AR Invoice Line Numbers and Sales Order line numbers are not in Sync.

There is an AR Invoic with 2 lines and SO with 2 lines. The line numbers on the Invoice and SO are not in Sync. SO line No 2 is Invoice line No1 and SO line No1 is Invoice Line No2. What determines the Invoice line numbering?

Goto the T.Code "VOV7".
Select your item category.
Maintain the Completion rule as "A(Item is completed with the first reference)".
If you do this after the follow on document is created,the item is completed and you cannot reject the item.
For your second question,
Goto the T.Code "VTLA".
Select your valid combination.
Click on item.Select your item category.Details.
There is a check box called as "Update document flow".Tick that one.

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    Due to business rules I got the following requirement, I'd like to get advice or second opinions please:
    Instead of showing 200 lines we want to show 1 line in the invoice summarizing the job done.
    The requirement is:
    The invoice should summarize the Order Lines, meaning that we want to have different lines in the invoice than those in the orders composing the invoice. The total amounts must equal between both, the invoice and the orders lines been invoiced.
    For example:
    We need to create an Invoice for 2 Sales orders with 10 lines each, each line for $1 usd.
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    Thanks in advance.
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    seems to error
    seems the security policy is implemented at your database leval and check which ID you are using to insert the record.Check with your DBA, for security to resolve first for ORA-28115.
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    WHERE 1=1
      AND SOT.NAME = 'US Distributor Order'

    what is the status of SO and SO line ?
    Have you manually check the line_id and source_line_id from backend using select statement ?

  • Link between delivery line item and sales order item schedule line.

    Hello friends,
    This is a continuation of my earlier query - for which I got half the solution, and this is the remaining problem.
    I want to know: from delivery document line item, how to link it to sales order line item's schedule line (when there are multiple schedule lines with identical quantities).
    Thanks for your help.
    - Chetan

    This is the code which i used for the same purpose and its working.
    Hope this will help you too....
    ****it_itab  is my final internal table.
    *Internal table for manupulating the Delivery balance when
    *its used in more than one schedule line
    TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_new,
           vbeln TYPE vbep-vbeln," so no
           posnr TYPE vbep-posnr," so line no
           etenr TYPE vbep-etenr," schedule line
           delno TYPE lips-vbeln,"delivery no
           delposnr TYPE lips-posnr,"del item no
           totval TYPE vbep-wmeng," total del wise value
           val   TYPE vbep-wmeng," del wise used value
           sdval TYPE vbep-wmeng,"schedule wise  del used value
           sdtotval TYPE vbep-wmeng," total Schedule value
         END OF ty_new.
    DATA:it_new TYPE ty_new OCCURS 0,
         wa_new TYPE ty_new.
    DATA: it_vbepvb TYPE TABLE OF vbepvb,
            wa_vbepvb LIKE LINE OF it_vbepvb,
            fvbfa TYPE TABLE OF vbfa,
            fvbup TYPE TABLE OF vbup,
            fvbap TYPE TABLE OF vbapvb.
      LOOP AT it_vbak INTO wa_vbak.
        LOOP AT it_vbap INTO wa_vbap
                WHERE vbeln = wa_vbak-vbeln.
      SELECT * FROM   vbfa INTO TABLE fvbfa WHERE vbelv = wa_vbap-vbeln
                                             AND  posnv = wa_vbap-posnr.
      SELECT * FROM   vbup INTO TABLE  fvbup WHERE vbeln = wa_vbap-vbeln
                                             AND  posnr = wa_vbap-posnr.
      SELECT * FROM   vbap INTO TABLE fvbap WHERE vbeln = wa_vbap-vbeln
                                             AND  posnr = wa_vbap-posnr.
      SELECT * FROM   vbep INTO TABLE it_vbepvb WHERE vbeln = wa_vbap-vbeln
                                             AND  posnr = wa_vbap-posnr.
          fbeleg                        = wa_vbap-vbeln
          fposnr                        = wa_vbap-posnr
      FVERRECHNUNG                  = ' '
      FS073_ALT                     = ' '
      IF_NO_SORT                    = ' '
       fvbfa                         = fvbfa
       fvbup                         = fvbup
       fxvbep                        = it_vbepvb
      FVBLB                        =
        fvbap                        = fvbap
      FEHLER_BEI_LESEN_FVBUP        = 1
      OTHERS                        = 3
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
      SORT it_vbepvb BY vbeln posnr edatu.
      LOOP AT it_vbepvb INTO wa_vbepvb
                    WHERE vbeln = wa_vbap-vbeln
                      AND posnr = wa_vbap-posnr.
        to write data of schedule line with no delivery
        MOVE wa_vbepvb-olfmng_flt TO wa_itab-openqty.
        IF  wa_vbepvb-bmeng EQ wa_itab-openqty.
          CLEAR wa_itab.
          PERFORM schedule_data.  "schedule line based data to be displayed
          MOVE: wa_vbap-lgort TO wa_itab-lgort.
          MOVE: wa_vbepvb-etenr TO wa_itab-etenr,
                wa_vbepvb-bmeng TO wa_itab-kwmeng,
                wa_vbepvb-olfmng_flt TO wa_itab-openqty.
          APPEND wa_itab TO it_itab .
          CLEAR wa_itab.
        LOOP AT it_vbfa INTO wa_vbfa WHERE vbelv = wa_vbepvb-vbeln
                                            AND  posnv = wa_vbepvb-posnr.
          READ TABLE it_likp INTO wa_likp WITH KEY vbeln = wa_vbfa-vbeln.
          CHECK wa_likp-bldat >= wa_vbepvb-edatu.
    check the Delivery doc date with the schedule line confirmed date
          CLEAR: delbal, deltot,wa_new.
          LOOP AT it_new INTO wa_new WHERE vbeln = wa_vbepvb-vbeln
                                         AND       posnr = wa_vbepvb-posnr
                                         AND       etenr = wa_vbepvb-etenr.
            deltot = deltot  +  wa_new-sdval.
          delbal = wa_new-sdtotval - deltot.
          CHECK sy-subrc <> 0 OR delbal GT 0.
          MOVE wa_vbepvb-olfmng_flt TO wa_itab-openqty.
          CHECK  wa_vbepvb-bmeng NE wa_itab-openqty.
    ****To check whether this delivery is already fully allocated against
    any other schedule.
    LOOP AT it_lips INTO wa_lips WHERE  vbeln = wa_vbfa-vbeln
                                           AND posnr = wa_vbfa-posnn.
            MOVE: wa_likp-bolnr TO wa_itab-vesname.
            MOVE: wa_likp-vbeln TO wa_itab-delno.
            MOVE: wa_likp-wadat TO wa_itab-wadat.
            MOVE: wa_likp-anzpk TO wa_itab-anzpk.
            MOVE: wa_likp-lddat TO wa_itab-lddat.
            MOVE: wa_likp-ernam TO wa_itab-ernam.
    ******end of code added by IVL1 on sep 27 2007 #3618
            PERFORM schedule_data.
            IF wa_lips-umvkz <> 0.
              tempquant = wa_lips-umvkn / wa_lips-umvkz.
              tempquant = wa_lips-umvkn. "delivery qty
            tempquant = tempquant * wa_vbfa-rfmng.
    ***New logic added to get delivery qty schedule wise****
            MOVE: wa_vbepvb-etenr TO wa_itab-etenr,
                  wa_vbepvb-bmeng TO wa_itab-kwmeng,
                  wa_vbepvb-olfmng_flt TO wa_itab-openqty. "jo
    **if delivery qty is less than or equal to schedule line qty******
            IF tempquant LE  wa_vbepvb-bmeng.
              wa_itab-delqty =  tempquant.
              LOOP AT it_new INTO wa_new  WHERE  vbeln = wa_vbepvb-vbeln
                                         AND     posnr = wa_vbepvb-posnr
                                         AND     etenr = wa_vbepvb-etenr
                                         AND     delno  = wa_lips-vbeln
                                         AND     delposnr = wa_lips-posnr.
                MOVE-CORRESPONDING  wa_itab TO wa_new.
                wa_new-delposnr = wa_lips-posnr.
                wa_new-val = tempquant.
                wa_new-totval = tempquant.
                wa_new-sdval  = tempquant.
                wa_new-sdtotval = wa_vbepvb-bmeng.
                MODIFY TABLE it_new FROM wa_new .
                IF NOT sy-subrc IS INITIAL.
                  APPEND wa_new  TO it_new.
              IF sy-subrc <> 0.
                MOVE-CORRESPONDING  wa_itab TO wa_new.
                wa_new-delposnr = wa_lips-posnr.
                wa_new-val = tempquant.
                wa_new-totval = tempquant.
                wa_new-sdval  = tempquant.
                wa_new-sdtotval = wa_vbepvb-bmeng.
                APPEND wa_new TO it_new.
             wa_itab-delqty =  tempquant.
             CLEAR tempquant.
        lips qty > so schedule lineqty
              CLEAR deltol.
              LOOP AT it_new INTO wa_new WHERE    vbeln = wa_vbepvb-vbeln
                                          AND      posnr = wa_vbepvb-posnr
                                         AND     etenr = wa_vbepvb-etenr
                                          AND     delno  = wa_lips-vbeln
                                          AND    delposnr = wa_lips-posnr.
                deltol = deltol  + wa_new-val.
              LOOP AT it_new INTO wa_new  WHERE    vbeln = wa_vbepvb-vbeln
                                          AND      posnr = wa_vbepvb-posnr
                                          AND     delno  = wa_lips-vbeln
                                          AND    delposnr = wa_lips-posnr.
                MOVE-CORRESPONDING  wa_itab TO wa_new.
                wa_new-val = wa_new-totval - deltol.
                wa_itab-delqty =  wa_new-val.
                wa_new-delposnr = wa_lips-posnr.
                wa_new-totval = tempquant.
                wa_new-sdval  = wa_new-val.
                wa_new-sdtotval = wa_vbepvb-bmeng.
                MODIFY TABLE it_new FROM wa_new .
                IF NOT sy-subrc IS INITIAL.
                  APPEND wa_new  TO it_new.
              IF  sy-subrc <> 0.
                MOVE-CORRESPONDING  wa_itab TO wa_new.
                wa_itab-delqty =  wa_vbepvb-bmeng.
                wa_new-delposnr = wa_lips-posnr.
                wa_new-val =  wa_vbepvb-bmeng.
                wa_new-totval = tempquant.
                wa_new-sdval  = wa_vbepvb-bmeng.
                wa_new-sdtotval = wa_vbepvb-bmeng.
                APPEND wa_new  TO it_new.
            IF NOT wa_lips-lgort IS INITIAL.
              MOVE: wa_lips-lgort TO wa_itab-lgort.
              MOVE: wa_vbap-lgort TO wa_itab-lgort.
            APPEND wa_itab TO it_itab .
            CLEAR wa_itab.
        CLEAR wa_vbepvb.
        CLEAR wa_vbak.

  • Sales order materials (BOM) are not coming to the delivery

    created the sales order with BOM materials, in the sales it's showing the all materls (BOM materials) as per our configuration. but when i try to create  the delivery it's not showing the all materials in delivery.
    maintained item level bom
    for material -
    A,  i have maintined the components A1, A2 & A3 (items), when i created order with material A,  its showing the A, A1,A2 & A3 materialsin the order, but when i try to create the delivery its showing only A1 & A2 materials. it not showing in the delivery A3 material.
    any locks or blocks for POI?
    any one help regarding this issue

    i have checked the delviery group in the sales order all items are under the same delviery group. but why the delviery not showing all item in one delviery?
    Could you please reply

  • Line Numbers in Sales Order Lines

    In a Sales Order, my line items are shown as 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 , 1.5 & 1.6
    but my select returns line_number = 1
    select line_id,line_number from oe_order_lines_all where header_id = 6250
    and the result is
    Line_id Line_number
    5428 1
    5429 1
    5430 1
    5431 1
    5432 1
    5433 1
    how would I write a generic decode to show the line_numbers as 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 ....

    .. or dense_rank() ? :
    SELECT line_id,
           || '.'
           || DENSE_RANK () OVER (PARTITION BY header_id ORDER BY header_id)
      FROM oe_order_lines_all
    WHERE header_id = 6250

  • Help required in identifying Line Charges in Sales Order Lines

    Dear All,
    I want to know the column or calculation used for retrieving Line Charges present in
    sales order->Line_items->Pricing tab.
    Thanks and Regards,

    I got the solution . We can get the line charges column as (requested_quantity*unit_selling_price)/33.33.
    Thanks and Regards,

  • Invoice of deliveries and Sales order

    Hello Everyone
    I have the following scenario, maybe you can help me.
    I make a sales order for a customer, and then i make partial deliveries based on the sales order.
    I don't make deliveries for the complete sales order.
    I would like to make One invoice, that includes all the articles of the original sales order (including all the deliveries, and the articles that haven't been delivered)
    I hope you have understood the scenario

    As per your Scenario, you have one Sales Order  and based on that Sales Order you have more than on Deliveries.
    And you want to make one single A/R Invoice for all the deliveries you made to the customer. Am i correct?
    For this you have to go to A/R Invoice, select the customer code and then click the "Copy From" button and select "Deliveries". New window opens and in that window list of Deliveries for that customer will be displayed. Now select the Deliveries for which you have make invoices (To select more than one Delivery from list press Control button in keyboard and select the delivery for which you want to create invoice).
    Now in you A/R Invoice the items of the selected deliveries will be displayed and now you can save the invoice.
    I hope this could help you.

  • How update amount of charge line for a sales order  line id

    I have a modifier which are qualified for a order line id, i want to update the amount of charges if the Shipping date is > 1 day than resquest date, as I do not have the advances pricing module so i have to do a customization for this condicion.
    I want to now how to update these, Does exist a API in order to do that ? or Can i go directly to oe_price_adjustments table and modify the data ??

    Hi Fernando,
    I'd probably do this in Adv. Pricing using a dynamic formula + factor list (two diff charge levels dependent on schedule ship date minus request date) against a booking event modifier. Obviously, you don't have dynamic formulas in Basic Pricing but could you handle this via creating a new pricing attribute? The charge levels could be maintained on a lookup rather than hardcoded and used in the calculation by your new pricing attribute.
    Whatever approach you go for would also need to cope with the scenarios that you either rescheduled the order or manually amended the request date because obviously the gap between request date and SSD would change.
    Your first suggestion is feasible, the second not a good move - I'm not sure how much it costs to licence Adv. Pricing but you could always offset the cost against the cost of developing and maintaining a custom update routine.

  • Sales orders from CRM are not getting blocked with credit check

    Hi All
    I have configured ECC in such a way that , if cutomer does not have enough creditlimt, then those sales order will get blocked. Our orders will come from CRM, and some times some orders are not getting blocked with credit check even though the customer does not have credit limit. And at the same time some orders are blocked with credit check...what are all the things that should be checked to diagnose the problem.
    Thanks in advance for looking into this

    Please check if you have any custom code/user exit in ECC which uses transaction code (VA01 , VA02 or VA05 etc) prior to invoking credit checks. 
    Orders created via CRM will not have transaction code set (SY-TCODE).

  • Quantuty on the Sale Order line item

    Can anyone suggest how to control the Quantity on the sales order line item.
    Sale order line item should not be reduced below the delivered or invoiced quantity. For EX:Sale order line item 10 has 200kgs,delivery quantity created aganist that order is 100kgs, now the system should not allow us to change the sale order line item quantity below the delivery quantity i.e 100kgs.
    Thanks in Advance.

    In the transaction OVAH, for the message class V4 and message number 083, in the category column, change the entry from W to E. Then system will issue hard error when you change the order qty to below delivered qty.

  • Line Items in Sales Order not Replicated

    1. We created an order in CRM with 10 line items ( all are same service items) and this order is replicated to R/3.
    2. We added to the same order 5 more same line items and saved but thid items are not replicted.
    Please suugest me how to trance it.
    Thanks and Regards

    As per my knowledge is if in case u want to create or add
    new line items. use CRMD_ORDER and next open the
    business transaction and enter the particular Transaction
    number. And next go to the products tab and add the new
    products and maintain conditions and prices etc., next save.
    you will get New Transaction Number. 
    Then after XI people will give the IDOC number. then after
    you use transacation code(we19 or we39) and enter u will get
    new screen display. Here you can enter the IDOC number then
    execute. You will get Line Numbers.

  • Sales Order Line item category not getting Re detemining Correctly

    Dear all,
                I need  help regarding the Sales order item category redetermination.
                we are having two item categories YNAE and YNAG and it contains schedule  line categories CP and CB ( i.e for item         category  YNAE schedule line category is CP and for item category YNAG schedule line category is CB),
    for YNAG Purchase Requisition is automatically created becz of functional setting on save and it is working fine.
    For every line item in sales order line item level item category YNAE will be determined by default as per functional settings.
             Now my requirement is that, if sales order line item doesn't contain 100% confirmed quantity, than i needs to change the default line item category YNAE to YNAG which i am trying to do it in USEREXIT_PRICING_PREPARE_TKOMP becz in this exit i am getting the values in XVBAP and XVBEP and  it is working fine .
             But schedule line category is not getting redetermined automatically what i mean is, if i change the item category to YNAG from YNAE in user exit corresponding schedule line category CB of YNAG is getting determined automatically at the schedule line level and if ichange the schedule line categories in XVBEP in exit USEREXIT_PRICING_PREPARE_TKOMP, changes are reflecting at the schedule line level but Purchase requisation is not getting created for schedule line on SAVE and its delivary dates are also not getting determined properly. If i press the option ATP check at the schedule line level than very things will getting corrected.
       I feel that i am not doing this in proper way, do u have any idea about how to redetermine item category. please let me know if u have any idea .
    Vaddepally Manoj

    USEREXIT_PRICING_PREPARE_TKOMP is the wrong location - that exit is for pricing communication preparation only.  Your primary location for item category determination is USEREXIT_SOURCE_DETERMINATION (MV45AFZB).  In your simple scenario, you could consider making an availability check at this point with some assumptions and then assign the item category accordingly.  Otherwise, you can re-assign item category and schedule line category in USEREXIT_MOVE_FIELD_TO_VBEP.  The exit is called once before ATP (for ATP-relevant schedule line categories) and once afterwards.  The call is recursive if you re-assign another ATP-relevant category.

  • How to create a report for open sales orde documents which are not invoiced

    Hi Experts this is urgent,
    +pls give the Logic for document flow+
    My requirement is create a report for sales orders which are not invoiced  using the following table.
    VBAK : sales order header
    VBAP : sales order item
    VBFA : sales document flow
    VBUK for processing status
    KOMV for duties value and sales order value
    LIKP : delivery not header
    LIPS :delivery note item
    For information : In the header level the processing Status is indicated in the table VBUK field LFSTK for one sales order number. A,B , C are the possible entries.
    Case A : When a sales order is invoiced we can display information on the header status :
    Overall status : Completed  and display a invoice number in the document flow. When the items of the sales orders are invoiced the process status is the following :  Overall status       Completed            
    Delivery status      Fully delivered      
    Case B : An open sales order not delivered and not invoiced will have overall status : Open on the header and item level and will not have subsequent documents.
    Case C :
    When the items for the sales order are delivered but not invoiced the status will be u201Cfully deliveredu201D
    And the subsequent documents will be delivery notes and good issue if the delivery note is issued.
    With regards
    Edited by: ravik ravik on Jun 25, 2008 3:29 PM

    Hello Ravi,
    U neednot develop any report..
    there is std report with txn V.02
    or copy this and make necessary changes.
    Reward, if helpful.

  • Sales order line with status calcelled picked by auto invoice program

    I cancelled  one line in Sales Order and Shipped remaining lines
    after Ship Confirm process ,I ran workflow background process.
    I am getting cancelled line information to AR interface tables
    when I run Auto invoice amount is sitting in Unearned account
    The status of cancelled line -  Cancelled
    Flow status code is cancelled
    Why the cancelled Sales order line is picked by auto invoice program?

    Hi Ivruksh,
    Thanks for the reply, the reference you gave was not actually related to the issue I had, let me put it this way,
    Our Auto Invoice Job is scheduled at midnight, it runs and process only few CM's, rest of them are left behind with out any error message in error tables. Al I can see in the ra_interface_lines_all table is interface_line_id is populated, which shows that the Auto Invoice program has picked all the records but it is processing only few, the rest are left out with out any error message.
    Interestingly, when I tried to run those stuck CM's Individual one by one its gets successfully processed.
    Is anyone faced with similar kind of issue, kindly let me know of any solutions you guys had.
    Thanks in advance.

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