Assigning part of a string dynamically to a component of a structure

I want to take part of a string
example: value = string+10(7)
and assign this value to a structure. But I only have the fieldnames of the structure. I need something like the following
Assign value TO COMPONENT (fieldname) of structure
Regards, Lars.

do you have a set structure name you're dealing with or is that dynamic?
If it's the first scenario and, say, you were dealing with mara and field matnr you could do this:
data l_string.
field-symbols <field> type any.
l_string = in_string+10(18).
assign l_string to <field> casting type matnr.
(or assign l_string to <field> casting like mara-matnr).
now <field> is a 'matnr' type field.
If it's more complex please give some more info as I'm sure what you want can be done.

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    Do as below.
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    Hope this helps you,

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    The main problem here is you have only last two digits of year. That could be the problem in a couple of years from now, when somebody born after 2k would get in to your database. For now if we ignore this problem the right solution would be :
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    Best regards.

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    king regards

    do check java 1.4 api, I think there is a method in it, however for jdk1.3 you can use
    private static String replace(String str, String word,String word2) {
         if(str==null || word==null || word2 == null ||
               word.equals("") || word2.equals("") || str.equals("")) {
              return str;
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         while(lastPosition>-1) {
              int startIndex = str.indexOf(word,lastPosition);
              if(startIndex==-1) {
              int len = word.length();
              char[] charArray = word2.toCharArray();
              str = buff.toString();
              int len2 = startIndex+word2.length();
              lastPosition = str.indexOf(word,len2);
         return buff.toString();

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    Have you tried this build-in function?
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    Did you tried to put & lt; (without space) instead of < ?
    Best Regards,

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    Try this on the command line. Dealing with java.lang.NumberFormatException in cases where the number is too large is left as an exercise.
    import java.util.regex.*;
    * demonstrates use of <code>java.util.regex</code> to check if a
    * string starts with digits.
    public class bla {
       * thrown by {@link #getNumber} if the given string does not start
       * with digits.
      private static class BoomBoom extends Exception {
        public BoomBoom(String msg) {super(msg);}
       * reusable pattern to check for digits.
      private static Pattern p = Pattern.compile("[0-9]+");
       * convert leading digits of the parameter to an <code>int</code>
       * and return it.
       * @throws BoomBoom if the parameter does not start with digits.
      public static int getNumber(String s) throws BoomBoom {
        Matcher m = p.matcher(s);
        if( !m.lookingAt() ) {
          throw new BoomBoom("The string `"+s+"' does not start with "
                    +"a positive number.");
        return Integer.parseInt(;
      // don't clutter the javadoc
      private bla() {}
       * passes each command line argument through {@link #getNumber} and
       * prints the output or error to <code>System.out</code> or
       * <code>System.err</code> respectively.
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        for(int i=0; i<argv.length; i++) {
          try {
         System.out.println("Your string `"+argv[i]
                      +"' starts with number "
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    Does Anyone know how to mirror a string in C#:
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    Thank you in advance,

    There is a Reverse method:
    string s = "looks";
    s = new string(s.Reverse().ToArray());
    Best way to reverse a string:
    And you can get a part of a string using the Substring method:
    Please remember to mark helpful posts as answer to close your threads and then start a new thread if you have a new question.

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    select select substr(C:\USERS\marypoppins\Docs\Specification',
                                INSTRB('C:\USERS\marypoppins\Docs\Specification', '\', 4), .....) from dual;

    Additionally you can break it all up simply with regular expressions..
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  with t as (select 'C:\USERS\marypoppins\Docs\Specification' as txt from dual)
      2  -- END OF TEST DATA
      3  select rownum, regexp_substr(txt, '[^\]+',1,rownum) as element
      4  from t
      5* connect by rownum <= length(regexp_replace(txt,'[^\]'))+1
    SQL> /
             1 C:
             2 USERS
             3 marypoppins
             4 Docs
             5 Specification

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    Use REPLACE.
    Cheers, APC
    SQL> select replace('\\server01\data\doc\123.eps', 'server01', 'server02')
      2  from dual
      3  /

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    What do you mean that it doesn't work? You do know that the method returns the modified string? The actual string that you invoke the method on is not altered.

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    In addition to Eric:
    Find "some search string", Replace "some replacement string " also replaces part of the string, not touching anything...
    But the GREP search has two advantages: First, if you define formatting in the Replace field (italics, superscript, a character style), only the 'search'/'replacement' part will be affected, rather than the entire found string (as in regular search).
    The second big advantage is you can use any regular GREP single character wildcard in the 'left' and 'right' (matching-but-not-marking) parts. A few useful examples: '\d' (digit), '\l' and '\u' (lowercase and uppercase), '.' (any character), or even '[a-f]' (lowercase 'a' to 'f'). The only limitation is that you cannot use the once, zero-or-more, or once-or-more modifiers -- the strings must have a fixed length. FYI, those three modifiers are, respectively, ?, *, and +.
    This restriction does not apply to the 'middle' string, the one you are going to replace anyway -- use whatever GREP you want.

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    public double[][] finishBricks;
    public void buildWall(int width, int height) {
    Wall w = new Wall();
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         public double[][] Wall4x2 = {
         public double[][] Wall3x3 = {
         public double[][] Wall2x4 = {

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        new double[] {
        new double[] {
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