Audigy 2 ZS + a C4 b

I use the Creative Gigaworks 750s + Audigy 2 ZS sound configuration and im fed up with the horrible sound it produces.
Games like Battlefield 2 (missing sounds), World of warcraft (missing sounds), Need for speed 2 (scrambled noise), Crashday (7. channel issues), F.E.A.R. (pop/click sounds) and alot more games I play, have sound issues with it.
I've been reading 'knowledge base' for weeks, so far I haven't been able to solve my sound issues. Please don't point me to the "soundblaster FAQ" thread, because I've tried it, ALL of it !
- Clean windows
- Up to date BIOS
- Up to date Sound / Video drivers
(- Looked into the PnP bios settings for the IRQ distribution), doesn't help
Isn't the Audigy 2 ZS supposed to be one of the best ? If it is, I haven't noticed it!
I'd like to sell/blow up my creative sound configuration !

The problems with Audigy2ZS are very rare - I wold say that the blaim for your incompatibilities is on motherboard. Or a overclocked system (PCI freqv).
Also, if you want help give more information about you system. I have no ideea what kind of connection you use to the speakers, and I will not search the net for the speakers specs...
If you use digital conection to speakers is normal to have stereo PCM sound in games (as you can find mentioned in other 50 threads here). If you have set the sound in the game as 5. or 7. you will loose the sounds that are in the other than front channels.
PS: How much you want for your ZS?
Message Edited by SoNic2367 on 05-28-2006 08:9 AM

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    Albatron K8X800 Pro
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    Some other things to note:
    XP has been repaired. Went from Service Pack , updates, and all the way to Service Pack 2. The card requires XP w/SP2, yes, so I have that covered.
    Onboard audio is disabled through the bios. I have AC'97 integrated audio on this.
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    I have tried it in other PCs in my house, double-checked each time - so it is not ESD as I originally believed. It works just fine on those PCs. It is being not located only on MY PC.
    So guys and gals, I do not know what to do... I am stumped. It's the weekend so I can't call Creative support until Monday. I don't want to request an RMA through my warranty because clearly it's just a problem with my PC. What should I do?!Message Edited by Celsius on -26-2005 07:36 PM

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  • Creative Audigy 2 NX OLD and undercapable drivers are way below industry standa

    Hello All,
    I have tried not to push this, for the past year, but I have really reached the end of my patience. The driver support for the Audigy 2 NX (USB-External) sound card is nearly 'non-exsistant'and it is have a major adverse effect on my gaming.
    It has been more than a year since Creative has taken the time to provide the many owners of the Audigy 2 NX -USB sound card with a driver that is anywhere near the capabilities of the sound chip in our device. We do NOT have support for Open AL, we do not have 'REAL' support for EAX 3 or 4 (I mean a driver that REALLY works on most; Lucasarts, EA, and Valve games), and NO HD 'Dependable' support in games or DVD play back.
    This is a crime, seeing as this card costs JUST as MUCH as the Audigy 2 ZX (that I also own, and bought FIRST for my HP zd8230us... and used until HP Tech support told me to NOT use the PCMCIA card) and yet has Half the features and lass than /4 the driver support... for the same money!! That is right, I said 'Crime', because I have been buying and using ONLY Creative cards for the past years and have never EVER seen Creative turn their backs on a product the way they have done with the Audigy 2 NX.
    Let me be 'Brutally Honest' about the lack of support and 'Expanding Use' of a FINE audio chipset. While Creative has regularlly expanded the features and use of the chipset in the ZS notebook card (added EAX 4.0 support, refined the HD support, and made regular driver updates), they have left the owners of the NX sound card BACK in the 20th Century. There is NO support for; EAX 4.0, Open AL, OR THX for my NX the very same people have gone out of their way to provide ALL of those features and regular updates and expansion of these SAME features in the ZX Notebook card. I have both of these cards, and have used both in my HP Pavilion zd8230us Notebook computer. I have to be clear and precise, the difference in; sound, use, and capabilities of the ZX to the NX is like putting a SB 'Li've' card against and Audigy 4 card. I paid the exact same amount of money for BOTH cards, yet (because my mobo does not support the PCMCIA card) I am left with this 'Black Sheep' of the Creative family, and this has me at the point I am seriously thinking of never buying another Creative product for ANY of my four desktops and one notebook in my entire life.
    I am experiancing problems with the NX card on; Half Life 2 and HL2 - Episode , ANY Lucasarts game (they work sometimes and mostly do NOT), MOST EA Games titles, and Activision games are not much better. In my current notebook hardware, my Audigy 2 NX is the 'Weak Link' in the chain. I have a Pentium 4 HT 650 (3.4Ghz-800 Mhz FSB), ATI X-600 PCIe 28MB video card, 024 MB 533 MHz DDR2 RAM, and XP Professional with Media Center 2005. My Audigy 2 NX is what is keeping this system from reaching it's FULL and AWESOME capabilities in; Gaming, DVD playback, TV HD audio, Media Center On Line services, CD & DVD Audio playback, and every other Audio aspect of my near cutting edge system.
    This is completely unacceptable, and to add insult to injury. When ever I contact Creative support regarding updated drivers, or problems with the current *MORE than year old drivers, I am told "Creative has no plans to update or upgrade the drivers for your sound card". WOW, that is the lowest point in years of purchasing and using Creatives (usually) fine products and services. Why has Creative turned it's back on the awesome sound card/chipset and is there ANYTHING that a lifetime user of Creative products can do to get more and better support for the ONLY product you make that is compatible (as per HP) with my new notebook computer? I am dead tired of this product being the 'Bottleneck' in my system. I am frustrated, to the extreme, at the completely apathetic technical support for a 'same priced' item as the ZX.
    What can a consumer do?
    Terribly Desperate,
    Enzo Matrix

    <SPAN>OK, first; thanks for the link. It is very much appreciated. Next, this is the only card <EM>compatible</EM> with my Pavilion zd8230us (as per HP Senior Support Technicains). I was told that the Audigy 2 zx PCMICA was compatible (BY Creative), only to be told by HP that that card can and will do damage to my notebook. I find it very disturbing that Creative would suggest a product that would damage my computer! Last, the box (for the NX) says that it is 24 bit HD audio 96KHz/02db Signal to noise ratio. As well, it clearly states ON THE FRONT OF THE BOX:
    <SPAN><EM>"...EAX ADVANCED HD game effects"</EM> <SPAN>
    <SPAN>Sorry, but in English (at least <EM>American</EM> English) that means it supports EAX in games, yes? lol So, THEY Are the ones that decided to put that on the FRONT of the box, if it doesn't support it then they should have a class action lawsuit filed against them by EVERY SINGLE person that ever purchased an NX and we should be paid for; purchase price, pain and suffering, and puniti've damages. THEN Creative might learn a lesson. roflol<SPAN>
    <SPAN>Now on to the <EM>'driver'</EM> isssue. Simple, Alexs3d2, the American consumer expects 'Driver Updates'. Why? Simple, what version of Direct X was standard when the NX came out, and what version are we using now? Microsoft sees fit to improve the API that Creative is making money off of, but Creative does NOT see the responsibility to the consumer to keep UP with the technology that we end users update on a regular basis. Next, I am tired of people dogging ATI <EM>BECAUSE</EM> they have taken on the responsibility to issue monthly driver updates! Granted, Alex, you may well understand 'what' the driver updates ARE better than the average user. However, that does NOT dismiss the BETTER PERFORMANCE that WE experience every single we update or display adapter drivers! Just because slough (on the part of SOME companies) is accepted by a small cross section of the population does not mean that the rest of us should LOWER our expectations? of the company that WE keep in business. Least THEY forget that WE are the reason they ARE in business!!! Driver updates are <EM>GOOD</EM>. Driver updates are what end users EXPECT. Any company that does not want to support a product that is still on store shelves should just pack up and leave. Period. <SPAN>
    <SPAN>Last, here is a little quote from the back of the NX box. <SPAN>
    <EM><SPAN>"USB 2.0 is only supported in Windows XP and REQUIRES ONLINE SOFTWARE update(s) from Microsoft and SOUNDBLASTER.COM..." <SPAN></EM>
    <SPAN>How the hell am I supposed to accomplish THAT when Creative <EM>screws</EM> me out of what they tell me I require? <SPAN>
    <SPAN>In closing; this venue is not the only place that I have been sounding off a bout this problem. I have written Creative (SB) Tech support, and they are giving me 'double speak'. I have kept every single email that they have sent back, and cc'd to another email addy for verification. I li've in California, and you can not swing a dead cat without hitting an attorney. I WAS hoping that Creative would be GOOD and RESPONSIBLE partners, but they have forced my hand. I have filed a complaint with the California Department of Consumer Affairs, and am in the process of gathering users for the afore mentioned 'Class Action Lawsuit'. This way, the PEOPLE get to decide WHAT is responsible corporate stewardship, and <EM>IF</EM> Creative is acting in a deliberate way to misrepresent their products, and their capabilities and <EM>IF</EM> they should have to release Drivers just the way they tell us they are going to on the packaging!! <SPAN>
    <SPAN>P.S. Umm, the whole Nazi thing... that is a bit over the top. I am Jewish, and Creative may have killed my love of their products, but I do not know of anyone that they have actually killed. If you know otherwise, let me know... that info could come in very handy in my class action lawsuit!! roflol
    <SPAN><SPAN>P.P.S. Looking at this forum, I get the impression that I am not the only person that feels screwed by SB and Creative. THAT should make for a VERY favorable jury pool for the lawsuit.
    Message Edited by EnzoMatrix on <SPAN class=date_text>07-2-2006 <SPAN class=time_text>2:3 AM
    Message Edited by EnzoMatrix on 07-2-2006 0:2 AM

  • Analog inputs no longer working on Audigy 2 ZS Platinum Pro's external dr

    I have an Audigy 2 ZS Platinum Pro. After two years of use without problems, the analog inputs on the external dri've have stopped working. I get no signal from them, not even noise. All 3 inputs are silent, Line in / Mic and Line 2 in the front, and Line 3 in the back. Otherwise the dri've appears to function normally - I get output from the headphone jack, and the volume control knob works. I have not tested digital inputs or outputs, as I currently have no digital devices to connect to them.
    I had made no major changes to my computer - software or hardware - when the problems began. I recently added a new SATA hard dri've, but the Audigy dri've did work after that.
    I've taken steps suggested in another thread on this forum and uninstalled all Creative software and drivers, used the latest driver package's uninstall program as well as Driver Cleaner, and finally manually deleted everything related to Creative and Audigy from the system registry (and rebooted quite a few times in between). I then installed the original drivers from the CD that came with the sound card (a setup that has worked before), but still the problem persists.
    Any ideas on where to even begin looking for a solution? I find it hard to believe that it's a hardware problem, since three inputs suddenly went silent at the same time, and no other connections were affected. Yet I've done as clean a reinstall as possible, and that hasn't solved the problem.
    My current computer configuration:
    OS: Windows XP Pro (SP2 and all latest updates)
    CPU: Athlon XP 500+
    RAM: 2x 52 MB
    Motherboard: Abit AN7 (integrated sound chip disabled)
    Video card: Sapphire Radeon 9800 Pro
    Network card: D-Link DFE-530TX
    Hard dri've : Seagate ST320026A, 20 GB IDE
    Hard dri've 2: Maxtor 6L080J4, 80 GB IDE
    Hard dri've 3: Seagate ST330083, 300 GB SATA-II

    I don't have a Platinum Pro or the dri've, but a general hardware troubleshooting step I would take would be to remove the soundcard and either move it to another slot or re-seat it. Also, I'd disconnnect and reconnect all cables to and from the card and the dri've. If I had another machine I could try the card or dri've in, I'd do that. If I could borrow another dri've or even another card, I'd test those too. (Swapping parts is often the simplest diagnostic.) Yeah, maybe it's not a hardware problem, but I'd take these steps just to rule out some possibilities.
    Edit: And if you can remove or disconnect the SATA dri've and restore the system to the condition before you installed it, that's another good test.Message Edited by Katman on 2-8-2005 2:56 AM

  • Headset no longer works with Audigy Platinum dr

    I have a Logitech headset that plugs into the headphone and mic jacks on the Audigy Platinum dri've. On Saturday I had to do some work in my computer, so I disconnected the dri've from the card to get the data cable out of the way.
    This may not be related (I hope not), but I plugged my floppy dri've in wrong and fried the floppy dri've and melted the wire to the PSU. I got a new floppy dri've and PSU. I don't believe the sound card or Platinum dri've were effected because they both work fine otherwise.
    Anyway I no longer get any sound from my headphones when they're plugged into the dri've, but do get sound when they're plugged into the Creative Labs remote control for my speakers. I get no sound from my mic when it's plugged into the mic jack on the Platinum dri've either. I haven't tested it with another jack yet, but assume it'd work.
    I also notice in my Windows mixer, that the option for Line In/Mic 2 is no longer there, either in the main part, or under Recording. Line In/Mic 2 is the mic jack on the Platinum Dri've.
    The Platinum dri've works fine otherwise. I can use the firewire port on it and I know it's receiving power because I can see the red light in the optical connector. To be sure, I went back inside my computer and doublechecked the connections. It IS hooked up properly.
    How can I get the jacks to work again, short of uninstalling/reinstalling the driver? I don't think this is necessary because the sound works otherwise. Thanks all!

    The Audigy dri've works from three different cables. One is the power cable, one is the IEEE394 cable, and the last is the data cable. If the power cable and IEEE394 cables are connected, but the data cable is not fully seated, you will see power from the optical output and the 394 port will work, but the inputs and outputs will not work or be seen by the Windows mixer.
    I would definitely try reseating that data cable. Also make sure that none of the pins are bent. If that doesn't work, you may want to try moving the card to different slots.

  • Solution to my Audigy 4 Digital Output probs... please make a stic

    I was recently playing Q3TA with my son when my overheat protection kicked in. I exited to windows to see the temp and throttle back my CPU a tad, and when I returned I had no sound from my digital output. Analog was working fine, however.
    Giga-byte GA-MA78GM-S2H w/780g chipset
    Athlon 64 X2 5000+ BE
    Integrated Realtek HD audio (disabled)
    Integrated ATI HD 3200
    2xGB 800MHZ DDR2
    Creative Audigy 4
    Boston acoustics Digital BA735 2. speakers
    I went over every setting in all of my consoles, HQ's and drivers. I played with driver versions, DirectX versions, diagnostic programs and procedures in the knowledge base. In defeat, I even wiped out my XP install and started fresh with the Aud-4 removed, using analog on the integrated card thru headphones. Then I disabled the integrated card and reinstalled the Audigy 4 only to find that there was still no sound from the digital speakers.
    I[color="#ff0000"] unplugged the power to my speakers, and reconnected everything. As soon as the power was back up, the sound started playing (I had a .MP3 on for testing).
    This stumped me for two reasons that occur to me know:
    . These speakers (and possibly many others) don't fully power down when you turn the volume knob off and the light on the satellites goes out. The decoder and subwoofer unit keep their light on.
    2. Apparently, some situations introduce a faulty signal to the digital output that scrambles the speaker units and they refuse to operate any longer.
    Now I know, unplug the power to my speakers. My system works on all three sampling frequencies in "audio console" 44., 48, and 96KHz. None of the troubleshooting procedures touched my problem, because they didn't even mention the speaker setup, let alone doing a hard reset.
    Please please please!
    Make this a sticky for future me!!!

    The Digital output jack on the card isn't of optical signal will need to get those I/O module mention bt johnston2 for optical connection.

  • What is wrong with my audigy 4 p

    <FONT face="verdana, arial, helvetica" size=2>I own a soundblaster audigy 4 for music production (which is enough for what I do in terms of basic quality). I've had various issues over the past, but just lately things have come to a head and I have been forced to take my entire pc and soundcard in for service / investigation.Whilst I wait for the nervous news, I wonder if anyone has had this?. I use ableton li've 5 to produce, and one minute the sound quality is awesome and then the second later it turns from awesome into what I can only describe as a "tinny 56kbs internet audio stream" being controlled by extreamly low latency (like the computer can't handle it).Yet, I've been using a latency of 2ms perfectly for a year, but not more than an hour because my pc kept rebooting (previous to using li've aswell) - but that is another issue. I've reinstalled windows previously, and today reinstalled the drivers for the soundblaster - but the audio is still poor. Not just during production, but I notice when I start up windows xp (during playing the windows xp theme tune - the sound crackles / shreak blips, like the xp intro tune is being interupted - sorry if this sounds amusing) ;-)I start ableton, and the same problem I'm running the latest version of li've which fixed alot of problems and shouldn't be causing these problems.
    <FONT face="verdana, arial, helvetica" size=2>The pc and soundcard was purchased from a really good service and I have faith in them. The computer is rarely online, and when it is - is only to auth and register purchased software. No viruses onboard to my knowledge.But anyone had anything like this?cheersg.
    <B><FONT color=#ffffff><FONT face=verdana,arial,helvetica size=>posted: <FONT face=verdana,arial,helvetica size=><FONT color=#e8ebf0>07-0-2006<FONT color=#ffffff> <FONT color=#d3d9e2>at<FONT color=#ffffff> <FONT color=#e8ebf0>03:22 PM</B>

    Did you try to hold down power and home button for 20 seconds? If this not work. Try to put iPhone in DFU mode and try to restore via iTunes.
    Step One
    Open iTunes and connect the iPhone to your Mac.
    Step Two
    Press and hold the Home button and the Sleep/Wake button at the same time.
    Step Three
    After exactly 10 seconds release the Sleep/Wake button. Continue holding the home button until you iTunes pops up a message telling you that it has detected an iPhone in recovery mode.

  • Audigy 4 non-pro, multimedia probl

    Hi there,
    Got the Audigy 4 non-pro card, and I'm sticking with it for a long time... but it does have a few problems, I was hoping some of you may have the same problems and could help me. The first one may not be a problem with the card itself.
    The thing is, I have a certain DVD-title that has Linear PCM Stereo and DTS-Digital 5. Surround soundtracks. The stereo works fine (let's say in Windows Media Player), but when I switch to DTS (hoping for a surround experience), there is no sound! I am able to have surround sound with most DVDs, although it's usually Dolby Surround. Do I need special software to play DTS soundtracks? I know that PowerDVD (or whatever its' name) has to be upgraded for DTS, but the Windows Media PLayer does have a DTS logo thing, when I play it, but there is no sound!
    The other problem seems to be more serious.
    When I work with MIDI, or play MIDI files, there's a strange lock-up of the system, although on an irregular basis. Sometimes, suddenly, instantaneously, everything stops, and there is a sustained and quiet MIDI sounds, as though the last notes are held, and the system is in a state of complete lock-up. Does anyone have a problem with taht? Or a solution, even better!

    I think you should try some modded driver. It will provide better sound. Try these following links and find out which driver will give your favorite sound. But remember to back up your system (system restore is a good choice before doing so)
    YouP PAX Fi 3.33 For X-FI:
    YouP PAX A4 3.33 For Audigy X:
    and many other:
    PAX-TH 76.92MB.
    Soft for PAX VI v? PAX ZS
    Links for Pax VI Ultra (Li've! series on WinXP SP2) 62.4MB
    PAX VI .68 7.7MB
    Zhengzhou downloads 4
    Links for ZS2.66( d?nh cho Audigy, Audigy2(ZS))
    Soft for cho Audigy2 (262.73M)

  • Audigy 4 (non-pro) he

    I just recieved my audigy 4 *no pro* driver by mail. It does not work because I need a driver, and I can't install the cd because it says I need windows XP to use the Disc. All I want to do is play multiple streams of music from this. I have old drivers and I was wondering if I can get around this in any way shape or form?

    I think you should try some modded driver. It will provide better sound. Try these following links and find out which driver will give your favorite sound. But remember to back up your system (system restore is a good choice before doing so)
    YouP PAX Fi 3.33 For X-FI:
    YouP PAX A4 3.33 For Audigy X:
    and many other:
    PAX-TH 76.92MB.
    Soft for PAX VI v? PAX ZS
    Links for Pax VI Ultra (Li've! series on WinXP SP2) 62.4MB
    PAX VI .68 7.7MB
    Zhengzhou downloads 4
    Links for ZS2.66( d?nh cho Audigy, Audigy2(ZS))
    Soft for cho Audigy2 (262.73M)

  • Please Help:(,Unable to capture from camcorder using Audigy 2 ZS Video Edi

    Hi there! Well I have been trying to use the Sound Blaster Audigy 2 zs video editor to transfer Hi8 tapes from my camcorder (Samsung SLC860) to my laptop (Compaq presario, AMD Athlon 64 3200+, .25 GB RAM, xp). I have successfully done this before *sort of*. Before i was able to capture video from my camcorder without the sound. But now I cant even capture video! I get an error when using Ulead VideoStudio 8 SE reading: 5065:29:0. Please help, anything would be great! Thank you! Oh, i've tried reinstalling the drivers already, didnt work. P.S. I connect the camcorder to the Creative Audigy using S-Video. I have also tried A/V out from the camcorder to video-in on the Audigy. I have also downloaded VidCap and other driver updates from Creative but those didn't work either. I've tried VidCap other capture programs, none worked. Any help would be great. Thank you!
    Message Edited by DjShadowalker on <SPAN class=date_text>06-06-2006 <SPAN class=time_text>:09 AM
    Message Edited by DjShadowalker on 06-06-2006 :09 AM

    Hi there! Thanks for the reply, unfortunately, I've tried VidCap and it wont let me capture either. The Start button on Step 3 isn't acti've. Its not bold, and when i click on it nothing happens. But under device manager and Sound, Video and game controllers, there are alot of things. They are as followed: Audio Codecs, Legacy Audio Drivers, Legacy Video Capture Drivers, Media Control Devices, Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS Video Editor Audio Device, Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS Video Editor Video Device, SoundMAX Intergrated Digital Audio, Video Codecs. Do you think any of these could be interfering with one another? If so, which ones can be safely disabled? I've also tried downloading all the necessary updates for VidCap and I've even tried reinstalling the Audigy card many times. I am able to see the preview of the video on both programs VidCap and VideoStudio but I just can't capture. Once again, the error message on VideoStudio is: 5065:29:0. Thank you so much, hopefully I hear from ya soon and this can be fixed.

  • Audigy 2 on Neo2 Platinum causes LOCK UPs/BSODs!!! Help!

    I have a videocard with a HUGE, I mean HUGE custom CPU heatsink attached to it.  This leaves me only ONE slot available for my Audigy 2.  And that slot is the last slot 5, orange color.  
    Its the ONLY ONE AVAILABLE.  I read on these forums about some incompatibility of Audigy 2 with MSI Neo2 Platinum.  Thats what I have.  I tried several later and older BIOSes including the official one and the latest beta one.
    Still, when I play UT2004 or some other games that demand EAX/Hardware 3D sound - I get a dark blue BSOD without a message (its like a non-WinXP BSOD, its a hardware BSOD as I call it, dark blue color).  It comes with a sqeeking sound.  I have to restart my PC afterwards.  
    It happens after 3-4 minutes of playing.
    When I REMOVE the soundcard - everything is fine, NO BSOD.  
    I tried different Audigy 2 drivers, but they all give the same result.  This did not happen on my old ASUS A7N8X-Deluxe 2.0, and the soundcard was in PCI Slot 5 as well.  I tried to format, and etc., - same thing if the soundcard is in the PCI slot!  
    I have PCI lock ENABLED (AGP set to 67Mhz, and PCI LOCK DETECTION set to ENABLED).
    How do I fix this problem?

    Originally posted by MonarchX
    I have PCI lock ENABLED (AGP set to 67Mhz, and PCI LOCK DETECTION set to ENABLED).
    When you said that you have PCI lock enabled and PCI lock detection enabled, were you talking about the same thing?  If not, where in the BIOS is the PCI lock? I could only find PCI Lock Detection.

  • CD Audio problems on K7N2-L Delta with Audigy 2

    In case anyone else is having the same problem with machine lock ups and inability to play CD's in Media Player 9 when this motherboard is installed I thought I would report my solution.
    Symptoms; CD Plays for a few seconds, then sound cuts out, then comes back a few seconds later (or machine locks up).
    Solution; Close PC Alert(System Tray motherboard monitor).
    This solved the problem on my machine.
    My machine has also been locking up a lot, I will report back if this has cured that too, though I have another thread on that problem (just search for my name).
    Whilst we are on the subject of PC Alert, there is a problem with this in Win XP Home SP1 when using more than one user. If you log on a second user when the first user has not signed off, you get an error when PC Alert tries to start and the second user will not be able to run the alert software. (NB Asus's Probe software suffers from the same problem)
    Can one of you moderators add all this to your bug lists and report it back to MSI?
    Kit on my machine as follows;
    MSI K7N2-L Delta (5.2. Bios)
    2 x 256MB PC2700 Ram (Corsair).
    AMD Athlon XP (Barton) 2500+
    Geforce 4 TI 4200 (8X AGP) 44.03 Drivers
    Audigy 2 (Latest Drivers)
    TV Card (Happaugue PCI Nicam)
    Memorex 32x CD-RW
    LG DVD Rom
    IBM 80GB Hard Disk
    IBM 40GB Hard Disk
    Network - NVidia - on Motherboard.
    Win XP Home SP1 + all patches.
    The sound on the Nvidia MB is disabled, as is the parrallel port and serial port

    Hi Stephen!
    I really hope this works out because im having the same problems that you are having. Lock ups and freezes in games. I have been looking in the inet for days to find a fix. i also narrowed it down to my Audigy 2 sound card. If i take it out everything runs fine. I tried all sorts of things that were written in the Creative forums but nothing worked. The strange thing is that it doesnt always happen. Yesterday i was playing all day long and not one single crash. Today i booted up and had a lock up with screeching sound while playing. I really do hope it is just the MSI software because i was really thinking about exchanging this board for something else. Cant imagine it just being the software. It would be to easy..hehe. I dont really want to give up my Audigy 2 card because its a great card. Awsome sound for games. What PCI port do you have your Audigy 2 card in now? I have mine in 2 and my Network card in Slot 3. In the User´s guid i think it says there that PCI slot 2 and 3 are not shared. Not really sure to be honest. Never really had probs with other mainboards. I put the devices in and they worked. I never really had live update 3 running and still had lock ups  but do have PC alert running which i just shut down. Hope it works out for us both. Gonna go try some Raven Shield now and see if it crashes. Thanks for the tipp.

  • MSI KT3 Ultra ARU 5.7 BIOS and SoudBlaster Cards - Audigy

    I have flashed my BIOS to 5.7 Version and my sound card start to make a lot of noise (crackling) when play AC3 or DVD. If you dont want to use the new AMD CPU 333 FSB you dont need to flash the BIOS - I have Flashed to 5.6 again but, if you want to use a 333 FSB CPU you can flash the BIOS to version 5.7 and if have sound problems use the PCI latency patch for VIA chipsets.
    VIA chipset MotherBoard owners who have through all of the above and still have sound problems with their Soundblaster cards, might want to look into the PCI latency patch for VIA chipsets - get it here:
    (scroll down the page there just a little to get to it).
    There's also a similar page about resolving sound problems on Via chipset based computers here:
    I hope this post help somebody
    Mário Silva from Beja - Portugal
    My System:
    MSI KT3 Ultra ARU
    Athlon 2400+
    512 Kingston PC2700 DDR SDRAM
    MSI Geforce4 Ti 4200
    SoundBlaster Audigy
    Windows xp Pro SP1
    400W PSU
    Creative Drx3
    Pinnacle PCTV pro
    HDD Maxtor 80 GB UDMA 133
    DVD Pioneer slot in
    RW Samsung 48x16x48
    Creative WebCam Go
    UPS 500 VA
    Monitor Sony 19" E400E

    Since my chip is an unlocked, I cannot easily run it at the default, but I can underclock it. At 100x6.0=600mhz, USB does not work, as well as 100x12.5. Same with 133x6.0 and 133x12.5. It appears to make no difference underclocking or overclocking.
    I downloaded the right BIOS listed on MSI's KT3 Ultra-ARU page. I don't think the BIOSes are different anyway, since the same files, changelog, and etc are also listed for the Ultra-2 board.
    A thing to note, that this is the onboard VIA-controller USB ports doing this. My Ultra-ARU's NEC-controller USB 2.0 ports work fine in both Win2k and Linux if I hook my mouse and keyboard up in those. This is not an ideal solution for me though.

  • How do i use a mic with audigy

    I have an audigy 2zs platinum pro, and the external hub (or whatever you wanna call it) is hooked up. I've plugged in my headset into "headphones" and the mic into "line in /mic in"
    When i speak i can clearly hear what my mic pics up, and when i try speaking over xfire or voip, the other person doesn't hear anything except what i hear from my headphones.
    I know i did something wrong and i'd appreciate help.

    ok so playing around with it, i think i fixed it. in the surround mixer i turn off the source line in , and then select line in for rec?

  • Creative Audigy Platinum Installation Help with Pentium 4 3.2GHz HT Enab

    Dear Fellows,I have recently upgraded to a new Pentium 4 machine. The config is as follows:Pentium 4 3.2eGHz MB cache HT (Hyper-Threading Enabled)Intel Original 865GBF MainboardGB Kingston DDR 400MHz RAM20GB SATA WD HDDSound Blaster Audigy PlatinumATI RADEON 8500 DV 64MBThe problem I am facing is with Audigy Platinum. Once I install the operating system (Win XP) and move to the installation of Creative Audigy Platinum Sound card. All the applications are installed and the system hangs while updating *drivers*. I restarted but it corrupts the whole operating system conflicting with Display Driver, Mainboard driver as well as Windows. CD/DVD Rom also disappear. I then reinstalled operating system again. I would like to request for help and solving this issue and I dont want to get rid of Creative Audigy. I have heard complaints with Hyper-threading technology but I disabled it and the same problem occured. I tried everything e.g. latest drivers from Creative website, BIOS updates, Driver updates etc etc. The problem starts once the drivers are to be updated for Creative Audigy Platinum.Anticipating your response soon.Regards,

    Hi Jeremy,
    I would like to thank you for your kind assistance with my problem.
    Heres the good news, I finally managed to install and run my Creative Audigy Platinum perfectly.
    Credit goes to your assitance and support.
    For your info, I would like you to know what I really did.
    I have an Intel Genuine 865GBF mainboard. I installed clean copy of Windows XP (SP) and downloaded and installed latest Chipset INF utility from Intel website. I guess this utility tells the mainboard what kind of hardware is configured on the board.
    Please note that I did not add any PCI card except the AGP graphics card.
    After finishing Windows XP, I installed the Creative Audigy Card in a different PCI slot. When windows started, it detected the sound card installed.
    I simply ran the driver and programs from the Creative CD and it installed perfectly. I then updated the drivers downloaded from the Sound Blaster site in correct order.
    After finishing with Creative Audigy Platinum installation. I installed other hardware devices, service packs, AV and applications.
    Its the third day and everything is running well.
    I just wrote the steps if someone else faces the same problem, he/she can sort it out the same way.
    Thanks again for your help.
    Best regards,

  • Audigy Platinum Pro does not work for microphone!!! CREATIVE HE

    I recently bought the Audigy 2 ZS Platinum Pro mainly for guitar recording. The external unit that i plug my guitar into plays alright through the LINE IN 2 (I find it works better when you don't put a line out to your amp), though not spectacular, but does not play at all through the LINE IN which is designated mainly for a microphone (which i use for acoustic guitars). Even when I try plugging the mic in LINE IN 2 I have to scream to make it just register, and when I do it sounds fuzzy and barely audible. When I first bought it a fortnight ago it seemed to work ok, there appears nothing wrong with my sound blasters and i have tried the recording on a number of different software programs.
    The recording dial is cranked and although i don't seem to have the option to use the mic boost which seems strange as it is a powerful computer, the recording level on the sound desktop does not make a difference.
    Can anybody help me with this? Is CREATIVE aware that this is common complaint and are avoiding the issue?
    Is it something wrong with the hardware or the operating system - Windows XP Home?
    If so, should I take the soundcard back? The recording capabilities were the reason i bought this card!

    Anyway, to resolve this problem (after some discussion direct with Creative Support) I discovered that there is a trick in the Creative Surround Mixer that is not explained (at all) in the documentation, not is it very intuiti've.
    In the part of the mixer with all the sliders the box on the left (ie. vol, bass, treble) is the master speaker volume, the box on the right with the single slider is the recording level (the icon above the slider selects the source) and all the sliders between the two boxes control the levels of each source going to the speakers. To ensure a pure recording and prevent any of the input sources going to the speakers you will need to mute any input devices you have connected in this section.
    To put it simply, if you don't want your microphone input to go to the speakers mute them in the mixer. Only the single slider in the box on the right hand side of the mixer panel will set recording levels.
    Hope this hel
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