Assosciation private and public

I would like to have some responses from you guys. From OOAD point of view what are the considerations to be kept in mind before making an assosciation private or public.
Any ideas would be welcome

Containment associations will most often be private.
Consider the following:
Class Node is to be kept in a list which Class A manages.
First example.
Class Node is defined as a private inner class of Class A. Class A keeps a list of Nodes using a private instantiation of the ArrayList class. Node is private. The ArrayList is private. So when diagramming it the association is certainly private.
Node is wholly owned and contained by A. If A is deleted then all Nodes are deleted.
In this case one might make the point that because this is entirely private that it implementation rather than design. So it shouldn't be diagrammed at all. But sometimes it is necessary to do this to show how it will meet the needs of the system (or because a junior programmer is doing the coding and you want it to be painfully obvious.)
Second example
Class Node is a public class (not part of Class A.) Class A keeps a list of Nodes using a private instantiation of the ArrayList class. So when diagramming it the association is certainly private.
Again in this case A owns all of the Nodes.
Again the association could be consider an implementation detail (diagram is not necessary.) But because there are now external users, it might be more relevant to detail explicitly that a list of these is being kept.
For the above two examples 'private' might also serve the need of the code generation capability of the two. Neither of the above associations should ever be implemented publicly.
Third example
A variation of the examples above is where the association is to be managed by one or more external systems. If there is one external system then it can own it. But if there is more than one, then the assocation must be public.
In this case it is certainly possible (and likely) that A does not own the Nodes that it is associated with.
Fourth example
If the relationship between A to Node is many to many than the association is always external to A and Node. So unless it is explicitly owned by a single external system it must be public. Never make the mistake of trying to have either class try to own it.
In this case A never owns the Nodes that it is assocated with.

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    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
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    System.err.println("Usage:java PublicExample <text>");
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    System.out.println("private key:" + key.getPrivate().toString());
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    thanks in advance!

    System.out.println("private key:" +
    " + key.getPrivate().toString());
    System.out.println("public key:" +
    + key.getPublic().toString());
    key.getPrivate() returns an instance of PrivateKey and key.getPublic() returns an instance of PublicKey. Since PublicKey and PrivateKey are interfaces then they will return one of the concrete implementations. Check out the Javadoc for PublicKey and PrivateKey.
    When you know which concreate implemenation you have then you can use the methods on that object (by appropriate casting) to find the information you want.

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    Please use site Key as "Public Key"and Secret key as "Private Key".

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    Double post

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    What you are attempting to do is quite common.  A simple implementation can be done with what can be called a 'jump server'.  That server is the only machine in your environment that has access to the internet.  You must log into it first
    before you have access to your lab environment.  It's basically how I set up my lab.
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    domain to point at the WSUS server.  If fact, this sort of configuration is quite common in corporate environments, too.  It ensures that corporate machines are not going out to the internet to download patches, allowing the corporate managers to
    download and test the patches to see if they break anything before deploying to the rest of the corporate machines as a whole.  So the jump server has one IP address that is routable to the internet and a second network on your lab's domain network. 
    The jump server does NOT run any routing software, so no machine from the lab can access the external network.
    . : | : . : | : . tim

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    Here are a few bits to illustrate:
    In MyClass.h
    @interface MyClass
    @property (readonly) id someProperty;
    In MyClass.m
    #import "MyClass.h"
    @interface MyClass (Private)
    @property (retain) id someProperty;
    @implementation MyClass
    @synthesize someProperty;
    // Bug - hand written setter needed since @synthesize will not generate one for me
    - (void) setSomeProperty: (id)newProperty
    if (newProperty != someProperty)
    [someProperty release];
    someProperty = [newProperty retain];
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    Traceback B0;//the starting point  of Traceback
    // Traceback objects
    abstract class Traceback {
      int i, j;                     // absolute coordinates
    // Traceback2 objects for simple gap costs
    class Traceback2 extends Traceback {
      public Traceback2(int i, int j)
      { this.i = i; this.j = j; }
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    public and private are access modifiers,
    void and String return type declarations.
    It's called "inheritance", and "bad design" as well.
    You should read the tutorials, you know?

  • Want to change Public, private and vip address on RAC 10g R2 windows 2003

    The network section told us the configuration of the network who support our cluster will have to change all ip address.
    We are looking for a complet document who give all the step by step instructions how to make this change.
    We have to change the Public, private and VIP at the same time of our 3 nodes cluster.
    We know the OCRCFG will be impact. So we will take backup of it first.
    Can someone are able to indicate us how to procede to execute this task.

    i check the Note:283684.1 you give me, but it didn't give all the answers to my problem.
    I finally found a recipe to make the job. I would like to tell you it's not supported be Oracle, but it work very well
    Don't forget to take a good backup of the ocrcfg and vote disk before you start.
    Here we go:
    Stop all Oracle service on all nodes before the change of the address, the low format of the ocrcfg and vote disk
    change the address in the file host in C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc with the new address
    change the ip address in the window network definition connection with the new address
    ocopy \\.\ocrcfg d:\backup\ocrcfg.dmp
    ocopy \\.\votedsk1 d:\backup\votedsk1.dmp
    rem go to directory of the cluster binary crs\bin
    cd /D D:\Oracle\Ora10g\crs/bin
    rem Format raw ocrcfg and vote disk
    LogPartFormat.exe \\.\ocrcfg /q
    LogPartFormat.exe \\.\votedsk1 /q
    rem Run in prompt mode the cluster setup
    rem crssetup.exe config -nn %s_nodenumberlist% -pn %s_privatenamelist% -ch %ORA_CRS_HOME% -oh %s_OracleHome% -c %s_clustername% -l "%s_languageid%" -q %s_votedisklist% -g %s_usergroup%
    rem example for 2 node
    crssetup.exe config -nn host_name_node_1 ,1,host_name_node_2,2 -pn host_name_node_1-priv,1,host_name_node_2-priv,2 -ch D:\Oracle\Ora10g\crs -oh D:\Oracle\Ora10g\crs -c crs_lab -l "CANADIAN FRENCH_CANADA.WE8MSWIN1252"; -q "\\.\votedsk1"
    rem ensures that all nodes are configured with the same port for the ONS
    racgons.exe add_config host_name_node_1:6200 host_name_node_2:6200
    rem oifcfg to direct components to use specific network interfaces
    oifcfg.exe setif -global "Public"/ "Prive"/
    rem to rebuild the vip address vipca in wondow componant and make the incription in the cluster (in prompt mode or online)
    rem at the same time it will create the gsd and ons service
    vipca.bat -silent -nodelist "host_name_node_1,host_name_node_2" -nodevips "host_name_node_1/host_name_node_1-vip/,host_name_node_2/host_name_node_2-vip/";
    rem vipca
    rem check the state of the crs services (inscription)
    crs_stat -t
    rem now make the registration of the listener in the cluster.
    rem important don't use the prompt command below, it will give you a crs-0223 error at the startup service
    Rem to solve this problem use netca on line
    rem crs_register ora.host_name_node_1.LISTENER_host_name_node_1.lsnr -dir D:\Oracle\Ora10g\crs\crs\profile
    rem crs_register ora.host_name_node_2.LISTENER_host_name_node_2.lsnr -dir D:\Oracle\Ora10g\crs\crs\profile
    rem srvctl start nodeapps -n host_name_node_1
    ren srvctl start nodeapps -n host_name_node_2
    rem check the state of the crs services (inscription)
    crs_stat -t
    rem start oracle object service and cluster volume before registering and accessing to asm services
    sc \\host_name_node_1 start ”Oracle Object Service”
    sc \\host_name_node_1 start OracleClusterVolumeService
    sc \\host_name_node_2 start ”Oracle Object Service”
    sc \\host_name_node_2 start OracleClusterVolumeService
    rem go the the rdbms directory to make the registration of asm and the database
    set ORACLE_HOME=D:\Oracle\Ora10g\rdbms
    rem add the service asm in the cluster in my case asm1 and asm2 for my 2 nodes
    srvctl add asm -n host_name_node_1 -i +ASM1 -o %ORACLE_HOME%
    srvctl add asm -n host_name_node_2 -i +ASM2 -o %ORACLE_HOME%
    rem start the asm service on each node
    srvctl start asm -n host_name_node_1
    srvctl start asm -n host_name_node_2
    rem check the state of the crs services (inscription)
    crs_stat -t
    rem go to the bin directory of rdbms directory to make the registration of the database
    cd /D D:\Logiciels\Oracle\Ora10g\rdbms/bin
    rem register the database (in my case labotary lab) and the to database service (lab1 and lab2) of each node
    srvctl add database -d lab -o %ORACLE_HOME%
    srvctl add instance -d lab -i lab1 -n host_name_node_1
    srvctl add instance -d lab -i lab2 -n host_name_node_2
    rem finally start the database
    srvctl start database -d lab
    rem go to directory of the cluster binary crs\bin
    rem all the services
    cd /D D:\Logiciels\Oracle\Ora10g\crs/bin
    rem you can go in the database with sqlplus and check all your components
    crs_stat -t
    I hope this will help someone who are in the same situation
    Edited by: ron_berube on 2008-12-12 09:21
    Edited by: ron_berube on 2008-12-12 10:08
    Edited by: ron_berube on 2008-12-13 08:25
    Edited by: ron_berube on 2008-12-18 10:49

  • What is the difference between private API and public API??

    I came accross the terms private API and Public API ?
    what are these APIs and what is the difference between them??
    Thanks and Regards,

    Publicly Callable Business Process APIs are the list of supported and published APIs. Direct calls to any other routines are not supported, unless explicitly specified, because API validation and logic steps will be bypassed. Many other packages include procedures and functions, which may be called from the API code itself.
    Note:216838.1 - Oracle HRMS Product Family Publicly Callable Business Process APIs (A Reference Consolidation)

  • Private API and Public API

    What is the difference between private API and public API??

    from a technical point of view, a private API is normally embedded in a public API.
    The NON ORACLE specialist developpers have to use public API as an interface to control ORACLE APPLICATIONS.
    Normally, the functions/procedures of private API must be hidden to the NON ORACLE specialist developper.

  • Internal and Public DNS conflict breaks mail

    We set up a new Mac Mini Server to replace our existing Server. The Mac Mini Server is setup behind a Time Capsule, which acts as our router and DHCP server. It also acts as our firewall on the public IP address and forwards mail to our internal server. Our situation is almost identical to the example situation on page 18 to 19 in the 'Getting Started' guide.
    Our ISP acts as our DNS server and they host our public website. They also used to host our mail, but we have now moved the mail to our new in-house server. We asked our ISP to update their MX records to point to our static public IP address. Public DNS records for also resolve to this IP address.
    When we originally set up the new mac mini server, the ISP had not yet updated the MX records. I am wondering if this affects how the Server sets up DNS on the local server machine?
    The local server machine on the local LAN is called, which resolves via local DNS (hosted by our server) to the server's internal IP address. (The local DNS server was setup automatically by the Server during initial installation / setup.) This conflicts with with public DNS records which identify with our public IP address at This somehow causes confusion for the server which consequently seemingly randomly resets our domain ( and host name ( settings under Mail settings - which breaks our mail service. (We then edit these to the correct settings and all works again.)
    I spoke to an Apple tech and they advised that we reinstall the Server operating system, using a local server name that differs from the public name. e.g. server.mydomain.lan (local) vs. (public).
    *This may seem like a dumb question*: Would it be easier to keep our local host and DNS set up to and then rather have our ISP change the records for our public address / IP to or If we could make the change via the ISP's records versus our own, then it would save us a lot of work.
    *A second potentially dumb question:* Since we rely on our ISP for DNS name servers, could we delete / stop the local DNS server for the local network and just use straight IP addresses instead?
    *Plan of Action:*
    Assuming that there is not an easy fix via the ISP's DNS records, then I'll reinstall the operating system and use server.mydomain.lan as the local machine and domain name. If I do this, then what should I be using as the domain and host name settings in mail? .com or .lan?
    Should there be any need to manually configure DNS settings to make Mail work?

    Mr Hoffman and Corbywan - thanks for the interesting and educational discussion. I must admit that I am still a bit confused and would appreciate any further help in understanding this issue!
    *My situation:*
    - Server on a LAN, which sits behind a Time Capsule router.
    - The Time Capsule router serves DHCP and Internet to the LAN and sits on our public static IP Address.
    - Our ISP has set up MX and domain records to forward public requests for our domain to our static IP address.
    - Time Capsule acts as our firewall and forwards Mail and other incoming services to our internal server via port forwarding.
    - Local DNS service is provided by the local server so that it can provide services to the local network. Non local requests are forwarded to the ISP DNS service.
    *The problem*
    We seem to have established that Snow Leopard Server breaks when the internal domain name matches the public domain name, because of conflict between the internal and public DNS which resolve to different IP addresses for the same domain.
    *The solution*
    I am looking for the easiest and most basic way to fix this problem. My understanding is that the simplest would be to reinstall our Snow Leopard Server to a new and different local domain name.
    I am thinking of using server.example.lan for our local LAN domain name - which would be resolved to our private IP address via local DNS on the local server. I would be keeping for our public domain name - which would be resolved to our public IP address, which would be forwarded from the Time Capsule to the internal server.
    Now where I start getting confused is this: If Snow Leopard Server requires a Fully Qualified Domain Name to do things like send mail, then do I need to register my internal domain name? And how would this resolve from a public DNS server to the internal private IP address? Or is it more an issue where as long as the internal (albeit 'fake') domain name does not conflict with an existing public domain name?
    *Other items:*
    After setup, I will verify that Snow Leopard Server has setup our local DNS correctly for local DNS service.
    If I understand correctly, I would set up Mail Settings - 'Domain Name' as the local domain name: i.e. example.lan and I would set up the Host Name as server.example.lan - is this correct? Would this work if these are not FQDN?
    How does the mail server reconcile these local domain names with the public domain names? I assume that I need to check the box at Mail - Settings - Advanced - Hosting: "Include server's domain as local host alias" ? Or would I manually add an alias to the Local Host Aliases under the same tab?

  • Generating RSA keys based on p, q, and public exponent

    The problem is the following. I need to generate an RSA key pair on the card based on pre-defined P, Q and public exponent. The KeyPair specs syas that if the public exponent is pre-initialized it will be retained. All other values are overwritten though (I checked with a test applet on jcop41). So two questions:
    1. Do you know of any card that can also retain p and q and generate (calculate) dp, dq, pq, and public modulus. This is contrary to the specification so I doubt there would be any, but it is always good to ask.
    2. Do any of you have a Java code that would do this (ie. calculate the missing key components) that can be run on Java Card, ie. does not use BigInteger or similar classes.

    That is exactly the point I was trying to make, I actually forgot about this thread, because the problem at hand went on the shelf for the moment. To reformulate:
    1. I have only certain parts of the RSA key, but enough parts to determine a valid private/public key pair.
    2. Now I want to generate the missing parts on the card. The JC API requires all the parts to be supplied, it is not possible to provide only partial (but determining the whole key) key information. The KeyPair class can only retain the public exponent during key generation, but not the other parts (according to the specs and my own tests).
    3. My wild guess is that it would probably be doable without too much hassle with host JCE, but it's not an option for me, it has to be done on the card.
    4. I could try to write my own Java Card code that would do this based on, say, openssl implementation, but now I am too lazy, so that's why I asked if somebody possibly has the code that does this.

  • How to find modulus(n) and public key exponent(e)Sor

    I did the following code:
    class keypair
    public static void main(String args[])
    try {
            KeyPairGenerator keyGen = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA");
            KeyPair keypair = keyGen.genKeyPair();
            PrivateKey privateKey = keypair.getPrivate();
            PublicKey publicKey = keypair.getPublic();
    catch ( e) {
    }It produced the following output:
    E:\java>java keypair
    Sun RSA public key, 1024 bits
    modulus: 104598424699919432698042124865237006532583108525971624656815039032375
    public exponent: 65537
    How to parse modulus(n) and public exponent(e) from this output?
    Similarly when i print private key, it produces the following output:
    E:\java>java keypair
    Sun RSA private CRT key, 1024 bits
    modulus:          124578817060208658480856678950235831207402457067036419284514
    public exponent:  65537
    private exponent: 938527844532658207604152892230342202756165450473898580852699
    prime p:          128112715803862066344339615342766575233634768887073748611821
    prime q:          972415706579323990162180646771186062588725555167352041581263
    prime exponent p: 102053075991522697645186596252261651077210381075096084960080
    prime exponent q: 668659136319899226645386130685620335239039277715133737489656
    crt coefficient:  337801534982286124613379128447816812903646302193598735486466
    From this output how to parse n and d, where d is the secret exponent or decryption exponent? Thanks in advance. Apologies, for posting in this forum instead of cryptography forum.
    Edited by: sowndar on Nov 28, 2009 3:12 AM

    sowndar wrote:
    From this output how to parse n and d, where d is the secret exponent or decryption exponent? Why do you think you need to parse anything? Why do you need the modulus and exponents?
    P.S. Extract the public and private keys from the key pair, cast them to RSAPublicKey and RSAPrivateKey as appropriate then look at the methods of classes RSAPublicKey and RSAPrivateKey to see how to get modulus and exponents.

Maybe you are looking for