ArrayDeque as a stack doesn't work as expected with complex objects

Trying to use ArrayDeque as a strorage for complex values <PSList<PSol>> (i.e. Arraylists of structured Values PSol), this doesn't work as expected. The code below should produce different values of pSLWk, being stored on bkStack, which are then to be retrieved by pop() to the variables pSL1, pSL2, pSL3.
However, retrieval only ends up with three identical data sets (variables) pS1,pS2, pS3.
        public PSList<PSol> pSL;
        private ArrayDeque<PSList<PSol>> bkStack=new ArrayDeque<PSList<PSol>>();
        pSLWk=new PSList<PSol>();       // Constructor copies some Array (static field) to the PSLists
        pSL=new PSList<PSol>();
        pSLAux=new PSList<PSol>(pSLWk);   // Constructor copies from existing PSList
        pSLWk.checkResult("pSLWk prior to setDefaults - modifies pSLWk !");
        setDefaults();                                                            // Modifies pSLWk only
        pSLWk.checkResult(" pSLWk after setDefaults");              // .. got changes (o.k.)
        pSL.checkResult(" pSL after setDefaults");                  // .. unchanged  (o.k.)
        pSL.checkResult(" pSLAux after setDefaults");               // .. unchanged  (o.k.)
        bkStack.push(new PSList<PSol>(pSLWk));                      // store changes in bkStack
        pSLWk.getEl(77).setVal(new StringBuffer("4"));              // change pSLWk again (value 4 @ 77)
        pSLWk.checkResult("pSLWk, after PUSH, THEN modify 4@77");   // .. got change (o.k.)
        pSL.checkResult("pSL after setVal 77");
        bkStack.push(pSLWk);                      // store changes in bkStack
        pSLWk.getEl(80).setVal(new StringBuffer("8"));              // change pSLWk again (value 8 @ 80)
        pSLWk.checkResult("pSLWk after setVal 8@80");               // .. got change (o.k.)
        pSL.checkResult("pSL after setVal 80");
        bkStack.push(new PSList<PSol>(pSLWk));                      // store changes in bkStack
        pSL1=new PSList<PSol>(bkStack.pop());
        pSL1.checkResult("pSL1 after 1st pop");
//      pSL1=bkStack.pop()                                          // Straightforward way doesn't work either...
        pSL2=new PSList<PSol>(bkStack.pop());
        pSL2.checkResult("pSL2 after 2nd pop");
        pSL3=new PSList<PSol>(bkStack.pop());
        pSL3.checkResult("pSL3 after 3rd pSLWk=..pop()");Here the result from the code above:
1 8 9   4  5 42 9 7  5  2 6 4 923     1  7   3         86   7 5  3 69     2   63 <C.R.>pSLWk prior to setDefaults - modifies pSLWk !
128 96  4635 42 9 7945  2 6 47923     1  7   3 9       86   7 5  3 69     2   63 <C.R.> pSLWk after setDefaults
1 8 9   4  5 42 9 7  5  2 6 4 923     1  7   3         86   7 5  3 69     2   63 <C.R.> pSL after setDefaults
1 8 9   4  5 42 9 7  5  2 6 4 923     1  7   3         86   7 5  3 69     2   63 <C.R.> pSLAux after setDefaults
128 96  4635 42 9 7945  2 6 47923     1  7   3 9       86   7 5  3 69     2  463 <C.R.>pSLWk, after PUSH, THEN modify 4@77
1 8 9   4  5 42 9 7  5  2 6 4 923     1  7   3         86   7 5  3 69     2   63 <C.R.>pSL after setVal 77
128 96  4635 42 9 7945  2 6 47923     1  7   3 9       86   7 5  3 69     2  4638<C.R.>pSLWk after setVal 8@80
1 8 9   4  5 42 9 7  5  2 6 4 923     1  7   3         86   7 5  3 69     2   63 <C.R.>pSL after setVal 80
128 96  4635 42 9 7945  2 6 47923     1  7   3 9       86   7 5  3 69     2  4638<C.R.>pSL1 after 1st pop
128 96  4635 42 9 7945  2 6 47923     1  7   3 9       86   7 5  3 69     2  4638<C.R.>pSL2 after 2nd pop
128 96  4635 42 9 7945  2 6 47923     1  7   3 9       86   7 5  3 69     2  4638<C.R.>pSL3 after 3rd pSLWk=..pop()
1 8 9   4  5 42 9 7  5  2 6 4 923     1  7   3         86   7 5  3 69     2   63 <C.R.>pSLWk prior to setDefaults - modifies pSLWk !
128 96  4635 42 9 7945  2 6 47923     1  7   3 9       86   7 5  3 69     2   63 <C.R.> pSLWk after setDefaults
1 8 9   4  5 42 9 7  5  2 6 4 923     1  7   3         86   7 5  3 69     2   63 <C.R.> pSL after setDefaults
1 8 9   4  5 42 9 7  5  2 6 4 923     1  7   3         86   7 5  3 69     2   63 <C.R.> pSLAux after setDefaults
128 96  4635 42 9 7945  2 6 47923     1  7   3 9       86   7 5  3 69     2  463 <C.R.>pSLWk, after PUSH, THEN modify 4@77
1 8 9   4  5 42 9 7  5  2 6 4 923     1  7   3         86   7 5  3 69     2   63 <C.R.>pSL after setVal 77
128 96  4635 42 9 7945  2 6 47923     1  7   3 9       86   7 5  3 69     2  4638<C.R.>pSLWk after setVal 8@80
1 8 9   4  5 42 9 7  5  2 6 4 923     1  7   3         86   7 5  3 69     2   63 <C.R.>pSL after setVal 80
128 96  4635 42 9 7945  2 6 47923     1  7   3 9       86   7 5  3 69     2  4638<C.R.>pSL1 after 1st pop
128 96  4635 42 9 7945  2 6 47923     1  7   3 9       86   7 5  3 69     2  4638<C.R.>pSL2 after 2nd pop
128 96  4635 42 9 7945  2 6 47923     1  7   3 9       86   7 5  3 69     2  4638<C.R.>pSL3 after 3rd pSLWk=..pop()What's the problem with this ?
Rem: I tried the simple approach as well:

Thank you for your comments, although I see we still don't have a common understanding of the problem.
Firstly, I add the code for the PSList and the PSol classes, so you might find some problem with that:
     public class PSol     {
          private StringBuffer val;
          private int zI;
          private int sI;
          private int bI;
                    // == Konstruktor
          public PSol( StringBuffer v, int z, int s, int b )     {
                    // == Getter,Setter
          public StringBuffer getVal()     {return val;}
          public int getZ()     {return zI;}
          public int getS()     {return sI;}
          public int getB()     {return bI;}
          public int getVSize()     {return val.length();}
          public void setVal(StringBuffer v)     {val=v;}
          public boolean hasVChar( StringBuffer ch, boolean delCh )     {
               boolean bT=false;
               StringBuffer fSt=getVal();
               if (!(fSt.indexOf( ch.toString() )     == -1))     {
                    if (delCh)     {
                         setVal(fSt.deleteCharAt(fSt.indexOf( ch.toString() )));
               return bT;
     }     // PSol
     public class PSList<E> extends ArrayList<PSol>     {
               /**     Construktor 1: PSList(v,z,s,b) - makes list from single arrays
          private static final long serialVersionUID =  4711L;                         // ### JAVAC Warning! ###
        public PSList (String[] vS, int[] z, int[] s, int[] b) {
               StringBuffer[] v=new StringBuffer[valDim];
            for (int i=0;i<valDim;i++)  {
                v=new StringBuffer(vS[i]);
//ArrayList<PSol> pSL=new ArrayList<PSol>;
               for (int i=0; i<valDim; i++) {
                    this.add( new PSol( v[i], z[i], s[i], b[i] ) );
/** Konstruktor2 : makes list from matrix array
public PSList () {
for (int j=0; j<nDim; j++) {
for (int i=0; i<nDim; i++) {
this.add( new PSol( new StringBuffer(sGuiArr[i][j]), i, j , i/locDim + (j/locDim)*locDim) );
                    /**     ------- Construktor 3 : PSList(PSList pS) - makes list as a copy of an existing one
public PSList ( PSList<PSol> pX )     {
               super (pX); // ArrayList-Constructor (Collection)
// get Element <PSol>
public PSol getEl ( int i )     {return get(i);}
     public int getCount()     {return size();}
     public int getTValLg()     {
               int lg=0;
               for (int i=0; i<getCount(); i++)     {
                    lg=lg + getEl(i).getVal().length();
               return lg;
                    /**     ------- checkResult()     -     Check if alll elements are single char +dump
     public boolean checkResult(String messg)     {
               boolean allOne=true;
               for (int i=0; i<size(); i++)     {
                    if ( getEl(i).getVal().length() > 1 )     {
                         System.out.print(" ");
               else     {
               return allOne;
     }     // Class PSList
Secondly, I don't really see what you mean by pointing out to 'only one "pSLWk" instance of PSList'. The variable pSLWk is the variable to be worked upon; after some change of the contents, I want to save this state of contents to the stack. When I pop that variable from the stack, I wouldn't want to restore it to pSLWK, but to some other variable, e.g. by public PSList<PSol> pSL1;
pSL1=new PSList<PSol>(bkStack.pop());Again - to my understanding (which comes from old days of microprocessor coding... - there shouldn't be a need to know how the data came there, or what was the name of the variable who stored it there. And  : the implementation of ArrayDeque returns 'elements' of class E, not references !
Thirdly, you're right, that the method of using a copy constructor for retrieval looks 'weird'. However - I had some other versions that didn't work either, e.g. the straightforward one, as I pointed out.
And fourthly: yes, I'm almost sure that I'm messing up something somewhere. I went to this forum hoping to clarify that ... :)
If you don't mind, could you please sketch a few lines of code, how to 'push' a complex variable to a ArrayDeque stack, and retrieve it - by 'pop()' - to some to other variable of the same class later ?
Might make our discussion much easier, to see how things REALLY work.
Thank you !                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       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    Hi Michael,
    I cannot repro your issue in my environment. Did the share from your personal account on Machine A work fine?
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    Meanwhile, let’s try to recreate the homegroup and rejoin your computer to check the results.
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    Registered led device: rt61pci-phy0::assoc
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    Thanks in advance.

    At first, thank you for your reply.
    I know that I haven´t explained the problem too well. I have a stateless bean with one remote method that execute a query an returns an entity like this
    public class ModuloEntity extends Serializable
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
    private Long idModulo;
    private String nombre;
    private ProyectoEntity proyecto;
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    21-may-2007 18:55:48 read_value
    ADVERTENCIA: "IOP00810211: (MARSHAL) Exception from readValue on ValueHandler in CDRInputStream"
    org.omg.CORBA.MARSHAL: vmcid: SUN minor code: 211 completed: Maybe
    Caused by: Mismatched serialization UIDs : Source (Rep. IDRMI:com.syskonic.gesplan.entities.ModuloEntity:6D06A8C14D488FFF:8E6FC8687EA9E512) = 8E6FC8687EA9E512 whereas Target (Rep. ID RMI:com.syskonic.gesplan.entities.ModuloEntity:1C6925798CDFD3DF:3455DBF4457AE337) = 3455DBF4457AE337
    If I look the server log, I can see that the call has not been produced, it doesn´t show any exception. It looks that the object managed by the server and the remote client aren´t the same and the corba service doesn´t work when remote client call session method. If I change the ModuloEntity and remove the fetch attribute then all this process executes correctly. The problem is in this attribute.
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  • XML Error Handling doesn't work as expected

    Hi there,
    we are doing some syncronization szenarios between CRM 5.0 and a legacy system via XI.
    One szenario is an asynchronous XML syncronisation. As there are database locks the messages are errornous and turn to system failure - restartable (red flag). To be seen in SXMB_MONI.
    Regarding to weblog /people/sap.user72/blog/2005/11/29/xi-how-to-re-process-failed-xi-messages-automatically I configuered the CRM middleware with IS_Retry and also scheduled a job for report RSXMB_RESTART_MESSAGES.
    That worked fine until yesterday our synchronous XML szenario dumped and produced errornous messages type system failure - not restartable (red dot). Since then the IS_Restart doesn't work anymore.
    I've no idea how to handle theese messages. It seems they are preventing IS_Retry from working. If there are red flagged messages I can process them manually or with report RSXMB_RESTART_MESSAGES. But they are not automatically re-processed via IS_Retry.
    I also checked the queues and they look fine in smq2. There are no stucked queues.
    Does anyone have any idea what is going wrong and how I can fix this issue? I could schedule the report to work more than once a day as it is at the moment (night job), but IS_Retry option would be the better szenario.
    Thanks a lot in advance.
    kind regards

    Hello Suraj,
    the error log in SXI_MONITOR tells me that the sender/receiver realtion couldn't be found, due to XI had a downtime.
    On Audit log from Message Monitoring on adapter engine I don't have permission, as I am working only on the CRM.
    But i was able to deal with the errornous XML. The deletion job in sxmb_adm (rsmb_delete_messages) with the parameter PERSIST_DURATION_ERROR with Subparameter SYNC Value 1 has removed them from the system.
    According to forum deletion of unprocessed xml messages
    But I still don't know why IS_Retry doesn't work anymore.
    Kind regards

  • Webutil: webutil_file.file_open_dialog with filter doesn't work as expected

    I just tried to open files by using webutil_file.file_open_dialog. Since I only want to select files with the prefix "brp" (e.g. brp0001.txt, brp0002.lis), I fill the parameter file_filter with the value: brp*.*
    This doesn't work. The dialog only shows folders, but not the brp*.* files. I tried with switching to capitals, which doesn't solve anything. With the filter set to *.* the dialog shows all folders and files, so that seems to work ok.
    Is anyone aware of this problem and know a solution? I'm using webutil 1.0.2 (beta).'s some logging. As far as I can see it's all normal, but it doesn't work (no matter if I use a last | or not). Should be easy to reproduce.
    2003-okt-29 09:42:44.547 WUF[setProperty()] Setting property WUF_GFN_DIRNAME to y:\data\
    2003-okt-29 09:42:44.567 WUF[setProperty()] Setting property WUF_FILENAME to false
    2003-okt-29 09:42:44.567 WUF[setProperty()] Setting property WUF_FILTER to (brp_archief*.*)|brp_archief*.*
    2003-okt-29 09:42:44.587 WUF[setProperty()] Setting property WUF_GFN_MESSAGE to bestandsnaam selecteren
    2003-okt-29 09:42:44.597 WUF[setProperty()] Setting property WUF_GFN_MULTISELECT to FALSE
    2003-okt-29 09:42:44.608 WUF[getProperty()] Getting property WUF_GFN_OPENFILE
    2003-okt-29 09:42:45.679 WUF[gfnDialog()] Creating Custom File Filter : Mask=brp_archief*.*, Label=(brp_archief*.*)
    2003-okt-29 09:42:45.679 WUF[gfnDialog()] Open File mode
    2003-okt-29 09:45:27.203 WUF[getProperty()] Value of WUF_GFN_OPENFILE=

  • Vi.lib\Utility\config.llb doesn't work as expected in 6.1

    I have to modify part of a LV project written in 6.1. I started of writing a patch/VI for the project in 7.1.1, tested it and it worked fine. Then I save it from 7.1.1 > 7.0 > 6.1 and the code doesn't work. I have attached the 6.1 and 7.1.1 code that simply modifies a config data file.
    Run both the VI version on the attached data file (save copies of it beforehand as the VI overwites/modifies the .dat file) and you should see for e.g. Name=Pass
    Change to Name=" Extend Ground Cycle"
    with 7.1.1
    and no change with 6.1
    Modify Configuration ‏52 KB

    The problem is at the very end. The 'Close Config' changed between 6.1 and 7.0. The input 'Write Configuration File' on 7.0 and higher is default to True, any version before that was default to False. With this set to false, the file is not actually written.
    So on 6.1, you need to connect a boolean constant or control set to True to this termianl to write the file.
    Ed Dickens - Certified LabVIEW Architect - DISTek Integration, Inc. - NI Certified Alliance Partner
    Using the Abort button to stop your VI is like using a tree to stop your car. It works, but there may be consequences.

  • Save link as option doesn't work as expected anymore

    When I formerly right clicked a link to a file (to download) and chose the option '''Save link as''', I was able to save the file to the location I specified.
    At the moment this doesn't work anymore. When I click the same link as before and choose save link as, firefox wants to save the .htm page instead of the .csv file.

    You can try "Reset Download Actions":

  • Finder 'Back' button doesn't work as expected

    Try this in Leopard Finder: In Finder View Options (Command-J), set Applications to always open in icon view, and Documents to always open in list view. Now open a fresh window and click each in the sidebar. They open as expected, one in icon view, and the other in list view. Now click the back button, and you're looking at the folder you just had open half a second earlier, but it's suddenly shifted to a different view - a view you explicitly told the Finder you didn't want this folder to open in. How does this make sense?
    (Thanks to grasshopperus for posting this first at arstechnica:

    Back button behaviour can be pretty wierd. I usually use the keyboard combination, but for some reason it doesn't work on PDF's and I have to end up using the graphical back button.
    There are some websites out there that for some reason or another break the Back button's behaviour. Sometimes I have to hold down the mouse button to get the back button menu in order to work around that problem.
    In another case there was this page in Amazon that wouldn't allow me to go back to. Everytime I went to that page the browser to automatically kick me to the next page. I had to disable javascript to work around that problem.

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