Attribute use in ODS?

I used a KF n Characteristic as attribute to another characteristic which is a KEY for my ODS.
Now, should I also add the KF and Characteristic in question to the "data field" section, because as they are already used as attributes for my KEY characteristic?

Hi Pradeep,
R u loading this data from ODS to any other targer.r u doing any reporting on this ods or on other target.
if so...there are 2 senerios.
1. If u want to see the present truth of KF value in reports, no need to add thsi to ODS.
And if u want to do drildown, make it as nav. attr.
2. If u want the fact (the value when the transaction had done)in the report , u need to add it in the ODS.
Hope this heilp.

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    Hi Ramesh,
    Thanks for quick reply.
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    Yes , you are write .If we go with overwrite, in case of V3 unserialized as update method, then we may get inconsistancy.
    But remember that we use ODS , in LO, as the staging area. So that we can give document level(detail level ) reports for limited data. That means we can jump from reports of cube to Reports of ODS.
    With rgds,
    Anil Kumar Sharma .P

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    Hi RK,
    According to your description, you want to get a list of the tables and attributes used in all reports.
    In your scenario, you can query the ReportServer.dbo.Catalog table to get Report name, data source name, dataset name, and query used in the dataset with query below:
    SELECT ReportName = name
    ,DataSetName = x.value('(@Name)[1]', 'VARCHAR(250)')
    ,DataSourceName = x.value('(Query/DataSourceName)[1]','VARCHAR(250)')
    ,CommandText = x.value('(Query/CommandText)[1]','VARCHAR(250)')
    ,Fields = df.value('(@Name)[1]','VARCHAR(250)')
    ,DataField = df.value('(DataField)[1]','VARCHAR(250)')
    ,DataType = df.value('(rd:TypeName)[1]','VARCHAR(250)')
    --,ConnectionString = x.value('(ConnectionProperties/ConnectString)[1]','VARCHAR(250)')
    FROM ReportServer.dbo.Catalog C
    WHERE C.Content is not null
    AND C.Type = 2
    ) a
    CROSS APPLY reportXML.nodes('/Report/DataSets/DataSet') r ( x )
    CROSS APPLY x.nodes('Fields/Field') f(df)
    ORDER BY name
    For more information, please refer to this similar thread:
    Extract metadata from report server database
    If you have any question, please feel free to ask.
    Best regards,
    Qiuyun Yu
    Qiuyun Yu
    TechNet Community Support

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    In a standard ODS object, data is stored in different versions (active, delta, modified), whereas a transactional ODS object contains the data in a single version.  Therefore, data is stored in precisely the same form in which it was written to the transactional ODS object by the application. In BW, you can use a transaction ODS object as a data target for an analysis process. The transactional ODS object is also required by diverse applications, such as SAP Strategic Enterprise Management (SEM) for example, as well as other external applications.Transactional ODS objects allow data to be available quickly. The data from this kind of ODS object is accessed transactionally, that is, data is written to the ODS object (possibly by several users at the same time) and reread as soon as possible.
    It offers no replacement for the standard ODS object. Instead, an additional function displays those that can be used for special applications.

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    public class A {
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    I have filed a bug to have this addressed in Oracle TopLink 11gR1. I would recommend you file a bug against TopLink Essentials in GlassFish or if you have a support contract report the issue to metalink to have the issue resolved.
    If this is urgent I did try fixing the issue with a small helper method using some reflection. This method is simplified through its throwing of Exception. If you wish to use something like this I would recommend proper error handling.
         * Helper method for cloning an entity and fixing the woven value-holders to
         * complete a proper shallow cloning.
        public static Employee clone(Employee entity) throws Exception {
           Employee clone = entity.clone();
           // Now fix the cloned ValueHolder references
           Field[] fields = entity.getClass().getDeclaredFields();
           for (int index = 0; index < fields.length; index++) {
               Field field = fields[index];
               if (field.getName().startsWith("_toplink_")) {
                   ValueHolderInterface vhi = (ValueHolderInterface)field.get(entity);
                   Object value = vhi.isInstantiated() ? vhi.getValue() : null;
                   field.set(clone, new ValueHolder(value));
           return clone;

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    at com.sun.identity.idm.plugins.ldapv3.LDAPv3Repo.addListener(
    at com.sun.identity.idm.server.IdServicesImpl.getAllConfiguredPlugins(
    at com.sun.identity.idm.server.IdServicesImpl.getFullyQualifiedNames(
    at com.sun.identity.idm.server.IdCachedServicesImpl.getFullyQualifiedNames(
    at com.sun.identity.idm.AMIdentity.getFullyQualifiedNames(
    at com.sun.identity.idm.AMIdentity.equals(
    at com.sun.identity.delegation.DelegationEvaluator.isAllowed(
    at com.sun.identity.idm.server.IdServicesImpl.checkPermission(
    at com.sun.identity.idm.server.IdServicesImpl.setAttributes(
    at com.sun.identity.idm.server.IdCachedServicesImpl.setAttributes(
    at ProcessAuth.main(
    Caused by: java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find bundle for base name amLDAPv3Repo, locale en_US
    at java.util.ResourceBundle.throwMissingResourceException(
    at java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundleImpl(
    at java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundle(
    at com.sun.identity.idm.plugins.ldapv3.LDAPv3Bundle.<clinit>(
    ... 13 more
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    Thanks for a response Aaron !
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    Hi, These db's are recently migrated from back end. Are there any issues with the db's?

  • Can I grant permission to write in specific attributes using security groups

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    so instead of grant delegate permissions to the OU
    Can I grant permission to write in specific attribute "comment attribute " using security groups "Domain User "??

    Open Active Directory Users and Computers.
    On the View menu, select Advanced Features.
    Right-click the object for which you want to assign, change, or remove permissions, and then click Properties.
    On the Security tab, click Advanced to view all of the permission entries that exist for the object.
    To assign new permissions on an object or attribute, click Add.
    Type the name of the group, computer, or user that you want to add, and then clickOK.
    In the Permission Entry for ObjectName dialog
    box, on the Object and Properties tabs,
    select or clear the Allow or Deny check
    boxes, as appropriate.
    If you found this post helpful, please give it a "Helpful" vote.
    If it answered your question, remember to mark it as an "Answer".
    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties and confers no rights! Always test ANY suggestion in a test environment before implementing!

  • Oracle scheduler : Setting job attributes using Enterprise Manager

    I have created below job and set the attribute "'raise_events" using the dbms_scheduler.set_attribute procedure.
    ( 'ebj_A', job_action =>
    job_type => 'Executable',
    enabled => false ,
    auto_drop =>false) ;
    ( 'ebj_A' , 'raise_events' , dbms_scheduler.job_run_completed);
    Now I am creating the same job using the Enterprise Manager (GUI).
    I donot see any where to set the attribute (Raise_events) using GUI.
    Please can you tell me can we set that attribute using the Enterprise manager or not.
    If yes please let me know how.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi ,
    I am modified my question.
    We could set the value for "raise_events" attribute using Dbms_Scheduler.Set_Attribute.
    Can we also set the value for the "raise_events" attribute using the EM.(GUI).
    Please let me know.
    Thanks in advance.

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    Thanks John...I was just coming in to delete this question. I found an older post of yours which explained and it worked perfectly. If you don't mind me asking on here, how can I load attributes via ODI in Planning to dimensions already in there (I have the attribute dimension already created). Will it overwrite attributes currently in there with the new ones (ie- eliminate the older ones)?

  • Compounding attributes using flat files

    Hi experts,
    Many questions are asked relating compounding attributes previously.
    I think it is a unique one.
    Iam a freesher in sap BI
    Can we use compounding attributes using flatfiles.
    That is I have two file source systems.
    how can I use the compounding attributes concept here.
    Please explain me taking some scenario.
    Points will be assigned for useful answer.

    Normally compunding means showing the difference of the data on base of the compunded field.
    in your case ic you want to differ on base of country .. then make country as coumponding to employee number.
    that the 2 files will show the difference as below example.
    file 1
    empno                country                companycode
    1133                    india                    001
    1134                    india                    002
    File 2
    1133                    us                       001
    1134                    us                       002
    when the above 2 files get loaded the out put whould be
    empno                country                companycode
    1133                    india                    001
    1133                    us                       001
    1134                    india                    002
    1134                    us                       002
    The data will be show as above ie 4 records.
    when you run a reprot on this.. and when you drill down on country you will get 2 records one for 1133 and other 1134
    let me know if you need any more inputs.

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    Is there a way to persist the component attributes using MDS or by some other means.

    Hi Krithika,
    Thank you for your answer. I decComp is null only if I try this code in the binding method. If I define a popupFetchListener and bind to a method in a managed bean, decComp is not nut. I don't know how to get attribute values and create my UIComponent programatically.
    Does anyone know how to achive that?

  • Custom AD Attributes using powershell

    Is it possible to create custom attributes using powershell v2/v3 ?

    Active Directory Cookbook, 3rd Edition has a way to do it. Unfortunately, they do not include the crucial step of assigning the new attribute to the class. My company has multiple developers each with their own VM and we need to be able to do this hundreds
    of times internally and for our clients. I have been struggling for weeks trying to find the final piece. (recipe 10.7). Please let me know if you can figure out the last step
    Using PowerShell
    To create a schema attribute using the Quest tools, use the
    cmdlet as
    new-QADObject -ParentContainer 'cn=schema,cn=configuration,
    'attributeSchema' -name 'adatum-LanguagesSpoken' -ObjectAttributes
    isSingleValued='FALSE';description='Language a user speaks';searchFlags='1'}
    To create a schema attribute using native PowerShell functionality, use the following
    $root = [ADSI]"LDAP://RootDSE"
    $schema = $root.schemaNamingContext
    $parentCont = [ADSI]("LDAP://" + $schema)
    $newAttr = $parentCont.Create("attributeSchema","adatum-LanguagesSpoken")
    $newAttr.put("oMSyntax", 20)
    $newAttr.put("attributeSyntax", "")
    $newAttr.put("isSingleValued", $false)
    $newAttr.put("description", "Languages a user speaks")
    $newAttr.put("searchFlags", 1)
    To create an attribute, you need to add an
    object to the
    Typically, when you extend the schema, you perform several additions or modifications
    at once. The order of your extensions is very important. You can’t create a
    class, assign an attribute, and then create the attribute; you obviously need to create
    the attribute before it can be assigned to the class.
    Bud - MCITP

  • Copy text attributes using shortcut in ID CS 4!

    I want to copy text attributes using shortcut keys. Is it possible? It is possible in MX Freehand.
    Here, I want to copy attribute (Magenta colour) and apply to another word (Magenta colour).

    You use the Eyedropper too for this. The shortcut is i, unmodified, so you can’t call it while editing text. But you can click on the tool. You then click once to load the eyedropper with the desired formatting, then click wherever you want it applied. Click and Drag, like selecting text, to apply formatting to a word or words. I have not tried editing the shortcut so it can be called while editing text, but you can try. Go to Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts, and go to Tool under Product Area.

Maybe you are looking for