Aspect Problem... FCP 7

I've posted about this once before and somehow fixed it but I messed with a lot of settings which eventually led to deleting them all because FCP kept shutting down on me.
It was my fault for not making it as clear...
1. I was given footage of Elmo & Dodo. Elmo is always in SD and Dodo is always in HD. When working in a sequence how am I suppose to make it so that Dodo has the same aspects (might be using the wrong terminology here) as Elmo. The rest of the footage is just like elmos. Here are some pictures...

Explanation: Your basic sequence should be a NTSC-DV 3:2 timeline.  All the SD footage should come in without alteration and have value in the Aspect Ratio field of the Distort section of 0. The HD footage will adjust itself as it is added to the timeline. Scaling values of around 67% for 720p and 37.5% for 1080 are typical. HD aspect ratios are typically -12.5 in the Aspect Ratio field of the Distort section. All of this happens when you add the clips.
Procedure: The easiest way to get exactly what you need is to create a new sequence and (this is important) add an SD clip first so the sequence will auto-conform to SD. From there, add the rest of your clips however you like.
Then you'll want to adjust one HD clip to exactly what you want all HD clips to look like. This will mainly involve  scaling the clip (increasing or decreasing its height until it fills the Canvas frame completely. Then select the HD clip and Copy (⌘ C) it. Then select all the remaining HD clips and Paste Attributes (⌥ V), choose Basic Motion, and press Enter. This will adjust all the HD clips to the same settings as the first one.
From there, you should have no problems. There is no need to alter aspect ratios unless you are creating some sort of special effect.
Good luck.

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    If files saved to the AFP reshare are inaccessible by the fibre clients try this in terminal on your AFP re-share...
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    It is still possible to submit FCP sequences to Compressor, however, the batch will fail when you try to send that batch to a cluster. What QMaster does is "open separate copies" of a program per instance. For example, if you have a Cluster where service nodes are broken up into multiple instances each, QMaster will expect to open Final Cut Pro (since that's where the source footage is located) on every single instance.
    If you want to use your cluster for encoding, export a Quicktime file from FCP and submit that file to Compressor.
    Some better explanations:

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    Open a new project in Premiere Pro CS5 and then import the CS3 project into it - that may correct the problems.
    If not, you can select the clips that are reverting to 4x3 and modify their properties and switch them to 16x9.
    Hope this helps,

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    13" White 2GHz Intel Core Duo MacBook   Mac OS X (10.4.7)   Final Cut Pro 5.1.1
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    Clip names in the Browser can be modified... That's
    what I was talking about.
    It's pretty wierd alright.
    Are you somehow related to David Marchese? He and I
    worked on a ton of TV spots in LA years ago... he had
    an ad agency...
    Hey. It's not the clip name, it's the project name which is determined based on the file name. And I'm unaware of a way to change the project name. Is there a way?
    I don't think I know that David Marchese, but I'm sure there's some connection. My father's parents are from Sicily, but my father and I were both born and raised in America.
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    If the above does not work, then mark an in point and an outpoint at the start and end of clip that is not exporting correctly, and try to export just that clip.
    If you still get the incorrect video, then select that clip in the time line, and control click on the clip. Select "reconnect media" and in the dialog box that comes up, MANUALLY locate the correct media and relink the clip to the correct media.
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    Hope this helps.

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    Try this on for size. Dunno if I'm right or not, but it SOUNDS good:
    It looks good in FCP because it's rectangular pixels.
    It looks bad on the desktop because it's square pixels. If you were to resize it to 640x480 it would look good. (squaring it off.)
    I would GUESS that Idvd is not understanding the rectangular pixels, being the doofy toy that it is.
    I guess I'd add if your client wants to play it off the desktop, make it 640x480.

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    You camera footage is shot with a retangular pixel aspect ratio, and FCPX is exporting the file with square pixels. Try changing the settings of your project to 1280x720, and change the Spacial Conform setting of each clip from your camera to "Fit".

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    Why not fix the stuff that is a "tad stretched?" Play with the DISTORT settings. Get it to fit right, and render.

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      I thought I did everything right but apparently not.  Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong?

    Andrew and Rick,
    Thanks for the feedback.  Glad I made that snapshot to make your jobs easier to ID the problem.
    Will try this out on Monday morning.
    Mike the Deaf Guy

  • Possible Pixel Aspect Problem - PE7

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    I have two PCs which have the Intervideo DVD player installed. The DVD is displayed correctly on those but when I put it in my LG DVD player and play it on my Sony HDTV, I get scrunched 4:3 output.
    Where should I look for the answer to this problem

    Hi Kevin,
    Are you ENTIRELY SURE that the settings on your LG DVD player are
    correct (i.e. to output a 16:9 display)? Here`s the crucial que-
    stion : IS IT CAPABLE OF RECOGNIZING AVC-encoded video burned on
    a DVD ?
    DVDs with AVC-HD burned on them, basically function like their
    analog counterparts from the standard definition era, the VHS
    cassetes. We are talking about SERIAL playback of video, no
    interactivity like that we are used to, when playing back a DVD
    or a Blu-ray with menus.
    If your LG player is fairly old, it may not have been designed
    at a time when AVC-on-a-DVD (i.e. the cheap, home-made alterna-
    tive to authoring High Definition disks as opposed to Blu-ray)
    was NOT thought of (and later materialized, much like the famous
    3xDVDs, i.e. HD-DVD material burned on standard DVDs and designed
    for playback on HD-DVD players).

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