Arch desktop experiment - Volunteers needed!

Later this morning I was chatting with a friend of creating a fast desktop using the best from each world.
I mean, KDE4 is simply too slow while compositing is on, and it's not KISS, but it has great apps running under the bleeding-edge lightweight and cool QT4; then we have some QT3 apps that are great and not still ported nor complete under KDE4 that would fit nice in a desktop (like amarok or K3B); we have a great looking and fast compositing WM like Compiz-Fusion and last but not least we have the really eye-candy E17 as a great desktop base.
Why not join them all in a single advanced desktop that focuses on great apps, great eye-candy, great usability and ease of use?
Please comment you ideas and if you'd like to contribute please ask to do so.

TjPhysicist wrote:I'm up to help you if you want. I find compiz fusion too bloaty, e17 is awesome eye candy but not stable. WE could make smthg like e17 but stable version, and combine it with apps form all over. I'm relatively busy person, but i'll do what i can (i can program etc too).
Well perhaps compiz is a little bloatty, but what about XfWM4? It's compositing capabilities are great and it's also really lightweight...
I must say that my actual idea is working on a larch-based live CD with this desktop system.
Anyways, let's get some ideas down and after that lets work on them bud.
thanks for your help offer and comments

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         If they have set up port forwarding for you already then that is different.  In that case, then you could be experiencing the bug with the most recent release of ARD (3.7.2) and in particular ARD 3.7.2 and Yosemite ARD version 3.8 clients.  It has been reported numerous times in the forums and to Apple that since 3.7.2, clients are frequently unavailable to connect to despite there being no network issue between the remote computer and client computer.  I have not seen anyone report it who was working from outside the LAN to inside the LAN, but I have the same issue with a number of my own computers that are simply on a different subnet, so it stands rot reason that it would happen from a port forwarding location.
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    Hi to,
    Please check the KB :

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    If you each have a separate Windows account then each of you should automatically have a separate Firefox profile.
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    Those interested may attempt this.
    You are to write a Java program that accepts eight integers on the command line. These integers represent the coordinates of four points on the Euclidean plane. The program is to determine if the points define a quadrilateral, and if so, what type of quadrilateral it is. The program will print out the results, as described below, on the standard output device and exit. The details about input and output are given in the following subsections of this document.
    The name of your program (the main class) is to be called QuadChecker. You should write the code for all of the geometric classes you need in your solution, rather than use classes from a class library, such as javax.swing.*, etc.
    The program accepts exactly eight integers on the command line. These integers represent the coordinates of the four points in the following manner: x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y 3 x4 y4. This means that the values represent the points (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3), (x4, y4).     
    The output of the program depends upon the type of quadrilateral, if any, represented by the input. The following table indicates exactly the output strings to be produced for the different possible types of inputs.
    1. A rectangle     -- rectangle
    2. A square     -- square
    3. A parallelogram     -- parallelogram
    4. A rhombus     -- rhombus
    5. A trapezoid     -- trapezoid
    6. A Any other quadrilateral     -- quadrilateral
    7. Anything else     -- not a quadrilateral
    You may include a new line after your output.
    The program must print out only one of the above strings, and it must be the string that is the most constrained value. For example, if the input represented a square, you would print �square� even though the square is also a quadrilateral, rhombus, parallelogram, and rectangle.
    Program Files
    The Java program should be written so that all classes are in the same package, and the package is at the top level. That means you should not have your files in a package like �myjava.quadrilateral� or something similar. The following examples indicate how the program should be able to be executed. Programs should be compiled using the javac compiler, or one that is completely compatible with javac (i.e., not J++, or J#).
    The following two examples show how the program is expected to work. The first shows the execution of the program when a .jar file is used, and the second shows the execution when the program is executed from the directory
    java �classpath ./quadrilateral.jar QuadChecker 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0Square
    java �classpath . Quadchecker 0 0 2 2 4 2 2 0parallelogram
    Additional Information
    The following definitions and formulae may be helpful in creating your program.
    Types of Quadrilaterals
    The following table of definitions describes the different type of quadrilaterals
    Type of quadrilateral     Definition
    Parallelogram     Opposite sides are parallel to each other
    Rectangle     Four right angles (90 degrees)
    Square     Four right angles and all sides the same length
    Rhombus     All sides the same length
    Trapezoid     Two sides parallel
    Quadrilateral     Four sides
    Useful Math
    To compute the length, l, of a line with endpoints, (x1, y1), (x2, y2):
    To compute the slope, m, of a line with endpoints, (x1, y1), (x2, y2):
    Two lines are parallel if they have the same slope.
    Two lines are perpendicular if the slope of one is the negative reciprocal of the other. For example, if the one line has a slope of � and the other has a slope of -2, the lines are perpendicular.
    The following data need to be submitted along with the code.
    Before you start
    1.     How many months programming experience do you have, for all programming languages? ________
    2.     How many months of Java programming experience do you have? ________
    3.     How would you rate your Java programming ability (choose one):
         Poor     Fair     Good     Very Good     Excellent
    4.     How many lines of Java code would you estimate that you have written? ________
    5.     Have you ever used JUnit before?     Yes     No
    If yes, for how many months? ________
    6.     Have you ever taken a course in calculus and/or analytic geometry?     Yes     No
    After you complete the program
    1.     What was your development environment (for example, emacs and javac, Eclipse, Jbuilder, etc.)?
    2.     Did you use JUnit as a plug-in to your development environment?     Yes     No
    3.     What type of training did you receive for this execrise?     Instructor-led     Self-directed
    4.     How much time (approximate minutes) did you spend on training for this exercise? ________
    5.     Consider the following statement and rate your aggreement or disagreement with it: �I am confident that my program will pass all acceptance tests.� Circle one of the following.
         Strongly disagree          Disagree          Neutral          Agree          Strongly Agree
    Time (min.)
    Development:     ________
    Test:          ________

    What depressingly bad timing - I'm just in the process of seeking volunteers for my evaluation too - this kind of topic just makes people cynical.
    Oh well. BTW, hopefully you'll recognise my project as being a genuine effort - plus there's 10 dukes per answer on offer ;-)

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             I have developed dashboard with BEX query as a source(9 queries used in dashboard). This dashboard opens in 40 secs in BI launchpad but if I open same dashboard through SAP BI app it almost taking 3-4 min. Is there any ways to improve performance in Ipad?
    Info of Dashboard
    * 20-25 components using in dashboard
    * 100-150 formulae are used(VLOOKUP)
    * SAP BO 4.0 SP6 I am using
    Please need some tips to improve performance.

    Hi MH,
    Opening the dashboard in 40 secs in desktop is also a problem before jumping in to the ipad. Maximum it should take 5 - 10 secs to open the dashboard then only the clients will show interest on working with dashboards.
    * 20-25 components using in dashboard
    >>Check for unused components and try to remove it from the dashboard.
    * 100-150 formulae are used(VLOOKUP)
    >>Try to minimize the formula in excel, because the excel formula will throw lot of load at the time of processing the data. Instead of lookup's try to use index formula which is better than that.
    1. Use "Refresh after components are loaded" which will make you components gets loaded first then the data comes.
    2. File menu --> document properties. "Show Loading status" which explains or dashboard where it takes time to load.
    Xcelsius performance optimization- tips &amp;amp; tricks - Business Intelligence (BusinessObjects) - SCN Wiki
    1430976 - BICS remote & Xcelsius performance improvements…
    Hope this Helps!!!
    Revert for any clarifications.

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    Is it possible to hide them until I need them?

    You can eliminate mounted volumes via Finder Preferences>General
    You can reduce folder clutter by being neater! 
    But if you really want to hide everything on your Desktop, then download the free utility TinkerTool, and use this option:
    To make the Desktop objects visible again, re-run TinkerTool and uncheck that box.

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    To make MPEG video, MPEG-1 still being very popular on the interweb, use Toast. DivX is another fave, Toast does that too, actually has an export button on the video page to do that.
    To do MPEG-1 you use the video tab and the VCD setting. Make the VCD save as a real CD or better an image. Mount the image and drag the file called AVSEQ01.DAT (or very similar name, the DAT file) to the desktop.
    That is a proper MPEG-1 file you can rename to Movie.mpg if you like and you should, for others to understand.
    In MPEG Streamclip you can edit/cut/trim it if it is not just right and then export to MPEG again and you are done.
    Note you can do MPEG-2 by making a DVD then mounting THAT image and dragging off the VOB files that have numbers in them, open the lower numbered one in MPEG Streamclip , it will offer to open them all, fix timecode errors and you can cut and trim that too, and export as MPEG. MPEG-2 this time, rather large for the web though.

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    interest in Virtual Desktops. However I just haven't been able to get it up and running and I can't find anything on TechNet or anywhere else that helps since he needs what is considered a non-standard installation. It's a small office. They can't justify
    a second computer and don't want to add memory and disk space to make it possible to run a VM, though the
    main problem is that they can't live with the downtime it would take for the conversion. For that reason, though Microsoft hates the idea, it needs to work on a DC. Between that and the singular focus Microsoft apparently has on RemoteApps
    and Virtual Desktops there is very little anywhere on my problem.
    I can get to the RD web web page just fine. An RDP on the RemoteApp page will take me to the server just fine. A remote connection on a Windows 7 client outside of the office lets me connect to the server. But if I choose the Remote Desktop tab on the web
    page and enter a computer name that I know is configured to allow remote access and is up and running it will try to connect for a while and then pop up with the (in)famous "Remote Desktop can't connect to the remote computer for one of these reasons:"
    message. What's really strange is that this happens even if I enter the server name, the same computer that I successfully connect to using two other methods. I also notice that the resources available to the Windows 7 client that is successfully connecting
    to the server only lists 1 desktop.
    In addition I keep getting this warning popping up even though I do have the correct server configured as running the RemoteApp service because since I'm only running the one server I'm not running the RD connection broker.
    "RD Web Access was unable to contact <servername>, which is the server that is specified as running the RemoteApp and Desktop Connection Management service. Ensure that the name of the server that is specified as running the RemoteApp
    and Desktop Connection Management service is entered correctly, and that the server is running and available on the network. Error code: 1722."
    I've been working on this for many days now and just can't get this working.

    The RD Web Access server and the RD Session Host server are the same computer. The source specified is the internal FQDN name of the server
    computername.domain_name.local. I also tried setting it to localhost since it is on the same server and it made no difference. Reading the article you linked to I see that everything on there I have checked and the server is configured properly.
    The Remote Desktop Services role is installed with the Remote Desktop Session Host, Remote Desktop Licensing, Remote Desktop Gateway and Remote Desktop Web Access role services installed.
    The Best Practices Analyzer keeps showing that the RD Gateway server is not configured to use a valid SSL certificate even though I do have a third party SSL certificate properly installed. It also says that the Remote Desktop Users group on the RD Session
    Host server needs to contain domain users even though it already does have them.
    As I said in my original post it seems very strange that I can successfully connect to the server using two different methods but the method of going to the Remote Desktop tab on the RD Web main page and entering the server name doesn't work.

  • I can not open links on my desktop, says I need to create an association in folder options

    Ever since I switched from IE to Foxfire, I cannot click on desktop links to open programs. I get a message saying I need to create an association in Folder Options

    See this: <br />

  • Official Arch Linux Install Guide needs edit

    This line in the Official Arch Linux Install Guide
    Official Arch Linux Install Guide
    dd if=archlinux-XXX.img of=/dev/sdX
    Needs to be changed too
    dd if=archlinux-2010.05-{core|netinstall}-{i686|x86_64|dual}.iso of=/dev/sdx

    Hum, well I don't know how to write a git patch. I guess it would be a good thing to learn though, but I have to go to bed now.
    Hum..., after further looking at the this forums section I guess I posted in a totally wrong place Live and learn.
    Last edited by hunterthomson (2010-05-26 13:16:47)

  • [solve]android remote control of arch desktop

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    Last edited by ninjaprawn (2012-11-19 17:10:28)

    I know this post is solved and getting pretty old but I felt like I should add a few excellent suggestions to the list.
    Splashtop 2 and Teamviewer are both nice programs for controlling ones Arch, or other LINUX desktop, with an Android, they both have apps for the iPhone too.. Splashtop is made for Ubuntu, however it is in the AUR and they also give you the source of course. Http:// that's my favorite one cuz there's many quality options..
    Also, there is one called wificheema, this one is not in the repositories as I just did a search and was left empty handed. I'm not quite sure if wificheema worked on Arch or not as it's been awhile since I've used it because of it's lack of a quality zoom feature, I believe that was the only issue and for me it was a deal breaker cuz I have a tiny screen on my phone..
    @Maxp, those were brilliant ideas, I have no idea why they never crossed my mind before. So obvious when you think about it.. Thanks for those, I'm definitely gonna give those a shot on my Android cuz there's no splashtop for my model phone.
    Have either of you tried with the RDP app. I used to have it for windows but am not sure if it's for LINUX as well..

Maybe you are looking for

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