Arch and Live Midi Music

Hi all,
I noticed theres a bit of a musician following in Arch. I currently have a basic midi keyboard controller but I'm looking to buy a Novation X-Station. I've noticed that Alsa supports it which is good and my dream is to be making live music completely open source.
I want to hook up a X-Station to a laptop for live performances but just wanted to know what people are using. I know there isn't a direct equivanlent to Reason on Linux but thats the sort of thing I'm after. I'm more of a musician though so if I can do without drums and effects, just need a good synth, piano sound and strings/orch that can be played in real time (with various effects on the desired sound being changed in realtime via midi controls, such as attack, decay, reverb etc.)
Any thoughts, opinions, experiences to share?

Mainstage is very good for this.  Each patch you create in Mainstage is made of up separate channel strips, which, in your case, would correspond to each synth/module you are using.  Each channel strip can also send to separate MIDI channels on a single device.  You will need to be familiar with how each of your pieces of outboard gear changes programs and banks, but it can be done with all of the splits and layers you want. 
Hope this helps-- let me know if you have more questions. 

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    I would think a 15" with the i7 CPU. You can get a 13" with the i7 CPU but the 15" has a dedicated graphic chip along with the intergrated one.
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    Systran wrote:
    I recently had wanted to sign-up for an e-card web-site.  However, when I clicked on the web-page, I am NOT ABLE TO HEAR ANY MUSIC.  The message shown is that Apple does not support MIDI music.
    Please don't tell my wife this, she's been working with MIDI on her Mac(s) since the turn of the century...
    The statement from that web site is completely incorrect. What they probably meant was that their software doesn't support Mac. IMHO this is a sign of either ignorance or lack of concern on the part of the site creators. Back in the dark ages a lot of PC apps didn't support Mac but not these days.
    Get into your Mac Help window and search MIDI. There's plenty of info there on how your Mac supports MIDI.

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    Last edited by wirenik (2008-11-29 07:27:46)

    You can't have 5 primary partitions.  4 max, or 3 primary partitions, and a bunch of logical partitions grouped inside an extended partition.  Arch will gladly install into a logical partition.  (Yes, it will boot just fine too )
    If you currently have 2 partitions, you could create one more primary, then use the rest of the disk as an extended partition.  You will then be able to create as many logical partitions as you want (well, a bunch anyway).
    Something like this:
    /dev/sda1 (primary, Windows C)
    /dev/sda2 (primary, Windows D)
    /dev/sda3 (primary, Arch root)
    --- Extended partition ---
    /dev/sda5 (logical, Arch /home)
    /dev/sda6 (logical, swap)
    /dev/sda7 (logical, shared data)
    Last edited by peart (2008-11-29 07:26:07)

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    What size hard drive do you have in your MacBook? The cheapest options are, a larger internal hard drive, or an external drive. Or you could get a cheap desktop PC and network to it for storage. I've got one that lives in the hall with 3 Terabytes (That's 3000gb) of storage.

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    Anyways I have tried dual booting arch and windows in the past, and my results have never been stable.
    Today I will try using the program gparted.
    Let me give you my thoughts on how I plan to go through this and please give me some advice so I don't loose everything I have worked for on my linux box
    1.Currently I have two hard drives, one for all my main programs and one for my media files (mounting usb, dvd, etc, and it actually has no files in it xD).
       I plan to use gparted to re-size my second harddrive (media drive), create an extended partition, and a logical ntfs partition within it.
    2.I pop in my windows cd that I recieved with my laptop and install it on the space I have partitioned for windows.
    3. If my grub gets wiped out my windows (which I hope it doesn't not sure how the MBR stuff works) I insert a Ubuntu live cd and do
    sudo grub
    > root (hd0,0)
    > setup (hd0)
    > exit
    4.Configure grub to boot windows 7.
    5.Be happy with no headache.
    If someone with past experience with dual booting windows and arch could please give me some advice, as I do not want to lose all my data, start over, and have another headache.
    I know I must learn to backup arch, which I will before september.
    But if anyone has any protips, or sees a flaw in my plan please point it out!!!
    Thank you very much for taking the time to read this and even more if advice has been given to boost my confidence!
    For now I will wait
    Thank you fellow archies.
    Last edited by Jabrick (2011-07-03 01:29:36)

    satanselbow wrote:
    1) Windows must be installed to a primary partition - attempting to install it to an logical partition will result in an epic fail
    2) Physically disconnect the harddrive you do not want windows on as windows typically installs the bootloader on the 1st hardisk (ie /sda) regardless of installation drive (ie /sdb)
    3 / 4) Complete the windows installation then reattached your Arch drive and edit /boot/grub/menu.lst (as root) pointing the W7 entry to (hd1,0) - no need to reinstall grub
    5) Hey it's windows - anything could happen
    If you create an NTFS partition right at the beginning of the the drive before you start the W7 install you can prevent it greedily using up 2 of you 4 primary partitions - I would also completely update you new W7 installation past SP1 before reattaching the other drive to further prevent W7 going mental
    satanselbow thank you so much!
    Everything works great I had no stumbles, and I hope no problems in the future!!
    I will post exactly what I did in case someone has the same issue.
    1. Partition you're secondary harddrive as primary ntfs with gparted
    2. Reboot, and if you get a file system check error, check you're udev rules. (For my case in particular I had to change the udev rules I got for auto mounting usb, ext harddrive, etc.
    3.Power off your computer and physically remove the harddrive that contains all your linux goodies
    4. Plug in your windows cd and install in the partition you created
    5. Update your windows OS
    6. Plug in Ubuntu live CD and reboot
    7. Use commands to get grub to overwrite the windows boot loader (In my case I put grub everyone hd0,0 hd0,1 just to be sure, but you might want to do things cleaner)
    8. Reboot and see if grub loads up
    9. Use Ubuntu live CD again and launch Gparted, select the boot to your extra linux space (if you had one, not sure if this is needed)
    10. Plug in your linux harddrive and reconfigure /boot/grub/menu.lst and your good to go
    Once again shout outs to satanselbow!!! For without him I might've failed brutally!

  • Dual booting Arch and Ubuntu

    Hi, I would like to dual boot Arch and Ubuntu using GRUB2.
    I already have Arch, set up as it's described in the Beginner's Guide, with GRUB2 installed. How would I go about dual booting Ubuntu, preferably without overwriting the existing bootloader?
    I haven't tried anything yet, but the problem that I can see is resizing my /home; is this possible on the Ubuntu liveDVD? If not, would I be able to resize /home with my gParted liveCD?
    Unfortunately, I have no backup media to use, so I wouldn't be able to transfer anything away as a backup.
    Here is my partition table:
    sda      8:0       0        931.5G   0    disk
    ├─sda1   8:1    0        30G        0    part       /
    ├─sda2   8:2    0        12G        0    part       [SWAP]
    ├─sda3   8:3    0        5M          0    part
    └─sda4   8:4    0        889.5G   0    part       /home
    sda1 is my root partition, sda2 is swap, sda3 is GRUB's boot partition, which I was told that I needed in the guide, and sda4 (/home) occupies the "rest of the disk".
    I am using a GPT-partitioned drive, as I read this has many advantages and I do not plan to triple-boot Windows.
    So, can someone tell me what I do if I want to dual boot Ubuntu? I'm very sorry if this should have been posted on the Ubuntu forums, but I'm just more familiar with Arch, and I already have it installed. Please ask if you need any other files like my fstab. I have my Ubuntu liveDVD, GParted live CD (and Arch CD) at hand.
    Thanks in advance, rberyl.
    (Also, does anyone else think it's a bit of a backwards thing to put the output of "date -u +%W$(uname)|sha256sum|sed 's/\W//g'" as a sign-up question? )
    Last edited by rberyl (2012-12-29 11:45:23)

    Hi rberyl,
    You can change your partitions using an inbuilt tool like cfdisk, or if you'd prefer a GUI gparted can be installed from the Arch repos. This will allow you to shrink sda4, and set up the new partitions for your Ubuntu OS. Although this shouldn't cause any data loss, its best practice to back up just in case.
    When installing Ubuntu, be sure to opt-out of bootloader creation. I think you have to use the alternate installation media to get this option. You can add your Ubuntu partition to the existing bootloader by running osprober (available from the repos) and then running grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg . Alternatively, you can manually edit your GRUB config. See … NU.2FLinux for instructions.
    Good luck!
    Last edited by smazza (2012-12-29 16:04:08)

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    There are many things that plays a role here. Phone model, bit rate, sample freq, music player used.
    But one very important thing when it comes to Smart Headset is the earplugs. I suggest that you try all sizes to find the one that suits you the best and gives you the deepest bass. Because in-ear headphones is all about enclosure.
     - Community Manager Sony Xperia Support Forum
    If you're new to our forums make sure that you have read our Discussion guidelines.
    If you want to get in touch with the local support team for your country please visit our contact page.

  • Safari not playing embedded midi music clips

    I recently noticed that embedded midi music clips in Apple Mail and in Safari do not play. Basically, I am referring to background music one often hears while going to some web sites. Particularly those individual web sites folks have created. Of course, many on this forum, who have never been a Windows user and specifically, Internet Explorer, probably never realized there even was any background music.
    This is not necessarily a issue for me, but it is for my Mom ,who, along with many others her age, like animated graphics and music in their emails and web sites.
    I still can't believe Apple Mail and Safari can't auomatically play embedded midi files. Especially given that Internet Explorer and Outlook Express can.
    Many one option is using Firefox and Thunderbird for a Mac?

    I still can't believe Apple Mail and Safari can't auomatically play embedded midi files. Especially given that Internet Explorer and Outlook Express can.
    Safari can provided the page has been coded correctly. Many sites that add sounds use the <bgsound> tag which is only supported by Internet Explorer and not part of the HTML standard.

  • Dual boot archlinux and "live"OS

    Haven't heard nor seen a setup for normal OS and "live"OS on a single install device.
    My system is x86_64 and recently I installed archlinux to a CF flash card of 16GB using only 8GB of its capacity.
    Thus, it occured to me that I could utilize the remaining 8GB to install a "live" system which can cp2ram on a second partition.  This would provide an operating arrangement utilizing CF card without constant read/writes as in a normal install since the OS would operate entirely in ram.  Ability to utilize data from the archlinux 8GB partition would be possible by mounting that partition while in the "live" system.
    I presently have two "live" systems on CF cards...FaunOS and CTKarchlive.
    Each has a different boot arrangement, syslinux and grub.
    Either system operates in cp2ram, FaunOS is larger in size and uses kde3.5.  Ctkarchlinux (x86_64) is open box and has fewer packages.  FaunOS is i686 and is not maintained but is useable and normally functions in a manner similar to Larch.
    Since I have not seen a combo of this nature, I wonder if there is a reason it will not work with a single CF card install to two partitions.
    The present 16GB install is mbr grub.
    It would seem ideal for CF flash to be used in a cp2ram environment, giving ~60MB/s hdparm read speed with adata speedy 533x CF card 16GB during the cp2ram and idle afterwards.  Long live the CF!
    Thus, a single 16GB CF card would provide archlinux normal boot and a second "live" archlinux-based boot.
    It would seem probable that the normal archlinux boot would eventually fail.  Then the "live" partition could replace it with an up-to-date new install.
    Alternatively, install a backup archlinux in the second partition.
    Maybe I shouldn't do this?  Gone bananas?

    It should be pretty simple.  Just install Arch on the HDD without XP on it, install grub to the Arch drive's MBR, then change the boot priority in the BIOS so that the Arch drive is booted first.
    When you add your "windows" menu item to GRUB, the "root" entry should look like:
    assuming XP is on the first paritition of the other drive.
    Assuming you install GRUB to the correct drive, it should be harmless to play around with menu.lst until you get it working right.
    Last edited by alexandrite (2010-08-24 14:24:39)

  • I have a 3rd generation IPod and the screen has gone completely blank.  It is fully charged and will play music but I have no idea where anything is.

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    Try here:
    iOS: Not responding or does not turn on

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    I can play the MIDI using iTune playlist, but no piano.
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    How do I solve this problem?

    iTunes Match is not a backup service: FAQ:  Why iTunes Match can NOT be used as a backup!
    If you want to move personal data, in this case music, from an old computer to a new computer use the methods in this Apple KB article: <>.
    Also, before selling the old computer you need to erase the HDD and put the original OS back on it, that came with the computer. Be sure you have all your personal data backed up and transfered to the new computer before doing this.

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    Updated: 2015-07-23Hello and thanks for the feedback!
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    I am using Window 7 for iTune and iPad, I wanted to sync MIDI music to my ipad. But it didn't work. Why?

    Is MIDI is no one of these formats it can't be played by the iPod app.
    Audio formats supported: HE-AAC (V1), AAC (16 to 320 Kbps), Protected AAC (from iTunes Store), MP3 (16 to 320 Kbps), MP3 VBR, Audible (formats 2, 3, and 4), Apple Lossless, AIFF, and WAV
    There is Midi Player 2.0 available in the app store

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