Archlinux policy WRT /usr/share/vim/vim72 vs. /usr/share/vim/vimfiles

Hi all,
with the recent vim upgrade I have notified a couple of package maintainers that they would have to move some vim support files that are in their packages (e.g. syntax highlighting) out of /usr/share/vim/syntax and similar into subdirectories. However, I'm afraid I might have suggested something wrong there: My suggestion was that they be put in /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/syntax and so on, but Pierre has already updated his cmake package (bugreport) and moved it into /usr/share/vim/vim72/syntax etc.
Since I've also seen similar discussions at least in the latexsuite package (now removed since the packages have been renamed), and so I wonder what is the difference resp. the Archlinux policy with regard to those two directories: /usr/share/vim/vim72 vs. /usr/share/vim/vimfiles. (Personally, I thought that the vim72 subdirectory is for the distribution of vim itself, whereas distribution-specific stuff would go to the vimfiles subdirectory. - That's where the latex-suite package's files are now, too.)
Anyone with more sound reasoning or an insight into some quasi-"official" view on the question?

Actually the bug report asked to move from /usr/share/vim to /usr/share/vim/vimfiles
So I am confused..
Edit : ok I see now : … 3&r2=52345
Pierre moved from /usr/share/vim to /usr/share/vim/vim72 instead.
Last edited by shining (2009-10-08 11:13:01)

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    There's one thing, though, that is driving me nuts; a little but very irritating behaviour.
    I hope to be understandable enough so that someone can help me.
    Basically when editing (deleting or inserting characters)  a long line containing many words separated by spaces, Vim automatically moves  part of the line to a new line, creating a new paragraph.
    Do you see what I mean? I just don't want Vim to create new paragraphs when editing a line.
    I'm sure other Vim users already experienced this behaviour... how can I fix it?
    Here's my .vimrc, it may be involved somehow:
    " All system-wide defaults are set in $VIMRUNTIME/archlinux.vim (usually just
    " /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/archlinux.vim) and sourced by the call to :runtime
    " you can find below. If you wish to change any of those settings, you should
    " do it in this file (/etc/vimrc), since archlinux.vim will be overwritten
    " everytime an upgrade of the vim packages is performed. It is recommended to
    " make changes after sourcing archlinux.vim since it alters the value of the
    " 'compatible' option.
    " This line should not be removed as it ensures that various options are
    " properly set to work with the Vim-related packages available in Debian.
    runtime! archlinux.vim
    " If you prefer the old-style vim functionalty, add 'runtime! vimrc_example.vim'
    " Or better yet, read /usr/share/vim/vim72/vimrc_example.vim or the vim manual
    " and configure vim to your own liking!
    " no vi compatibility
    set nocompatible
    " directory
    set directory=/home/enrico/.vim
    " disable backups (and swap)
    set nobackup
    set nowritebackup
    set noswapfile
    " wrap searches
    set wrapscan
    " tab and indentation
    set tabstop=4
    set noexpandtab
    set smarttab
    set shiftwidth=4
    set backspace=indent,eol,start
    set autoindent
    set smartindent
    " show commands
    set showcmd
    " show line and column position of cursor
    set ruler
    " status bar
    set statusline=\ \%f%m%r%h%w\ ::\ %y\ [%{&ff}]\%=\ [%p%%:\ %l/%L]\
    set laststatus=2
    set cmdheight=1
    " textwidth
    set textwidth=79
    " formatting options
    set formatoptions=c,q,r,t
    " line numbers
    set number
    " match bracklets
    "set showmatch
    " search
    set hlsearch
    set incsearch
    set ignorecase
    set smartcase
    " syntax highlighting
    filetype plugin on
    syntax on
    " background
    set background=dark
    " enable mouse
    set mouse=a
    " set colorscheme
    colorscheme miromiro
    "colorscheme dante
    "colorscheme molokai
    "allows sudo with :w!!
    cmap w!! %!sudo tee > /dev/null %
    " mutt tricks (F1 through F3 re-wraps paragraphs)
    augroup MUTT
    au BufRead ~/.mutt/temp/mutt* set tw=72
    au BufRead ~/.mutt/temp/mutt* set spell " <-- vim 7 required
    au BufRead ~/.mutt/temp/mutt* nmap <F1> gqap
    au BufRead ~/.mutt/temp/mutt* nmap <F2> gqqj
    au BufRead ~/.mutt/temp/mutt* nmap <F3> kgqj
    au BufRead ~/.mutt/temp/mutt* map! <F1> <ESC>gqapi
    au BufRead ~/.mutt/temp/mutt* map! <F2> <ESC>gqqji
    au BufRead ~/.mutt/temp/mutt* map! <F3> <ESC>kgqji
    augroup END
    Last edited by rent0n (2010-07-31 10:45:23)

    bernarcher wrote:
    This will suppress breaking the lines.
    " textwidth
    set textwidth=0
    See ":help textwidth" and ":help ins-textwidth" for more.
    BTW: "nowrap" does only influence how the text will be displayed. it doesn't change the text in the buffer.
    Thanks bernarcher, 'textwidth' was the option I was looking for!
    Wrapping is another thing and I like to keep it enabled.
    @quigybo: I will look through 'formatoptions', thanks. I already use augroup for mutt and is very handy indeed!
    Last edited by rent0n (2010-07-31 10:45:06)

  • [SOLVED] What is wrong with VIM?

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    I can do:
    :w file.c
    However, none of the other commands work. For example, I can't even enter insert mode (i). I have tried reinstalling to no prevail. This isn't an urgent problem (for me at least), I just want to know what the hell is wrong with it so I can get back to coding
    Last edited by itsbrad212 (2010-05-11 20:39:23)

    I copied the contents of /var/abs/testing/vim/vimrc:
    " All system-wide defaults are set in $VIMRUNTIME/archlinux.vim (usually just
    " /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/archlinux.vim) and sourced by the call to :runtime
    " you can find below. If you wish to change any of those settings, you should
    " do it in this file (/etc/vimrc), since archlinux.vim will be overwritten
    " everytime an upgrade of the vim packages is performed. It is recommended to
    " make changes after sourcing archlinux.vim since it alters the value of the
    " 'compatible' option.
    " This line should not be removed as it ensures that various options are
    " properly set to work with the Vim-related packages.
    runtime! archlinux.vim
    " If you prefer the old-style vim functionalty, add 'runtime! vimrc_example.vim'
    " Or better yet, read /usr/share/vim/vim72/vimrc_example.vim or the vim manual
    " and configure vim to your own liking!
    to a new file I created (/etc/vimrc)

  • [solved] vim ftplugin vim-latexsuite doesn't load changes with chars

    I'd like to use some european characters and I found this thread.
    Unfortunately I still get "/mathbf{}" when I type the ã. (My problem is the ö but I think if I manage to have the ã it will work with ö...)
    The second problem is that I have to press escape twice to go to normal mode in a .tex file.
    (In the other files one press is enough.)
    All these troubles happen only on my x86_64 desktop.
    I have vim-latexsuit-svn 1106-1 on both laptop and desktop from the AUR.
    On my i686 laptop everything works fine with the 'default' .vimrc advised in the vim-latexsuite-manual.
    There is also a different mapleader for compiling by default. (Which is not as annoying as the ö problem.)
    I also get the ö-trouble when I log in from the laptop to my desktop.
    Why are there so much differences?
    I only remember having put some "set winaltkeys=no" in the wrong files on my laptop before I understood where is the right place.
    (Where everything works fine.)
    Here's my .vimrc
    1 set tabstop=2
    2 set number
    4 syntax on
    5 filetype plugin on
    6 filetype indent on
    7 set grepprg=grep\ -nH\ $*
    8 let g:tex_flavor = "latex"
    9 set runtimepath=~/.vim,/usr/share/vim/vimfiles,/usr/share/vim/vim72,/usr/share/vim/vimfiles/after,~/.vim/after
    10 "To solve the propleme with vim-latexsuite has with ã and â
    11 imap <buffer> <silent> <M-C> <Plug>Tex_MathCal
    12 imap <buffer> <silent> <M-B> <Plug>Tex_MathBF
    13 imap <buffer> <leader>it <Plug>Tex_InsertItemOnThisLine
    14 imap <buffer> <silent> <M-A> <Plug>Tex_InsertItem
    15 "imap <buffer> <silent> <M-E> <Plug>Tex_InsertItem
    16 "imap <buffer> <silent> <M-e> <Plug>Tex_InsertItemOnThisLine
    17 imap <buffer> <silent> <Plug>Traditional <Plug>Traditional
    18 map <buffer> <silent> é é
    19 map <buffer> <silent> á á
    20 map <buffer> <silent> ã ã
    21 "imap ã <Plug>Tex_MathCal
    22 "imap é <Plug>Traditional
    1 set winaltkeys=no
    3 let g:Tex_AdvancedMath = 0
    4 let g:Tex_SmartKeyQuote = 0
    5 let g:Tex_SmartKeyQuote = 0
    7 imap <C-b> <Plug>Tex_MathBF
    8 imap <C-c> <Plug>Tex_MathCal
    9 imap <C-l> <Plug>Tex_LeftRight
    (The macros of call IMAP work well. When I type `ö I also get a \mathbf)
    1 call IMAP('`w', '\omega', 'tex')
    2 call IMAP('`j', '\cdot', 'tex')
    3 call IMAP('`A', '\forall', 'tex')
    4 call IMAP('`E', '\exists', 'tex')
    5 call IMAP('`ö', 'ö', 'tex')
    7 let g:Tex_AdvancedMath = 0
    8 imap <C-b> <Plug>Tex_MathBF
    9 imap <C-c> <Plug>Tex_MathCal
    10 imap <C-l> <Plug>Tex_LeftRight
    Last edited by Maximalminimalist (2010-05-30 17:00:03)

    I just removed vim, vim-auctex (didn't remember there was this...) and vim-latexsuite and reinstalled vim and vim-latexsuite.
    I was obviously using a vim-auctex macro and I didn't know it... (This was a memorable lesson for removing packages you don't need. )
    I realized that the Esc-issue happens if a placeholder is still active. Is it possible to change this behaviour? (I won't really care about that. => [solved])
    Last edited by Maximalminimalist (2010-05-30 16:59:32)

  • [solved] vim build failed

    I am trying to build vim because the version in the repo lacks a couple of options I need (x11...). The build fails without a clear error message, below are the last lines before the makepkg -s fails:
    patching file src/cleanlint.vim
    Reversed (or previously applied) patch detected! Skipping patch.
    1 out of 1 hunk ignored -- saving rejects to file src/cleanlint.vim.rej
    patching file src/diff.c
    patching file src/edit.c
    patching file src/ex_cmds.c
    patching file src/ex_cmds2.c
    patching file src/ex_docmd.c
    patching file src/proto/
    patching file src/proto/
    patching file src/quickfix.c
    patching file src/spell.c
    patching file src/structs.h
    patching file src/term.h
    patching file src/vim.h
    patching file src/version.c
    ==> ERROR: Build Failed.
    If the reason is the failed patch is there a way to correct things manually?
    This it the (slightly modified) PKGBUILD I am using:
    # $Id: PKGBUILD 53395 2009-09-30 20:20:00Z francois $
    # Maintainer: tobias [ tobias at archlinux org ]
    pkgdesc='Vi Improved, a highly configurable, improved version of the vi text editor'
    arch=(i686 x86_64)
    depends=('gpm' 'coreutils')
    makedepends=('wget' 'sed' 'grep' 'gettext' 'perl')
    optdepends=('perl: the runtime provides a view useful perl scripts')
    # we need the extra-stuff to get all patches applied smoothly
    source=(${_srcver}.tar.bz2 \${_srcver}-extra.tar.gz \${_srcver}-lang.tar.gz \ vimrc archlinux.vim)
    md5sums=('f0901284b338e448bfd79ccca0041254' '35e04482f07c57221c9a751aaa3b8dac' \
    'd8884786979e0e520c112faf2e176f05' '6d7e8d7868e8bfaa9a5880cd9c439320' \
    '45c1c3c6aff7de0d8fc2a9d8cd5cec7d' '29125bedc96f2a58c772ee0455a333bc' \
    _versiondir="vim"$(echo ${_srcver} | sed "s/\.//")
    # pull in patches from (or the src cache alternatively)
    . ${srcdir}/
    . ${srcdir}/
    get_patches || return 1
    cd ${srcdir}/${_versiondir}
    sed -i 's|^.*\(#define SYS_.*VIMRC_FILE.*"\) .*$|\1|' src/feature.h
    sed -i 's|^.*\(#define VIMRC_FILE.*"\) .*$|\1|' src/feature.h
    # build party
    ./configure --prefix=/usr --localstatedir=/var/lib/vim --mandir=/usr/share/man \
    --with-compiledby=Arian --with-features=huge \
    --enable-gpm --enable-acl --with-x=yes \
    --enable-multibyte --enable-cscope \
    --enable-perlinterp --enable-pythoninterpr \
    #--with-global-runtime=/usr/share/vim --with-vim-name=vim \
    make || return 1
    make VIMRCLOC=/etc DESTDIR=${pkgdir} install
    cd ${pkgdir}/usr/bin
    rm ex view # provided by (n)vi in core
    mv vim vim-normal # we create a vim-symlink on post_install
    ln -sf vim-normal vim
    # ... make g* related symlinks point directly to the actual binary
    ln -sf vim-normal rview
    ln -sf vim-normal rvim
    ln -sf vim-normal vimdiff
    # delete some manpages
    find ${pkgdir}/usr/share/man -type d -name 'man1' 2> /dev/null | \
    while read mandir; do
    cd ${mandir}
    rm -f ex.1 view.1 # provided by (n)vi
    rm -f evim.1 # this does not make sense in the console version
    cd ${srcdir}/${_versiondir}
    install -Dm644 ${srcdir}/vimrc ${pkgdir}/etc/vimrc
    install -Dm644 ${srcdir}/archlinux.vim \
    install -dm755 ${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/vim
    cd ${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/vim
    ln -s ../../vim/${_versiondir}/doc/uganda.txt license.txt
    Any help appreciated.
    Last edited by akuschki (2009-10-22 16:43:34)

    thanks, that solved it. Sorry I didn't try that obvious solution myself, I didn't realise that installing gvim would also change the features of the console vim version. I thought those two packages are independent.

  • [Solved] Vim: Can only undo most recent change

    Howdy-ha, folks.  So I've been (very) gradually making the transition from Geany to Vim over several months, mostly without issue.  However, I've been reluctant to use Vim for anything other than quick, simple operations for one reason: The "u" key will only undo the most recent change, as though there aren't any other changes in the history.  Hitting "u" a second time reverses the "undo" command, so that repeatedly hitting it will just remove and add the same small change over and over again.  No matter how much time I spend looking into this it seems I'm the only person who's ever had this problem, and it occurs regardless of whether /etc/vimrc and ~/.vimrc exist.  As a result, I can't do any complex editing for fear of botching something and needing to spend hours backtracing my mistakes.  Any help on this is appreciated.
    Last edited by ANOKNUSA (2012-05-18 15:22:06)

    skanky wrote:It should do. There's a comment in /etc/vimrc recommending against changing, so it's worth looking into. There are other settings there that could affect some behaviour, apparently.
    That would likely be the issue: I overwrote the default with my own config file, without including runtime! archlinux.vim in my own config.  As far as I can tell, things are working as both user and root.  I suppose I should have paid more attention, but then again, there's no mention in the Arch wiki entry about not altering/deleting any of those files:
    Arch Wiki Vim Entry wrote:
    Vim's personal configuration file is located in the home directory: ~/.vimrc. Advanced users tend to keep a well-tailored ~/.vimrc. The global configuration file is located at /etc/vimrc. The fall-back $VIM variable is defined as /usr/share/vim/. For example, to create a global colorscheme the *.vim colorscheme file should be stored in /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/.
    Currently, the vim global configuration in Arch Linux is very basic and differs from many other distributions' default vim configuration file. To get some commonly expected behaviors (like syntax highlighting, return to the line of the last edit...), consider using vim's example configuration file:
    cp /etc/vimrc /etc/vimrc.bak
    cp /usr/share/vim/vim73/vimrc_example.vim /etc/vimrc
    It seems the comment in /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/archlinux.vim is all new users have to go on, and it's not usually the first place anyone looks.

  • [Solved] Vim breaks TTY output

    Everything works fine in my TTY until I use vim, then all further input is unreadable gibberish until next boot.  I have tested other commands and applications (pstree, canto, iptraf).  None of these cause any problems.  Only vim.
    This is the output from ":language" in vim:
    Current language:
    locale -a
    Last edited by the sad clown (2013-02-04 13:24:21)

    I don't have a complex .vimrc:
    " All system-wide defaults are set in $VIMRUNTIME/archlinux.vim (usually just
    " /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/archlinux.vim) and sourced by the call to :runtime
    " you can find below. If you wish to change any of those settings, you should
    " do it in this file (/etc/vimrc), since archlinux.vim will be overwritten
    " everytime an upgrade of the vim packages is performed. It is recommended to
    " make changes after sourcing archlinux.vim since it alters the value of the
    " 'compatible' option.
    " This line should not be removed as it ensures that various options are
    " properly set to work with the Vim-related packages.
    runtime! archlinux.vim
    " If you prefer the old-style vim functionalty, add 'runtime! vimrc_example.vim'
    " Or better yet, read /usr/share/vim/vim73/vimrc_example.vim or the vim manual
    " and configure vim to your own liking!
    filetype plugin indent on
    syntax on

  • [SOLVED] Vim plugins not working

    I have a problem with vim installation on my arch system.
    Vim by itself runs without any problems, but when I try to install plugins it starts to fail.
    With nerdtree installed everytime I try to open a file I get
    Error detected while processing /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/nerdtree_plugin/exec_menuitem.vim:
    line 18:
    E15: Invalid expression:
    Press ENTER or type command to continue
    Error detected while processing /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/nerdtree_plugin/exec_menuitem.vim:
    line 18:
    E116: Invalid arguments for function NERDTreeAddMenuItem
    Press ENTER or type command to continue
    Error detected while processing /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/nerdtree_plugin/exec_menuitem.vim:
    line 19:
    E10: \ should be followed by /, ? or &
    Press ENTER or type command to continue
    Error detected while processing /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/nerdtree_plugin/exec_menuitem.vim:
    line 20:
    E10: \ should be followed by /, ? or &
    Press ENTER or type command to continue
    Error detected while processing /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/nerdtree_plugin/exec_menuitem.vim:
    line 21:
    E10: \ should be followed by /, ? or &
    Press ENTER or type command to continue
    Error detected while processing /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/nerdtree_plugin/exec_menuitem.vim:
    line 22:
    E10: \ should be followed by /, ? or &
    package versions:
    vim 7.4.274-1
    vim-nerdtree 4.2.0-3
    Thanks for the help
    Last edited by ongy (2014-05-24 11:36:18)

    I am pretty sure something must be non standard, since I didn't expect it to break on standard on arch.
    I have tried gvim package because it has python support (I wanted to try youcompleteme), but I have the problem with both, the vim and gvim package from the official repositories
    I looked with the
    command for whether the normal vim package supports python and later again with gvim package, since that changed from switching packages I am pretty sure I use the version from the package.
    Do you know any more files that could be the problem?
    Last edited by ongy (2014-05-24 08:53:09)

  • [SOLVED] Suddenly unable to mount samba share using cifs

    I have a home server running ArchLinux, hosting an SMB share. My client box is also ArchLinux, both are up to date, running Linux-ck 3.9.2-2-ck. Prior to rebooting both machines around twenty minutes ago, the share mounted fine for months.
    Here is the extent of the "verbosity" I receive from mount:
    mount error(13): Permission denied
    Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs)
    Here is my fstab:
    # /etc/fstab: static file system information
    # <file system> <dir> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
    tmpfs /tmp tmpfs nodev,nosuid 0 0
    # UUID=71066ae2-40ec-4125-9db7-d04b6a04f712
    UUID=71066ae2-40ec-4125-9db7-d04b6a04f712 / ext4 rw,relatime,data=ordered 0 2
    # UUID=172faa6a-9cca-4d9e-a0b9-a5da3ea81922
    UUID=172faa6a-9cca-4d9e-a0b9-a5da3ea81922 /boot ext2 rw,relatime 0 2
    # UUID=65023815-33fc-4ebd-b245-65683201fbcf
    UUID=65023815-33fc-4ebd-b245-65683201fbcf /home ext4 rw,relatime,data=ordered 0 2
    UUID=1a23d461-fa2b-4ea4-8e58-e7efba3f3bed /media/Storage ext3 rw 0 2
    //ARRAY/Array /media/Array cifs credentials=/home/xaero/.smbpasswd,iocharset=utf8,uid=1000,gid=1000,nounix,sec=ntlm 0 0
    I have tried any number of different options on that final line defining this share now:
    I have tried //array/array (which is what it was originally) and //ARRAY/Array (which is case-sensitive) as well as any combination of using my credentials file (which used to work) or user=,pass= as well changing my credentials file to use quotation marks around my password as it has special characters. I've also read of using sec=ntlm fixing mount issues, but in my case it did not. I'm kind of scratching my head here as passing --verbose to mount yields zero additional information... the uid and gid entries were necessary in the past to mount this share, however I have tried both with and without them, to no avail.
    I rely on SMB in lieu of sshfs as there isn't a stable sshfs implementation for Windows users, which there are some on my network; I also find for whatever reason SMB happens to be faster.
    Last edited by Xaero252 (2013-05-19 21:45:30)

    I'm not exactly sure what fixed this... I looked at the configuration file to make sure I hadn't missed it being updated, and it was in the new format; everything setup correctly (I remember having to edit it not long ago to fix something, probably for the update which you mentioned) I reverted my fstab back to the way it was before (making backups is good) and restarted the smbd on the server numerous times... at some point it just started working again. I wish I had a more concrete answer for documentation sake, but I was literally just rebooting/restarting services in desperation with little to no config hacking between and suddenly things clicked. I'm also no longer running the sec=ntlm option..
    Thanks for reminding me to check my config though, when I updated I had forgotten to enable user restriction (guest was enabled, and certain directories weren't user-specific)

  • Group Policy for IE 9, 10, 11

    We have a mix of IE 9, 10, 11. When we deployed IE 10, 11 we updated ADM;s to coonfigure IE 10, 11 group policy.
    Now we have separate policies for IE 9, and IE10,11 as some settings change. However I have few questions:-
    1. If i want to change IE9 GPO settings, how can i do? As on all the machines when i open GPMC, it shows IE10, 11 settings and not IE maintenance thing.
    2. What is the significance of Require server verifications for all sites in this zone in the IE trusted sites? Also, it is checked by default and how can we change it using group policy?
    Please share your expert views on either or both questions. Appreciate any help!!

    1. If i want to change IE9 GPO settings, how can i do? As on all the machines when i open GPMC, it shows IE10, 11 settings and not IE maintenance thing.
    IEM will no longer work on computers where Internet Explorer 10 or newer is installed, regardless of the Windows version it’s been installed on. You must update your settings using Group Policy Preferences, Administrative Templates (.admx), or the Internet
    Explorer Administration Kit (IEAK).
    2. What is the significance of Require server verifications for all sites in this zone in the IE trusted sites? Also, it is checked by default and how can we change it using group policy?
    Only sites with https:// prefix can be added to the Zone, it assures a secure connection
    This option is not avilable via GPP, but we can control it via registry, the related keys are stored under
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Zones\2
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Zones\2
    you can find detailed information in the following link
    Then we can deploy the registry setting to all via GPO.
    Yolanda Zhu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Vim latex-suite and auto completion

    according to this introduction you have to hit <enter> to chose a bib entry after pressing F9 in \cite{ :
    My problem is that I see the bib entries but when I hit enter the windows close and I'm back in my tex file with no entry in the \cite bracket. When I typed in the first letters of the bib key these are also erased.
    Any ideas?
    Here's my .vimrc
    " Use Vim settings, rather then Vi settings (much better!).
    " This must be first, because it changes other options as a side effect.
    set nocompatible
    filetype plugin on
    filetype indent on
    set grepprg=grep\ -nH\ $*
    let g:tex_flavor = "latex"
    " switch on syntax highlighting
    syntax on
    let g:Tex_DefaultTargetFormat = 'pdf'
    let g:Tex_CompileRule_pdf = 'latexmk -pdf -pv -g'
    set runtimepath=~/.vim,$VIM/vimfiles,$VIMRUNTIME,$VIM/vimfiles/after,~/.vim/after
    " A clean-looking font for gvim
    set guifont="DejaVu\ Sans\ Mono\ 8"
    " allow backspacing over everything in insert mode
    set backspace=indent,eol,start
    set history=100 " keep 100 lines of command line history
    set ruler " show the cursor position all the time
    set showcmd " display incomplete commands
    " set mouse -=a
    set shortmess+=I " disable the welcome screen
    " line numbering
    set nu
    " wrap like other editors
    set wrap " word wrap
    set textwidth=0 "
    set lbr " line break
    set display=lastline " don't display @ with long paragraphs
    " searching
    set hlsearch " highlight all search results
    set incsearch " increment search
    set ignorecase " case-insensitive search
    set smartcase " upper-case sensitive search
    " nice colours
    set t_Co=256
    " colorscheme twigight
    " colorscheme desert256
    " colorscheme tlvb
    " colorscheme zenburn
    colorscheme ir_black
    " scroll one screen line regardless of editor line length
    :noremap <Up> gk
    :noremap! <Up> <C-O>gk
    :noremap <Down> gj
    :noremap! <Down> <C-O>gj
    :noremap k gk
    :noremap j gj
    set enc=utf-8
    " Scrollbars
    set sidescrolloff=2
    set numberwidth=4

    Hi davvil,
    thanks for your reply. There are no whitespaces. The only thing I've noticed is, that the indention of the entries is different (INCOLLECTION, BOOK, etc isn't idented, though).
    My bib was partly created by JabRef and by entries made by me. I'll check if the problem also occurs with a new bib made from scratch.

  • Opinions on gVim as opposed to just Vim

    I'm finally going to learn Vim, and I will have gVim on my system for a graphical text editor to launch out of pcmanfm. I'm just curious whether any of you feel that there's some advantage to using, or at least learning out of, gVim over Vim.

    Dusty wrote:
    On topic, by accident; I use vim and gvim pretty much interchangably. tabbing works nicer in gvim. If I'm in a console I type vim cause its shorter (or :edit by mistake often enough that I aliased it to vim). I have my console and my gvim both set to use the zenburn theme, so they look pretty much the same.
    gvim looks a bit more modern but on ssh and screen vim is cooler. I'd say use gvim when you can and use vim when its more convenient.
    I use oceanblack in both but colors are not the same, they are pretty different indeed. I tried zenburn also. In both I type <esc>:color zenburn but only in gvim I have better results.
    Maybe I'm missing something. I use Sakura terminal and vim has few colors. Maybe I should use something else for TERM the moment I have TERM=xterm.
    Could you please tell me how did you obtained same colors for vim and gvim?
    Kristoffer Stensbo-Smidt wrote:
    > I have just made a full install of vim 7.0 and gvim using the package
    > manager in Debian. My problem is that the syntax highlighting works very
    > badly in the terminal version of vim – if it works at all.
    > When I try ':colo desert' it changes only the color of the text (but not
    > even to the correct colors) and not the background. When I try ':colo
    > chela_light' nothing happens at all. Both of these color schemes work
    > perfectly in gvim. Any ideas on how to get this working in the terminal?
    > Best regards,
    > Kristoffer Stensbo-Smidt
    Are you using default terminal colors (light grey on black) or are you using
    some "xterm color scheme" outside of Vim? If you are, Vim is not necessarily
    aware of it.
    What happens if you log in on a text console (Ctrl-Alt-F2 then repli to the
    login prompt with username & password) and start Vim there? Can you set
    colorschemes properly?
    Use ":view $VIM/vimfiles/colors/chela_light_vim" or ":view
    ~/.vim/colors/chela_light.vim" (depending on where that color scheme is
    located -- it should NOT be under $VIMRUNTIME because it wasn't distributed
    with Vim and any upgrade can silently change or remove anything in the
    $VIMRUNTIME tree). Does it include "cterm/ctermfg/ctermbg" clauses in its
    ":hi" statements? If not, it's a GUI-only colorscheme.
    Similarly with ":view $VIMRUNTIME/colors/desert".
    The settings for console Vim in a color terminal (cterm= ctermbg= ctermfg= )
    are not necessarily the same as for gvim (gui= guibg= guifg= ) because a color
    terminal typically has 8 background and 16 foreground colors, whereas the GUI
    typically has 16,777,216 of each kind.
    Best regards,
    source: … 8a58ec9a9e
    This explains all. You have to use a colorscheme made for both, gvim and vim.
    I tried zellner scheme with white background in sakura virtual terminal and the colors are matching.
    If your virtual terminal supports 256 colors you can set in vim: set   t_Co=256 for better results.
    Pity that oceanblack scheme is just for gvim.
    Well, will just continue using gvim.
    Last edited by ArchArael (2008-08-30 11:35:30)

  • What happened with Vi(m)?

    Today i made a 'pacman -Syu', cause the last time i did this was 3 month before.
    So it also updates Vim... i could not manage to edit to edit a file yet.
    There's simply no 'insert mode' when pressing 'i' anymore and navigating with arrowcursors ends up with "AADDAAA" in my textfile. Everything is messed up, iam completely incapable to work with that!
    Every try to edit a file ends with "q!", so what the hell happened? I want to have my old vim behaviour
    I also noticed that Distros like Ubuntu and Debian in newer Versions also change to this vim-shitty thing, propably this is a new ultimate feature of vim, but iam too stupid to come clear with that.
    Please help ^^
    Last edited by crabmeat (2009-10-10 11:34:06)

    if it was vim that you were using... same thing here. Aftery y -Syu, vim got pretty wrecked... Syntax highlighting was gone, mouse didn't work and a few other issues.
    Various threads can be found here:
    What happened to vi?
    vim reasonable defaults for all users.
    Vi broken after update
    Two of them refer to:
    I serached the forums looking for soulution (well, I was pretty much sure what happened), which I found here:
    After the vim upgrade I lost syntax color highlighting (7.2.245-1)
    I noticed myself, some config files for vim were changed. Default /etc/vimrc sourced archlinux.vim, which is out of reach - vim's runtime dir is /usr/share/vim/vim72 and the archlinux.vim file is in /usr/share/vim/vimfiles. Maybe I'm missing something, but I reverted /etc/vimrc to old one from thread above and vim is like it used to be ( … 82#p619382).

  • [SOLVED]Mounting usb drives "not authorized" with thunar-volman (XFCE)

    I'm new to Arch (even though I must be approximately at my 15th try at installing it properly) and I have a problem with thunar-volman.
    Whenever I log in as user, and try to mount a usb drive with thunar, let's say I want to plug a drive labeled Ext3_8Go, I get the same message in a pop-up window : "Failed to mount Ext3_8Go (or anything close, not in English in the text), not authorized (that part is in English)"
    My install is :
    - net install
    - partitions : 9Go for /, no swap, no separate /home
    - packages : base and base-devel. The only modifications in the package list is that I remove ppp, pcmciautils, and xfsprogs.
    - config : at the install stage I only modify rc.conf to change LOCALE and HOSTNAME, and pacman's mirrorlist to allow all French mirrors in addition to the one at the top.
    When the usb installation is over, I run this script :
    ""  (there may be some errors left, I modify this script as I learn) :
    # expected environment : freshly installed archlinux, login : root.
    echo "Are you connected to internet ? If not, please Ctrl+C and reload this script when connected"
    echo "Otherwise, press ENTER to continue installation"
    read var_dummy
    echo "Creation of the user : please type in your user name :"
    read var_username
    useradd -u 1000 -g users -G audio,lp,storage,optical,video,wheel,games,power,network -d /home/$var_username/ -s /bin/bash -m $var_username
    echo "You will now be asked to create the password for this user:"
    passwd $var_username
    # Add servers for pacman to find packages
    cat >> /etc/pacman.conf << EOF
    Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
    Server =\$arch
    Server =\$arch
    # Install packages
    pacman -Syyu
    pacman -S acpi acpid alsa-oss alsa-plugins alsa-utils catalyst catalyst-utils cpufrequtils cups dbus gstreamer0.10-base-plugins iptables laptop-mode-tools mesa net-tools netcfg ntp pm-utils rfkill rsync sudo ttf-dejavu vim wireless_tools xf86-input-evdev xorg-server xorg-utils xorg-xinit xorg-xinput yaourt conky gamin gnome-icon-theme gnome-keyring gvfs-afc network-manager-applet networkmanager slim slim-themes archlinux-themes-slim hicolor-icon-theme xfce4 xfce4-goodies
    # If pacman failed, better stop the script here, and wait for a network connection
    if [[ $?!=0 ]]
    echo : failed to install packages - check your network connection, or review script
    exit 1
    # Fix sound issue
    cat > /home/$var_username/.asoundrc << EOF
    type hw
    card 1
    device 0
    type hw
    card 1
    device 0
    chown $var_username:users /home/$var_username/.asoundrc
    # Configure video settings for X to use Catalyst
    if [[ ! -e /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d ]]
    mkdir /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d
    cat > /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-fglrx.conf << EOF
    Section "Monitor"
    Identifier "aticonfig-Monitor[0]-0"
    Option "VendorName" "ATI Proprietary Driver"
    Option "ModelName" "Generic Autodetecting Monitor"
    Option "DPMS" "true"
    Section "Device"
    Identifier "aticonfig-Device[0]-0"
    Driver "fglrx"
    sed -e 's/top_left/bottom_right/' -e '/alignment/i\double_buffer yes' -e '/CPU Usage/a\${color lightgrey}Temperatures:' -e '/CPU Usage/a\ CPU:$color ${hwmon 0 temp 1}°C' </etc/conky/conky.conf >/home/$var_username/.conkyrc
    chown $var_username:users /home/$var_username/.conkyrc
    # Install clickpad support
    yaourt -S xf86-input-synaptics-clickpad
    # Add french keyboard to X
    sed '/MatchIsKeyboard/a\\tOption "XkbLayout" "fr"' </etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-evdev.conf >/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/
    mv -f /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-evdev.conf
    # Add new daemons, remove old ones, disable hwclock and remove netfs since I don't use it. add it if you need it
    sed '/DAEMONS=/c\DAEMONS=(!hwclock dbus syslog-ng networkmanager laptop-mode acpid @alsa @cupsd @cpufrequtils ntpd crond)' </etc/rc.conf >/etc/
    mv -f /etc/ /etc/rc.conf
    # Slim login manager ; change theme
    mv /usr/share/slim/themes/archlinux-darch-grey /tmp/
    mv /usr/share/slim/themes/default /tmp/
    rm -r /usr/share/slim/themes/*
    mv /tmp/archlinux-darch-grey /usr/share/slim/themes
    mv /tmp/default /usr/share/slim/themes
    sed '/^current_theme/c\current_theme archlinux-darch-grey' </etc/slim.conf >/etc/slim.conf
    # XFCE login, and thunar launched as a daemon
    sed '/^# exec/c\' </etc/skel/.xinitrc >/tmp/.xinitrc
    sed '/^# .../c\' </tmp/.xinitrc >/home/$var_username/.xinitrc
    cat >> /home/$var_username/.xinitrc << EOF
    exec ck-launch-session startxfce4
    thunar --daemon &
    chown $var_username:users /home/$var_username/.xinitrc
    # Boot to runlevel 5 now, and run slim then
    sed -e 's/id:3/#id:3/' -e 's/#id:5/id:5/' -e 's|x:5:respawn:/usr/bin/xdm|#x:5:respawn:/usr/bin/xdm|' -e 's|#x:5:respawn:/usr/bin/slim|x:5:respawn:/usr/bin/slim|' </etc/inittab >/etc/
    mv -f /etc/ /etc/inittab
    # Add colored prompt to user and root
    sed '/^PS1/c\' </etc/skel/.bashrc >/root/.bashrc
    cat >> /root/.bashrc << EOF
    PS1='\[\e[0;32m\]\u@\h\[\e[m\] \[\e[0;35m\]\w\[\e[m\] \[\e[m\] \[\e[0;32m\]\t -\[\e[m\] \[\e[1;31m\]\$ \[\e[m\] '
    cp /root/.bashrc /home/$var_username/.bashrc
    chown $var_username:users /home/$var_username/.bashrc
    # How does one do that automatically ?
    # Manually add user to sudoers
    EDITOR="vim" visudo
    # Reboot, because it's quick and I'm too lazy to learn how to start all the daemons and others.
    I can mount as a user, no password asked, with :
    udisks --mount /dev/sdb2
    but the GUI method tells me "not authorized".
    "groups user" outputs :
    lp wheel games network video audio optical storage power users
    the command "ck-list-sessions" outputs :
    unix-user = '1000'
    realname = ''
    seat = 'Seat1'
    session-type = ''
    active = TRUE
    x11-display = ':0.0'
    x11-display-device = '/dev/tty7'
    display-device = ''
    remote-host-name = ''
    is-local = TRUE
    on-since = '2011-08-15T08:56:03.716103Z'
    login-session-id = '1'
    unix-user = '1000'
    realname = ''
    seat = 'Seat2'
    session-type = ''
    active = FALSE
    x11-display = ':0.0'
    x11-display-device = ''
    display-device = ''
    remote-host-name = ''
    is-local = TRUE
    on-since = '2011-08-15T08:56:03.573029Z'
    login-session-id = '1'
    For those who don't have time to read the installation script, DBUS is in the DAEMONS list of rc.conf, and .xinitrc launches : exec ck-launch-session startxfce4
    Any idea ?
    Last edited by choubbi (2011-08-15 15:05:04)

    Thanks a lot !
    That worked !
    I stumbled across this part of the wiki several times before, but didn't really understand so I had not tried.
    If anyone's interested in the script, here's the corrected version :
    # expected environment : freshly installed archlinux, login : root.
    echo "Are you connected to internet ? If not, please Ctrl+C and reload this script when connected"
    echo "Otherwise, press ENTER to continue installation"
    read var_dummy
    echo "Creation of the user : please type in your user name :"
    read var_username
    useradd -u 1000 -g users -G audio,lp,storage,optical,video,wheel,games,power,network -d /home/$var_username/ -s /bin/bash -m $var_username
    echo "You will now be asked to create the password for this user:"
    passwd $var_username
    # Add servers for pacman to find packages
    cat >> /etc/pacman.conf << EOF
    Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
    Server =\$arch
    Server =\$arch
    # Install packages
    pacman -Syyu
    pacman -S acpi acpid alsa-oss alsa-plugins alsa-utils catalyst catalyst-utils cpufrequtils cups dbus gstreamer0.10-base-plugins iptables laptop-mode-tools mesa net-tools netcfg ntp pm-utils rfkill rsync sudo ttf-dejavu vim wireless_tools xf86-input-evdev xorg-server xorg-utils xorg-xinit xorg-xinput yaourt conky gamin gnome-icon-theme gnome-keyring gvfs-afc network-manager-applet networkmanager slim slim-themes archlinux-themes-slim hicolor-icon-theme xfce4 xfce4-goodies
    # If pacman failed, better stop the script here, and wait for a network connection
    if [[ $?!=0 ]]
    echo : failed to install packages - check your network connection, or review script
    exit 1
    # Fix sound issue
    cat > /home/$var_username/.asoundrc << EOF
    type hw
    card 1
    device 0
    type hw
    card 1
    device 0
    chown $var_username:users /home/$var_username/.asoundrc
    # Configure video settings for X to use Catalyst
    if [[ ! -e /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d ]]
    mkdir /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d
    cat > /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-fglrx.conf << EOF
    Section "Monitor"
    Identifier "aticonfig-Monitor[0]-0"
    Option "VendorName" "ATI Proprietary Driver"
    Option "ModelName" "Generic Autodetecting Monitor"
    Option "DPMS" "true"
    Section "Device"
    Identifier "aticonfig-Device[0]-0"
    Driver "fglrx"
    sed -e 's/top_left/bottom_right/' -e '/alignment/i\double_buffer yes' -e '/CPU Usage/a\${color lightgrey}Temperatures:' -e '/CPU Usage/a\ CPU:$color ${hwmon 0 temp 1}°C' </etc/conky/conky.conf >/home/$var_username/.conkyrc
    chown $var_username:users /home/$var_username/.conkyrc
    # Install clickpad support
    yaourt -S xf86-input-synaptics-clickpad
    # Add french keyboard to X
    sed '/MatchIsKeyboard/a\\tOption "XkbLayout" "fr"' </etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-evdev.conf >/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/
    mv -f /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-evdev.conf
    # Add new daemons, remove old ones, disable hwclock and remove netfs since I don't use it. add it if you need it
    sed '/DAEMONS=/c\DAEMONS=(!hwclock dbus syslog-ng networkmanager laptop-mode acpid @alsa @cupsd @cpufrequtils ntpd crond)' </etc/rc.conf >/etc/
    mv -f /etc/ /etc/rc.conf
    # Slim login manager ; change theme
    mv /usr/share/slim/themes/archlinux-darch-grey /tmp/
    mv /usr/share/slim/themes/default /tmp/
    rm -r /usr/share/slim/themes/*
    mv /tmp/archlinux-darch-grey /usr/share/slim/themes
    mv /tmp/default /usr/share/slim/themes
    sed '/^current_theme/c\current_theme archlinux-darch-grey' </etc/slim.conf >/etc/slim.conf
    # XFCE login, and thunar launched as a daemon (note that the part with 'if [ -d /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d ]" is not present, to avoid mounting problems when logged as regular user)
    cat > /home/$var_username/.xinitrc << EOF
    # ~/.xinitrc
    # Executed by startx (run your window manager from here)
    exec ck-launch-session startxfce4
    thunar --daemon &
    chown $var_username:users /home/$var_username/.xinitrc
    # Boot to runlevel 5 now, and run slim then
    sed -e 's/id:3/#id:3/' -e 's/#id:5/id:5/' -e 's|x:5:respawn:/usr/bin/xdm|#x:5:respawn:/usr/bin/xdm|' -e 's|#x:5:respawn:/usr/bin/slim|x:5:respawn:/usr/bin/slim|' </etc/inittab >/etc/
    mv -f /etc/ /etc/inittab
    # Add colored prompt to user and root
    sed '/^PS1/c\' </etc/skel/.bashrc >/root/.bashrc
    cat >> /root/.bashrc << EOF
    PS1='\[\e[0;32m\]\u@\h\[\e[m\] \[\e[0;35m\]\w\[\e[m\] \[\e[m\] \[\e[0;32m\]\t -\[\e[m\] \[\e[1;31m\]\$ \[\e[m\] '
    cp /root/.bashrc /home/$var_username/.bashrc
    chown $var_username:users /home/$var_username/.bashrc
    # How does one do that automatically ?
    # Manually add user to sudoers
    EDITOR="vim" visudo
    # Reboot, because it's quick and I'm too lazy to learn how to start all the daemons and others.
    The important part of the script to solve the problem is :
    cat > /home/$var_username/.xinitrc << EOF
    # ~/.xinitrc
    # Executed by startx (run your window manager from here)
    exec ck-launch-session startxfce4
    thunar --daemon &
    chown $var_username:users /home/$var_username/.xinitrc

  • [SOLVED] Attempting to build conky-lua

    Trying to get conky-1.9.0 to work with lua, got all the flags set so it does, but anytime I attempt to run make on it, It constantly gives me this error.
    Making all in src
    make[1]: Entering directory `/home/multimoon/Documents/conky-1.9.0/src'
    make  all-am
    make[2]: Entering directory `/home/multimoon/Documents/conky-1.9.0/src'
    make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/multimoon/Documents/conky-1.9.0/src'
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/multimoon/Documents/conky-1.9.0/src'
    Making all in doc
    make[1]: Entering directory `/home/multimoon/Documents/conky-1.9.0/doc'
    make[1]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/multimoon/Documents/conky-1.9.0/doc'
    Making all in lua
    make[1]: Entering directory `/home/multimoon/Documents/conky-1.9.0/lua'
    Makefile:678: *** missing separator.  Stop.
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/multimoon/Documents/conky-1.9.0/lua'
    make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
    I'm decent with linux, rather new to Archlinux, so If anyone can give me a hand, I would appreciate it.
    Last edited by Multimoon (2012-10-13 02:38:51)

    Output for pacman -Ql conky-lua:
       conky-lua /etc/conky/conky.conf
       conky-lua /etc/conky/conky_no_x11.conf
       conky-lua /usr/
       conky-lua /usr/bin/
       conky-lua /usr/bin/conky
       conky-lua /usr/lib/
       conky-lua /usr/lib/conky/
       conky-lua /usr/lib/conky/libcairo.a
       conky-lua /usr/lib/conky/
       conky-lua /usr/lib/conky/
       conky-lua /usr/lib/conky/
       conky-lua /usr/lib/conky/
       conky-lua /usr/lib/conky/libimlib2.a
       conky-lua /usr/lib/conky/
       conky-lua /usr/lib/conky/
       conky-lua /usr/lib/conky/
       conky-lua /usr/lib/conky/
       conky-lua /usr/share/
       conky-lua /usr/share/licenses/
       conky-lua /usr/share/licenses/conky/
       conky-lua /usr/share/licenses/conky/LICENSE
       conky-lua /usr/share/man/
       conky-lua /usr/share/man/man1/
       conky-lua /usr/share/man/man1/conky.1.gz
       conky-lua /usr/share/vim/
       conky-lua /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/
       conky-lua /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/ftdetect/
       conky-lua /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/ftdetect/conkyrc.vim
       conky-lua /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/syntax/
       conky-lua /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/syntax/conkyrc.vim
    Then for find:
    Last edited by Multimoon (2012-10-11 20:19:04)

Maybe you are looking for