As a novice Firefox user, I can't see how I can quickly access my favorites as I used to in IE8. How do I do it?

I used to be able to click an icon and slect what I had stored as a favorite, but it seems clumsy to use the Boomraks command. Is there an esier way?

Thank you very much, TonyE. The article you've pointed me at looks as though it will answer all my questions. The View Sidebar was a key element of what I wanted.
I did try searching for info before I posted and also looked at FAqs etc, but without success. Thanks again.

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    Having trouble sending jpeg images as attachments in Mac email.....they go thru as images and PC users can't see the SAVE or QUICK LOOK boxes that Mac mail has.  One friend scrolled over the image, right clicked on it and saved as a PNG file.

    Apple Mail isn't going to change the format of any of your attachments. it isn't going to corrupt them either.
    Exchange is a transport protocol and server. The issue you describe is not related to Exchange.
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    Ok, that didn't work and only closed out this window in discussions. After it closed this one I tried again doing the same but nothing. Makes sense though because if it closed this one out it would close everything else out on my desktop too. This is like a giant screen saver. All my other .jpg icons are still on my desktop over the top of this big pic. Is it possible this is what it is, just a screensaver? I did the same with another pic from the same website and it didn't do this. I clicked on my mouse to save a pic to the desktop and this monstrous thing appeared.  My dock is still there and the top bar that has the apple, Safari, edit, etc., but not anything else that you would normally click on to close a window. 

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    To downgrade to Firefox 3.6 first uninstall Firefox 4, but do not select the option to "Remove my Firefox personal data". If you select that option it will delete your bookmarks, passwords and other user data.
    You can then install the latest version of Firefox 3.6 available from - it will automatically use your current bookmarks, passwords etc.
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    I want to either put up a format that as many Mac and PC users as possible can see, or, I can put a "click here if you are on a PC" button to take them to a new page with a better format for these people.
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    How do I save a Windows Media Player format? Do I need to buy some third party software?
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    PowerBook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  

    As mentioned by the good folks above, you're embedding your movie, but you're not telling the browser which plugin to use. Also, for Internet Explorer, you need to use an <object> element and pass in additional <param>s. below is some code that should work for you. It uses both <object> and <embed> for maximum compatability:
    <param name="src" value="images/"/>
    <param name="scale" value="aspect" />
    <param name="controller" value="true" />
    <param name="autoplay" value="true" />
    controller="true" //the controller adds 16px to height
    The HTML code above contains an <object> element which contains several <param> elements and an <embed> element. Here is a breif description of what each of the <embed> parameters are doing:
    1. type specifies the MIME type of the streaming media so that the web browser knows which plugin to play the streaming media with. Do not change the value of this parameter.
    2. pluginspage this is an optional parameter which gives the user a location that they can download the appropriate plugin from. Do not change the value of this parameter.
    3. height refers to the media display height in pixels. If this parameter is not provided, the media will display using its actual hieght. When used it is important to remember to add 16 pixels to the height value if the controller bar will also be used.
    4. width refers to the media display width in pixels. If this parameter is not provided, the media will display using its actual width.
    5. src refers to the URL or location of the reference movie. The URL can be relative or absolute.
    6. scale is an optional value that will scale the media display according to the height and width specified multiplied by the value given. The default value is 1 (i.e. 1x). If you used a 2, the display would be twice as big as the height and width specified (i.e. 2x). You can also use the values "tofit" and "aspect". "tofit" will stretch or compress (change the apsect of) the movie to fit the height and width specified. "aspect" will fit the movie as closely as possible to the height and width specified without changing its aspect ratio.
    7. controller is an optional parameter that will not display the controller bar if the value given is "false". The default value is "true". When displayed, the controller bar will use 16 pixels from the value provided in the height parameter.
    8. autoplay is an optional parameter that will cause the media to not automatically play if the value given is "false". The default value is "true".
    The <embed> element and its parameters are supported by most web browsers except for Internet Explorer. This is why the <embed> element is nested inside the <object> element. Notice that the <object> element has its own height and width parameters. Also, the <object> element contains classid and codebase parameters which are required for your media to work properly inside of Internet Explorer. Do not change the values of classid and codebase.
    The <param> elements are used to pass additional parameters to Internet Explorer along with the <object> element. Notice that each of the <param> elements duplicate the remaining parameters provided in the <embed> element with the exception of the type and pluginspage parameters, which are specific to the <embed> element. Additional parameters for the <embed> and <object> elements can be found at Apple Computer Inc.'s QuickTime HTML Scripting Tutorial.

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    anyone can help?

    you might want to check on this possibility:
    No music shows up in iTunes after upgrading

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    Everything was going absolutely fine till I done the stupid
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    seen then my computer is going banana, I don't understand why
    is that,
    I can actually see U tube videos, but I can not see other
    videos like trailers from IMDB, <Your browser is blocking
    display of our video player. If you would like to see the video,
    please turn off any ad-blocking or Flash-blocking software that you
    are using>.
    That's what he said on the screen where the video suppose to
    play, I can only see advertising, It should be the other way
    and even the news on yahoo I can not see them, only ads.
    I had no problems before, no pop up I could see the videos
    absolutely fine and especially no ADS and then that days,
    I wish I could cancel that day, I'm try to fix this problems
    all ready 3 weeks and nothing, I did try everything but nothing.
    I have download flash Player manage to install but
    found impossible to install Activex seems to be impossible
    I do know why. disinstall everything reinstall but nothing,
    # Select Start.
    # Select Run.
    # Type cmd
    # In the command window, type the following:
    uninstall_flash_player.exe /clean
    The answer is: uninstall_flash_player.exe is not recognised
    as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.
    does not work, try million of time, does not work.
    Does anybody know why?

    You are not the first one to notice..................
    Please do submit a request for it to be changed

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    can't help but noticed your page name, especially this part: %E2%80%A8
    that is unicode escape sequence for line separator:
    did you happen to copy+paste from another app?
    you need to rename the page with standard ASCII characters and no special characters

  • Can't see any tumbnails, Can't create proxy.

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    First of all everything was running correctly but after some one did "propagate permissions" on my root harddrive everything was messed up ofcourse.
    I was able to create a back-up of the FCS database (production media and proxy media folders are stored on the V-trak).
    I did a complete clean install of the server and FCS and did place back the backup.
    Everthing works fine now but the only problem is that I can't see any thumbnails, when I rightclick on an image and click on View Original that all works perfect. When I click in the top and then at the left the landscape looking icon I get the error message that he can't create a proxy.
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    I did already try to right-click on an image and then Analyze or re-create proxy but none of that works.
    Is there anyone who can help me or that have the same issues after restoring a back-up?
    Kindest regards,
    Luc Janssen
    Update: Maybe important to know, my Proxies.bundle is empty.

    Sounds like propagating the permissions is what screwed you up, as I'm sure you're aware. That's something that has to be adjusted in the Server Admin app, not in FCSvr.  How does FCSvr connect to the storage? Whatever user it's connected as needs to have read/write access to your proxies bundle and also the directory in which it lives. It looks like it doesn't have write access, which explains why it's empty, so proxies/thumbnails/poster frames cannot be generated. Go to the "Search All Jobs" list and see what it says when you try to generate a proxy or thumbnail - I'm guessing you'll see a bunch of  FAIL's. Open one of the jobs and look for the error message - I'm betting you'll see something to the effect of "Could not be created: Permission denied."
    Permissions changes can really screw your distribution up - I find that permissions issues are what plague my own distribution almost weekly. If you have a distribution where your users have Finder-level access to the storage that FCSvr is cataloging, you may have situations where your users will create folders and files that FCSvr doesn't have write or even read access to, because of various reasons (maybe the user copied the folder/file from elsewhere, maybe their umask is 022, etc). That can lead to wanting to use Server Admin's "Propagate Permissions" functionality, which if used improperly can cripple your entire distribution.
    Good luck.

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    I want to use the same account for all my apple devices (macbook air, imac and iphone). I can't see how I can amend the iphone account because it is in grey? I also can't remember the password for this account so i can't even delete it and start again?

    Deleting an iCloud account only deletes it from the Device, not from iCloud.  In iOS 8, the name of this setting changed to "Sign Out" as that is a better reflection of what actually happens.  Your iCloud data remains on the server, available to devices still signed into the account, but the device you sign out of the account on is disconnected from the account, and as a result, the iCloud data from that account is removed from the device.  It will redownload to the device should you sign back into the account.
    The only issue you'll run into when you switch between accounts is with my photo stream photos older than 30 days.  When you delete (or sign out of) and account, your photo stream photos are deleted along with the other data from the account in question.  However, unlike other data which remains on the server and can redownload to your device when you sign back in, my photo stream photos only remain in iCloud for 30 days.  When you sign back in, you will only get back my photo stream photos added in the last 30 days (as older photos are no longer in iCloud to redownload).  Like other account data, any my photo stream photos on your other devices signed into the account are unaffected by this.  If you want to keep older my photo stream photos on your device as you change iCloud accounts, save them to your camera roll before deleting (signing out of) the account.

  • How can I see my rescue email because I forgot what email I used for it

    How can I see my rescue email???

    The following has instructions on how to see, delete, change it: Manage your Apple ID primary, rescue, alternate, and notification email addresses

  • I can't see the I can't see the radio tab on my misic, iPad 2, iOS 7

    I can't see the radio tab on my misic, iPad 2, iOS 7

    iRadio is only available in the USA at the moment.

  • Can't see bonjour services from VPN access

    i've got several Macs and devices on my local network at sub-network 192.128.1.x (router at
    With my Macbook air for instance, Finder automatically find all my devices (macs, router, windows PC, NAS...) and they are in left folder of the Finder View.
    When i'm out of my home, i connect my Macbook to my home network through an VPN server (PPTP). The mapping of this VPN is 192.168.2.x.
    I can mount my remote devices through manual commande (Alt K in finder - connect to...) which are in the 192.168.1.x subnet.
    But the Finder can't see them automatically,
    is there a way to setup Bonjour Services, or subnets, or FInder automatic browsing, to find all my devices like if i were at home ?
    Thanks for any advice

    So you are use an separate account(not admin) on this mac
    Bonjour usually picks up the name of the computer in sys prefs/sharing.
    Edit: just checked and its getting it from the address book, so the MEcard is yours.

  • I can no see my browser when attempting to load I get a message it is installed how do I fix this?

    I can not see my browser on my phone when attempting to load again I get a message already installed.  Also I can not locate Safari to load it back on either.  Thanks for your help

    See if this helps locate your browser...
    Reset your Home screen to the default layout:
    Choose Settings > General > Reset and tap Reset Home Screen Layout.

Maybe you are looking for