[Solved] how do i build my ISO image with archiso?

hi all
i've been following this wiki and it's been going really well (it hasn't gone wrong...). but the wiki page just sort of stops halfway through the configuration bit
a google search brought me to this page which suggests using the "build.sh" script located in my chroot environment's /tmp/releng/ directory.
running this script returns the error "build.sh: line 207: syntax error near unexpected token '('
line 207 of the file reads:
paste -d"\n" <(sed "s|%ARCH%|i686|g" ${script_path}/aitab.${_iso_type}) \
i don't really know much about scripts so i can't see what's wrong
any advice?
sorry if i've missed a wiki or something n00bish like that. also i'm aware that someone who doesn't know what they're doing shouldn't be attempting archiso but i thought it would be a fun learning experience
here's the full build.sh in case it is helpful:
set -e -u
iso_label="ARCH_$(date +%Y%m)"
iso_version=$(date +%Y.%m.%d)
arch=$(uname -m)
script_path=$(readlink -f ${0%/*})
# Base installation (root-image)
make_basefs() {
mkarchiso ${verbose} -w "${work_dir}" -D "${install_dir}" -p "base" create
mkarchiso ${verbose} -w "${work_dir}" -D "${install_dir}" -p "memtest86+ syslinux mkinitcpio-nfs-utils nbd curl" create
# Additional packages (root-image)
make_packages() {
mkarchiso ${verbose} -w "${work_dir}" -D "${install_dir}" -p "$(grep -v ^# ${script_path}/packages.${arch})" create
# Copy mkinitcpio archiso hooks (root-image)
make_setup_mkinitcpio() {
if [[ ! -e ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME} ]]; then
local _hook
for _hook in archiso archiso_shutdown archiso_pxe_common archiso_pxe_nbd archiso_pxe_http archiso_pxe_nfs archiso_loop_mnt; do
cp /lib/initcpio/hooks/${_hook} ${work_dir}/root-image/lib/initcpio/hooks
cp /lib/initcpio/install/${_hook} ${work_dir}/root-image/lib/initcpio/install
cp /lib/initcpio/install/archiso_kms ${work_dir}/root-image/lib/initcpio/install
cp /lib/initcpio/archiso_shutdown ${work_dir}/root-image/lib/initcpio
cp /lib/initcpio/archiso_pxe_nbd ${work_dir}/root-image/lib/initcpio
cp ${script_path}/mkinitcpio.conf ${work_dir}/root-image/etc/mkinitcpio-archiso.conf
: > ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME}
# Prepare ${install_dir}/boot/
make_boot() {
if [[ ! -e ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME} ]]; then
local _src=${work_dir}/root-image
local _dst_boot=${work_dir}/iso/${install_dir}/boot
mkdir -p ${_dst_boot}/${arch}
mkarchroot -n -r "mkinitcpio -c /etc/mkinitcpio-archiso.conf -k /boot/vmlinuz-linux -g /boot/archiso.img" ${_src}
mv ${_src}/boot/archiso.img ${_dst_boot}/${arch}/archiso.img
mv ${_src}/boot/vmlinuz-linux ${_dst_boot}/${arch}/vmlinuz
cp ${_src}/boot/memtest86+/memtest.bin ${_dst_boot}/memtest
cp ${_src}/usr/share/licenses/common/GPL2/license.txt ${_dst_boot}/memtest.COPYING
: > ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME}
# Prepare /${install_dir}/boot/syslinux
make_syslinux() {
if [[ ! -e ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME} ]]; then
local _src_syslinux=${work_dir}/root-image/usr/lib/syslinux
local _dst_syslinux=${work_dir}/iso/${install_dir}/boot/syslinux
mkdir -p ${_dst_syslinux}
for _cfg in ${script_path}/syslinux/*.cfg; do
sed "s|%ARCHISO_LABEL%|${iso_label}|g;
s|%ARCH%|${arch}|g" ${_cfg} > ${_dst_syslinux}/${_cfg##*/}
cp ${script_path}/syslinux/splash.png ${_dst_syslinux}
cp ${_src_syslinux}/*.c32 ${_dst_syslinux}
cp ${_src_syslinux}/*.com ${_dst_syslinux}
cp ${_src_syslinux}/*.0 ${_dst_syslinux}
cp ${_src_syslinux}/memdisk ${_dst_syslinux}
mkdir -p ${_dst_syslinux}/hdt
wget -O - http://pciids.sourceforge.net/v2.2/pci.ids | gzip -9 > ${_dst_syslinux}/hdt/pciids.gz
cat ${work_dir}/root-image/lib/modules/*-ARCH/modules.alias | gzip -9 > ${_dst_syslinux}/hdt/modalias.gz
: > ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME}
# Prepare /isolinux
make_isolinux() {
if [[ ! -e ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME} ]]; then
mkdir -p ${work_dir}/iso/isolinux
sed "s|%INSTALL_DIR%|${install_dir}|g" ${script_path}/isolinux/isolinux.cfg > ${work_dir}/iso/isolinux/isolinux.cfg
cp ${work_dir}/root-image/usr/lib/syslinux/isolinux.bin ${work_dir}/iso/isolinux/
cp ${work_dir}/root-image/usr/lib/syslinux/isohdpfx.bin ${work_dir}/iso/isolinux/
: > ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME}
# Customize installation (root-image)
# NOTE: mkarchroot should not be executed after this function is executed, otherwise will overwrites some custom files.
make_customize_root_image() {
if [[ ! -e ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME} ]]; then
cp -af ${script_path}/root-image ${work_dir}
chmod 750 ${work_dir}/root-image/etc/sudoers.d
chmod 440 ${work_dir}/root-image/etc/sudoers.d/g_wheel
mkdir -p ${work_dir}/root-image/etc/pacman.d
wget -O ${work_dir}/root-image/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist http://www.archlinux.org/mirrorlist/all/
sed -i "s/#Server/Server/g" ${work_dir}/root-image/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
chroot ${work_dir}/root-image /usr/sbin/locale-gen
chroot ${work_dir}/root-image /usr/sbin/useradd -m -p "" -g users -G "audio,disk,optical,wheel" arch
: > ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME}
# Split out /lib/modules from root-image (makes more "dual-iso" friendly)
make_lib_modules() {
if [[ ! -e ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME} ]]; then
mv ${work_dir}/root-image/lib/modules ${work_dir}/lib-modules
: > ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME}
# Split out /usr/share from root-image (makes more "dual-iso" friendly)
make_usr_share() {
if [[ ! -e ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME} ]]; then
mv ${work_dir}/root-image/usr/share ${work_dir}/usr-share
: > ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME}
# Make [core] repository, keep "any" pkgs in a separate fs (makes more "dual-iso" friendly)
make_core_repo() {
if [[ ! -e ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME} ]]; then
local _url _urls _pkg_name _cached_pkg _dst _pkgs
mkdir -p ${work_dir}/repo-core-any
mkdir -p ${work_dir}/repo-core-${arch}
pacman -Sy
_pkgs=$(comm -2 -3 <(pacman -Sql core | sort | sed 's@^@core/@') \
<(grep -v ^# ${script_path}/core.exclude.${arch} | sort | sed 's@^@core/@'))
_urls=$(pacman -Sddp ${_pkgs})
pacman -Swdd --noprogressbar --noconfirm ${_pkgs}
for _url in ${_urls}; do
cp ${_cached_pkg} ${_dst}
repo-add -q ${work_dir}/repo-core-${arch}/core.db.tar.gz ${_dst}
if [[ ${_pkg_name} == *any.pkg.tar* ]]; then
mv ${_dst} ${work_dir}/repo-core-any/${_pkg_name}
ln -sf ../any/${_pkg_name} ${_dst}
: > ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME}
# Process aitab
# args: $1 (core | netinstall)
make_aitab() {
local _iso_type=${1}
if [[ ! -e ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME}_${_iso_type} ]]; then
sed "s|%ARCH%|${arch}|g" ${script_path}/aitab.${_iso_type} > ${work_dir}/iso/${install_dir}/aitab
: > ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME}_${_iso_type}
# Build all filesystem images specified in aitab (.fs .fs.sfs .sfs)
make_prepare() {
mkarchiso ${verbose} -w "${work_dir}" -D "${install_dir}" prepare
# Build ISO
# args: $1 (core | netinstall)
make_iso() {
local _iso_type=${1}
mkarchiso ${verbose} -w "${work_dir}" -D "${install_dir}" checksum
mkarchiso ${verbose} -w "${work_dir}" -D "${install_dir}" -L "${iso_label}" -o "${out_dir}" iso "${iso_name}-${iso_version}-${_iso_type}-${arch}.iso"
# Build dual-iso images from ${work_dir}/i686/iso and ${work_dir}/x86_64/iso
# args: $1 (core | netinstall)
make_dual() {
local _iso_type=${1}
if [[ ! -e ${work_dir}/dual/build.${FUNCNAME}_${_iso_type} ]]; then
if [[ ! -d ${work_dir}/i686/iso || ! -d ${work_dir}/x86_64/iso ]]; then
echo "ERROR: i686 or x86_64 builds does not exist."
_usage 1
local _src_one _src_two _cfg
if [[ ${arch} == "i686" ]]; then
mkdir -p ${work_dir}/dual/iso
cp -a -l -f ${_src_one} ${work_dir}/dual
cp -a -l -n ${_src_two} ${work_dir}/dual
rm -f ${work_dir}/dual/iso/${install_dir}/aitab
rm -f ${work_dir}/dual/iso/${install_dir}/boot/syslinux/*.cfg
if [[ ${_iso_type} == "core" ]]; then
if [[ ! -e ${work_dir}/dual/iso/${install_dir}/any/repo-core-any.sfs ||
! -e ${work_dir}/dual/iso/${install_dir}/i686/repo-core-i686.sfs ||
! -e ${work_dir}/dual/iso/${install_dir}/x86_64/repo-core-x86_64.sfs ]]; then
echo "ERROR: core_iso_single build is not found."
_usage 1
rm -f ${work_dir}/dual/iso/${install_dir}/any/repo-core-any.sfs
rm -f ${work_dir}/dual/iso/${install_dir}/i686/repo-core-i686.sfs
rm -f ${work_dir}/dual/iso/${install_dir}/x86_64/repo-core-x86_64.sfs
paste -d"\n" <(sed "s|%ARCH%|i686|g" ${script_path}/aitab.${_iso_type}) \
<(sed "s|%ARCH%|x86_64|g" ${script_path}/aitab.${_iso_type}) | uniq > ${work_dir}/dual/iso/${install_dir}/aitab
for _cfg in ${script_path}/syslinux.dual/*.cfg; do
sed "s|%ARCHISO_LABEL%|${iso_label}|g;
s|%INSTALL_DIR%|${install_dir}|g" ${_cfg} > ${work_dir}/dual/iso/${install_dir}/boot/syslinux/${_cfg##*/}
mkarchiso ${verbose} -w "${work_dir}/dual" -D "${install_dir}" checksum
mkarchiso ${verbose} -w "${work_dir}/dual" -D "${install_dir}" -L "${iso_label}" -o "${out_dir}" iso "${iso_name}-${iso_version}-${_iso_type}-dual.iso"
: > ${work_dir}/dual/build.${FUNCNAME}_${_iso_type}
purge_single ()
if [[ -d ${work_dir} ]]; then
find ${work_dir} -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 \
! -path ${work_dir}/iso -prune \
| xargs rm -rf
purge_dual ()
if [[ -d ${work_dir}/dual ]]; then
find ${work_dir}/dual -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 \
! -path ${work_dir}/dual/iso -prune \
| xargs rm -rf
clean_single ()
rm -rf ${work_dir}
rm -f ${out_dir}/${iso_name}-${iso_version}-*-${arch}.iso
clean_dual ()
rm -rf ${work_dir}/dual
rm -f ${out_dir}/${iso_name}-${iso_version}-*-dual.iso
make_common_single() {
make_aitab $1
make_prepare $1
make_iso $1
_usage ()
echo "usage ${0} [options] command <command options>"
echo " General options:"
echo " -N <iso_name> Set an iso filename (prefix)"
echo " Default: ${iso_name}"
echo " -V <iso_version> Set an iso version (in filename)"
echo " Default: ${iso_version}"
echo " -L <iso_label> Set an iso label (disk label)"
echo " Default: ${iso_label}"
echo " -D <install_dir> Set an install_dir (directory inside iso)"
echo " Default: ${install_dir}"
echo " -w <work_dir> Set the working directory"
echo " Default: ${work_dir}"
echo " -o <out_dir> Set the output directory"
echo " Default: ${out_dir}"
echo " -v Enable verbose output"
echo " -h This help message"
echo " Commands:"
echo " build <mode> <type>"
echo " Build selected .iso by <mode> and <type>"
echo " purge <mode>"
echo " Clean working directory except iso/ directory of build <mode>"
echo " clean <mode>"
echo " Clean working directory and .iso file in output directory of build <mode>"
echo " Command options:"
echo " <mode> Valid values 'single' or 'dual'"
echo " <type> Valid values 'netinstall', 'core' or 'all'"
exit ${1}
if [[ ${EUID} -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "This script must be run as root."
_usage 1
while getopts 'N:V:L:D:w:o:vh' arg; do
case "${arg}" in
N) iso_name="${OPTARG}" ;;
V) iso_version="${OPTARG}" ;;
L) iso_label="${OPTARG}" ;;
D) install_dir="${OPTARG}" ;;
w) work_dir="${OPTARG}" ;;
o) out_dir="${OPTARG}" ;;
v) verbose="-v" ;;
h|?) _usage 0 ;;
_msg_error "Invalid argument '${arg}'" 0
_usage 1
shift $((OPTIND - 1))
if [[ $# -lt 1 ]]; then
echo "No command specified"
_usage 1
if [[ $# -lt 2 ]]; then
echo "No command mode specified"
_usage 1
if [[ ${command_name} == "build" ]]; then
if [[ $# -lt 3 ]]; then
echo "No build type specified"
_usage 1
if [[ ${command_mode} == "single" ]]; then
case "${command_name}" in
case "${command_mode}" in
case "${command_type}" in
make_common_single netinstall
make_common_single core
make_common_single netinstall
make_common_single core
echo "Invalid build type '${command_type}'"
_usage 1
case "${command_type}" in
make_dual netinstall
make_dual core
make_dual netinstall
make_dual core
echo "Invalid build type '${command_type}'"
_usage 1
echo "Invalid build mode '${command_mode}'"
_usage 1
case "${command_mode}" in
echo "Invalid purge mode '${command_mode}'"
_usage 1
case "${command_mode}" in
echo "Invalid clean mode '${command_mode}'"
_usage 1
echo "Invalid command name '${command_name}'"
_usage 1
Last edited by gav989 (2012-02-12 10:59:11)

thanks for that, according to this it should be run like
/path/to/build.sh build single netinstall
from inside the chroot
posting this for my own reference and in case it helps others, will mark as solved
thanks again for your help
Last edited by gav989 (2012-02-12 10:58:04)

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    http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?/topic/1777-how-to-create-a-double-layer-dvd-video-imag e-file-using-imgburn/
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    Neil Wilkes
    Neil Wilkes
    Neil Wilkes
    Jon Geddes
    shuchi shrivastava
    Jon Geddes and Neil Wilkes

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    TSSTcorp DVD-ROM TS-H352C DE06 (/dev/sr1, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM) [DVD-ROM, CD-ROM] [None] [%7]
    _NEC DVD_RW ND-4550A 1.09 (/dev/sr0, CD-R, CD-RW, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD-R DL, DVD+R, DVD+RW, DVD+R DL) [DVD-ROM, DVD-R Sequential, DVD-R Dual Layer Sequential, DVD-RAM, DVD-RW Restricted Overwrite, DVD-RW Sequential, DVD+RW, DVD+R, DVD+R Dual Layer, CD-ROM, CD-R, CD-RW] [SAO, TAO, RAW, SAO/R96P, SAO/R96R, RAW/R16, RAW/R96P, RAW/R96R, Restricted Overwrite] [%7]
    K3b Version: 2.0.2
    KDE Version: 4.7.3 (4.7.3)
    QT Version: 4.7.4
    Kernel: 3.1.2-1-ARCH
    Used versions
    cdrecord: 3.1a06
    scsidev: '/dev/sr0'
    devname: '/dev/sr0'
    scsibus: -2 target: -2 lun: -2
    Warning: Open by 'devname' is unintentional and not supported.
    Linux sg driver version: 3.5.27
    SCSI buffer size: 64512
    cdrecord: Warning: Cannot read drive buffer.
    cdrecord: Warning: The DMA speed test has been skipped.
    Cdrecord-ProDVD-ProBD-Clone 3.01a06 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2011 Joerg Schilling
    TOC Type: 1 = CD-ROM
    Using libscg version 'schily-0.9'.
    atapi: 1
    Device type : Removable CD-ROM
    Version : 5
    Response Format: 2
    Capabilities :
    Vendor_info : '_NEC '
    Identifikation : 'DVD_RW ND-4550A '
    Revision : '1.09'
    Device seems to be: Generic mmc2 DVD-R/DVD-RW/DVD-RAM.
    Current: DVD-RW restricted overwrite
    Profile: DVD+R/DL
    Profile: DVD+R
    Profile: DVD+RW
    Profile: DVD-R/DL sequential recording
    Profile: DVD-RW sequential recording (current)
    Profile: DVD-RW restricted overwrite (current)
    Profile: DVD-RAM
    Profile: DVD-R sequential recording
    Profile: DVD-ROM
    Profile: CD-RW
    Profile: CD-R
    Profile: CD-ROM
    Profile: Removable Disk
    Using generic SCSI-3/mmc-2 DVD-R/DVD-RW/DVD-RAM driver (mmc_dvd).
    Supported modes: PACKET SAO
    Drive buf size : 1769472 = 1728 KB
    FIFO size : 4194304 = 4096 KB
    cdrecord: Drive needs to reload the media to return to proper status.
    cdrecord: Data does not fit on current disk.
    Track 01: data 1854 MB
    Total size: 1854 MB = 949353 sectors
    Current Secsize: 2048
    Trying to clear drive status.
    WARNING: Phys disk size 65264 differs from rzone size 0! Prerecorded disk?
    WARNING: Phys start: 196608 Phys end 261871
    WARNING: Drive returns zero media size. Using media size from ADIP.
    Blocks total: 65264 Blocks current: 65264 Blocks remaining: -884089
    cdrecord command:
    /usr/bin/cdrecord -v gracetime=2 dev=/dev/sr0 speed=2 -sao -data -tsize=949353s -
    I hope this is enough to give some clues.  BTW, I have tried  forcing a re-format on the disc first from within the application, which reports success. It all used to work some months ago, but since I do not do this regularly, I can't identify exactly when the problem started.
    I would really appreciate some guidance.
    Many thanks in advance

    He already stated thet he is re-formated teh disk
    as far as i can see, problem is with
    cdrecord: Data does not fit on current disk.
    try to reduce data for burning.
    Aslo check that your user belongs to optical group aka "id USER"
    Last edited by cybertorture (2011-11-30 18:13:28)

  • How to compare any type of image with any Palette ?

    How can I compare any image with any Palette file (ex. sample.pal file) ?
    If that image don't satisified selected Palette file then show me exception or any kind of message.
    Plz reply me with proper guidence or any hints.

    How can I compare any image with any Palette file (ex. sample.pal file) ?
    If that image don't satisified selected Palette file then show me exception or any kind of message.
    Plz reply me with proper guidence or any hints.

  • How to I create a screenshot image with a Mac?

    I'm relatively new to Macs. I have yet to learn now to make a screenshot image with a Mac. There doesn't seem to be a Print screen button. How do I do this? Can it be done in the Mac OS? Or, is there a need to install some software to do this?
    Thanks much!

    It's all built in!
    Go to the Help menu in Finder and enter 'Screenshot' and press enter.
    Lots of articles there, including this one:
    To take a picture of the whole screen, press Command-Shift-3.
    To take a picture of part of the screen, press Command-Shift-4, then drag to select the area you want in the picture.
    To take a picture of a window, the menu bar, the Dock, or other area, press Command-Shift-4, then press the Space bar. Move the pointer over the area you want so that it's highlighted, then click. If you decide you want to drag to select the area, press the Space bar again.
    If you press Command-Shift-4 and decide you don't want to take the screen shot, press the Escape key.
    Screen shots are saved as files on the desktop. If you want to put the screen shot in the Clipboard, rather than create a file, hold down the Control key when you press the other keys. You can then paste the picture into a document.
    You can also take pictures of the screen using the Grab application (in the Utilities folder).
    Some applications, such as DVD Player, may not let you take pictures of the screen

  • Building a buffered image with transparency?

    Hi all,
    I am wondering if there is a way to paste a transparent image (gif) into a constructed Image without losing its transparency.
    I came across it as I was trying to build a new Image by pasting a number of transparent images into a 'buffer' image. Up to now, the buffer worked fine, except that it lost all transparency.
    Consider the example below.
    class myclass extends Component{
    public myclass( int w, int h){
    Image originalgif= Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("smiley.gif");
    // make sure the image is loaded
    try {
    MediaTracker tracker = new MediaTracker(parent);
    tracker.addImage(originalgif, 0);
    } catch (InterruptedException iex) {
    // build a new image containing the transparent GIF
    Image rescaledgif=new BufferedImage(w,h,BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR);
    Graphics g=rescaledgif.getGraphics();
    g.drawImage(originalgif, w,h, this);
    public void Paint(Graphics g){
    // draws a transparent gif
    // draws the same gif rescaled no longer transparent but on a gray background
    Is there a way to have the rescaled image still having its transparency? may be using a different colordepth for the buffered image, may be by defining a transparent color in the DrawImage() functions?
    thanks in advance,

    BufferedImage rescaledgif = = new BufferedImage(mapWidth, mapHeight, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);Try that.

  • IPhone: How to get the original photo image with  Picker

    I'm trying to pick and send (via HTTP) the original image taken by the camera, the 1,600 x 1,2000 image that's available in iPhoto after syncing.
    As far as I gathered, the UIImage doesn't help me here, since it's scaled down to 640x480, probably to safe memory. But one should supposedly be able to access the underlying CIImage.
    Here's what I'm doing right now:
    I'm setting up an ImagePickerController in my
    - (void)viewDidLoad
    imagePickerController = [[UIImagePickerController alloc] init];
    imagePickerController.delegate = self;
    imagePickerController.sourceType = UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeSavedPhotosAlbum;
    [self refreshView:self];
    and process the picked image with
    - (void)imagePickerController:(UIImagePickerController )picker didFinishPickingImage:(UIImage )image editingInfo:(NSDictionary )editingInfo
    CGImageRef imgRef = image.CGImage;
    CGFloat owidth = CGImageGetWidth(imgRef);
    CGFloat oheight = CGImageGetHeight(imgRef);
    NSLog(@"Original size = %f %f",owidth,oheight);
    NSData imageData = [NSData dataWithData: UIImagePNGRepresentation(image)];//(image, 1.0)
    However, I still get the following output:
    2008-07-25 11:44:58.543 myApplication[1564:20b] Original size = 640.000000 480.000000
    Obviously still scaled down - but there must be a way to access the original.
    What am I doing wrong?

    Yes, I'm trying on the iPhone, as the camera is unavailable on the simulator.
    Here is the code I'm using:
    // In my main code, to initialise the picker
    UIImagePickerController *picker;
    // Check if camera is available
    if ( ![UIImagePickerController isSourceTypeAvailable:UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeCamera] )
    UIAlertView *alertView = [[UIAlertView alloc]
    initWithTitle:@"Can't access camera" message:@"The camera is unavailable!" delegate:nil cancelButtonTitle:nil otherButtonTitles:@"OK", nil ];
    [alertView show];
    [alertView release];
    picker = [[UIImagePickerController alloc] init];
    picker.sourceType = UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeCamera;
    picker.delegate = self;
    [_myView addSubview:picker.view];
    [_myView performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(setNeedsDisplay) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:NO];
    // The delegate methods
    - (void)imagePickerController:(UIImagePickerController *)picker didFinishPickingImage:(UIImage *)image editingInfo:(NSDictionary *)editingInfo
    NSLog( @"Image dimensions: %fx%f", image.size.width, image.size.height );
    // Remove the picker interface and release the picker object.
    [picker.view removeFromSuperview];
    [picker release];
    - (void)imagePickerControllerDidCancel:(UIImagePickerController *)picker
    // Remove the picker interface and release the picker object.
    [picker.view removeFromSuperview];
    [picker release];

  • How to send byte array of image with 300dpi.

    Hello fiends
                       i am making an application in which i have to send the byte array of an image with 300dpi.
    so i am using image snapshot class for that and use that code.
                        var snapshot:ImageSnapshot = ImageSnapshot.captureImage(cnvParent,300);
                        var bdata:String = ImageSnapshot.encodeImageAsBase64(snapshot);
    but when i send that bdata to php end using httpService.The size at other end of image increases surprisingly.i means it will increase its actual height and actual width.so is there any way to overcome this increase in size when i bitmapped image at 300 dpi?
    if there any way then please tell me.waiting for your reply.
    Thanks and Regards
        Vineet Osho

    Thanks david for such a quick reply.the link is really helpful.So we have to calculate the screendpi thruogh our code and then set the height and width of image.is there any simple way to sort out my problem.i just want to print my image at 300dpi but i am using image snapshot class so its taking the snap of my container(image) and save the image at 96 dpi which is dpi of my screen(monitor).so is there any way or any class in flex through which i got the image at its original dpi.i am not stick on 300 dpi but i m getting image from backend through xml at 300dpi.thats why i want the byte array i am sending should be at 300dpi.i am totally confused now.so please help me.
    Thanks and regards
      Vineet osho

  • How do i burn an ISO image to a flash drive?

    I tried to use disk utility and dragged my ISO file into the source box and then my flash drive into the destination box. When i clicked restored and entered in my password i got a dialog box saying "Restore failure, Could not validate source - Invalid arguement". If someone could help me that would be great. I was trying to burn Windows 7 so that way I could install it in bootcamp because I need Windows for school.

    Launch Disk Utility and select File: New: Disk Image From Folder. In the window that appears, navigate to the desired folder and then click on Image. Give the image file a name, and click on Save when prompted. That’s it.

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