AS3 - TextField - HTML Text

I would like to find a nice solution to the following
I have a large HTML text containing text and images
(<img>) inside a source TextField. I need to split this
content into several TextField's of a fix width and height so that
no scrolling is required.
I tried to use all the new goodies that AS3 provides
(getLineText(), bottomScrollV, etc). They are very helpful and if I
had normal text (no HTML tags) to deal with, I could split the
content without a problem. My problem is to do this on a HTML
content. It is very difficult to find the HTML version of a
splitted content.
Does anybody have an idea I could do this job?
Any help is greatly appreciated.

no, your small textfields can be assigned text until they
their maxScrollV property exceeds one. then remove text from the
end of the small textfield's text property until its maxScrollV
property decreases to one AND you have a logical place to break the
text at which point you start assigning text to the next small

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    The HTML_FORMAT was renamed to TEXT_FIELD_HTML_FORMAT to reflect the fact that it is specific to the htmlText property in TextField, not a general html implementation.
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                var _text:String = "<html><body><span>first line of text, <i>this is italic</i> and <a href=''>a link to cnn</a>, 2nd line of text.</span></body></html>";
                var _flow:TextFlow = TextConverter.importToFlow( _text, TextConverter.TEXT_FIELD_HTML_FORMAT);
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                _flow.fontFamily = "Arial";
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                s.y = 30;
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    If I understand correctly, you want the corresponding
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    t<i>ell you h</i>ow hap</b>py I
    var undecoratedString = "Hello i can't tell you how happy I
    //the conversion function
    function findDecoratedPosition(pos:Number, xmlString:String,
    test:Boolean):Number {
    //anything between '<' and '>' should be excluded from
    plain text search.
    //create an array of array elements (n=2) consisting of tag
    then plain text
    //requires correctly formatted xml/html
    var tempArr:Array = xmlString.split("<");
    for (var aa = 0; aa<tempArr.length; aa++) {
    tempArr[aa] = tempArr[aa].split(">");
    //remove the first and last elements of the new array (these
    are empty)
    //find the corresponding plaintext location and calculate
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    var retPos:Number = 0;
    var posCount:Number = 0;
    for (var aa = 0; aa<tempArr.length; aa++) {
    retPos += tempArr[aa][0].length+2+tempArr[aa][1].length;
    //+2 allows for missing < and >
    posCount += tempArr[aa][1].length;
    if (posCount>pos) {
    return (retPos+(pos-posCount));
    //out of range
    return -1;
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    for (var aa = 0; aa<undecoratedString.length; aa++) {
    var altPos = findDecoratedPosition(aa, testStringXML);
    trace(undecoratedString.charAt(aa)+" in position "+aa+"
    plainText equates to position "+altPos+" in the decorated version

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    Hi, John, welcome to Apple's user-to-user discussion forums.
    Does anyone here know of a way to open new windows without using command click in a tab?
    If you want links on a web page to open in a new tab, you need to command-click on them. This will work both for links set up to open in the same window and those set up to open in a new window. There is no setting in Preferences to make links on a web page automatically open in a new tab.
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    Thanks in advance!

    You can use this
    And this
    To see my attempts to achieve the behaviour

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    Or you could include a width to your body style:
    body {
    background-image: url(Logo/sky1.jpg);
    background-position: center center;
    background-attachment: fixed;
    width: 75%;}
    It might work or not depending on your other color scheme.

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    In this case, i need to compare the first text area value and updated text area value. How can i do that in Java Script.

    I suggest you look for a Javascript forum to ask questions about Javascript. This is a Java forum.

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    Customer wants a Dashboard as PDF, Dashboard has a footer which has a HTML link. While saving this Dashboard into PDF file, it has the HTML text in footer place rather than HTML link.
    Can you please help me on this issue that how to resolve this.
    Thanks in advance...

    This is a known bug in OBIEE. Refer to :
    NOTE:749246.1 - OBIEE 10g: When a Report is Downloaded to PDF Format it Shows the Embedded HTML Option Tag Values in the Report.
    The workaround is to print the report to Excel or HTML.

  • Static  text corrupts randomly in html text region

    I am creating on a page a series of hide/show regions with static html containing images stored in the database. The tags in the html are pretty straight forward, just a few &lt;p&gt;, &lt;br&gt; and <img></img>. The size of the region is about 400-1000 characters. The problem is when I run the page and display the region, I see characters missing from the displayed page or are corrupted. For example an "&lt;br&gt;" tag I inserted would turn into "&amp;lt;br>" or an image name "SummaryOutput.jpg" would be "SumaryOutput.jpg". Sometime the missing character are not even in the text I generate but in the substitution string like #WORKSPACE_IMAGES# where some images gets complete path while others are missing one character in the uri (e.g. "et" instead of "get"). This happens about 70% of the time for some regions with multiple images. The ones with only one image link don't seem to have the problem.
    How I created the region is this.
    1. creating an an HTML Text Region, hide/show (although I did tried switching to no-template and the problem still existed).
    2. upload the images into the db and not assign them to any application.
    3. create my html doc using MS Word and save as "filtered htm".
    4. open the html doc using TextPad and edit the image links to using the db image (e.g. <img src="#WORKSPACE_IMAGES#imagename.extension" alt="Image Title">
    5. Cut&Paste the html code into the Resource textarea of the HTML Text Region. Click "Apply Changes"
    6. Display the page. Most of the times the page displays fine, but when there are two or three images (less than 70kb each) contained in the html code I often see the randomly missing characters.
    7. When I do view source on the page, I see that the link to the images are corrupted.
    8. When I do edit page and look at the region->source. Sometimes I see the characters changed but sometimes not (eg. The name of the jpg is correct in the textarea but wrong in the output page)
    Here are the things I've tried which did not work.
    1. Remove all html tags from the html, keeping only the <img> tags. So only plain text and <img>
    2. Do all the work in one IE6 browser window instead of using two sessions of FireFox and an IE. I thought maybe session states are conflicting.
    3. I see the same problems in both IE and Firefox so I don't think it's a browser issue, at least on the viewing end.
    4. There are no items in these regions, just text and images.
    The behavior I am seeing is completely buzzard to me and I've exhausted all my methods of debugging. I did some searching on the forum and did not see any problems approaching what I am seeing on my server. Has anyone seeing anything like this or have an idea where to look for the problem?
    Edited by: [email protected] on Jun 25, 2009 1:10 AM

    nope - it's set to static. I do have a link embedded using
    the properties panel and thought that might be the reason. It
    wasn't. Strangest thing. I've recreated some of the text boxes and
    they are working. It's happened a few times to me - and I'm
    beginning to think it is a quirk in Flash 8.

  • Firefox will not display my HTML file as its contents - only displays the HTML text (firefox 5.0).

    I can download a file as a Firefox file (zipped) and it displays successfully. Then I can save the file as a text file and see the HTML text.
    When I work on the HTML text file and then try to display the modified file in Firefox 5.0 and Windows XP, Firefox will only show the HTML text, not the display of the contents of the file.

    Make sure that the file has a .html file extension if you want Firefox to render the content.
    Your above posted system details show outdated plugin(s) with known security and stability risks.
    *Shockwave Flash 10.0 r32
    Update the [[Managing the Flash plugin|Flash]] plugin to the latest version.

  • Use jbo:InputRender instead of html:text

    I'm currently trying JDev 10g preview and i'm using Business Components with Struts. When i use the data control palette to create an input form in a JSP page, all the input are html:text. Is there a way to set the default type of all inputs to jbo:InputRender instead of html:text?

    No, i would like to set the type of each input in my Business Component instead of in the JSP pages. This way, if i want to change the type of an input, i will have to change my business component, not my JSP pages.
    So, to be able to do this, i have to change every input from html:text to jbo:InputRender in all my forms. Which i think is not optional, because if the input type is not indicated, jbo:InputRender use the input type (which in most case, except for dates, is html:text).

  • Gallery with HTML text under image

    I'm working on a gallery of images with thumbnails on the left and larger photos on the right. My problem is the larger photos on the right need some text under them. I've been adding the text to the photos in photoshop and doing this as a standard swap image/swap image restore. What I was wondering, is there a way to add this text as HTML. When I do the swap image I would need to swap out the HTML text also. I've done this as a layered div in the past, but it gets cumbersome when you have 30 thumbnails. Hopefully someone has a good solution for this. I'm thinking about giving up on Dreamweaver and doing this sort of thing in Flash.
    ----Here's the website I'm working on --

    There are literally hundreds of CSS, DHTML or jQuery solutions you could use. ions/
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

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