Perfstat user in 4.6C/oracle9i

Dear all,
We found that there is a oracle user perfstat in our 4.6C/oracle9i/solaris landscape.
But in our hpux system where we have installed installed 4.6C/oracle10g, we could not find the user perfstat.
Can you please explain
1.what is the use of perfstat user in oracle?
2. why it is not available in oracle 10g/sap4.6c?
3. Do we need to recreate the same user manually in oracle10g/sap4.6C?
Pl clarify

Hello Senthil,
the PERFSTAT user is normally added, if you install STATSPACK on oracle. This is a package for Oracle 9i (and as well as for Oracle 10g, if you don't have the Oracle Database Diagnostic Pack).
STATSPACK is used to take performance snapshots on oracle databases to analyze load situations / performance issues.
If you install SAP on Oracle 10g you automatically have the "Oracle Database Diagnostic Pack" and you can use the AWR instead of the STATSPACK - so no STATSPACK is needed (and no PERFSTAT user is installed).
So you don't need to add this user manually.
For more information about STATSPACK - take a look at sapnote #717484

Similar Messages

  • Error in creating perfstat user for statspack

    Hi Friends,
    DB:, SE and 64 bit
    OS: RHEL 5.7
    My DB is on SE and hence i cannot use the diagonistic pack so when i am trying to use Statspack for the same, i am facing the following error when i am trying to create Perfstat user.
    SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/spcreate
    Choose the PERFSTAT user's password
    Not specifying a password will result in the installation FAILING
    Enter value for perfstat_password: perfstat
    Choose the Default tablespace for the PERFSTAT user
    Below is the list of online tablespaces in this database which can
    store user data. Specifying the SYSTEM tablespace for the user's
    default tablespace will result in the installation FAILING, as
    using SYSTEM for performance data is not supported.
    Choose the PERFSTAT users's default tablespace. This is the tablespace
    in which the STATSPACK tables and indexes will be created.
    Pressing <return> will result in STATSPACK's recommended default
    tablespace (identified by *) being used.
    Enter value for default_tablespace: PERFSTAT
    Using tablespace PERFSTAT as PERFSTAT default tablespace.
    Choose the Temporary tablespace for the PERFSTAT user
    Below is the list of online tablespaces in this database which can
    store temporary data (e.g. for sort workareas). Specifying the SYSTEM
    tablespace for the user's temporary tablespace will result in the
    installation FAILING, as using SYSTEM for workareas is not supported.
    Choose the PERFSTAT user's Temporary tablespace.
    Pressing <return> will result in the database's default Temporary
    tablespace (identified by *) being used.
    Enter value for temporary_tablespace: TEMP
    Using tablespace TEMP as PERFSTAT temporary tablespace.
    ... Creating PERFSTAT user
    ... Installing required packages
    ... Creating views
    ... Granting privileges
    SPCUSR complete. Please check spcusr.lis for any errors.
    SQL> --
    SQL> -- Build the tables and synonyms
    SQL> connect perfstat/&&perfstat_password
    SQL> @@spctab
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/spctab.sql /st_rdbms_11.2.0/1 2010/08/13 10:06:01 kchou Exp $
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> Rem spctab.sql
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> Rem Copyright (c) 1999, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
    SQL> Rem All rights reserved.
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> Rem NAME
    SQL> Rem spctab.sql
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> Rem SQL*PLUS command file to create tables to hold
    SQL> Rem start and end "snapshot" statistical information
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> Rem NOTES
    SQL> Rem Should be run as STATSPACK user, PERFSTAT
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> Rem kchou 08/11/10 - Bug#9800868 - Add Missing Idle Events for
    SQL> Rem Statspack & Standby Statspack
    SQL> Rem kchou 08/11/10 - Bug#9800868 - Add missing idle events to
    SQL> Rem cgervasi 05/13/09 - add idle event: cell worker idle
    SQL> Rem cgervasi 04/02/09 - bug8395154: missing idle events
    SQL> Rem rhlee 02/22/08 -
    Rem cdgreen 03/14/07 - 11 F2SQL> Rem shsong 06/14/07 - Add idle events
    SQL> Rem cdgreen 02/28/07 - 5908354
    SQL> Rem cdgreen 04/26/06 - 11 F1
    SQL> Rem cdgreen 06/26/06 - Increase column length
    SQL> Rem cdgreen 05/10/06 - 5215982
    SQL> Rem cdgreen 05/24/05 - 4246955
    SQL> Rem cdgreen 04/18/05 - 4228432
    SQL> Rem cdgreen 03/08/05 - 10gR2 misc
    SQL> Rem vbarrier 02/18/05 - 4081984
    SQL> Rem cdgreen 10/29/04 - 10gR2_sqlstats
    SQL> Rem cdgreen 07/16/04 - 10gR2
    SQL> Rem cdialeri 03/25/04 - 3516921
    SQL> Rem vbarrier 02/12/04 - 3412853
    SQL> Rem cdialeri 12/04/03 - 3290482
    SQL> Rem cdialeri 11/05/03 - 3202706
    SQL> Rem cdialeri 10/14/03 - 10g - streams - rvenkate
    SQL> Rem cdialeri 08/05/03 - 10g F3
    SQL> Rem cdialeri 02/27/03 - 10g F2: baseline, purge
    SQL> Rem vbarrier 02/25/03 - 10g RAC
    SQL> Rem cdialeri 11/15/02 - 10g F1
    SQL> Rem cdialeri 09/27/02 - sleep4
    SQL> Rem vbarrier 03/20/02 - 2143634
    SQL> Rem vbarrier 03/05/02 - Segment Statistics
    SQL> Rem cdialeri 02/07/02 - 2218573
    SQL> Rem cdialeri 01/30/02 - 2184717
    SQL> Rem cdialeri 01/11/02 - 9.2 - features 2
    SQL> Rem cdialeri 11/30/01 - 9.2 - features 1
    SQL> Rem cdialeri 04/22/01 - Undostat changes
    SQL> Rem cdialeri 03/02/01 - 9.0
    SQL> Rem cdialeri 09/12/00 - sp_1404195
    SQL> Rem cdialeri 04/07/00 - 1261813
    SQL> Rem cdialeri 03/20/00 - Support for purge
    SQL> Rem cdialeri 02/16/00 - 1191805
    SQL> Rem cdialeri 01/26/00 - 1169401
    SQL> Rem cdialeri 11/01/99 - Enhance, 1059172
    SQL> Rem cmlim 07/17/97 - Added STATS$SQLAREA to store top sql stmts
    SQL> Rem gwood 10/16/95 - Version to run as sys without using many view
    SQL> Rem 11/15/89 - Created
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> set showmode off echo off;
    If this script is automatically called from spcreate (which is
    the supported method), all STATSPACK segments will be created in
    the PERFSTAT user's default tablespace.
    Using PERFSTAT tablespace to store Statspack objects
    ... Creating STATS$SNAPSHOT_ID Sequence
    Sequence created.
    create public synonym STATS$SNAPSHOT_ID for STATS$SNAPSHOT_ID
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00955: name is already used by an existing object
    Disconnected from Oracle Database 11g Release - 64bit Production
    Kindly suggest on the same..

    drop public synonym STATS$SNAPSHOT_ID;
    try again

  • Error in Droping PERFSTAT User

    Hi All,
    I'm getting the following two error messages while dropping the PERFSTAT schema & the tables.
    The oracle version is & it is running on SUN SOLARIS 9.
    I've logged in as sys dba & executed the script "SPDROP.sql" to drop the PERFSTAT schema. all the tables, views & synonyms dropped successfully.
    But the PERFSTAT user didn't dropped. I can still see the user in DBA_USERS.
    Rather I got the two error messages:
    ORA-00604 error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
    ORA-04098 trigger 'SYS.DDLTRIGGER' is invalid & failed revalidation
    Can any one help if I'm doing the wrong thing....
    Else is there any other procedure to drop the PERFSTAT schema.

    This trigger was created to capture the DDL operations along with a trigger to capture the logon & logoff information on the database from the front end. Which was not allowing me to drop the PERFSTAT schema. As these triggers were updating few tables in the PERFSTA schema. After disabling the triggers well I can able to drop & recreate the PERFSAT.
    Thnx for the inputs

  • User creating problem in oracle9i lite.

    Platform for Mobile Server : Windows 2000 advanced server.
    9i lite ver. 5.0.1
    Database : Oracle
    i'm logging into mobile server control center as administrator. And i create users for the applications. But when i try to list the users, there is no user listed except the administrator. Could anyone help me about this?

    This looks like it might be a Java class mismatch error. Do you have multiple versions of Java installed on your machine? If so, you may want to keep one version and remove the rest.
    If you're already running just one version, you may want to check the registry and classpath for references to multiple Java versions, or version that no longer exist.
    Please let me know if you have additional questions.

  • SQLPATH for user profile of SQL*PLUS

    Hi there,
    I am using 9.2 on HPUX. I tried set up my user profile script (login.sql) and place it in a place included in SQLPATH variable. It worked in 8.1.x but not in 9.2
    Is it an identified bug? I have no access to metalink

    Seems to work on my windows environment.
    E:\>set SQLPATH=C:\Temp
    E:\>mkdir C:\Temp\Help
    E:\>echo prompt Help... > C:\Temp\Help\Help.sql
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu Sep 25 23:08:40 2003
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    Enter user-name: /
    Connected to:
    Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options
    JServer Release - Production
    SQL> @Help\Help.sql
    SQL> @Temp\Help\Help.sql
    SQL> exit
    Disconnected from Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options
    JServer Release - Production

  • View list of tables created by user

    How can I see a list of tables that I, as a user, have created in Oracle9i (assuming that I am just a user and not an administrator)?

    'select table_name from user_tables' will give you list of all the tables you own.
    'select object_name,object_type from user_objects' will show you all objects (tables,indexes,views,synonyms,procedures,triggers etc) that you own.

  • Oracle9i Clickstream Intelligence Data Model Reference

    OTN Member Since: Dec, 2000
    Oracle9i Clickstream Intelligence Data Model Reference      Jan 3, 2004 7:05 AM
    I'm interested in knowing a little more about Oracle9i Clickstream Intelligence.
    I've seen in Oracle9i Clickstream Intelligence User Guide and in Oracle9i Clickstream Intelligence Administrator's Guide, a reference to
    Oracle9i Clickstream Intelligence Data Model Reference, but I can't seem to find it.
    Can anyone tell me where can I find this doc?
    Thanks in advance,
    Carla Lopes

    Hi Carla,
    Apologies for the delayed response.
    Please try the following link for the Data model reference:

  • Logical dataguard problem

    Hi all,
    I have prepared a logical dataguard on two local systems. My oracle version is 9i and linux version is Entreprise Linux 3.0.
    Today when i tried to execute spcreate.sql on the primary database it had thrown some errors in my secondary database.
    Kindly look at the following output from my secondary database:-
    SQL> select applied_scn,newest_scn from dba_logstdby_progress;
    270084 272644
    6 1 114
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    Database altered.
    SQL> select applied_scn,newest_scn from dba_logstdby_progress;
    270087 272644
    grant select on STATS$V_$SQLXS to PERFSTAT
    ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
    from the above errors i have found out that a particular transaction is unable to replicate in my standby database and i skipped the transaction. But still after skipping the transaction applied_scn in the dba_logstdby_progress is moving only by 3 each time I skip a transaction . So it won'' t be possible for me to skip each and every transaction.
    Kindly let me another way of skipping the rest of transactions which are causing halt in the replication.
    Also I am unable to find out how the script executed from the sys user can be replicated on logical database as sys comes in unsupported users in logical datagurad.
    Is there any way I can execute a script on primary database which won't reflect on secondary database.
    thanks in advance.

    Hi Yoann,
    Commands you provided for skipping perfstat schema worked on logical database .
    Now i m executing spcreate.sql on secondary database it gives following errors after i have specified the perfstat password,default tablespace for perfstat as 'perfstat' and temporary tablespace for perfstat as 'temp' and datafile contained in perfstat tablespace is 150 MB in size.
    spcreate worked fine on primary but is giving errors in the end in secondary.Any suggestions about this:-
    Specifying the SYSTEM tablespace will result in the installation
    FAILING, as using SYSTEM for performance data is not supported.
    Specify PERFSTAT user's default tablespace
    Enter value for default_tablespace: perfstat
    Using perfstat for the default tablespace
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    User altered.
    User altered.
    Choose the PERFSTAT user's temporary tablespace.
    Specifying the SYSTEM tablespace will result in the installation
    FAILING, as using SYSTEM for the temporary tablespace is not recommended.
    Specify PERFSTAT user's temporary tablespace.
    Enter value for temporary_tablespace: temp
    Using temp for the temporary tablespace
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    User altered.
    SPCUSR complete. Please check spcusr.lis for any errors.
    SQL> --
    SQL> -- Build the tables and synonyms
    SQL> connect perfstat/&&perfstat_password
    SQL> @@spctab
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> Rem $Header: spctab.sql 16-apr-2002.14:54:46 vbarrier Exp $
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> Rem spctab.sql
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> Rem Copyright (c) 1999, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> Rem NAME
    SQL> Rem spctab.sql
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> Rem SQL*PLUS command file to create tables to hold
    SQL> Rem start and end "snapshot" statistical information
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> Rem NOTES
    SQL> Rem Should be run as STATSPACK user, PERFSTAT
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> Rem vbarrier 03/20/02 - 2143634
    SQL> Rem vbarrier 03/05/02 - Segment Statistics
    SQL> Rem cdialeri 02/07/02 - 2218573
    SQL> Rem cdialeri 01/30/02 - 2184717
    SQL> Rem cdialeri 01/11/02 - 9.2 - features 2
    SQL> Rem cdialeri 11/30/01 - 9.2 - features 1
    SQL> Rem cdialeri 04/22/01 - Undostat changes
    SQL> Rem cdialeri 03/02/01 - 9.0
    SQL> Rem cdialeri 09/12/00 - sp_1404195
    SQL> Rem cdialeri 04/07/00 - 1261813
    SQL> Rem cdialeri 03/20/00 - Support for purge
    SQL> Rem cdialeri 02/16/00 - 1191805
    SQL> Rem cdialeri 01/26/00 - 1169401
    SQL> Rem cdialeri 11/01/99 - Enhance, 1059172
    SQL> Rem cmlim 07/17/97 - Added STATS$SQLAREA to store top sql stmts
    SQL> Rem gwood 10/16/95 - Version to run as sys without using many view s
    SQL> Rem 11/15/89 - Created
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> set showmode off echo off;
    If this script is automatically called from spcreate (which is
    the supported method), all STATSPACK segments will be created in
    the PERFSTAT user's default tablespace.
    Using perfstat tablespace to store Statspack objects
    ... Creating STATS$SNAPSHOT_ID Sequence
    create sequence STATS$SNAPSHOT_ID
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
    Disconnected from Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options
    JServer Release - Production


    If this script is automatically called from spcreate (which is
    the supported method), all STATSPACK segments will be created in
    the PERFSTAT user's default tablespace.
    Using perfstat tablespace to store Statspack objects
    ... Creating STATS$SNAPSHOT_ID Sequence
    create sequence STATS$SNAPSHOT_ID
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00955: name is already used by an existing object
    Disconnected from Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options
    JServer Release - Production

    have you run spdrop as user with sysdba privilleges?
    What's the output of spdrop, does it return any error?
    It is possible to drop objects manually, but what spdrop is doing is calling spdtab, which drop all perfstat objects and then drop user.
    Can you run select object_name, object_type from dba_objects where owner='PERFSTAT'?

  • Package.......StatsPack...Error..

    Hi.. i m tuning my Oracle Database, for that i need to install Statspack package, when i compiled package... it returned following error.
    Warning: Package Body created with compilation errors.
    SQL> show error
    2045/3 PLS-00201: identifier 'SYS.DBMS_SHARED_POOL' must be declared
    2045/3 PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    HOw to solve above error..Please check the following Package, and do help me.
    Note: I m connected perfstat user, no as SYS user.
    create or replace package body STATSPACK as
    /* Define package variables.
    Variables prefixed with p_ are package variables.
    p_snap_id integer; /* snapshot id */
    p_instance_number number; /* instance number */
    p_instance_name varchar2(16); /* instance name */
    p_startup_time date; /* instance startup time */
    p_parallel varchar2(3); /* parallel server */
    p_version varchar2(17); /* Oracle release */
    p_dbid number; /* database id */
    p_host_name varchar2(64); /* host instance is on */
    p_name varchar2(9); /* database name */
    p_new_sga integer; /* Instance bounced since last snap? */
    tmp_int integer; /* initialise defaults */
    p_def_snap_level number default 5; /* default snapshot lvl */
    p_def_session_id number default 0; /* default session id */
    p_def_ucomment varchar2(160) default null;
    p_def_pin_statspack varchar2(10) default 'TRUE';
    p_def_last_modified date default SYSDATE;
    /* Below are the default threshold (_th) values for choosing SQL statements
    to store in the stats$sqlsummary table - these statements will typically
    be the statements using the most resources.
    p_def_num_sql number default 50; /* Num. SQL statements */
    p_def_executions_th number default 100; /* Num. executions */
    p_def_parse_calls_th number default 1000; /* Num. parse calls */
    p_def_disk_reads_th number default 1000; /* Num. disk reads */
    p_def_buffer_gets_th number default 10000; /* Num. buf gets */
    p_def_sharable_mem_th number default 1048576; /* Sharable memory */
    p_def_version_count_th number default 20; /* Child Cursors */
    p_def_all_init varchar2(10) default 'FALSE';
    cursor get_instance is
    select instance_number, instance_name
    , startup_time, parallel, version
    , host_name
    from v$instance;
    cursor get_db is
    select dbid, name
    from v$database;
    procedure SNAP
    (i_snap_level in number default null
    ,i_session_id in number default null
    ,i_ucomment in varchar2 default null
    ,i_num_sql in number default null
    ,i_executions_th in number default null
    ,i_parse_calls_th in number default null
    ,i_disk_reads_th in number default null
    ,i_buffer_gets_th in number default null
    ,i_sharable_mem_th in number default null
    ,i_version_count_th in number default null
    ,i_all_init in varchar2 default null
    ,i_pin_statspack in varchar2 default null
    ,i_modify_parameter in varchar2 default 'FALSE'
    /* Takes a snapshot by calling the SNAP function, and discards
    the snapshot id. This is useful when automating taking
    snapshots from dbms_job
    l_snap_id number;
    l_snap_id := statspack.snap ( i_snap_level, i_session_id, i_ucomment
    , i_num_sql
    , i_executions_th
    , i_parse_calls_th
    , i_disk_reads_th
    , i_buffer_gets_th
    , i_sharable_mem_th
    , i_version_count_th
    , i_all_init
    , i_pin_statspack
    , i_modify_parameter);
    end SNAP;
    ( i_dbid in number default null
    , i_instance_number in number default null
    , i_snap_level in number default null
    , i_session_id in number default null
    , i_ucomment in varchar2 default null
    , i_num_sql in number default null
    , i_executions_th in number default null
    , i_parse_calls_th in number default null
    , i_disk_reads_th in number default null
    , i_buffer_gets_th in number default null
    , i_sharable_mem_th in number default null
    , i_version_count_th in number default null
    , i_all_init in varchar2 default null
    , i_pin_statspack in varchar2 default null
    , i_modify_parameter in varchar2 default 'TRUE'
    /* Calls QAM with the modify flag, and discards the
    output variables
    l_snap_level number;
    l_session_id number;
    l_ucomment varchar2(160);
    l_num_sql number;
    l_executions_th number;
    l_parse_calls_th number;
    l_disk_reads_th number;
    l_buffer_gets_th number;
    l_sharable_mem_th number;
    l_version_count_th number;
    l_all_init varchar2(5);
    l_pin_statspack varchar2(10);
    statspack.qam_statspack_parameter( i_dbid
    , i_instance_number
    , i_snap_level
    , i_session_id
    , i_ucomment
    , i_num_sql
    , i_executions_th
    , i_parse_calls_th
    , i_disk_reads_th
    , i_buffer_gets_th
    , i_sharable_mem_th
    , i_version_count_th
    , i_all_init
    , i_pin_statspack
    , 'TRUE'
    , l_snap_level
    , l_session_id
    , l_ucomment
    , l_num_sql
    , l_executions_th
    , l_parse_calls_th
    , l_disk_reads_th
    , l_buffer_gets_th
    , l_sharable_mem_th
    , l_version_count_th
    , l_all_init
    , l_pin_statspack);
    /* As we have explicity been requested to change the parameters,
    independently of taking a snapshot, commit
    ( i_dbid in number default null
    , i_instance_number in number default null
    , i_snap_level in number default null
    , i_session_id in number default null
    , i_ucomment in varchar2 default null
    , i_num_sql in number default null
    , i_executions_th in number default null
    , i_parse_calls_th in number default null
    , i_disk_reads_th in number default null
    , i_buffer_gets_th in number default null
    , i_sharable_mem_th in number default null
    , i_version_count_th in number default null
    , i_all_init in varchar2 default null
    , i_pin_statspack in varchar2 default null
    , i_modify_parameter in varchar2 default 'FALSE'
    , o_snap_level out number
    , o_session_id out number
    , o_ucomment out varchar2
    , o_num_sql out number
    , o_executions_th out number
    , o_parse_calls_th out number
    , o_disk_reads_th out number
    , o_buffer_gets_th out number
    , o_sharable_mem_th out number
    , o_version_count_th out number
    , o_all_init out varchar2
    , o_pin_statspack out varchar2
    /* Query And Modify statspack parameter procedure, allows query
    and/or user modification of the statistics collection parameters
    for an instance. If there are no pre-existing parameters for
    an instance, insert the Oracle defaults.
    l_instance_number number;
    l_dbid number;
    ui_all_init varchar2(5);
    l_params_exist varchar2(1);
    if ((i_dbid is null ) or (i_instance_number is null)) then
    l_dbid := p_dbid;
    l_instance_number := p_instance_number;
    l_dbid := i_dbid;
    l_instance_number := i_instance_number;
    end if;
    /* Upper case any input vars which are inserted */
    ui_all_init := upper(i_all_init);
    if ( (i_modify_parameter is null)
    or (upper(i_modify_parameter) = 'FALSE') ) then
    /* Query values, if none exist, insert the defaults tempered
    with variables supplied */
    select nvl(i_session_id, session_id)
    , nvl(i_snap_level, snap_level)
    , nvl(i_ucomment, ucomment)
    , nvl(i_num_sql, num_sql)
    , nvl(i_executions_th, executions_th)
    , nvl(i_parse_calls_th, parse_calls_th)
    , nvl(i_disk_reads_th, disk_reads_th)
    , nvl(i_buffer_gets_th, buffer_gets_th)
    , nvl(i_sharable_mem_th, sharable_mem_th)
    , nvl(i_version_count_th, version_count_th)
    , nvl(ui_all_init, all_init)
    , nvl(i_pin_statspack, pin_statspack)
    into o_session_id
    , o_snap_level
    , o_ucomment
    , o_num_sql
    , o_executions_th
    , o_parse_calls_th
    , o_disk_reads_th
    , o_buffer_gets_th
    , o_sharable_mem_th
    , o_version_count_th
    , o_all_init
    , o_pin_statspack
    from stats$statspack_parameter
    where instance_number = l_instance_number
    and dbid = l_dbid;
    when NO_DATA_FOUND then
    insert into stats$statspack_parameter
    ( dbid
    , instance_number
    , session_id
    , snap_level
    , ucomment
    , num_sql
    , executions_th
    , parse_calls_th
    , disk_reads_th
    , buffer_gets_th
    , sharable_mem_th
    , version_count_th
    , all_init
    , pin_statspack
    , last_modified
    ( l_dbid
    , l_instance_number
    , p_def_session_id
    , p_def_snap_level
    , p_def_ucomment
    , p_def_num_sql
    , p_def_executions_th
    , p_def_parse_calls_th
    , p_def_disk_reads_th
    , p_def_buffer_gets_th
    , p_def_sharable_mem_th
    , p_def_version_count_th
    , p_def_all_init
    , p_def_pin_statspack
    returning nvl(i_session_id, p_def_session_id)
    , nvl(i_snap_level, p_def_snap_level)
    , nvl(i_ucomment, p_def_ucomment)
    , nvl(i_num_sql, p_def_num_sql)
    , nvl(i_executions_th, p_def_executions_th)
    , nvl(i_parse_calls_th, p_def_parse_calls_th)
    , nvl(i_disk_reads_th, p_def_disk_reads_th)
    , nvl(i_buffer_gets_th, p_def_buffer_gets_th)
    , nvl(i_sharable_mem_th, p_def_sharable_mem_th)
    , nvl(i_version_count_th, p_def_version_count_th)
    , nvl(ui_all_init, p_def_all_init)
    , nvl(i_pin_statspack, p_def_pin_statspack)
    into o_session_id
    , o_snap_level
    , o_ucomment
    , o_num_sql
    , o_executions_th
    , o_parse_calls_th
    , o_disk_reads_th
    , o_buffer_gets_th
    , o_sharable_mem_th
    , o_version_count_th
    , o_all_init
    , o_pin_statspack;
    end; /* don't modify parameter values */
    elsif upper(i_modify_parameter) = 'TRUE' then
    /* modify values, if none exist, insert the defaults tempered
    with the variables supplied */
    update stats$statspack_parameter
    set session_id = nvl(i_session_id, session_id)
    , snap_level = nvl(i_snap_level, snap_level)
    , ucomment = nvl(i_ucomment, ucomment)
    , num_sql = nvl(i_num_sql, num_sql)
    , executions_th = nvl(i_executions_th, executions_th)
    , parse_calls_th = nvl(i_parse_calls_th, parse_calls_th)
    , disk_reads_th = nvl(i_disk_reads_th, disk_reads_th)
    , buffer_gets_th = nvl(i_buffer_gets_th, buffer_gets_th)
    , sharable_mem_th = nvl(i_sharable_mem_th, sharable_mem_th)
    , version_count_th = nvl(i_version_count_th, version_count_th)
    , all_init = nvl(ui_all_init, all_init)
    , pin_statspack = nvl(i_pin_statspack, pin_statspack)
    where instance_number = l_instance_number
    and dbid = l_dbid
    returning session_id
    , snap_level
    , ucomment
    , num_sql
    , executions_th
    , parse_calls_th
    , disk_reads_th
    , buffer_gets_th
    , sharable_mem_th
    , version_count_th
    , all_init
    , pin_statspack
    into o_session_id
    , o_snap_level
    , o_ucomment
    , o_num_sql
    , o_executions_th
    , o_parse_calls_th
    , o_disk_reads_th
    , o_buffer_gets_th
    , o_sharable_mem_th
    , o_version_count_th
    , o_all_init
    , o_pin_statspack;
    if SQL%ROWCOUNT = 0 then
    insert into stats$statspack_parameter
    ( dbid
    , instance_number
    , session_id
    , snap_level
    , ucomment
    , num_sql
    , executions_th
    , parse_calls_th
    , disk_reads_th
    , buffer_gets_th
    , sharable_mem_th
    , version_count_th
    , all_init
    , pin_statspack
    , last_modified
    ( l_dbid
    , l_instance_number
    , nvl(i_session_id, p_def_session_id)
    , nvl(i_snap_level, p_def_snap_level)
    , nvl(i_ucomment, p_def_ucomment)
    , nvl(i_num_sql, p_def_num_sql)
    , nvl(i_executions_th, p_def_executions_th)
    , nvl(i_parse_calls_th, p_def_parse_calls_th)
    , nvl(i_disk_reads_th, p_def_disk_reads_th)
    , nvl(i_buffer_gets_th, p_def_buffer_gets_th)
    , nvl(i_sharable_mem_th, p_def_sharable_mem_th)
    , nvl(i_version_count_th, p_def_version_count_th)
    , nvl(ui_all_init, p_def_all_init)
    , nvl(i_pin_statspack, p_def_pin_statspack)
    returning session_id
    , snap_level
    , ucomment
    , num_sql
    , executions_th
    , parse_calls_th
    , disk_reads_th
    , buffer_gets_th
    , sharable_mem_th
    , version_count_th
    , all_init
    , pin_statspack
    into o_session_id
    , o_snap_level
    , o_ucomment
    , o_num_sql
    , o_executions_th
    , o_parse_calls_th
    , o_disk_reads_th
    , o_buffer_gets_th
    , o_sharable_mem_th
    , o_version_count_th
    , o_all_init
    , o_pin_statspack;
    end if;
    end; /* modify values */
    /* error */
    (-20100,'QAM_STATSPACK_PARAMETER i_modify_parameter value is invalid');
    end if; /* modify */
    procedure STAT_CHANGES
    /* Returns a set of differences of the values from corresponding pairs
    based on the begin and end (bid, eid) snapshot id's specified.
    This procedure is the only call to STATSPACK made by the statsrep
    Modified to include multi-db support.
    ( bid IN number
    , eid IN number
    , db_ident IN number
    , inst_num IN number
    , parallel IN varchar2
    , lhtr OUT number, bfwt OUT number
    , tran OUT number, chng OUT number
    , ucal OUT number, urol OUT number
    , rsiz OUT number
    , phyr OUT number, phyrd OUT number
    , phyrdl OUT number
    , phyw OUT number, ucom OUT number
    , prse OUT number, hprse OUT number
    , recr OUT number, gets OUT number
    , rlsr OUT number, rent OUT number
    , srtm OUT number, srtd OUT number
    , srtr OUT number, strn OUT number
    , lhr OUT number, bc OUT varchar2
    , sp OUT varchar2, lb OUT varchar2
    , bs OUT varchar2, twt OUT number
    , logc OUT number, prscpu OUT number
    , tcpu OUT number, exe OUT number
    , prsela OUT number
    , bspm OUT number, espm OUT number
    , bfrm OUT number, efrm OUT number
    , blog OUT number, elog OUT number
    , bocur OUT number, eocur OUT number
    , dmsd OUT number, dmfc OUT number -- begin OPS
    , dfcms OUT number, dfcmr OUT number
    , dmsi OUT number, dmrv OUT number
    , dynal OUT number, dynares OUT number
    , pmrv OUT number, pmpt OUT number
    , npmrv OUT number, npmpt OUT number
    , scma OUT number, scml OUT number
    , pinc OUT number, picrnc OUT number
    , picc OUT number, picrcc OUT number
    , pbc OUT number, pbcrc OUT number
    , pcba OUT number, pccrba OUT number
    , pcrbpi OUT number
    , dynapres OUT number, dynapshl OUT number
    , prcma OUT number, prcml OUT number
    , pwrm OUT number, pfpim OUT number
    , pwnm OUT number
    , dpms OUT number, dnpms OUT number
    , glsg OUT number, glag OUT number
    , glgt OUT number, glsc OUT number
    , glac OUT number, glct OUT number
    , glrl OUT number
    , gcge OUT number, gcgt OUT number
    , gccv OUT number, gcct OUT number
    , gccrrv OUT number, gccrrt OUT number
    , gccurv OUT number, gccurt OUT number
    , gccrsv OUT number
    , gccrbt OUT number, gccrft OUT number
    , gccrst OUT number, gccusv OUT number
    , gccupt OUT number, gccuft OUT number
    , gccust OUT number -- end OPS
    ) is
    bval number;
    eval number;
    l_b_session_id number; /* begin session id */
    l_b_serial# number; /* begin serial# */
    l_e_session_id number; /* end session id */
    l_e_serial# number; /* end serial# */
    /* Returns Library cache hit ratio for the begin and end (bid, eid)
    snapshot id's specified
    cursor LH (i_snap_id number) is
    select sum(pins), sum(pinhits)
    from stats$librarycache
    where snap_id = i_snap_id
    and dbid = db_ident
    and instance_number = inst_num;
    bpsum number;
    bhsum number;
    epsum number;
    ehsum number;
    if not LH%ISOPEN then open LH (bid); end if;
    fetch LH into bpsum, bhsum;
    if LH%NOTFOUND then
    (-20100,'Missing start value for stats$librarycache');
    end if; close LH;
    if not LH%ISOPEN then open LH (eid); end if;
    fetch LH into epsum, ehsum;
    if LH%NOTFOUND then
    (-20100,'Missing end value for stats$librarycache');
    end if; close LH;
    return (ehsum - bhsum) / (epsum - bpsum);
    function GET_PARAM (i_name varchar2) RETURN varchar2 is
    /* Returns the value for the init.ora parameter for the snapshot
    cursor PARAMETER is
    select value
    from stats$parameter
    where snap_id = eid
    and dbid = db_ident
    and instance_number = inst_num
    and name = i_name;
    par_value varchar2(512);
    if not PARAMETER%ISOPEN then open PARAMETER; end if;
    fetch PARAMETER into par_value;
    (-20100,'Missing Init.ora parameter '|| i_name);
    end if; close PARAMETER;
    return par_value;
    end GET_PARAM;
    function GET_SYSSTAT (i_name varchar2, i_beid number) RETURN number is
    /* Returns the value for the System Statistic for the snapshot
    cursor SYSSTAT is
    select value
    from stats$sysstat
    where snap_id = i_beid
    and dbid = db_ident
    and instance_number = inst_num
    and name = i_name;
    stat_value varchar2(512);
    if not SYSSTAT%ISOPEN then open SYSSTAT; end if;
    fetch SYSSTAT into stat_value;
    (-20100,'Missing System Statistic '|| i_name);
    end if; close SYSSTAT;
    return stat_value;
    end GET_SYSSTAT;
    function BUFFER_WAITS RETURN number is
    /* Returns the total number of waits for all buffers in the interval
    specified by the begin and end snapshot id's (bid, eid)
    cursor BW (i_snap_id number) is
    select sum(wait_count)
    from stats$waitstat
    where snap_id = i_snap_id
    and dbid = db_ident
    and instance_number = inst_num;
    bbwsum number; ebwsum number;
    if not BW%ISOPEN then open BW (bid); end if;
    fetch BW into bbwsum;
    if BW%NOTFOUND then
    (-20100,'Missing start value for stats$waitstat');
    end if; close BW;
    if not BW%ISOPEN then open BW (eid); end if;
    fetch BW into ebwsum;
    if BW%NOTFOUND then
    (-20100,'Missing end value for stats$waitstat');
    end if; close BW;
    return ebwsum - bbwsum;
    function TOTAL_EVENT_TIME RETURN number is
    /* Returns the total amount of time waited for events for
    the interval specified by the begin and end snapshot id's
    (bid, eid) by foreground processes. This excludes idle
    wait events.
    cursor WAITS (i_snap_id number) is
    select sum(time_waited_micro)
    from stats$system_event
    where snap_id = i_snap_id
    and dbid = db_ident
    and instance_number = inst_num
    and event not in (select event from stats$idle_event);
    bwaittime number;
    ewaittime number;
    if not WAITS%ISOPEN then open WAITS (bid); end if;
    fetch WAITS into bwaittime;
    if WAITS%NOTFOUND then
    (-20100,'Missing start value for stats$system_event');
    end if; close WAITS;
    if not WAITS%ISOPEN then open WAITS (eid); end if;
    fetch WAITS into ewaittime;
    if WAITS%NOTFOUND then
    (-20100,'Missing end value for stats$system_event');
    end if; close WAITS;
    return ewaittime - bwaittime;
    function LATCH_HITRATIO return NUMBER is
    /* Returns the latch hit ratio specified by the begin and
    end snapshot id's (bid, eid)
    cursor GETS_MISSES (i_snap_id number) is
    select sum(gets), sum(misses)
    from stats$latch
    where snap_id = i_snap_id
    and dbid = db_ident
    and instance_number = inst_num;
    blget number; -- beginning latch gets
    blmis number; -- beginning latch misses
    elget number; -- end latch gets
    elmis number; -- end latch misses
    if not GETS_MISSES%ISOPEN then open GETS_MISSES (bid); end if;
    fetch GETS_MISSES into blget, blmis;
    (-20100,'Missing start value for STATS$LATCH gets and misses');
    end if; close GETS_MISSES;
    if not GETS_MISSES%ISOPEN then open GETS_MISSES (eid); end if;
    fetch GETS_MISSES into elget, elmis;
    (-20100,'Missing end value for STATS$LATCH gets and misses');
    end if; close GETS_MISSES;
    return ( ( elmis - blmis ) / ( elget - blget ) );
    function SGASTAT (i_name varchar2, i_beid number) RETURN number is
    /* Returns the bytes used by i_name in the shared pool
    for the begin or end snapshot (bid, eid) specified
    cursor bytes_used is
    select bytes
    from stats$sgastat
    where snap_id = i_beid
    and dbid = db_ident
    and instance_number = inst_num
    and pool in ('shared pool', 'all pools')
    and name = i_name;
    total_bytes number;
    if i_name = 'total_shared_pool' then
    select sum(bytes)
    into total_bytes
    from stats$sgastat
    where snap_id = i_beid
    and dbid = db_ident
    and instance_number = inst_num
    and pool in ('shared pool','all pools');
    open bytes_used; fetch bytes_used into total_bytes;
    if bytes_used%notfound then
    (-20100,'Missing value for SGASTAT: '||i_name);
    end if;
    close bytes_used;
    end if;
    return total_bytes;
    end SGASTAT;
    function SYSDIF (i_name varchar2) RETURN number is
    /* Returns the difference between statistics for the statistic
    name specified for the interval between the begin and end
    snapshot id's (bid, eid)
    cursor SY (i_snap_id number) is
    select value
    from stats$sysstat
    where snap_id = i_snap_id
    and dbid = db_ident
    and instance_number = inst_num
    and name = i_name;
    /* Get start value */
    open SY (bid); fetch SY into bval;
    if SY%notfound then
    (-20100,'Missing start value for statistic: '||i_name);
    end if; close SY;
    /* Get end value */
    open SY (eid); fetch SY into eval;
    if SY%notfound then
    (-20100,'Missing end value for statistic: '||i_name);
    end if; close SY;
    /* Return difference */
    return eval - bval;
    end SYSDIF;
    function SESDIF (st_name varchar2) RETURN number is
    /* Returns the difference between statistics values for the
    statistic name specified for the interval between the begin and end
    snapshot id's (bid, eid), for the session monitored for that
    cursor SE (i_snap_id number) is
    select ses.value
    from stats$sysstat sys
    , stats$sesstat ses
    where sys.snap_id = i_snap_id
    and ses.snap_id = i_snap_id
    and ses.dbid = db_ident
    and sys.dbid = db_ident
    and ses.instance_number = inst_num
    and sys.instance_number = inst_num
    and ses.statistic# = sys.statistic#
    and = st_name;
    /* Get start value */
    open SE (bid); fetch SE into bval;
    if SE%notfound then
    eval :=0;
    end if; close SE;
    /* Get end value */
    open SE (eid); fetch SE into eval;
    if SE%notfound then
    eval :=0;
    end if; close SE;
    /* Return difference */
    return eval - bval;
    end SESDIF;
    function DLMDIF (i_name varchar2) RETURN number is
    /* Returns the difference between statistics for the statistic
    name specified for the interval between the begin and end
    snapshot id's (bid, eid)
    cursor DLM (i_snap_id number) is
    select value
    from stats$dlm_misc
    where snap_id = i_snap_id
    and dbid = db_ident
    and instance_number = inst_num
    and name = i_name;
    /* Get start value */
    open DLM (bid); fetch DLM into bval;
    if DLM%notfound then
    (-20100,'Missing start value for statistic: '||i_name);
    end if; close DLM;
    /* Get end value */
    open DLM (eid); fetch DLM into eval;
    if DLM%notfound then
    (-20100,'Missing end value for statistic: '||i_name);
    end if; close DLM;
    /* Return difference */
    return eval - bval;
    end DLMDIF;
    begin /* main procedure body of STAT_CHANGES */
    bfwt := BUFFER_WAITS;
    lhr := LATCH_HITRATIO;
    chng := SYSDIF('db block changes');
    ucal := SYSDIF('user calls');
    urol := SYSDIF('user rollbacks');
    ucom := SYSDIF('user commits');
    tran := ucom + urol;
    rsiz := SYSDIF('redo size');
    phyr := SYSDIF('physical reads');
    phyrd := SYSDIF('physical reads direct');
    phyrdl := SYSDIF('physical reads direct (lob)');
    phyw := SYSDIF('physical writes');
    hprse := SYSDIF('parse count (hard)');
    prse := SYSDIF('parse count (total)');
    gets := SYSDIF('session logical reads');
    recr := SYSDIF('recursive calls');
    rlsr := SYSDIF('redo log space requests');
    rent := SYSDIF('redo entries');
    srtm := SYSDIF('sorts (memory)');
    srtd := SYSDIF('sorts (disk)');
    srtr := SYSDIF('sorts (rows)');
    logc := SYSDIF('logons cumulative');
    prscpu := SYSDIF('parse time cpu');
    prsela := SYSDIF('parse time elapsed');
    tcpu := SYSDIF('CPU used by this session');
    exe := SYSDIF('execute count');
    bs := GET_PARAM('db_block_size');
    bc := GET_PARAM('db_block_buffers') * bs;
    if bc = 0 then
    bc := GET_PARAM('db_cache_size')
    + GET_PARAM('db_keep_cache_size')
    + GET_PARAM('db_recycle_cache_size')
    + GET_PARAM('db_2k_cache_size')
    + GET_PARAM('db_4k_cache_size')
    + GET_PARAM('db_8k_cache_size')
    + GET_PARAM('db_16k_cache_size')
    + GET_PARAM('db_32k_cache_size');
    end if;
    sp := GET_PARAM('shared_pool_size');
    lb := GET_PARAM('log_buffer');
    twt := TOTAL_EVENT_TIME; -- total wait time for all non-idle events
    bspm := SGASTAT('total_shared_pool', bid);
    espm := SGASTAT('total_shared_pool', eid);
    bfrm := SGASTAT('free memory', bid);
    efrm := SGASTAT('free memory', eid);
    blog := GET_SYSSTAT('logons current', bid);
    elog := GET_SYSSTAT('logons current', eid);
    bocur := GET_SYSSTAT('opened cursors current', bid);
    eocur := GET_SYSSTAT('opened cursors current', eid);
    /* Do we want to report on cluster-specific statistics? Check
    in procedure variable "parallel".
    if parallel = 'YES' then
    dmsd := DLMDIF('messages sent directly');
    dmfc := DLMDIF('messages flow controlled');
    dmsi := DLMDIF('messages sent indirectly');
    dmrv := DLMDIF('messages received');
    dfcms := DLMDIF('flow control messages sent');
    dfcmr := DLMDIF('flow control messages received');
    dynal := DLMDIF('dynamically allocated enqueues');
    dynares := DLMDIF('dynamically allocated resources');
    pmrv := DLMDIF('gcs msgs received');
    pmpt := DLMDIF('gcs msgs process time(ms)');
    npmrv := DLMDIF('ges msgs received');
    npmpt := DLMDIF('ges msgs process time(ms)');
    scma := DLMDIF('gcs side channel msgs actual');
    scml := DLMDIF('gcs side channel msgs logical');
    pinc := DLMDIF('gcs immediate (null) converts');
    picrnc := DLMDIF('gcs immediate cr (null) converts');
    picc := DLMDIF('gcs immediate (compatible) converts');
    picrcc := DLMDIF('gcs immediate cr (compatible) converts');
    pbc := DLMDIF('gcs blocked converts');
    pbcrc := DLMDIF('gcs blocked cr converts');
    pcba := DLMDIF('gcs compatible basts');
    pccrba := DLMDIF('gcs compatible cr basts');
    pcrbpi := DLMDIF('gcs cr basts to PIs');
    dynapres := DLMDIF('dynamically allocated gcs resources');
    dynapshl := DLMDIF('dynamically allocated gcs shadows');
    prcma := DLMDIF('gcs recovery claim msgs actual');
    prcml := DLMDIF('gcs recovery claim msgs logical');
    pwrm := DLMDIF('gcs write request msgs');
    pfpim := DLMDIF('gcs flush pi msgs');
    pwnm := DLMDIF('gcs write notification msgs');
    dpms := SYSDIF('gcs messages sent');
    dnpms := SYSDIF('ges messages sent');
    glsg := SYSDIF('global lock sync gets');
    glag := SYSDIF('global lock async gets');
    glgt := SYSDIF('global lock get time');
    glsc := SYSDIF('global lock sync converts');
    glac := SYSDIF('global lock async converts');
    glct := SYSDIF('global lock convert time');
    glrl := SYSDIF('global lock releases');
    gcge := SYSDIF('global cache gets');
    gcgt := SYSDIF('global cache get time');
    gccv := SYSDIF('global cache converts');
    gcct := SYSDIF('global cache convert time');
    gccrrv := SYSDIF('global cache cr blocks received');
    gccrrt := SYSDIF('global cache cr block receive time');
    gccurv := SYSDIF('global cache current blocks received');
    gccurt := SYSDIF('global cache current block receive time');
    gccrsv := SYSDIF('global cache cr blocks served');
    gccrbt := SYSDIF('global cache cr block build time');
    gccrft := SYSDIF('global cache cr block flush time');
    gccrst := SYSDIF('global cache cr block send time');
    gccusv := SYSDIF('global cache current blocks served');
    gccupt := SYSDIF('global cache current block pin time');
    gccuft := SYSDIF('global cache current block flush time');
    gccust := SYSDIF('global cache current block send time');
    end if;
    /* Determine if we want to report on session-specific statistics.
    Check that the session is the same one for both snapshots.
    select session_id
    , serial#
    into l_b_session_id
    , l_b_serial#
    from stats$snapshot
    where snap_id = bid
    and dbid = db_ident
    and instance_number = inst_num;
    select session_id
    , serial#
    into l_e_session_id
    , l_e_serial#
    from stats$snapshot
    where snap_id = eid
    and dbid = db_ident
    and instance_number = inst_num;
    if ( (l_b_session_id = l_e_session_id)
    and (l_b_serial# = l_e_serial#)
    and (l_b_session_id != 0) ) then
    /* we have a valid comparison - it is the
    same session - get number of tx performed
    by this session */
    strn := SESDIF('user rollbacks') + SESDIF('user commits');
    if strn = 0 then
    /* No new transactions */
    strn := 1;
    end if;
    /* No valid comparison can be made */
    strn :=1;
    end if;
    function SNAP
    (i_snap_level in number default null
    ,i_session_id in number default null
    ,i_ucomment in varchar2 default null
    ,i_num_sql in number default null
    ,i_executions_th in number default null
    ,i_parse_calls_th in number default null
    ,i_disk_reads_th in number default null
    ,i_buffer_gets_th in number default null
    ,i_sharable_mem_th in number default null
    ,i_version_count_th in number default null
    ,i_all_init in varchar2 default null
    ,i_pin_statspack in varchar2 default null
    ,i_modify_parameter in varchar2 default 'FALSE'
    RETURN integer IS
    /* This function performs a snapshot of the v$ views into the
    stats$ tables, and returns the snapshot id.
    If parameters are passed, these are the values used, otherwise
    the values stored in the stats$statspack_parameter table are used.
    l_snap_id integer;
    l_snap_level number;
    l_session_id number;
    l_serial# number;
    l_ucomment varchar2(160);
    l_num_sql number;
    l_executions_th number;
    l_parse_calls_th number;
    l_disk_reads_th number;
    l_buffer_gets_th number;
    l_sharable_mem_th number;
    l_version_count_th number;
    l_all_init varchar2(5);
    l_pin_statspack varchar2(10);
    l_sql_stmt varchar2(3000);
    l_slarti varchar2(20);
    l_threshold number;
    l_total_sql number := 0;
    l_total_sql_mem number := 0;
    l_single_use_sql number := 0;
    l_single_use_sql_mem number := 0;
    l_text_subset varchar2(31);
    l_sharable_mem number;
    l_version_count number;
    l_sorts number;
    l_module varchar2(64);
    l_loaded_versions number;
    l_executions number;
    l_loads number;
    l_invalidations number;
    l_parse_calls number;
    l_disk_reads number;
    l_buffer_gets number;
    l_rows_processed number;
    l_address raw(8);
    l_hash_value number;
    l_version_count number;
    l_max_begin_time date;
    cursor GETSERIAL is
    select serial#
    from v$session
    where sid = l_session_id;
    PROCEDURE snap_sql IS
    /* Gather summary statistics */
    insert into stats$sql_statistics
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , total_sql
    , total_sql_mem
    , single_use_sql
    , single_use_sql_mem
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , count(1)
    , sum(sharable_mem)
    , sum(decode(executions, 1, 1, 0))
    , sum(decode(executions, 1, sharable_mem, 0))
    from stats$v$sqlxs
    where is_obsolete = 'N';
    /* Gather SQL statements which exceed any threshold,
    excluding obsolete parent cursors
    insert into stats$sql_summary
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , text_subset
    , sharable_mem
    , sorts
    , module
    , loaded_versions
    , executions
    , loads
    , invalidations
    , parse_calls
    , disk_reads
    , buffer_gets
    , rows_processed
    , command_type
    , address
    , hash_value
    , version_count
    , cpu_time
    , elapsed_time
    , outline_sid
    , outline_category
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , substr(sql_text,1,31)
    , sharable_mem
    , sorts
    , module
    , loaded_versions
    , executions
    , loads
    , invalidations
    , parse_calls
    , disk_reads
    , buffer_gets
    , rows_processed
    , command_type
    , address
    , hash_value
    , version_count
    , cpu_time
    , elapsed_time
    , outline_sid
    , outline_category
    from stats$v$sqlxs
    where is_obsolete = 'N'
    and ( buffer_gets > l_buffer_gets_th
    or disk_reads > l_disk_reads_th
    or parse_calls > l_parse_calls_th
    or executions > l_executions_th
    or sharable_mem > l_sharable_mem_th
    or version_count > l_version_count_th
    /* Insert the SQL Text for hash_values captured in the snapshot
    into stats$sqltext if it's not already there. Identify SQL which
    execeeded the threshold by querying stats$sql_summary for this
    snapid and database instance
    insert into stats$sqltext
    ( hash_value
    , text_subset
    , piece
    , sql_text
    , address
    , command_type
    , last_snap_id
    select st1.hash_value
    , ss.text_subset
    , st1.piece
    , st1.sql_text
    , st1.address
    , st1.command_type
    , ss.snap_id
    from v$sqltext st1
    , stats$sql_summary ss
    where ss.snap_id = l_snap_id
    and ss.dbid = p_dbid
    and ss.instance_number = p_instance_number
    and st1.hash_value = ss.hash_value
    and st1.address = ss.address
    and not exists (select 1
    from stats$sqltext st2
    where st2.hash_value = ss.hash_value
    and st2.text_subset = ss.text_subset
    IF l_snap_level >= 6 THEN
    /* Identify SQL which execeeded the threshold by querying
    stats$sql_summary for this snapid and database instance.
    Capture the plans which were used for the high-load SQL if
    don't already have this data.
    Omit capturing plan usage information for cursors which
    have a zero plan hash value.
    Currently this is captured in a level 6 (or greater)
    snapshot, however this may be integrated into level 5
    snapshot at a later date.
    hl - high load
    insert into stats$sql_plan_usage
    ( hash_value
    , text_subset
    , plan_hash_value
    , cost
    , snap_id
    , address
    , optimizer
    select hl.hash_value
    , hl.text_subset
    , hl.plan_hash_value
    , hl.cost
    , max(hl.snap_id)
    , max(hl.address)
    , max(hl.optimizer)
    from (select /*+ ordered use_nl(sq) index(sq) */
    , ss.text_subset
    , sq.plan_hash_value
    , nvl(sq.optimizer_cost,-9) cost
    , ss.snap_id snap_id
    , ss.address
    , sq.optimizer_mode optimizer
    from stats$sql_summary ss
    , v$sql sq
    where ss.snap_id = l_snap_id
    and ss.dbid = p_dbid
    and ss.instance_number = p_instance_number
    and sq.hash_value = ss.hash_value
    and sq.address = ss.address
    and sq.plan_hash_value > 0
    ) hl
    where not exists (select /*+ no_unnest */
    from stats$sql_plan_usage spu
    where spu.hash_value = hl.hash_value
    and spu.text_subset = hl.text_subset
    and spu.plan_hash_value
    = hl.plan_hash_value
    and spu.cost = hl.cost
    group by hl.hash_value
    , hl.text_subset
    , hl.plan_hash_value
    , hl.cost
    , hl.optimizer;
    /* For all new hash_value, plan_hash_value, cost combinations
    just captured, get the optimizer plans, if we don't already
    have them. Note that the plan (and hence the plan hash value)
    comprises the access path and the join order (and not
    variable factors such as the cardinality).
    insert into stats$sql_plan
    ( plan_hash_value
    , id
    , operation
    , options
    , object_node
    , object#
    , object_owner
    , object_name
    , optimizer
    , parent_id
    , depth
    , position
    , cost
    , cardinality
    , bytes
    , other_tag
    , partition_start
    , partition_stop
    , partition_id
    , other
    , distribution
    , cpu_cost
    , io_cost
    , temp_space
    , snap_id
    select /*+ ordered use_nl(s) use_nl(sp.p) */
    , max(sp.operation)
    , max(sp.options)
    , max(sp.object_node)
    , max(sp.object#)
    , max(sp.object_owner)
    , max(sp.object_name)
    , max(sp.optimizer)
    , max(sp.parent_id)
    , max(sp.depth)
    , max(sp.position)
    , max(sp.cost)
    , max(sp.cardinality)
    , max(sp.bytes)
    , max(sp.other_tag)
    , max(sp.partition_start)
    , max(sp.partition_stop)
    , max(sp.partition_id)
    , max(sp.other)
    , max(sp.distribution)
    , max(sp.cpu_cost)
    , max(sp.io_cost)
    , max(sp.temp_space)
    , max(new_plan.snap_id)
    from (select /*+ index(spu) */
    , spu.hash_value
    , spu.address
    , spu.text_subset
    , spu.snap_id
    from stats$sql_plan_usage spu
    where spu.snap_id = l_snap_id
    and not exists (select /*+ nl_aj */ *
    from stats$sql_plan ssp
    where ssp.plan_hash_value
    = spu.plan_hash_value
    ) new_plan
    , v$sql s
    , v$sql_plan sp
    where sp.hash_value = new_plan.hash_value
    and sp.address = new_plan.address
    and s.hash_value = new_plan.hash_value
    and s.address = new_plan.address
    and s.hash_value = sp.hash_value
    and s.address = sp.address
    and s.child_number = sp.child_number
    group by
    END IF; /* snap level >=6 */
    END snap_sql;
    begin /* Function SNAP */
    /* Get instance parameter defaults from stats$statspack_parameter,
    or use supplied parameters.
    If all parameters are specified, use them, otherwise get values
    from the parameters not specified from stats$statspack_parameter.
    ( p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , i_snap_level, i_session_id, i_ucomment, i_num_sql
    , i_executions_th, i_parse_calls_th
    , i_disk_reads_th, i_buffer_gets_th, i_sharable_mem_th
    , i_version_count_th, i_all_init
    , i_pin_statspack
    , i_modify_parameter
    , l_snap_level, l_session_id, l_ucomment, l_num_sql
    , l_executions_th, l_parse_calls_th
    , l_disk_reads_th, l_buffer_gets_th, l_sharable_mem_th
    , l_version_count_th, l_all_init
    , l_pin_statspack);
    /* Generate a snapshot id */
    select stats$snapshot_id.nextval
    into l_snap_id
    from dual
    where rownum = 1;
    /* Determine the serial# of the session to maintain stats for,
    if this was requested.
    if l_session_id > 0 then
    if not GETSERIAL%ISOPEN then open GETSERIAL; end if;
    fetch GETSERIAL into l_serial#;
    /* Session has already disappeared - don't gather
    statistics for this session in this snapshot */
    l_session_id := 0;
    l_serial# := 0;
    end if; close GETSERIAL;
    l_serial# := 0;
    end if;
    /* The instance has been restarted since the last snapshot */
    if p_new_sga = 0
    p_new_sga := 1;
    /* Get the instance startup time, and other characteristics */
    insert into stats$database_instance
    ( dbid
    , instance_number
    , startup_time
    , snap_id
    , parallel
    , version
    , db_name
    , instance_name
    , host_name
    select p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , p_startup_time
    , l_snap_id
    , p_parallel
    , p_version
    , p_name
    , p_instance_name
    , p_host_name
    from sys.dual;
    end if; /* new SGA */
    /* Work out the max undo stat time, used for gathering undo stat data */
    select nvl(max(begin_time), to_date('01011900','DDMMYYYY'))
    into l_max_begin_time
    from stats$undostat
    where dbid = p_dbid
    and instance_number = p_instance_number;
    /* Save the snapshot characteristics */
    insert into stats$snapshot
    ( snap_id, dbid, instance_number
    , snap_time, startup_time
    , session_id, snap_level, ucomment
    , executions_th, parse_calls_th, disk_reads_th
    , buffer_gets_th, sharable_mem_th
    , version_count_th, serial#, all_init)
    ( l_snap_id, p_dbid, p_instance_number
    , SYSDATE, p_startup_time
    , l_session_id, l_snap_level, l_ucomment
    , l_executions_th, l_parse_calls_th, l_disk_reads_th
    , l_buffer_gets_th, l_sharable_mem_th
    , l_version_count_th, l_serial#, l_all_init);
    /* Begin gathering statistics */
    insert into stats$filestatxs
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , tsname
    , filename
    , phyrds
    , phywrts
    , singleblkrds
    , readtim
    , writetim
    , singleblkrdtim
    , phyblkrd
    , phyblkwrt
    , wait_count
    , time
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , tsname
    , filename
    , phyrds
    , phywrts
    , singleblkrds
    , readtim
    , writetim
    , singleblkrdtim
    , phyblkrd
    , phyblkwrt
    , wait_count
    , time
    from stats$v$filestatxs;
    insert into stats$tempstatxs
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , tsname
    , filename
    , phyrds
    , phywrts
    , singleblkrds
    , readtim
    , writetim
    , singleblkrdtim
    , phyblkrd
    , phyblkwrt
    , wait_count
    , time
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , tsname
    , filename
    , phyrds
    , phywrts
    , singleblkrds
    , readtim
    , writetim
    , singleblkrdtim
    , phyblkrd
    , phyblkwrt
    , wait_count
    , time
    from stats$v$tempstatxs;
    insert into stats$librarycache
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , namespace
    , gets
    , gethits
    , pins
    , pinhits
    , reloads
    , invalidations
    , dlm_lock_requests
    , dlm_pin_requests
    , dlm_pin_releases
    , dlm_invalidation_requests
    , dlm_invalidations
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , namespace
    , gets
    , gethits
    , pins
    , pinhits
    , reloads
    , invalidations
    , dlm_lock_requests
    , dlm_pin_requests
    , dlm_pin_releases
    , dlm_invalidation_requests
    , dlm_invalidations
    from v$librarycache;
    insert into stats$buffer_pool_statistics
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , id
    , name
    , block_size
    , set_msize
    , cnum_repl
    , cnum_write
    , cnum_set
    , buf_got
    , sum_write
    , sum_scan
    , free_buffer_wait
    , write_complete_wait
    , buffer_busy_wait
    , free_buffer_inspected
    , dirty_buffers_inspected
    , db_block_change
    , db_block_gets
    , consistent_gets
    , physical_reads
    , physical_writes
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , id
    , name
    , block_size
    , set_msize
    , cnum_repl
    , cnum_write
    , cnum_set
    , buf_got
    , sum_write
    , sum_scan
    , free_buffer_wait
    , write_complete_wait
    , buffer_busy_wait
    , free_buffer_inspected
    , dirty_buffers_inspected
    , db_block_change
    , db_block_gets
    , consistent_gets
    , physical_reads
    , physical_writes
    from v$buffer_pool_statistics;
    insert into stats$rollstat
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , usn
    , extents
    , rssize
    , writes
    , xacts
    , gets
    , waits
    , optsize
    , hwmsize
    , shrinks
    , wraps
    , extends
    , aveshrink
    , aveactive
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , usn
    , extents
    , rssize
    , writes
    , xacts
    , gets
    , waits
    , optsize
    , hwmsize
    , shrinks
    , wraps
    , extends
    , aveshrink
    , aveactive
    from v$rollstat;
    insert into stats$rowcache_summary
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , parameter
    , total_usage
    , usage
    , gets
    , getmisses
    , scans
    , scanmisses
    , scancompletes
    , modifications
    , flushes
    , dlm_requests
    , dlm_conflicts
    , dlm_releases
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , parameter
    , sum("COUNT")
    , sum(usage)
    , sum(gets)
    , sum(getmisses)
    , sum(scans)
    , sum(scanmisses)
    , sum(scancompletes)
    , sum(modifications)
    , sum(flushes)
    , sum(dlm_requests)
    , sum(dlm_conflicts)
    , sum(dlm_releases)
    from v$rowcache
    group by l_snap_id, p_dbid, p_instance_number, parameter;
    /* Collect parameters every snapshot, to cater for dynamic
    parameters changable while instance is running
    if l_all_init = 'FALSE' then
    insert into stats$parameter
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , name
    , value
    , isdefault
    , ismodified
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , name
    , value
    , isdefault
    , ismodified
    from v$system_parameter;
    insert into stats$parameter
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , name
    , value
    , isdefault
    , ismodified
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , i.ksppinm
    , sv.ksppstvl
    , sv.ksppstdf
    , decode(bitand(sv.ksppstvf,7),1,'MODIFIED',4,'SYSTEM_MOD','FALSE')
    from stats$x$ksppi i
    , stats$x$ksppsv sv
    where i.indx = sv.indx;
    end if;
    /* To cater for variable size SGA - insert on each snapshot */
    insert into stats$sga
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , name
    , value
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , name
    , value
    from v$sga;
    /* Get current allocation of memory in the SGA */
    insert into stats$sgastat
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , pool
    , name
    , bytes
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , pool
    , name
    , bytes
    from v$sgastat;
    insert into stats$system_event
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , event
    , total_waits
    , total_timeouts
    , time_waited_micro
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , event
    , total_waits
    , total_timeouts
    , time_waited_micro
    from v$system_event;
    insert into stats$bg_event_summary
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , event
    , total_waits
    , total_timeouts
    , time_waited_micro
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , e.event
    , sum(e.total_waits)
    , sum(e.total_timeouts)
    , sum(e.time_waited_micro)
    from v$session_event e
    where e.sid in (select s.sid from v$session s where s.type = 'BACKGROUND')
    group by l_snap_id, p_dbid, p_instance_number, e.event;
    insert into stats$sysstat
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , statistic#
    , name
    , value
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , statistic#
    , name
    , value
    from v$sysstat;
    insert into stats$waitstat
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , class
    , wait_count
    , time
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , class
    , "COUNT"
    , time
    from v$waitstat;
    insert into stats$enqueue_stat
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , eq_type
    , total_req#
    , total_wait#
    , succ_req#
    , failed_req#
    , cum_wait_time
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , eq_type
    , total_req#
    , total_wait#
    , succ_req#
    , failed_req#
    , cum_wait_time
    from v$enqueue_stat
    where total_req# != 0;
    insert into stats$latch
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , name
    , latch#
    , level#
    , gets
    , misses
    , sleeps
    , immediate_gets
    , immediate_misses
    , spin_gets
    , sleep1
    , sleep2
    , sleep3
    , sleep4
    , wait_time
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , name
    , latch#
    , level#
    , gets
    , misses
    , sleeps
    , immediate_gets
    , immediate_misses
    , spin_gets
    , sleep1
    , sleep2
    , sleep3
    , sleep4
    , wait_time
    from v$latch;
    insert into stats$latch_misses_summary
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , parent_name
    , where_in_code
    , nwfail_count
    , sleep_count
    , wtr_slp_count
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , parent_name
    , "WHERE"
    , sum(nwfail_count)
    , sum(sleep_count)
    , sum(wtr_slp_count)
    from v$latch_misses
    where sleep_count > 0
    group by l_snap_id, p_dbid, p_instance_number
    , parent_name, "WHERE";
    insert into stats$resource_limit
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , resource_name
    , current_utilization
    , max_utilization
    , initial_allocation
    , limit_value
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , resource_name
    , current_utilization
    , max_utilization
    , initial_allocation
    , limit_value
    from v$resource_limit
    where limit_value != ' UNLIMITED'
    and max_utilization > 0;
    insert into stats$undostat
    ( begin_time
    , end_time
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , snap_id
    , undotsn
    , undoblks
    , txncount
    , maxquerylen
    , maxconcurrency
    , unxpstealcnt
    , unxpblkrelcnt
    , unxpblkreucnt
    , expstealcnt
    , expblkrelcnt
    , expblkreucnt
    , ssolderrcnt
    , nospaceerrcnt
    select begin_time
    , end_time
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , l_snap_id
    , undotsn
    , undoblks
    , txncount
    , maxquerylen
    , maxconcurrency
    , unxpstealcnt
    , unxpblkrelcnt
    , unxpblkreucnt
    , expstealcnt
    , expblkrelcnt
    , expblkreucnt
    , ssolderrcnt
    , nospaceerrcnt
    from v$undostat
    where begin_time > l_max_begin_time
    and begin_time + (1/(24*6)) <= end_time;
    insert into stats$db_cache_advice
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , id
    , name
    , block_size
    , buffers_for_estimate
    , advice_status
    , size_for_estimate
    , estd_physical_read_factor
    , estd_physical_reads
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , id
    , name
    , block_size
    , buffers_for_estimate
    , advice_status
    , size_for_estimate
    , estd_physical_read_factor
    , estd_physical_reads
    from v$db_cache_advice
    where advice_status = 'ON';
    insert into stats$pgastat
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , name
    , value
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , name
    , value
    from v$pgastat;
    insert into stats$instance_recovery
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , recovery_estimated_ios
    , actual_redo_blks
    , target_redo_blks
    , log_file_size_redo_blks
    , log_chkpt_timeout_redo_blks
    , log_chkpt_interval_redo_blks
    , fast_start_io_target_redo_blks
    , target_mttr
    , estimated_mttr
    , ckpt_block_writes
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , recovery_estimated_ios
    , actual_redo_blks
    , target_redo_blks
    , log_file_size_redo_blks
    , log_chkpt_timeout_redo_blks
    , log_chkpt_interval_redo_blks
    , fast_start_io_target_redo_blks
    , target_mttr
    , estimated_mttr
    , ckpt_block_writes
    from v$instance_recovery;
    if p_parallel = 'YES' then
    insert into stats$dlm_misc
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , statistic#
    , name
    , value
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , statistic#
    , name
    , value
    from v$dlm_misc;
    end if; /* parallel */
    /* Begin gathering Extended Statistics */
    IF l_snap_level >= 5 THEN
    END IF; /* snap level >=5 */
    IF l_snap_level >= 10 THEN
    insert into stats$latch_children
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , latch#
    , child#
    , gets
    , misses
    , sleeps
    , immediate_gets
    , immediate_misses
    , spin_gets
    , sleep1
    , sleep2
    , sleep3
    , sleep4
    , wait_time
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , latch#
    , child#
    , gets
    , misses
    , sleeps
    , immediate_gets
    , immediate_misses
    , spin_gets
    , sleep1
    , sleep2
    , sleep3
    , sleep4
    , wait_time
    from v$latch_children;
    insert into stats$latch_parent
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , latch#
    , level#
    , gets
    , misses
    , sleeps
    , immediate_gets
    , immediate_misses
    , spin_gets
    , sleep1
    , sleep2
    , sleep3
    , sleep4
    , wait_time
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , latch#
    , level#
    , gets
    , misses
    , sleeps
    , immediate_gets
    , immediate_misses
    , spin_gets
    , sleep1
    , sleep2
    , sleep3
    , sleep4
    , wait_time
    from v$latch_parent;
    END IF; /* snap level >=10 */
    /* Record level session-granular statistics if a specific session
    has been requested
    if l_session_id > 0
    insert into stats$sesstat
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , statistic#
    , value
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , statistic#
    , value
    from v$sesstat
    where sid = l_session_id;
    insert into stats$session_event
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , event
    , total_waits
    , total_timeouts
    , time_waited_micro
    , max_wait
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , event
    , total_waits
    , total_timeouts
    , time_waited_micro
    , max_wait
    from v$session_event
    where sid = l_session_id;
    end if;
    commit work;
    RETURN l_snap_id;
    end SNAP; /* Function SNAP */
    begin /* STATSPACK body */
    /* Query the database id, instance_number, database name, instance
    name and startup time for the instance we are working on
    /* Get information about the current instance */
    open get_instance;
    fetch get_instance into
    p_instance_number, p_instance_name
    , p_startup_time, p_parallel, p_version
    , p_host_name;
    close get_instance;
    /* Select the database info for the db connected to */
    open get_db;
    fetch get_db into p_dbid, p_name;
    close get_db;
    /* Keep the package
    sys.dbms_shared_pool.keep('PERFSTAT.STATSPACK', 'P');
    /* Determine if the instance has been restarted since the previous snapshot
    select 1
    into p_new_sga
    from stats$database_instance
    where startup_time = p_startup_time
    and dbid = p_dbid
    and instance_number = p_instance_number;
    when NO_DATA_FOUND then
    p_new_sga := 0;
    end STATSPACK;
    Warning: Package Body created with compilation errors.
    SQL> show error
    2045/3 PLS-00201: identifier 'SYS.DBMS_SHARED_POOL' must be declared
    2045/3 PL/SQL: Statement ignored

    When i compiled the package, it compiled with following error.
    Warning: Package Body created with compilation errors.
    SQL> show error
    2045/3 PLS-00201: identifier 'SYS.DBMS_SHARED_POOL' must be declared
    2045/3 PL/SQL: Statement ignored

  • Create statspack report using sql*developer

    While connecting with PERFSTAT user I can not create statspack report using SQL*Developer:
    Error starting at line 1 in command:
    Error report:
    Unable to open file: "?/rdbms/admin/awrrpt.sql"
    Actually, my problem or question is that how can PERFSTAT user can generate statspack reports from a Client side. What is the other way a non-dba can see the snapshots histroy and generate report (by using perfstat user ) while joing tables or using views?
    Thanks a lot.
    Best Regards

    for awr reports @?/rdbms/admin/awrrpt (you need EE+Diagnostic Pack) there is a solution.
    Grant execute dbms_workload_repository to <user>;
    Grant select_catalog_role to <user>;
    get all SNAP_IDs
    SELECT   TO_CHAR(s.startup_time,'YYYY.MM.DD HH24:MI:SS') INSTART_FMT,
             di.instance_name INST_NAME,
             di.db_name DB_NAME,
             s.snap_id SNAP_ID,
             TO_CHAR(s.end_interval_time,'YYYY.MM.DD HH24:MI:SS') SNAPDAT,
             s.snap_level LVL
    FROM    dba_hist_snapshot s,
             dba_hist_database_instance di
    WHERE   di.dbid = s.dbid
             AND di.instance_number = s.instance_number
             AND Di.Startup_Time = S.Startup_Time
    ORDER BY snap_id desc;
    Select * From Table(Sys.Dbms_Workload_Repository.Awr_Report_Html(DBID, 1, BEGIN_SNAP_ID, END_SNAP_ID));
    For statspack i don't know a solutuion. I think the best idea is, create a job to make the statspack report on the server side and access it via external tables or mail them forward to you.
    Best regards

  • Not able to install Statspack.

    OS WIn 2003 server
    I've gone through the following procedure to generate a statspack report. but, I am not able to insatall statspack, though the same procedure worked in 10g.
    1. create a perfstat tablespace
    2. run spcreate.sql
    SPCUSR complete. Please check spcusr.lis for any errors.
    SQL> --
    SQL> -- Build the tables and synonyms
    SQL> connect perfstat/&&perfstat_password
    ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error
    Warning: You are no longer connected to ORACLE.
    SQL> @@spctab
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> Rem $Header: spctab.sql 16-apr-2002.14:54:46 vbarrier Exp $
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> Rem spctab.sql
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> Rem Copyright (c) 1999, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> Rem NAME
    SQL> Rem spctab.sql
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> Rem SQL*PLUS command file to create tables to hold
    SQL> Rem start and end "snapshot" statistical information
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> Rem NOTES
    SQL> Rem Should be run as STATSPACK user, PERFSTAT
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> Rem vbarrier 03/20/02 - 2143634
    SQL> Rem vbarrier 03/05/02 - Segment Statistics
    SQL> Rem cdialeri 02/07/02 - 2218573
    SQL> Rem cdialeri 01/30/02 - 2184717
    SQL> Rem cdialeri 01/11/02 - 9.2 - features 2
    SQL> Rem cdialeri 11/30/01 - 9.2 - features 1
    SQL> Rem cdialeri 04/22/01 - Undostat changes
    SQL> Rem cdialeri 03/02/01 - 9.0
    SQL> Rem cdialeri 09/12/00 - sp_1404195
    SQL> Rem cdialeri 04/07/00 - 1261813
    SQL> Rem cdialeri 03/20/00 - Support for purge
    SQL> Rem cdialeri 02/16/00 - 1191805
    SQL> Rem cdialeri 01/26/00 - 1169401
    SQL> Rem cdialeri 11/01/99 - Enhance, 1059172
    SQL> Rem cmlim 07/17/97 - Added STATS$SQLAREA to store top sql stmts
    SQL> Rem gwood 10/16/95 - Version to run as sys without using many vi
    SQL> Rem 11/15/89 - Created
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> set showmode off echo off;
    If this script is automatically called from spcreate (which is
    the supported method), all STATSPACK segments will be created in
    the PERFSTAT user's default tablespace.
    Using perfstat tablespace to store Statspack objects
    ... Creating STATS$SNAPSHOT_ID Sequence
    SP2-0640: Not connected
    SP2-0640: Not connected
    ... Creating STATS$... tables
    SP2-0640: Not connected
    SP2-0640: Not connected
    SP2-0640: Not connected
    SP2-0640: Not connected
    SP2-0640: Not connected
    SP2-0640: Not connected
    SP2-0640: Not connected
    SP2-0640: Not connected
    SPCTAB complete. Please check spctab.lis for any errors.
    SQL> -- Create the statistics Package
    SQL> @@spcpkg
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> Rem $Header: spcpkg.sql 17-apr-2002.16:59:10 vbarrier Exp $
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> Rem spcpkg.sql
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> Rem Copyright (c) 1999, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> Rem NAME
    SQL> Rem spcpkg.sql
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> Rem SQL*PLUS command file to create statistics package
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> Rem NOTES
    SQL> Rem Must be run as the STATSPACK owner, PERFSTAT
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> Rem vbarrier 03/20/02 - 2184504
    SQL> Rem spommere 03/19/02 - 2274095
    SQL> Rem vbarrier 03/05/02 - Segment Statistics
    SQL> Rem spommere 02/14/02 - cleanup RAC stats that are no longer needed
    SQL> Rem spommere 02/08/02 - 2212357
    SQL> Rem cdialeri 02/07/02 - 2218573
    SQL> Rem cdialeri 01/30/02 - 2184717
    SQL> Rem cdialeri 01/09/02 - 9.2 - features 2
    SQL> Rem cdialeri 11/30/01 - 9.2 - features 1
    SQL> Rem hbergh 08/23/01 - 1940915: use substrb on sql_text
    SQL> Rem cdialeri 04/26/01 - 9.0
    SQL> Rem cdialeri 09/12/00 - sp_1404195
    SQL> Rem cdialeri 04/07/00 - 1261813
    SQL> Rem cdialeri 03/28/00 - sp_purge
    SQL> Rem cdialeri 02/16/00 - 1191805
    SQL> Rem cdialeri 11/01/99 - Enhance, 1059172
    SQL> Rem cgervasi 06/16/98 - Remove references to wrqs
    SQL> Rem cmlim 07/30/97 - Modified system events
    SQL> Rem 02/30/94 - Modified
    SQL> Rem 03/31/93 - Modified
    SQL> Rem 11/15/89 - Created
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> set echo off;
    Creating Package STATSPACK...
    SP2-0640: Not connected
    SP2-0640: Not connected
    SP2-0641: "SHOW ERRORS" requires connection to server
    Creating Package Body STATSPACK...
    SP2-0640: Not connected
    SP2-0640: Not connected
    SP2-0641: "SHOW ERRORS" requires connection to server
    SPCPKG complete. Please check spcpkg.lis for any errors.
    hare krishna

    Hi Alok
    I have encountered this before
    In the script there will be a comnnection link at the spcreate sql..
    Rem $Header: spcreate.sql 16-apr-2002.11:22:55 vbarrier Exp $
    Rem spcreate.sql
    Rem Copyright (c) 1999, 2002, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved. 
    Rem    NAME
    Rem      spcreate.sql - Statistics Create
    Rem      SQL*PLUS command file which creates the STATSPACK user,
    Rem      tables and package for the performance diagnostic tool STATSPACK
    Rem    NOTES
    Rem      Note the script connects INTERNAL and so must be run from
    Rem      an account which is able to connect internal.
    Rem    MODIFIED   (MM/DD/YY)
    Rem    cdialeri    02/16/00 - 1191805
    Rem    cdialeri    12/06/99 - 1103031
    Rem    cdialeri    08/13/99 - Created
    --  Create PERFSTAT user and required privileges
    --  Build the tables and synonyms
    connect perfstat/&&perfstat_password@MARAN
    --  Create the statistics Package
    @@spcpkgadd the @servicename and run the script
    It will work
    Message was edited by:
    Maran Viswarayar

  • Problems and solutions for 9i DB R2 install on Redhat Linux AS 2.1

    Installing 9iDB R2 on Redhat Linux Advanced Server 2.1 (aka Redhat Enterprise Linux (AS))
    and applying patchset 2 (
    This is a certified platform but I hit many problems getting the install to work. Here are the problems I hit and how I solved them.
    Note: This is not intended to be a install for dummies but just an account of all my problems and how I overcame them. I spent 10 hours on this certified install (mostly looking for solutions to the problems I was having)
    I had a Intel Pentium 3 with 512 Meg RAM. (test machine)
    1. Install Redhat Linux
    2. Install Sun JDK 1.3.1 (this is not actually required for this install. I installed it as I was planning to install 9iAS after this)
    3. Install binutils- (also not required. I installed it for 9iAS)
    All other components were ok on my Redhat Linux install (i.e. kernel version, glibc)
    4. Create oracle user with dba group
    5. Create oracle home and oracle base directories. Ensure these are owned by oracle with rwx
    6. Set kernel parameters and make sure that they are initialized every startup:
    I managed to locate this script in the Redhat document called
    "Deploying Oracle9iTM on Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS"
    create a file called in /etc and give it execute permissions
    # configures kernel and system parameters for Oracle9i R2
    # File handles
    echo 65536 > /proc/sys/fs/file-max
    ulimit -n 65536
    # Shared memory
    # The default SHMMAX value is too low and likely to cause a failure during
    # database creation. SHMMAX should be equal to half of your system's physical
    # RAM.
    # The default is for 512 MB of RAM. Replace the default value as appropriate
    # for the amount of memory in your system, i.e.,
    # 512 MB : 268435456
    # 1 GB : 536870912
    # 2 GB : 1073741824
    # 4 GB : 2147483648
    echo 268435456 > /proc/sys/kernel/shmmax
    # It is generally safe to leave these next two values as they are
    echo 4096 > /proc/sys/kernel/shmmni
    echo 2097152 > /proc/sys/kernel/shmall
    # Semaphores
    echo 250 32000 100 128 > /proc/sys/kernel/sem
    # Sockets
    echo 1024 65000 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range
    # Processes
    ulimit -u 16384
    # chmod +x /etc/    # make executable
    # . /etc/ # apply changes now
    edit /etc/rc.local to ensure this is run on startup
    append to /etc/rc.local
    # configure system for Oracle9i R2
    bash /etc/
    7. create a generic oracle environment setup script for all users to run
    create the file /etc/profile.d/
    be sure to change the variables to your environment (ORACLE_BASE, ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID)
    # Configures the user's environment for Oracle9i R2
    chmod 755 /etc/profile.d/
    This file will run when a user logs in.
    8. Install oracle DB
    This took me quite a few attempts.
    The first Install I did I received the error jre was not found. This issue seemed to be relating to the fact I was not installing on a Pentium 4. Oracle was looking for the jre in oracle.swd.jre/bin/i686 (and .../lib/i686) when some of the files were placed in i386 and java was looking in i386. This created a real mess. I had encountered a similar problem on a previous install on a different platform. I found articles of people that tried to just link the directories with symbolic links but this never worked. I tried my own version but also failed.
    The solution that worked for me was to de-install, remove all the oracle directories created by the install (this part I had always done) AND also delete the file /etc/oraInstl.loc. This makes the Installer truly believe this is the first time Oracle has been installed on this box. My jre problem disappeared after that. (I don't know why it just didn't work in the first place...)
    The next error I received was an ORA-03113 when creating the database (in the dbca). (It was actually at this point that I found the document from redhat as mentioned in my set 6 above) I also noticed that when running the install of the database, the default was for Oracle's SGA to use 70% of the available memory on my machine (I have 512M so that's 360M). Oracle instructed me to set shmmax to around 240M. This may be why the database creation failed as I thought the shmmax parameter needed to be larger that SGA. Anyway, I reduce the SGA to 50% and it worked.
    This error may also have been caused by the kernel parameters not being set properly after a reboot so if you implementing stop 6 above. You may never get this problem, hopefully.
    8. Install the universal Installer (a prerequisite for installing the patchset 2)
    You will need this to install the patchset 2. You can get it from metalink by searching for the bug number in the patch area. Search for bug/patch number 2878462 in patches. (37Meg for linux intel)
    (Did you know that when oracle refer to a bug number, you should treat this as a patch number? General the bugs are not available for public viewing but oracle create a patch of the same number as a placeholder. So don't search for the bug in the site search or by doc id, go straight to the "patches" area and enter the bug number as a patch number, you'll have more success. - I only found that out today after struggling with metalink for the last 4 years)
    9. Install the patchset 2
    I downloaded patchset 2 (which will bring my DB version to (220Meg). There is a special symbolic link command you'll need so make sure you remember to do this.
    $ cd $ORACLE_BASE/oui/bin/link
    $ ln -s
    10. Migrate your database
    I could not get this to work. The docs says I need at least 150M shared_pool_size and 150M Java_pool_size before running the startup migrate. As I only have 512Meg RAM (and shmmax set to 230M) I did hold much hope that this would work. I started my DB without the migrate option just to see if it would actually open with 300M in my pools. It did, so I shut it down and restarted with the migrate option. After 5 minutes of heavy processing (I still have an empty database) my server appeared to hang. I decided to restart the machine and just re-create my DB with the new patchset already applied. I delete my $ORACLE_BASE/oradata/<sid> directory and remove the entry from /etc/oratab and re-created my DB. This worked fine :)
    I hope this document helps you for your install. Please drop me line if it does help and I'll endevour to write more documents like this one.
    Please drop me a quick line at [email protected] even just to say "thanks".
    I will include a few keywords here to help the searches find this document. (mainly the keywords I searched on and failed to find a doc like this one)
    ORA-03113 ORA-3113 03113 3113 jre was not found jre not found i686 i386 i586 9iDB R2 Redhat Advanced Server 2.1 AS Enterprise Linux (AS) RH install error installation errors oui dbca problem issue
    Good luck,
    Tim Daniell.

    The trick that worked for me was on a 2nd attempt. I installed once, let it fail with "jre was not found", de-install through the installer, delete all directories and files under $ORACLE_BASE (including $ORACLE_HOME), and also delete /etc/oraInst.loc.
    I don't know why it fixes itself with this. Oracle say this is an unresolved bug 2726268 that lies in the installer. This is still unresolved by Oracle (as at 02-June-03) therefore it is not a published bug/patch. If this doesn't work, I suggest you open an iTAR and see if Oracle has any more suggestions for you.

  • Problem with using database link from oracle 7 to oracle 9i

    Hi To Every One
    I have two oracle database oracle and oracle 9i
    and the tns alias to connect to oracle 9i database is oracle9i and tns
    alias to oracle 7 database is oracle7.I have no problem in connect to
    these database using these tns aliases from either database.The tns
    alias for oracle 7 is available in tnsnames.ora file of oracle9i and
    tns alias for oracle 9i is available in tnsnames.ora file of oracle 7.
    So there is no connection problem from each other.Connection is
    working fine for each other but the problem with database links is
    like this
    when i create database link from oracle9i user or public database link
    from oracle9i for oracle7 user like this
    The links get created sucessfully but when i write command like
    ORA-02063: preceding line from ORACLE7
    Thank u.

    Oracle 9.2.0 does not support connectivity to Oracle 7. The newest version that will support this is 9.0.1.

  • Unique Constraint error while executing statspack.snap procedure

    The following is the error which popped up when i was trying to execute statspack.snap procedure from perfstat user:
    ORA-00001: unique constraint (PERFSTAT.STATS$LATCH_CHILDREN_PK) violated
    ORA-06512: at "PERFSTAT.STATSPACK", line 1619
    ORA-06512: at "PERFSTAT.STATSPACK", line 71
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    How could i resolve such a problem, as all the constraints and objects for this user are created while running the oracle supplied script 'spcreate.sql'.
    If any 1 knows how to handle such a situation , can come forward n please help me out.

    SQL> execute statspack.snap (i_snap_level=>10);
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00001: unique constraint (PERFSTAT.STATS$LATCH_CHILDREN_PK) violated
    ORA-06512: at "PERFSTAT.STATSPACK", line 1619
    ORA-06512: at "PERFSTAT.STATSPACK", line 71
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    -- Its because of the bug # 2384758.
    -- The STATS$LATCH_CHILDREN table has a primary key constraint on (snap_id, dbid, instance_number, latch#, child#).
    -- This is fixed in 9.0.2 and will not be backported to earlier versions because the level 10 is not a normal level to be setting unless requested by oracle support.

Maybe you are looking for