Array out of bounds - in Windows not in Mac

I have an applet on my website which behaves perfectly when I view the page using my home Mac (iBook running Panther).
When I view the same page with a Windows machine at my local library I get an Array Bounds error.
'Advanced options' is disabled (and anyway I am not familiar with Windows) so I can't get any more specific information.
Can anyone suggest what I should do next?
To see the error go to
then click on Interactive EEG Atlas
then click on Currently available EEG records
finally pick any record eg. male age 58
the Mac shows an 8 channel EEG record (wiggly lines)
the Windows shows a grey rectangle and a brief flash of the error message
PS "Sources" is not quite up to date.

Thanks for a really helpful reply!
The relevant code is as follows:-
First in the init() method of the main applet code
                         i.e.          public class dEEGDisplay extends Applet
                                        implements Runnable, ActionListener, ItemListener
we have the following :-
          theEvents = new Events();
          theMontage = new Montage();
I thought I might have a race condition with new threads being started (in some compilers)
for the init() methods of the Events and Montage classes
so I moved the extensive initialising code out of the built in init methods
to a separate initialise() method to make sure it was executed by the main thread.
now in the theMontage.initialise() method we have :-
          mNames = new String [N];     // N has been initialised to 0 and incremented in a loop
          mArrays = new Object [N];
          for (int j=0; j<N; j++)
and the error occurs in the first line of setupCurrentMontage(0) :-
     void setupCurrentMontage(int indx)
Line 1053 > currentMontageArrays= (Object[]) mArrays[indx];
               displayNChans= ((Integer)currentMontageArrays[0]).intValue();
               blackLeadsArray= (int[]) currentMontageArrays[1];
               whiteLeadsArray= (int[]) currentMontageArrays[2];
               tagsArray= (boolean[]) currentMontageArrays[3];
               gainsArray= (int[]) currentMontageArrays[4];
               TCsArray= (int[]) currentMontageArrays[5];
               HFsArray= (int[]) currentMontageArrays[6];
               pagePlotter.baselineArray= (int[]) currentMontageArrays[7];
               thePagePlotter.displayNChans= displayNChans;
               // printMontageDetails();
It seems unlikely that 'index' is the trouble since it is here called as an explicit (0) parameter.
It is possible that N might still be 0 in which case mArrays[0] would be undefined.
This could happen (I think only happen) if the following method did not function
i.e. no word was found and the method exited with eof=true :-
     public void findWord(String theWord)
          do // skip until the parameter word is found
               if (tok==theFileTokenizer.TT_EOF)
               // System.out.println("eof in findword "+theWord);
          } while (((tok!=theFileTokenizer.TT_WORD)
               & (theFileTokenizer.sval!=theWord)));
          // System.out.println("Find "+theWord+" Tok "+tok+" word="+theFileTokenizer.sval);
Class theFileTokenizer is set up on opening the file
     public void openMontagefile()
          URL url = null;
          try // sets up the Tokenizer
               url = new URL (getCodeBase()+"EEGfolder/"+theMontagefolder+"/montages.txt");
               URLConnection uc = url.openConnection();
               is = uc.getInputStream();
                    theFileTokenizer = new StreamTokenizer(is);
          catch (Exception e)
               System.out.println("Can't read Montage data " + e);
          // System.out.println("Montage file opened");
and my best guess so far is that in some Java VM implementations StreamTokenizer is wrongly
(or differently) implemented.
Does all this make sense?

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  • Array out of bounds exception when outputting array to file

    Could someone please tell me why i'm getting this array out of bounds exception?
    public class Assignment1 {
    public static void main(String[] names)throws IOException {
    BufferedReader keyboard = null;
    String userChoice;
    String inputFile = null;
    String studentData;
    String searchFile = null;
    String searchName;
    String stringIn;
    PrintWriter outputFile;
    FileWriter fWriter = null;
    BufferedReader fReader = null;
    int first;
    int last;
    int mid;
    int midValue;
    int i;
    int number;
    // creates keyboard as a buffered input stream
    keyboard = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
    //prompts user to choose 1 or 2 to make a corresponding choice
    System.out.println("Please Enter: ");
    System.out.println("1 to Create a File: ");
    System.out.println("2 to Search a File: ");
    userChoice = keyboard.readLine(); //user enters 1 or 2
    // converts a String into an int value
    number = Integer.parseInt(userChoice);
    fReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("studentData.txt"));
    if (number == 1) {          
    System.out.println("Please Enter the File Name to Create: ");
    studentData = keyboard.readLine();
    File file = new File("studentData.txt");
    fWriter = new FileWriter("studentData.txt");
    outputFile = new PrintWriter(fWriter);
    names = new String[200];
    //keep looping till sentinel
    while (studentData != "end" && studentData != null &&
    i < names.length) {
    if (studentData.equals("end")) break; //break and call sort
    System.out.println("Enter a name and press Enter. " +
    "Type 'end' and press Enter when done: ");
    studentData = keyboard.readLine();
    //loop for putting the names into the array
    for(i=0; i<names.length; i++) ;
    } [b]outputFile.close();

    package assignment1;
    import java.util.*;
    public class Assignment1 {
        public static void main(String[] names)throws IOException {
           BufferedReader keyboard = null;
           String userChoice;
           String inputFile = null;
           String studentData;
           String searchFile = null;
           String searchName;
           String stringIn;
           PrintWriter outputFile;
           FileWriter fWriter = null;
           BufferedReader fReader = null;
           int first;
           int last;
           int mid;
           int midValue;
           int i;
           int number;
           // creates keyboard as a buffered input stream
           keyboard = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
           //prompts user to choose 1 or 2 to make a corresponding choice
           System.out.println("Please Enter: ");
           System.out.println("1 to Create a File: ");
           System.out.println("2 to Search a File: ");
           userChoice = keyboard.readLine();    //user enters 1 or 2
           // converts a String into an int value
           number = Integer.parseInt(userChoice); 
           fReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("studentData.txt"));
           if (number == 1) {          
               System.out.println("Please Enter the File Name to Create: ");
               studentData = keyboard.readLine();
               File file = new File("studentData.txt");
               fWriter = new FileWriter("studentData.txt");
               outputFile = new PrintWriter(fWriter);
               names = new String[200];
                //keep looping till sentinel
                while (studentData.equals("end") && studentData != null &&
                       i < names.length) {
                   if (studentData.equals("end")) break;   //break and call sort
                   System.out.println("Enter a name and press Enter. " +
                                       "Type 'end' and press Enter when done: ");
                    studentData = keyboard.readLine();
                    //loop for putting the names into the array
                    for(i=0; i<names.length; i++) ;
    } outputFile.close();
    //call selectionSort() to order the array
         // Now output to a file.
    fWriter = new FileWriter("studentData.txt");
    outputFile = new PrintWriter(fWriter);
    } else if (number == 2) {
    System.out.println("Please Enter a File Name to search: ");
    searchFile = keyboard.readLine();
    inputFile = ("studentData.txt");
    } if (searchFile == "studentData.txt") {                      
    // Input from a file. See input file streams.
    fReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("studentData.txt"));
    System.out.println("Please enter a Name to search for: ");
    searchName = keyboard.readLine();
    //enter binary search code
    first = 0;
    last = 199;
    while (first < last)
    mid = (first + last)/2; // Compute mid point.
    if (searchName.compareTo(names[mid]) < 0) {
    last = mid; // repeat search in bottom half.
    } else if (searchName.compareTo(names[mid]) > 0) {
    first = mid + 1; // Repeat search in top half.
    } else {
    // Found it.
    System.out.println("The Name IS in the file.");
    } // did not find it.
    System.out.println("The Name IS NOT in the file.");
    } else //if userChoice != 1 or 2, re-prompt then start over
    System.out.println("Please Enter 1 or 2 or correctly " +
    "enter an existing file!!");
    // fWriter = new FileWriter("studentdata.txt");
    //outputFile = new PrintWriter(fWriter); //output
    public static void selectionSort(String[] names) {
    //use compareTo!!!!
    int smallIndex;
    int pass, j = 1, n = names.length;
    String temp;
    for (pass = 0; pass < n-1; pass++)
    //Code for Do/While Loop
    do {
    //scan the sublist starting at index pass
    smallIndex = pass;
    //jtraverses sublist names[pass+1] to names[n-1]
    for (j = pass+1; j < n; j++)
    //if smaller string found, smallIndex=that position
    if (names[j].compareTo(names[smallIndex]) < 0)
    smallIndex = j;
    temp = names[pass]; //swap
    names[pass] =names[smallIndex];
    names[smallIndex] = temp;
    } while (j <= names.length);
    //File file = new File("studentData.txt");
    This is the output window:
    Please Enter:
    1 to Create a File:
    2 to Search a File:
    Please Enter the File Name to Create:
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
    at assignment1.Assignment1.selectionSort(
    at assignment1.Assignment1.main(
    Java Result: 1
    BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 9 seconds)

  • Array out of bound - weird

    I have spent quite sometime testing this but the result I am getting is not right and weird.
    I have an array of classes of size 5
    Table myTable = new Table[5];
    I then use a for loop to initialize myTable class as:
    for(int i=1; i<=myTable.length; i++)
    myTable[i] = new myTable(i);
    Is there anything wrong with that? For some reason I am getting array out of bound exception complaining that 5 is out of bound which is not.
    Can anybody tell me what is wrong with this?
    This is very simple and I am not even sure why I am getting this out of bound exception.

    Abu_Muhammad wrote:
    Can you try to run this?
    int [] intarray = new int[6];
    for(int i=1; i<6; i++)
         System.out.println("value of i is " + i);
         intarray[i] = i;
         System.out.println("value of array is " + intarray);
    This doesnt give an exception nor does the index start from 0. Then why doesnt the other loop work or why this works?
    i < 6 means the loop will continue executing as long as i is less than 6. Once i reaches 5, the loop will break. If you used intarray.length there wouldn't be an ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception, but nothing would happen to index 0, as you've missed it.
    Edited by: xcd on Mar 23, 2010 3:11 PM

  • Deck Class, array out of bounds

    I keep getting an "array out of bounds" exception when I run the program. I tried to make the array 666666 instead of just 52 and i still get that error. HELP!! ,
    By the way, this time i REALLY cleaned up the class and It compliles correctly so it would help if you guys that posted last time would take a look at it again.
    (and I know that the name of the class shoudl be card or something but MY teacher wanted it to be deck)
    Any help greatly appreciated and if you see any other errors in logic or code please tell me!
    this is the testing class im using
    public class DeckTester{
         public static void main ( String[] args ){
              Deck[] decko = Deck.makeDeck();
              Deck.printDeck( decko );
              System.out.println(" ");
              Deck[] newDeck = new Deck[66666]; // tried to make this big because i keep getting array out of bounds error
              newDeck = Deck.shuffleDeck( decko );
              Deck.printDeck ( newDeck );
    }and this is the deck class
    import java.lang.Math;
    class Deck
         int suit, rank;
    /////////////////////////////////////////// CONSTRUCTORS
      public Deck () {
        this.suit = 0;  this.rank = 0;
      public Deck (int suit, int rank) {
        this.suit = suit;  this.rank = rank;
    /////////////////////////////////////////// PRINT CARD
      public static void printCard( Deck c ){
           String[] suits = { "Clubs", "Diamonds", "Hearts", "Spades" };
         String[] ranks = { "narf", "Ace", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "Jack", "Queen", "King" };
           System.out.println (ranks[c.rank] + " of " + suits[c.suit]);
      }//end method
    ////////////////////////////////////////// CREAT NEW DECK
      public static Deck[] makeDeck(){
           int index = 0;
        Deck[] deck = new Deck [52];
        for (int suit = 0; suit <= 3; suit++) {
               for (int rank = 1; rank <= 13; rank++) {
                     deck[index] = new Deck (suit, rank);
      return deck;
      }//end method
    /////////////////////////////////////////// PRINT DECK
      public static void printDeck (Deck[] deck) {
        for (int i=0; i<deck.length; i++) {
          printCard (deck);
    /////////////////////////////////////////// PRINT FIRST 5
    public static void printFirstFive (Deck[] deck){
         int x = -1;
         while (x != 4 ){
              x += 1;
    /////////////////////////////////////////// SHUFFLE
    // this is supposed to simulate real riffle shuffling
    public static Deck[] shuffleDeck (Deck[] deck){
         //creating and initializing variables
         int cut = (int)(22+ Math.random() * 8); //cut the deck into 2 parts
         int side1 = cut; //how many cards in first side
         int side2 = 52 - cut; //how many in second
         int numberCards = 0, neg_to_pos = -1, k = 0; //how many cards go down from each side
         int x = -1, y = side1, z = 0, d = 0; //begining point of first and second halves
         Deck[] shuffledDeck = new Deck [66666]; //the shuffled deck goes into this one
    /* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ INITIALIZING VARIABLES ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ */
         while ( k < 100 ){
              k += 1; // i used 100 for now because you can
              neg_to_pos *= (-1); //switches which hand half of the deck you take cards form
              numberCards = numberCard();     
         if ( neg_to_pos == 1) { // this is the first half
              if ( x < (side1 + 1) ){ // checks to see if first half is empty
                   //for( x = x; x <= numberCards /*go untill variable*/; ++x ) {
                        z = (-1); // checks if you put down all the "numberCards"
                        while ( x <= numberCards ) {     
                             z += 1;
                             x += 1; // x is which spot in the deck the cards go
                             shuffledDeck[x] = deck[x];     
                        }//end for     
                   }//end if
         }//end if
         if ( neg_to_pos == (-1) ) { // this is the second half
              if ( x <= 52 ){
                   //for( y = y; y < numberCards; y++ ) {
                   d = (-1);
                   while ( d <= numberCards ) {
                        d += 1;
                        y += 1;     
                        shuffledDeck[y] = deck[y];
                   }//end for
              }//end if
         }//end if (else)
    }// end while
    return shuffledDeck;
    }//end shuffle method
    /////////////////////////////////////////// NUMBER CARDS
         private static int numberCard() {
              /*numberCards is how many cards you take put down
              from each hand. In shuffling it is not always the
              same number, so this picks waht that number is */
              int percent = (int)(Math.random() * 99);
              int numberCards = 0;
              if (percent < 20) {
                   numberCards = 1;}
              else if( percent >= 20 && percent <= 49 ){
                   numberCards = 2;}
         else if( percent >= 50 && percent <=69 ){
              numberCards = 3;}
         else if( percent >= 70 && percent <=79 ){
              numberCards = 4;}
         else if( percent >= 80 && percent <=84 ){
              numberCards = 5;}
         else if( percent >= 85 && percent <=89 ){
              numberCards = 6;}
         else if( percent >= 90 && percent <=92 ){
              numberCards = 7;}
         else if( percent >= 93 && percent <=95 ){
              numberCards = 8;}
         else if( percent >= 96 && percent <=97 ){
              numberCards = 9;}
         else{ numberCards = 10; }
         return numberCards;
         }//end numberCards METHOD
    /////////////////////////////////////////// END CLASS
    }//end class      
    /////////////////////////////////////////// END     

    Wooo, you;ve made this far to complicated. Lets start with a class called Card, let just imagine this exists, we won;t go into any more detail. Now lets look at a class called Deck, which has a collection of cards.
    class Deck {
      private java.util.Vector cards = new java.util.Vector();
      Deck() {
          for (int i = 0; i < 52, i++) {
           cards.add(new Card(i));
      } //this method adds 52 cards to the vector
      public Card getCardAt(i) {
         return (Card) cards.removeElementAt(i); //can't remember exact method
      public Card getRandomCard() {
         int index = Random.nextInt() * 52;
          return getCardAt(index);
      public int getSize() {
         return cards.size();
    }Okay, this method has 52 cards and you can either get one at the specificed index or get a random card. Because the cards are removed when they are returned you will never get the same card twice. There is no point in shuffling them if you just return a random card ;)
    Okay, now all you need when using the deck class is to create a new instance for each new game:
    void deal(Player[] players) {
      Deck d = new Deck();
       while (d.getSize() > players.length) {
           for (int i = 0; i < players.length; i++) {
    Always remember the KISS process:
    Keep It Simple, Stupid :)

  • I installed windows 7 in macbook pro. but its booting only by windows not by mac. how to enter in mac?i installed windows 7 in macbook pro. but its booting only by windows not by mac. how to enter in mac?

    i installed windows 7 in macbook pro. but its booting only by windows not by mac. how to enter in mac?

    Hold Option key when starting - that gives you the option to choose between startup disks.

  • ORA-13019: coordinates out of bounds (9i only, not 8.1.7)

    hi there,
    In my application, I face an error when using a 9i DB
    that I didn't have in 8.1.6 or 8.1.7. The error is the following:
    ORA-29902: error in executing ODCIIndexStart() routine
    ORA-13213: failed to generate spatial index for window object
    ORA-13019: coordinates out of bounds
    ORA-06512: at "MDSYS.SDO_INDEX_METHOD_9I", line 232
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    My feeling is that Spatial generates this error when I post an
    sdo_filter query that is near the frontiers of my layer's real
    extent (not the extent in USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA that I have
    grown in order to avoid the error, without success).
    any idea ?
    Thanks in advance,

    As far as I don't have any SRID, I guess Spatial in 9i consider that
    I'm in the case of a geodetic layer right ? No. If you have no SRID in user_sdo_geom_metadata and no SDO_SRID
    set in the geometry, then Oracle Spatial will assume you are in cartesian space.
    Is there any limit like this if I use an SRID ? The only time there is a limit is when you use a geodetic SRID. Then the bounds
    of the coordinate system have to be -180, 180 and -90, 90
    I guess the only solution I have in the case of geodetic layers
    is to change my queries in order to fit -180 180 -90 90, right ? If you are using geodetic layers then the bounds are -180, 180 and -90, 90.
    That would be the correct way to use this layer if in fact the data is geodetic.
    If it isn't geodetic, then you could adjust the bounds of the coordinate system
    in user_sdo_geom_metadata. If you do that and have a quadtree index you
    will need to reindex the data.
    If you are using 9i, you should seriously consider using r-tree indexes (especially
    if you've applied patch set There are very few cases where r-trees aren't
    at least as performant as quadtrees, and also use of r-tree indexes gets you use
    of additional functionality that isn't available with quadtrees (like geodetic indexing
    and use of sdo_batch_size with nearest neighbor queries for incremental nearest
    neighbor processing).
    Hope this helps,
    thanks a lot in advance,

  • Array out of bounds issue,

    Hi guys, I�m having trouble trying to fix a problem with the array index Out of bounds exception
    I understand that I need to create some kind of if statement. I would ordinarily be able to do this if I only had one array, but I have two, and I am not sure where or how to insert my if statements to say, that if Index2 reaches 15 say �Full� and if Index 1 reaches 10 say �Full�,
    Can anyone provide any guidance on this, any help will be much appreciated
    Bellow is my code if it makes things clearer for anyone
    import java.util.Scanner;
    * Write a description of class SquareCube here.
    * @author (your name)
    * @version (a version number or a date)
    import java.util.Scanner;
    public class BookingTickets {
    public static void main (String [] args)
        Scanner myScanner = new Scanner(;
        int Count;
        double Price = 0.00;
        String SeatArea;
        int[] SeatNumberEconomy;
        int[] SeatNumberGallery;
        int Index1 = 0;
        int Index2 = 10;
        String YesNo;
        SeatNumberEconomy = new int[10];
        for(int i=0;i<10; ++i)
            SeatNumberEconomy[i] = i+1;
        SeatNumberGallery= new int[15];  
        for(int a=10;a<15; ++a)   
            SeatNumberGallery[a] = a+1;
        for(Count = 1; Count <=15; Count++)
            System.out.println ("Please select where you would prefer to sit");
            System.out.println ("Input (E) for Economy and (G) for Gallery;- ");
            SeatArea =;
            if (SeatArea.equalsIgnoreCase("E"))
                SeatArea = ("Economy");
                Price = 10.00;
                System.out.println (" ");
                System.out.println ("You have Selected...");
                System.out.println (SeatArea + " Priced at �" + Price + " per ticket");
                System.out.println ("Your Seat Number is: " + SeatNumberEconomy[Index1]);
                System.out.println (" ");
            if (SeatArea.equalsIgnoreCase("G"))
                SeatArea = ("Gallery");
                Price = 20.00;
                System.out.println (" ");
                System.out.println ("You have Selected...");
                System.out.println (SeatArea + " Priced at �" + Price + " per ticket");
                System.out.println ("Your Seat Number is: " + SeatNumberGallery[Index2]);
                System.out.println (" ");
        System.out.println (" ");
        System.out.println("all seats have been booked");
        System.out.println("be sure to try again tomorrw");

    import java.util.Scanner;
    * Write a description of class SquareCube here.
    * @author (your name)
    * @version (a version number or a date)
    public class BookingTickets {
    public static void main (String [] args)
        Scanner myScanner = new Scanner(;
    //    int Count;
        double Price = 0.00;
        String SeatArea;
        int[] SeatNumberEconomy;
        int[] SeatNumberGallery;
        int Index1 = 0;
        int Index2 = 0;
    //    String YesNo;
        SeatNumberEconomy = new int[10];
        SeatNumberGallery = new int[15];
        for(int i=0;i<10; ++i)
           SeatNumberEconomy[i] = i+1;
        for(int a=0;a<15; ++a)   
            SeatNumberGallery[a] = a+1;
             while (Index1 != 10 && Index2 != 15)
            System.out.println ("Please select where you would prefer to sit");
            System.out.println ("Input (E) for Economy and (G) for Gallery;- ");
            SeatArea =;
            if (SeatArea.equalsIgnoreCase("E"))
                SeatArea = ("Economy");
                Price = 10.00;
                System.out.println (" ");
                System.out.println ("You have Selected...");
                System.out.println (SeatArea + " Priced at �" + Price + " per ticket");
                System.out.println ("Your Seat Number is: " + SeatNumberEconomy[Index1]);
                System.out.println (" ");       
            if (SeatArea.equalsIgnoreCase("G"))
                SeatArea = ("Gallery");
                Price = 20.00;
                System.out.println (" ");
                System.out.println ("You have Selected...");
                System.out.println (SeatArea + " Priced at �" + Price + " per ticket");
                System.out.println ("Your Seat Number is: " + SeatNumberGallery[Index2]);
                System.out.println (" ");
        System.out.println (" ");
        System.out.println("all seats have been booked");
        System.out.println("be sure to try again tomorrw");

  • Array Out of Bounds, How?

    Ok so my problem is driving me crazy, I have an array, everytime I click the button it adds another set of objects to the new cells in an array. For Example
    int x = 0;
    Array[x] = some stuff;
    x += 1;
    Array[x] = some new stuff;My problem is that it gives me an index out of bounds exception, how I can't understand,my indexes never go below 0, and never go above the size of the array, any help appreciated.

    I'll try my best, it is a rather large file, I post the main stuff
    String[] EmuQuestion = new String[100];
    int x = 0;
    // Within the method I start the array
    String question = bw.readLine();
    String[] qsplit = question.split("\\. ");
    EmuQuestion[x] = qsplit[1];
    // Method called from a button click, exception occurs
    x += 1;
    String question = bw.readLine();
    String[] qsplit = question.split("\\. "); 
    EmuQuestion[x] = qsplit[1];

  • Array out of bound error

    Hi everybody , I'm trying to print out the value of an array using the following code
    import java.text.*;
    public class Part1
    public static void main(String[] args)
    int i;
    int count = 0;
    DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.00");
    double[] result = new double[5];
    double[] above = new double[5];
    for (i=0;i<=result.length; i++)
    result[i] = (3*Math.exp(-0.7*i)*Math.cos(4*i));
    System.out.print(df.format(result)+ " ");
    if (result[i] >0)
    count = count + 1 ;
    above[i]= result[i] ;
    System.out.println(" ");
    System.out.println("The number of results above zero is " +count);
    System.out.println("These number are " +above[i]);
    I'm supposed to print out all values, then print out the value which are positive again, and count the number of positive numbers.
    But when I try to run it, I get a out of bound error.
    Can you help me with this.
    Thanks in advance,

    When the loop is finished, the value of i is 5.
    And you use it in
    System.out.println("These number are " +above);to access above[5] generate the ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

  • Array out of bounds Exception

    this code :
      public void clearAroundTile (int row, int col) {
            //Checks if a tile is visited, has a hint and hintvalue == adjacent flagged tiles
           if(tiles[row][col].isVisited() && tiles[row][col].isHint() && tiles[row][col].getHint()<= getNumFlagsAround(tiles[row][col])){
             if(!tileAt(tiles[row][col], Direction.N).isFlagged()){
                 visitTile(tileAt(tiles[row][col], Direction.N));
             if(!tileAt(tiles[row][col], Direction.NE).isFlagged()){
                 visitTile(tileAt(tiles[row][col], Direction.NE));
             if(!tileAt(tiles[row][col], Direction.E).isFlagged()){
                 visitTile(tileAt(tiles[row][col], Direction.E));visits all the tiles on a board, around a base tile, now the problem is that sometimes, when if checks aorund a tile that is near the edge of a board i get an out of bounds exeption, i know why this happens, but i dont know what type of if statments i should use to correct it, i was thinking.. do if(row-1)>0) then it does not go out of the board, but then how would i do it for the edge of the board that does not relate to zero? any ideas.

      if(row > 0 && tiles[row][col].isBlank()  )
                    clearAroundTile(row-1, col);
                    visitTile(tileAt(tiles[row][col], Direction.N));
            if(row -1 > 0 && col + 1 < cols && tiles[row][col].isBlank()  )
                    clearAroundTile(row-1, col+1);
                    visitTile(tileAt(tiles[row][col], Direction.NE));
                }i am using this to automatically clear the tiles that are blank, that is only for 2 directions, i did it for all, and for some reason i keep getting a stack overflow, damn

  • Java Array Out Of Bounds Problem

    In order to conduct an experiment in java array sorting algorithm efficiency, i am attempting to create and populate an empty array of 1000 elements with random, unique integers for sorting. I've been able to generate and populate an array with random integers but the problem is - for whatever size array I create, it only allows the range of numbers to populate it to be the size of the array, for instance, an array of size 3000 allows only the integer range of 0-3000 to populate it with or I get an out of bounds exception during runtime. How can you specify an integer range of say 0-5000 for an array of size < 5000? Any help is appreciated.

    Another approach is to fill the array with an
    arithmetic sequence, maybe plus some random noise:
        array[i] = i * k + rand(k);or some such, so they are unique,
    and then permute the array (put the elements
    s in random order)
        for (i : array.length) {
    transpose(array, array[rand(i..length)]); }
    Along those lines, java.util.Collections.shuffle can be used to randomly shuffle a List (such as an ArrayList).  Create an ArrayList with numbers in whatever range is needed.  Then call java.util.Collections.shuffle(myArrayList). [It is static in Collections--you don't need to [and can't] create a Collections object.]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

  • Struts Issue with Array out of bounds.

    Hi all I am having a struts issue trying to work with indexedProperty, mostly because I don't quite follow what the eception is saying here. I am not certain how to interpret the values given to me here. Hopefully someone can point out the braindead thing that I am missing, thanks in advance. I have been fightinging with this one for a while and unfortunately haven't had much luck on the struts mailing list, so I am hoping someone here might be able to give me the nugget of information that I am missing.
    java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 6, Size: 0

    Hi all I am having a struts issue trying to workwith
    indexedProperty, mostly because I don't quitefollow
    what the eception is saying here. I am notcertain
    how to interpret the values given to me here.
    Hopefully someone can point out the braindeadthing
    that I am missing, thanks in advance. I have
    fightinging with this one for a while and
    unfortunately haven't had much luck on thestruts
    mailing list, so I am hoping someone here mightbe
    able to give me the nugget of information that Iam
    java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 6,Size:
    0Well, your array has a size of 0, but you'reasking
    for the 7th item (yourArray[6])
    That's likely not very helpful, but it's all I gotYou're right it isn't really that helpful, but i do
    appreciate your taking a moment to reply. The part
    that is really confusing me is how on earth it is
    making it to the 6th position before it has a problem
    as this is an array of size 100 and I iterate through
    the entire thing. Well, the array that is causing this error not an array of size 100, it's an array of size 0. So I'm curious as to what array it's complaining about...

  • Run TIme Error Message- Array Out of Bounds Exception

    Good evening all,
    I seem to have a run time error with the below segment of code. I've changed the (args[0]) a variety of ways but still get the same message.
    I have a few questions regarding my methodology. First, am I headed down the right path (no spoonfeeding allowed please! I need to grasp and learn this myself). Second, would it be something causing error that is on another line and I'm not seeing it. Third, should I have added the entire class file?
    public static void main(String [] args) throws IOException
       Inventory store = new Inventory ( 15);  // Sets store inventory
       Scanner inFile = new Scanner(new File(args [0])); // _Line 27 in the program_
       PrintWriter outfile = new PrintWriter(args [1]); 
       String temp; .
       double price; 
       int quantity; .;
       int x = 0; Run time error received:
    java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0
         at StoreBusiness.main(
    Thank you in advance everyone.

    WarriorGeek wrote:
    Thanks Flounder,
    I feel pretty dumb after posting my answer.
    I read the arrays tutorial and understand all that's described there but with what I've learned you have to start your array out at zero like I did. Should I use the variable name that I gave it in lieu of zero?No. The point is that since you didn't provide any arguments when you started your program, there is no arr[0] or arr[anything else]. It doesn't matter if you put an int literal between the brackets or a variable or a method that returns int. You can't access elements that don't exist.
    So instead of java MyClass you need to do java MyClass something The "something" becomes args[0]. If you're using an IDE instead of the command line, there will be a place to configure what arguments you want to pass when you run your program.

  • How to read out License Keys of Windows Software on Macs?

    Hi everyone,
    good day to you all, i doubt that this question really fits into this Topic perfectly but i didn't know where else to post it. I hope that you can help me out with this, i have a problem that i have a number of Macs ranging from Minis to various Books, most of these are fittet out with MS Office Licenses (2004 & 2008) which i all have stored in a locker here but unfortunately some of the Licenses werent labeled and now i don't know how to find out which licence is istalled on which Mac? Do you know of any Software (or any other Solution other then deinstallling all and then reinstalling all ) that would help me out with this?
    Lots of thanks in advance for your help and best wishes from here,
    D. from Munich

    i didn't know where else to post it.
    Microsoft's own forums for their Mac products:

  • Array Out of Bounds Exception. Where?

    I am developing an application using Visual Cafe 3.0. The application access a file every minute to read a new line and show data in a MultiList. First the code reads the header of the file to get all options, and then reads a new line avery minute to get results for that options.
    It is something like this:
    Option1, option2, option3,...
    1234, 45, 0, ...
    532, 23, 2, ...
    and so on...
    Code is quite large, and I call a method which is generating the exception (java.lang.ArrayOutofBoundsException). Exception is reached after a random number of calls to that method each time.
    I have some variables declared in the method and some other declared outside of that method because I use them in other part of the code.
    I catch the exception in the method which calls this method (outside following code)
    Here is the method that is failing.
    Please can anyone see where is the code reaching that exception?
    //These are variables used outside the method
    String[] lista_op = new String[100];
    boolean[] lista_bo = new boolean[100];
    String[] lista_va = new String[100];
    int n_opciones = 0;
    int lon = 0;
    char[] resultados;
    //And this is the method
    //Basically I pass a line of text to the method and the length (actually I am not using that variable and some others)
    //Length of all arrays is 100, but number of used items is about 50
         public void results(char[] resultados, int lon)
             int opciones = 0;
             int i = 0;
             int j = 0;
             int n = 0;
             int c = 0;
             int b = 0;
             int z = 0;
             int datoentero = 0;
             int datoanterior = 0;
             char coma = ',';
             String dato = "";
             String vacio = "";
             String datoantes = "";
             String cadena1 = "";
             String cadena2 = "";
             //int[] pos = new int[100];
                  //Bucle de busqueda de opciones seleccionadas y
                  //extraccion de datos
                  while (c < n_opciones){
                      if (lista_bo[c] == false){
                          lista_va[b] = lista_op[c];
                          //pos[b] = c;
                          n = c + 3;
                          // Bucle de busqueda de resultados
                          for ( j = 0; i < n; j++){
                              if (resultados[j] == coma){
                          i = 0;
                          while (resultados[j] != coma){
                              dato = dato + resultados[j];
                          // Fin de bucle de busqueda de resultados
                          cadena1 = lista_va;
              datoentero = Integer.parseInt(dato);
              //textArea1.append(" " + datoentero);
              while (z < Lista_seleccion.getItemCount()){
              cadena2 = Lista_seleccion.getItem(z);
              if (cadena1.equals(cadena2)){
              datoantes = multilista.getCellText(z, 1);
              if (!datoantes.equals(vacio)){
              //textArea1.append("&" + datoantes + "&");
              datoanterior = Integer.parseInt(datoantes);
              datoentero = datoentero + datoanterior;
              multilista.addTextCell(z, 1, Integer.toString(datoentero));
              //grafica(datoentero, z);
              //notificar(datoentero, z);
              z = 0;
                   //textArea1.append(" " + dato + " " + c + " " + n);
              dato = "";
              //Fin de bucle de busqueda de opciones seleccionadas
                   opciones = Lista_seleccion.getItemCount();
                   while (i < opciones){
                   multilista.addTextCell(i, 0, Lista_seleccion.getItem(i));

    The piece of code I showed before works for me when I do
    I haven't tried to append it to a text area, but if you say it gives you problem you could try with this:
    // .. keeping the first 3 lines of my previos code
    StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(sw.toString());
    while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
      textArea.append("\n"); // newline

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