
Hi, I thought someone might illuminate me on this: I'm currently reading through the wiki about Archiso and creating a live CD/USB. I'm having no trouble keeping up with the instructions - thus far this is just a general question. But it mentions at the start a direct useage - that gives a help of all the different commands, but the actual steps in the wiki to create this CD/USB image don't ever require you to invoke the command at all - when it's meant to be the heart and sould or Archiso - so is there more than one way to create these CD/USB's using Archiso?

Hi all
Recenly I've faced with this problem too
Take a look at
Udev and iso label
Udev doesn't see the cdrom label or doesn't build the link in /dev/disk/by-label/.
Image is booting when running qemu with hda:
qemu-kvm -enable-kvm -localtime -m 512 -hda myarch-1.00-i686.iso -boot c
But when running qemu with cdrom, it isn't:
qemu-kvm -enable-kvm -localtime -m 512 -cdrom myarch-1.00-i686.iso -boot d
It's falling back to interactive prompt.
Any ideas?

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  • [Solved] how do i build my ISO image with archiso?

    hi all
    i've been following this wiki and it's been going really well (it hasn't gone wrong...). but the wiki page just sort of stops halfway through the configuration bit
    a google search brought me to this page which suggests using the "" script located in my chroot environment's /tmp/releng/ directory.
    running this script returns the error " line 207: syntax error near unexpected token '('
    line 207 of the file reads:
    paste -d"\n" <(sed "s|%ARCH%|i686|g" ${script_path}/aitab.${_iso_type}) \
    i don't really know much about scripts so i can't see what's wrong
    any advice?
    sorry if i've missed a wiki or something n00bish like that. also i'm aware that someone who doesn't know what they're doing shouldn't be attempting archiso but i thought it would be a fun learning experience
    here's the full in case it is helpful:
    set -e -u
    iso_label="ARCH_$(date +%Y%m)"
    iso_version=$(date +%Y.%m.%d)
    arch=$(uname -m)
    script_path=$(readlink -f ${0%/*})
    # Base installation (root-image)
    make_basefs() {
    mkarchiso ${verbose} -w "${work_dir}" -D "${install_dir}" -p "base" create
    mkarchiso ${verbose} -w "${work_dir}" -D "${install_dir}" -p "memtest86+ syslinux mkinitcpio-nfs-utils nbd curl" create
    # Additional packages (root-image)
    make_packages() {
    mkarchiso ${verbose} -w "${work_dir}" -D "${install_dir}" -p "$(grep -v ^# ${script_path}/packages.${arch})" create
    # Copy mkinitcpio archiso hooks (root-image)
    make_setup_mkinitcpio() {
    if [[ ! -e ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME} ]]; then
    local _hook
    for _hook in archiso archiso_shutdown archiso_pxe_common archiso_pxe_nbd archiso_pxe_http archiso_pxe_nfs archiso_loop_mnt; do
    cp /lib/initcpio/hooks/${_hook} ${work_dir}/root-image/lib/initcpio/hooks
    cp /lib/initcpio/install/${_hook} ${work_dir}/root-image/lib/initcpio/install
    cp /lib/initcpio/install/archiso_kms ${work_dir}/root-image/lib/initcpio/install
    cp /lib/initcpio/archiso_shutdown ${work_dir}/root-image/lib/initcpio
    cp /lib/initcpio/archiso_pxe_nbd ${work_dir}/root-image/lib/initcpio
    cp ${script_path}/mkinitcpio.conf ${work_dir}/root-image/etc/mkinitcpio-archiso.conf
    : > ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME}
    # Prepare ${install_dir}/boot/
    make_boot() {
    if [[ ! -e ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME} ]]; then
    local _src=${work_dir}/root-image
    local _dst_boot=${work_dir}/iso/${install_dir}/boot
    mkdir -p ${_dst_boot}/${arch}
    mkarchroot -n -r "mkinitcpio -c /etc/mkinitcpio-archiso.conf -k /boot/vmlinuz-linux -g /boot/archiso.img" ${_src}
    mv ${_src}/boot/archiso.img ${_dst_boot}/${arch}/archiso.img
    mv ${_src}/boot/vmlinuz-linux ${_dst_boot}/${arch}/vmlinuz
    cp ${_src}/boot/memtest86+/memtest.bin ${_dst_boot}/memtest
    cp ${_src}/usr/share/licenses/common/GPL2/license.txt ${_dst_boot}/memtest.COPYING
    : > ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME}
    # Prepare /${install_dir}/boot/syslinux
    make_syslinux() {
    if [[ ! -e ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME} ]]; then
    local _src_syslinux=${work_dir}/root-image/usr/lib/syslinux
    local _dst_syslinux=${work_dir}/iso/${install_dir}/boot/syslinux
    mkdir -p ${_dst_syslinux}
    for _cfg in ${script_path}/syslinux/*.cfg; do
    sed "s|%ARCHISO_LABEL%|${iso_label}|g;
    s|%ARCH%|${arch}|g" ${_cfg} > ${_dst_syslinux}/${_cfg##*/}
    cp ${script_path}/syslinux/splash.png ${_dst_syslinux}
    cp ${_src_syslinux}/*.c32 ${_dst_syslinux}
    cp ${_src_syslinux}/*.com ${_dst_syslinux}
    cp ${_src_syslinux}/*.0 ${_dst_syslinux}
    cp ${_src_syslinux}/memdisk ${_dst_syslinux}
    mkdir -p ${_dst_syslinux}/hdt
    wget -O - | gzip -9 > ${_dst_syslinux}/hdt/pciids.gz
    cat ${work_dir}/root-image/lib/modules/*-ARCH/modules.alias | gzip -9 > ${_dst_syslinux}/hdt/modalias.gz
    : > ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME}
    # Prepare /isolinux
    make_isolinux() {
    if [[ ! -e ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME} ]]; then
    mkdir -p ${work_dir}/iso/isolinux
    sed "s|%INSTALL_DIR%|${install_dir}|g" ${script_path}/isolinux/isolinux.cfg > ${work_dir}/iso/isolinux/isolinux.cfg
    cp ${work_dir}/root-image/usr/lib/syslinux/isolinux.bin ${work_dir}/iso/isolinux/
    cp ${work_dir}/root-image/usr/lib/syslinux/isohdpfx.bin ${work_dir}/iso/isolinux/
    : > ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME}
    # Customize installation (root-image)
    # NOTE: mkarchroot should not be executed after this function is executed, otherwise will overwrites some custom files.
    make_customize_root_image() {
    if [[ ! -e ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME} ]]; then
    cp -af ${script_path}/root-image ${work_dir}
    chmod 750 ${work_dir}/root-image/etc/sudoers.d
    chmod 440 ${work_dir}/root-image/etc/sudoers.d/g_wheel
    mkdir -p ${work_dir}/root-image/etc/pacman.d
    wget -O ${work_dir}/root-image/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
    sed -i "s/#Server/Server/g" ${work_dir}/root-image/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
    chroot ${work_dir}/root-image /usr/sbin/locale-gen
    chroot ${work_dir}/root-image /usr/sbin/useradd -m -p "" -g users -G "audio,disk,optical,wheel" arch
    : > ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME}
    # Split out /lib/modules from root-image (makes more "dual-iso" friendly)
    make_lib_modules() {
    if [[ ! -e ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME} ]]; then
    mv ${work_dir}/root-image/lib/modules ${work_dir}/lib-modules
    : > ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME}
    # Split out /usr/share from root-image (makes more "dual-iso" friendly)
    make_usr_share() {
    if [[ ! -e ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME} ]]; then
    mv ${work_dir}/root-image/usr/share ${work_dir}/usr-share
    : > ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME}
    # Make [core] repository, keep "any" pkgs in a separate fs (makes more "dual-iso" friendly)
    make_core_repo() {
    if [[ ! -e ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME} ]]; then
    local _url _urls _pkg_name _cached_pkg _dst _pkgs
    mkdir -p ${work_dir}/repo-core-any
    mkdir -p ${work_dir}/repo-core-${arch}
    pacman -Sy
    _pkgs=$(comm -2 -3 <(pacman -Sql core | sort | sed 's@^@core/@') \
    <(grep -v ^# ${script_path}/core.exclude.${arch} | sort | sed 's@^@core/@'))
    _urls=$(pacman -Sddp ${_pkgs})
    pacman -Swdd --noprogressbar --noconfirm ${_pkgs}
    for _url in ${_urls}; do
    cp ${_cached_pkg} ${_dst}
    repo-add -q ${work_dir}/repo-core-${arch}/core.db.tar.gz ${_dst}
    if [[ ${_pkg_name} == *any.pkg.tar* ]]; then
    mv ${_dst} ${work_dir}/repo-core-any/${_pkg_name}
    ln -sf ../any/${_pkg_name} ${_dst}
    : > ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME}
    # Process aitab
    # args: $1 (core | netinstall)
    make_aitab() {
    local _iso_type=${1}
    if [[ ! -e ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME}_${_iso_type} ]]; then
    sed "s|%ARCH%|${arch}|g" ${script_path}/aitab.${_iso_type} > ${work_dir}/iso/${install_dir}/aitab
    : > ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME}_${_iso_type}
    # Build all filesystem images specified in aitab (.fs .fs.sfs .sfs)
    make_prepare() {
    mkarchiso ${verbose} -w "${work_dir}" -D "${install_dir}" prepare
    # Build ISO
    # args: $1 (core | netinstall)
    make_iso() {
    local _iso_type=${1}
    mkarchiso ${verbose} -w "${work_dir}" -D "${install_dir}" checksum
    mkarchiso ${verbose} -w "${work_dir}" -D "${install_dir}" -L "${iso_label}" -o "${out_dir}" iso "${iso_name}-${iso_version}-${_iso_type}-${arch}.iso"
    # Build dual-iso images from ${work_dir}/i686/iso and ${work_dir}/x86_64/iso
    # args: $1 (core | netinstall)
    make_dual() {
    local _iso_type=${1}
    if [[ ! -e ${work_dir}/dual/build.${FUNCNAME}_${_iso_type} ]]; then
    if [[ ! -d ${work_dir}/i686/iso || ! -d ${work_dir}/x86_64/iso ]]; then
    echo "ERROR: i686 or x86_64 builds does not exist."
    _usage 1
    local _src_one _src_two _cfg
    if [[ ${arch} == "i686" ]]; then
    mkdir -p ${work_dir}/dual/iso
    cp -a -l -f ${_src_one} ${work_dir}/dual
    cp -a -l -n ${_src_two} ${work_dir}/dual
    rm -f ${work_dir}/dual/iso/${install_dir}/aitab
    rm -f ${work_dir}/dual/iso/${install_dir}/boot/syslinux/*.cfg
    if [[ ${_iso_type} == "core" ]]; then
    if [[ ! -e ${work_dir}/dual/iso/${install_dir}/any/repo-core-any.sfs ||
    ! -e ${work_dir}/dual/iso/${install_dir}/i686/repo-core-i686.sfs ||
    ! -e ${work_dir}/dual/iso/${install_dir}/x86_64/repo-core-x86_64.sfs ]]; then
    echo "ERROR: core_iso_single build is not found."
    _usage 1
    rm -f ${work_dir}/dual/iso/${install_dir}/any/repo-core-any.sfs
    rm -f ${work_dir}/dual/iso/${install_dir}/i686/repo-core-i686.sfs
    rm -f ${work_dir}/dual/iso/${install_dir}/x86_64/repo-core-x86_64.sfs
    paste -d"\n" <(sed "s|%ARCH%|i686|g" ${script_path}/aitab.${_iso_type}) \
    <(sed "s|%ARCH%|x86_64|g" ${script_path}/aitab.${_iso_type}) | uniq > ${work_dir}/dual/iso/${install_dir}/aitab
    for _cfg in ${script_path}/syslinux.dual/*.cfg; do
    sed "s|%ARCHISO_LABEL%|${iso_label}|g;
    s|%INSTALL_DIR%|${install_dir}|g" ${_cfg} > ${work_dir}/dual/iso/${install_dir}/boot/syslinux/${_cfg##*/}
    mkarchiso ${verbose} -w "${work_dir}/dual" -D "${install_dir}" checksum
    mkarchiso ${verbose} -w "${work_dir}/dual" -D "${install_dir}" -L "${iso_label}" -o "${out_dir}" iso "${iso_name}-${iso_version}-${_iso_type}-dual.iso"
    : > ${work_dir}/dual/build.${FUNCNAME}_${_iso_type}
    purge_single ()
    if [[ -d ${work_dir} ]]; then
    find ${work_dir} -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 \
    ! -path ${work_dir}/iso -prune \
    | xargs rm -rf
    purge_dual ()
    if [[ -d ${work_dir}/dual ]]; then
    find ${work_dir}/dual -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 \
    ! -path ${work_dir}/dual/iso -prune \
    | xargs rm -rf
    clean_single ()
    rm -rf ${work_dir}
    rm -f ${out_dir}/${iso_name}-${iso_version}-*-${arch}.iso
    clean_dual ()
    rm -rf ${work_dir}/dual
    rm -f ${out_dir}/${iso_name}-${iso_version}-*-dual.iso
    make_common_single() {
    make_aitab $1
    make_prepare $1
    make_iso $1
    _usage ()
    echo "usage ${0} [options] command <command options>"
    echo " General options:"
    echo " -N <iso_name> Set an iso filename (prefix)"
    echo " Default: ${iso_name}"
    echo " -V <iso_version> Set an iso version (in filename)"
    echo " Default: ${iso_version}"
    echo " -L <iso_label> Set an iso label (disk label)"
    echo " Default: ${iso_label}"
    echo " -D <install_dir> Set an install_dir (directory inside iso)"
    echo " Default: ${install_dir}"
    echo " -w <work_dir> Set the working directory"
    echo " Default: ${work_dir}"
    echo " -o <out_dir> Set the output directory"
    echo " Default: ${out_dir}"
    echo " -v Enable verbose output"
    echo " -h This help message"
    echo " Commands:"
    echo " build <mode> <type>"
    echo " Build selected .iso by <mode> and <type>"
    echo " purge <mode>"
    echo " Clean working directory except iso/ directory of build <mode>"
    echo " clean <mode>"
    echo " Clean working directory and .iso file in output directory of build <mode>"
    echo " Command options:"
    echo " <mode> Valid values 'single' or 'dual'"
    echo " <type> Valid values 'netinstall', 'core' or 'all'"
    exit ${1}
    if [[ ${EUID} -ne 0 ]]; then
    echo "This script must be run as root."
    _usage 1
    while getopts 'N:V:L:D:w:o:vh' arg; do
    case "${arg}" in
    N) iso_name="${OPTARG}" ;;
    V) iso_version="${OPTARG}" ;;
    L) iso_label="${OPTARG}" ;;
    D) install_dir="${OPTARG}" ;;
    w) work_dir="${OPTARG}" ;;
    o) out_dir="${OPTARG}" ;;
    v) verbose="-v" ;;
    h|?) _usage 0 ;;
    _msg_error "Invalid argument '${arg}'" 0
    _usage 1
    shift $((OPTIND - 1))
    if [[ $# -lt 1 ]]; then
    echo "No command specified"
    _usage 1
    if [[ $# -lt 2 ]]; then
    echo "No command mode specified"
    _usage 1
    if [[ ${command_name} == "build" ]]; then
    if [[ $# -lt 3 ]]; then
    echo "No build type specified"
    _usage 1
    if [[ ${command_mode} == "single" ]]; then
    case "${command_name}" in
    case "${command_mode}" in
    case "${command_type}" in
    make_common_single netinstall
    make_common_single core
    make_common_single netinstall
    make_common_single core
    echo "Invalid build type '${command_type}'"
    _usage 1
    case "${command_type}" in
    make_dual netinstall
    make_dual core
    make_dual netinstall
    make_dual core
    echo "Invalid build type '${command_type}'"
    _usage 1
    echo "Invalid build mode '${command_mode}'"
    _usage 1
    case "${command_mode}" in
    echo "Invalid purge mode '${command_mode}'"
    _usage 1
    case "${command_mode}" in
    echo "Invalid clean mode '${command_mode}'"
    _usage 1
    echo "Invalid command name '${command_name}'"
    _usage 1
    Last edited by gav989 (2012-02-12 10:59:11)

    thanks for that, according to this it should be run like
    /path/to/ build single netinstall
    from inside the chroot
    posting this for my own reference and in case it helps others, will mark as solved
    thanks again for your help
    Last edited by gav989 (2012-02-12 10:58:04)

  • [Solved] archiso UEFI boot doesn't work.

    I just followed the instruction on … B_from_ISO, but it doesn't work as intended. It shows just 3 menu,
    Arch Linux archiso x86_64 UEFI USB
    UEFI Shell x86_64 v1
    UEFI Shell x86_64 v2
    I thought, the first option is the way to go, but
    Error loading \arch\boot\x86_64\vmlinuz: Not found
    In fact, there is no \arch directory. The iso file downloaded was not broken, so I think something's missing either in the article or in the iso file.
    edit : I found that, the name of 'arch' directory was changed to something like "?????????". I don't know why, but when I changed it to "arch" again, it works like a charm.
    Last edited by kreoso (2012-11-01 16:54:57)

    Exactly the same thing happened to me. I think there's some filename encoding issue because I wasn't able to rename ????????? to arch, instead I moved to arch2 then renamed arch2 to arch. Happy to say that worked for me too.
    I should add that the same USB stick worked first time with my laptop, it was only when trying to boot my desktop in the same way that I hit this issue, so it seems sensitive to BIOS manufacturer/version.
    Last edited by malcolmsparks (2012-11-04 19:46:32)

  • [SOLVED] Unable to boot Archiso USB in UEFI mode

    Hello Everyone !
    I'm trying to create an UEFI bootable USB from the latest ISO : 2012.10.06. I first tried following this section of the wiki : … B_from_ISO with an usb key formatted as an EFI System (of type "ef00" in gdisk) and with a FAT32 partition on it.
    All steps went right but when i try to boot with this key from the EFI menu, i get an infinite black screen and the usb key led isn't blinking so i suppose it's not loading.
    I have refind already installed on my system. When i try booting the key from refind, I get the same result but with a clue : it stays blocked at loading bootx64.efi.
    I just tried another way of creating my bootable usb key by following the archiso README : … EADME#n237
    It results in the same situation.
    I've tried the two ways a few times and with two different usb keys so i think i didn't miss any step. (The filesystem label is right)
    The section of the wiki I mentionned is changing every day so maybe it's not ready ? Moreover, a new command has been added about removing a [BOOT] file, i don't have this file when extracting with bsdtar.
    The md5sum of the iso is ok.
    My computer is an ASUS N56VM.
    Everything worked fine with the previous iso of archlinux.
    I didn't find anyone on the forum with the same problem so if anybody knows how I should do or where I could get more information, I would be grateful.
    PS : I'm sorry for the mistakes in english, this is not my mother tongue .
    Last edited by Takeo (2012-10-14 21:19:32)

    Takeo wrote:All steps went right but when i try to boot with this key from the EFI menu, i get an infinite black screen and the usb key led isn't blinking so i suppose it's not loading.
    I got the same issue. After hours of debugging I finally understand the problem: gummiboot doesn't detect any menu entry, and goes into a bug that hangs it. I have a patch to fix that particular bug, but instead of hanging you will see a proper error.
    The real problem is in gnu-efi, which is not wrapping the Windows x86 calls correctly, so it's a matter of luck if the compiler manages to organize the code in a proper way.
    You can try with this package: … pkg.tar.xz

  • How to build x86_64 archiso on 32 bit machine?

    Ohay guyse,
    It's me again
    Anyways, sorry for wasting your time (those who cared to read, facepalm and reply [in that order] to my previous questions and rant).
    But now I face a dilemma:
    I need to make a new custom archiso.
    Archiso does not work on i686 - x32, only x64
    I only have one x64, which is archbang.
    I can't get support here because of that. I understand.
    The guys at archbang send me back here.
    So how should I post my questions? And where? Should I ask directly the maintainer of archiso?
    -installing a new archlinux x64 is not an option right now. (though I'll do it as soon as I can make myself an x64 archiso to work with)
    -previously archiso worked on this x64 archbang, until I updated the system (Syyu)
    Thanks in advance.
    Last edited by jasonwryan (2013-04-07 20:57:25)

    Xyne wrote:
    I expect that it is possible to build the iso on x86_64. I really doubt that the devs require two different systems just to build it. I don't think the packages are compiled when building the iso, only installed, which can be done on any architecture.
    Post specific error messages if you want help.
    The script itself includes the x64 limitation:
    if [[ ${arch} != x86_64 ]]; then
    echo "This script needs to be run on x86_64"
    _usage 1
    Either way I can live with the x64 limitation, but the problem right now is when I try to resume the build:
    [root@archbang livecd]# ./ -v
    patching file work/i686/root-image/usr/bin/pacman-key
    Hunk #1 succeeded at 447 (offset 71 lines).
    Hunk #2 FAILED at 403.
    1 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file work/i686/root-image/usr/bin/pacman-key.rej
    [root@archbang livecd]# pacman -Q archiso
    archiso 6-1
    #notice that this is the older version (reinstalled from cache), therefore it might be that a dependency was updated (probably pacman)
    I'm guessing its a problem with the packages being signed properly with pacman...
    jasonwryan wrote:
    I've updated your thread title for you; when someone asks, please do it yourself in future … ow_to_Post
    Not an Arch discussion, moving to Installation
    Sorry, the discussion derailed (not sure why), sorry and thanks.
    drcouzelis wrote:It's kind of off topic but, may I ask why you are using archiso instead of doing a regular installation? (I apologize if you already mentioned why)
    Mainly because I want everything to be ready beforehand. I might have to install #arch on 10 computers, and I can't spend an evening writing commands, waiting the downloads to finish and to customize. With archiso I can have the system 80% ready, with no further download needed.

  • Installing an archiso system

    so after creating a livecd with archiso, what would be the best way to get that system installed? (in a redistributable way, not just for myself.)
    would I modify AIF somehow? I've been lookin' at it for a bit now, but don't really get it... xD

    Hi Stythys,
    Why don't you check out our ArchBang thread. We are currently working on an installer. We are modifying the /arch/setup script to get it to work. Usually the idea is:
    1. Mount or unsquash the sqfs files.
    2. Copy or rsync the directories.
    3. Install extra packages.
    4. grub-install

  • Archiso login-manager autologin

    I'm playing with archiso to create a custom .iso and i'm not able to autologin user in lightdm ,
    i've to enter username and password to enter the gnome session.
    I've added autologin entries in lightdm.conf,
    added the user to the autologin group
    and created .dmrc in /etc/skel with gnome session entry.
    Once installed the iso to the hd the autologin works as expected but it doesn't work in live. 
    any hint?

    lucazade wrote:at the moment i'm trying to startx without the login manager using .xinitrc
    but i'd like to keep lightdm also in the live session
    PolyBender wrote:Make sure that you've enabled the service using systemctl maybe?
    systemctl enable lightdm
    If you want to start X without the login manager, then I wouldn't enable it...
    Just leave it installed is enough.

  • Can't boot installation media, hangs on archiso.img

    So I have a crappy old laptop that I'm trying to use as a server machine. I have Ubuntu Server installed on it, but I want to experiment a bit, and shift to Arch. Problem is, I get to the selection screen, and it automatically selections option 1 with a 0.5 second pause, and then it goes:
    Loading /arch/boot/i686/vmlinuz.......
    Loading /arch/boot/i686/archiso.img........ Aborted
    Lz...........: (about 124 times, literally)
    The machine is a dodgy one that has a cheapie brand, but it's running a Pentium M 755 (which is Dothan, and is i686 compatible), so it at least supports that. Any ideas what could be going wrong? I burned the dual-architecture (even though this is x86 only) disc onto a CD, and it's the core edition (I figured maximum compatibility). My earlier CD that was x86 net install had exactly the same issue.
    Any ideas what could be going wrong? Just as a note, this machine won't boot from USB, AFAIK, so I'll burn a maximum of another 2 CDs before giving up, as they aren't my CDs.
    Thanks in advance.

    I somehow managed to get it to work, by repeatedly exiting to the bootloader and attempting to get option 1 again, which was difficult considering it kept automatically trying to power off. Fortunately, neither Ubuntu or Arch seem to know how to physically turn the device off. I have no idea what just happened, but it DID work, so...
    I'll leave this as 'unsolved' for a while in case someone has a PROPER solution, other than mash'n'pray.

  • ERROR: /dev/archiso found but the filesystem type is unkown

    My problem is now solved in the previous thread on this topic.  I apologize for a double post!  The previous topic was marked [Solved] and I assumed no one would respond there.
    I had the problem trying to boot from usb: boot device not showing up after 30 seconds and thrown into ramfs$.  The other topic w/ this problem is marked solved so I'm posting my problem again (sorry).
    cat /proc/scsi/scsi shows that device is detected...
    ln -sf /dev/sdb1 /dev/archiso
    and logged out ("exit")
    but immediately a new error, and kernel panic, so I can't copy/paste output:
    "ERROR: /dev/archiso found but the filesystem type is unkown"
    Sorry about ridiculous pic but it does show kernel panic, just trying to help... couldn't copy output.  I can post dmesg from prior to kernel panic if you want (but it doesn't include errors).
    Thank you for your help.
    I just did:
    cat /lib/udev/rules.d/00-archiso-device.rules
    ACTION=="add|change", SUBSYSTEM=="block", IMPORT{program}="vol_id --export $tempnode"
    "SYMLINK+=" ... is "+=" typo?
    Last edited by jaf777 (2009-08-12 17:13:36)

    Same issue:
    The specified store provider cannot be found in the configuration, or is not valid. ---> System.ArgumentException: Unable to find the requested .Net Framework Data Provider. It may not be installed.
    You mention "Sounds like the client system doesn't have an Oracle client installed."
    I am using Win Server 2008 R2. I have installed what i think is the right client. How do i tell?
    What is the right client? Where do i get it?

  • ARCHISO does not generate ISO

    Hi everybody !
    Happy to write to you all even if it's a more frustrating issue : I am unable to generate a replica of my archlinux os in form of an .iso file !
    First of all , please note that I've installed archlinux on a laptop hdd in an usb casing  while I have mint 17 64 bit Quiana operating on my laptop. I am actually operating and working on archlinux working pretty fast, so that's ok.
    I followed installation steps as detailed on youtube ( more simple for a newbie like me ) .
    First of all I installed archiso either by downloading latest version from AUR and then running "makepkg" to build archiso-while not forgetting to install dependancies-OR i downloaded it with yaourt. I suspect archiso installation not to be properly done but I am unable to wipe out previous setup of archiso and I really don't want to reformat my partition ....
    As a user , I create a /livecd/ folder as working directory
    Then I run the sudo cd -r /usr/share/archiso/configs/releng/*  ~/livecd/
    I check the content of ~/livecd/ and  folders are there ok
    I edit ~/livecd/packages.both by adding at the end " base-devel ( when I installed on hdd, I used the command " base base-devel"...),bash-completion,  libreoffice, ogmrip, wine, xorg, xfce4 etc....
    As user and always in ~/livecd I edited mkinitcpio.conf and to erase ".pxe" and "i686".
    I edited to update locale
    I create a pacman.conf by copying from my own system
    Finally I run " sudo ./ -v "
    Long process to finally generate a .20 mb .img !
    Can you help please ?
    Last edited by carongangoo (2015-02-24 08:50:33)

    carongangoo wrote:when I start ./ -v , mkarchiso fails to find multilib.db " failed retreiving file from mirrors" ERROR WHILE mu internet is fully operational....
    It works fine for me. Probably it is trying to sync the [multilib] repository for the i686 architecture (winch obviously exists only for the x86_64 arch). If you want to use [multilib], first reset the building process using the following command
    rm -R $builddir/work
    (where $builddir is the directory containing the srcipt, and make sure to follow exactly the procedure described here this section of the wiki.
    carongangoo wrote:when I edited packages.*, I didn't include " base-devel and bash-completion" .Was I right ?
    It depends, if you don't want that packages to be installed, then you're right.
    carongangoo wrote:When running mkarchiso, setup asks if base packages must be installed and I said NO : Was I again right?
    I think it is better if you install at least the base group.
    carongangoo wrote:I am a bit puzzed because archiso seems to be building an i686 system because it created a folder in /archlive/work/i686 but I've got a  main 64-bits and I run main  os - like mint 17 quiana 64 bits smoothly.
    If it's truely an i686 , will archiso still work ?
    Quoting myself
    mauritiusdadd wrote:archiso is intended to build dual-arch iso.
    I think a bit of clarification is needed: the script by default generates a dual-arch ISO file independently of your system architecture, that means once you mastered the image you can boot the resulting live media on both i686 and x86_64 machines. Take your time to analyze the script and once you'll get familiar with the building process, you could edit it according to your needs (but beware that it runs whit the administrative privileges, so be careful).
    -- EDIT --
    Ooops, cross posted with qinohe, sorry
    Last edited by mauritiusdadd (2015-02-25 09:06:28)

  • Network Hostname Remains 'archiso'; Local Changeable

    Hey all,
    I've installed arch linux on 4 (or 6 boxes, if you count reinstalls ), but on my most recent install I can't seem to convince the router than the box's name is not "archiso." (As a hopefully-helpful aside, monitorix also thinks the hostname is "archiso").  I do not have this problem with my other boxes.
    My configuration is almost verbatim a following of the Wireless Setup ArchWiki entry section Systemd with wpa_supplicant and static IP
    The output of my [email protected] file is as follows:
    Description=Wireless (Home) Connectivity (%i)
    ExecStart=/usr/bin/ip link set dev %i up
    ExecStart=/usr/bin/wpa_supplicant -B -i %i -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
    ExecStart=/usr/bin/ip addr add ${address}/${netmask} broadcast ${broadcast} dev %i
    ExecStart=/usr/bin/ip route add default via ${gateway}
    ExecStop=/usr/bin/ip addr flush dev %i
    ExecStop=/usr/bin/ip link set dev %i down
    and my /etc/conf.d/network-wireless@[actualWifiInterface]:
    and my /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
    and finally, /etc/hostname:
    (And yes, the hostname displayed on the tty is correctly "NotArchiso")
    One final note: on this persistently "archiso"-hostnamed box, I have never used dhcpcd.  All the other boxes connect via a static IP address as well, but have previously connected to the router at least once using dhcpcd.
    Any hints or tips would be greatly appreciated.  This issue is admittedly more aesthetic than anything since there's only one "archiso," but in the words of a young Montgomery Burns, "You can't all sign [your names] with an X."
    Last edited by grubenm (2014-02-26 10:13:01)

    If 'avahi' and 'samba' are the only other packages beside 'dhcpcd' which can properly announce a hostname to the router, then for me personally it's just easier to configure and run dhcpcd once then return to the above-configured static IP network-wireless service.

  • Archiso-live-2009-12-08 live CD not usable

    I have recently downloaded the archiso-live-2009-12-08 live CD but I am unable to use it.  I did a md5 check of the iso, and that is ok.  It boots into something that remotely resembles a desktop.  I have a Nvidia 9600GT graphics card for which X installs/configures the 'nv' driver, but the desktop is not configured correctly. I have a Logitech wireless mouse which I thought might be the cause, so I rebooted with a ps2 mouse, but that was even worse.  Safe graphics mode (vesa) works fine.
    PC specs:
    00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation 82G33/G31/P35/P31 Express DRAM Controller (rev 10)
    00:01.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82G33/G31/P35/P31 Express PCI Express Root Port (rev 10)
    00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01)
    00:1c.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) PCI Express Port 1 (rev 01)
    00:1c.1 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) PCI Express Port 2 (rev 01)
    00:1d.0 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB UHCI Controller #1 (rev 01)
    00:1d.1 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB UHCI Controller #2 (rev 01)
    00:1d.2 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB UHCI Controller #3 (rev 01)
    00:1d.3 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB UHCI Controller #4 (rev 01)
    00:1d.7 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB2 EHCI Controller (rev 01)
    00:1e.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801 PCI Bridge (rev e1)
    00:1f.0 ISA bridge: Intel Corporation 82801GB/GR (ICH7 Family) LPC Interface Bridge (rev 01)
    00:1f.1 IDE interface: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) IDE Controller (rev 01)
    00:1f.2 IDE interface: Intel Corporation 82801GB/GR/GH (ICH7 Family) SATA IDE Controller (rev 01)
    00:1f.3 SMBus: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) SMBus Controller (rev 01)
    01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G94 [GeForce 9600 GT] (rev a1)
    03:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller (rev 02)
    pretty standard, I would say   CPU is a E7400 (2.8GHz Core2Duo).  Memory (RAM) is 3GB.
    I have a Kubuntu 9.10 install and the mouse/graphics works flawlessly on that, so the problem is not hardware related.
    BTW ctrl-alt-F1 gives me a usable command prompt, so the problem seems to be X.
    Last edited by dabbler (2009-12-16 16:54:53)

    MadTux wrote:Are you sure about the nv driver, since in the blog entry about archiso live it reads as if xf86-video-nouveau has been removed (you have to look into the comments to find this information). So my guess would be that you are at the moment left with the vesa driver, except you installed nvidia drivers yourself.
    It's definitely the 'nv' driver, and installed by default, just checked.  The only way I can use the CD is to select 'safe graphics mode' on startup which gives me the 'vesa' driver, which is better than nothing.  I also removed the 9600GT graphics card and tried the onboard graphics (Intel 82G33/G31 Express), with no problems.
    Rather strange.

  • [SOLVED] When archiso script, the mount for airootfs.img fail

    Solved, you can see the details down in this post … 6#p1481476. Basically I rebooted.
    As the subject states, when running ./ there is a mount: work/mnt/airootfs: mount failed: Unknown error -1
    looking through the script I think the command that is being ran is
    mount /home/pingbuild/archlive/baseline/work/airootfs.img /home/pingbuild/archlive/baseline/work/mnt/airootfs
    The mnt/airootfs directory does exist. I guess normally the directory is removed, but I am assuming the scripts stop with the error. Anyway if I run the command by hand I get the same error.
    Is the airootfs.img not being created correctly?
    Here is a snapshot of the std out. I could not get std err to go to curl/spurgen, so the actual error did not upload. I will paste by hand so you can see where it would have been.
    [mkarchiso] INFO: Configuration settings
    [mkarchiso] INFO: Command: prepare
    [mkarchiso] INFO: Architecture: x86_64
    [mkarchiso] INFO: Working directory: work
    [mkarchiso] INFO: Installation directory: arch
    [mkarchiso] INFO: Cleaning up what we can on airootfs...
    [mkarchiso] INFO: Done!
    [mkarchiso] INFO: Creating ext4 image of 32GiB...
    Discarding device blocks: 4096/8388608 done
    Creating filesystem with 8388608 4k blocks and 2097152 inodes
    Filesystem UUID: df2e27ca-bdaf-4923-9568-f066c3f57b6c
    Superblock backups stored on blocks:
    32768, 98304, 163840, 229376, 294912, 819200, 884736, 1605632, 2654208,
    4096000, 7962624
    Allocating group tables: 0/256 done
    Writing inode tables: 0/256 done
    Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: 0/256 done
    [mkarchiso] INFO: Done!
    [mkarchiso] INFO: Mounting 'work/airootfs.img' on 'work/mnt/airootfs'
    mount: work/mnt/airootfs: mount failed: Unknown error -1
    [mkarchiso] INFO: Unmounting 'work/mnt/airootfs'
    umount: work/mnt/airootfs: not mounted
    Last edited by penright14 (2014-12-04 13:49:27)

    djgera wrote:See
    Thanks, after looking at the post, I did not see that in the wiki.
    My systemd is 217-8
    I may have misunderstood what the post was accomplishing, but I run 'modprobe loop', then tried my mount same error. If I may ask a dumb question, once 'modprobe loop' has ran without any errors shown, will the loop be added until the next boot?
    Here is my lsmod
    Module Size Used by
    mousedev 17272 0
    ppdev 16782 0
    coretemp 12820 0
    hwmon 12930 1 coretemp
    vmw_balloon 12658 0
    crc32c_intel 21809 0
    evdev 21544 1
    mac_hid 12633 0
    psmouse 107214 0
    serio_raw 12849 0
    pcspkr 12595 0
    e1000 130280 0
    battery 17452 0
    vmwgfx 174313 1
    ttm 73743 1 vmwgfx
    drm_kms_helper 80934 1 vmwgfx
    drm 259106 4 ttm,drm_kms_helper,vmwgfx
    i2c_piix4 20857 0
    i2c_core 50152 3 drm,i2c_piix4,drm_kms_helper
    parport_pc 26351 0
    parport 35749 2 ppdev,parport_pc
    irda 113859 0
    crc_ccitt 12347 1 irda
    vmw_vmci 55463 0
    intel_agp 17432 1
    intel_gtt 17848 1 intel_agp
    shpchp 35210 0
    processor 27777 0
    ac 12715 0
    button 12953 0
    sch_fq_codel 17343 2
    ext4 501833 2
    crc16 12343 1 ext4
    mbcache 17171 1 ext4
    jbd2 86417 1 ext4
    sr_mod 21903 0
    cdrom 47479 1 sr_mod
    ata_generic 12490 0
    pata_acpi 12771 0
    sd_mod 44398 3
    crc_t10dif 12431 1 sd_mod
    crct10dif_common 12356 1 crc_t10dif
    ata_piix 33592 0
    mptspi 21940 2
    scsi_transport_spi 27754 1 mptspi
    mptscsih 26657 1 mptspi
    mptbase 72945 2 mptspi,mptscsih
    libata 181518 3 pata_acpi,ata_generic,ata_piix
    scsi_mod 147543 6 scsi_transport_spi,libata,mptspi,sd_mod,sr_mod,mptscsih
    atkbd 22254 0
    libps2 12739 2 atkbd,psmouse
    floppy 69118 0
    i8042 18002 1 libps2
    serio 18282 6 serio_raw,atkbd,i8042,psmouse
    djgera wrote:
    Please check if loop kernel module is loaded. Also, check for any related kernel log messages.
    truncate -s 1M coco.img
    mkfs.vfat coco.img
    mount coco.img /mnt
    does this works?
    Gives me the same results. Also I tried overwriting the vfat with etx4, same thing. This confused me. I know I have made rootfs before.
    Let me step out and set the stage a bit.
    This is a question I posted on stackoverflow … re-adj-lib One suggestion was archiso. So I started with baseline and was trying to build my 'hello world' iso. Once that is done I will then try port the P.I.N.G scripts to that ISO. Maybe event create it as a package that archiso will then just merged in. Once I get to that point building new iso should be a breeze. Actually, I use the tool as a pxe boot, but until I get the 'hello world' iso working, I can't trust the boot. So I have a script I wrote to build my rootfs once I get the process working and I know it ran once. So I rebooted and all is good.
    FYI here is my script.
    if [ "$1" == "init" ]
    rm -r ${PINGROOTFS}
    cp -av "${AIROOTFS}/" "${PINGROOTFS}/"
    rm -r ${PINGROOTFS}/Braums
    cp -av ${PINGHOME}/Braums/ ${PINGROOTFS}/Braums/
    dd if=/dev/zero of=initrd bs=1M count=60
    mkfs -t ext4 -F initrd
    mount -o loop initrd /mnt/PingFS
    #rsync -rpltDzv --delete --progress ${PINGROOTFS}/ /mnt/PingFS/
    umount /mnt/PingFS
    Stepping back in..... When I ran my script I was getting the same errors. Ok, this can't be so I rebooted, ran my script, and it worked. I ran the lsmod and the loop was there.
    So tried './' and it is coping work/airootfs/ to work/mnt/airrootfs.
    Not sure why or how it got there since my system is rather new (mid nov 2014) but after a reboot, it does look like systemd 217-8 will insert the loop without forcing a modprobe. That is probably why I did not see it in the wiki.
    So back to draining the swamp. If the ISO works and I sure it will then I am back to trying to get pxe boot to work, then integrating the P.I.N.G scripts into the new rootfs. But that maybe another post. :-)

  • Archiso-live with slax support

    I found a way to make archiso scripts work like the old arch-live. By mounting the slax ext2 initrd has root filesystem. The idea is that archiso-live will be like the older arch-live based on slax but will have the archlinux kernel instead of slax kernel.
    I couldn't do this before cause the linux-live scripts would not load right in initramfs with archlinux kernel cause of missing kernel modules that would have been build in kernel with slax kernel.
    I got the system working by making a aufs union with /tmpfs/initrd and /real_root folder. Anyway i think i will share the code for you to understand:
    mount_tmpfs ()
    #if [ "x${ramdisk_size}" = "x" ]; then
    msg -n ":: Mounting tmpfs, size=${ramdisk_size}..."
    mount -t tmpfs -o "size=${ramdisk_size}" tmpfs /tmpfs
    msg "done."
    # args: ext2 file image
    msg "::: Adding new real_root branch: ${1}"
    /bin/modprobe -q loop max_loop=255 >/dev/null 2>&1
    mkdir -p ${2}
    if ! /bin/losetup "/dev/loop${LOOP_NUM}" ${1} > /dev/null 2>&1; then
    echo "ERROR: Cannot mount loop device /dev/loop${LOOP_NUM}"
    echo " Couldn't mount all addons"
    /bin/mount -t ext2 "/dev/loop${LOOP_NUM}" ${2}
    export LOOP_NUM=$(( $LOOP_NUM + 1 ))
    run_hook ()
    export LOOP_NUM="0"
    if [ "x${from}" != "x" ]; then
    if [ ! $(ls /dev/loop*) ]; then
    echo "Creating loop device nodes."
    mknod /dev/loop0 b 7 0
    mknod /dev/loop1 b 7 1
    mknod /dev/loop2 b 7 2
    mknod /dev/loop3 b 7 3
    mknod /dev/loop4 b 7 4
    if [ -f "${BOOT_MOUNT}/initrd" ]; then
    mkdir -p "/tmpfs/initrd"
    _mnt_ext2_file "${BOOT_MOUNT}/initrd" "/tmpfs/initrd"
    /bin/modprobe -q squashfs >/dev/null 2>&1
    /bin/modprobe -q sqlzma >/dev/null 2>&1
    /bin/modprobe -q unlzma >/dev/null 2>&1
    /bin/modprobe -q aufs brs=1 >/dev/null 2>&1
    /bin/mount -t aufs -o nowarn_perm,br:/tmpfs=rw aufs /real_root
    /bin/mount -t aufs -o remount,add:1:/tmpfs/initrd=ro aufs /real_root
    cp -Raf /lib/modules /real_root/lib/modules
    udevpid=$(/bin/minips -C udevd -o pid=)
    [ "x${udevpid}" != "x" ] && /bin/kill -9 $udevpid 2>&1 >/dev/null
    #Yep, we're bailing out here. We don't need kinit.
    msg ":: Passing control to Archlinux Initscripts...Please Wait"
    /bin/umount /sys
    /bin/umount /proc
    exec /bin/run-init -c /dev/console /real_root /sbin/init
    Right the moment its a ext2 filesystem of initrd on the livecd. I plan on changing it to squashfs so we can save 6mb or so. I copy the kernel modules cause i don't want anything missing even though its mostly has everything the linux-live scripts. Just don't want risk crashing the system with out some module that was build slax but not in archlinux.
    Anyways i hope this helps with the development of archiso.
    EDIT: Fix a typo. tmpfs can only understand M not MB for size.
    Last edited by godane (2009-01-13 19:50:08)

    I have just released the newer archiso-live with slax support. … 2-release/
    you can get the build scripts here:
    I hope this helps.

  • Archiso in vbox, depmod after every reboot

    I have a question that I have not been able to solve on my own. I build my own iso with archiso. A little while back I decided to replace vbox for qemu. Now I want to use vbox, installed it and is working, but, every time I start the iso trough vbox, I have to run depmod first, then restart the systemd-modules-load, log out of X, log back in and there I have all the vbox modules (vboxguest etc.) working.
    I thought depmod.service was static, but I created a systemd service file for it, no success.
    The guest-utils/modules, extensions and guest-iso packages are installed
    Vbox is started trough a very standard 'xdg' desktop file, '/etc/xdg/virtualbox.desktop'
    [Desktop Entry]
    Comment[C]=VirtualBox User Session Services
    Comment=VirtualBox User Session Services
    Comment[it]=Servizi di sessione utente di VirtualBox
    Comment[pl]=Usługi sesji użytkownika VirtualBox
    And /etc/modules-load.d/virtualbox.conf
    No systemd service file and no 'VboxClient-all' in xinitrc.
    This has worked since I first build this ISO, over a year ago.
    Am I overlooking something, or is this way not possible anymore
    These I tried, non solve it:
    depmod.service I got from … od.service.
    # This file is part of systemd.
    # systemd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    # (at your option) any later version.
    Description=Updating Module Dependencies
    DefaultDependencies=no systemd-modules-load.serice vboxservice.service
    ExecStart=/usr/bin/depmod -a
    Description=VirtualBox Guest Service
    ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/modprobe vboxguest
    ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/modprobe vboxvideo
    ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/modprobe vboxsf
    ExecStart=/usr/bin/VBoxService -f

    I'm haveing the same problem, looking through this forum i found another thread that i think is related.
    See. ''
    Extract to what i believe the solution. Please note that i have not yet had the chance to test this.
    "Hi I was having the same problem & just worked it out. Maybe this will work for you - If you open your harddrive window, you should see <name> Time Capsule on the left under Shared. Do you also have Macintosh-######### & If you click on it is it trying to connect or failed connection? This was my clue. It sees Time capsule as a Shared Disk.
    Go into System Preferences, then Sharing - If the Computer Name is blank - type in the <name> that was before the word Time Capsule. You may also need to turn file sharing ON if its not. Now go up to the Time Machine logo in the Menu Bar & Start Back Up.
    By the way you might try hard wiring the Time Capsule w/ ethernet cables & turning off Airport the first time you back up. I've been on Tech Support with my TC 4+ hours between last night & today & this one I got myself.
    Hope that helps. If it works pass it on."

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