Audio Streaming (MOH)

Hi, I need to steam audio (audio instead of call signalling/moh) from IP Gateway to IP Gateway (GK or SIP but NO PSTN/ISDN GW). Where can I find information /documents about scripting or streaming on cisco routers.
thx patricio

Can you tell how you can get CM installed in VMWare ? Can I get instructions from you ?
Thanks !!

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    Pandora, I(heart)music, Bing100, all free,

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    A third-party app probably cannot obtain a stream from another app. To the best of my knowledge, such a capability is not provided in the software development kit, apps being "sandboxed" from each other and so allowed to communicate only in very specific and limited ways.
    I'm not completely sure what you mean by "limitations on video capture". An iPhone, to the best of my knowledge, can natively record video only through it's built-in camera, and audio while doing video recording only through the built-in microphone or mic/headphone jack. There might be a video recording app that would allow audio input from an external device connected to the dock connector, but I'm not sure.

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    If you're planning to stream from iTunes to the AppleTV controlling the material via iTunes, I suspect it may just appear as an Airtunes speaker option for iTunes without any setup needed.
    No Netflix in UK so don't know much about it, but I suspect you'd need to control the AppleTV directly for this unless you were viewing on the MBP and used something like Rogue Amoeba's Airfoil to transmit audio.
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    Hello Achates:
    I did not read the rather long post. If you wish to reinstall OS X 10.4, use your software install DVD. Backup is essential. To minimize your risk, I would use an archive and install:
    In that way, you will have a fresh copy of OS X and your current settings will be preserved.
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    I searched the web and found references to this error back two versions and two years - but no solution.
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    Hi there,
    I have experienced this on Windows XP. In my case this was due to a dll (Dynamic Link Library) file not being corectly registered in the Windows XP Registry. If you are using XP then take a look at the following blog post.
    Adobe Captivate 4 Installation Issues on Microsoft Windows XP 
    If this doesn't solve the problem or you are using Windows Vista then please report this issue to the Adobe Captivate team using the web address I have included below.
    Adobe Captivate Feature Request/Bug Report Form 
    Best - Mark
    Visit the macrofireball blog

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    Before the release of iOS6 and the iPhone 5, I was able to use the A2DP audio streaming on my car no problems and I was really a happy camper, when upgraded my iPhone 4S to the iPhone 5 (Which came already with iOS6) that funtionality did not work any more, I reconnected my iPhone 4s running iOS 5.1.1 and worked like a charm, then I thought my brand new iPhone has bluetooth problem , that same night (Release data iPhone 5 and iOS 6), I update my iPhone 4S and prepare it to give it to my wife, then It occured to me to go and test the phone back on the car but now Running iOS 6 and "viola", the phone did not stream audio via A2DP. So yesterday Apple Release a minor update for iOS (6.0.1) and after reading the release notes (which it did not say anything Bluetooth enhancements) and updating my iPhone, went and try to test again the phone and did not work. (No A2DP audio streaming), Definatelly there is a problem, I called iOS Tech support and open a Case.  Here are the screenshots for the iphone and car stereo.
    Car Stereo:
    Phone (Voice Feature) works fine with the car.
    This happens when trying to Connect the phone manually.
    If anyone had this problem in the past and solved, please let us know.
    Rommel J. Jimenez

    I had this problem with my iPhone 4 after upgrading to ios 6.0 (10A403).  I called apple support and was given a fix for my problem.  The Apple support rep had me do a reset on my Iphone.  The iPhone then worked with streaming music through bluetooth to my Lexus and also now works with the usb tether.  I did not have to delete the pairing, but that certainly wont hurt.

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    See if installing the latest BT driver directly from Mediatek (Ralink) works.
    Bluetooth Driver(RT3290/MT7630)
    Win7 Win8 Win8.1

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    Intermittent problems are often a result of interference. Interference can be caused by other networks in the neighbourhood or from household electrical items.
    You can download and install iStumbler (NetStumbler for windows users) to help you see which channels are used by neighbouring networks so that you can avoid them, but iStumbler will not see household items.
    Refer to your router manual for instructions on changing your wifi channel or adjusting your multicast rate.
    There are other types of problems that can affect networks, but this is by far the most common, hence worth mentioning first. Networks that have inherent issues can be seen to work differently with different versions of the same software. You might also try moving the Apple TV away from other electrical equipment.

  • How to publish a local audio stream using NetStream?

    As all we know, if we want to publish a stream to FMS or Red5, we can code like below:
    var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
    var ns:NetStream = new NetStream(nc);
    ns.publish("audio", "live");
    my problem is that we can pass an instance of Microphone to ns.attachAudio() only, if I want to attach a local audio stream,like playing a local sample.flv file to become a audio stream, how can I do?
    this issue has been asked 7 years ago, see the post. but i can not find any solutions.
    any tips will be appreciated. thx in advance.

    how to watch my local network stream using java,help! - a third party program (but not using java)

  • Need more than 8 Audio Streams - Possible solution

    Referring to this topic (now archived so cannot reply):
    Wikipedia DVD entry "DVDs can contain more than one channel of audio to go together with the video content, supporting a maximum of 8 simultaneous audio tracks per video. This is most commonly used for different audio formats—DTS 5.1, AC-3 2.0 etc.—as well as for commentary and audio tracks in different languages."
    I thought I better reply to the post above as it this work-around might not be obvious at first. In the post jasdipBoy asks is it possible to have more than 8 audio streams (i.e. languages) on DVD Studio Pro. Unfortunately you can't as the Wikipedia entry says, but as a possible work-around you could always have the same video twice - on two different tracks and split the audio/languages between the two.
    The issues you should be aware of is the lack of being able to select each language while playing the video (as some of the languages will be on another track) and if you can actually fit the video twice on the DVD as this method will take twice the space.
    But most DVD consumers select the language in the DVD menu anyway so as long as you build that selection into the menu, you should be covered.

    You could make a two disc set and split the language options,
    They make a two disc case that would hold it and look profesional.

  • IOS 8 and Bluetooth Phone and Audio Streaming Failing

    I have a 2013 Nissan Pathfinder and a 2015 Nissan Leaf, both with bluetooth phone integration and audio streaming support.  Both cars worked fine when I had two iPhone 5s paired to both cars and running latest iOS 7.  Both phones worked in both cars and could fully integrate to make calls and also to stream audio from device to car.
    When I upgraded one iPhone 5s to iOS 8 and replaced the other with an iPhone 6Plus running iOS 8, both are having problems with both cars.
    1.  Both gave a "failed connection" message but the phones do actually pair.
    2.  Both cars show a phone handset with a line through it on the in-car display which means no connection.
    3.  The "5 bars" cell signal indicator on the in-car display no longer shows up.
    3.  Outgoing calls made from phone and put through car system work fine except for some garbled audio.
    4.  Incoming calls make the wrong screen appear on the nissan display and can not be answered by the display on the car.  Pushing the answer button on the in-car display doesn't do anything.
    Lots of other tiny issues.  Apple needs a fix here.  I called Nissan and they said it's 100% Apple's fault.
    Anyone else having issues with Nissan Bluetooth integration or any other manufacturer?

    We have a 2008 Nissan Sentra - The bluetooth pairs ok.  When a call comes in on my 5S or my wife's 4S the bluetooth does not do anything.  The bluetooth does not ring and it does not connect to the call.  The call has to be answered on the phone.  Like I said, the phones are paired.  You can access Siri through the bluetooth to initiate a call.  Once the call is connecting, the bluetooth drops off and there is no sound.  Just like when you receive a call.  Apple needs to fix this.  This is completely ridiculous.  I WAS going to buy an iPhone 6.  I will not if this is not fixed.

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