Audio off sync

This happens on the timeline as it goes from one scene to another...any help

You need to provide more info. What are the project settings, what media are you using, if possible post a screenshot of your timeline.
Also, whataudio format are you using?

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    I've seen that problem in several threads, both here and in the Mountain Lion forum. I tried to replicate the problem but was unable to do so... so it's not a problem effecting all Macs. Try posting here - in the Mountain Lion forum - and see what you get as a search. There's one specific "More Like This" to the right on this thread but there doesn't seem to have been a solution posted.
    Good luck,

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    Some laptops (especially cheap ones...) might have trouble playing HD content downloaded on iTunes. Try playing a low-resolution video and see if the audio is still off-sync.

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    I'm having the exact same problem, but I can get more specific.
    It happens whens I merge external Lav audio with my first video, then I multiclip the newly made Merged clip with the second video using the "IN POINT".  The Multiclip audio plays in sync when previewing, but as soon as I make a "mark in" point, audio goes out of sync.  But, if I drag that 3-point edit to the timeline, it goes back in sync... which is odd.
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    PS.  I've done the step by step Multiclip creation from the tutorial videos and I get the same thing happening. 
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    Thank you

    Is it consistently off-sync? Like is it always 2 frames off? Or does it trail off, like it starts in sync and then it drifts out of sync after several seconds? I recently captured a bunch of stuff that was recorded with a DVX100 and the audio was 2 frames ahead of the video (sometimes it seemed like it was only 1 frame off, but 99% of the time it was 2).
    Then another problem that crept up was when it got to the end of a tape, which would confuse Final Cut. It would stop, and then make the last clip captured play at 29.97 when it should have been 23.98, though the audio would play back normally. So it would appear to be in sync for a moment and then it would get way out of sync very quickly. What I had to do then was just babysit the capture of the last scene on the tape and stop it before it got to the end.

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    I have looked a little bit more, and it seems as though the video is lagging behind, not the other way around. Video seems choppy, but the audio is playing perfectly. Music Videos are suffering from the same problem as well. Also, when I sync to my iPod Touch 16GB, audio & video match up perfectly.
    I still have no idea how to fix this. Please help.

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    My problem is a bit different, though just as irritating.  I can't believe Adobe hasn't fixed this given how long since the original post has been up here.  I capture satellite programming from a professional c-band satellite every week.  I use good old fashion Quicktime to capture 30 minute programs for later broadcast.  Our job is to capture the video from the satellite, clip the commercials at the beginning and end of the program and then export a clean version as an MPEG2 file.  Quicktime provides two capture settings: high (which provides a very large ProRes file in 16bit stereo) or medium (which provides a manageable H264 file in AAC stereo).  Both are Quicktime files. 
    While I don't have sync issues with the ProRes file, the file that is captured using H264 and the AAC stereo gets pushed out of sync by just enough frames to make it necessary to fix. This is adding about 2 to 3 hours of studio time each week to our production given we have to process about a dozen of these files. Viewing the original quicklime files using the newest version of quicklime or the old Quicktime program and most other video players yields a perfectly in-sync experience; it's just when it's imported into Premier Pro CC 2014 that the sync. problem appears.  One solution that has worked is taking the master file and exporting it again as a .dv file, but this actually takes longer than fixing the sync issue within Premiere. My guess is it may be the AAC audio process that may be the problem.
    We only started using Premiere a few months ago and are already re-evaluating whether we should return to FCP.  We were really like most of the Adobe apps within Creative Cloud, but we use Premiere to much to put up with such a major flaw. I do wish Adobe would monitor some of these forums; they have no idea how customer service plays a key role for future software purchases.

  • Audio Track off sync after importing RAW Materials to Premiere

    Hi there i have the following problem in Premiere pro cc:
    I record Let's Play Videos via Nvidea-Shadowplay in 1080p / 60 fps / 30.000 kbps
    I checked the material in VLC-Player and everything is fine.
    Now i drag and drop the File in Adobe Premiere CC and the Audio track seems to be off sync.
    This differs. Sometimes the Audio seems to be beheind, and in other cases it is a to early.
    This is a serious issue for me, because it leads to lot of post-production in audio tewaking to fix this.
    I have no Idea how to fix this,  because the RAW Material i recorded works perfect, but the file is to big
    to put on youtube, ofc.
    Hallo Leute, ich habe folgendes Problem:
    Wenn ich Let's Play Videos in Shadowplay aufnehme und mir das Material dann im VLC Player betrachte sind Audio und Videospur 100% synchron.
    Wenn ich das Material dann aber in Premiere Pro reinziehe habe ich bei manchen, nicht bei allen Videos das Problem, dass die Tonspur asynchron ist. Manchmal ist das Bild zu früh, dann wieder der Ton.
    Das führt zu viel Zeitaufwand beim Nachbearbeiten.
    Wenn ich das Video dann Raus rendere ist es immer noch Asynchron.
    Ich habe keine Idee woran das liegen könnte...

    Vari-Productions wrote:
    I record Let's Play Videos via Nvidea-Shadowplay in 1080p / 60 fps / 30.000 kbps
    I checked the material in VLC-Player and everything is fine.
    Now i drag and drop the File in Adobe Premiere CC and the Audio track seems to be off sync.
    What you're running into is variable frame rate (VFR) video.  ShadowPlay and any other app that uses nVidia's hardware h.264 encoders will produce MP4 files that are VFR.  Premiere Pro doesn't handle VFR vids very well at all; it's designed to handle constant frame rate (CFR).
    To fix this, you'll want to transcode your MP4 files using something like Handbrake over to CFR versions.  I've never used Handbrake for this, but I know others here have to great success.  Search for phrases like "VFR" and "variable frame rate" and you should find a bunch of results.
    I solved this using the ffmpeg command line application, which you can search for and download from various places.
    ffmpeg -i <input.mp4> -hide_banner -vsync 1 -crf 19 -r 59.94 -vcodec libx264 -preset ultrafast -g 50 -acodec copy <output.mp4>
    If you'd rather use a GUI, then check out Handbrake or other tools.

  • Audio Lip-sync off...

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    Hi Sandra17, I can take a look at this and escalate accordingly. Are you seeing this on both of your cable boxes?
    Thank you

  • Only some audio is off sync after Quicktime export

    I am cutting simple man-on-the-street interviews together to build a narrative. I am shooting on a Sony HVR-V1U in HDV. I import everything fine, edit it, then export to QT using the following settings:
    Video bitrate: 1372 kbits/sec
    Frame rate: 29.97 for 25fps
    Frame size: 640x360
    Quality: High
    Sound: Format: AAC
    Sample rate: 44.1 kHz
    Stereo channels
    128 kbps bitrate
    When I play the QT, some of the voices are fine, but others the video is off sync from the audio by around 15 framse, and I have NO IDEA WHY. I've tried messing with the settings, re-importing, and nothing works. And the fact that it happens to some clips and not others, has left me just baffled. I've had to just re-export manually adjusting the audio. Anyone else have this problem? Any solutions or advice that I could at least try?

    Thanks for the tip but I was trying to avoid having to put the clips into a video editor because that tends to cause it's own problems with sync as well. I actually found my answer via an obscure link to some comment on a forum detailing that .wav files (which I was using) will NOT stay in sync in Flash (regardless of the version) due to the particular way Flash compresses them. I switched all the audio to .aif and bam... instant sync. It sure would be nice if the default sound format Adobe uses in thier own Audition program would be compatible with ther own software! After all, wasn't that what the whole unification of the Creative Suite was about? So that all of their 'suite' would work with each other seamlessly?

  • Qt files audio out off sync in FCE 4

    Export from iM6HD-expert settings(DVCPRO) out of sync.
    Export from iM6HD-Full Quality and out of sync.
    Imported a high quality H.264 clip and audio in sync but needs to be rendered(FCE said 6 hrs for a 20 min clip. and not what I want to do anyway.
    Tried to open iM^HD project package and used "save as" in QT. Audio in sync but way to much to render. Also tried to export the audio as a seprate AIFF and no sync.
    Thank you kindly

    The MiniDisc comments are interesting.
    I was first made aware of the MiniDisc's potential when a few years ago a club member demonstrated how over a ten minute test it only drifted by 1 frame.
    Then a couple of years ago another chap demonstrated his Digital Voice Recorder which was perfect.
    Apart from being a fraction of the cost of a radio mike they have a number of advantages as there is no chance of reception problems and you also have the original audio from the camera as (poor quality) backup should the radio mike fail.
    Anyway my slight audio drift is no real problem apart from wasting those five seconds altering the speed in FCE !

  • CS4 Exporting Trouble - Audio / Video Sync

    I'm having a lot of trouble exporting from Premiere CS4. I have a 5 minute video project shot in 1920x1080 and I'm just trying to export it into a format that can support its HD. When I try the H.264 BluRay preset, though, the audio and video are hugely off sync from each other. I've exported smaller portions using the Windows Media Video format, and that looks great, but it won't render my entire video without the export failing due to an error.
    Is there any way I can get this exported without selling myself short on quality?

    Dang, for most users, the MainConcept H.264 has been about perfect.
    Maybe another user will have some ideas on the OOS issues. Most of those seem to revolve around Apple's H.264, but that is not the case with your Project. Sorry that I could not help.
    Good luck,

  • Audio not syncing with Video when live streaming.

    Hello, i was wondering if i could get a possible fix for a problem that's been keeping my streaming back. I am using a Dazzle capture card to stream video games, and Flash Media Live Encoder 3.2 to send out the feed. My video source is of course the capture card and i use a MAC program called "Audio Midi Setup" to create an aggregate device of both the dazzle audio and my microphone as an audio source for FMLE. This way, the viewers could hear both my voice and the game audio.
    Everything works really well, except for one problem. The audio always occurs 6 seconds before the actions in the game that correspond to it, and my voice will mention something first before it happens, again off by 6 seconds. I've played around with a couple of the settings for audio and video, but no matter what, it's always a 6 second delay. I've had this problem for a while and am unsure if the problem stems to FMLE at this point, but would appreciate any possible help. Thank you

    This is common for separately recorded audio.  Sync the start of both clips. then go to the end and adjust the speed of the audio clip until it get's back in sync at the end.  It should then be in sync throughout.  You'll have to experiment to get just the right adjustment.  My device's clips had to be adjusted to 100.4% speed to keep sync.

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