Audio completely screwed up on my ipod, how can I fix this if I can?

so, I find myself unable to hear out of the right side of any head phone set I try in the video ipod I have. I mean, this thing is only two years old (almost two, more like 1 and 3/4), but it seems to be failing pretty hard. What can I do to halt its rather steep deterioration? I don't want to have wasted nearly three hundred dollars on some crappy machinery that lasts two years.

A fairly common complaint and is due to a bad headphone jack (it is always the right side that goes out). You will have to replace the headphone jack yourself or send it off to a place to have it done.
An internet search for "iPod Repair" will turn up a number of places that sell parts and/or can replace it for you if you send them the iPod.
Good luck,

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