[Solved] The one thing I hate about Vim

I've started using Vim some time ago and I now understand why everyone loves it.
There's one thing, though, that is driving me nuts; a little but very irritating behaviour.
I hope to be understandable enough so that someone can help me.
Basically when editing (deleting or inserting characters)  a long line containing many words separated by spaces, Vim automatically moves  part of the line to a new line, creating a new paragraph.
Do you see what I mean? I just don't want Vim to create new paragraphs when editing a line.
I'm sure other Vim users already experienced this behaviour... how can I fix it?
Here's my .vimrc, it may be involved somehow:
" All system-wide defaults are set in $VIMRUNTIME/archlinux.vim (usually just
" /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/archlinux.vim) and sourced by the call to :runtime
" you can find below. If you wish to change any of those settings, you should
" do it in this file (/etc/vimrc), since archlinux.vim will be overwritten
" everytime an upgrade of the vim packages is performed. It is recommended to
" make changes after sourcing archlinux.vim since it alters the value of the
" 'compatible' option.
" This line should not be removed as it ensures that various options are
" properly set to work with the Vim-related packages available in Debian.
runtime! archlinux.vim
" If you prefer the old-style vim functionalty, add 'runtime! vimrc_example.vim'
" Or better yet, read /usr/share/vim/vim72/vimrc_example.vim or the vim manual
" and configure vim to your own liking!
" no vi compatibility
set nocompatible
" directory
set directory=/home/enrico/.vim
" disable backups (and swap)
set nobackup
set nowritebackup
set noswapfile
" wrap searches
set wrapscan
" tab and indentation
set tabstop=4
set noexpandtab
set smarttab
set shiftwidth=4
set backspace=indent,eol,start
set autoindent
set smartindent
" show commands
set showcmd
" show line and column position of cursor
set ruler
" status bar
set statusline=\ \%f%m%r%h%w\ ::\ %y\ [%{&ff}]\%=\ [%p%%:\ %l/%L]\
set laststatus=2
set cmdheight=1
" textwidth
set textwidth=79
" formatting options
set formatoptions=c,q,r,t
" line numbers
set number
" match bracklets
"set showmatch
" search
set hlsearch
set incsearch
set ignorecase
set smartcase
" syntax highlighting
filetype plugin on
syntax on
" background
set background=dark
" enable mouse
set mouse=a
" set colorscheme
colorscheme miromiro
"colorscheme dante
"colorscheme molokai
"allows sudo with :w!!
cmap w!! %!sudo tee > /dev/null %
" mutt tricks (F1 through F3 re-wraps paragraphs)
augroup MUTT
au BufRead ~/.mutt/temp/mutt* set tw=72
au BufRead ~/.mutt/temp/mutt* set spell " <-- vim 7 required
au BufRead ~/.mutt/temp/mutt* nmap <F1> gqap
au BufRead ~/.mutt/temp/mutt* nmap <F2> gqqj
au BufRead ~/.mutt/temp/mutt* nmap <F3> kgqj
au BufRead ~/.mutt/temp/mutt* map! <F1> <ESC>gqapi
au BufRead ~/.mutt/temp/mutt* map! <F2> <ESC>gqqji
au BufRead ~/.mutt/temp/mutt* map! <F3> <ESC>kgqji
augroup END
Last edited by rent0n (2010-07-31 10:45:23)

bernarcher wrote:
This will suppress breaking the lines.
" textwidth
set textwidth=0
See ":help textwidth" and ":help ins-textwidth" for more.
BTW: "nowrap" does only influence how the text will be displayed. it doesn't change the text in the buffer.
Thanks bernarcher, 'textwidth' was the option I was looking for!
Wrapping is another thing and I like to keep it enabled.
@quigybo: I will look through 'formatoptions', thanks. I already use augroup for mutt and is very handy indeed!
Last edited by rent0n (2010-07-31 10:45:06)

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    brebs wrote:
    the one thing you hate
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    >Rant over the one thing I dont like about SAP  
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    Whip out your hacksaw and have at it, realizing you are voiding any warranty that you had.
    Good luck.

  • Ten things I hate about FCP ...

    I have recently trained on Final Cut Pro, and have worked on various edit suites up to date.
    Firstly I actually quite like FCP, and think it is a robust editor that is real value for money. I am amazed at some of the unique features and ideas at work in FCP.
    And it's amazing how much it can do out of the box!
    But there a re a few things that bother me.
    Can anyone suggest if I am going about things the wrong way, or if these are "features" of FCP; I am not suggesting that any of these are not fixable, or that I am not missing some small check box, please enlighten me if you know a fix.
    Here is what I hate about FCP:
    1) "Sync Lock" is always on:
    If I edit an interview on V1A12; then decide to put some cutaways on tracks V2A34. I like what I have done, but want to ripple delete half a shot in the center of the cutaways.
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    But it makes a hole? It doesn't ripple delete.
    I constantly find myself hitting this brick wall, of clips strangely sync locking to others.
    How do I turn this off?
    I know I can "track lock" the tracks I don't want to touch, but it then is just too many mouse clicks every time I want to ripple delete.
    It just slows my momentum and feels like something from imovie, not a "pro" app.
    2) Anamorphic errors:
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    That's some poor code guys.
    3) Insert and Overwrite jumps to timeline:
    When I select I/O points on a clip, and press "insert" or "overwrite" it goes in to the time line, but it also automatically highlights the timeline / canvas window.
    "What's the problem?" I hear you ask, well say I am creating a sequence from a clip, I want to easily just play and mark I/O points and insert, then continue to play and mark more points. But in FCP it forces me to every time press "toggle windows" to get back to the viewer window, or click the mouse.
    More extra clicks or presses that slows my momentum.
    4) Color grading ***** in FCP:
    Has no-one asked why it is so hard to create a curves based "filter" in FCP? I mean one that is free with the program. The three point grading is weak.
    "Color" is nice but wastes time having to export the sequence, render, import, rebuild your graphics.... and then you have to search through the timeline to find your early test grades and mock up grades, as they will mess up your pretty 'color' grade.
    If only grades were handled in FCP, and also if they were not treated as other "filters" but let you see on the timeline what was pre-graded and what wasn't.
    The whole "round trip" process assumes you finish your edit, then grade.
    But what if you want to pre grade, then later change edits?
    Or grade as you wait for the director to get their script in shape.
    I would actually argue that 'color' isn't a round trip, it is a one way street that ends with an output in FCP, impractical for many work flows that are non-linear.
    (I know you can go back and forth, but that is really hard and you need to break up clips so 'color' doesn't render the whole tape, and you need to keep an eye on what has been, what is source.... 'color' is only practical as a linear workflow after you have FINISHED your edit; just like we all did in the 90s, but it is 2007 now and I work a totally non-linear edit where I online some bits as I go; easy in Avid hard in FCP)
    5) Difficult 'patching':
    It is a slow 'multi-click' patching experience every time I want to change where clips go to. Why do I have to drag the audio then the video source to destination, rather then just double click to jump to source, or even better, auto-patch too what ever tracks I have auto-selected! Now that would save some time.
    6) Subtle highlights:
    Can I change the color of the window highlight? I would love to have a really bright red or purple to tell me which window is selected. The subtle lighter highlight is too hard to miss, and I often end up adding an in or out to the viewer (source) when I want the timeline (destination), or the time line when I want the viewer (source).
    So that's about it,
    Only seven things, maybe I will find more as I continue to work with FCP.
    I could list everything that is great about FCP, but that would take too long.
    Message was edited by: Tiborius
    Message was edited by: Tiborius

    I have to agree with Andy here... Once you spend time with the application you will learn how to flow with it...
    I do understand that every application has it's own way of working, and you need to learn it's flow.
    I also know a poor interface when I have worked with other systems that just work.
    If I used a separate keyboard short cut to auto select 3 individual video layers, then 6 audio layers, then I need to make keyboard shortcuts to patch each 9 layers... so that is 16 mapped keys; there is a better way, look at the simple Avid patching and selecting system.
    Though FCP has much more superior clip selecting, and in timeline keyframe editing!
    learn keyboard short-cuts... once you master key-strokes you'll wonder what you were ever doing wasting time clicking on little icons on the screen... practice makes perfect.
    Well I have tried to find where auto-patching, and an easy keyboard shortcut, less then 3 button presses rather then the three drags or clicks, but I can't find any.
    I just think it is clunky in FCP, that is my just opinion.
    I certainly agree that learning to use the keyboard is essential in edit systems. But I just feel that FCP is very reliant on the mouse to work.
    Especially in the area of 'auto-selecting' and patching.
    One thing that you might want to think about is what you are learning whilst experiencing these annoying little hurdles.
    I don't mind hurdles, and I thought my post showed that I was enjoying FCP and am not planning on walking away and ignoring it.
    But hiding flaws in program by saying:
    If everything was easy, handed to you on a plate, you'd miss out on SO much.
    Is very sad really.
    Obviously I like challenges, by learning a new system.
    I don't think asking if certain issues I was having were actual program faults, not my workflow, is valid. This is a forum to ask and a place to get people to answer; or hand it on a plate if you like.
    Like the guy who moaned about having to make 14:9 overlays in photoshop... so what?
    Ah, that was me!
    And here's what, why miss out such an important thing as flexible guides to an edit system.
    I know photoshop well, and CAN make a template, but I shouldn't have too. It shows how FCP is still a pro-sumer and unfinished program.
    Anyway if I make my guides, import them to FCP, make a high video track, then I have to lock it so it doesn't interfere with my edit (as FCP has auto sync-lock), I can never read my programme duration as the safe title has to be very long over the top,
    It's harder to turn off and on, oh but I could map some keyboard shortcuts! This is a long work around for essentially something that should just be built in.
    I will just have to do it this way, as FCP is unable show anything but their idea of safe title area. I don't feel like I am mastering my craft, I feel like I am working around a program that is not Professional.
    Final Cut Pro is a strong contender to take the cup in a few years time, but it would be nice to have it made a little better for version 6.
    So I am still curious if anyone else has any particular gripes about what they hate about FCP?
    I am sure some would be easily fixed with a blessed keyboard shortcut, or some other work around.

  • Things I hate about MSI GT72

    A lot of things improved from GT70 I still have at home. But THE GT72 is very loud.  I mean as soon as you play the game, the fan turns on and is very noisy
    with GT70, the fan never turned on.... only when you pressed the top fan button
    Only sometimes you could hear it a bit. THis is super annoying if you play in low volume, then the fan is louder than game
    another thing is the squiized keyboard
    the height of the whole keyboard is not the same as on GT70, they squeezed it together, so the keys are not as big as before this is very annoying, but the worse is the fan.....
    I think I will send it back, I mean how can they make it worse than on GT70, cant they make fan quieter?

    Quote from: garfiola on 02-March-15, 03:40:49
    A lot of things improved from GT70 I still have at home. But THE GT72 is very loud.  I mean as soon as you play the game, the fan turns on and is very noisy
    with GT70, the fan never turned on.... only when you pressed the top fan button
    Only sometimes you could hear it a bit. THis is super annoying if you play in low volume, then the fan is louder than game
    I think I will send it back, I mean how can they make it worse than on GT70, cant they make fan quieter?
    i dont know gt70 but i know one thing for sure..
    Why people owning GAMING notebook complaining about the fan noise ???
    There is no difference between you and this person owning a V12 Ferrari and complaining about the engine noise...!
    Pls Dont make me laugh and because of your stupid fantasies recently NaughtyVIDIA has blocked the overclocking ability only on gtx9x0 MOBILE cards then fortunately after unblocked....and we have i7 4720hq working like  because of your stupid noise fantasies again and thanks to MSI they put an option CPU C STATES enable/disable option so i can disable that  and 4720hq now working in its full potential all my stuttering has gone with fps boost and yes....now its hotter and louder but This is a GAMING notebook...yes GAMING notebook...! this is not an ordinary car but a RACING car...and I LOVE the sound when i press the power button to turn on the GT72 is like V12 engine starts and feels me better..V12 engine is GTX980M the fastest mobile GPU on the planet..! you want them to make it quiter.. You are against The Pyschical Laws with your fantasies..!
    and some tips for you locked all your games to 60fps because there is no need more fps than that with a 60HZ SCREEN you cant see the frames beyond 60FPS so without lock or VSYNC OFF you pressure the GPU always under %99 load..
    2nd.tip generaly when idle or u r surfing on the net if the GPU reaches 44C then GPU fan getting faster and will be around 2000RPM..if u dont want this select adaptive power management mode in nvidia control panel but be sure to select maximum performance for everygame you play..
    and one more time This is a GAMING notebook consider this when you making judgement..!

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    You don't need to be eligible for an upgrade to take advantage of the trade-in. You can still get the $200 off on the trade in, however I think that offer may have already expired. The $200 off would simply be on the full retail price which starts at $650.
    You have to be eligible for an upgrade to get a discounted phone, but that has ALWAYS been the case. The commercial says NOTHING about waiving that requirement of the contract you had already signed. The trip was wasted ONLY because you were hoping to get out of your contract when NO indication you would be able to do so was given.
    Verizon doesn't "extend" contracts as you would like because Verizon would have people with 10 year contracts and an ETF of over $1000 if they chose to leave. Of course, people would then complain about that.
    Sign a 2 yr contract and have a $350 ETF.
    After a year, you want a new phone and extend the contract 2 years(3 years total now) with another $350 ETF, bringing the ETF up to $350 + $350 - $120 = $580
    After a year, you want a new phone and extend the contract 2 years(4 years total now) with another $350 ETF, bringing the ETF up to $350 + $580 - $120 = $810
    After a year you want a new phone and extend the contract 2 years(5 years total now) with another $350 ETF, bringing the ETF up to $350 + $810 - $120 = $1040.
    ONLY 3 years after signing your original contract someone could easily be locked in with a 5 year contract and a $1040 ETF for a single line. Verizon would be CRAZY to allow people to do this.

  • [SOLVED] the glibc thing: to move or to remove?

    First of all, apologies in advance if this question is redundant to the scores that now seem to be posted about the glibc upgrade issue.  But in combing through those, I haven't yet come across the answer to what I think is a pretty simple question:
    The guide to troubleshooting the glibc upgrade says that
    Any files unowned by a package should either be deleted or moved to /usr/lib and any directories within /lib need deleted (after they are empty...).
    In hopes of avoiding major problems, I have followed this guide to the letter, up to this particular passage.  What I now know from
    find /lib -exec pacman -Qo -- {} +
      is that:
    1) pacman cannot determine ownership of /lib
    2) there are a number of files in /lib owned by glibc
    3) my /lib contains a subdirectories /lib/firmware/b43 and /lib/firmware/b43-open, each of which contain lots of files.  Every single one of these is not owned by any package.
    So, by the quote above, it seems that my next step is to either remove or move-to-/usr/lib (recursively) the directory /lib/firmware.   My question is, which one of these should I do?
    Another note on this: b43 is the kernel module that runs my broadcom wireless card.  As best I can tell, the files I'm seeing in /lib/firmware/b43 and /lib/firmware/b43-open came from packages from the AUR for dealing with my card that I installed some time in the past.   I'm assuming that because pacman says these files are unowned (and because pacman -Qing for them turns up nothing), I must have uninstalled these AUR packages at some point (but that would have been a couple of years ago now when I last futzed around with my wireless on this machine).   Currently, the only package having to do with b43 that I do have installed (according to pacman) is b43-fwcutter, and all of its files are totally distinct and are already safe and sound in /usr/lib.  All that said, my wireless is currently working, and it was pretty hard to get to that point, so I'm very reluctant to do somthing that might break it.  Thus my hestitance to move or remove those files without being sure I know the consequences first.
    So anyway...should I move or re-move? (or do something else entirely)
    Last edited by stuvjordan (2012-07-19 15:57:27)

    Barrucadu wrote:If you installed those files via an AUR package, they should still appear to be owned by a package. I recommend backing them up somewhere, proceeding with the update, and seeing if your wifi works without them. If it does, you can remove the files, if it doesn't, install them properly via pacman.
    If your wireless network needs those files, and you cannot install them from AUR, then restore them from the backup to /usr/lib/modules/b43....
    Last edited by progandy (2012-07-19 15:47:57)

  • I install a time capsule and I have to solve the last thing bsGN and it asks me for "a value for bsGN is required", I have no idea what it means. Somebody who knows what to do here? Thank you.

    H E L P !
    I am installing a time capsule and I have to solve a  last problem, bsGN and the system asks for "a value for bsGN is required", I have no idea what that means. Can anybody help me please? Thank you.

    There is no value bsGN in a Time Capsule.
    Where is this request coming from?
    Please give a screenshot.
    Who is the ISP? What kind of modem is it?
    I can find no info relevant to bsGN .. you will need to give us specifics or ring your ISP about it.
    Is bsGN even English?? Is it the ISP name??

  • I bought a new computer. The one I had was about 5 years old. There is no way to connect my Palm Vx cord to the computer. What do I need to buy?

    Post relates to: Palm Vx

    The answer is found here:
    - Uninstall all palm stuff.
    - DO NOT plug in your cradle
    - Install Desktop from your CD (ignore problems about no serial connection)
    - Download the USB adapter "Palm - Support - PalmConnect USB Kit Driver Download for Windows XP" located at http://www.palm.com/us/support/accessories/usb/win​xp_USB.html
    - Plug in your cradle via USB.
    - When prompted browse to the extracted located of the USB Kit.
    After installing the driver there is now COM 3, which if you Start -> Run -> msinfo32 -> Components -> USB you will see in the right hand panel "PalmConnect USB Adapter (COM3)"
    - It looks like this driver is pretending to be a serial port, which means you also need to put a check in "Serial" (I have disabled USB in hotsync even though I have no serial ports and MUST connect via USB). Right click the HotSync Icon in the taskbar -> Local Serial (enable).
    - Configure HotSync to use Com 3, Palm Desktop -> HotSync -> Local -> Serial set it to "Com 3".
    - Try a HotSync, it should now work.
    After you have verified that the HotSync via USB is working on the original Desktop, you can upgrade to a later version, just make sure the configuration to Com 3 is still there.
    I Upgraded to 4.1.4 and HotSync is still working.

  • Two things I hate about Safari 6 - or am I missing something?

    I work on the Web on desktop Mac Pros and Safari is my favorite browser for any number of reasons.
    But two "improvements" are particularly frustrating:
    1) Opt+Com+U
    Now it opens some small box at the bottom of the window — is there a way to get the old behavior back where it opens a new window and I can easily enlarge the box to inspect the source code?
    2) Safari> Empty Cache (where'd it go?)
    Yikes, now I need to go into Preferences> Privacy and clear out All Cookies and Data to empty my Cache?
    Or am I missing something, how do I simply clear my cache to ensure my pages completely refresh?
    I use these features many times a day in a fast paced work environment and the "improvements" seem counter intuitive...

    Yes. Click the overlapping rectangle icon to the right of the close box (let me know if you need a screenshot). This segregates the debug console into its own window. To undo it click the same icon - its appearance changes to another sort of rectangle but you'll figure it out.
    For some reason Apple thought it was better to obscure the Empty Caches option in the Develop menu, which you must enable in Safari Preferences > Advanced. Keyboard shortcut ⌘ option E
    All its previous functions remain, they're just in different places.

  • The Main Thing About Patterns

    I was recently reminded that...
    "The Main Thing is to Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing"
    I thought about it a bit, as you may do, and realised how vital this is for the 23 patterns.
    It is a simple requirement of this forum to allow us to communicate.
    I 'think' I know what the main thing is about each pattern, and you may do too. We talk about them, compare them with our problems and with each other. We recommend them, follow them, reject them (at times) and most of all be use them because they are useful.
    What about the grey areas? Are there any overlaps (redundancy) or holes (omissions of major emphasis). Some such discussions use a different interpretation of a pattern to resolve things but shouldn't each pattern have only one main theme? I think this was/is the intention.
    The point of my thread is to post my interpretation of the major theme in each pattern, in no mour than 4 (yes FOUR) words and test the general undestanding of the OOD developers.
    If we have consensus, great, but please offer an improved theme description (in 1-4 words) if your interpretation is different.
    Abstract Factory     - subclass group selection
    Builder          - construct to order
    Factory Method     - subclass selection
    Prototype          - read-made clones
    Singleton          - up to one instance
    Adapter          - Change an Interface
    Bridge          - Separate Interface and Class
    Composite          - Combining Objects
    Decorator          - Encapsulate and Enhance
    Facade          - Simplify and Interface
    Flyweight          - Limit Instance Proliferation
    Proxy          - Simplified Place-Holder
    Chain          - Controller Isolation
    Command          - Interface and Class Separation
    Interpreter          - Use of Language Elements
    Iterator          - Formalise Item Visit Sequences
    Mediator          - Simplify Communication
    Memento          - Persist Instance State
    Observer          - Multi-Class Change Monitor
    State          - Instance Variable Class Memory
    Strategy          - Encapsulate Algorithm in Class
    Template          - Algorithm Abstract Definition
    Visitor          - Externally Added Class Functions
    Yours views are vital.

    In the patterns forum I try to talk patterns.You misunderstand me. The problem isn't that you
    "talk patterns" in a pattern forum; it's that your
    understanding is so poor. You insist on making what
    I think are incorrect statements (e.g., trying to
    describe asynchronous messaging as a Proxy), all
    couched in a language where you try to portray
    yourself as an authority of GoF.
    Especially in this thread. Maybe I'll meet you in
    n another tread to talk more about other OODaspects.
    If your expertise in those other threads is anything
    like what you've shown here, I'm sure I'll continue
    to disagree with you from time to time.
    %1 I am learning GoF and certainly not an authority on it.
    2 I have been trying to test and improve the understanding I have with posts like the ones in this thread.
    3 I take it that you think I'm making many incorrect statements which may be, but that's why I'm trying to discuss the concepts.
    4 Many of my posts are based on material I have read, not made up, which have confused me. One of these was the inclusion of a queued request using a Proxy patterm. I'll try to find the ref again. I didn't mention messaging at all although a reply did.
    5 I may have failed but I did try to start this thread with where I was at that time and I didn't copy it from anywhere before you ask. In this way I was aiming to improve my understanding anyway. I guess many thread readers at my level of understanding (or lower if that's possible!) may also find the thread useful. Even this dialogue too.
    Sorry if I'm irritating you but I thought forum members would like discussing their understanding and expeince of patterns. I find it helpful because some interaction can achieve things which reading cannot.
    Thanks for all your comments anyway. Perhaps I'll start all my posts with "Warning: This is only what I think. It might not be true" or something of that sort. Your posting experience speaks for itself.

  • Want a macbook pro but one thing is holding me back.

    Okay I have been holding off on buying the mbp for like a year now, and have been waiting for an update before i buy, i am using it for school and work.
    however, the one thing that was holding me back is that I play WoW and Im hearing people on the wow forums talk about how slow wow plays on the mbp.
    I just want to be able to be in populated areas like shatt and get a fps of around 50-60. I mean my brother has a 2 year old dell xps 1710 and he never drops below 60fps, ever.
    I don't understand how apples most powerful laptop cant handle a simple game "graphic wise". I mean what does the 1710 have over the macbook pro, i can't find anything.
    I know im sounding like im mad, but I really want to be able to have a mac, but i also want a computer that plays wow on highest settings. I would be getting a 17inch the version with the 256mb card and higher res.
    If somebody has this version and runs wow please tell me what fps your getting in pop areas.
    also if i use bootcamp then maybe that would help as this game runs better in windows right now, "used to be the opposite". So could someone explain how to setup bootcamp. The last mac i had was a g4 ibook.

    Im running Leopard.
    Sometimes when I am doing 25 man raids, Ill use Boot Camp to load XP. When I do that, I usually see about 15-25+ better framerates. The video drivers for the graphics card under OS X arent quite as finely tuned as those under Windows XP.
    Its a totally capable laptop for playing WoW. I mean, you could probably get better performance from a more expensive high-end 'Gaming' laptop...but seriously, I dont regret it at all...and I play WoW a LOT.

  • One thing that confuses me about contribute is the license

    One thing that confuses me about contribute is the license. I
    have a client who I am doing a website for and I want to recommend
    contribute. However I don't want them to have to buy 2 copies of
    the program because they are a man and wife who will both be
    editing the website. Is it ok for both of them to use it if it is
    installed on a PC and a laptop?

    The EULA suggests that it's OK to have it installed on two
    computers (office, home/laptop) for one user. How your client
    solves this is their case of course, but I think they will be
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  • Messages has replaced all my text with a load of letter A's in boxes. What is that all about. When I type a new one it is fine until I hit enter then the same thing applies. Has anyone a fix for this?

    Messages has replaced all my text with a load of letter A's in boxes. What is that all about. When I type a new one it is fine until I hit enter then the same thing applies. Has anyone a fix for this?
    Picture below, many thanks for your help.

    Back up all data before proceeding.
    Launch the Font Book application and validate all fonts. You must select the fonts in order to validate them. See the built-in help and this support article for instructions. If Font Book finds any issues, resolve them.
    Start up in safe mode to rebuild the font caches. Restart as usual and test.
    Note: If FileVault is enabled in OS X 10.9 or earlier, or if a firmware password is set, or if the startup volume is a software RAID, you can’t start in safe mode. In that case, ask for instructions.
    If you still have problems, then from the Font Book menu bar, select
              File ▹ Restore Standard Fonts...
    You'll be prompted to confirm, and then to enter your administrator login password.
    Also note that if you deactivate or remove any built-in fonts, for instance by using a third-party font manager, the system may become unstable.

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