Attaching a Discoverer Private Connection via role

Is it possible to define a discoverer viewer private connection that everyone attached to a specific role can view? So far we have seen that a private connection needs to be attached to a username and this can be very problematic if you have 600 users.

I hope this can helu u!!!
* DISCLAIMER: You may be use this AS-IS. There is no support involved=
* you may use at your own risk.
* AUTHOR : Caroline Cintra
* DATE : 27-FEB-03
* PURPOSE : Currently there is no means provided to create Discoverer c=
* (public or private) in a programmatical way. The below PLS=
* package is used to create private connections in Oracle9iAS=
Release 2
* 9.0.2.x.
* Private connections are defined on a per user basis specify=
ing the
* user/pwd/connect string to run a Discoverer Report through =
* This can be called in a batch program to create multiple Di=
* connections in bulk.
* This package must be owned by ORASSO.
-- Error code returned when exceptions are raised in this package
g_error_code NUMBER := -20220;
-- Variables used to handle Discoverer private connections (fix values)=
g_subscriber_id orasso.wwsso_psex_user_info$.subscriber_id%TYPE := 1;
g_app_id orasso.wwsso_psex_user_info$.app_id%TYPE := '1325';
g_app_creator orasso.wwsso_psex_user_info$.app_creator%TYPE := 'ORASSO_DS';
* p_sso_username IN orasso.wwsso_psex_user_info$.sso_username%type
*     Oracle Single Sign On user name
* p_db_username IN orasso.wwsso_psex_user_info$.app_username%type
* Discoverer (DW) database username
* p_db_password IN orasso.wwsso_psex_user_info$.app_password%type
* Discoverer (DW) database password
* p_eul IN orasso.wwsso_psex_user_info$.fval1%type
* Discoverer End User Layer in the <p_db_username> sc=
* p_conn_name IN orasso.wwsso_psex_user_info$.fval1%type
* Name of the Discoverer private connection being cre=
* p_conn_desc IN orasso.wwsso_psex_user_info$.fval1%type
* Name of the Discoverer private connection being cre=
* p_db_name IN orasso.wwsso_psex_user_info$.fval1%type
* Discoverer (DW) database name
* (tnsnames entry defined in the server)
* 'JP111111' -- p_sso_username
* , 'global_user' -- p_db_username
* , 'global_user_pwd' -- p_db_password
* , 'EUL9I' -- p_eul
* , 'default_priv_conn' -- p_conn_name
* , 'Connection created via API' -- p_conn_name
* , 'devap' -- p_db_name
* 1) This procedure does not perform a COMMIT of the database transac=
* it executes. The reaon for this decision is the fact that this
* procedure is designed to be called as part of a Single Sign On u=
* set up. Therefore, the database operations performed here must o=
* be commited when the user set up entire process was successful.
* 2) If there is a problem creating the connection (e.g. this connect=
* already exists), an application exception is raised with the err=
* code of DISCO_PRIV_CONN.g_error_code.
p_sso_username IN orasso.wwsso_psex_user_info$.sso_username%TYPE
, p_db_username IN orasso.wwsso_psex_user_info$.app_username%TYPE
, p_db_password IN orasso.wwsso_psex_user_info$.app_password%TYPE
, p_eul IN orasso.wwsso_psex_user_info$.fval1%TYPE
, p_conn_name IN orasso.wwsso_psex_user_info$.fval1%TYPE
, p_conn_desc IN orasso.wwsso_psex_user_info$.fval1%TYPE
, p_db_name IN orasso.wwsso_psex_user_info$.fval1%TYPE
* p_fld_index IN orasso.wwsso_psex_user_info$.fld_index%type
* Connection identifier
* 'a170' -- p_fld_index
* 1) This procedure does not perform a COMMIT of the database transac=
* it executes. The reaon for this decision is the fact that this
* procedure is designed to be called as part of more complex
* processes. Therefore, the database operations performed here mus=
* only be commited when the complete process was successful.
* 2) If there is a problem creating the connection (no connection was=
* found based on the input parameters), an application exception i=
* raised with the error code of DISCO_PRIV_CONN.g_error_code.
p_fld_index IN orasso.wwsso_psex_user_info$.fld_index%TYPE
* p_fld_index IN orasso.wwsso_psex_user_info$.fld_index%type
* Connection identifier
* p_new_password IN orasso.wwsso_psex_user_info$.app_password%type
* Discoverer (DW) database new password
* 'a170' -- p_fld_index
* , 'new_global_user_pwd' -- p_new_password
* 1) This procedure does not perform a COMMIT of the database transac=
* it executes. The reaon for this decision is the fact that this
* procedure is designed to be called as part of more complex
* processes. Therefore, the database operations performed here mus=
* only be commited when the complete process was successful.
* 2) If there is a problem creating the connection (no connection was=
* found based on the input parameters), an application exception i=
* raised with the error code of DISCO_PRIV_CONN.g_error_code.
p_fld_index IN orasso.wwsso_psex_user_info$.fld_index%TYPE
     , p_new_password IN orasso.wwsso_psex_user_info$.app_password%TYPE
* p_fld_index IN orasso.wwsso_psex_user_info$.fld_index%type
* Connection identifier
* p_new_password IN orasso.wwsso_psex_user_info$.app_password%type
* Discoverer (DW) database new password
* The connection unique identifier (wwsso_psex_user_info$.fld_index)
* 'JP111111' -- sso_username
* , 'my_connection' -- p_conn_name
p_sso_username IN orasso.wwsso_psex_user_info$.sso_username%TYPE
     , p_conn_name IN orasso.wwsso_psex_user_info$.fval1%TYPE
p_sso_username IN orasso.wwsso_psex_user_info$.sso_username%TYPE
, p_db_username IN orasso.wwsso_psex_user_info$.app_username%TYPE
, p_db_password IN orasso.wwsso_psex_user_info$.app_password%TYPE
, p_eul IN orasso.wwsso_psex_user_info$.fval1%TYPE
, p_conn_name IN orasso.wwsso_psex_user_info$.fval1%TYPE
, p_conn_desc IN orasso.wwsso_psex_user_info$.fval1%TYPE
, p_db_name IN orasso.wwsso_psex_user_info$.fval1%TYPE
) IS
orasso.wwsso_psex_user_info$ (
, sso_username
, app_id
, app_creator
, fld_index
, app_username
, app_password
, user_prefs
, fname1, fval1, fname2, fval2 , fname3, fval3, fname4, fval4
, fname5, fval5, fname6, fval6, fname7, fval7, fname8, fval8
, fname9, fval9
g_subscriber_id -- subscriber_id
, p_sso_username -- sso_username
, g_app_id -- app_id
, g_app_creator -- app_creator
, 'a' || orasso.wwsso_jps_seq.NEXTVAL -- fld_index
, orasso.wwsso_api_private.ENCRYPT_STRING(p_db_username) -- app=_username
, orasso.wwsso_api_private.ENCRYPT_STRING(p_db_password) -- app=_password
, '' -- user_prefs
, 'discard_password' -- fname1
, 'false' -- fval1
, 'eul' -- fname2
, p_eul -- fval2
, 'connection_name' -- fname3
, p_conn_name -- fval3
, 'show_details' -- fname4
, 'true' -- fval4
, 'database' -- fname5
, p_db_name -- fval5
, 'description' -- fname6
, p_conn_desc -- fval6
, 'default_locale' -- fname7
, 'en-US' -- fval7
, 'null' -- fname8
, 'null' -- fval8
, 'null' -- fname9
, 'null' -- fval9
     -- If there is a problem, raise exception
p_fld_index IN orasso.wwsso_psex_user_info$.fld_index%TYPE
) IS
     l_rowid ROWID := '0';
INTO l_rowid
     FROM orasso.wwsso_psex_user_info$
     WHERE fld_index = p_fld_index;
DELETE FROM orasso.wwsso_psex_user_info$
WHERE ROWID = l_rowid;
     -- If there is a problem, raise exception
               , 'Discoverer private connection to be deleted does not exist.'
               , TRUE);
               , 'Too many Discoverer private connections were found (delete).'
               , TRUE);
p_fld_index IN orasso.wwsso_psex_user_info$.fld_index%TYPE
     , p_new_password IN orasso.wwsso_psex_user_info$.app_password%TYPE
) IS
     l_rowid ROWID := '0';
INTO l_rowid
     FROM orasso.wwsso_psex_user_info$
     WHERE fld_index = p_fld_index;
UPDATE orasso.wwsso_psex_user_info$
SET app_password = orasso.wwsso_api_private.ENCRYPT_STRING(p_new_password)
WHERE ROWID = l_rowid;
     -- If there is a problem, raise exception
RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(g_error_code,'Discoverer private connec=
tion TO be updated does NOT exist.',TRUE);
RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(g_error_code,'Too many Discoverer priva=
te connections were FOUND (UPDATE).',TRUE);
p_sso_username IN orasso.wwsso_psex_user_info$.sso_username%TYPE
     , p_conn_name IN orasso.wwsso_psex_user_info$.fval1%TYPE
     identifier orasso.wwsso_psex_user_info$.fval1%TYPE;
SELECT fld_index
INTO identifier
     FROM orasso.wwsso_psex_user_info$
     sso_username = p_sso_username
          AND app_id = g_app_id
          AND p_conn_name = DECODE(
          , 'connection_name'
                                   , fval1
                                   , DECODE(
                                   , 'connection_name'
                                   , fval2
                                   , DECODE(
                                        , 'connection_name'
                                        , fval3
                                        , DECODE(
                                        , 'connection_name'
                                        , fval4
                                        , DECODE(
                                        , 'connection_name'
                                        , fval5
                                        , DECODE(
                                        , 'connection_name'
                                        , fval6
                                             , DECODE(
                                        , 'connection_name'
                                        , fval7
                                                  , DECODE(
                                        , 'connection_name'
                                        , fval8
                                                  , DECODE(
                                        , 'connection_name'
                                        , fval9
                                                  , 'INVALIDVALUE'
                                                       ) --fname9
                                                  ) --fname8
                                             ) --fname7
                                             ) --fname7
                                             ) --fname5
                                        ) --fname4
                                        ) --fname3
                                   ) --fname2
); --fname1
     RETURN identifier;
     -- If there is a problem, raise exception
               , 'Discoverer private connection not found (select).'
               , TRUE);
               , 'Too many Discoverer private connections were found (select).'
               , TRUE);

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    Hi Saliha
    Presumably you are using Discoverer in stand-alone mode? in this mode private connections are stored as cookies on the client machine. This is done for security purposes. Is your user's laptop somehow setup to automatically delete cookies? If so, try disabling this.
    Another option would be to use a connection on a desktop machine that is permanently attached to your network.
    However, the correct way to have private connections stay permanent is to use a full-blown application server with an Infrastructure database. If you also enable SSO then even the password will be remembered.
    I hope this helps
    Best wishes
    Michael Armstrong-Smith

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    If creating the connections ahead of time, why not use the CAPI script. In the past (9.0.2 time frame) before Oracle created the CAPI utility, there was a plsql script floating around,but I would use CAPI since it is the supported utility.
    Any manual manipulation of the tables could introduce corruption and leave you in an unsupported state or situation where you have to restore from backup.
    There are a few caveats with CAPI that I have run into.. these MetaLink documents may help you avoid them:
    463346.1     Private Connections Not Displayed When Created With CAPI
    This one is especially trick as putting enableAppsSSOConnection="true" in the configuration.xml if you are not integrating with E-BS SSO is not intuitive, but it indeed needs to be there.419805.1     Creating A Private Connection With The Discoverer Connections API (CAPI) Fails With 'Error message 'Problem in Authenticating the request. Check Username/Password ...'
    They syntax is in the Release Notes.
    Other comments welcomed.

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    What model iPad?
    What model computer and OS version>
    AirDrop requires:
    What you need
    To share content with AirDrop, both people need one of these devices using iOS 7 or later, or a Mac with OS X Yosemite:
    iPhone 5 or later
    iPad (4th generation or later)
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    You also need to turn on Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. If you want to share with your contacts, sign in to your iCloud account.
    Learn more about using AirDrop to share with people using a Mac with Yosemite.
    Use AirDrop to wirelessly share content - Apple Support
    System Requirements
    To see if your Mac works with AirDrop, make sure you’re in the Finder by clicking the desktop (the background area of your screen), or by clicking the Finder icon in the Dock. Then, check to see if AirDrop is listed as an option in the Go menu. If you don't see AirDrop listed, your Mac doesn't support this feature.
    In order to transfer files between a Mac and and an iPhone, iPad or iPod touch
    your iOS device needs to include a lightning connector
    your iOS device needs iOS 7 or later installed
    your Mac needs to be a 2012 or later model with OS X Yosemite installed
    Your Mac and iOS device both need bluetooth and Wi-Fi turned on. You do not have to be connected to a specific Wi-Fi network.
    To transfer files between two Mac computers, you need the Mac models listed below with Wi-Fi turned on and OS X Lion or later installed.
    MacBook Pro (Late 2008 or newer)*
    MacBook Air (Late 2010 or newer)
    MacBook (Late 2008 or newer)*
    iMac (Early 2009 or newer)
    Mac Mini (Mid 2010 or newer)
    Mac Pro (Early 2009 with AirPort Extreme card, or Mid 2010)
    *The MacBook Pro (17-Inch Late 2008) and the white MacBook (Late 2008) do not support AirDrop.
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    Mac Basics: AirDrop lets you send files from your Mac to nearby Macs and iOS devices - Apple Support
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    Thanks for your help. Here's what I've done before reading your e-mail. The D-Link DI-524 wireless router is connected to the Effiicent Neworks DSL router as you mentioned. One ethernet port of the EFF.Net. router is connected to the WAN port of the DI-514.
    Because I have a D-Link router at home which works flawlessly with my powerbook, I decided to connect the ethernet cable of the powerbook to the D-Link which has 4 ethernet ports. Lo and behold, the powerbook acquired a private ip address and connected to the LAN and internet!
    When I connected the powerbook direct to the Efficient Networks router, it could not communicate. I believe that there must be some software incompatibility between the powerbook and the Efficient Networks router. By connecting to the D-Link, the D-Link assigned an ip address to the powerbook, and it could connect to the server, lan, etc..
    Only problem is that I have a Brother network printer that cannot connect to the powerbook. My powerbook cannot find it on the network. Because there is a linksys switch connected to the efficient networks router's third ethernet port, maybe as you said, going through the D-Link via DHCP (when the Linksys is also acting as a DHCP server, might cause this type of problem. What do you think?
    As a final note, other imac G5's connected to the linksys switch (which then connects to the Efficient Network's router) have no problem connecting to the lan or internet and have no problem connecting to any of the printers. When I put the powerbook on that switch, I could not connect to the internet - i.e. whether connecting via the lynksys switch or direct with the efficient networks router - same results: no internet connection whether manually or via DHCP.
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    Having spent hours reading about network problems, I think it's safe to say that macs have problems with certain routers. Why a G5 works and a powerbook G4 doesn't is beyond me, but clearly software must play a role.

  • Automatically/Programmatically setting private connection in portlets

    We are creating a BI dashboard with Discoverer Relational 10g and Portal 10g (latest versions). Our dashoard consists of approximately 15 portlets.
    We have opted for private connections in which each portal user connects using his own private connection and the VPD is used for data security. We have been able to use the scripts to programmatically create 1 private connection per user.
    Is there a way to avoid that each of the 50 users have to "customize" each of the 15 portlets to choose their one and only private connection from the list of connections before they see their own data. Please note that we cannot show default data as the data is specific to the user.
    we need a way of programmatically preset the connections of each portlet for each user so that the see the data as soon as they enter instead of us spending all the time to explain all the users how to set the connection and then each of them spending time choosing the connections.
    Has anyone come up with a solution?
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Goga
    Let's look at your points in turn.
    1> You do need to create a database user, granting necessary privileges and sharing required workbooks
    2> Yes you do need to have an OID entry for the single sign on piece. Personally I'd use the same username for both single sign-on and the database. It will be far easier for the users, and for you who has to manage it. Thus if a user leaves you will be removing / disabling the same user in both environments
    3> You will need to have a private connection for each user. This cannot be done through OEM and can either be done online as you suggest or scriptually using CAPI or using your own script. I know of a company that has created a front-end to Discoverer such that when the user enters their SSO username correctly the system checks to see if a private connection exists for ths user - you can do this if the accounts have the same name - and then creates the connection on the fly if no such account exists. Because the user has a database role they will see all reports shared with them using the role. By the way, the connections are stored in this table in the infrastructure: wwsso_psex_user_info$
    4> This is the one that has me confused too. I've been trying to think if there was a way to allow portlets to be accessed using a user's private connection automatically. There isn't exactly. I've been reading the Publising Workbooks in Oracle Application Server guide (page 3-23) and it seems to suggest a way. Here is what it says:
    If you choose connections other than the Publisher’s Connection to display data
    or allow users to choose their own connection, only those connections that have access to the worksheet defined in the portlet will be able to see it. For example, you create a worksheet portlet using worksheet MyWorkbook.sheet1 and choose the Publisher’s Connection to be user SCOTT and you allow users to customize their database connection. The user SCOTT has shared the MyWorkbook workbook to user MARY but not to user FRED. When user MARY customizes the portlet to use her connection, she will see the contents of MyWorkbook.sheet1. If user FRED customizes the portlet to use his connection he will get an error stating that he does not have access to the worksheet.
    This might just be the clue. I think its worth a try. Please let me know how you get on.
    Best wishes

  • Private Connections with Portal

    According to this:
    We can create a gauge to use a Private Connection maintained by a user. When I try to do this, I only see the Public Connections.
    I've logged into SSO, then changed the URL to http://server/discoverer/plus and created a prvivate connection. Then in Portal, I've created a Gauge Portlet but in the Publisher's Connection drop down list, I don't see any Private connections.
    Is the doc wrong? If not, what steps do you need to take in order to expose a Private Connection for a Discoverer item in Portal?

    Hi Jon
    You must not enable SSO for the /discoverer/portlet provider. Discoverer relies on OracleAS Portal to protect the /discoverer/portlet provider URL. You're probably not doing this but just in case, do not specify the Location value as /discoverer, as follows:
    <Location /discoverer>
    require valid-user
    AuthType Basic
    Also, make sure that the OssoIPCheck parameter value in the mod_osso.conf file is set to off.
    To specify that users only see the data they can access with their SSO username:
    In the Users Logged In region of the Select Database Connections setup page for the Discoverer Worksheet Portlet, specify the following connection options:
    a) Select the Use Database connection radio button and specify a Discoverer connection. Note that the connection you specify must be a public connection.
    b) Select the Display different data per user check box.
    c) Select the Use specified database connection but run a separate query per user radio button.
    When you select the above options, Discoverer passes the worksheet portlet user's SSO username to the database. A VPD policy can then use the SSO username to restrict the data that is returned to the worksheet portlet.
    Further, If you use OracleAS Web Cache to cache Discoverer Viewer pages, note that caching for Discoverer does not work if Single Sign-on is enabled.
    Discoverer only uses the SSO identity to determine what data is accessible. Discoverer uses database usernames and roles internally to manage business area access, workbook sharing, and scheduling. In other words, if you create a VPD policy for an SSO user, Discoverer does not restrict the list of workbooks that it displays based on the SSO identity. Discoverer will display all workbooks available to the current username/database connection regardless of the SSO username that was used to login. However, the SSO user will only be able to view worksheet data that conforms to the VPD policy defined for that SSO user.
    I hope this helps
    Best wishes
    Michael Armstrong-Smith

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    How do you read and display a signal from my a miccrontroller (MCB1700) onto labview connected via a CAN port on a PXI machine?
    I tried using a DAQ Assistant but the CAN port is not included as one of the supported physical channels even though all its drivers are upto date.
    Please help..
    Go to Solution.

    Attached herewith is a print screen of what is showing on MAX
    The CAN ports are on NI PXI-8461
    Hopefully that clarrifies something.
    Untitled.png ‏212 KB
    Untitled.png ‏212 KB

  • Cannot connect via cable on Windows XP home SP2

    Good Afternoon,
    Maybe you can assist me here.
    I cannot connect via cable my N91 (4 gb hdd) to Windows XP Home SP2. I can however connect via cable to my work computer which has the OS Windows XP Pro sp2.
    In both cases both OS's are up to date, I have updated the phone OS to v2.10.013 RM-43. I am using the most up to date drivers that is available on as well as the current ed of PC Suite (
    The following is the steps I followed in both cases starting with XP Pro
    1. Installed Drivers
    2. Installed PC Suite
    3. When prompted by PC Suite connected Phone via cable to Computer, further install steps were required. No reboot required. PC Suite then picked up phone
    XP Home
    Followed steps 1 + 2 in the same order
    3. Connected N91 to XP Home computer, after driver install activity rebooted computer as requested. Disconnected N91 On reboot to desktop, in PC Suite I clicked on Get connected. Select Cable connection when prompted attached cable to computer and then to phone, on the phone select PC Suite. .
    At this point I get the hour glass and nothing happens, Next is ghosted. It has been like this for 20 mins.
    I have uninstalled both the drivers and the software. For some reason the updater can connect to the phone.
    Can you advise on what I can do.

    Sounds lik ethe PC is having issues seeing it. Try this
    Try this first:
    1. Go to Windows' Control Panel and open "Add or Remove Programs" application.
    3. Select "PC Connectivity Solution", click "Change" and then "Repair".
    4. After Repair, restart PC

  • Error while attaching PDF to FI doc via SAP services

    I am calling SCMS_DOC_CREATE_FILES funtion module to attach PDF to FI doc via SAP services and SAP internally calling standard function 'HTTP_POST_FILESu2019 with RFC_DESTINATION u2018SAPHTTPAu2019 and returned error due to connection fail.
    RFC DESTINATION SAPHTTPA checked and   its working fine.
    call function 'HTTP_POST_FILES' destination rfc_destination
          uri                   = absolute_uri
          path                  = component_path
          proxy                 = proxy
          trace                 = http_trace
          prefix                = component_prefix
          user                  = user
          pwd                   = password
          status                = status_code
          stext                 = stext
          error                 = cerror
          etext                 = comp_err
          resp                  = response_entity_body
          resphead             = response_headers
          reqhead               = request_headers
          comp                  = components
          compx_255             = componentsx
          system_failure        = 1  message msg
          communication_failure = 2  message msg.
         output:   Sy-subrc is 0 and status_code is '403'
    response_entity_body internal table return the below error information:-
    -     HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
    -     Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
    -     X-ErrorDescription: Genuine channels operation exception: Can not connect to the remote host "gtcp://". System error message: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it
    -     Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8                           Date: Tue, 08 Nov 2011 21:36:02 GMT
    -     Connection: close
    Please help i am not to able find the reason why i am getting status_code is '403' and RFC failed.
    Edited by: Sireesha_SAP on Nov 10, 2011 8:53 PM
    Edited by: Sireesha_SAP on Nov 10, 2011 10:16 PM

    I would like to know what font type, you are using in the forms.
    Ideally it should be HELVETICA .
    If you are using any other font in your style/form,try changing it to HELVETICA & Test.
    Also Check the OTF data at the call of gen. FM,before converting it to PDF.
    Edited by: abheesawant on Oct 12, 2011 7:48 AM

  • When my iPhone is connected (via the Lightning cable) to the usb port in my car, the alert tones are no longer played through the car speaker or the phone.  This previously worked, but has randomly stopped working, help!

    When my iPhone is connected (via the Lightning cable) to the usb port in my car, the alert tones are no longer played through the car speaker or the phone.  This previously worked, but has randomly stopped working. help!

    I took my iPhone to the Service center of M/s RSG INFOTECH PRIVATE LIMITED on April 17, 2014.
    Why are you posting in this forum about what occured with an independent service provider?  How is is at all relevant to Apple??  In fact, service by any person or business not authorized by Apple voids any waranty.


    I have enabled SSO for Discoverer. So when you browse to http://host:port/discoverer/viewer you get prompted for your SSO
    username/password. I have enabled users to create their own private
    connections. I log in as portal and created a private connection. I then from
    Oracle Portal create a portlet and add a discoverer worksheet using the private
    connection that I created as the portal user. This works fine...users access
    the portal they can see the worksheet. When they click the analyze link, the
    users are prompted to enter a password for the private connection. The
    following message is displayed:
    The item you are requesting requires you to enter a password. This could occur because this is a private connection or
    because the public connection password was invalid. Please enter the correct
    password now to continue.
    I originally created a public connection...and then follow the same steps from Oracle portal to create the portlet and display the
    worksheet. Worksheet is displayed properly from Portal, when users click the
    analyze link they are taken to Discoverer Viewer without having to enter a
    password. The problem with this is that when a user browses to
    http://host:port/discoverer/viewer they enter their SSO information and then
    any user with an SSO account can see the public connection...very insecure!
    When private connections are used, no connection information is displayed to
    SSO users when logging into Discoverer Viewer.
    For the very first step, when editing the Worksheet portlet from Portal, I enter the following for Database
    Publisher: I choose either the private or public connection that I created
    Users Logged In: Display same data to all users using connection (Publisher's Connection)
    Users Not Logged In: Do no display data
    My question is what are the best practices for creating Discoverer Database
    Is there a way to create a public connection, but not display it in at http://host:port/discoverer/viewer?
    Can I restrict access to http://host:port/discoverer/viewer to specific SSO users?
    So overall, I want roughly 40 users to have access to my Portal Page Group. I then want to
    display portlets with Discoverer worksheets. Certain worksheets I want to have
    the ability to display the analyze link. When the SSO user clicks on this they
    will be taken to Discoverer Viewer and prompted for no logon information. All
    SSO users will see the same data...there is no need to restrict access based on
    SSO username...1 database user will be set up in either the public or private

    You can make it happen by creating a private connection for 40 users by capi script and when creating portlet select 2nd option in Users Logged in section. In this the portlet uses there own private connection every time user logs in.
    So that it won't ask for password.
    Another thing is there is an option of entering password or not in ASC in discoverer section, if your version Let me know if you need more information

  • Can't connect via Ethernet

    I have an iMac G5 iSight and have been using Airport successfully to connect to the Internet via a DW6000 satellite modem. Since I have now retired and will no longer be using a Powerbook, I decided to stop using Airport and attempted to connect via a hardwired cable from the iMac to the Modem. It refuses to work. The settings show that it has acquired the correct address from my provider and is properly connected to Direcway via DHCP. I have rebooted the modem and the computer, renewed the DHCP licence all to no avail. The information says that although the Ethernet port is active, it has an internal address and cannot be connected to the Internet.
    By the way, I was able to connect to the Internet via Airport or Ethernet with my G4 Powerbook. But I can't do it via Ethernet with the iMac.
    What can I do to get this working?

    Problem resolved!
    I don't know what the problem was. I just tried again. This time I did not reboot the computer. I shut down the modem, attached the Ethernet cable and fired it up again and this time I was connected!
    So I really don't have an answer except that it just decided to start working.

  • X240 (Win 8.1) w/ Ultra Dock and two external monitors connected via DisplayPort problem

    I'm having trouble making this combination work. This Ultra Dock does have two DP connectors, computer sees both external monitors (HP ZR24w) but I cannot get any picture on both at the same time using DP. Sometimes one display does work, but that is not always working.
    When I connect same monitors via VGA/DSUB and DP (with Lenovo DPtoDVI converter) I can get this to work - both same time - , but I'd prefer them both digital and both native DP as both monitors do have that port.
    Ultra Dock does already have the latest firmware and this problem seems to not relate to the flickering problem with T440 etc. X240 is also running latest UEFI/BIOS and I've also tried latest Intel Beta display driver, no effect.

    shelmers wrote:
    W520 with Win 7 Pro
    Minidock Plus Series 3
    Two Asus monitors attached via DVI
    Let me start by saying that the internal and both external monitors work simultaneously. However, getting to that state is the problem.
    I can boot successfully with the laptop in the dock with 1) just the internal monitor, or 2) the internal and one external monitor connected.
    However, if I try to boot with both monitors connected via DVI, the following happens:
    Windows logon screen appears -- but there is no cursor on the screen
    I enter the password and the login continues for 30-60 seconds, then
    Blue screen SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION for nvlddmkm.sys with STOP x0000003B
    Lenovo has replaced the dock with no change in behavior.
    Drivers and BIOS are current.
    Most recent change was to set BIOS so Win 7 automatically detects Nvidia Optimus.
    At this point, my best workaround is to disconnect one external monitor whenever I need to reboot, and then connect it again after everything is runing. Not terrible... but it really shouldn't be necessary. Any suggestions?
    If you want to drive the monitors in the manner stated, the BIOS Display property must be set to Discrete and the auto detection below it must be disabled.

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