201D.
    Why has SAP changed this functionality? In version 2007 SAP takes the order of the rows set on the screen unless other order is specified in the layout.
    How can we make the u201Cdetailed receivables aging reportu201D and u201Ccustomer statement reportu201D print alphabetically by customer name?
    Steps to reproduce:
    Business partners > Business partner reports > Aging > customer receivables aging
    Doubleclick on customer name to sort it in alphabetical order.
    Click on preview and select u201Creceivables aging summary reportu201D.
    The system layouts do not print by customer name in alphabetical order.
    Click on preview and select u201Cdetailed receivables aging reportu201D. The system layouts do not print by customer name in alphabetical order.
    Also, customer statement report does not print by customer name in alphabetical order.
    In SAP 2007 versions, when a marketing document or aging report is printed, SAP takes the order of the rows set on the screen unless other order is specified in the layout.
    In SAP 8.8 although it works the same way for marketing documents, it doesnu2019t work like this for Aging reports.
    I was able to change the order for the u201CReceivables Aging Summary Reportu201D only.  We cannot overwrite a System report, I had to create a new layout called:  u201CBusiness Partner Aging (Summary) (Alphabetically Sorted)u201D.
    I couldnu2019t set up the order based on BP Name for the other 2 options: Detailed Receivables Aging Report and Customer Statement Report (One page per Customer).
    Iu2019ve checked print settings and properties, and I donu2019t see any way of changing the default order for these reports.

    Reported it to SAP support + they plan to fix it in a future patch.

  • Interest not on Aging reports

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    Version 2007A Sp01 p5
    Thanks for your help!

    Mainly the defaults as they show...
    Customers I leave wide open
    All for groups
    No Properties
    Aging date is today
    Interval is Days = 30 (tried all Intervals)
    Dates usually by Posting Date (tried Due Date)
    Display Zero balances and Reconciled Trans both UNchecked

  • Customer Ageing & Customer Statement problem

    Hi all,
    Do Anyone know how to modified Body text in customer ageing? My client ask me to modified it because both document appearing not only AR Document like AR invoice, Credit memo so on but it also included Journal Entry reversal transaction which It will affect the company image. What the best way should I do?Do SAP Business One have a copy program?
    Please help me.
    Thanks in advance.

    The Aging Report uses a common template for both Customer and Vendor Aging Reports.
    Though the Name of the template reads Customer .......  It is the same template used for the Vendor Aging too.
    AGE1 - Customer Receivable Aging - Summary
    AGE2 - Customer Receivable Aging - Detail
    You can Open the template and Save it with a different Name for Customizing purpose. 
    NOTE: Even if you set the Custom template as default for one of the Aging Report, SAP will use the same default for both Customer and Vendor.
    If you explain you requirement in a little more detail I might be able to guide you further

  • Need a help on Aging report.

    In my report Called "Debtor aging summary" which is contains columns like Customer,DueDays,Due Amount.
    My requirement need to split due days as as following columns 0-30 days,30-60 days,60-180 days and >180Days and based duedays the amount would be display on that particular column in pivot table.How to achive this.Please help on this.

    what does the 'DueDays' field have? Is it a list of dates or is it a list of numbers?
    Assuming it is a date field that has a list of dates like '02-29-2012', I would approach it like this:
    Create a new field said "Date diff" and use a timestampdiff function to compare the dates with the current date (or whatever date your requirement is based on to conclude what is 1-30 days).
    It will be something like this timestampdiff(tsi_sql_day, 'duedates', current_day). The syntax may not be 100% correct, but the output of this expression will give you integers.
    Then create another column said "aging days", in there use a case statement to split the categories. It would go like this:
    case when 'date diff' < 30 then '0-30 days' when 'date diff' >= 30 and 'date diff' < 60 then '30-60 days' when 'date diff' >= 60 and 'date diff' < 180 then '60-180 days' when 'date diff' > 180 then 'Over 180 days' else 'N/A' end
    Again you can check the syntax to make sure it is correct..
    The create your pivot table and put 'Date Diff' column on the column section, it will split it into 4 columns in the pivot view. You can choose to exclude the other 2 date columns or leave it on the report..
    Try that and see if it helps
    Edited by: obinsight on Feb 29, 2012 9:31 AM

  • Report with multiple calculations

    I am learning reports and need some inputs on how can I handle the following report
    1. One of my summary area in the report should show 5 amounts as a table view and the sixth column should be sum of the first 4 columns (I am getting those 5 values with a query)
    2. In the second row with an external condition is false I need to put zeros under each column ad an the sixth also it is zero
    3. But if the condition is true, I need to calculate a new amount (multiply by %) and show that amount under each column and again add the new amounts in the sixth column
    I am not sure whether I need to use forumla or place holders, please help me.

    Hi Hamid,
    Thank you for your reply.
    It is a complex report and my Requirements are as follows.
    1. It is a statement/invoice report (I already completed this part), but at the end of the report we need to show the aging summary.
    In the aging summary we need to show the amounts, interested and the totals based on the due dates.
    2. One customer can have multiple types of accounts (for example cable, water, internet, electricity etc.),
    we need to create a report to show the invoice/statement for each month for the selected customers and that report should include all the account type of that particular customer.
    I am completed this report part.
    3. At the end of the report I need to create aging summary for each customer. Main purpose of this aging is it should show 5 buckets (columns).
    Each bucket is sum of amount of invoice balance due for all account types grouped by due date
    buckets are:
    Suppose user has 4 account types (cable, water, phone, inter net) and there is no due on cable and water that sum should come under CURRENT column
    if phone and internet three months due that sum should come under
    THREE MONTHS DUE and other buckets should show zeros. TOTAL should show the sum of each rows.
    4. based on the account type if that account has interest enabled and the due date is more than one month we need to calculate interest for each bucket and show that amount in the second row under each bucket.
    So that report should look like:
    220.00 0 0 340 560.00
    INTEREST: 0 0 0 34 34.00
    TOTAL: 220 374 594
    Please help me how to solve this problem.

  • When i log on to thunderbird, the in box has the message, 'building summary file', this then takes ages to do . how do I stop it doing this every time I log on?

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    Try restart the operating system in '''[ safe mode with Networking]'''. This loads only the very basics needed to start your computer while enabling an Internet connection. Click on your operating system for instructions on how to start in safe mode: [ Windows 8], [ Windows 7], [ Windows Vista], [" Windows XP], [ OSX]
    ; If safe mode for the operating system fixes the issue, there's other software in your computer that's causing problems. Possibilities include but not limited to: AV scanning, virus/malware, background downloads such as program updates.

  • AR Aging 7 Bucket Summary Report Outstanding Amount Query

    Hi All,
    Please help me on below query,
    I want to do a report based on AR Customer Outstanding Balance/Amount and it should tally with AR Aging 7 Bucket Summary Report Outstanding Amount.
    7 Bucket Report used Parameters - (1000, 2025, ARXAGS, 50308, , Customer, C, B, 2013/03/19 00:00:00, Collections, SUMMARY, , , , , , , , , , , , NONE).
    I tried my maximum, But some customers are tallying and some are not.
    Please help me to write the query, to find the Customer Outstanding Balance which is tallying with Aging 7 Bucket Summary Report Outstanding Amount.

    A UNION needs to have the same data types and number of columns in all of the SELECT statements. You added to the top half of the select, but not the bottom half. In your case it looks like there is a package generating dynamic SQL for the bottom half of the UNION. This code must be defined by a package:
    &common_query_invYou will need to track down the package and see if you can determine what it is doing. Looks like you may have to copy this report if it is seeded, because you are not going to want to modify the seeded Oracle package.

  • AR aging report (summary by customer)

    Hi Experts,
    I would like to ask if how to create an aging report showing only the:
    1. Customer
    2. Credit Limit
    3. Payment Term
    4. Total AR
    5. Due 0-30
    6. Due 31-60
    7. Due 61-90
    8. Not Due
    Hopefully the balance should be the same as with FBL5N. We have around 100 customers and we would like to see in one file only the summary per customer not not really the line items. Thanks.
    I have consumed a lot of time searching for the answers in the forum but I cannot clearly figure out how to proceed. Which tcode do I configure this? Thanks in advance

    If standard report does not suffice your requirement, then create your own.
    FOR vendor USE K in transaction code instead of D.
    The following example I have given is for customers.
    The only difference is in transaction codes. For customer you go to FDI1, for vendor you go to FKI1 (reports).
    For Customer you go to FDI4, for vendor you go to FKI4 for forms.
    Remaining all are the same.
    Go to transaction code FDI4
    Select Form Type RFFRRD20 Line item analysis
    Give your form name and description
    Structure (Two axis) - as defaulted
    Click on Create
    You will have lead column
    Delete the rows 2, 3 and 4
    Double click on column 1
    Enter the customer numbers from 1 to 999999
    First column double click (A)
    Slelect following values
    Due date analysis 1
    Days for net due date 0 to 30
    Give the short name, medium name and long text for the column.
    Repeat this step in next columns like 31 to 60, 61 to 90, 91 to 120 and 121 to 99999 days etc in other columns and select due date analysis 1. (B,C,D,E)
    Create one more column by way of formula. To create a new column you need to double click on blue line. Put formula add all five columns you have created above. (F = ABCDE)
    You prepare one more column with
    Due date analysis 2 (G)
    Now you prepare one more column add (F+G) = This will be total open items = over due and not due.
    Now go to FDI1 and prepare a report - assign the form created in FDI4 to the report.
    Characteristics you need to select are
    Account Type (Select Account Type as D for customers)
    Document Type
    Special G/L Ind
    Company Code
    Change the output types and options according to your requirement.
    Refer FDI2 and FDI3 for other standard reports created.
    Refer FDI5 and FDI6 for other standard forms created.
    Save your report and execute.

  • Supress Printing of Aging "Header"/Summary  Page

    I hope this is a simple change.  My customer would like to Not Print the summary/header/Page Zero when ever they execute an AR or AP aging report.  How do I go about getting this page to NOT print?
    Thanks in Advance

    Click open PLD,Select Print Template PPAC - Perliminary Page - Accounting,
    Select All,Detick Visible,make left,top,width,height to zero,Save template in another name,make it default.
    Now test print it , it will print blank page.

  • How to obtain a summary for age group

    I have a field named birthdate, a field named date of service, and a field named amount for each date of service.  I need to get a summary of total amount of adult and child.   I was able to figure out the age at the date of service already.  Adult is age > 18, child is age <18. Help pelase!!

    For total amount of adults try this
    create a formula like this
    if age > 18 then
    now insert a summary in the report footer by selecting the formula as field to summarize
    create a nother formula to get amount of child like this
    if age < 18 then
    now insert summary on this formula in report footer to get the summary.

  • Vendor Aging Report

    Hi All
    i am trying to get a legitimate vendor Aging report from within SAP
    The 2 reports that I am currently looking at are:
    S_ALR_87012085 - Vendor Payment History with OI Sorted List
    S_ALR_87012084 - Open Items - Vendor Due Date Forecast
    But both these do not bring out the output the way i want it - and i tried changing the output control and it still doesnt bring out the report as i want it - I want a report like the S_ALR_87012178 for customers, with output control 1, 6 and a 0 - which gives me a logical list of the aged customers.
    Is there one like this for vendors too? Any suggestions?
    Thank you

    Hi Ruksaana,
    You can customize the vendor report to show the items overdue per vendor by using the following steps
    1. Create a form using T Code - FKI4
        In this form ( two-axis structure) provide the details for each column as per your Client requirement - Due from 0 - 30 days
        etc. You can create a column (using formula method) at the end by adding the previous columns, this will give you total     
        amount of overdue items for each vendor
    2. Create a report using T Code - FKI1
        Based on the Form created in the above step. Make additional selections based on  client  requirements like document type,
        company code, account type, currency etc. Execute the report.
    The following link will give provides detail steps for the creation of the aforementioned form and report.
    Re: AR aging report (summary by customer)
    Hope this helps.
    - Sadha.

  • Functions in Calculation and Summary Fields

    I'll give a bit of background to my situation before describing the advice I'm looking for here.
    I am experienced Mac user and I have used AW a fair bit in the past, but since I've been working in a job which has Windows machines and uses a complex custom-written relational database for its main tool, I use it less often than I did, so I am a little rusty. It is the shortcomings of the complex relational database (which I do not have admin rights to) that has led me back to AW and its database module.
    Essentially, I am a complaints investigator, and the relational database provided by my employer is used to keep track of correspondence and various metadata associated with the investigation of the complaint. However, although it is called a Complaints Management System (CMS), it does not help me manage my caseload very well. I've previously tried to create an Excel spreadsheet that would help me manage my work, but it is not a database (or I am not sufficiently skilled with Excel) and I cannot get it to provide me with what I want.
    So, my problems.
    I have complaints (cases) assigned to me to investigate. These cases have differing priorities, which means differing time limits for completion of the investigation. The priorities and time limits are set out below:
    J (jurisdictional issues) - time limit = 1 month
    D (discretion not to investigate) - time limit = 3 months
    1 - time limit = 4 months
    2 - time limit = 6 months
    3 - time limit = 12 months
    The priority field in my AW DB is currently a 'pop-up menu' field, but I could change this to another type if this would be advisable.
    I have a date-type field in which I enter the date the complaint was received. I have an calculation-type field in which I calculate the age of the complaint using the function:
    This returns an age in days, which I input into a separate calculation field that divides the result of 'age in days' by 30, to give a rough approximation of the number of months old the complaint is (If AW has an equivalent to Excel's 'workdays' variable, I'd love to hear about it). This latter field is the one that I display in the main data entry view of the database.
    Given the priority assigned to the complaint, and the age of it, I am either 'On Target' or 'Over Target' for completing the investigation.
    Each month I have a meeting with my manager to review progress, and since the reports that can be extracted from the CMS are not very useful for this purpose, I want my AW database to help me generate reports that can form the basis of discussion in these meetings.
    Part A of My Query
    At present, I have a manually operated field, in the form of a pop-up menu, to indicate for each record (complaint) whether I am over or on target for completion of the investigation. I would like to make this a calculated field, so that the database keeps track of this for me automatically. Unfortunately, I'm either too dense, or not good enough with the syntax of AW functions, to be able to write a function which essentially does the following:
    IF 'Priority'=1 AND 'Age in Months'<4 THEN 'On Target' ELSE 'Over Target'
    - and then repeats that for the other priority possibilities.  It seems likely that the 'IF' function is what I'm after, but I haven't been able to get the syntax right to combine 'Priority' and 'Age in Months' in the format spelt out in the AW help, which is:
    =IF(logical,true value,false value)
    Getting the syntax of one part of this function right would be a good start. However, I suspect that I have a larger problem, in that I have 5 priorities to measure against and I need the overall calculation (that produces the 'On Target' or 'Over Target' results) to report in one result field. This means nesting the functions that look at the 5 priorities and 5 age limits. I've tried and failed to get the syntax of such nesting right, so advice on this is doubly welcome.
    Unfortunately, I have a sneaking suspicion that unless the answer is much more concise than I imagine it to be, there will be an additional problem: AW appears to have a character limit for the length of a function string in a calculation field which may be too short for my needs.  If you think this is an issue but that it can be solved through the use of intermediate fields (which don't need to be displayed in the main 'data entry' layout), I'm happy to give that a shot.
    Part B of my Query
    Even if the problem above cannot be solved, and I have to manually enter whether a complaint is 'On Target' or 'Over Target', I have a separate but related question for the reports I have to present to my manager.
    On these reports, I would like to have a summary at the top of the first page (in a grand-summary part, I assume) which gives a count of how many complaints are 'On Target' or 'Over Target' for each priority. Below that is a sub-summary part, ordered by the type of action that must next be taken in the investigation. (Getting that right may be a subject of a separate post at a later date.) The report must, of course, only report on those complaints that are still being investigated ('open complaints') and not those which have been completed ('closed complaints'). So, I need a function in a summary field which will present an accurate count of the number of open complaints that are 'on target' for priority J (with separate summary fields that do the same thing for priorities D, 1, 2, and 3), and a separate set of summary fields that will present a count of open complaints that are 'over target' for each type of priority.
    It might look a bit like this table below, with figures from the summary fields populating the cells in the third row:
    In / Out of Target
    Number of Complaints
    My guess is that it is easier to have the summary field simply count all the complaints that are on or over target for a given priority, regardless of whether they are open or closed, since the report could be based on a saved search (match) which strips out all closed complaints. But if I'm off-beam with that idea, I'm happy to have another way of cracking this nut.
    Many thanks in advance to any Community members that take the time to try and help me with this.
    PS Cross posted in AWUG forum too, if people prefer to answer there.

    Hi Andrew,
    Part A:
    I've done some restating of the question, and distributed the calculations among several fields, not all of which need to be included on the visible layout. Other than formatting the Date fields and moving the 'Completed Date' field and its label, I've left this in the default "Layout 1" produced by AppleWorks.
    Field List:
    Priority: Popup menu with six items: 00, J, D, 1, 2, 3  Defaults to 00
    TL (time limit in months): Calculation:  CHOOSE('Priority',0,1,3,4,6,12)
    Received: Date. Option: Automatically insert today's date (ie. Date Record created) (may be edited)
    Target Date: Calculation:
    DATE(YEAR('Received')+INT(MONTH('Received')+'TL')/12,MOD(MONTH('Received')+'TL', 12),DAY('Received'))
    Remaining (Days): Calculation: INT('Target Date'+1-NOW())  (see revision below)
    Completed: Checkbox. Set default value to Unchecked.
    Completed Date: Date: Entered manually
    OnTarget: Calculation: IF('Completed',IF('Completed Date'<'Target Date',"On Target","Over"),IF(INT(NOW())>'Target Date',"Over","On Target"))
    The On Target field shows the current status of the case while still open, and the state on the closing date when it was closed.
    Having done that, I was unhappy with the Remaining field continuing to calculate an ever larger negative number after the case had been closed. Hence this revision below:
    Remaining: Calculation: IF('Completed','Target Date'-'Completed Date',INT('Target Date'+1-NOW()))
    Shows the number of days remaining while the case is open, the days remaining at completion if the case has been marked Completed and the completion date entered.
    Rsults (and some further formatting of the Layout) below.
    Part B:
    You will need Subsummary parts when sorted on Completed and on On Target. Fields can appear on  a Layout only once, so each subsummary part will need a separate Summary type field for each field to be summarized.

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