Arch Linux Dark Wood Wallpaper updated

Hey guys,
I just put this together and thought I would share. Just merged a few layers together with gimp and came up with this. Hope you enjoy!
Last edited by rlasalle15 (2012-04-22 23:05:40)

Hey guys! I have an HP Envy Beats Edition, and it's red and black. I found this thread and this wallpaper and decided to turn it red real quick and share it!

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    Last edited by Tsynique (2010-11-12 16:16:32)

    Short: CentOS is a pretty popular choice but I have no experience with it. You will need to make sure you have the latest security updates while also making sure that your keeping a good availability(up time), which could be a problem with Arch Linux.
    Long: Security updates and system up time/availability. Making sure you have the latest security updates may effect your server's availability. This can be a problem if you have paying clients as the updates may break stuff. Arch Linux doesn't have an official security team but there are some community efforts underway. Take a look at the wiki under security, firewalls and sysctl.conf hardening. Also keep your eye are ArchServer. I use Arch Linux on my VPS but its only been for hobby stuff so far. As I've been getting closer to relying on my website professionally I've been considering changing to a different dist. of Linux; the problem is I'm most familiar with Arch Linux, don't want to go back to Slackware and I'm not happy with the way Ubuntu does certain things[init system, sudo/root setup](I maintain an Ubuntu LAMP setup for our Intranet).

  • Arch Linux and Splashy, a big update

    edit 2:
    If you don't want to build from sources have a look at this post: … 03#p371403
    About me:
    I'm a professional developer (mainly c/c++) with 10 years of development experience. I've never programmed in bash before so this is my first experience. My Linux knowledge isn't good either but i learned a lot thanks to Arch Linux.
    About the thread:
    I need a boot splash for a mini-pc I'm building and i want, of course, use Arch Linux. The current status is pretty depressive, initscripts-splash are outdated and there is no real support for user-mode boot splashing system (like splashy).
    A few suggestions (IMHO) for the Arch Linux developers:
    -Integrate the splash system in the official initscripts. If you write a wrapper like start_daemon and stop_daemon to be used in /etc/rc.multi and /etc/rc.shutdown, we can limit the changes to just /etc/rc.d/functions and at least the initscripts-splash will be more maintainable and the whole code more clean.
    -Patch killall5 to add the support to ignore pids. The patch is really small and the one used by Ubuntu is … ids.dpatch. There is a package in AUR that uses a different patch: I tested it and so far it worked fine, no problems to be reported.
    Why do we need a patched killall5? Splashy gets killed early during the shutdown process and the whole purpose of having a splash system is defeated. Currently Splashy cannot handle the reboot/shutdown.
    Enough talking, now back to the real stuff. I've modified the initscript-splash package (completely rewritten) and the splashy package (almost completely rewritten).
    I've also written a new package to support splashy themes. I'm using these packages for my system and i never had any problem so far.
    Rewritten to fit my needs for Splashy. Based on initscripts-2008.05-1 (in testing, if you are not using the testing repo you should better wait till the package hits core).
    It only supports MY Splashy package, no other splash system is supported, not even the "old" Splashy package from AUR.
    Based on the great work done by the maintainers and the contributors of the package in AUR. A lot has been rewritten and it's actually a lot different.
    Simple package with just 1 theme (for now), depends on archlinux-wallpaper and uses a little hack to use the wallpapers provided. I will provide new themes as soon as i have time.
    Splashy now supports:
    Progress bar
    Text output
    Still working on resume/suspend and "verbose on error".
    Installation tutorial:
    -Download, compile and install sysvinit-mod from aur:
    -Remove your old initscripts or initscripts-splash package, remember to back /etc/rc.conf and /etc/inittab before.
    -Download, build and install initscripts-splash from … ash.tar.gz
    -Download, build and install splashy from
    -Download, build and install splashy-themes from
    -You may want to restore your old /etc/rc.conf and /etc/inittab now.
    -Add SPLASH="splashy" to the end of /etc/rc.conf.
    -Edit /etc/splashy/config.xml to select the theme you want (to list the installed themes do "ls /usr/share/splashy/themes/", use the directory name as the theme name).
    -Add the "splashy" hook to /etc/mkinitcpio.conf (mine is after v86d and before autodetect)
    -Rebuild your initramfs: mkinitcpio -g /boot/kernel26.img
    -Add "splash" to the kernel command line, if you are not using uvesafb (v86d hook) add vga=791 too. You should also add "quiet".
    If you are still confused follow this guide:
    Looking for suggestions, bug reports and patches!
    Thank you for reading this, you've done what i couldn't do, i can't believe i wrote all that cr*p.
    Last edited by lexiw (2008-05-29 15:28:49)

    phrakture wrote:
    lexiw wrote:-Integrate the splash system in the official initscripts. If you write a wrapper like start_daemon and stop_daemon to be used in /etc/rc.multi and /etc/rc.shutdown, we can limit the changes to just /etc/rc.d/functions and at least the initscripts-splash will be more maintainable and the whole code more clean.
    Now, we've gone through this a couple of times, and I don't actually want to integrate splash SPECIFIC stuff in the initscripts.
    However, we have the ability to override functions used by the initscripts. All we need to do is extrapolate out the pieces that you would need so that you can override them.
    So, if you would be willing to provide a patch against git ( … ;a=summary) which extrapolates the pieces you need, we could get that applied, and you simply need to dump your overriding functions in /etc/rc.d/functions.d/. NOTE: submit the patch to the bug tracker, it will get lost if you just post it on the forums.
    Alternatively, you can just tell us ( which pieces you want extrapolated, but this will take much longer, as I don't think anyone dealing with this stuff is really gung-ho about splash support.
    I will probably provide a patch after i studied the code a little deeper The /etc/rc.d/functions.d/ solution seems the right way to implement it.
    phrakture wrote:
    lexiw wrote:-Patch killall5 to add the support to ignore pids. The patch is really small and the one used by Ubuntu is … ids.dpatch. There is a package in AUR that uses a different patch: I tested it and so far it worked fine, no problems to be reported.
    Why do we need a patched killall5? Splashy gets killed early during the shutdown process and the whole purpose of having a splash system is defeated. Currently Splashy cannot handle the reboot/shutdown.
    This seems a little silly to me. I'm sure there's 10 or 20 other ways you could implement the same functionality without needing to patch a quasi-critical binary just for splash support. The patch affects all users. Splashy does not.
    I could not find an alternative solution by myself, as i stated my Linux knowledge isn't more than average. If you could provide me some hints I'll be happy to do some further research on the issue and provide a patch. I'll be glad to drop the sysvinit-mod dependency.
    Without the right know-how i just went the "mainstream way" and did what Debian/Ubuntu did.
    I didn't know you could ovveride functions, this will be a great boost for the initscripts-splash project Thank you!
    Last edited by lexiw (2008-05-22 17:35:15)

  • Wallpaper: "Arch Linux garden"

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    Here I have just used Arch Linux color scheme.
    More about artwork and other variations here:
    It is in latvian language, but there are a lot of pictures.
    Posted also on deviantart: … -167519242

    Not bad... I like that it's dark but with colour. Seems a bit "sad" to me though.

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    just wanted to share this wallpaper I made with GIMP, following a tutorial I found on (or, to be more specific), a blog for graphics design. The tutorial was originally intended for Photoshop and with me being not at all experienced with GIMP (or Photoshop, for that matter), the result turned out to be a lot more simplistic than it was meant to be at first. But then again, I guess that suits an Arch Linux Wallpaper better anyway.
    The Arch Linux logo is taken from
    I opened a new thread for this as I couldn't seem to find a thread dedicated to wallpapers.
    Anyway, enjoy!
    Last edited by cimple (2011-11-06 00:59:48)

    Sure, go ahead and do whatever you want with it! I'd even add it as a theme myself, I don't know how to add stuff to the AUR though and right now I'm a little too busy to get involved in that. A GDM theme would be awesome as well (mainly because that's what I use) but I think I'll give that a shot myself later. I've always (always as in "for about a year") wanted to do a theme for GDM anyway - the wallpaper would have to be changed a little for that though (put the logo off-centre).
    If you need to apply changes to the image, tell me and I'll upload it in GIMP's editable format!

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    I've posted a few resolutions here:
    Critiques welcome. ;-)
    Last edited by Dusty (2011-09-03 07:26:11)

    Hey, that's kind of neat. How did you do it?
    Can I suggest that you make the URL less conspicuous/different font and closer to the bottom of the screen?

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    Blender Source File: Download

    Haikarainen wrote:
    This is really beautiful! I read you rendered it using blender, is this available for linux also or is it windows/mac only?
    Criticism: Tux stands out too much, doesn't feel like he fits in. I think it would be really cool and better if you worked on his materials,  perhaps making him look like a plushy? You know a little furry.
    Thank you Yes, Blender works very well on Linux, you can get it from the official arch repo ($ sudo pacman -S blender). This image was modeled and rendered entirely on Arch Linux using Blender + Gimp for some touch-ups (I would never make an Arch Linux wallpaper on Windows/Mac, that's sacrilege ).
    Thanks for the criticism as well. Like I mentioned above, I'm working on a couple improvements and different designs already. I'll keep your suggestion in mine while designing them.

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    im installing it on virtualbox,
    ah brilliant, ill look into it!

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    ArchGh0ul wrote:
    hatten wrote:feel for making a 1280*1024? Then it would be even more awesome! (As if that would be possible)
    It already is at 1280x1024...
    Here it is without the logo
    i meant the one in the first post =P

  • How to setup grub2 with arch linux and xen, lvm on luks

    OK, so I tried downloading this package from AUR: , but that has patching problems as noted in the comments.  It looks like the packagebuild sets up all the xen stuff for you, but I can't seem to get the package to install because of the error's while patching.  If anyone can point me in the right direction on what all the extra files in the PKGBUILD are for or how to debug problems with PKGBUILDs not working because of patches.
    So next I just tried to compile the latest xen from git:// (with ./configure, make, make install) and that seemed to go fine, but I'm a bit confused:
    1.  Do I have to do any additional configuration for xen when working with arch linux?  On ubuntu I could just compile the source, update grub, and make sure to start the x services at runtime.
    2.  How do I set up grub to load xen with this setup?  Right now this is my /boot/grub/grub.cfg:
    # Preload both GPT and MBR modules so that they are not missed
    GRUB_PRELOAD_MODULES="part_gpt part_msdos"
    # Uncomment to enable Hidden Menu, and optionally hide the timeout count
    # Uncomment to use basic console
    # Uncomment to disable graphical terminal
    # The resolution used on graphical terminal
    # note that you can use only modes which your graphic card supports via VBE
    # you can see them in real GRUB with the command `vbeinfo'
    # Uncomment to allow the kernel use the same resolution used by grub
    # Uncomment if you want GRUB to pass to the Linux kernel the old parameter
    # format "root=/dev/xxx" instead of "root=/dev/disk/by-uuid/xxx"
    # Uncomment to disable generation of recovery mode menu entries
    # Uncomment and set to the desired menu colors. Used by normal and wallpaper
    # modes only. Entries specified as foreground/background.
    # Uncomment one of them for the gfx desired, a image background or a gfxtheme
    # Uncomment to get a beep at GRUB start
    #GRUB_INIT_TUNE="480 440 1"
    I've tried throwing in a line like: XEN_HYPERVISOR_CMDLINE="cryptdevice=/dev/sda3:vgStorage", but nothing new shows up on the grub boot menu.
    First time trying to set up a non-ubuntu system, please help!

    As for XEN.... well you could always try QEMU/KVM or LXC.
    As for the LVM2-on-LUKS/dm-crypt
    My /etc/mkinitcpio.conf looks like this...
    MODULES="aesni_intel ata_generic ata_piix nls_cp437 ext4 intel_agp i915 dm-snapshot"
    HOOKS="base udev autodetect block keymap encrypt lvm2 filesystems keyboard fsck shutdown"
    GRUB_PRELOAD_MODULES="part_gpt part_msdos"
    The running grub config looks like this
    9 insmod part_gpt
    10 insmod part_msdos
    53 if loadfont unicode ; then
    54 set gfxmode=auto
    55 load_video
    56 insmod gfxterm
    57 set locale_dir=$prefix/locale
    58 set lang=en_US
    59 insmod gettext
    60 fi
    61 terminal_input console
    62 terminal_output gfxterm
    63 set timeout=3
    84 menuentry 'Backup, Arch Linux grsec kernel' --class arch --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os $menuentry_id_option 'gnulinux-grsec kernel-true-12341234-8080-8080-8080-332200882255' {
    85 load_video
    86 set gfxpayload=keep
    87 insmod gzio
    88 insmod part_msdos
    89 insmod ext2
    90 set root='hd1,msdos2'
    91 if [ x$feature_platform_search_hint = xy ]; then
    92 search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root --hint-bios=hd1,msdos2 --hint-efi=hd1,msdos2 --hint-baremetal=ahci1,msdos2 BBAAEEAA-FFCC-CCFF-FFCC-AABBCCEEBBAA
    93 else
    94 search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root BBAAEEAA-FFCC-CCFF-FFCC-AABBCCEEBBAA
    95 fi
    96 echo 'Loading Linux grsec kernel ...'
    97 linux /vmlinuz-linux-grsec root=/dev/mapper/VolGroup00-lvroot rw cryptdevice=/dev/sda2:root:allow-discards quiet
    98 echo 'Loading initial ramdisk ...'
    99 initrd /initramfs-linux-grsec.img
    100 }
    Things to note:
    Numerical UUID is the UUID of the ROOT partition.
    Alphabetical UUIS is the BOOT partition
    hd1,msdos2 AND ahci1,msdos2 are how the Grub Bootloader numbers the drives not Linux.
    I have my BOOT partition on a USB stick, and it is the Second partition.
    So, that would make it, Device 2 and Partition 2
    Device numbering starts at 0
    Partition numbering starts at 1
    Oh, and note that you don't need ":allow-discards" ... at all but certainly if you don't have an SSD. Also note that I included the line numbers so it is very clear that I didn't post the whole thing, but instead what I thought was relevant. Finally, I am loading modules that I don't even need, but what the hell... if it ain't broke, don't fix it
    Last edited by hunterthomson (2013-12-04 08:31:45)

  • Complete theme for Arch Linux

    Hi guys. In celebration of Arch's new design, I finally decided to learn more about making wallpapers and GTK+ themes. Unfortunately, I had to basically hack an existing GTK+ theme (Smooth-Line), but it still looks good and matches the overall feel of Arch Linux, in my opinion.
    I've created a collection of files that themes the following things:
    GTK widgets
    desktop background
    The goal was to integrate seamlessly with the website's look and feel. I think I've succeeded:
    Unfortunately, I don't have an xcf of the background, so I doubt it can be scaled easily. I guess it's one of those things you don't think about when a project starts out being 'just for me'.
    I've uploaded a g-zipped tarball of the files you'll need to use the theme.
    * The sample .Xdefaults file allows you to change the colors for urxvt. Feel free to delete all the stuff before the "color#" lines.
    * gtkrc goes wherever you want it, but should be put in /usr/share/themes/Smooth-Arch/gtk-2.0/ if you want theme switching apps to recognize it.
    * The background can be put anywhere.
    * Arch-Linux goes in /usr/share/fluxbox/styles or ~/.fluxbox/styles.
    I hope you guys like it.
    EDIT: Updated the screenshot and fixed the link to the archive.
    Last edited by xelados (2009-12-07 11:46:15)

    xelados wrote:
    mfolnovic wrote:Can you please give us links to GTK+ theme documentation? I can't find any ...
    Sure! GNOME Live: GTK Theme Tutorial
    Beat me to it.
    I've got loads of half-finished themes here (or did have; they might have gone when I switched to Arch) - once I found QtCurve, it just seemed too much hassle. It's not totally configurable from the GUI, but it certainly beats poring over gtkrcs until your eyes hurt.
    Edit: I meant to add that the wallpaper works quite well cropped to 5:4 if you take the right end. The big Arch logo loses its bottom left point, but it's not too bad.
    Last edited by dunc (2008-02-03 20:12:34)

  • [GUIDE] How to get MapleStory working in Arch Linux

    MapleStory is a free-of-charge, 2D, side-scrolling massively multiplayer online role-playing game developed by the South Korean company Wizet. Several versions of the game are available for specific countries or regions, and each is published by various companies such as Wizet and Nexon. Although playing the game is free, character appearances and gameplay enhancements can be purchased from the "Cash Shop" using real money. MapleStory has a combined total of over 50 million subscriber accounts in all of its versions. MapleStory North America (Global), for players mainly in North America and outside of East Asia, Southeast Asia and Europe, has over three million players.
    In the game, players travel the "Maple World", defeating monsters and developing their characters' skills and abilities as is typical in role-playing games. Players can interact with others in many ways, such as through chatting, trading, and playing minigames. Groups of players can band together in parties to hunt monsters and share the rewards. Players can also join a guild to interact more easily with each other.
    I am an avid mapler myself, however, I am also an avid archer! For some time, I have wanted to get MapleStory working on Arch Linux in some way, but nothing seemed to work. As you might have guessed by now, recently, while playing around with VirtualBox, I discovered a method to get MapleStory working on it! Though in this method you won't actually have MapleStory running on Arch Linux, you'll have it running on a VirtualBox Windows virtual machine, that is still pretty good compared to other people's experiences.
    I hope there are at least a few maplers on this forum, and if there aren't, I hope that someone will port this post over to other Linux, or even MapleStory, forums. Anyways, let's begin.
    1. Download and install a version of Virtual Box that is version 3.0+. The reason for this is that, only versions 3.0+ support an experimental DirectX Driver with 3D acceleration that is required for MapleStory to run.
    2. Create a Windows Virtual Machine, add a hard disk to it, and install and update Windows on it(preferably Windows XP, as it uses less resources than other contemporary Windows installations).
    3. Once you have done all you needed and wanted on that Windows installation, restart it, boot it into safe mode by holding F8 at the boot, and wait until the desktop is fully loaded.
    4. After you are at the desktop, go to "Devices" at the top of the menu of the Windows virtual machine, and select "Install Guest Additions...". Wait until Guest Additions finishes installing, and when VirtualBox asks you if you want to mount the disk containing the Guest Additions on the virtual machine, say "Yes".
    5. Run the main executable on the disk that doesn't have amd64 or x86 following its name. Follow the instructions it gives you, and when it asks you what components to install, make sure both of the boxes it shows you are checked.
    6. After the install is completed, the virtual machine will restart. After it restarts, shut it down.
    7. Congratulations! You now have DirectX installed on your VirtualBox virtual machine! Now you need to activate the "3D Acceleration", that enables it.
    8. In the VirtualBox main window, make sure you have your machine with Windows selected. Then, click on "Machine", and then "Settings...", at the top. A new window should pop up. On the left hand side, click on the display panel, and in the new settings section, tick Enable 3D Acceleration. Click "OK", to save the settings.
    9. Start your Windows virtual machine, install MapleStory just as you would on a normal windows computer, and run MapleStory.
    Notes: This way of running MapleStory is slower than by running it normally, on a normal windows computer. Also, try to not interact with your Linux desktop while playing MapleStory, because this can cause HackShield to shut down MapleStory, due to the fact that it believes there is a hacking attempt.
    If any of you port this guide to any other place on the web, please, credit me, neovaysburd5.
    For any further questions or inquiries, this goes to all of you, please contact me at [email protected].
    Last edited by neovaysburd5 (2009-08-19 16:51:31)

    Alright, I've posted it in the wiki. I don't know if it meets the Arch Linux wiki standards, so if there is absolutely anything wrong with it, please fix it right away. Don't even ask my permission.

  • [SOLVED] (U)EFI dualboot Win7 Arch Linux - partitions gone - recovery?

    Hi everybody,
    I have a slight problem with my (U)EFI dualboot system (Windows 7 and Arch Linux) which used to be configured using rEFInd like it is described in my previous post: … 6#p1300356
    <EFI PARTITION> is /dev/sda1 and I used to boot via <EFI PARTITION>\EFI\Boot\Bootx64.efi which then successfully either loaded Windows or Linux kernel.
    Thanks to my own stupidity and a recent update of refind I decided to copy the new driver, font and icon folders to the <EFI PARTITION> in order to be up-to-date.
    After doing so, the rEFInd boot menu had a third icon which said "Boot via \EFI\Boot\Bootx64.efi" and if I clicked on it a second rEFInd boot menu appeared with only the two icons for Windows 7 and Arch.
    So I figured I could delete Bootx64.efi and ultimately did so, unfortunately. Afterwards I couldn't boot neither Windows nor Linux anymore.
    Following this I went through my noumerous USB boot sticks in order to be able to recover the Bootx64.efi. Unfortunately the first USB stick was a Windows XP one which has the plop bootloader alongside:
    Out of couriousity I entered this bootloader and found HDA and HDB (I assume resembling my SSD and my USB stick).
    To my knowledge I didn't change anything but after entering the bootloader again I just found HDA left, HDB seemed to be gone. But I didn't think of anything bad happening yet.
    Then I found a working Archiso which I booted and using blkid I couldn't find the partitions of my earlier system anymore, only its device and the USB stick:
    /dev/sda: PTUUID="..." PTTYPE="gpt"
    /dev/sdb1: UUID="..." LABEL="ARCH_201312" TYPE="..." and so on
    /dev/sdb2: SEC_TYPE="msdos" and so on
    Even within the EFI shell I could not detect any internal drive anymore (only fs0: which is the USB stick)
    Using Archiso onboard tool testdisk I could find the old partitions. The correct result of the GPT from testdisk is:
    Fri Jul 4 08:45:25 2014
    Command line: TestDisk
    TestDisk 6.14, Data Recovery Utility, July 2013
    Christophe GRENIER <[email protected]>
    OS: Linux, kernel 3.12.1-3-ARCH (#1 SMP PREEMPT Tue Nov 26 11:17:02 CET 2013) x86_64
    Compiler: GCC 4.8
    Compilation date: 2013-08-06T08:42:31
    ext2fs lib: 1.42.8, ntfs lib: libntfs-3g, reiserfs lib:, ewf lib: none
    /dev/sda: LBA, HPA, LBA48, DCO support
    /dev/sda: size 500118192 sectors
    /dev/sda: user_max 500118192 sectors
    /dev/sda: native_max 500118192 sectors
    /dev/sda: dco 500118192 sectors
    Warning: can't get size for Disk /dev/mapper/control - 0 B - 1 sectors, sector size=512
    Hard disk list
    Disk /dev/sda - 256 GB / 238 GiB - CHS 31130 255 63, sector size=512 - Samsung SSD 840 PRO Series, S/N:S12RNEAD322171L, FW:DXM04B0Q
    Disk /dev/sdb - 2013 MB / 1920 MiB - CHS 1022 62 62, sector size=512 - SMI USB DISK, FW:1100
    Disk /dev/sdc - 4210 MB / 4015 MiB - CHS 1020 130 62, sector size=512 - Generic Flash Disk, FW:8.07
    Disk /dev/mapper/arch_root-image - 1478 MB / 1410 MiB - 2887680 sectors, sector size=512
    Disk /dev/dm-0 - 1478 MB / 1410 MiB - 2887680 sectors, sector size=512
    Partition table type (auto): Intel
    Disk /dev/sda - 256 GB / 238 GiB - Samsung SSD 840 PRO Series
    Partition table type: EFI GPT
    New options :
    Dump : No
    Align partition: Yes
    Expert mode : Yes
    Analyse Disk /dev/sda - 256 GB / 238 GiB - CHS 31130 255 63
    hdr_lba_alt=500118191 (expected 500118191)
    hdr_lba_alt=1 (expected 1)
    Trying alternate GPT
    Current partition structure:
    Trying alternate GPT
    Disk /dev/sda - 256 GB / 238 GiB - CHS 31130 255 63
    FAT32 at 0/32/33
    FAT1 : 4110-6150
    FAT2 : 6151-8191
    start_rootdir : 8192 root cluster : 2
    Data : 8192-2097151
    sectors : 2097152
    cluster_size : 8
    no_of_cluster : 261120 (2 - 261121)
    fat_length 2041 calculated 2041
    set_FAT_info: name from BS used
    FAT32 at 0/32/33
    MS Data 2048 2099199 2097152 [NO NAME]
    FAT32, blocksize=4096, 1073 MB / 1024 MiB
    NTFS at 146/251/42
    filesystem size 249593856
    sectors_per_cluster 8
    mft_lcn 786432
    mftmirr_lcn 2
    clusters_per_mft_record -10
    clusters_per_index_record 1
    NTFS part_offset=1209008128, part_size=127792054272, sector_size=512
    NTFS partition cannot be added (part_offset<part_size).
    NTFS at 146/251/42
    filesystem size 249593856
    sectors_per_cluster 8
    mft_lcn 786432
    mftmirr_lcn 2
    clusters_per_mft_record -10
    clusters_per_index_record 1
    MS Data 2361344 251955199 249593856
    NTFS, blocksize=4096, 127 GB / 119 GiB
    recover_EXT2: s_block_group_nr=0/160, s_mnt_count=1318/4294967295, s_blocks_per_group=32768, s_inodes_per_group=8192
    recover_EXT2: s_blocksize=4096
    recover_EXT2: s_blocks_count 5242880
    recover_EXT2: part_size 41943040
    MS Data 251955200 293898239 41943040
    ext4 blocksize=4096 Large file Sparse superblock, 21 GB / 20 GiB
    recover_EXT2: s_block_group_nr=0/80, s_mnt_count=1317/4294967295, s_blocks_per_group=32768, s_inodes_per_group=8192
    recover_EXT2: s_blocksize=4096
    recover_EXT2: s_blocks_count 2621440
    recover_EXT2: part_size 20971520
    MS Data 293898240 314869759 20971520
    ext4 blocksize=4096 Large file Sparse superblock, 10 GB / 10 GiB
    recover_EXT2: s_block_group_nr=0/706, s_mnt_count=1317/4294967295, s_blocks_per_group=32768, s_inodes_per_group=8192
    recover_EXT2: s_blocksize=4096
    recover_EXT2: s_blocks_count 23156049
    recover_EXT2: part_size 185248392
    MS Data 314869760 500118151 185248392
    ext4 blocksize=4096 Large file Sparse superblock, 94 GB / 88 GiB
    P MS Data 2048 2099199 2097152 [NO NAME]
    FAT32, blocksize=4096, 1073 MB / 1024 MiB
    P MS Data 2361344 251955199 249593856
    NTFS, blocksize=4096, 127 GB / 119 GiB
    P MS Data 251955200 293898239 41943040
    ext4 blocksize=4096 Large file Sparse superblock, 21 GB / 20 GiB
    P MS Data 293898240 314869759 20971520
    ext4 blocksize=4096 Large file Sparse superblock, 10 GB / 10 GiB
    P MS Data 314869760 500118151 185248392
    ext4 blocksize=4096 Large file Sparse superblock, 94 GB / 88 GiB
    1 P MS Data 2048 2099199 2097152 [NO NAME]
    2 P MS Data 2361344 251955199 249593856
    3 P MS Data 251955200 293898239 41943040
    4 P MS Data 293898240 314869759 20971520
    5 P MS Data 314869760 500118151 185248392
    simulate write!
    TestDisk exited normally.
    ext4 blocksize=4096 Large file Sparse superblock, 94 GB / 88 GiB
    Now the question is: Can I - using testdisk or any other tool - recover those partitions successfully so I will be able to boot again afterwards? I tested and I could mark them as:
    P Primary
    Any help will be greately appreciated.
    Best regards
    Last edited by blablubb1234 (2014-07-08 09:20:08)

    Issue resolved If you care to know how, read on:
    Looking at the disk using gdisk was doing no good. Neither of the recovery options in gdisk did the trick.
    I then returned to testdisk and restored the partitions (successfully). However, afterwards I was greeted by shell telling me the root device was not found (seems like UUIDs get changed when one restores them using testdisk). Adjusting the PARTUUID for root in <EFI SYSTEM PARTIITION>/boot/refind_linux.conf did the trick and I could boot up Archlinux again.
    Windows 7 still didn't boot telling me the required device was inaccessible (probably wrong UUID, too). I could however not restore/edit Windows' BCD using bcdedit, see my post Status: 0xc0000225 boot selection failed; required device inaccessible:
    To make a long story short: Removing bcd and running autorecovery from withing Windows RE successfully created a new bcd. Unfortunately, Windows writes its backup bootloader at <EFI SYSTEM PARTITION>/boot/EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi. This file originally was a copy of refind_x64.efi which I need to put at that location to be able to dualboot. After chrooting to my Arch system I could restore bootx64.efi, create a new fstab and everything is running fine now again.
    Best regards and thanks for the help.

  • Installing Multiple Operating Systems with grub and Arch Linux

    NOTE: Please keep in mind that there are many different ways to achieve this same result using various loop and ramdisk methods, read this with a separate window to jot down your comments and suggestions... this is ongoing for me so any help would be appreciated!
    Read the full article at Install Multiple Os without cds
    This is my first post and I plan on making this topic an official HOWTO with
    I have been into the computer security scene since 1990, but I realized that I had very little experience with the various LInux, Unix, and alternative Operating systems out there.
    I have a CD-RW drive but being a struggling computer security researcher I had no money for blank cd-recordables.  What follows is how I managed to install various operating systems on my computer (1 hard drive) without having to burn to a CD the ISO and then boot from that.
    I first partitioned my 120GB harddrive into 10 partitions, the 2nd partition is a small swap and the last partition is extra large because it holds all the ISO images..
    I then wrote a small shell script to automatically download (I love wget!)  the following.
    Local Area Security
    Packet Master
    The script also downloaded Installation manuals and md5 checksums.. (let me know if I should post... its pretty unsophisticated
    I installed Slackware (personal favorite) on hda1 using my last blank CD-R, note that I do not have a separate boot partitino.  (Should I?).  I also installed grub on the MBR.  I love grub, if you read through the man pages and all info you can find about grub, you can learn a whole lot.  Grub has much more features and capability than lilo, even though lilo comes installed by default with slack.
    I organize my kernel situation as follows...  In my /boot directory, I mkdir KERNEL, CONFIG, MAP, INITRD and that is a good way for me to keep my kernels and everything organized..  Another good way is a separate dir for each new kernel. 
    Since Arch-Linux is a solid distro, I'll use that as a first example.
    Here is the Arch-Linux section of my shell script
    goge Arch-Linux
    cat arch-0.6.md5sum
    md5sum arch-0.6.iso
    The first thing to do is to mount the downloaded ISO image so we can use it as if it were an actual CD.
    mount -t iso9660 -o ro,loop=/dev/loop0 cdimage /mnt/cdrom
    Where cdimage= the ISO image.   EX. /usr/local/src/ISO/Linux/Arch-Linux/arch-0.6.iso
    This mounts the iso as /mnt/cdrom.
    Next you need to copy /mnt/cdrom to a separate partition for the booting process.  So mkfs.ext2 /dev/hda9.  ( I prefer reiserfs or even XFS to ext but if you use something other than ext2 you could run into some problems because some of the installation kernels and initrds don't include support for reiserfs and so can't recognize the files.  Although you could use mkinitrd to create a new initrd with reiserfs support, that might be pushin it IMO...   I use the 9th partition consistently for this.  I know there is a "right" way to copy the /mnt/cdrom files so everything stays the way it is supposed too, using tar or cpio, but I'm lazy so I just do cp -rp.   
    (What is the tar or cpio commands to copy with correct permissions etc??)
    So you mount the 9th partition as whatever, say /mnt/hd and then copy the files.  Now what?
    Now edit your /boot/grub/menu.lst file to include the specific options to boot arch-linux installation. 
    A good idea is to find the isolinux.cfg file somewhere on the distro cd, this will tell you what to include in the menu.lst.
    Here is the section in my menu.lst
    title Arch Install
    root (hd0,8)
    kernel /isolinux/vmlinuz load_ramdisk=1 prompt_ramdisk=0 root=/dev/rd/0
    This should be self-explanatory.  The root (hd0,8) is pointing to partition 9.  So the rest of the commands start from partition 9. 
    When you experience problems, remember you can always edit the grub boot options by typing 'e' and then edit the section.  Also, a good idea is to include several variations in your menu.lst so you can easily try other ways to boot efficiently.  And, remember to read up on all the installation guides that come with your distro, specifically, hard-disk installs. 
    There are special cases, Gentoo, has a semi-new compressed filesystem called squashfs.  BTW, this is AWESOME, so check it out.  It has to be compiled into the kernel, so some work is in order, but use this recompile to optimize your kernel.  You can get the squashfs patch for almost any kernel.  I use the latest stable 2.6 kernel.  Squashfs is incredible and although I don't think you need it to install from ISO, you do need it to expand the livecd.squashfs filesystem that comes with the cd.
    Heres a sample Gentoo section from my menu.lst
    title Gentoo Install
    root (hd0,8)
    kernel /isolinux/gentoo root=/dev/ram0
    initrd=/isolinux/gentoo.igz init=/linuxrc acpi=off looptype=squashfs loop=/livecd.squashfs cdroot vga=791 splash=silent
    A nother' tip is the shell that is provided if you experience problems, typically busybox or ash.  The key tools to get you going from here is mount and chroot.  Sometimes you will need to manually create a simulated file system and then chroot into it.  For instance, you might have to create boot, etc, bin, directories on the target partition. 
    I generally install each OS onto the next partition (careful of the logical partition) and add it to my menu.lst after install.  A good idea is after installation, copy the kernel and initrd(if there is one) to the slackware(or whatever) boot partition on hda1.  I copy kernels to /boot/KERNEL/ and initrd's to /boot/INITRD, then menu.lst is more organized...
    You then need to add an updated section to your menu.lst (just comment out the install section for later)
    Here is the finished arch-linux section from menu.lst
    title Arch Linux 6
    root (hd0,2)
    kernel /boot/vmlinuz26 ro root=/dev/hdc3
    This doesn't use my convenient boot/KERNEL/vmlinuz26 as you can tell by setting the root to partition 3.
    ***NOTE: Make a backup of MBR using dd and save to floppy, also backup the partition table to floppy, using cfdisk or parted.  And boot disks (I use 1 with grub, and 1 with slack, and tomsbootdisk) will invariably come in handy.  Tomsbootdisk is recommended, and make the grub boot disk when you install grub.  install to floppy.
    The final result after some fun experimenting, is when I boot, I have a cool grub boot screen come up with the option to boot into whatever OS I want, this is handy for multiple reasons.  One good thing to do after this is to port scan and vuln scan each OS, after you update of course.  Write this stuff down and you will know the weaknesses/strengths of the various OS's. 
    I can boot a custom Firewall, snort, or multiple honeypots using this procedure, as well as a graphical kde environment with a kernel optimized for graphics and my processor/architecture, or an environment devoted to forensics or even an environment suitable for programming.
    P.S. Some of the cooler alternative operating systems are BeOS 5, EOS, ER_OS, V2_OS, and my personal favorite Menuet.  Menuet is 100% assembly graphical operating system that fits on a floppy.  Its f'in money!
    This should be a good enough example to get you started, this kind of thing should be learned and not just copied... Knowing how to do this stuff could prove to be exceptionally useful...

    Start by reading all the articles built-in on your Mac - Help > Mac Help, search "printer sharing." rver-from-mac-os-x/ nter

  • Progress on Unity under Arch Linux!

    See here for information about the new GNOME 3.12-compatible packages: … 3#p1404683
    I'm now on IRC! Come join us at #unityforarch on Freenode
    To install Unity from my repos:
    See the wiki: … mmended.29
    To install Unity from source:
    See the wiki:
    -- You probably don't want to read anything below --
    The story
    So...rather than wasting internet bandwith to download a new Ubuntu ISO to test out the new Unity features, I decided to try to make it work under Arch Linux. It took a whole lot longer than I expected to get it even partially working. So, here's my story:
    Knowing that Unity isn't in the main repositories, I went the AUR's website and looked for a user created Unity package. That didn't go too well. The Unity package hasn't been updated for 6 months. D'oh! I decided to download the existing PKGBUILD and modify it to work with the Unity 4.xx series. After changing the version number, I tried to "makepkg" it, and was greeted with a message about installing Compiz 0.9.x. I thought it would be an easy install. It was quite the opposite. Compiz's install prefix was set to /opt/unity, but FindCompiz cmake build file expected Compiz to be in /usr, so none of the Compiz packages, except for compiz-core would compile. Then, I tried reinstalling compiz-core, but this time, changing the prefix to /usr. The compiled package ended up being only a few kilobytes big. I guess the mouse wheel was invented for a reason. I looked at the PKGBUILD again, only to find that there was a line at the very bottom that ran "rm -rf ${pkgdir}/usr". That explains a lot! I ended up adopting all the compiz*-git packages and fixing them so they would compile and install.
    So, now that Compiz is working (restarted and tested just to make sure I didn't waste my time with something that didn't work), I went on to install the rest of the dependencies listed in the Unity PKGBUILD file. That went relatively well. I was so happy after seeing the progress counter go up after running "makepkg", but at about 8%, gcc spat out an error about an undeclared function (sorry, I forgot what the function was). Natually, I went to Google and searched the name of the function. 0 results! Exactly was I was looking for! I ended up downloading the Ubuntu 11.10 Alpha 3 ISO and running "find -type f /usr/lib | xargs objdump -T | grep the_function". The problem lied in the libindicator package. There was a newer version available which contained that function. I have no idea why a package that's only 0.02 versions ahead of the AUR package would contain new functions...
    Next! Utouch...ugh...great memories! Not! I was so glad that I had fixed the utouch packages earlier (for touchegg to work). I was too frustrated from compiz and libindicator to try to compile more stuff.
    Cmake. Whoever created the CMakeLists.txt file didn't list all the dependencies required. So after running "makepkg" 10 billion times, waiting for "somebodydidntputthisincmake.h not found" errors to appear, I finally got all the dependencies I needed installed...or so I thought. After installing and compiling all these dependencies, the cmake only continues 3% further before encountering another cryptic gcc error. This time, there no error about a file not being found. So not knowing what dependency was missing, I headed over to and downloaded the Unity DEB source to find the dependencies in then debian/control file. After install those few dependencies that I missed, I ran "makepkg" again, hoping that it would finally compile successfully. CMake went a little further--5% further to be exact--before running into another error. It complained about DndSourceDragBegin() having two return types. Sure, enough "./plugins/unityshell/src/ResultViewGrid.h" had the return type as boolean and "/usr/include/Nux-1.0/Nux/InputArea.h" had the return type as void. WTF? How the heck does this even compile under 11.10???
    After changing void to bool in "/usr/include/Nux-1.0/Nux/InputArea.h", I ran "makepkg" once again anxiously waiting to the see the line "Finished making: unity 4.10.2". CMake compiled about 35% before running into error about an undeclared gtk function. Nooooooooooooo!!! I wasn't brave enough to install the git version of gtk3, so I created a chroot, installed the base packages, and installed all of those dependencies fairly quickly (it gets a lot easier after doing it so many times).
    Moving on to gtk3. After cloning the ~200MB git repository, autotools spits out an error about cairo-gl missing. So, I proceeded to install the cairo-gl-git package, which failed to compile (it compiled successfully outside of the chroot...). GREAT. So, Unity fails to compile because GTK version is too old, and GTK failed to compile because cairo-gl is missing, and cairo-gl fails to compile because I'm in a chroot. GAHHH!!! While thinking about throwing the computer out of the window, I searched the AUR for other GTK3 packages. I just happened to find a package named "GTK3-UBUNTU"! That package was still at version 3.0, but it was pretty easy to get the patches and source code for 3.1 from the Ubuntu GTK source package.
    So, FINALLY, Unity compiles. I was so darn happy, I didn't even care if it ran or not. I logged out and logged back into the GNOME 3 fallback mode, and entered the chroot. After running "xhost +SI:localuser:chenxiaolong" to run X11 apps in the chroot, I crossed my fingers and ran "DISPLAY=:0.0 unity --replace". It failed with python 3 complaining about missing modules. That's okay, since the Unity launch script is written in python 2. I changed the shebang line in "/usr/bin/unity" to point to python 2 and ran "DISPLAY=:0.0 unity --replace". It didn't necessarily fail, but it didn't succeed either. It didn't print out any error messages. Weird... I thought I'd try enabling Unity from the compiz settings manager then. I ran "DISPLAY=:0.0 compiz --replace" and "DISPLAY=:0.0 ccsm" and enabled the Unity plugin. Unity runs! Although nothing shows on the screen, it runs! It shows up in the process list! Woohoo!
    And that's about how far I got. There were quite a few Vala errors during the compiling process (I forgot which package it was), which is probably why Unity won't appear. I'll try again later with the vala-devel or vala-git package and hopefully Unity will work then. Here are screenshots of what I've gotten working so far:
    By then way, I love the simplicity of pacman and the AUR. I can't imagine how long this would have taken with other package managers.
    Moderator edit:  Do not place large images in line.  If you want, you may embed links to thumbnails inside url tags.
    Last edited by chenxiaolong (2014-04-15 17:11:04)

    City-busz: I'm getting a ton of Vala errors when I compile libunity (AUR version) with vala or vala-devel. libunity fails to compile with vala-git. I'll try your packages in a virtual machine and see how they work on 64 bit.
    In the meantime, Unity still fails to show up: I'll try out your PKGBUILDS and see how that works. I'm glad there are people who want to port Unity to Arch Linux
    EDIT: City-busz: Just to let you know, Unity will fail to compile at around 45% with GTK 3.0. Here's my source packaage for Ubuntu's GTK 3.1: It contains all of the patches in the Ubuntu source package. I'm not sure if all the patches are needed, but GTK compiles fine with all of them.
    EDIT2: Right now, I'm trying to compile Vala 0.10.4, then version used in Ubuntu 11.10. Hopefully that will eliminate some of the Vala errors.
    EDIT3: Vala 0.10 is too old. 0.12 and 0.14 are also in the Ubuntu repository. Trying those...
    EDIT4: 0.14 is actually 0.13.1. Gah... Vala takes longer to compile under VirtualBox than GTK3...
    EDIT5: VirtualBox "helpfully" became slow enough that I could read the error messages. The Vala error messages aren't actually error messages, but rather warnings about unused methods. I wonder what prevents Unity from running then...
    Last edited by chenxiaolong (2011-08-30 02:30:29)

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