Audio unit plugins problem

my logic studio has stopped loading up normaly as it keeps getting stuck when it is surching for the audio unit plugins iv tried taking them out n relaunching logic but dat dont seem to work how can i get into logic to check audio manager

Remove the following file from your User Library (not Main HD Library):
Then boot Logic, it should scan all functional Plug Ins

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    [Audio Unit Manager|]

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    I doubt that would be possible because the native platform would expect the plug-ins to be on the same platform. Besides, a translated AU would grind audio engine in Logic to a halt.
    From what I've seen on the forum, Logic on an Intel unit is not seeing PPC AU's.

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    That was the exact program I was thinking about, thankyou very very much.

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    anthonyfromcentralvalley wrote:
      would love to know how to disable AU's or the scanning of AU's.
    if they are each seperate files, move or trash them. you can find the files' path here:
    (Let the page FULLY load. The link to your answer is at the top of your screen)

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    darthnater wrote:
    Hi, I'm running Logic 8 and recently *(I think since I updated to Snow Leopard)* every time I open Logic after shutting down and restarting my MacBook Pro it scans the Audio Units. I know it scans when new AU's are installed, but I haven't put any new AU's on in a while. Is this just because Snow Leopard and Logic 8 don't always play nice? Or is there something else that I'm missing? I plan on updating to 9 eventually, but right now the updates don't outweigh the cost. Thanks for any help
    Your Audio Unit plugins need to be updated to versions that support Snow Leopard. Go to each of your third party plug in manufacturer's websites, and download their latest versions.
    Welcome to upgrade he_ll ...

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    I suspect you didn't follow the installation Instructions from Waves....
    Did you run the Wave AU Reg Utility first?
    If not....
    Quit Logic Pro X then....
    Run the app which is found in Applications/Waves/Waveshells/ Waves AU Reg Utility 9.3 or later depending on which version of Waves you are using....
    Failing that, contact Waves directly for assistance....

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    So the exact problem is that I, in new projects, is not able to select plugins via Inserts / Audio Units .
    Can you help me solve this problem?
    Regards Henrik

    Hekke44 wrote:
    I do not think it is very user friendly, I must say.
    For users of this system, it must surely be obvious that you very often have to choose musical instruments, also from instrument plug-ins.
    Yes, often. That is why it is very obvious and simple for any experienced user.
    Hekke44 wrote:
    Why on earth is it so complicated to choose a musical instrument? If you are not currently using this system every day, you forget the such a detail about having to press down for several seconds to select an instrument.
    I do not think it is complicated at all. And you do not have to press down for several seconds. I just timed, it is 0.4 seconds of clickholding. The holding is functional:  you won't load a new instrument (and possiblly loose any work you had done on your sound) just because you accidentally clicked on a slot.
    Hekke44 wrote:
    There should be a nice big green button on the screen that read 'Select musical instrument', - then a menu where you can choose whether it should be one of Logics musical instruments, or a plugin instrument.
    It would be user-friendly.
    What is your view about these things?
    You are basically saying it should be dumbed down to the level of some "any-kid-or-adult-idiot-can-use-it-out-of-the-box" smartphone app. I think you are overlooking that this is a Pro program, not a toy. I think you try to blame the software for the fact that you didn't know how to operate it. You're avoiding responsability. That's my view.

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    G5 DP1.8   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   LP7.1.1 + MOTU 2408 MRK3 + REASON3 + WAVES + VARIOUS

    I´ve found that if I leave my Souncraft 1600 channels at unity gain and use the automation in Logic to mix I get the best of both: recall and warm.... The problem in digital is the summing...
    just try it, it´s really easy: make a mix in the box and bounce it. after that change the outputs of the tracks from stereo1/2 to all the outputs you have in your sound card with the channels in the analog console at unity gain. Record the mix. even an 8 channel decent sound card will sound better IMO. I disceverd this years ago when using an AW8 in 16bit and aginst all logic it sounded better... with my Multiface was even better ... I still want to try my brand new Fireface800 with this trick. just compare both mixes and tell us what you´ve found.
    ...besides that you can use your mixer´s eq and analog stuff if you like...

  • Audio Units Izotope Iris Problem

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    I've looked through the forums etc and can find similar problems, but no solutions. I've tried changing Logic AND Iris to run in 32-bit mode; I've tried re-scanning the plugins and even deleting the "" file to get it to scan the plugins again - still no luck.
    This is frustrating, because it recognises and validates Iris, but it just won't come up as an Audio Unit instrument / audio plugin in Logic!
    Any help with this greatly appreciated

    Please ignore my ramblings.
    This does work in the I/O option for Audio Instruments, though it's worth noting for new users like me that this is for an Instrument track, not an Audio track. Re-scanning for the AU Units helped I think.

  • "Failed to load Audio Unit" errors on opening project, but plugins actually load OK

    I'm experiencing an issue where Logic Pro X will give an error saying "Failed to load Audio Unit" when loading a project, but when you actually click "Continue" and go on into the session the plugins are there and work fine - playback and bouncing all work fine, and the plugins were listed in the error dialogue all work fine.
    Some notes on the error:
    - it's happening on a range of different plugins on my system - ilok-protected plugins (Soundtoys, Slate among others), UAD plugins, and non-dongled plugins (Plugin Alliance stuff, among others)...
    - seems that as a project is worked on over time, at some point the error starts to happen on a save, and then becomes apparent on the next reload... it also translates between systems - a couple projects where this is occurring were started in a different studio (where the error first showed up), and working on them at my studio the error is still apparent.
    - also it seems like the error doesn't happen every time a project is loaded. If I'm launching Logic fresh and opening a project, the error will occur, but if I close and open another project and the come back to the first project again, the error won't show up on the first project anymore... but if I quit Logic and open that project again, it'll start happening again.
    Has anyone else noticed this error?

    Start Logic and hold the control key to disable the audio engine.
    You should be able to load the project now, and disable the offending plugin. When done, turn the audio engine back on in the audio drivers preferences.

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    Cheers, Si

    No I haven't tried this only because I have ongoing projects in Logic 7 so I didn't want to uninstall any plug ins or loose any presets... maybe this is the only option I have.
    Cheers Alex

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