Assets Management Solution

We are planning to rewrite our client/server Assest Management software by using XML/XSL and Java/Java stored procedures.
I would like to hear opinions, suggestions, pros and contras.
Thanks in advance
John Jr.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by John Jr.:
We are planning to rewrite our client/server Assest Management software by using XML/XSL and Java/Java stored procedures.
I would like to hear opinions, suggestions, pros and contras.
Thanks in advance
You could look at an example of storing and managing assest in XML/XSL in DB Prism / Cocoon CMS.
This CMS was written in Java Stored procedures too.
Best regards, Marcelo.

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    Hi everyone.
    I'm currently outlining and storyboarding a (perhaps overly ambitious) project on modern cosmology. It will consist entirely of found media. I've now gathered about 600 or so images, a very large number of publicly available lectures and interviews (audio from which will be used as the narration), movies and animations and computer simulations, as well as music, of course. All these assets currently live, unprocessed, in different places. The images are in iPhoto, the lectures and movies are in a single folder in an external HD, etc...
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    maybe, such a simple consumer-level solution is enough for your needs?
    they offer a free trial ..

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    SCCM alone isn't going to fit this need.
    You need a License Compliance Solution / Software Asset Management (SAM) solution which SCCM is not.
    The issue with those system, they fail of providing clean /usefull data.
    Usually the best approach is to collect the data with SCCM, normalize the data for that I used BDNA Normalize, then pull in the SAM.
    Like this:
    SCCM 2012 - Normalize - SAM
    John Marcum |

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    Thank you so much as always,

    Purple_Jim, for some reason I just lost my new reply, so am writing again:)
    I just checked out the program and one CAN easily update the database when changes are made to the volume(s) as files are added/removed/renamed/moved, etc. This is GREAT!! I am busy trying it out and it is WONDERFUL and EXACTLY what I need! And it is SO SPEEDY too...I LOVE it!
    I just had to contact their support tho' as it doesn't seem to want to add in all of the images. It APPEARS to be adding them but not all of the folders are showing up. If I can get this issue sorted out then this program would be IDEAL:) It's great to know that you haven't had any issues:) That gives me hope as this program looks PERFECT!!
    Thank you so so much for letting me know about it:)
    In CASE you can shed any light on my issue...
    I just did some more testing and it seems that the problem occurs if/after I hit “STOP” when the volume is being scanned. Once I try to update the volume after that so that I can continue adding images, then it seems that nothing is added to the directory in Tri_CATALOG after the point when I chose to hit “STOP”.
    It does not seem to be cataloging everything:( I just tried adding a new volume but it appears to have stopped adding images to the database even tho’ it SEEMS as if new items are still being added in the “Scan Volume window”.
    Here is an example: The image below labeled “469-00625” appears to have been added to the “Clients/Ascot Supply Corp./Buyer’s Guide/2014 Buyer’s Guide/Archive/z_buyer’s guide image library_jpg/06_valve hardware/JPEG” folder but when I do a search for the image it cannot be located, and this folder also does not appear in the catalog directory (second screenshot below). No matter how many times I try to update the volume, the number of images for the “Clients” folder below remains at 811 pictures (as if it has stopped scanning, even tho’ new ones are still being added) and I am not able to add anything else. The Tri_CATALOG database appears to have stopped adding images after the “2011 Buyer’s Guide” folder below even tho’ there are still several new folders still need to be added….see third screenshot for ACTUAL directory on the volume.
    From Tri_CATALOG: (Won’t add anything else below “2011 Buyer’s Guide"
    Screenshot of ACTUAL directory from volume I am trying to scan into Tri_CATALOG:

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    Thank you,

    Thanks Ian.
    The link was helpful but as always I want more:) would be nice to hear experiences from people who have deployed DroboPro and how its working. Throughput sounds elusive.
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    Thanks again for taking the time to help me.

  • Adobe Bridge As A Digital Asset Manager

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    Adobe also suggests that Bridge is a "powerful program for previewing and managing a diverse array of assets." This suggests that Bridge can be used as a Digital Assets Manager (DAM) for stills, audio, swf, and video files.
    The more work we do in media development - the more we need to better manage our media. I'm curious if there are any with experience attempting to use Bridge as a DAM and if so, how it has proved as a viable tool for asset management. Please let me know of any experience or knowledge you may have.

    I posted it to this group for three reasons.
    1) I'm curious if Bridge really does "bridge" well between Adobe and Apple products or is it really just for Adobe products. With Final Cut, we often find ourselves bridging between these competing companies. Id Bridge a viable solution?
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    3) Like many of us on this list, I use FC and Photoshop. Have FC users found Bridge to be a viable DAM solution or not for these tools?
    Hope that helps to clarify my question.


    Dear Colleagues,
    At the company where I work,Users for Asset control are using;
    KO01 - To create an investment order.
    ZAFE_0002 - To set up capital project (Customised Application)
    KO88 - for Settlement of investment order.
    AS01 - For creation of asset
    KOB5 - To start depreciation.
    1.  Is it possible to set up a fixed asset with various starting points for depreciation? For Example, we have a blanket AFE for Computer Hardware Replacement.  This is used for multiple purchases throughout the year.We have created an asset for this in SAP and find that when we start depreciating newly purchased items,the system puts a backdated charge to when the first time the asset was created.  The only way users think they can work around this is to create new internal orders and assets for each purchase.  Can you suggest a better way?Sorry,I am MM/SD and only used briefly asset management some time ago...
    2.  Can you also advise on how to block an object code and cost centre combination?  I rougly remember how to block an object code for posting but want to block certain cost centres with object codes to help prevent miscodes.  It would be ideal for this to happen when the Purchased/Requisition is being completed.
    Thanks for your help,

    Welcome you post on the forum.
    Please check forum subject first. This forum is dedicated to SAP Business One - a solution to SME users. Close your thread and post it to the right forum.

  • Integrating barcode asset management and LR

    I have discovered to my delight that you can integrate Lightroom and barcode based print asset management. This is a way to:
    automate the printing of labels for images without any rekeying of information, and
    automate the process of finding the image from which a print was made
    Why do this? You may sell prints or just make them for your own pleasure. It is good practice to provide some labelling of prints so you (or the buyer) knows what they are looking at. It can be helpful to be able to quickly find the source image of a print. Of course you can just include the filename in the label and type it in to find the source image. But the labels produced look a bit messy with a sometimes arbitrary filename stuck in there. An option is to include a neat barcode on the label. You can then use your webcam to read the label and direclty insert the filename in the LR search field. Presto! Up pops the image from which the print was made.
    Caveat: Apologies to Mac users, I have only worked this out on a PC. I'm sure there are substitutes for each of the things I've used.
    What you need to do this [on a PC]:
    Lightroom (LOL)
    LR/Transporter (incredibly useful for many things)
    Excel (optional but part of my workflow)
    A way to print labels with barcodes. I use a cheap Brother label printer which comes with the P-Touch Editor software.
    A webcam
    Webcam barcode reader software. I use bcWebCam which is free
    How I do it:
    I'll sketch how I do it with the specific gear I have and then suggest how you may get by with other gear.
    Simplest workflow:
    Set up LR/Transporter to export a summary file from image exports that includes all the fields you may want on your label (including filename of course). Format for  comma delimited a CSV file with a header line to define the exported fields. This is saved and reused as an export preset. Routlinely I can then select the images I am printing and export them to a dummy folder which I use for the purpose of transferring Image information.
    I use my label printer software with a template that merges the CSV file data onto a label, with the filename printed as a QR barcode. I generally put one label directly on the print reverse and, if framed, another on the frame rear. With high quality art prints I only do the latter to avoid any possibility of problems of with the adhesive discolouring the paper obverse. Here's an example.
    Having previously installed bcWebCam, if I need to find an image that needs a bit of a search (only likely if I've not worked on it recently), I load bcWebCam while LR is running, place my mouse cursor in the search field in the library view (having selected the root of my catalogue), and hold the print label in front of the web cam. Presto! bcWebCam inserts the filename in the search field and up pops the image in LR!
    In reality, I use excel as an intermediary to read the LR/Transporter data and reformat some items. One reason is the GPS information exported by LR/Transporter has some weird characters in it and they need to be cleaned out. Characters with accents or umlauts also need some special treatment. Excel also lets me define how many of each label I want printed... The label printer software reads the excel file as a database and allows printing of the required number of labels.
    If you are interested in this solution you are likely to have tens or hundreds of thousands of images in which case camera generated filenames will not be unique. I add a month and year in import and conversion to DNG into LR to ensure filenames are unique. There are a range of other work-arounds that may suit your workflow better. But remember, you need something that LR will find in a single search. It may be you create a unique identifier in a EXIF or IPTC field - this will work too...  Some smart bunny may point out to me there is some foolproof automatic unique identifier for each image built into LR which can be accessed and exported but I am not aware of it. I guess image creation time (to the second) comes pretty close but I cannot see how to search on this from a search field entry...
    Where you may need to find some workarounds:
    If you are on a PC, the one thing that is not available on the net is the barcode label printer. In the past I used to print labels on multi-label sheets with a laser printer. It's not obvious to me how to translate the unique image identifier into a barcode for this approach but I'm sure there will be one out there. But I came to the conclusion that a dedicated "on demand" label printer would save a huge amount of messing around. I think the Brother model I use is about US$79 which doesn't exactly break any bank. And the continuous paper roll I use means labels end up about 2.5 cents a pop...  What makes this or even the more capable models (with auto-cutters) such a great deal is the P-touch sofware which does do all the linking of database to label and info field to barcode. This is worth the price alone I reckon. There are other free and for-fee webcam barcode readers out there too; the one I've noted works for me...
    This may sound pretty complex to set up. But the reality is, once export, database and print templates are in place, it's all automatic.

    Great use of LR/Transporter
    The strange characters result from the fact that LR/Transporter outputs files with a UTF-8 encoding.  You need to be able to read that so see them.  Most applications can read UTF-8 nowadays.

  • Error in asset management config area

    I got error in asset management configuration area error is ASSERTION_FAILED. How to rectify this error,  if any one knows please post the solution.

    Can you give what you are doing in config and the long error text with error number

  • Software asset management review

    I'm not really sure what forum this could belong in, but since it kind of covers several categories including Windows Server I'll start here:
    Yes, I have Googled and found mixed responses - is the Microsoft Software Asset Management Review e-mail I received legit or not? If in general they can be legitimate, but some may be scams, how can I tell which I received?
    The one I received looks pretty good, and they provided a lot of very accurate info about my existing volume licenses. Calling MS for input yielded a lot of bouncing around and hold time and a vague, not very reassuring answer
    Thanks inadvance

    It from your description it’s hardly to judge the mail come from MSFT, the guru hack event can hijack your DNS related solution, some social engineering hack can get your
    license from your software vendor, I suggest you use the online support for the future confirm.
    The related information:
    Volume Licensing for Microsoft Products
    Hope this helps.
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

  • ARD as Asset Management

    Hi all
    Has anyone setup ARD Server to be a succesful and reliable Asset Management tool, recording changes in software, configuration (e.g. OS X version), allocation (e.g. moving a Mac from one person to another) ?
    Is it true you can extend ARD to use MySQL db and PHP? (I thought I had an article on it but can't find it.)
    Before I discard ARD 3 and invest in Casper or other such tool, I just want to know it can do what we need.
    Welcome any sugegestions and input.

    I would not consider ARD to be a true asset management tool in and of itself. It can help gather asset information, but it's tools for manipulating and reporting such data are rudimentary at best. But if you have, or can write, tools that can work with an SQL database, then ARD might be part of a good solution. ARD using PostgreSQL. The schema is detailed in Appendix D of the ARD 3 Administrator's Guide, and outdated but probably still useful information on the general operation can be found here:
    The Casper suite is definitely more complete as a single solution, though.

  • Sap asset managment system

    We would like to implement asset management system through SAP in our company. Can anyone provide me with sap asset management system success stories? Also can anyone provide me with information regarding how we should go about implementing the AMS through SAP in our company?

    I'd browse for further info. See
    Regards, Markus

  • Mass Video Asset Management in Lightroom 4 - Watch as I Test (Flail and Fumble)

    The Project is to: catalog, keyword, manage, rate, and organize over 3400 video clips (AVCHD clips re-wrapped as MOV files) shot in 30 days in Costa Rica. The shoot was purely run and gun -total guerrilla style. As we were unable to do much transfer and review in the field, I came home with a huge project to complete before editing videos. I've limited the choices of software for asset management & organization down to Lightroom 4 or CatDV. Ethically, I feel obligated to say that I"m pulling for Adobe since I use the entire suite, and there are some nice fringe benefits keeping everything "in house,"
    First Step: All video files are AVCHD files which are re-wrapped (by ClipWrap) into MOV files. This step is crucial, since AVCHD does not include/store metadata in the video file itself.
    Second Step: Files are stored on the MAC-OS level into folders corresponding to the dates the shots were taken
    Third Step: Get the 3400+ files organized, weeded, and prepped for editing
    @#$!)~*(*&%^ <-- That's what a record scratch looks like in the digital age
    I started examining software solutions and gave each a couple of good tries to narrow the choices down to TWO packages of software:
    OnLocation - Couldn't feel it and it looks like it's meant to work for a different flow. No.
    Cosmos - Couldn't really do much of anything with metadata. No.
    Bridge - Almost there, but pretty limited and not dual screen friendly at all. No.
    CatDV - Now there you go...almost. Everything is in a catalog meaning you have to go between this software and Premiere. Definite maybe.
    Lightroom 4 - Comes with heaps of background in organizing stills, how will it work for massive amounts of video? Definite maybe.
    CatDV and Lightroom 4 both imported everything just fine.
    I'll post more as I get into it. Soon, if anyone cares to read more.

    Lightroom 4 has completed the task of importing 3440 video clips. CatDV (fully functional 30 day trial) crashed again on the large import. I'm going to try importing 10 folders at a time in CatDV.
    As I start to play in Lightroom4 with asset mgmt:
    Slick relatively tweakable user interface
    Keyword buttons are great (wish we could have more on the surface)
    Nice "twirl-down" flow that Adobe uses in the product line -I love this
    Lightroom4 video previews are horrifically sluggish at best, and at this point is unusable for a large collection
    The scrub over (video thumbnail) preview is a huge resource hog and would benefit from a disable option
    Second Monitor pane has some issues/incongruencies with the main monitor pane:
    Grid view will not allow multiple files to be graded/keyworded/etc simultaneously
    Loupe view will not play video files and treats the video file preview like a photo
    This is all for now. More on CatDV when I get it going.

  • Enterprise Asset Management(EAM)

    Hello Friends
    I want to know about Enterprise Asset Management(EAM) ,whether it is an SAP process ,under SAP which module it covers .plz guide me in this.

    yes it is an SAP process and is integrated package but mainly comes under product life cycle management

  • What 'Digital Asset Management' system do you use?

    I'm researching Digital Asset Management systems that I can use to create a elegant online image and graphic download centres, branded for individual clients.
    Has anyone found or created their own solution in this field? I would be interested to hear of your experiences and view online examples if available.

    There are literally hundreds of Digital Asset Management systems out there as numerous vendors from a wide range of backgrounds (software vendors, printers, design agencies, video producers etc) all think they have some insight that makes them uniquely qualified for this field.  This makes it a bit tricky to recommend a specific option as a lot depends on what kind of asset you're needing to manage.  You need to do an assessment of:
    What kinds of assets you're most interested in
    How many there are (i.e. the scale of the library)
    Is it single or multi-users, do you have external suppliers who may need access
    If you have IT skills in-house to install and maintain the system
    If so, what technologies you prefer, if not to what extent you are comfortable with external hosting and someone else holding the assets
    What you want to do with the assets: download, manipulate, integrate etc.
    Who will catalogue the assets and what kind of tagging/metadata etc. you want to apply
    How the assets will get on/off the system and who decides whether they should or should not
    With that information, it's easier to narrow down the list of potential candidates, but you will still have quite a few other decisions to make to isolate the right product for your needs.
    If you're interested in information about Digital Asset Management, check our our site: for some reports and articles that are relatively spin-free (disclaimer: we're consultants so we can't claim total impartiality).  We're also the original developers of an open source .NET based DAM: FocusOPEN Digital Asset Manager.  If .NET doesn't appeal then seems to have a good run down of the major options that don't cost anything to get going.
    Good luck
    Ralph Windsor

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