Audio only chats with AIM on PC?

Some older posts indicate it is not possible to initiate audio only chats between macs with iChat 2.1 and PCs running AIM. Is this still true with AIM version 5.9.6? Or should that work? I have tried, and can do a text chat just fine, but there is no audio (phone) icon on my buddy list for the buddy on the PC, so I can't initiate audio. Could it be firewall and port setting problems?
eMac G5   Mac OS X (10.3.9)   iChat 2.1

skype is the best option from mac to PC, for video or audio ...
the mac user should download the beta 2.0 version for video chatting....
good luck

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    Hi. I have never been able to audio only chat to AIM pc (Vista) user. Every time it starts to connect, say "connecting" then fails and said user declined invitation. Which I know she has not, this also happens with another friend of mine (Win XP). Does anyone know a fix for this? Are there any special settings, mac or pc end? Thanks.

    AIM on a PC is now at version 6.8
    This version is actually still in beta as well.
    the Support Pages at AIM only list that AIM 6.5 (the previous version) does not Video chat to iChat.
    AIM 6.1 did but is no longer downloadable.
    AIM 5.9 is still downloadable for XP users (it does not work in Vista)
    Trillian Pro is an option as it has worked since AIM 5.9 (it's a PC App)
    Also try Mebeam. This uses Flash in a Web Browser and can create Video Chat rooms for just you and your Buddy.
    10:36 PM Wednesday; August 6, 2008

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    ibook g4 1Hz   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    Hi jd50,
    Welcome To The Apple Discussion Pages.
    This is normally due to the Video quality at the PC end being too high and taking all the bandwidth.
    Start a Video chat
    You open the Connection Doctor at your end (in the Video menu)
    They then pull the preview tab (behind the incomming video) to the front.
    To the right now should be a small icon which they should clck.
    This brings up a slider.
    They should move the slider to the left - slowly
    You should see their framerate and Bit rate go up
    At somepoint - if there is enough adjustment - you should get sound as well.
    Balance as required between pic quality and sound
    9:08 PM Saturday; February 25, 2006

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    Hi Kitty.
    Seems to be quite a popular problem. In another post, I posted the following.
    "The red light is the data signal that is transmitted if you plug in an Optical Audio device such as surround sound speakers. I had the same problem for a short while with my 17' MBP. Sound was working fine from my built in speakers but I plugged in some earphones to listen to something that I did not want the rest of the office to hear and after pulling the hearphones out, the optical signal (red light) was being transmitted. The switch Cessna is referring to is the switch that is triggered inside the port that tells OSX that earphones/optical audio device is plugged in and to shut down power to the built in speakers. When the device is un-plugged from that port, the switch should get triggered again and power up the built in speakers and disable the optical light signal. Perhaps there is the slightest defect on the earphones you are plugging in that are preventing it from triggering the switch when the earphones are un-plugged.
    Try a different sent of earphones to maybe trigger the switch if you are uncomfortable with the paper clip solution."
    That seemed to solve the problem for that user.
    The link to the post is
    Good luck

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    The latest version of AIM (called Triton) doesn't work with iChat. Have you tried version 5.9 of the AIM application on the PC?
    If that doesn't work for you, you could try Trillian, which has a better picture than AIM (The AIM video window is very small and not resizeable). The Trillian Pro version, required for video, costs $25 but you can try it free for 14 days.

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    Hi Rodi,
    There has been one report of a .mac user contacting .mac because of this problem. He said he was informed that they were aware of the problem exsiting for some users but that they could not tell which ones.
    They did something to his account that made it work (some problem with the .mac user list and the AIM Servers)
    I suggest you explore this as well.

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    Well done, Sandra,
    Good to see more of your helpful, first-hand PC experiences documented.
    ... I'm sure Ralph or someone else will give it to you ...
    "Tuning" the camera and mic
    ... it's probably in his FAQ, anyway ...
    Right, Sandra, It
    b is
    linked -- scroll down the page part way
    in the the "... girlfriend ..." section.

  • Can't share screen or video chat with AIM

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    Thoughts? Thanks,

    Video Chat requires that you have a enough Internet Speed.
    A minimum of 128kbps upload (normally the lower) is required.
    However this is the Apple declared minimum and  a real world figure of 256kbps is best.  (it is several times the fastest possible Dial up speed).
    As Screen Sharing in iChat is basically an Audio Chat + then you have to be able to Video Chat (Same min speed requirement) first.
    Screen Sharing also requires a random internet port that means using UPnP in your router or Modem to Open ports.
    If the icons at the Bottom of the Buddy List are greyed out go to the Video Menu.
    Check the Video Chat Enabled is ticked and the same for Screen Sharing.
    If they are then open the Connection Doctor from the same Menu and check Capabilities.  (report these)
    Having said that the Internet Speed you have and the Settings would effect both types of Buddy list.
    That leaves the type of Applications the Buddy is using.
    Jabber (In this case GoogleTalk ) Buddy lists will not video or Audio chat to people logged in via a Browser or the Google Talk App for PCs or other Non iChat/Messages  but Jabber able apps on PCs or Macs (it is only iChat or Messages the Buddy has to have).
    An AIM Buddy could be logged in via AIM Express (Access via a Browser)
    This would tend to have them Not show the Video or Audio iCons (green ones in the Buddy list) rather than "disable" the Buddy List icons.
    Having laid it all out with some suggestions I am now confused.
    Go to the General Section of the Messages Preferences an untick the item about gathering all Accounts into one list.
    This will create at least two Buddy Lists (Jabber/Google and AIM).
    The settings in the Video menu should effect both Buddy lists.
    If you toggle Off and On again the Video, Audio and Screen Sharing options does anything change ?
    The Messages Beta issue will not be a factor.
    10:32 PM      Friday; November 23, 2012
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
      iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Mountain Lion 10.8.2)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
     Couple of iPhones and an iPad
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

  • Video chat with AIM on a pc

    I am having trouble video chatting with my friend who has a pc. When we connect with video chat, both of us can only see me. I have an imac- Any ideas? Sound works fine
    imac   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

    Additional info.
    2 Have they done the tuning?
    This bit applies to AIM 5.9 and can be found here at message 570 onwards.
    3 Is AIM6.exe (presuming he has 6.1) allowed as an exception in the firewall
    This bit does not apply just to AIM 6.1 but 5.9 as well (In fact any Non Microsoft app on a PC.)
    The instruction can be found here and amended for the App involved.

  • Can video chat with Aim users on a PC but not with Ichat users on Mac!

    I am having the odd problem of being able to video chat with someone when they are using their pc running aim, but I cant chat with the same person when he on his Mac!
    I am running as DMZ behind a Linksys WRT54G wireless router.
    The problem is on my side because I cant chat with the test accounts either.
    I tried this after bothe forwarding and triggering all the ports that were suggested.
    I am stumped!

    Hi Lullah,
    This is going to be down to the Staelite connection.
    It has what is called latency.
    This adds an unexceptable delay in the passing of data at the start of the connection.
    Very few people have reported success.
    The things you can try are to fool the link into passing more intense data prior to starting a chat.
    If you have web pages try uploading a Pic of larger file to the site.
    Just as this finishes start up iChat
    You should also check that System Preferences > Quicktime > Streaming tab has the speed to match you download set.
    Hopefully (But no reported success) you may get iChat to see more bandwidth as you have just had the modem busy.
    Following the launch of iChat with a video chat request may be able to get that bandwidth.
    Realistically the 128 k upload even if you were getting close to it is very tight to the lowest point Apple say will work.
    Speed testing a 128 k service i likely to get a result of about 80% of the figure (102k) iChat will use about 80 % of what is left (you are down to about 83K). You are now below the 100k min.
    With regards to your LAN there are several things that may help if not set up already.
    Only have one device doing DHCP. The way routers work as compared to modems is that they pass all routing data though to the computers.
    This means the computers can be sitting in two subnets (1) from Modem to computer via router and (2) from Router. The computer can only display one of these IP addresses but can get confuse info regarding iChat.
    Do not use Port Forwarding or Port triggering, twice or together on the LAN. iCHAT does not like two lots of NAT (bath are forms of Network Address Translation [NAT]).
    Use UPnP where you can.
    IF you are trying to test this yur Mac to your PC you ahve to allow for the fact that the modem is handling two Video chats in effect. This means you need twice the minimum bandwidth (let alone the fact that ichat to AIM semms to like 50% more than Mac to Mac contacts.
    Sorry to be the bearer of so much doom and gloom.
    11:03 PM Tuesday; March 28, 2006

  • Can't connect with video chat with AIM pc user.

    My friend just recently bought a new pc, and he uses the latest aim for windows. we have tried to video chat but when either one of us sends the invite, the app takes a while and then says either one of us has not accepted the request which isn't true. i haven't done anything to my settings because my video chat works with others, including another friend with a pc, which makes me think it's my friends computer. the odd thing is though he's told me it works with other people he's tried it with. what are things that i can do to help rectify the problem.

    AIM on a PC is now at version 6.8
    This version is actually still in beta as well.
    the Support Pages at AIM only list that AIM 6.5 (the previous version) does not Video chat to iChat.
    AIM 6.1 did but is no longer downloadable.
    AIM 5.9 is still downloadable for XP users (it does not work in Vista)
    Trillian Pro is an option as it has worked since AIM 5.9 (it's a PC App)
    Also try Mebeam. This uses Flash in a Web Browser and can create Video Chat rooms for just you and your Buddy.
    10:36 PM Wednesday; August 6, 2008

  • How to get video and audio while chatting with your PC friends.

    Just download a program called ivisit.
    Everything else I tried sucked. Nothing worked. Yahoo, MSN, AOL IM... they all crapped out. But ivisit rocked right out of the gate, and you can get it free.
    WIth the lite version you get only one connection and it lasts for an hour. After the hour you lose video but audio and chat still works. You have to be disconnected fro the other user for a half hour for the video feed to work again.
    But if your itching to connect to your family with your new iSight and all the other big name programs are disapointing you, then one hour is plenty of time.
    ivisit saved my christmas.

    I agree. iVisit was a lifesaver. I was regreting getting my iSight until I had a successful connection. It was truly a Macintosh program - easy to setup, intuitive, not too much tech stuff to resort to figure out how things work. I was unhappy with resolution, though. You have to pay to get good resolution.

Maybe you are looking for

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