Audio midi frequently needs resetting

I have external speakers connected through a hifi using iMic. Recently the sound keeps cutting out, and I have to open Audio Midi Setup and although the settings are showing 44100.0 Hz I have to click on this in 'output', set it to something else then set it back to 44100.0 Hz. This starts the sound up again but only lasts for about 10 mins at at time. Any ideas?
(apologies if something similar is posted elsewhere, I did do a search & couldn't find the exact same scenario)

Hi Klaus
thanks for your help, 30 minutes now and no resetting has been necessary! Fingers x that this has done the trick

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    Mac Pro 3,1
    OS X.7.3

    This is probably due to a corrupted preferences file.
    How to fix it:
    1. hold down the option key and in the Go menu in the finder, scroll down to Library
    2. in the library folder, find the preferences folder.
    3. find a file named
    4. drag that file to the trash
    5. restart, or sign out and then back into your user account
    6. a new preferences file will be generated (with default settings). Enter your new preferences, and they should work properly.

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    With every reboot of the system, the values revert to 44100.0 Hz, 2ch-24bit integer. I suppose these are the default values, but my most used software (Finale 2012) requires the Built-in Output to be set to 44100.0 Hz, 2ch-16bit integer. It is a real pain having to dig into the Utilities folder, boot the Audio MIDI Setup and reset the values every single day.
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    Ok, this is pretty simple to fix. First of all, even if there's a breakout cable at the Firebox for both midi and S/PDIF, you're not connected on S/PDIF but on the midi in. This is not related to your problem but important to know.
    Now, to the problem: you use two different interfaces: the Firebox and the computer built-in. Since those are two different drivers and Logic can talk to only one driver at once, you have to set-up an Aggregate Device in AMS. Open AMS, select the audio tab and from the audio menu, select Open Aggregate Device Editor. There, create a new device with both the Presonus and the built-in. Now, all you have to do is going back to Logic, open the audio preferences, select the drivers tab and select the aggregate device.

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    OK, what you should do is download the updates on another machine and burn them to a disc.  Start at this link for downloads and find, among other things, the 10.5.8 combo updater that works on PPC machines, plus security, QuickTime and other updates.  Going from 10.5.1 to 10.5.8, there will probably be a bunch of things that you should install.  Being off the internet with the machine, you can't have Software Update sort it out, so something might get missed, unfortunately.
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    Might be corrupted sound preferences ...
    Open the Finder. From the Finder menu bar click Go > Go to Folder
    Type or copy paste the following;
    Click Go then move both .plist files from the Audio folder to the Trash.
    Restart your Mac. See if that made a difference ...

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    Range tool (click R)
    select range
    drag audio line ...

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    David Boroditsky wrote:
    The problem is that the mac chokes on having 2 identical mics attached at the same time.
    Ive had 2 identical USB AT2020 mics connected at the same time on both macbook pro and macbook Air.
    The "Yeti" mics, are, lets say undesirable, and low to mid computer consumer mics.

  • Need help with GUI Scripting Audio Midi Setup

    I want to read the value of the sampling frequency set by default in Audio Midi Setup.
    If there is an easy unix way to gleen this, please let me know. Otherwise, I am trying to get it via GUI scripting. I think I am almost there, but am doing something stupid.
    Here is what I have:
    tell application "Audio MIDI Setup"
    end tell
    tell application "System Events"
    tell application process "Audio MIDI Setup"
    select window 1
    select group
    select tab group
    select group
    select combo box
    set FrequencyValue to contents of combo box
    end tell
    end tell
    Basically, this comes down to the question of how to extract the default text field from the combo box.

    Once you click on the combo box to get the list of items, you can do stuff with the results. The easiest thing would probably be to use the up and down arrows to change the selection, since the text field is not editable. You can compare the list of items with the current value and do something from there - how do you plan to choose the item to change to?
    <pre style="
    font-family: Monaco, 'Courier New', Courier, monospace;
    font-size: 10px;
    font-weight: normal;
    margin: 0px;
    padding: 5px;
    border: 1px solid #000000;
    width: 720px;
    color: #000000;
    background-color: #DAFFB6;
    overflow: auto;"
    title="this text can be pasted into the Script Editor">
    tell application "Audio MIDI Setup" to activate
    tell application "System Events" to tell application process "Audio MIDI Setup"
    set comboBox to combo box 1 of group 1 of tab group 1 of group 1 of window "Audio Devices"
    set frequencyValue to value of comboBox -- get current value
    click button 1 of comboBox -- perform action "AXPress" to drop the list
    set theChoices to value of text fields of list 1 of scroll area 1 of comboBox -- get all the values
    -- keystroke (ASCII character 31) -- down arrow
    -- keystroke (ASCII character 30) -- up arrow
    -- keystroke return -- select and dismiss the list
    end tell
    activate me
    choose from list theChoices default items {frequencyValue} -- just show the results

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    I've been told that to avoid having iTunes up-sample when playing 44.1 kHz music, that I need to quit iTunes, manually reset the setting in Audio Midi to the lower, matching, number, and then re-start iTunes.
    This strikes me as odd. Is it true? If so, is there any less cumbersome way to deal with this?

    Wheat I agree entirely with your last sentiments.
    I had a similar problem to 'Luckydog'.
    I have a Roland HP3 digital piano which itself is a standalone musical instrument (synthesiser if you like) but also has midi in/out and audio in/out.
    I made the mistake of connecting my Mac PBG4/GB2 setup to my HP3 via the Edirol UM2 USB interface, expecting to hear my piano's sounds recorded in GB2. Of course GB2 did not record anything when I selected real instrument track beacuse the Roland, I think, was sending audio not midi data to GB2. What I have since realised is that to record a real instrument whether it be a digital piano (or acoustic piano via microphone) is to set the GB2 input to audio and feed the signal from the Roland via its audio outputs to my Mac via audio interface. (I have a USB Grifin iMic).
    Of course I could use the Roland purely as a midi controler and select a software instrument track in GB2, but I also have a Radium 49 simple midi controller keyboard for that.
    One thing that does puzzle me though is, that if I hook up my Roland via the UM2 to a WindowsXP laptop running an app. called Cakewalk Music Creator, the Roland sounds are recorded in the timeline and can be viewed, edited and printed as conventional music scores(great for composers!!) Also the Roland track recorded in CMC can be played back through the Roland's on-board sound generator.
    In this scenario there is no audio feed between the Roland and the PC only two way midi via the UM2 USB/midi interface.
    This is seems to be a fundamental difference between GB2 and the Cakewalk product. Can you explain what's going on hear Wheat?.
    Sorrry such a long post !!
    Mac PowerBook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.3)   2gb ram/1.5Ghz

  • No multi-channel available with HDMI output in Audio MIDI Setup on Macbook Air mid-2011 !!!!!!!

    Hi everybody !
    I am currently facing some problem with seting up a surround sound system.
    I looked everywhere on the web but i couldn't find any proper answer to this problem.
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    When i am going to Audio MIDI Setup to configure the HDMI output, i cannot select any multi-channel option, only stereo !!!!
    Is someone has any idea how to solve this problem ? I am struggling a lot and spent hours on that without finding any solutions !
    Thanks a lot for your time !

    Hello ckkzzzle,
    I was looking into the issue you are describing and think I have a great article to help troubleshoot it. The article is called Apple computers: Troubleshooting issues with video on internal or external displays found here:
    Start here, and work your way down as needed:
    Check connections
    When using an external display be sure to check the following:
    If you're using an Apple notebook, confirm the AC power cable or adapter is securely connected to the computer and the cable providing power to the display is also secure. It is always good to have your notebook connected to AC power when an external display is in use.
    Confirm display adapters are fully seated in their respective connections and that they are supported models and for the computer and display. Refer to these articles to assist you with adapter compatibility and further configuration information:
    Monitor and Display Adapter Table
    About Mini DisplayPort to HDMI adapters
    Apple Mini DisplayPort adapters: Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
    Thunderbolt ports and displays: Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
    Remove all display cable extenders, KVM switches, or other like devices and retest to determine if the issue is resolved.
    If more than one video adapter is in use—or "daisy-chained"—troubleshoot by using only one adapter.
    Example: A mini DisplayPort to DVI adapter connected to a DVI to HDMI adapter is an unsupported configuration because there is a series of adapters in use.
    If available, try using a different display and or adapter (or use a different connector by using DVI instead of VGA, for instance).
    All the very best,

  • Kawai CN41 electric piano will not show up in Audio MIDI Setup.

    I have a Kawai CN41 Piano that I would like to connect to my Macbook via USB to control some midi functions in Logic Express (incredible software by the way...)
    The Manual that came with the piano says that it should just work. But for maximum clarification, I'll retype what the manual says.
    "The CN41 piano can be connected with a personal computer with a USB cable for excahanging MIDI data. You need a USB Driver installed in your computer.
    [For Windows XP/ME users]
    A standard USB driver is already installed in your computer. You don't need to install a new driver.
    [For Windows 2000/98SE users]
    You need to install the desigated driver in your computer. Visit the KAWAI website at http:/ and download the program.
    [For Macintosh users]
    Macintosh OSX automatically recognizes our USB interface. No Special driver is needed. Older Macintosh OS are not supported by us. If you have an older Macintosh OS, please us an appropriate MIDI interface and MIDI cables when connecting the CN41 piano to a macintosh computer.
    When both MIDI jacks and USB port are connected, USB has priority.
    When connecting USB cable to the CN41 piano, first connect the USB cable and then turn the power of the CN41 piano on.
    It may take some time to start communication when the CN41 piano is connected to the computer via USB. When USB communication is unstable with connection via hub, connect the USB cable directly to the USB port of the computer.
    Turning the power of CN41 piano on/off or disconnecting the USB cable while the follwing actions may cause unstable communication.
    while installing USB driver
    while booting up the computer
    while MIDI application is working
    while communicating with the computer
    while the computer is in energy saver mode
    * If you have any problem with USB communication, consult the instruction manual of your computer and check your computer setup.
    * The USB-MIDI conversion board TID10000934 used in the CN41 piano is approved to show the USB logo. The USB logo can be used only for the product which is approved by USB-IF (USB Implements Fourm Inc.) test.
    * Windows is registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
    * Macintosh is registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc."
    So when i follow the directions just like the manual says the only thing that happens is my mouse stops working for about 30 to 45 seconds. After it starts working, nothing whatsoever in the department of MIDI. It won't even show up in the Audio MIDI Setup application. Also, I'm not 100% positive about this, but I don't think it's showing up in the System Profiler as well.
    I've tried pushing the rescan button in Audio MIDI Setup, nothing.
    I've repeated everything with a different usb cable with no improvement.
    And I even contacted Kawai Technical Support. The guy I talked to via email said that he wasn't a mac guy but he'd ask his friends who were if they had any problems, his friends told him that everything was working fine for them. Then he told me to go and buy a USB-MIDI interface and plug it into the traditional MIDI ports on the CN41 and see if that would work. (I really don't want to do that, one of the reasons I bought this piano is the midi-straight-to-computer-via-usb-cable-connection connection. Buying a little usb interface would defeat the point. Although, I'll probably buy one down the road eventually. I would just like it to work.)
    This piano is really nice, It has keys that feel like the real thing and using it to write some tracks in Logic Express would be a delight if it would work. If I could, I would take this issue to the Apple store in Salt Lake City, but I'm thinking that I would also have to take the piano and its kinda big. I'm using a Macbook running OS X Leopard 10.5.4 with a 2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo processor and 2 Gigs of ram. I also run a Line 6 Toneport UX2, I'm not sure if there could be any Hardware conflicts, but I'm not much of a computer guy so I figured I'd just let you know as much as I can.
    Aside from this thing with the piano, OSX has worked beautifully! I will never buy a Windows running machine again. And the few times when I'm forced to use one, (Work and stuff) I get really cranky.
    Thank you for your time,
    Jon Worms
    P.S. I'm more than willing to scan the manual and email it for you upon request, I tried to find a link to it somewhere with no luck. But you know, thats just my luck. :P

    Hey Rob, Thanks for responding!
    As far as I can see there is not. The piano does have 3 usb ports on it though. 2 A size ports to go to Kawai approved devices, such as a hard drive for recording directly to portable memory. These plugs are labeled USB to Device. Then it has one B size plug that is Labeled USB to Host. The manual says that this is the one to connect to the computer.
    USB Controls do exist though. But manual states that they are for when you plug in a small hard drive/flash drive. The controls allow you to create new folders and move recordings around on a flash drive. And without a hard drive plugged into one of the A size ports I don't get anything but an error message.
    Tomorrow I'm going to try and get it to work on a windows box. Maybe i'll have a little luck.
    Thanks for your help.

  • IMac won't recognise USB MIDI keyboard in Audio MIDI Setup

    I upgraded earlier in the week from a G4 eMac to a new Intel iMac. All appeared well until I tried to use my Evolution MK-361 USB midi keyboard from inside Logic. No midi events were coming through the system.
    After some fiddling around I found the Audio MIDI Setup utility and the keyboard is not listed as a device in there. However, if I open System Profiler and select the USB information I can see that the keyboard is connected. According to the E-Magic web site this model of keyboard is class compliant and so shouldn't need a driver installed.
    Originally I had the keyboard plugged into a USB hub. I've tried restarting the machine, restarting the machine with the cable plugged into different USB ports and different USB cables plugged into different USB ports. I've also downloaded all the latest OS / firmware / application updates and installed them.
    I reconnected the keyboard to my old eMac and it shows up on there so I know it's not a fault in the keyboard itself.
    The only other bits of gear connected to the machine are a Lacie external hard drive and my Saffire but these are firewire device so I wouldn't expect them to cause a problem (they certainly didn't on the eMac).
    If anyone has any ideas I would seriously appreciate the help. As you can imagine I'm pretty gutted having forked out a grand for the machine.
    iMac (Intel)   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    Hi Jon
    So much for plug and play
    Yeah, it's great isn't it?
    I emailed M-Audio tech support about it and apparently it's a known problem in 10.4.8 and they're waiting for a fix from Apple. I guess I'll just have to keep my eyes peeled for OS updates and go rummaging under the stairs for a midi cable instead.
    Ho hum.

  • Audio/midi interface compatibility with Logic Express Mac osx 10.6.5

    hi all, I'm looking for a compatible audio/midi interface to use with the latest mac os. I recently purchased a Ediroll UA25 but was unable to get it working . I installed the latest drivers from the Roland site but when plugged in it just wasn't being recognised. I sent it back and got a full refund but now I am insure if the Ediroll was faulty or if it wasn't compatible with os 10.6.5. I am now in the process of looking to purchase another interface but am looking for help from you guys.
    Thanks in advance,

    just out of curiousity: did you use the UA-25 or the UA-25EX? I know the 25EX has a driver switch on it's back where you can enable a standard driver which should be compatible to OS X without an additional driver.
    However, i didn't find another interface including a compressor except for the Yamaha Audiogram 6, if you need this feature.
    If you don't need it, buy a MOTU, preferably with firewire, or a Presonus. If you want quality, maybe an Apogee Duet. I myself - due to shortage of funds - still use either my Tascam Fireone or my Alesis I/O 2. The Alesis sounds nice for it's price, but i won't buy any of these lower end interfaces anymore. You get what you pay for. I also used the Edirol UA-25EX for a time, but this was before snow leopard, so i can't really say "Yes or No", but it was definitely a very good interface compared to it's price. I won't recommend M-Audio, however, but others like it.

  • Premiere Pro CS6 does not recognize USB PnP Sound device connected  to iMac OSX even when activated in Audio MIDI setup. The iMac(i-7 processor,16 GB)   is working with this USB device without any problem

    Premiere Pro CS6 does not recognize the USB PnP Sound device in order to produce a commentary sound track. The USB device has been activated on the iMac OSX by using the Audio-MIDI-setup and is working correctly with the iMac. When opening > presets >audio hardware I can only select between >standard >out  integrated > digital input integrated >microphone integrated. USB PnP is not indicated at this place.
    With the built-in microphone of the iMac I can produce the commentary sound track, but I would prefer a stand alone version for better quality.
    Your help is highly appreciated. Thanks in advance, Annemarie!

    I'm using a Logitech Webcam Pro 9000 (which has a microphone on the side). I have several other devices plugged into separate USB slots: a keyboard, a mouse, my iPhone, and a Roland keyboard midi controller.
    I've considered that maybe the webcam/mic combo is the culprit. If USB doesn't work at a constant speed, that could very well be causing the issue! The sound begins to lag badly sometimes when it's working properly, so that there's a multisecond delay between speaking and hearing my voice repeated back over the mic which is another sign that something is wrong. I've also caught it making a strange electronic sound during its "hang" time once it stops taking sound input correctly.
    Maybe I should try to use line-in and forgo USB altogether then. I think I'd need a preamp and some sort of converter for that since the Mac Mini lacks a powered mic jack. I'm only a newbie musician so I've never set up such a system but it might be a better solution in the long run.
    I'll check to see if it hangs before or after my computer enters suspend mode, that's a good suggestion too. Thank you for your help!

  • Audio MIDI Setup not working, please help

    I am using a macbook pro with Lion OSX 10.7.4. I've been trying to setup my ipad as a wireless MIDI controller but when i open up network in the MIDI window in Audio MIDI setup i just get 'MIDI device properties', instead of midi device setup.
    I also noticed that there is no file in my preferences folder.
    Any advice would be much appreciated.

    Try dragging the following .plist(s) to the desktop and rebooting:
    They are in
    If you still think you need to reinstall the entire app, use Pacifist and extract it from your original Leopard DVD.
    Message was edited by: nerowolfe

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