ASP recordset quotation mark trouble

Hello everyone,
I've got a recordset that pulls sales data based on a
specific product that
is selected by the client from a dynamic dropdown of all the
products in the
The trouble:
If the product name has quotation marks in it, no results are
If there are no quotation marks in the product name, results
are returned.
I thought everything was going fine during testing, until I
used quotation
marks in a product's name. The client enters the product
names as he or she
adds new ones to the database for this online store and
should be able to
use quotes.
This product name works: The Gadget
This one does not: The "Gadget"
The value from the dropdown used in the recordeset is named
I'm thinking the quotes being inserted into the SQL select
statement might
be the trouble ( WHERE product_Name = ? ), but I'm not sure.
Here's the relevant recordset code:
Dim Recordset1__MMColParam
Recordset1__MMColParam = "1"
If (Request.QueryString("product_Name") <> "") Then
Recordset1__MMColParam = Request.QueryString("product_Name")
End If
Dim Recordset1
Dim Recordset1_cmd
Dim Recordset1_numRows
Set Recordset1_cmd = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Command")
Recordset1_cmd.ActiveConnection = MM_conn_box_STRING
Recordset1_cmd.CommandText = "SELECT cst_FirstName,
cst_LastName, order_ID,
order_Total, orderSKU_Quantity, product_Name FROM
cwq_OrderDetails WHERE
product_Name = ? ORDER BY cst_LastName ASC"
Recordset1_cmd.Prepared = true
200, 1, 125, Recordset1__MMColParam) ' adVarChar
Set Recordset1 = Recordset1_cmd.Execute
Recordset1_numRows = 0
Dim Repeat1__numRows
Dim Repeat1__index
Repeat1__numRows = -1
Repeat1__index = 0
Recordset1_numRows = Recordset1_numRows + Repeat1__numRows
Here's the relevant dynamic dropdown page's code.
The dropdown works fine, but if needed this shows where the
product name
used in the select statement comes from.
Dim eventlist
Dim eventlist_cmd
Dim eventlist_numRows
Set eventlist_cmd = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Command")
eventlist_cmd.ActiveConnection = MM_conn_box_STRING
eventlist_cmd.CommandText = "SELECT DISTINCT product_Name
cwq_OrderDetails2 WHERE product_Archive = 0 ORDER BY
product_Name ASC"
eventlist_cmd.Prepared = true
Set eventlist = eventlist_cmd.Execute
eventlist_numRows = 0
<form name="form1" method="get"
<select name="product_Name" id="allevents">
<option value="">(select an event)</option>
While (NOT eventlist.EOF)
value="<%=(eventlist.Fields.Item("product_Name").Value)%>"><%=(eventlist.Fields.Item("pro duct_Name").Value)%></option>
If (eventlist.CursorType > 0) Then
End If
<input name="button" type="submit" class="formButton"
id="button" value="
View Now ">
Thank you for taking a look.
Take care,

Thanks Matthew,
I had thought about &quot but that would actually make
for a lot of work in changing other parts of the application. It
would cause some problems with a couple of reports the application
generates and exports as far as naming conventions as well as order
confirmation emails and invoices that are automatically sent.
Also, I honestly would rather not have to tell clients they
need to enter code in. I've had a couple of folks who had very
little experience with computers. Showing them how to upload a
product image in a very user friendly admin section was difficult.
I can't image trying to explain why they need to enter code instead
of just typing The "Gadget" in the box that say's "Enter your
product name".
Thanks for taking a look, and I actually have a less complex
app where that might work nicely :-)
Take care,

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    Typing quotation marks in the code is not the same as in the design.  In the code quotations are used in HTML and server-side languages such as PHP and ASP differently.  In these cases quotes are needed as quotes and not as an HTML &quot;.
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    It is true that these are not the most column 'friendly' names, but they are what they are. In the database these columns are quoted and they must be so in order for the query to work correctly.
    The suggestion of directly manipulating the View Criteria is a good one and I have implemented a solution based on it but it's cumbersome. Here is how it works:
    First, use the default query mode UI to add new View Criteria. If you were to execute the query at this point it would fail due to the columns names not being quoted. So, instead, implemented my own execute query button that first uses the View Criteria to create a properly quoted WhereClause for the ViewObject.
    I then reset the ViewCriteria (or they will interfere with the WhereClause), set the custom constructed WhereClause on the ViewObject, and re-execute the query. The cumbersome part is that I have to create my own parser for user input to write a valid WhereClause. And when the user uses query mode again the previously set ViewCriteria have been reset (which is annoying, and not the typical query mode behavior which might confuse the user)
    below are some of my code snippets:
    * This action is triggered by clicking the FIND button on the UI.
    * It uses a combination of the ViewCriteria default UI and custom code that processes
    * user input into a whereClause for the ViewObject
    private void jbFind_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    //reset old where clause
    System.out.println("OLD WHERE:"+myView.getWhereClause());
    String customWhere=getCustomWhere();
    /* The case for null and blank View Criteria is tested below
    * when there are blank ViewCriteria the sequence (--) is generated from getCustomWhere
    * Note the use of contains instead of equals
    * The use of equalIgnoreCase etc for unexplained reasons seem to fail to detect when customWhere is (--)
    /*remove ViewCriteria because they can not handle special Column names
    * That's why we go into the trouble of creating our own find function
    private String getCustomWhere(){
    StringBuffer custom=new StringBuffer();
    ApplicationModule am = (ApplicationModule) panelBinding.getApplication().getDataProvider();
    DCJboDataControl jbodc = new DCJboDataControl(am);
    JUIteratorBinding iterBinding = new JUIteratorBinding(jbodc,myView );
    int criteriaCount=iterBinding.getViewCriteria().getRowCount();
    //Validation when no ViewCriteria are defined
    if (criteriaCount==0){
    System.out.println("ViewCriteria Count: "+criteriaCount);
    return null;
    System.out.println("ViewCriteria Count: "+criteriaCount);
    int attr=iterBinding.getViewCriteria().getCurrentRow().getAttributeCount();
    int criteriaRows=iterBinding.getViewCriteria().getAllRowsInRange().length;
    String[] attrNames=iterBinding.getViewCriteria().getCurrentRow().getAttributeNames();
    for (int r=0;r<criteriaRows;r++)
    for (int k=0;k<attr;k++){
    custom.append("(\""+attrNames[k]+"\"");// LIKE '"+(String)iterBinding.getViewCriteria().getRowAtRangeIndex(r).getAttribute(k)+"') AND ");
    //trim white space
    String attrK=((String)iterBinding.getViewCriteria().getRowAtRangeIndex(r).getAttribute(k)).trim();
    String qual=attrK.substring(0,1);
    custom.append(" "+qual+"'"+attrK.substring(1)+"') AND " );
    custom.append(" LIKE '"+(String)iterBinding.getViewCriteria().getRowAtRangeIndex(r).getAttribute(k)+"') AND ");
    custom.append(" OR ");
    }//end criteria rows
    //now need to remove terminal AND and OR tagged with --
    String cleanWhere=custom.toString().replaceAll("AND --","").replaceAll("OR --","");
    System.out.println("NEW CUSTOM WHERE: "+cleanWhere);
    return cleanWhere;

  • How can i get the correct text from a string like it show in the original source with the quotation marks in the right place ?

    The text is in hebrew so the problem is that sometimes the quotation marks not in the right place.
    For example i have this text: תווית
    על בגד: ''תן לאישה לכבס. זה תפקידה''
    This is the source original text you can see the quotations marks and they are not in the right place and all i did is copy paste.
    And this is a screenshot of how this text looks like in the website in the original:
    You can see now where the quotations marks should be.
    Now this is how i'm using the text in my program:
    First of all i'm using a webclient to download the page from the website and i'm also encoding it to windows-1255 since it's in hebrew.
    using (var webClient = new WebClient())
    webClient.Headers.Add("user-agent", "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.2; .NET CLR 1.0.3705;)");
    byte[] myDataBuffer = webClient.DownloadData("");
    page = Encoding.GetEncoding("windows-1255").GetString(myDataBuffer);
    Then i'm extracting the places i need by reading the html file lines and parsing the right text and it's link.
    string loc;
    List<string> metas = new List<string>();
    List<string> metas1 = new List<string>();
    List<string> lockedLinks1 = new List<string>();
    string text = "";
    string mys = "";
    public List<string> LockedThreads(string filename)
    lockedThreads = new List<string>();
    lockedLinks = new List<string>();
    Regex textRegex = new Regex("ToolTip.*?(?=','<)");
    string[] fall = File.ReadAllLines(filename);
    for (int i = 0; i < fall.Length; i++)
    if (fall[i].Contains("") && fall[i].Contains("locked")||
    fall[i].Contains("locked_icon_general") ||
    fall[i].Contains("locked_icon_anchor") ||
    fall[i].Contains("icon_anchor") ||
    fall[i].Contains("locked_icon_fire") ||
    fall[i].Contains("locked_icon_sport") ||
    fall[i].Contains("locked_icon_camera") ||
    Regex linkParser = new Regex(@"\b(?:https?://|www\.)\S+\b", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
    foreach (Match m in linkParser.Matches(fall[i + 2]))
    if (m.Value.Contains("><b"))
    loc = m.Value.Replace("\"><b", string.Empty);
    string txt = fall[i - 1];
    string text = textRegex.Match(txt).Value.Replace("ToolTip','", String.Empty);
    if (text.Contains("&rsquo;"))
    text = text.Replace("&rsquo;", string.Empty);
    Already here on the List lockedThreads you can see the quotation marks not in the right place as in the original:
    After i'm parsing the text and links and adding them to the Lists in another class i'm doing a comparison using this Lists:
    foreach (List<string> l_branch in ListsExtractions.responsers)
    TreeNode l_node = treeView1.Nodes.Add(l_branch[l_branch.Count - 1]);
    if (ListsExtractions.lockedThreads.Contains(l_node.Text))
    l_node.ImageIndex = 0;
    l_node.SelectedImageIndex = 0;
    for (int l_count = 0; l_count < l_branch.Count - 1; l_count++)
    TreeNode l_subnode = l_node.Nodes.Add(l_branch[l_count]);
    if (ListsExtractions.lockedThreads.Contains(l_subnode.Text))
    l_subnode.ImageIndex = 0;
    l_subnode.SelectedImageIndex = 0;
    The problem is in the line:
    if (ListsExtractions.lockedThreads.Contains(l_node.Text))
    When it's getting to the line with the quotation marks it's never equal.
    Now there are more quotation marks.
    In general the problem when comparing both text if it's having quotation marks it's not the same.
    So i have two options:
    1. To fix it somehow so the quotation marks will be the same in both variables when comparing and also the same like in the original as they show in the html page.
    2. To remove the quotation marks from both variables.
    What should i do ? And how ? I was prefer to use the original quotation marks like in the original since they have a meaning in the place they should be. The question is how can i do it ?
    This is example of the block from the html file where the text with the quotation marks is:
    <TD ALIGN="RIGHT" VALIGN="TOP">&nbsp;<font size=-1 color=#ff9933><b>9418</b></font>&nbsp;</TD></TR><TR BGCOLOR="#eeeeee">
    <body onmousemove="overhere()">
    <a onmouseover="EnterContent('ToolTip','תווית על בגד: &rsquo;&rsquo;תן לאישה לכבס. זה תפקידה&rsquo;&rsquo;','<u><span style=color:#000099;>כתב: Spook בתאריך: 08.03.15 שעה: 22:11</span></u><br>מחאת טוויטר קמה בעקבות תוויות שוביניסטיות שהדפיסה חברת אופנה באינדונזיה לפיהן תפקיד הכביסה מוטל על האישה. החברה התנצלה אך כנראה רק עשתה רק יותר נזק לע...'); Activate();" onmouseout="deActivate()" href="javascript:void(0)">
    <img src="" border="0"></a></TD><TD ALIGN="right" VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="55%">
    <FONT CLASS='text15bn'><FONT FACE="Arial">
    <a href=""><b>
    <font color="898A8E">תווית על בגד: ''תן לאישה לכבס. זה תפקידה''</b>

    Ok, it is unclear on what is happening here.
    Are you saying that when the webclient gets the data that it is not honoring the quote characters? Or the processing of the data buffer is causing issues?
    This is what I see the of your example text which is trying to be parse out:
    <a onmouseover="EnterContent('ToolTip','תווית על בגד: &rsquo;&rsquo;תן לאישה לכבס. זה תפקידה&rsquo;&rsquo;','<u><span style=color:#000099;>כתב: Spook בתאריך: 08.03.15 שעה: 22:11</span></u><br>מחאת טוויטר קמה בעקבות תוויות שוביניסטיות שהדפיסה חברת אופנה באינדונזיה לפיהן תפקיד הכביסה מוטל על האישה. החברה התנצלה אך כנראה רק עשתה רק יותר נזק לע...'); Activate();">";
    It appears to me that the  escapes `&rsquo;` does not have matching `&ldquo;` anywhere within the tooltip. So it appears that the page properly places left quotes in when processing the page, but the raw html has broken text.
    Hence a garbage in, garbage out situation.
    William Wegerson (www.OmegaCoder.Com)

  • How Do I Display Quotation Marks in Dynamic HTML Text

    I'm using a dynamic text file that has some Quotation Marks
    that need to be displayed with the content on certain words in the
    TXT file.
    How do i display Quotation Marks inside a Dynamic text field?
    Please Advise. As soon as possible.

    Try this page - it does the job for you:
    Otherwise search this forum for "Special and characters and
    dynamic and text"
    You'll see a couple of thread on the topic. You have to
    encode the special characters for them to display correctly.

  • Can I use intelligent quotation marks on my iPhone?

    On my Mac I use "intelligent" punctuation, for example intelligent quotation marks. Can I do this on the iPhone too?
    Thanks :)

    I assume you mean the feature where you press a single quotation mark button and the appropriate version of it appears depending on whether it's left or right of the next character? In which case, no, on iPhone you have to enter each quotation mark with different buttons.

  • "Excel found unreadable content in" The Problem is text in a clob exported to excel uses - Left single quotation mark -Right double quotation mark.

    Here are the ASCII char being used.
    145 221 91 10010001 ‘ &#145; &lsquo; Left single quotation mark
    146 222 92 10010010 ’ &#146; &rsquo; Right single quotation mark
    147 223 93 10010011 “ &#147; &ldquo; Left double quotation mark
    148 224 94 10010100 ” &#148; &rdquo; Right double quotation mark
    149 225 95 10010101 • &#149; &bull; Bullet
    150 226 96 10010110 – &#150; &ndash; En dash --
    The default CHAR NOW is a black diamond with ? in middle in stead of 'Right double quoation mark' and others.
    The Text used is copied from documents user's get
    so someone is putting in I think what is called ALT ascii. This data has been used for years
    some updates where put in the system, I don't know details.
    The following error started you click YES and the XLS has alot of data missing not just the CLOB.
    Excel found unreadable content in ‘file-name’.
    Do you want to recover the contents of this workbook?
    If you trust the source of this workbook click yes.
    I can copy the text then load it into the a column in a xls. 
    I am exporting the spreadsheet from TOAD it wasn't updated so
    it has to be with the EXCEL. I tried changing the ENCODING in EXCEL but that
    didn't work.

    I'm not familiar with TOAD, could you please let us know how did you export data from TOAD to Excel?
    Based on your description, it should be an encoding problem, have you tried to change the encoding as 'UTF-8' ?
    Wind Zhang
    TechNet Community Support

  • How to remove quotations marks  from csv file

    My input file is a .csv file which contains each value in quotation marks
    ex: - "123456778","jakob","grade10"
    Also each record in the input file contains 333 values .
    i am reading these records and using stringtokenizer to fetch value by value for that record .
    i want to remove the quotation marks before i put the values back into an output file with .txt extension .
    those output files will be bcped later into sybase db.
    Should the quotation marks be removed in the java code or is their anyother way to remove the quotation marks from the output file while bcping them .
    Thank You

    njb7ty wrote:
    I also suggest if possible, you use tab delimited cvs files rather than comma delimited cvs files.That would be TSV, LOL...
    If there are commas inside your data elements, you will not be able to tell if they are part of the data or are delimiters. Tab delimited files avoid this.What if your data contain tabs? Although there's no CSV specification, the common standard practice is to use two double quotes to escape a quote.

  • Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro: How can i use german quotation marks automatically in my formular?

    Only english quotation marks are used automatically.
    Thanks a lot for help!

    Hi John ,
    Please refer to the following links .
    Hope this will help to recover the serial number of your software.
    Sukrit Dhingra

  • Quotation Marks display as boxes

    I need to figure out why in some instance quotation marks
    display as boxes.
    This may also be a ColdFusion question but I'll start here:
    I have a site that displays articles from a coldfusion
    database. The articles display fine. There is no css or font tag
    applied to the text (so basically displaying default fonts).
    Now, I gave the page a new name and surrounded the code with
    formatting css. All quotation marks display as square box. I
    thought it may depend on the font that I chose (Ariel). So I
    removed the css style sheet for a moment but the quotation marks
    still show as box. Since I have the same code to pull the data,
    same browser, same computer, this is puzzling.
    Any idea what is causing this?

    Are the quotes 'straight' quotes, or 'curly' quotes? Although
    both straight
    and curly quotes are special characters (&quot; and
    &#8220; respectively) a
    ' " ' (i.e. straight quote) will usually appear as a straight
    quote when put
    directly in the code, but I have never had curly quotes
    appear correctly. I
    guess this is because quotes are used within attributes and
    so on in regular
    If this isn't your problem then someone else will answer
    better than I
    "weblinkstudio" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:gnv4mg$82f$[email protected]..
    >I need to figure out why in some instance quotation marks
    display as boxes.
    > This may also be a ColdFusion question but I'll start
    > I have a site that displays articles from a coldfusion
    database. The
    > articles
    > display fine. There is no css or font tag applied to the
    text (so
    > basically
    > displaying default fonts).
    > Now, I gave the page a new name and surrounded the code
    with formatting
    > css.
    > All quotation marks display as square box. I thought it
    may depend on the
    > font
    > that I chose (Ariel). So I removed the css style sheet
    for a moment but
    > the
    > quotation marks still show as box. Since I have the same
    code to pull the
    > data,
    > same browser, same computer, this is puzzling.
    > Any idea what is causing this?
    > Thanks.

  • SSMS 2012:XQuery-doing "Retriving Job Candidates with the query Method" in AdventuresWorks 2012. Unclosed quotation mark after string '//*:Name.First?

    Hi all,
    From Page 354 of the the Book "Pro T-SQL 2008 Programmer's Guide" written by Michael Coles (published by apress), I copied the following code (Listing 12-9 Retrieving Job Candidates with the query Method):
    --Coles12_9.sql // saved in C:/Documemnts/SQL Server Management Studio
    -- Coles Listing 12-9 Retrieving Job Candidates with the query Method
    -- Doing XQuery and the xml Data Type in AdvantureWorks
    -- 17 March 2015 1105 AM
    USE AdventureWorks;
    SELECT Resume.query
    FROM HumanResources.JobCandidate;
    I executed this set of Listing 12-9 code in my SQL Server 2012 Management Studio and I got the following error messages:
    Msg 105, Level 15, State 1, Line 4
    Unclosed quotation mark after the character string '//*:Name.First,
    FROM HumanResources.JobCandidate;
    Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 4
    Incorrect syntax near '//*:Name.First,
    FROM HumanResources.JobCandidate;
    I am not able to figure out why I got the error messages.  Please kindly help and advise me how to correct this set of sql codes.
    Thanks in advance,
    Scott Chang

    Hi Scott,
    I don't have that book at hand, but your problem is the "Unclosed quotationmark after the character string",as the error message shows. You have to enclose the 'XQUERY' string quotation in the
    SELECT jobcandidateid, Resume.query
    //*:Edu.Level' --enclose the quotation here
    FROM HumanResources.JobCandidate;
    For XQUERY learning, here is a good
    If you have any question, feel free to let me know.
    Eric Zhang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Using Preview to enter keywords in a PDF shows quotation marks

    When I enter keywords in a PDF with Preview and later open the same file with Acrobat and look at the properties, the string of keywords are within quotation marks. If I enter the keywords while in Acrobat there are no quotation marks. If the keywords are in quotation marks in the properties, does this mean that keywords are one long string that will not search well? I'm confused.

    Preview is a viewer, rather than an editor. It has basic functions for adding annotations and links, and that's about it.

  • Quotation marks appearing as left or right arrows, does anyone know what is causing this?

    Hi there we are using Indesign 2014, I am not sure if that has anything to do with this or not, but certain paragraphs in a document have a bug, where by when you type in a quotation mark (') a left or right arrow appears. We have found that if we clear the paragraph styling this disappears and the quotation marks work fine again. It is worth noting that these paragraphs did not have any paragraph styles applied to them, but they were pasted in from MS Word. Has anyone else experienced this issue and do you know where it comes from?

    Ok thanks for enlightening me. We checked all the language settings on our workstations and they seem to be all set up as English UK and smart quotes are set to be used. I am not sure how to check the language assigned to a paragraph, as I say, there is not paragraph style applied to this text… Can you please let me know how to check this?
    The more I think about it, the more I think it is some sort of styling that has come in from MS Word. I thought InDesign was pretty good at stripping out anything like this.

  • Quotation marks and apostophes reversed

    When editing text, I'm getting reversed quotation marks and apostophes if they are added to preexisting test. Quotation mark added to the end of a sentence that was already in the document will be pointed the wrong way. Erasing the last letter and retyping it with the quotation mark will perform correctly.
    The same happens when placing an apostophe on preexisting text.
    This happens in AppleWorks, TextEdit, and Tex-Edit Plus. This does NOT happen in Pages or InDesign. It only happens on one of my computers.
    Any ideas?
    Ric Carter

    This may be due to a corruption of preferences files dedicated to the named applications.
    Try to trash these preferences files.
    It may also be due to corruption of some documents but I assumes that if it was specific to only some docs you had wrote this detail.
    Some system preferences may be corrupted too but I assumes that if one of them is corrupted, the corruption would strike on every applications on a single computer.
    Yvan KOENIG (from FRANCE jeudi 24 mai 2007 19:04:45)

Maybe you are looking for