Atomic transactions

Java 5 supports web services to take part of global transactions. Is transactions supported between Java EE and SAP?

the problem is that the file is too long it may contain thousand records
commit is done after each record
but in case of failure of any type during the reading and storing the transaction
then the user will be read another time so some records will be stored twice and the client account will be increased /decreased twice for those record already
so i need such machnism so that if any failure of any kind it roll back restoring the
client account to the original before transaction?

Similar Messages

  • Atomic transaction buffer length?

    I know that there is atomic transaction buffer to log changes in order to help JCRE rollback in case of unsuccessful command.
    But what is the max size of this buffer? Can i just beginTransaction and never invoke commitTransaction ? any issues regarding to this buggy coding?
    Hoang Long

    user5138836 wrote:
    I know that there is atomic transaction buffer to log changes in order to help JCRE rollback in case of unsuccessful command.
    But what is the max size of this buffer? This is set by the card manufacturer and is something that should be covered in the card specs/developer guide. There are several methods in the JCSystem class (getMaxCommitCapacity and getUnusedCommitCapacity) that can help with this. I have seen this range from 600 bytes to 8KB.
    Can i just beginTransaction and never invoke commitTransaction ? any issues regarding to this buggy coding?This is bad and on some cards you will receive a 0x6F00 status word. On other cards you will have your transaction rolled back. From memory an exception is the correct and expected behaviour in this case.

  • WSIT: Unable to run WSIT tutorial document's Using Atomic Transaction

    I've to implement a sample web service demonstrating the use of WS Transaction and so I downloaded NetBeans 6.7.1, installed all web services related plug ins. Downloaded and installed Java SDK 6 and latest java run time. Installed Glassfish 2.x and Glassfish 3 prelude. I also downloaded the zip files required for the tutorials mentioned in the WSIT tutorials.
    I've followed all the instructions so far from the tutorial for configuring the system after installation of the required software. Like setting up the PATH, the ANT_HOME and JAVA_HOME variables and stuff.
    In the transaction tutorial the sample downloaded for the tutorial has some build files and i've configured them accordingly. Pasting the mentioned in the document after my edit changes below:
    <br />
    <pre><strong># Save this file as in the =${wsit.tutorial.home}/examples/bp-project
    # directory.  Then set the javaee.home property to the location of your GlassFish
    # installation and the wsit.tutorial.home property to the location of your WSIT
    # Tutorial installation.
    wsit.tutorial.home=C:/Documents and Settings/Navina GK/My Documents/UoSouthampton/MSc Web Tech/Semester 1/COMP6017 - Advanced Topics on WebServices/Ebook/Samples/wsittutorial</strong></pre><pre><strong># machine name (or the IP address) where the applications will be deployed.
    # port number where the app-server is accessed by the users
    javaee.server.port=8080</strong></pre><strong># port number where the admin server of the app-server is available</strong><pre><strong>javaee.adminserver.port=4848</strong></pre><pre><strong># Uncomment the property j2ee.server.username,</strong></pre><pre><strong># and replace the administrator username of the app-server</strong></pre><pre><strong>javaee.server.username=eakangk</strong></pre><pre><strong># Uncomment the property j2ee.server.passwordfile,</strong></pre><pre><strong># and replace the following line to point to a file that</strong></pre><pre><strong># contains the admin password for your app-server.</strong></pre><pre><strong># The file should contain the password in the following line:</strong></pre><pre><strong>#</strong></pre><pre><strong># AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD=adminadmin</strong></pre><pre><strong>#</strong></pre><pre><strong># Notice that the password is adminadmin since this is</strong></pre><pre><strong># the default password used by the glassfish app-server installation.</strong></pre><pre><strong>#</strong></pre><pre><strong>javaee.server.passwordfile=${wsit.tutorial.home}/examples/bp-project/admin-password.txt</strong></pre><pre><strong>appserver.instance=server</strong></pre><pre><strong># Uncomment and set this property to the location of the browser you</strong></pre><pre><strong># choose to launch when an application is deployed.</strong></pre><pre><strong># On Windows and Mac OS X the default browser is used.</strong></pre><pre><strong>#default.browser=/Applications/</strong></pre><pre><strong># Database vendor property for db tasks</strong></pre><pre><strong>db.vendor=javadb</strong></pre><pre><strong># Digital certificate properties for mutual authentication</strong></pre><pre><strong>truststore=${javaee.home}/domains/domain1/config/cacerts.jks</strong></pre><pre><strong>keystore.password=changeit</strong></pre><pre><strong>truststore.password=changeit</strong></pre>and all i have to do after that is go to the directory mentioned in the tutorial (
    ) in page 204 and run "ant setup"
    But after runningthe command i get a huge report with an error at the end saying BUILD FAILED.
    Pasting it below
    <br />
    <strong>C:\xx\xx\Samples\wsittutorial\exam<br />
    ples\wstx\basicWSTX\SampleService>ant setup<br />
    Buildfile: build.xml<br />
    <br />
    check:<br />
    <br />
    tools:<br />
    <br />
    setup:<br />
         [echo]    Starting C:/Sun/AppServer domain1<br />
         [echo] domain1 started.<br />
    Duplicated project name in import. Project SampleService-impl defined first in C<br />
    :\xx\xx\Samples\wsittutorial\examp<br />
    les\wstx\basicWSTX\SampleService\nbproject\ant-deploy.xml and again in C:\xx\xx\Samples\wsittutorial\examples\wstx<br />
    \basicWSTX\SampleService\nbproject\build-impl.xml<br />
    <br />
    check:<br />
    <br />
    tools:<br />
    <br />
    setup-resources:<br />
    Duplicated project name in import. Project SampleService-impl defined first in C<br />
    :\xx\xx\Samples\wsittutorial\examp<br />
    les\wstx\basicWSTX\SampleService\nbproject\ant-deploy.xml and again in C:\xx\xx\Samples\wsittutorial\examples\wstx<br />
    \basicWSTX\SampleService\nbproject\build-impl.xml<br />
    <br />
    create-queue:<br />
    Duplicated project name in import. Project SampleService-impl defined first in C<br />
    :\xx\xx\Samples\wsittutorial\examp<br />
    les\wstx\basicWSTX\SampleService\nbproject\ant-deploy.xml and again in C:\xx\xx\Samples\wsittutorial\examples\wstx<br />
    \basicWSTX\SampleService\nbproject\build-impl.xml<br />
    <br />
    check:<br />
    <br />
    tools:<br />
    <br />
    create-jms-resource:<br />
         [exec] Usage: create-jms-resource --restype resource_type [--terse=false] [<br />
    --echo=false] [--interactive=true] [--host localhost] [--port 4848|4849] [--secu<br />
    re | -s] [--user admin_user] [--passwordfile file_name] [--enabled=true] [--desc<br />
    ription text] [--property (name=value)[:name=value]*] [--target target(Default s<br />
    erver)] jndi_name<br />

    [exec] CLI014 restype is a required option.
    Duplicated project name in import. Project SampleService-impl defined first in C
    les\wstx\basicWSTX\SampleService\nbproject\ant-deploy.xml and again in C:\xx\xx\Samples\wsittutorial\examples\wstx
    [exec] Usage: create-connector-connection-pool --raname resource_adapter_na<br />
    me --connectiondefinition connection_definition_name [--terse=false] [--echo=fal<br />
    se] [--interactive=true] [--host localhost] [--port 4848|4849] [--secure | -s] [
    --user admin_user] [--passwordfile file_name] [--steadypoolsize 8] [--maxpoolsiz<br />
    e 32] [--maxwait 60000] [--poolresize 2] [--idletimeout 300] [--failconnection=f<br />
    alse] [--transactionsupport transaction_support] [--isconnectvalidatereq=false]
    [--description text] [--property (name=value)[:name=value]*] poolname
    [exec] CLI014 raname is a required option.
    Duplicated project name in import. Project SampleService-impl defined first in C
    les\wstx\basicWSTX\SampleService\nbproject\ant-deploy.xml and again in C:\xx\xx\Samples\wsittutorial\examples\wstx
    [exec] Usage: create-jms-resource --restype resource_type [--terse=false] [
    --echo=false] [--interactive=true] [--host localhost] [--port 4848|4849] [--secu<br />
    re | -s] [--user admin_user] [--passwordfile file_name] [--enabled=true] [--desc<br />
    ription text] [--property (name=value)[:name=value]*] [--target target(Default s<br />
    erver)] jndi_name
    [exec] CLI014 restype is a required option.
    [echo] Created required resources and added them to domain1 ...
    [echo] Now creating C:/Sun/AppServer domain2 ...
    [exec] Usage: create-domain [--user admin] [--adminport port_number] [--ter<br />
    se=false] [--echo=false] [--interactive=true] [--domaindir domain_directory] [--<br />
    profile profile_name] [--template domain_template] [--passwordfile filename ] [
    --instanceport port_number] [--savemasterpassword=false] [--domainproperties (na<br />
    me=value)[:name=value]*] [--portbase portbase] [--savelogin=false] [--checkports<br />
    =true] domain_name
    [exec] CLI019 Invalid number of operands. Number of operands should be equ
    al to 1.
    [echo] Created C:/Sun/AppServer domain2 successfully
    Duplicated project name in import. Project SampleService-impl defined first in C
    les\wstx\basicWSTX\SampleService\nbproject\ant-deploy.xml and again in C:\xx\xx\Samples\wsittutorial\examples\wstx
    Duplicated project name in import. Project SampleService-impl defined first in C
    les\wstx\basicWSTX\SampleService\nbproject\ant-deploy.xml and again in C:\xx\xx\Samples\wsittutorial\examples\wstx
    [exec] Certificate stored in file <s1as.cer>
    [exec] Certificate was added to keystore
    [exec] keytool error: C:\Sun\AppServer\domai
    ns\domain2\config\cacerts.jks (The system cannot find the path specified)
    ples\wstx\basicWSTX\SampleService\build.xml:136: The following error occurred wh
    ile executing this line:
    ples\wstx\basicWSTX\SampleService\build.xml:142: The following error occurred wh
    ile executing this line:
    ples\wstx\basicWSTX\SampleService\build.xml:178: exec returned: 1
    Total time: 2 minutes 7 seconds
    <br />
    <br />
    I really would like to know who created the tutorial if it is not working with the newer version of java. I've wasted quite some time on this now. around 5 hours. trying to figure out wat could be wrong. I would highly appreciate a prompt response from an expert who could explain in layman terms about what is the problem.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

  • Exception in transaction commit when using Web Service Atomic Transaction

    Hi all,
    I am following this tutorial from Oracle on how to use WS-AT
    A brief description about my application, which is wrote in JDeveloper:
    Two applications, one for web service and one for client.
    The WS is backed by an stateless EJB, which use JPA entity to do operations on the Oracle XE DB. The EJB transaction is container-managed, and the Entity Manager is retrieved from the JTA Datasource by using @PersistenceContext
    I put this on the EJB implementation class:
    @TransactionAttribute(value = TransactionAttributeType.MANDATORY)
    @Transactional(version = Transactional.Version.WSAT10,
    value = Transactional.TransactionFlowType.MANDATORY)
    On the client application, I use another EJB to call the WS. The proxy and all generated types are created properly by JDev. I put this on the @WebServiceReference point in the client EJB:
    @Transactional(version = Transactional.Version.WSAT10,
    value = Transactional.TransactionFlowType.MANDATORY)
    The client EJB is also annotated with:
    @TransactionAttribute(value = TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED)
    Both applications are deployed successfully in the integrated weblogic server. But when I run the method in the client EJB that call the WS to do a persisting operation on the DB, the following exception is thrown:
    javax.ejb.EJBException: BEA1-00227DF3AF249E472B1E: javax.transaction.xa.XAException: Failed state during prepare of WS-AT XAResource ...
    which causes:
    Exception occurred during commit of transaction Name=[EJB +_the client EJB's calling method_+
    The weird thing is, if I call a method which does a simple System.out.println (no DB related operation) then no exception is thrown.
    Furthermore, if I switch both WS EJB and client EJB to use bean managed transaction, the transaction is not propagated properly, as I see that UserTransaction in the WS EJB does not have the same status as UserTransaction in the Client EJB.
    Hence I'm suspecting that there is some issue during step 4 described in the Oracle documentation:
    "Server B receives the request for Application B, detects that the header contains a transaction coordination context and determines whether it has already registered as a participant in this transaction. If it has, that transaction is resumed and if not, a new transaction is started.
    *Application B executes within the context of the imported transaction. All transactional resources with which the application interacts are enlisted with this imported transaction*."
    This is all I can find. Please help me on how to resolve the exception.

    Hi r035198x,
    Thanks for your help. The problem indeed is in the non-XA datasource I used for the EntityManager. I created datasource what uses XA Thin Oracle driver and everything works fine now, commit and rollback both work nicely.
    Again thanks a lot.

  • ECC-6.0 supports XA(Distributed Transactions)&WS-AT(Web Services u0096 Atomic)

    1- Does SAP ECC-6.0 support XA transactions?
        XA Transactions stand for (Distributed Transactions).
    2- Does SAP ECC-6.0 Web services allow participation in WS-AT?
        WS-AT Stands for is Web Services – Atomic Transaction specification.
    If so please provide the referral point where I can get the Documentation regarding this. 
    Any earlier reply will be rewarded.

    1. What is meant by XA ?? Please clarify.. I guess, ECC should support..
    2. Yes...
    SAP supports ATS... Atomic Transaction specification defines protocols that is recognized by SAP. This failure atomicity property is supported by atomic transactions, which have the following familiar ACID properties.
    See useful pointers ->,,sid26_gci1282196,00.html
    - Atul

  • Changing properties of multiple resources in one transaction

    Does anyone have an idea how to change a property in multiple resources in one atomic transaction. 
    There are some interesting comments regarding the use of "mass calls" in various SAP documents but not really anything specific.
    The changing of one property in multiple resources is not the problem.  This is easy.  The challenge is the operation in one transaction.   There is a ITransactionManager in the KM Javadoc but this looks like more of an internal class.

    Does this imply that the properties of these selectors can be modified simultaneously?

  • Transactions with multiple weblogic servers

              I've got two weblogic 5.1 sp9 servers running identical copies of my
              application but pointing to different database instances (both Oracle
              8.1.6). I have a transaction which requires creating entity beans on
              both the servers (the first server calls the second in a "b2b"
              In a prior thread someone mentioned that in this scenario, the second
              server will actually use the first server to do all its JDBC work. Could
              someone please explain the rationale behind this to me? If my second
              weblogic server belongs to a different entity, it has no business
              writing to the database on my first machine.
              Is there any way to get this not to happen - would manually suspending
              and resuming the transaction before and after the call to the second
              machine work?

    "Meherzad Gotla" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]...
              > Hi
              > I've got two weblogic 5.1 sp9 servers running identical copies of my
              > application but pointing to different database instances (both Oracle
              > 8.1.6). I have a transaction which requires creating entity beans on
              > both the servers (the first server calls the second in a "b2b"
              > transaction)
              > In a prior thread someone mentioned that in this scenario, the second
              > server will actually use the first server to do all its JDBC work. Could
              > someone please explain the rationale behind this to me?
              Hi Meherzad.
              You're correct, this is the way WebLogic 5.1 works with distributed transactions.
              Release 6.0 introduced a two-phase commit engine that can atomically commit across
              two database instances, whether they're accessed from one or two servers.
              This capability involved significant additions to the server that are too big for a
              5.1 service pack.
              > If my second
              > weblogic server belongs to a different entity, it has no business
              > writing to the database on my first machine.
              > Is there any way to get this not to happen - would manually suspending
              > and resuming the transaction before and after the call to the second
              > machine work?
              Suspending/resuming should "work," but two database updates would not be part of the
              same atomic transaction.
              So one option is to upgrade to WebLogic 6.0/6.1, another is to use a single database
              instance with WebLogic 5.1, and another is to suspend/resume but not have an atomic
              transaction. Sorry, no easy answer...
              > Thanks!
              Hope this helps.
              -- Ed Felt
              BEA Product Engineering
              [email protected]
              +1 908-580-3142

  • Weblogic server 9.2 support for WS-Transaction

              Does Weblogic Server9.2 support WS-Transaction 1.1 ? The WL Server data sheet is not specific about the details of compliance. I am trying to find out if there is support for WS-Coordination, WS-Atomic Transaction and WS-Business Activity in Weblogic Server.
              We need to use the Aqualogic Service Bus 2.6 is a distributed WebService Transaction.

    As I know, the answer is "no".

  • Handling Locking for transaction in Middle Tier versus Database backend

    If we implement middle tier with C# as the programming language and backend as SQL Server database, if we now wanted to implement locking where we take the classic case of money withdrawal from a bank account, we could implement this as a single atomic transaction
    using locks / monitor in the middle tier or we could do this in a stored procedure and handle it using a begin tran commit tran in SQL Server.
    What would be the recommended way? middle tier or sql server database backend?

    > the two different servers having the same middle tier executing the same code at the same time will be handled by the backend by putting one on hold while the other is being serviced.
    Yes.  A SQL Server database provides a single coherent state repository for the whole application.  And you can use the database transactions to control which business transactions run concurrently, and which do not.

  • About web service transaction

    Hello everyone:
    I am a newcomer to web service, but now I have to simulate ws-businessactivity protocol. I don't have any idea about it and where to begin with. I made an survey about JTA and JTS, but it seems this api only supports ws-atomic transaction. And in WSIT tutorial, there is only one example. Besides, someone suggests to use web service callback (asynchronous) technology. I so hope somebody could give me advices about the way how to do this. Thank you very much.

    I haven't found any official info on it, but my simple testing (mainly via ST05) indicates that you should be able to call multiple web services within a single LUW -  there seems to be no implicit "commit work" issued by the framework (unlike remote RFC calls).

  • Advanced Queueing and SQL in same transaction?

    Can Advanced Queueing operations and SQL operations be combined in one atomic transaction? I can't find any reference to this in the Oracle AQ documentation and none of the examples show this. In my application I'm having problems that seem like deadlock when I do combine AQ and SQL in the same transaction. However, when I place them in seperate transactions it works.

    I am also looking for some examples of using SQL/PLSQL w/Advanced Queueing. We currently have the following scenario: One server has non-relational tables; another server has relational tables which house the same data in a relational format. We are looking for a way to migrate the non-relational data to the relational tables and keep the data updated when it changes in the non-relational tables.
    We had considered using materialized views, but, this was ruled out because the non-relational tables are created and dropped on a daily basis.
    My email: [email protected]
    Thanks for any input you may have!

  • Sequential Convoy and Long running transaction: Messages still referenced

    Hi everyone<o:p></o:p>
    Being a BizTalk developer since 2006, this thing still stumps me.<o:p></o:p>
    I have a sequential convoy singleton orchestration that debatches messages using a rcvPipeline. The orchestration is needed in a FIFO scenario. In order to execute a rcvPipeline
    within an orchestration I need to encapsulate it within an atomic transaction scope. <o:p></o:p>
    In order to have an atomic scope the orchestration needs to be long running. I have also encapsulated the atomic transaction within a scope (using long running transactions) to have
    exception handling.
    Everything works fine except for one major detail:
    When the orchestration executes the messages are still in the messagebox. I can even click on the orchestration instance in the MGMT console and look at the message! Tracking is disabled for the receive port as well as for the orchestration. Still, the messages
    does not get cleaned up.
    I have set my DTA-purge to 1 hour and it works fine, but the messages are still in the orchestration.<o:p></o:p>
    My guess is that the long running transactions does not complete (although it looks like they should) and since the transaction is not completed the messages are not removed from
    the message box.
    So, to summarize: Is it possible to combine long running transactions and a singleton orchestration?
    //Mikael Sand (MCTS, ICC 2011) -
    Blog Logica Sweden

    So after a day of looking for the solution it is quite clear that you are right in that the atomic transaction does not commit. I added a compensation block with trace info and it is never hit.
    I also experimented with Isolation level on the atomic transaction and that did nothing.
    Lastly I also made the sendport direct bound and also tried "specify later binding" to a physical port.
    The messages are still being referenced by the orchestration! What can I do to make the atomic transation commit?
    //Mikael Sand (MCTS, ICC 2011) -
    Blog Logica Sweden

  • Invoking Imaging Web Service from BPEL is failing

    My Env is on latest 11g
    I am trying to invoke the Imaging Web Services (http://host:port/imaging/ws/ApplicationService?wsdl)deployed in another Weblogic Server from Bpel. When I tried to invoke this web service with out security credentials it was failing due to access issue.
    I tried invoking  the imaging web service by following below steps.
    Added oracle/wss_http_token_client_policy for Imaging Web service Reference.
    Added these properties in Composite for the reference binding as below.
    <wsp:PolicyReference URI="oracle/wss_http_token_client_policy"
                               orawsp:category="security" orawsp:status="enabled"/>
          <property name="weblogic.wsee.wsat.transaction.flowOption"
                    type="xs:string" many="false">SUPPORTS</property>
          <property name="weblogic.wsee.wsat.transaction.version" type="xs:string"
         <property name="oracle.webservices.auth.username" type="xs:string"
                    many="false" override="may">weblogicxz</property>
          <property name="oracle.webservices.auth.password" type="xs:string"
                    many="false" override="may">welcome111</property>
          <property name="httpBasicUsername">weblogicxz</property>
          <property name="httpBasicPassword">welcome111</property>
    But now While testing my Bpel Flow my reference is failing with below erro. Can you please help me resolving this issue. 
    <part  name="parameters">
    <part  name="summary">
    <summary>MustUnderstand headers:[{}CoordinationContext] are not understood</summary>  
    <part  name="detail">
    <detail> Client received SOAP Fault from server : MustUnderstand headers:[{}CoordinationContext] are not understood</detail>  
    <part  name="code">

    I don't think it is failing due to access issue, I think it is failing because one of the parts is NOT configured to use WS-AT (WS-Atomic Transactions)...
    MustUnderstand headers:[{}CoordinationContext] are not understood
    Why did you add this?
          <property name="weblogic.wsee.wsat.transaction.flowOption"
                    type="xs:string" many="false">SUPPORTS</property>
          <property name="weblogic.wsee.wsat.transaction.version" type="xs:string"

  • Issue while calling WS from Bpel

    Hi ,
    I am calling a WS fom Bpel , this WS is based on ADF Bc service , I am getting below error :
    java.lang.Exception: oracle.sysman.emSDK.webservices.wsdlapi.SoapTestException:
    Failed state during prepare of WS-AT XAResource:WSATXAResource:
    We need WS-AT support in the communication.
    Please suggest.

    Did anyone find the reason for this error message and a possible solution?
    I have 2 web service calls from a BPEL process both of which are set to transaction level of 'SUPPORTS'.
    The web services both are enabled for Atomic transaction.
    I am getting the exception Failed state during prepare of WS-AT XAResource:WSATXAResource:
    I tried the suggestions listed above with the same result.
    Any help would be great.

  • FatalUserException / One-Many relation relinking

    Hello all,
    I have a problem with one-many relations and relinking... Let's have a
    relation one-many between class Task and itself (classic parent-children
    Initial Context
    - T1 has 2 child (T2, T3)
    What i need to do : move T3 as child of T2 to have :
    - T1 has 1 child (T2)
    - T2 has one child (T3)
    How i do it (using a global transaction) :
    // unlinking T3 from T1
    T1.parent = null;
    // relink T3 to T2
    T1.parent = T2;
    I get this exception :
    Attempt to set column "TASK.parent" to two different values: (class
    java.lang.String)"T2", (null)"null" This can occur when you fail to set
    both sides of a two-sided relation between objects, or when you map
    different fields to the same column, but you do not keep the values of
    these fields in synch.
    When i test without a global transaction like this :
    // unlinking T3 from T1
    T1.parent = null;
    // relink T3 to T2
    T1.parent = T2;
    With atomic transaction, everything is always fine. My problem is that I
    need to use global transaction because I need a global rollback and only
    one commit per big process, so I can't use atomic transactions (atomic
    commits takes too much time comparing to a global one) as this :
    Here we're in a particular case where I need to relink a task from a
    parent to its brother. In cases where new parent and old one have no
    close links, global transactions work fine, so this exception is not
    always thrown, which seems pretty weird to me.
    Working case using global transaction :
    a) initial context
    T1 have 1 child(T2)
    T3 have 0 child
    b) actions
    moving T2 to T3 with global transaction
    c) result
    T1 have 0 child
    T3 have 1 child(T2)
    This is very problematic and strange to me, so any help is welcomed...

    Looks like you use parent/children relationsheep wrongly. Try this instead:
    // unlinking T3 from T1
    //T1.parent = null;
    // relink T3 to T2
    //T1.parent = T2;
    T3.parent = T2;
    "Thomas cornet" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    Hello all,
    I have a problem with one-many relations and relinking... Let's have a
    relation one-many between class Task and itself (classic parent-children
    Initial Context
    - T1 has 2 child (T2, T3)
    What i need to do : move T3 as child of T2 to have :
    - T1 has 1 child (T2)
    - T2 has one child (T3)
    How i do it (using a global transaction) :
    // unlinking T3 from T1
    T1.parent = null;
    // relink T3 to T2
    T1.parent = T2;
    I get this exception :
    Attempt to set column "TASK.parent" to two different values: (class
    java.lang.String)"T2", (null)"null" This can occur when you fail to set
    both sides of a two-sided relation between objects, or when you map
    different fields to the same column, but you do not keep the values of
    these fields in synch.
    When i test without a global transaction like this :
    // unlinking T3 from T1
    T1.parent = null;
    // relink T3 to T2
    T1.parent = T2;
    With atomic transaction, everything is always fine. My problem is that I
    need to use global transaction because I need a global rollback and only
    one commit per big process, so I can't use atomic transactions (atomic
    commits takes too much time comparing to a global one) as this :
    Here we're in a particular case where I need to relink a task from a
    parent to its brother. In cases where new parent and old one have no
    close links, global transactions work fine, so this exception is not
    always thrown, which seems pretty weird to me.
    Working case using global transaction :
    a) initial context
    T1 have 1 child(T2)
    T3 have 0 child
    b) actions
    moving T2 to T3 with global transaction
    c) result
    T1 have 0 child
    T3 have 1 child(T2)
    This is very problematic and strange to me, so any help is welcomed...

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