AS3 parent loading in AS2 child that in turn loads in jpegs *Problem*

Hiya everybody.
I'm getting a bald patch on my head from frustration with the following problem.
I have a parent AS3 swf which loads in a AS2 swf like so;
var ldr:Loader = new Loader();
ldr.load(new URLRequest( "as2child.swf"));
contained in the AS2 file is the following script which loads in jpegs when the user clicks the next button, etc.
//stuff that loads in different photos
var i:Number = 1;
//load first image straight away.
function initialloadup () {
i = 1;
next_btn.onRelease = function () {
/*on clicking next image button load next image in sequence*/
if (i > 11 ) {i = 1};
prev_btn.onRelease = function () {
//on clicking previous image button load prev image in sequence
if (i < 1 ) {i = 11};
function startLoading(whichImage) {
loadMovie(whichImage, "imageLoader");
however when you view the AS2 swf via the AS3 swf it does not seem to load in the jpgs when requested.
I need to retain the AS2 file so cannot rewrite in AS3 as the image loading thing is only a small part of the AS2 file.
Any ideas? might it be to do with how the AS2 is read in AS3?
Cheers for your reading this

Hi Ned,
Cheers for your thoughts. I've heard of the lockroot thingymajig. Tried it out but to no avail.
I've attached a zip file containing the fla's and swf's and jpgs, just incase anyone yourself included might have anymore ideas.
Thanks for your time

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    Scott Chang    

    In the future, I would recommend you to post your questions one by one, and to the appropriate forum. Of your questions it is really only #3 that fits into this forum. (And that is the one I will not answer, because I have worked very little with XSD.)
    1) Not sure what you mean with "print" or "export", but when you right-click a database, you can select Tasks from the context menu and in this submenu you find "Export data".
    2) I don't know why you get that error, but any particular reason you want to run PowerShell?
    4) If you have tables, you query them with SQL, not XQuery. XQuery is when you query XML documents, but left and right joins are SQL things. There are no joins in XQuery.
    As for left/right join, notice that these two are equivalent:
    SELECT ...
    FROM   a LEFT JOIN b ON a.col = b.col
    SELECT ...
    FROM   b RIGHT JOIN a ON a.col = b.col
    But please never use RIGHT JOIN - it gives me a headache!
    There is nothing that says that you should use any of the other. In fact, if you are returning rows from parent and child, I would expect an inner join, unless you want to cater for parents without children.
    Here is an example where you can study the different join types and how they behave:
    CREATE TABLE apple (a int         NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
                        b varchar(23) NOT NULL)
    INSERT apple(a, b)
       VALUES(1, 'Granny Smith'),
             (2, 'Gloster'),
             (4, 'Ingrid-Marie'),
             (5, 'Milenga')
    CREATE TABLE orange(c int        NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
                        d varchar(23) NOT NULL)
    INSERT orange(c, d)
       VALUES(1, 'Agent'),
             (3, 'Netherlands'),
             (4, 'Revolution')
    SELECT a, b, c, d
    FROM   apple
    CROSS  JOIN orange
    SELECT a, b, c, d
    FROM   apple
    INNER  JOIN orange ON apple.a = orange.c
    SELECT a, b, c, d
    FROM   apple
    LEFT   OUTER JOIN orange ON apple.a = orange.c
    SELECT a, b, c, d
    FROM   apple
    RIGHT  OUTER JOIN orange ON apple.a = orange.c
    SELECT a, b, c, d
    FROM   apple
    FULL OUTER JOIN orange ON apple.a = orange.c
    DROP TABLE apple, orange
    Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, [email protected]

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    error=ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property loadSwf not found on and there is no default

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    as2 swfs will play without problem when loaded into an as3 swf.

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    thanks again!

    check that code in your last thread:
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    I am working on a site right now that has a parent loader
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    am having right now, are some of the internal or child pages, need
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    You will notice it just loaded a new swf called ptbase.swf.
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    (not working yet, I know. But theres no point in me making that,
    until I could get this working"
    What I would like is when you click on "Products" in
    ptbase.swf, it calls the function clickedProductsBase(), which does
    its thing. But that function is back in the loader.swf. Does that
    make sence?
    What am I missing here?

    RyanORo, thank you very much for your response.
    I try that, and I get this sort of error when I click on it:
    TypeError: Error #1006: fwd is not a function.
    at ptbase_fla::MainTimeline/testing()
    I know all that code that I posted was a bith much, but here
    is the movie loading part:
    function loadComplete(event:Event):void
    loaderbar.visible = false;
    thisMC = MovieClip(myloader.content);
    TransitionManager.start(thisMC, {type:Fade,
    direction:Transition.IN, duration:5, easing:Strong.easeOut});
    mainbody is an empty mc under the menu, so that the loaded
    swf file appears under the menu.
    You know what, scratch all that . *MOOWHA* I could KISS you
    right now. "(parent as MovieClip).clickedProductsBase()" did not
    work because it was calling it out of the wrong parent. Just did
    "(this.parent.parent as MovieClip).clickedProductsBase()" and that
    did the magic I needed. Thanks...

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    import LoadDisplayObject;
    var loader:LoadDisplayObject = new LoadDisplayObject("button_01.swf", true);
    loader.addEventListener("displayObjectLoaded", onComplete, false, 0, true);
    function onComplete(evt:Event):void {
         trace("loaded complete received");
         loader.scaleX = loader.scaleY = .75;
    .....however I'm struggling with the script to make a swfs load into a space when one of my 3 buttons is clicked....
    My page currently has three buttons (button_01, button_02 and button_03) and in a local folder three separate swfs with the same names which I wish to load in, when the appropriate button is pressed. 
    I have managed to get them to load in using a tutorial...however they load over the top of each over...far from ideal. From research on the internet I've found a range of different script...but I just can’t find anywhere I can find script to make this work..hence why I have turned to here.
    Any help much appreciated...thanks in advance.

    Just throught I would let you know that I've manged to get this to work this morning. Changed the script slightly and used a different method of:
    var home:MovieClip = this;
    function butt1Click(evt:MouseEvent):void {
        var ldr:Loader = new Loader();
        ldr.load(new URLRequest("button_01.swf"));
        ldr.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.INIT, loaded);
    function butt2Click(evt:MouseEvent):void {
        var ldr:Loader = new Loader();
        ldr.load(new URLRequest("button_02.swf"));
        ldr.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.INIT, loaded);
    function butt3Click(evt:MouseEvent):void {
        var ldr:Loader = new Loader();
        ldr.load(new URLRequest("button_03.swf"));
        ldr.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.INIT, loaded);
    function loaded(evt: Event):void {
        if(contentClip.numChildren > 0){
    button_01.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, butt1Click);
    button_02.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, butt2Click);
    button_03.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, butt3Click);
    seems to work well. Only small question is if I want one page to load automatically upon do I alter the script to do this??? Thanks

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    Here is my working code, but it doesn't works...
    var contentMovie:MovieClip = new mcMain;"content_mc";
    Child Content:
    function LoadContent(event:MouseEvent):void
       parent.contentMovie = mcNew;
    When I try to run, Flash shows the error "1119: Access of possibly undefined property contentMovie through a reference with static type flash.display:DisplayObjectContainer."

    var contentMovie:MovieClip = new mcMain();"content_mc";
    Child Content:
    function LoadContent(event:MouseEvent):void
    // the next line doesn't make any sense but if it did, this is how it should be written
      MovieClip(parent).contentMovie = mcNew;

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    The font loads and gets registered before the swf gets loaded. The SWF file then gets an event telling it to embed the font there as well. While checking, from within the child SWF file, the Font.enumerateFonts() array I can see that the fonts have been succesfully registered. My problem is that even if that array shows me the fonts, when I try to embed them in the child SWF file nothing appears. I even use something like myTextFied.font = Fonts.enumerateFonts()[0].fontName, while embedFonts is set to true and antiliasing is set to advanced.
    I tried it in all manner of ways and none gives me any results. The font which is loaded is stored as a library item with Linkage inside a SWF file. So to load a font I load SWF file containing that font. It works fine for the ad container (main SWF) but not for children SWFs.
    Any suggestions?
    Thank you a lot!

    You may need to create instance of font class and register font in every loaded swf. This is an RSL approach.
    This post outlines the idea:

  • How to get the parent window in sub-child controller class in javafx?

    how to get the parent window in sub-child controller class in javafx?

    You can get the window in which a node is contained with
    Window window = node.getScene().getWindow();Depending when this is invoked, you might want to check the Scene is not null before calling getWindow().
    If the window is a stage that is owned by another window, you can get the "parent" or "owner" window with
    Window owner = null ;
    if (window instanceof Stage) {
      Stage stage = (Stage) window ;
      owner = stage.getOwner();

  • Embed AS3 swf into a AS2 FLA?

    HI, I have a flash site designed in AS2 and want to embed a
    AS3 video player in it. If I republish the AS2 site to AS3 the
    website doesnt function, and if I load the AS3 swf into the
    website, the Player doesnt function.
    I need the AS2 functionality on the website and I need the
    advanced AS3 functionality on the video Player.
    Is there any way to get these two guys to talk to each

    Creating a 3rd fla, to load the AS2 Fla and the AS3 FLA just
    aint gonna fly. This website is updated daily and its just too much
    of a maintenance nightmare.
    However, I do want to use Wabbits suggestion but I dont know
    how to create a web object.
    The GetURL function opens the swf on its own, which I dont
    want to do. I want it to open the AS3 SWF in a small window within
    the page.
    Can someone help please? Thanks in advance,

  • Calling a Function in the Parent Window from the Child Window

    QUESTION: How do I call a function resident in the parent
    window from a child window?
    I have a JavaScript function resident in the parent window
    that reformats information obtained from the Date object and writes
    the result to the parent window using the document.write( ) method.
    I would like to call this function from the child window and have
    it write to the child window instead. Is this possible? If not,
    must I rewrite the entire function and nest it in the below code?
    If so, what is the proper form of nesting?
    CODE: The code that creates and fills the child window is
    provided below. The highlighted area indicates where I would like
    to enter the information from the function resident in the parent
    window. I have tried every imaginable permutation of code that I
    can imagine and nearly destroyed my parent document in the process.
    I am very happy that I had a back-up copy!
    function openCitationWindow() {
    ciDow ="", "", "width=450, height=175, top=300,
    ciDow.document.write("A proper way to cite a passage of text
    on this page:<br /><br />Stegemann, R. A. 2000.
    <cite>Imagine: Bridging a Historical Gap</cite>. " +
    document.title + ". [<a href='" + location.href + "'
    target='_blank'>online book</a>] &lt;" + location.href
    + "&gt; (");
    ciDow.document.write(").<br /><br /><input
    type='button' value='Close Window' onclick='window.close()'>");

    Never mind - I was doing something very stupid and wasn't
    calling the function as a method of a movie clip. I was simply
    calling checkTarget(event) rather than
    event.currentTarget.checkTarget(event); which seems to work.

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         var childDomain:ApplicationDomain = new ApplicationDomain(ApplicationDomain.currentDomain);
      modelLoader.applicationDomain = childDomain;
    <module:ModuleViewLoader id="moduleLoader"
                      moduleId="{ moduleId }"
                      moduleManager="{ moduleManager }"
                      width="100%" height="100%">
    I think it's important to know regarding unloading the modules.

    Hi Adrian,
    We are following the behaviour of the Flex ModuleManager:
    We use the applicationDomain provided by the user when available
    Otherwise we create a sub applicationDomain from the current domain.
    Here is an extract of the ParsleyModuleInfoProxy
    private function createDefaultApplicationDomain(applicationDomain:ApplicationDomain):ApplicationDomain
                // If an applicationDomain has not been specified and we have a module factory,
                // then create a child application domain from the application domain
                // this module factory is in.
                // This is a change in behavior so only do it for Flex 4 and newer
                // applications.
                var tempApplicationDomain:ApplicationDomain = applicationDomain;
                if (tempApplicationDomain == null && moduleFactory)
                    var currentDomain:ApplicationDomain =["currentDomain"];
                    tempApplicationDomain = new ApplicationDomain(currentDomain);
                return tempApplicationDomain;
    We will update the documentation to highlight the fact that a sub ApplicationDomain is created by default.

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    I've created a composite component called ResizableTextArea.
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    Sure, just focus on the last class, ResizableTextArea. Canvas
    on the outside, Textarea on the inside.

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