Attributes with junk data using ldapsearch utility

We have Enterprise Directory 5.1 V2 installed on HP-UX.
We have a issue when viewing data through ldapsearch utility.
1. some attributes for employees have blank values(one space),this we can see from the console. This was added manually through a perl script as a part of a fix.
But when it is viewed through a ldapsearch utility it shows as some junk characters for this blank valued attrributes.
eg: email address ::==RHWA
I have few questions
1. Can we add a blank space value for the attributes
2. how can i retrieve a meaningful data( even a blank data) from a ldapsearch utility without any junk characters.Since most users use this utility.
This is a production issue. I would greatly appreciate for a good solution.
Thanks a lot.

Identify which attributes? Binary encoded attributes? You could do a regular ldapsearch, specifying a list of the attributes which might have space or binary values. These attributes will be in the form
You could use a perl script to look for these, then use ldapmodify to delete those values or replace them.

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    Could anyone help me on this.
    I am importing data using dbms_datapump utility and setting 'Table_exists_action' ='APPEND',getting the error
    "ORA-39152: Table exists. Data will be appended to existing table but all dependent metadata will be skipped due to table_exists_action of append".
    w_dp_handle := => 'IMPORT',
    job_mode => 'TABLE',
    remote_link => NULL,
    job_name => w_job_name);
    dbms_datapump.add_file(handle => w_dp_handle,
    filename => w_filename,
    directory => 'DATA_PUMP_DIR',
    filetype => dbms_datapump.ku$_file_type_dump_file);
    dbms_datapump.add_file(handle => w_dp_handle,
    filename => w_filename || '.LOG',
    directory => 'DATA_PUMP_DIR',
    filetype => dbms_datapump.ku$_file_type_log_file);
    dbms_datapump.set_parameter(handle => w_dp_handle,
    VALUE => 'APPEND');
    I know it is just a warning message,but i have to show the same log file generated to the user in which this Ora error is coming.
    Please guide me in removing this error.
    Thanks in advance for your help.

    What is DB version? Please see:
    ORA-39152 Table Exists Data Will be Appended to Existing Table [ID 818535.1]
    Also see:
    Import DataPump: Import of Object Types Fails With ORA-39083 ORA-02304 or ORA-39117 ORA-39779 [ID 351519.1]
    How to Transfer the Data Between Tables With Different Structures? [ID 1078211.1]

  • XML generation with SAP data using XML schema - Reg

    Hello experts,
      My requirement is , SAP( ztable data )  data has to be transferred to third party software folder.Third party using XML so they requires output from SAP in XML format.
    For that third party software guys told me that they will give their own XML schema to me.I have to generate XML file with SAP data using their XML schema.
    Generating XML file with their Schema should be underlined.
    I studied that call transformation statement helps for this.
    Even then i don't have clear idea about this topic.
    Please brief me about how to use their XML schema to generate XML with my own sap data.
    Thanks in advance experts.

    please  try this  same program    and see  it ....
    *& Report  z_xit_xml_check
      REPORT  z_xit_xml_check.
      TYPE-POOLS: ixml.
      TYPES: BEGIN OF t_xml_line,
              data(256) TYPE x,
            END OF t_xml_line.
      DATA: l_ixml            TYPE REF TO if_ixml,
            l_streamfactory   TYPE REF TO if_ixml_stream_factory,
            l_parser          TYPE REF TO if_ixml_parser,
            l_istream         TYPE REF TO if_ixml_istream,
            l_document        TYPE REF TO if_ixml_document,
            l_node            TYPE REF TO if_ixml_node,
            l_xmldata         TYPE string.
      DATA: l_elem            TYPE REF TO if_ixml_element,
            l_root_node       TYPE REF TO if_ixml_node,
            l_next_node       TYPE REF TO if_ixml_node,
            l_name            TYPE string,
            l_iterator        TYPE REF TO if_ixml_node_iterator.
      DATA: l_xml_table       TYPE TABLE OF t_xml_line,
            l_xml_line        TYPE t_xml_line,
            l_xml_table_size  TYPE i.
      DATA: l_filename        TYPE string.
      PARAMETERS: pa_file TYPE char1024 DEFAULT 'c:temporders_dtd.xml'.
    * Validation of XML file: Only DTD included in xml document is supported
      PARAMETERS: pa_val  TYPE char1 AS CHECKBOX.
    *   Creating the main iXML factory
        l_ixml = cl_ixml=>create( ).
    *   Creating a stream factory
        l_streamfactory = l_ixml->create_stream_factory( ).
        PERFORM get_xml_table CHANGING l_xml_table_size l_xml_table.
    *   wrap the table containing the file into a stream
        l_istream = l_streamfactory->create_istream_itable( table = l_xml_table
                                                        size  = l_xml_table_size ).
    *   Creating a document
        l_document = l_ixml->create_document( ).
    *   Create a Parser
        l_parser = l_ixml->create_parser( stream_factory = l_streamfactory
                                          istream        = l_istream
                                          document       = l_document ).
    *   Validate a document
        IF pa_val EQ 'X'.
          l_parser->set_validating( mode = if_ixml_parser=>co_validate ).
    *   Parse the stream
        IF l_parser->parse( ) NE 0.
          IF l_parser->num_errors( ) NE 0.
            DATA: parseerror TYPE REF TO if_ixml_parse_error,
                  str        TYPE string,
                  i          TYPE i,
                  count      TYPE i,
                  index      TYPE i.
            count = l_parser->num_errors( ).
            WRITE: count, ' parse errors have occured:'.
            index = 0.
            WHILE index < count.
              parseerror = l_parser->get_error( index = index ).
              i = parseerror->get_line( ).
              WRITE: 'line: ', i.
              i = parseerror->get_column( ).
              WRITE: 'column: ', i.
              str = parseerror->get_reason( ).
              WRITE: str.
              index = index + 1.
    *   Process the document
        IF l_parser->is_dom_generating( ) EQ 'X'.
          PERFORM process_dom USING l_document.
    *&      Form  get_xml_table
      FORM get_xml_table CHANGING l_xml_table_size TYPE i
                                  l_xml_table      TYPE STANDARD TABLE.
    *   Local variable declaration
        DATA: l_len      TYPE i,
              l_len2     TYPE i,
              l_tab      TYPE tsfixml,
              l_content  TYPE string,
              l_str1     TYPE string,
              c_conv     TYPE REF TO cl_abap_conv_in_ce,
              l_itab     TYPE TABLE OF string.
        l_filename = pa_file.
    *   upload a file from the client's workstation
        CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_upload
            filename   = l_filename
            filetype   = 'BIN'
            filelength = l_xml_table_size
            data_tab   = l_xml_table
            OTHERS     = 19.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
          MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                     WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    *   Writing the XML document to the screen
        CLEAR l_str1.
        LOOP AT l_xml_table INTO l_xml_line.
          c_conv = cl_abap_conv_in_ce=>create( input = l_xml_line-data replacement = space  ).
          c_conv->read( IMPORTING data = l_content len = l_len ).
          CONCATENATE l_str1 l_content INTO l_str1.
        l_str1 = l_str1+0(l_xml_table_size).
        SPLIT l_str1 AT cl_abap_char_utilities=>cr_lf INTO TABLE l_itab.
        WRITE: /.
        WRITE: /' XML File'.
        WRITE: /.
        LOOP AT l_itab INTO l_str1.
          REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF cl_abap_char_utilities=>horizontal_tab IN
            l_str1 WITH space.
          WRITE: / l_str1.
        WRITE: /.
      ENDFORM.                    "get_xml_table
    *&      Form  process_dom
      FORM process_dom USING document TYPE REF TO if_ixml_document.
        DATA: node      TYPE REF TO if_ixml_node,
              iterator  TYPE REF TO if_ixml_node_iterator,
              nodemap   TYPE REF TO if_ixml_named_node_map,
              attr      TYPE REF TO if_ixml_node,
              name      TYPE string,
              prefix    TYPE string,
              value     TYPE string,
              indent    TYPE i,
              count     TYPE i,
              index     TYPE i.
        node ?= document.
        CHECK NOT node IS INITIAL.
        WRITE: /.
        WRITE: /' DOM-TREE'.
        WRITE: /.
        IF node IS INITIAL. EXIT. ENDIF.
    *   create a node iterator
        iterator  = node->create_iterator( ).
    *   get current node
        node = iterator->get_next( ).
    *   loop over all nodes
        WHILE NOT node IS INITIAL.
          indent = node->get_height( ) * 2.
          indent = indent + 20.
          CASE node->get_type( ).
            WHEN if_ixml_node=>co_node_element.
    *         element node
              name    = node->get_name( ).
              nodemap = node->get_attributes( ).
              WRITE: / 'ELEMENT  :'.
              WRITE: AT indent name COLOR COL_POSITIVE INVERSE.
              IF NOT nodemap IS INITIAL.
    *           attributes
                count = nodemap->get_length( ).
                DO count TIMES.
                  index  = sy-index - 1.
                  attr   = nodemap->get_item( index ).
                  name   = attr->get_name( ).
                  prefix = attr->get_namespace_prefix( ).
                  value  = attr->get_value( ).
                  WRITE: / 'ATTRIBUTE:'.
                  WRITE: AT indent name  COLOR COL_HEADING INVERSE, '=',
                                   value COLOR COL_TOTAL   INVERSE.
            WHEN if_ixml_node=>co_node_text OR
    *         text node
              value  = node->get_value( ).
              WRITE: / 'VALUE     :'.
              WRITE: AT indent value COLOR COL_GROUP INVERSE.
    *     advance to next node
          node = iterator->get_next( ).
      ENDFORM.                    "process_dom
    reward  points  if it is use fulll ....

  • Defaulting vo attribute with system date

    looking for defaulting every new row in my vo with current date-time.
    I guess there would be some groovy to insert in default value.
    any idea what is that?

    you can use Groovy expresions
    To get the system date from the database, you can use the following Groovy expression at the entity level:
    In entity you can also set attribute as history column Created On if attribute is not to be changed by the user.

  • Issue with importing data using data pump

    Hi Guys,
    Need your expertise here. I have just exported a table using the following datapump commands. Please note that I used *%U* to split the export into chunk of 2G files.
    expdp "'/ as sysdba'" dumpfile=DP_TABLES:PT_CONTROL_PS_083110_*%U*.dmp logfile=DP_TABLES:PT_CONTROL_PS_083110.log tables=(PT_CONTROL.pipeline_session) filesize=2G job_name=pt_ps_0831_1
    The above command produced the following files
    -rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall 2.0G Aug 31 15:04 PT_CONTROL_PS_083110_01.dmp
    -rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall 2.0G Aug 31 15:05 PT_CONTROL_PS_083110_02.dmp
    -rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall 2.0G Aug 31 15:06 PT_CONTROL_PS_083110_03.dmp
    -rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall 394M Aug 31 15:06 PT_CONTROL_PS_083110_04.dmp
    -rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall 2.1K Aug 31 15:06 PT_CONTROL_PS_083110.log
    So far things are good.
    Now when I import the data using the below command, it truncates the table but do no import any data. Last line says "*Job "SYS"."PT_PS_IMP_0831_1" completed with 1 error(s) at 15:14:57*".
    impdp "'/ as sysdba'" dumpfile=DP_TABLES:PT_CONTROL_PS_083110_%U.dmp logfile=DP_TABLES:PT_CONTROL_PS_083110_IMP.log Tables=(PT_CONTROL.pipeline_session) TABLE_EXISTS_ACTION=Truncate job_name=PT_ps_imp_0831_1
    Import: Release - Production on Tuesday, 31 August, 2010 15:14:53
    Copyright (c) 2003, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Release - Production
    Master table "SYS"."AT_PS_IMP_0831_1" successfully loaded/unloaded
    Starting "SYS"."AT_PS_IMP_0831_1": '/******** AS SYSDBA' dumpfile=DP_TABLES:PT_CONTROL_PS_083110_*%U*.dmp logfile=DP_TABLES:PT_CONTROL_PS_083110_IMP.log Tables=(PT_CONTROL.pipeline_session) TABLE_EXISTS_ACTION=Truncate job_name=AT_ps_imp_0831_1
    Processing object type TABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/TABLE
    ORA-39153: Table "PT_CONTROL"."PIPELINE_SESSION" exists and has been truncated. Data will be loaded but all dependent metadata will be skipped due to table_exists_action of truncate
    Processing object type TABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/TABLE_DATA
    Processing object type TABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/INDEX/INDEX
    Processing object type TABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/TRIGGER
    Job "SYS"."AT_PS_IMP_0831_1" completed with 1 error(s) at 15:14:57
    I suspect that it has something to do with %U in the impdp command. Anyone encounter this kind of situation before? What should be my import command be? Just want to confirm I am using the right import command.
    Edited by: UserMM on Aug 31, 2010 3:11 PM

    I also looked into the alert log but didn't find anything about the error there. Any opinion?

  • How can I send a post query with attached data using Labview?

    I need to send data (a file of 5KB) to a php server.
    In order to do it, I need to send a post request with attached data.
    I'm using Labview 6.1 and I have the Internet Toolkit.
    But I just see the Get Method. Isn't implemented the post method in Labview?
    Thanks for your help
    Best regards

    In order to use the POST request method as opposed to the GET request method I used a VI set up as shown in the attached GIF.
    From the front panel you need to provide values for the 3 inputs. "Bytes to read" is an arbitrarily large number that meets or exceeds the maximum number of bytes you expect as a response from your server. "Address" is just the URL of the server, e.g. "" or "localhost" or "". "Data in" is the actual request you're sending with the data included.
    "Data in" would be in a format similar to everything in the quotes below (important to have 2 carriage returns to finish the request);
    POST /phppage.php HTTP/1.1
    Content-Length: ??
    Content-Type: application/x-www-form
    email=[email protected]&password=mypassword
    For sending your data file you just have to set the requisite MIME-type and then include the file data in place of the form data in the example above.
    Hope this helps,
    LV_TCP_code.gif ‏4 KB

  • OK to repartition external drive w/data using Disk Utility (split in two)?

    My Time Machine backup folder on my 500GB external drive just kept growing and growing, nearly filling the drive (which I use for other things). I read that one way to limit Time Machine's appetite is to point it to a partition that is only so big. (Apple: There should be a setttig for this in Control Panel.)
    So, I've made 150GB of space on the external drive by deleting the old Time Machine backup folder (this is just for a few minutes, what are the odds the my MBP drive will die? I would like to create a new partition on the drive of, say, 125GB (for the the 100GB drive in my MBP). Then point Time Machine at it...
    But I'm a little nervous to do this, since partitioning drives has historically led to significant pain and suffering. I've read that Disk Utility can repartition external drives, with data on them, safely. Is this true? Anyone have experience in this? Thanks.

    No, you cannot dynamically re-partition that one, without first destroying all the data on it by making an initial partition of the entire drive (actually, a new partition map will often be written with a simple format of the drive, but that still destroys all data). In fact, the "Master Boot Record" (MBR) is a Windows thing, and prevents a few Mac functions.


    Hi pals, I have the following information in csv file:
    MEXICO,Seretide_Q110,2010_SEE_01,Sales Line,OBJECTIVE,MEXICO,Q110,11/01/2010,02/04/2010,Activo,,,MEXICO
    MEXICO,Seretide_Q210,2010_SEE_02,Sales Line,OBJECTIVE,MEXICO,Q210,05/04/2010,25/06/2010,Activo,,,MEXICO
    When I use SQLLOADER the data is loaded as follow:*
    EXICO,Seretide_Q110,2010_SEE_01,Sales Line,OBJECTIVE,MEXICO,Q110,11/01/2010,02/04/2010,Activo,,,MEXICO
    And for the next data in a csv file too:
    MX_001,MEXICO,ASMA,20105912,Not Verified,General,,RH469364,RH469364,Change Request,,,,,,,Y,MEXICO,RH469364
    MX_002,MEXICO,ASMA,30094612,Verified,General,,LCS1405,LCS1405,Change Request,,,,,,,Y,MEXICO,LCS1405
    the data is loaded as follow:
    X_001,MEXICO,ASMA,20105912,Not Verified,General,,RH469364,RH469364,Change Request,,,,,,,Y,MEXICO,RH469364
    X_002,MEXICO,ASMA,30094612,Verified,General,,LCS1405,LCS1405,Change Request,,,,,,,Y,MEXICO,LCS1405
    I mean the first character is truncated and this bug happens with all my data. Any suggestion? I really hope you can help me.
    Edited by: user11260938 on 11/06/2009 02:17 PM
    Edited by: Mariots on 12/06/2009 09:37 AM
    Edited by: Mariots on 12/06/2009 09:37 AM

    Your table and view don't make sense so I created a "dummy" table to match your .ctl file.
    SQL> create table CCI_SRC_MX
      2  (ORG_BU               varchar2(30)
      3  ,name                 varchar2(30)
      4  ,src_num              varchar2(30)
      5  ,src_cd               varchar2(30)
      6  ,sub_type             varchar2(30)
      7  ,period_bu            varchar2(30)
      8  ,period_name          varchar2(30)
      9  ,prog_start_dt        date
    10  ,prog_end_dt          date
    11  ,status_cd            varchar2(30)
    12  ,X_ACTUALS_CALC_DATE  date
    13  ,X_ACTUAL_UPDATE_SRC  varchar2(30)
    14  ,prod_bu              varchar2(30)
    15  ,ROW_ID               NUMBER(15,0)
    16  ,IF_ROW_STAT          VARCHAR2(90)
    17  ,JOB_ID               NUMBER(15,0)
    18  );
    Table created.
    SQL> create sequence GSK_GENERAL_SEQ;
    Sequence created.I simplified your .ctl file and moved all the constant and sequence stuff to the end. I also changed the format masks to match the dates in your data.
    ,PROG_START_DT          DATE 'dd/mm/yyyy'
    ,PROG_END_DT            DATE 'dd/mm/yyyy'
    ,X_ACTUALS_CALC_DATE    DATE 'dd/mm/yyyy'
    ,row_id                 "GSK_GENERAL_SEQ.nextval"
    ,if_row_stat            CONSTANT 'UPLOADED'
    ,job_id                 constant 36889106
    When I run SQL Loader, I get this:
    SQL> select * from CCI_SRC_MX;
    MEXICO  Seretide_Q110  2010_SEE_01  Sales Line  OBJECTIVE  MEXICO     Q110         11-JAN-2010 00:00:00 02-APR-2010 00:00:00 Activo     MEXICO        1 UPLOADED     36889106
    MEXICO  Seretide_Q210  2010_SEE_02  Sales Line  OBJECTIVE  MEXICO     Q210         05-APR-2010 00:00:00 25-JUN-2010 00:00:00 Activo     MEXICO        2 UPLOADED     36889106

  • Problem with loading data using SQL LOADER

    I am having following files with me when i run following command at command prompt
    sqlldr scott/tiger@genuat control =c:\emp.ctl
    then giving error as
    SQL Loader 500: unable to open file
    SQL Loader 553: file not found
    emp.dat file data
    1111,sneha,CLERK     7902,17-Dec-80,800,20
    2222,manoj,SALESMAN,7698,20-Feb-72     ,1600,6500,30
    emp.ctl file
    INFILE 'c:\emp.dat'
    INTO TABLE emp
    ENAME ,
    SAL ,
    can anyone tell me what is problem in above file why data is not loaded in table??

    I don't find any problem if you invoke the SQLLDR using the below command(and if you are certain that the control file resides in the C: drive).
    sqlldr scott/tiger@genuat control =c:\emp.ctl
    If this doesn't work then invoke the SQLLDR from the C: prompt itself.
    sqlldr scott/tiger@genuat control=emp.ctl
    It would locate the control file and check whether the sqlldr completes successfully?

  • How to make link between xcelsius components with sap data using Web servic

    Hi all,
    I have a doubt regarding connection between Xcelsius components and SAP data.
    I created one Web service using Function module and made a connection between xcelsius and that web service using binding URL. It shows imput and output parameters perfectly.
    But I cant get any idea as to how to connect Xcelsius components with these parameters.
    Can anybody help me out..
    please its urgent.

    Have you bound your output parameters to ranges of cells? Select the item, then click the icon to the right of the Insert In: box and select the cells.
    Add a spreadsheet component to your chart and bind it to the cells, then preview the model. Do you see the data coming through?
    If you do, then you can click File > Snapshot > Export Excel Data. Then close Preview mode, and import data from spreadsheet and select the sheet you just exported. This gives you real data to work with when designing the dashboard.
    Hope that helps.

  • Problem with setting date using java 1.4.2

    Is this a bug?
    under java 1.4.2,
    executing System.out.println(new java.util.Date("01-JAN-1950")) displays
    Sun Jan 01 00:10:00 SGT 1950
    but under java 1.3.1 the same statement displays as Sun Jan 01 00:00:00 SGT 1950 which is the desired result.

    I'm just citing an example using Date().
    In fact, whether I use DateFormat or Calendar, it shows the same result.
    When I set the date to 1 Jan 1950 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds,
    jdk1.4.2 will always return me 1 Jan 1950 0 hours 10 minutes 0 seconds.
    It works correctly under jdk1.3.1

  • Prepopulating Interactive Form with XML Data using VBA

    I have an excel spreadsheet with data on it.  I need to click on a button that will cause an Interactive PDF form to open and be populated with data from the spreadsheet.  To do this I want to use an XML data file.  I know how to create the file, but how do I cause the PDF to open in Adobe Reader with the XML data file using VBA?  The link needs to be a soft link, in that the name of the XML file could change.
    Many thanks for answers.

                strXFDFFile = "c:\temp\" & strFileName & "tmp.xfdf"
                'Open the PDF file
                 appPDFInit = True
                 Status "Processing " & strFileName
                 ' Create PDF File, if any
                 If strXFDFFile <> "" Then
                     Dim fldValue As String
                     Open strXFDFFile For Output As #1
                     Print #1, "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8""?>"
                     Print #1, "<xfdf xmlns="""" xml:space=""preserve"">"
                     Print #1, "<f href=""" & strFilePath & strFileName & """/>"
                     Print #1, "<fields>"
                     For Each fdField In rsData.Fields
                     If IsNull(fdField.Value) Then
                         fldValue = ""
                         fldValue = fdField.Value
                         fldValue = XMLit(fldValue)
                     End If
                     If InStr(1, fdField.Name, "ID") > 0 Then
                         fldValue = Format(fldValue, "##########")
                     End If
                     If InStr(1, fdField.Name, "ZIP") > 0 Then
                         fldValue = Format(fldValue, "#####")
                     End If
                     If InStr(1, fdField.Name, "Rate") > 0 Then
                         fldValue = Format(fldValue, "#0.00#")
                     End If
                '        Write #1, fdField.Name,
                     Print #1, "<field name=""" & fdField.Name & """>"
                     Print #1, "<value>" & fldValue & "</value>"
                     Print #1, "</field>"
                     Print #1, "</fields>"
                     Print #1, "</xfdf>"
                 Close #1
                End If
                Dim x As Long
                For x = 1 To 1000000: Next x
                LaunchPDF.LaunchFile strXFDFFile, 0, 2
    Make sure you reference the Adobe Acrobat Browser Control Library under Tools | References
    It will merge to Adobe Reader.  Note that I have made the strXFDFFile variable unique by including the name of the PDF file.  This assures that you can merge to more than one PDF at a time (this is taken from a loop for multiple PDF files).  Note that the XFDF file must include the path and the PDF file name in order to open the correct PDF for merging.
    I don't have time to explain the code, but if you have any questions let me know.
    Daniel H. Smith
    Smith Enterpises LLC

  • Problems replacing BT Hub 5 with Airport Extreme using Airport Utility 6.3.2

    I have spent all afternoon trying to connect to BT infinity using the Airport Extreme router. I have a BT Hub 5 which is OK apart from the fact that it cannot hold more than 3 wireless devices connected at any one time and keeps dropping wi fi connections.
    I am using OSX 10.9.4 (Mavericks), Airport Utility v. 6.3.2 and a iMac 2013 base model.
    I had some instructions but these refer to the previous version of Airport Utility which is quite different from the current one, so I had to improvise a little
    This is what I have done so far:
    1. I have connected the LAN1 port from the Openreach modem to the Gigabit ethernet WAN port of Airport Extreme and I have connected my iMac ethernet to one of the Gigabit Ethernet LAN ports of Airport Extreme
    2. I have named and passworded the network and given the base station a name as required
    3. In the Internet tab I have put in the account name as [email protected] and put in a space in the password box (I also tried writing BT in it with no result). I have set the PPoE connection as  local link only.
    The problem I have is that when I click on the internet icon on Airport Utility is shows disconnected and amber light, no matter what changes I make to the Airport Extreme which has a green light. I have noticed that in the new version of Airport Utility it doesn't seem to be possible to set the PPoE connection to be always on.
    In desperation I have disconnected the Airport Extreme router and reconnected the Home Hub 5 which works.
    What do I need to do?

    Your connection is Openreach Modem -> BT Home Hub 5 -> iMAC.
    After a bit of reading -
    Openreach Modem - Optical Network Terminal (ONT).
    HH5 - is a 4-port Ethernet Router/Switch
    It looks like BT may be locking the MAC addresses of the modem and hh5 with access control lists, so customers cannot connect a device to replace the HH5.
    You have an option. Connect one of the HH5 LAN ports to the WAN port of the Airport.
    Set the Airport to Bridge mode, no DHCP address distribution, Create a Wireless Network.
    You can just ignore  the HH5 SSID(s) completely and just connect to the ones you create on the Extreme. The iMac can connect to any LAN port on the Extreme or one of the remaining HH5 LAN ports.
    The only challenge you may have is, if the number of IP addresses the HH5 can allocate is limited to 4 (by BT's configuration). It can be verified using more than four (4) devices.
    If this works, then there are alternatives where a new LAN within a LAN can be created if the IP address limitation becomes an issue.

  • Updating a JPanel with new data, using CardLayout

    I'm using a CardLayout to change between JPanels.
    I have 2 JPanels: panel1, panel2; 2 JButtons: backButton, nextButton;
    I also have 1 JTable - table1 - which get it's info from a database.
    I add nextButton and table1 to panel1, and add backButton to panel2.
    I add panel1 and panel2 to the CardLayout, and of course I add the Cardlayout to the JFrame and so on.
    When I start the application I get the panel1 with a table filled up from the DB. I then press the nextButton and get the panel2 visible.
    My problem now is how to do when I press the backButton so that the application checks the DB and updates the table1.
    I make a ActionListener to the backButton, which makes the panel1 visible again, but it does not update the table1 from the DB.
    How do I do that??
    Thx. for all answers!!

    of course it will be the same - you must call the database again.
    if you just copy and paste the code, that fills your database with data where you make the panel visible again, it'll work
    (of course it will be better to create a method to update the table, not just paste the code)

  • Load Master data attribute with Text Data (Urgent Please)

    Hello Experts,
    I created a new navigational attribute to one of the master data object and now I want to load that particular new navigational Attribute from the Master data Text (Medium description).
    In brief, I need first 4 letter of master data text (medium description) to load in to the navigational attribute. How
    How is this possible? Can you please help me to get it solved.
    Thanks and Regards,
    Harish Mulaka

    Hi Apparrao,
    Add this attribute to your infoobject's attributes list.
    Make sure it comes in the communication structure for the infoobject.
    Then in the transfer rules write a routine. You will have to read the text table to get the medium text(field TXTMD) and pull the 4 characters from the beginning and populate your new attribute.
    Do a full load and run the attrbute change run.
    Hope that helps.

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