Audio Units Plugins (Source-Connect)

A Pro Tools user for about five years, I'm just trying out Garage Band for the first time. Are there are any Garage Band users here that use a plugin called 'Source-Connect?' If so, I could use some help figuring out why I can't see that plugin in the menu of all the others.

Yep... the version I downloaded (Pro 3.5) says it's good to go with both VST AND Audio Units hosts (and Garage Band is in the list), but that's why I'm wondering why the plugin doesn't show up. I've emailed Source-Connect support... hopefully they'll be able to figure it out.

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    Remove the following file from your User Library (not Main HD Library):
    Then boot Logic, it should scan all functional Plug Ins

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    [Audio Unit Manager|]

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    G5 Dual 2.3 GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

    I doubt that would be possible because the native platform would expect the plug-ins to be on the same platform. Besides, a translated AU would grind audio engine in Logic to a halt.
    From what I've seen on the forum, Logic on an Intel unit is not seeing PPC AU's.

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    I was wondering...
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    That was the exact program I was thinking about, thankyou very very much.

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    anthonyfromcentralvalley wrote:
      would love to know how to disable AU's or the scanning of AU's.
    if they are each seperate files, move or trash them. you can find the files' path here:
    (Let the page FULLY load. The link to your answer is at the top of your screen)

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    darthnater wrote:
    Hi, I'm running Logic 8 and recently *(I think since I updated to Snow Leopard)* every time I open Logic after shutting down and restarting my MacBook Pro it scans the Audio Units. I know it scans when new AU's are installed, but I haven't put any new AU's on in a while. Is this just because Snow Leopard and Logic 8 don't always play nice? Or is there something else that I'm missing? I plan on updating to 9 eventually, but right now the updates don't outweigh the cost. Thanks for any help
    Your Audio Unit plugins need to be updated to versions that support Snow Leopard. Go to each of your third party plug in manufacturer's websites, and download their latest versions.
    Welcome to upgrade he_ll ...

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    Thanks, this was the clue I needed to figure it out.
    From Settings you can pull up Control Center.
    In Control Center you can enable "Access from within Apps" (also "Access from Lockscreen")
    Now when I'm playing music, I can swipe up from the bottom and a little control center window slides up. Neat - this is new since my old iPod. On this window, the name of the current Bluetooth connection appears. Tap on that, and a list of connected Bluetooth items appears. I just tap on the one I want to connect to and I am now playing through the speakers I want.

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    Start Logic and hold the control key to disable the audio engine.
    You should be able to load the project now, and disable the offending plugin. When done, turn the audio engine back on in the audio drivers preferences.

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    I suspect you didn't follow the installation Instructions from Waves....
    Did you run the Wave AU Reg Utility first?
    If not....
    Quit Logic Pro X then....
    Run the app which is found in Applications/Waves/Waveshells/ Waves AU Reg Utility 9.3 or later depending on which version of Waves you are using....
    Failing that, contact Waves directly for assistance....

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    I've been around online and search . Here I was recommended to delete a file called . I have done this, but the problem is not solved.
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    The plugins also still works in projects created within the problem occurred. That is, - I can open for example SampleTank in a track in a project that is created and a half years ago.
    So the exact problem is that I, in new projects, is not able to select plugins via Inserts / Audio Units .
    Can you help me solve this problem?
    Regards Henrik

    Hekke44 wrote:
    I do not think it is very user friendly, I must say.
    For users of this system, it must surely be obvious that you very often have to choose musical instruments, also from instrument plug-ins.
    Yes, often. That is why it is very obvious and simple for any experienced user.
    Hekke44 wrote:
    Why on earth is it so complicated to choose a musical instrument? If you are not currently using this system every day, you forget the such a detail about having to press down for several seconds to select an instrument.
    I do not think it is complicated at all. And you do not have to press down for several seconds. I just timed, it is 0.4 seconds of clickholding. The holding is functional:  you won't load a new instrument (and possiblly loose any work you had done on your sound) just because you accidentally clicked on a slot.
    Hekke44 wrote:
    There should be a nice big green button on the screen that read 'Select musical instrument', - then a menu where you can choose whether it should be one of Logics musical instruments, or a plugin instrument.
    It would be user-friendly.
    What is your view about these things?
    You are basically saying it should be dumbed down to the level of some "any-kid-or-adult-idiot-can-use-it-out-of-the-box" smartphone app. I think you are overlooking that this is a Pro program, not a toy. I think you try to blame the software for the fact that you didn't know how to operate it. You're avoiding responsability. That's my view.

  • Analog plugins for audio units?

    I have recently starting mixing on logic due to the need for recall (client adjustments). I used to mix thru my soundtracs mrx console & got a fantastic sound that was very warm. The problem i'm getting which has been debated many times before, is the digital cleaness of software which definately lacks warmth. Can anyone tell me the best analog modelling plugins for audio units? I've heard good things about the psp vintage good is it & what else there?
    G5 DP1.8   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   LP7.1.1 + MOTU 2408 MRK3 + REASON3 + WAVES + VARIOUS

    I´ve found that if I leave my Souncraft 1600 channels at unity gain and use the automation in Logic to mix I get the best of both: recall and warm.... The problem in digital is the summing...
    just try it, it´s really easy: make a mix in the box and bounce it. after that change the outputs of the tracks from stereo1/2 to all the outputs you have in your sound card with the channels in the analog console at unity gain. Record the mix. even an 8 channel decent sound card will sound better IMO. I disceverd this years ago when using an AW8 in 16bit and aginst all logic it sounded better... with my Multiface was even better ... I still want to try my brand new Fireface800 with this trick. just compare both mixes and tell us what you´ve found.
    ...besides that you can use your mixer´s eq and analog stuff if you like...

  • HT200084 Logic X hangs on start up.  Updating information about audio units plug ins.

    last session logic X crashed as I closed down..Logic hangs on every start up.The screen splash says Updating information about audio units plug ins. However it just stays like that. Tried deleting the with no result. The preference/plugin manager is greyed out so can't get to that.. updated Yosemite to latest.
    Does any on have any ideas??
    thanks for any help

    hi, thanks for your response.
    i have checked the ~ Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components as well.
    the latest is by trashing the cache i have managed to get past the hanging screen and open a project but I have no plugins and also virtual instruments available. ( orange ! icon)
    I can now access the plugin manager and tried a rescan but it won't validate plugins that I have licenses for. I should add I am not running any cracks etc,  it is all purchased and licensed plugins or demo versions.
    ill try posting this plugin manager report
    AU Validation Tool
        Version: 1.6.1a1
        Copyright 2003-2013, Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
        Specify -h (-help) for command options
    VALIDATING AUDIO UNIT: 'aufx' - '76CM' - 'ksWV'
    2015-04-18 10:33:36.949 auvaltool[494:6716] 10:33:36.949 WARNING:   >compload> AudioComponentPluginLoader.cpp:445: ParseInfoPlistArray: ARP%202600%20V2%20Efx.component -- file:///Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/: trouble parsing Info.plist's AudioComponents; entry: <CFBasicHash 0x7f9b2be13c80 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{type = mutable dict, count = 6,
    entries =>
      2 : <CFString 0x7f9b2be14080 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "manufacturer"} = <CFString 0x7f9b2be13880 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Artu"}
      7 : <CFString 0x7f9b2be13840 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "subtype"} = <CFString 0x7f9b2be06f30 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "arpY"}
      8 : <CFString 0x7f9b2be15a00 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "version"} = <CFNumber 0x2060137 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{value = +132609, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type}
      9 : <CFString 0x7fff7a7bb400 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "description"} = <CFString 0x7f9b2be151d0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "ARP 2600 V2 AU Efx"}
      10 : <CFString 0x7f9b2be142d0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "type"} = <CFString 0x7f9b2be15ae0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "aufx"}
      11 : <CFString 0x7f9b2be13c20 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "name"} = <CFString 0x7f9b2be15a30 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Arturia: ARP 2600 V2 Efx"}
    2015-04-18 10:33:36.950 auvaltool[494:6716] 10:33:36.950 WARNING:   >compload> AudioComponentPluginLoader.cpp:445: ParseInfoPlistArray: ARP%202600%20V2.component -- file:///Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/: trouble parsing Info.plist's AudioComponents; entry: <CFBasicHash 0x7f9b2bd04ee0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{type = mutable dict, count = 6,
    entries =>
      2 : <CFString 0x7f9b2bd07390 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "manufacturer"} = <CFString 0x7f9b2bd04ca0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Artu"}
      7 : <CFString 0x7f9b2bd0c9e0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "subtype"} = <CFString 0x7f9b2bd011a0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "arpW"}
      8 : <CFString 0x7f9b2bd0c900 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "version"} = <CFNumber 0x2060137 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{value = +132609, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type}
      9 : <CFString 0x7fff7a7bb400 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "description"} = <CFString 0x7f9b2bd027b0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "ARP 2600 V2 AU"}
      10 : <CFString 0x7f9b2bd011e0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "type"} = <CFString 0x7f9b2bd01220 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "aumu"}
      11 : <CFString 0x7f9b2bd034d0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "name"} = <CFString 0x7f9b2bd0c930 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Arturia: ARP 2600 V2"}
    2015-04-18 10:33:36.960 auvaltool[494:6716] 10:33:36.960 WARNING:   >compload> AudioComponentPluginLoader.cpp:445: ParseInfoPlistArray: CS-80%20V2.component -- file:///Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/: trouble parsing Info.plist's AudioComponents; entry: <CFBasicHash 0x7f9b2bf03140 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{type = mutable dict, count = 6,
    entries =>
      2 : <CFString 0x7f9b2bf02cd0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "manufacturer"} = <CFString 0x7f9b2bf02780 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "ArTu"}
      7 : <CFString 0x7f9b2bf03970 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "subtype"} = <CFString 0x7f9b2bf02980 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Cs82"}
      8 : <CFString 0x7f9b2bf02d10 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "version"} = <CFNumber 0x2060137 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{value = +132609, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type}
      9 : <CFString 0x7fff7a7bb400 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "description"} = <CFString 0x7f9b2bf02b20 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "CS-80 V2 AU"}
      10 : <CFString 0x7f9b2bf029c0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "type"} = <CFString 0x7f9b2bf03a90 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "aumu"}
      11 : <CFString 0x7f9b2bf00b40 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "name"} = <CFString 0x7f9b2bf03e50 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Arturia: CS-80V2"}
    2015-04-18 10:33:36.980 auvaltool[494:6716] 10:33:36.980 WARNING:   >compload> AudioComponentPluginLoader.cpp:445: ParseInfoPlistArray: Mini%20V2%20Efx.component -- file:///Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/: trouble parsing Info.plist's AudioComponents; entry: <CFBasicHash 0x7f9b2bd08bb0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{type = mutable dict, count = 6,
    entries =>
      2 : <CFString 0x7f9b2bd0d370 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "manufacturer"} = <CFString 0x7f9b2bd0e9e0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Artu"}
      7 : <CFString 0x7f9b2bd093d0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "subtype"} = <CFString 0x7f9b2bd101a0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "minx"}
      8 : <CFString 0x7f9b2bd0faa0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "version"} = <CFNumber 0x2060137 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{value = +132609, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type}
      9 : <CFString 0x7fff7a7bb400 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "description"} = <CFString 0x7f9b2bd0ea20 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Mini V2 AU Efx"}
      10 : <CFString 0x7f9b2bd101e0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "type"} = <CFString 0x7f9b2bd10220 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "aufx"}
      11 : <CFString 0x7f9b2bd0f420 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "name"} = <CFString 0x7f9b2bd0fad0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Arturia: Mini V Efx"}
    2015-04-18 10:33:36.981 auvaltool[494:6716] 10:33:36.981 WARNING:   >compload> AudioComponentPluginLoader.cpp:445: ParseInfoPlistArray: Mini%20V2.component -- file:///Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/: trouble parsing Info.plist's AudioComponents; entry: <CFBasicHash 0x7f9b2bd08ad0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{type = mutable dict, count = 6,
    entries =>
      2 : <CFString 0x7f9b2bd0ea20 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "manufacturer"} = <CFString 0x7f9b2bd0d370 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Artu"}
      7 : <CFString 0x7f9b2bd0eec0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "subtype"} = <CFString 0x7f9b2bd0fca0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "mini"}
      8 : <CFString 0x7f9b2bd0fb00 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "version"} = <CFNumber 0x2060137 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{value = +132609, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type}
      9 : <CFString 0x7fff7a7bb400 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "description"} = <CFString 0x7f9b2bd0edf0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Mini V2 AU"}
      10 : <CFString 0x7f9b2bd0fce0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "type"} = <CFString 0x7f9b2bd0fd20 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "aumu"}
      11 : <CFString 0x7f9b2bd0f420 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "name"} = <CFString 0x7f9b2bd0fb30 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Arturia: Mini V"}
    2015-04-18 10:33:36.983 auvaltool[494:6716] 10:33:36.982 WARNING:   >compload> AudioComponentPluginLoader.cpp:445: ParseInfoPlistArray: Modular%20V2%20Efx.component -- file:///Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/: trouble parsing Info.plist's AudioComponents; entry: <CFBasicHash 0x7f9b2bd0e970 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{type = mutable dict, count = 6,
    entries =>
      2 : <CFString 0x7f9b2bd0f420 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "manufacturer"} = <CFString 0x7f9b2bd0eec0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Artu"}
      7 : <CFString 0x7f9b2bd0d2f0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "subtype"} = <CFString 0x7f9b2bd0eb60 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "xmv2"}
      8 : <CFString 0x7f9b2bd0fc40 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "version"} = <CFNumber 0x2070137 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{value = +132865, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type}
      9 : <CFString 0x7fff7a7bb400 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "description"} = <CFString 0x7f9b2bd0fa30 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Modular V2 AU Efx"}
      10 : <CFString 0x7f9b2bd0fd20 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "type"} = <CFString 0x7f9b2bd0fd60 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "aufx"}
      11 : <CFString 0x7f9b2bd093d0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "name"} = <CFString 0x7f9b2bd0fc70 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Arturia: Modular V Efx"}
    2015-04-18 10:33:36.984 auvaltool[494:6716] 10:33:36.984 WARNING:   >compload> AudioComponentPluginLoader.cpp:445: ParseInfoPlistArray: Modular%20V2.component -- file:///Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/: trouble parsing Info.plist's AudioComponents; entry: <CFBasicHash 0x7f9b2bd0ea80 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{type = mutable dict, count = 6,
    entries =>
      2 : <CFString 0x7f9b2bd0f420 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "manufacturer"} = <CFString 0x7f9b2bd0e9e0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Artu"}
      7 : <CFString 0x7f9b2bd0d370 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "subtype"} = <CFString 0x7f9b2bd0fcc0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "mmv2"}
      8 : <CFString 0x7f9b2bd0faa0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "version"} = <CFNumber 0x2070137 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{value = +132865, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type}
      9 : <CFString 0x7fff7a7bb400 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "description"} = <CFString 0x7f9b2bd0f460 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Modular V2 AU"}
      10 : <CFString 0x7f9b2bd0fd00 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "type"} = <CFString 0x7f9b2bd0fd40 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "aumu"}
      11 : <CFString 0x7f9b2bd0eb60 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "name"} = <CFString 0x7f9b2bd0fad0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Arturia: Modular V"}
    2015-04-18 10:33:36.988 auvaltool[494:6716] 10:33:36.988 WARNING:   >compload> AudioComponentPluginLoader.cpp:445: ParseInfoPlistArray: Prophet%20V2.component -- file:///Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/: trouble parsing Info.plist's AudioComponents; entry: <CFBasicHash 0x7f9b2bd0e970 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{type = mutable dict, count = 6,
    entries =>
      2 : <CFString 0x7f9b2bd093d0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "manufacturer"} = <CFString 0x7f9b2bd0e9e0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Artu"}
      7 : <CFString 0x7f9b2bd0eb60 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "subtype"} = <CFString 0x7f9b2bd0d2f0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "P5V2"}
      8 : <CFString 0x7f9b2bd0fab0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "version"} = <CFNumber 0x2060137 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{value = +132609, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type}
      9 : <CFString 0x7fff7a7bb400 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "description"} = <CFString 0x7f9b2bd0d370 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Prophet V2 AU"}
      10 : <CFString 0x7f9b2bd0fca0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "type"} = <CFString 0x7f9b2bd0fce0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "aumu"}
      11 : <CFString 0x7f9b2bd0f460 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "name"} = <CFString 0x7f9b2bd0fbd0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Arturia: Prophet V2"}
    Manufacturer String: Waves
    AudioUnit Name: CLA-76 (m)
    Component Version: 9.0.3 (0x90003)
    Component's Bundle Version: 0.0.0
    * * PASS
    WaveShell-AU Compiled for 64 bits eMacOS_Cocoa_Runtime eInit_RM eInit_GMConfig eInit_PVM
    objc[494]: Class wvWavesV9_2_WavesPresetPanel is implemented in both /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/WaveShell-AU 9.3.component/Contents/MacOS/WaveShell-AU and /Applications/Waves/Plug-Ins V9/WavesLib_9.3.framework/Versions/A/WavesLib. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
    objc[494]: Class wvWavesV9_2_WavesTextFormatter is implemented in both /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/WaveShell-AU 9.3.component/Contents/MacOS/WaveShell-AU and /Applications/Waves/Plug-Ins V9/WavesLib_9.3.framework/Versions/A/WavesLib. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
    objc[494]: Class wvWavesV9_2_WavesAboutDelegate is implemented in both /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/WaveShell-AU 9.3.component/Contents/MacOS/WaveShell-AU and /Applications/Waves/Plug-Ins V9/WavesLib_9.3.framework/Versions/A/WavesLib. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
    objc[494]: Class wvWavesV9_2_WavesTextDelegate is implemented in both /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/WaveShell-AU 9.3.component/Contents/MacOS/WaveShell-AU and /Applications/Waves/Plug-Ins V9/WavesLib_9.3.framework/Versions/A/WavesLib. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
    objc[494]: Class wvWavesV9_2_WavesMenuItemData is implemented in both /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/WaveShell-AU 9.3.component/Contents/MacOS/WaveShell-AU and /Applications/Waves/Plug-Ins V9/WavesLib_9.3.framework/Versions/A/WavesLib. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
    objc[494]: Class wvWavesV9_2_WavesMenu is implemented in both /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/WaveShell-AU 9.3.component/Contents/MacOS/WaveShell-AU and /Applications/Waves/Plug-Ins V9/WavesLib_9.3.framework/Versions/A/WavesLib. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
    objc[494]: Class wvWavesV9_2_WavesView is implemented in both /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/WaveShell-AU 9.3.component/Contents/MacOS/WaveShell-AU and /Applications/Waves/Plug-Ins V9/WavesLib_9.3.framework/Versions/A/WavesLib. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
    objc[494]: Class wvWavesV9_2_WavesNSTextField is implemented in both /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/WaveShell-AU 9.3.component/Contents/MacOS/WaveShell-AU and /Applications/Waves/Plug-Ins V9/WavesLib_9.3.framework/Versions/A/WavesLib. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
    objc[494]: Class wvWavesV9_2_WavesNSImageView is implemented in both /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/WaveShell-AU 9.3.component/Contents/MacOS/WaveShell-AU and /Applications/Waves/Plug-Ins V9/WavesLib_9.3.framework/Versions/A/WavesLib. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
    objc[494]: Class wvWavesV9_2_WavesNSTextView is implemented in both /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/WaveShell-AU 9.3.component/Contents/MacOS/WaveShell-AU and /Applications/Waves/Plug-Ins V9/WavesLib_9.3.framework/Versions/A/WavesLib. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
    Time to open AudioUnit:         58.656 ms
    WaveShell-AU Compiled for 64 bits eMacOS_Cocoa_Runtime eInit_RM eInit_GMConfig eInit_PVM
    Time to open AudioUnit:         22.641  ms
    Time for initialization:        0.005 ms
    * * PASS
    Input Scope Bus Configuration:
    Default Bus Count:1
        Bus Name: Main Input Bus
        Default Format: AudioStreamBasicDescription:  1 ch,  44100 Hz, 'lpcm' (0x00000029) 32-bit little-endian float, deinterleaved
        Has Channel Layouts: 0x640001
        Default Layout:
      Tag=0x640001, Num Chan Descs=1
      Label=-1, Flags=0x0, [az=0.000000,el=0.000000,dist=0.000000]
    Output Scope Bus Configuration:
    Default Bus Count:1
        Bus Name: Main Output Bus
        Default Format: AudioStreamBasicDescription:  1 ch,  44100 Hz, 'lpcm' (0x00000029) 32-bit little-endian float, deinterleaved
        Has Channel Layouts: 0x640001
        Default Layout:
      Tag=0x640001, Num Chan Descs=1
      Label=-1, Flags=0x0, [az=0.000000,el=0.000000,dist=0.000000]
    * * PASS
    * * PASS
      VERIFYING PROPERTY: Bypass Effect
    * * PASS
    * * PASS
    Cocoa Views Available: 1
    * * PASS
    # # # 9 Global Scope Parameters:
    * * PASS
    Reported Channel Capabilities (explicit):
          [1, 1] 
    Input/Output Channel Handling:
    1-1   1-2   1-4   1-5   1-6   1-7   1-8   2-2   2-4   2-5   2-6   2-7   2-8   4-4   4-5   5-5   6-6   7-7   8-8
    # # AudioChannelLayouts (1), Input Scope:
    ChannelLayout is Writable: T
    The Unit publishes the following Channel Layouts:
    Is Audio Channel Layout Available:
    Mono    Stereo  Binau.  AU_4    Ambi.   AU_5    AU_5_0  AU_6    AU_6_0  AU_7_0  AU_7_0F AU_8    AU_5_1  AU_6_1  AU_7_1  AU_7_1F
    Current Format:AudioStreamBasicDescription:  1 ch,  44100 Hz, 'lpcm' (0x00000029) 32-bit little-endian float, deinterleaved
    Current Format Tag = 0x640001, New Format Tag = 0x640001, Successsful
    # # AudioChannelLayouts (1), Output Scope:
    ChannelLayout is Writable: T
    The Unit publishes the following Channel Layouts:
    Is Audio Channel Layout Available:
    Mono    Stereo  Binau.  AU_4    Ambi.   AU_5    AU_5_0  AU_6    AU_6_0  AU_7_0  AU_7_0F AU_8    AU_5_1  AU_6_1  AU_7_1  AU_7_1F
    Current Format:AudioStreamBasicDescription:  1 ch,  44100 Hz, 'lpcm' (0x00000029) 32-bit little-endian float, deinterleaved
    Current Format Tag = 0x640001, New Format Tag = 0x640001, Successsful
    * * PASS
    Input Format: AudioStreamBasicDescription:  1 ch,  44100 Hz, 'lpcm' (0x00000029) 32-bit little-endian float, deinterleaved
    Output Format: AudioStreamBasicDescription:  1 ch,  44100 Hz, 'lpcm' (0x00000029) 32-bit little-endian float, deinterleaved
    Render Test at 512 frames
    Slicing Render Test at 64 frames
    Render Test at 64 frames, sample rate: 22050 Hz
    Message: AU Doesn't support 22050 sample rate
    Render Test at 137 frames, sample rate: 96000 Hz
    Render Test at 4096 frames, sample rate: 48000 Hz
    Render Test at 4096 frames, sample rate: 192000 Hz
    Render Test at 4096 frames, sample rate: 11025 Hz
    Message: AU Doesn't support 11025 sample rate
    Render Test at 512 frames, sample rate: 44100 Hz
    1 Channel Test:
    Render Test at 512 frames
    Checking connection semantics:
    Connection format:
    AudioStreamBasicDescription:  1 ch,  44100 Hz, 'lpcm' (0x00000029) 32-bit little-endian float, deinterleaved
    Bad Max Frames - Render should fail
    Checking parameter setting
    Using AudioUnitSetParameter
    Using AudioUnitScheduleParameter
    Test MIDI
    WARNING: AU implements MusicDeviceSendMIDI but is of type 'aufx' (it should be 'aumf')
    WARNING: AU implements MusicDeviceSendMIDI but returns false from AudioComponentInstanceCanDo
    * * PASS
    validation result: successfully validated
    updating properties of AU CLA-76 (m) by Waves…done.
        AU Validation Tool
        Version: 1.6.1a1
        Copyright 2003-2013, Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
        Specify -h (-help) for command options
    VALIDATING AUDIO UNIT: 'aufx' - '76CM' - 'ksWV'
    2015-04-18 10:33:18.590 auvaltool[491:6658] 10:33:18.590 WARNING:   >compload> AudioComponentPluginLoader.cpp:445: ParseInfoPlistArray: ARP%202600%20V2%20Efx.component -- file:///Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/: trouble parsing Info.plist's AudioComponents; entry: <CFBasicHash 0x7fe27d905df0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{type = mutable dict, count = 6,
    entries =>
      2 : <CFString 0x7fe27d906b90 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "manufacturer"} = <CFString 0x7fe27d906400 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Artu"}
      7 : <CFString 0x7fe27d907b00 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "subtype"} = <CFString 0x7fe27d9037e0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "arpY"}
      8 : <CFString 0x7fe27d906a40 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "version"} = <CFNumber 0x2060137 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{value = +132609, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type}
      9 : <CFString 0x7fff7a7bb400 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "description"} = <CFString 0x7fe27d906640 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "ARP 2600 V2 AU Efx"}
      10 : <CFString 0x7fe27d906b10 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "type"} = <CFString 0x7fe27d906f40 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "aufx"}
      11 : <CFString 0x7fe27d906670 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "name"} = <CFString 0x7fe27d907aa0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Arturia: ARP 2600 V2 Efx"}
    2015-04-18 10:33:18.592 auvaltool[491:6658] 10:33:18.592 WARNING:   >compload> AudioComponentPluginLoader.cpp:445: ParseInfoPlistArray: ARP%202600%20V2.component -- file:///Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/: trouble parsing Info.plist's AudioComponents; entry: <CFBasicHash 0x7fe27ae00560 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{type = mutable dict, count = 6,
    entries =>
      2 : <CFString 0x7fe27ae08b40 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "manufacturer"} = <CFString 0x7fe27ae04960 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Artu"}
      7 : <CFString 0x7fe27ae049f0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "subtype"} = <CFString 0x7fe27ae02320 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "arpW"}
      8 : <CFString 0x7fe27ae049a0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "version"} = <CFNumber 0x2060137 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{value = +132609, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type}
      9 : <CFString 0x7fff7a7bb400 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "description"} = <CFString 0x7fe27ae02030 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "ARP 2600 V2 AU"}
      10 : <CFString 0x7fe27ae02360 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "type"} = <CFString 0x7fe27ae023a0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "aumu"}
      11 : <CFString 0x7fe27ae08ab0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "name"} = <CFString 0x7fe27ae02250 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Arturia: ARP 2600 V2"}
    2015-04-18 10:33:18.601 auvaltool[491:6658] 10:33:18.601 WARNING:   >compload> AudioComponentPluginLoader.cpp:445: ParseInfoPlistArray: CS-80%20V2.component -- file:///Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/: trouble parsing Info.plist's AudioComponents; entry: <CFBasicHash 0x7fe27ac0f1d0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{type = mutable dict, count = 6,
    entries =>
      2 : <CFString 0x7fe27ac0e9c0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "manufacturer"} = <CFString 0x7fe27ac0e5a0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "ArTu"}
      7 : <CFString 0x7fe27ac0fcc0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "subtype"} = <CFString 0x7fe27ac0f4b0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Cs82"}
      8 : <CFString 0x7fe27ac0c890 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "version"} = <CFNumber 0x2060137 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{value = +132609, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type}
      9 : <CFString 0x7fff7a7bb400 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "description"} = <CFString 0x7fe27ac0f390 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "CS-80 V2 AU"}
      10 : <CFString 0x7fe27ac0feb0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "type"} = <CFString 0x7fe27ac0fef0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "aumu"}
      11 : <CFString 0x7fe27ac0ef30 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "name"} = <CFString 0x7fe27ac0fc90 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Arturia: CS-80V2"}
    2015-04-18 10:33:18.621 auvaltool[491:6658] 10:33:18.621 WARNING:   >compload> AudioComponentPluginLoader.cpp:445: ParseInfoPlistArray: Mini%20V2%20Efx.component -- file:///Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/: trouble parsing Info.plist's AudioComponents; entry: <CFBasicHash 0x7fe27ac14a70 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{type = mutable dict, count = 6,
    entries =>
      2 : <CFString 0x7fe27ac150b0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "manufacturer"} = <CFString 0x7fe27ac14ef0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Artu"}
      7 : <CFString 0x7fe27ac15740 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "subtype"} = <CFString 0x7fe27ac146a0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "minx"}
      8 : <CFString 0x7fe27ac15820 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "version"} = <CFNumber 0x2060137 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{value = +132609, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type}
      9 : <CFString 0x7fff7a7bb400 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "description"} = <CFString 0x7fe27ac147a0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Mini V2 AU Efx"}
      10 : <CFString 0x7fe27ac152d0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "type"} = <CFString 0x7fe27ac159b0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "aufx"}
      11 : <CFString 0x7fe27ac14b50 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "name"} = <CFString 0x7fe27ac15710 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Arturia: Mini V Efx"}
    2015-04-18 10:33:18.622 auvaltool[491:6658] 10:33:18.622 WARNING:   >compload> AudioComponentPluginLoader.cpp:445: ParseInfoPlistArray: Mini%20V2.component -- file:///Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/: trouble parsing Info.plist's AudioComponents; entry: <CFBasicHash 0x7fe27ac13200 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{type = mutable dict, count = 6,
    entries =>
      2 : <CFString 0x7fe27ac147a0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "manufacturer"} = <CFString 0x7fe27ac150b0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Artu"}
      7 : <CFString 0x7fe27ac15730 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "subtype"} = <CFString 0x7fe27ac14760 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "mini"}
      8 : <CFString 0x7fe27ac15810 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "version"} = <CFNumber 0x2060137 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{value = +132609, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type}
      9 : <CFString 0x7fff7a7bb400 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "description"} = <CFString 0x7fe27ac12ed0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Mini V2 AU"}
      10 : <CFString 0x7fe27ac15250 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "type"} = <CFString 0x7fe27ac159b0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "aumu"}
      11 : <CFString 0x7fe27ac152d0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "name"} = <CFString 0x7fe27ac15700 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Arturia: Mini V"}
    2015-04-18 10:33:18.624 auvaltool[491:6658] 10:33:18.623 WARNING:   >compload> AudioComponentPluginLoader.cpp:445: ParseInfoPlistArray: Modular%20V2%20Efx.component -- file:///Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/: trouble parsing Info.plist's AudioComponents; entry: <CFBasicHash 0x7fe27ac14a70 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{type = mutable dict, count = 6,
    entries =>
      2 : <CFString 0x7fe27ac14b50 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "manufacturer"} = <CFString 0x7fe27ac152d0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Artu"}
      7 : <CFString 0x7fe27ac14760 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "subtype"} = <CFString 0x7fe27ac150b0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "xmv2"}
      8 : <CFString 0x7fe27ac15820 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "version"} = <CFNumber 0x2070137 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{value = +132865, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type}
      9 : <CFString 0x7fff7a7bb400 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "description"} = <CFString 0x7fe27ac10000 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Modular V2 AU Efx"}
      10 : <CFString 0x7fe27ac13890 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "type"} = <CFString 0x7fe27ac102f0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "aufx"}
      11 : <CFString 0x7fe27ac15740 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "name"} = <CFString 0x7fe27ac15930 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Arturia: Modular V Efx"}
    2015-04-18 10:33:18.625 auvaltool[491:6658] 10:33:18.625 WARNING:   >compload> AudioComponentPluginLoader.cpp:445: ParseInfoPlistArray: Modular%20V2.component -- file:///Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/: trouble parsing Info.plist's AudioComponents; entry: <CFBasicHash 0x7fe27ac13200 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{type = mutable dict, count = 6,
    entries =>
      2 : <CFString 0x7fe27ac14760 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "manufacturer"} = <CFString 0x7fe27ac14b50 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Artu"}
      7 : <CFString 0x7fe27ac15740 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "subtype"} = <CFString 0x7fe27ac147a0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "mmv2"}
      8 : <CFString 0x7fe27ac15820 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "version"} = <CFNumber 0x2070137 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{value = +132865, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type}
      9 : <CFString 0x7fff7a7bb400 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "description"} = <CFString 0x7fe27ac14ef0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Modular V2 AU"}
      10 : <CFString 0x7fe27ac12ed0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "type"} = <CFString 0x7fe27ac15980 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "aumu"}
      11 : <CFString 0x7fe27ac102f0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "name"} = <CFString 0x7fe27ac14640 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Arturia: Modular V"}
    2015-04-18 10:33:18.629 auvaltool[491:6658] 10:33:18.629 WARNING:   >compload> AudioComponentPluginLoader.cpp:445: ParseInfoPlistArray: Prophet%20V2.component -- file:///Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/: trouble parsing Info.plist's AudioComponents; entry: <CFBasicHash 0x7fe27ac10a20 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{type = mutable dict, count = 6,
    entries =>
      2 : <CFString 0x7fe27ac14f90 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "manufacturer"} = <CFString 0x7fe27ac12ed0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Artu"}
      7 : <CFString 0x7fe27ac150b0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "subtype"} = <CFString 0x7fe27ac14760 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "P5V2"}
      8 : <CFString 0x7fe27ac14640 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "version"} = <CFNumber 0x2060137 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{value = +132609, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type}
      9 : <CFString 0x7fff7a7bb400 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "description"} = <CFString 0x7fe27ac152d0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Prophet V2 AU"}
      10 : <CFString 0x7fe27ac14ef0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "type"} = <CFString 0x7fe27ac15810 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "aumu"}
      11 : <CFString 0x7fe27ac13890 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "name"} = <CFString 0x7fe27ac14a70 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Arturia: Prophet V2"}
    Manufacturer String: Waves
    AudioUnit Name: CLA-76 (m)
    Component Version: 9.0.3 (0x90003)
    Component's Bundle Version: 0.0.0
    * * PASS
    WaveShell-AU Compiled for 64 bits eMacOS_Cocoa_Runtime eInit_RM eInit_GMConfig eInit_PVM
    objc[491]: Class wvWavesV9_2_WavesPresetPanel is implemented in both /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/WaveShell-AU 9.3.component/Contents/MacOS/WaveShell-AU and /Applications/Waves/Plug-Ins V9/WavesLib_9.3.framework/Versions/A/WavesLib. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
    objc[491]: Class wvWavesV9_2_WavesTextFormatter is implemented in both /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/WaveShell-AU 9.3.component/Contents/MacOS/WaveShell-AU and /Applications/Waves/Plug-Ins V9/WavesLib_9.3.framework/Versions/A/WavesLib. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
    objc[491]: Class wvWavesV9_2_WavesAboutDelegate is implemented in both /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/WaveShell-AU 9.3.component/Contents/MacOS/WaveShell-AU and /Applications/Waves/Plug-Ins V9/WavesLib_9.3.framework/Versions/A/WavesLib. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
    objc[491]: Class wvWavesV9_2_WavesTextDelegate is implemented in both /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/WaveShell-AU 9.3.component/Contents/MacOS/WaveShell-AU and /Applications/Waves/Plug-Ins V9/WavesLib_9.3.framework/Versions/A/WavesLib. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
    objc[491]: Class wvWavesV9_2_WavesMenuItemData is implemented in both /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/WaveShell-AU 9.3.component/Contents/MacOS/WaveShell-AU and /Applications/Waves/Plug-Ins V9/WavesLib_9.3.framework/Versions/A/WavesLib. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
    objc[491]: Class wvWavesV9_2_WavesMenu is implemented in both /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/WaveShell-AU 9.3.component/Contents/MacOS/WaveShell-AU and /Applications/Waves/Plug-Ins V9/WavesLib_9.3.framework/Versions/A/WavesLib. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
    objc[491]: Class wvWavesV9_2_WavesView is implemented in both /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/WaveShell-AU 9.3.component/Contents/MacOS/WaveShell-AU and /Applications/Waves/Plug-Ins V9/WavesLib_9.3.framework/Versions/A/WavesLib. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
    objc[491]: Class wvWavesV9_2_WavesNSTextField is implemented in both /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/WaveShell-AU 9.3.component/Contents/MacOS/WaveShell-AU and /Applications/Waves/Plug-Ins V9/WavesLib_9.3.framework/Versions/A/WavesLib. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
    objc[491]: Class wvWavesV9_2_WavesNSImageView is implemented in both /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/WaveShell-AU 9.3.component/Contents/MacOS/WaveShell-AU and /Applications/Waves/Plug-Ins V9/WavesLib_9.3.framework/Versions/A/WavesLib. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
    objc[491]: Class wvWavesV9_2_WavesNSTextView is implemented in both /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/WaveShell-AU 9.3.component/Contents/MacOS/WaveShell-AU and /Applications/Waves/Plug-Ins V9/WavesLib_9.3.framework/Versions/A/WavesLib. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
    Time to open AudioUnit:         60.383 ms
    WaveShell-AU Compiled for 64 bits eMacOS_Cocoa_Runtime eInit_RM eInit_GMConfig eInit_PVM
    Time to open AudioUnit:         20.687  ms
    Time for initialization:        0.005 ms
    * * PASS
    Input Scope Bus Configuration:
    Default Bus Count:1
        Bus Name: Main Input Bus
        Default Format: AudioStreamBasicDescription:  1 ch,  44100 Hz, 'lpcm' (0x00000029) 32-bit little-endian float, deinterleaved
        Has Channel Layouts: 0x640001
        Default Layout:
      Tag=0x640001, Num Chan Descs=1
      Label=-1, Flags=0x0, [az=0.000000,el=0.000000,dist=0.000000]
    Output Scope Bus Configuration:
    Default Bus Count:1
        Bus Name: Main Output Bus
        Default Format: AudioStreamBasicDescription:  1 ch,  44100 Hz, 'lpcm' (0x00000029) 32-bit little-endian float, deinterleaved
        Has Channel Layouts: 0x640001
        Default Layout:
      Tag=0x640001, Num Chan Descs=1
      Label=-1, Flags=0x0, [az=0.000000,el=0.000000,dist=0.000000]
    * * PASS
    * * PASS
      VERIFYING PROPERTY: Bypass Effect
    * * PASS
    * * PASS
    Cocoa Views Available: 1
    * * PASS
    # # # 9 Global Scope Parameters:
    * * PASS
    Reported Channel Capabilities (explicit):
          [1, 1] 
    Input/Output Channel Handling:
    1-1   1-2   1-4   1-5   1-6   1-7   1-8   2-2   2-4   2-5   2-6   2-7   2-8   4-4   4-5   5-5   6-6   7-7   8-8
    # # AudioChannelLayouts (1), Input Scope:
    ChannelLayout is Writable: T
    The Unit publishes the following Channel Layouts:
    Is Audio Channel Layout Available:
    Mono    Stereo  Binau.  AU_4    Ambi.   AU_5    AU_5_0  AU_6    AU_6_0  AU_7_0  AU_7_0F AU_8    AU_5_1  AU_6_1  AU_7_1  AU_7_1F
    Current Format:AudioStreamBasicDescription:  1 ch,  44100 Hz, 'lpcm' (0x00000029) 32-bit little-endian float, deinterleaved
    Current Format Tag = 0x640001, New Format Tag = 0x640001, Successsful
    # # AudioChannelLayouts (1), Output Scope:
    ChannelLayout is Writable: T
    The Unit publishes the following Channel Layouts:
    Is Audio Channel Layout Available:
    Mono    Stereo  Binau.  AU_4    Ambi.   AU_5    AU_5_0  AU_6    AU_6_0  AU_7_0  AU_7_0F AU_8    AU_5_1  AU_6_1  AU_7_1  AU_7_1F
    Current Format:AudioStreamBasicDescription:  1 ch,  44100 Hz, 'lpcm' (0x00000029) 32-bit little-endian float, deinterleaved
    Current Format Tag = 0x640001, New Format Tag = 0x640001, Successsful
    * * PASS
    Input Format: AudioStreamBasicDescription:  1 ch,  44100 Hz, 'lpcm' (0x00000029) 32-bit little-endian float, deinterleaved
    Output Format: AudioStreamBasicDescription:  1 ch,  44100 Hz, 'lpcm' (0x00000029) 32-bit little-endian float, deinterleaved
    Render Test at 512 frames
    Slicing Render Test at 64 frames
    Render Test at 64 frames, sample rate: 22050 Hz
    Message: AU Doesn't support 22050 sample rate
    Render Test at 137 frames, sample rate: 96000 Hz
    Render Test at 4096 frames, sample rate: 48000 Hz
    Render Test at 4096 frames, sample rate: 192000 Hz
    Render Test at 4096 frames, sample rate: 11025 Hz
    Message: AU Doesn't support 11025 sample rate
    Render Test at 512 frames, sample rate: 44100 Hz
    1 Channel Test:
    Render Test at 512 frames
    Checking connection semantics:
    Connection format:
    AudioStreamBasicDescription:  1 ch,  44100 Hz, 'lpcm' (0x00000029) 32-bit little-endian float, deinterleaved
    Bad Max Frames - Render should fail
    Checking parameter setting
    Using AudioUnitSetParameter
    Using AudioUnitScheduleParameter
    Test MIDI
    WARNING: AU implements MusicDeviceSendMIDI but is of type 'aufx' (it should be 'aumf')
    WARNING: AU implements MusicDeviceSendMIDI but returns false from AudioComponentInstanceCanDo
    * * PASS
    validation result: successfully validated
    updating properties of AU CLA-76 (m) by Waves…done.
        AU Validation Tool
        Version: 1.6.1a1
        Copyright 2003-2013, Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
        Specify -h (-help) for command options
    VALIDATING AUDIO UNIT: 'aufx' - '76CM' - 'ksWV'
    2015-04-18 10:33:09.545 auvaltool[490:6587] 10:33:09.545 WARNING:   >compload> AudioComponentPluginLoader.cpp:445: ParseInfoPlistArray: ARP%202600%20V2%20Efx.component -- file:///Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/: trouble parsing Info.plist's AudioComponents; entry: <CFBasicHash 0x7fe628701e50 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{type = mutable dict, count = 6,
    entries =>
      2 : <CFString 0x7fe628701f40 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "manufacturer"} = <CFString 0x7fe6287030c0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Artu"}
      7 : <CFString 0x7fe6287014b0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "subtype"} = <CFString 0x7fe628702860 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "arpY"}
      8 : <CFString 0x7fe628702230 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "version"} = <CFNumber 0x2060137 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{value = +132609, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type}
      9 : <CFString 0x7fff7a7bb400 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "description"} = <CFString 0x7fe6287015e0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "ARP 2600 V2 AU Efx"}
      10 : <CFString 0x7fe628702fc0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "type"} = <CFString 0x7fe628700870 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "aufx"}
      11 : <CFString 0x7fe628702f80 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "name"} = <CFString 0x7fe6287028b0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Arturia: ARP 2600 V2 Efx"}
    2015-04-18 10:33:09.546 auvaltool[490:6587] 10:33:09.546 WARNING:   >compload> AudioComponentPluginLoader.cpp:445: ParseInfoPlistArray: ARP%202600%20V2.component -- file:///Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/: trouble parsing Info.plist's AudioComponents; entry: <CFBasicHash 0x7fe6287029b0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{type = mutable dict, count = 6,
    entries =>
      2 : <CFString 0x7fe628703980 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "manufacturer"} = <CFString 0x7fe6287014b0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Artu"}
      7 : <CFString 0x7fe6287030c0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "subtype"} = <CFString 0x7fe6287016c0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "arpW"}
      8 : <CFString 0x7fe628703000 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "version"} = <CFNumber 0x2060137 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{value = +132609, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type}
      9 : <CFString 0x7fff7a7bb400 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "description"} = <CFString 0x7fe628702390 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "ARP 2600 V2 AU"}
      10 : <CFString 0x7fe628702900 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "type"} = <CFString 0x7fe628703080 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "aumu"}
      11 : <CFString 0x7fe628700870 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "name"} = <CFString 0x7fe628701820 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Arturia: ARP 2600 V2"}
    2015-04-18 10:33:09.563 auvaltool[490:6587] 10:33:09.563 WARNING:   >compload> AudioComponentPluginLoader.cpp:445: ParseInfoPlistArray: CS-80%20V2.component -- file:///Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/: trouble parsing Info.plist's AudioComponents; entry: <CFBasicHash 0x7fe628507cb0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{type = mutable dict, count = 6,
    entries =>
      2 : <CFString 0x7fe6285073f0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "manufacturer"} = <CFString 0x7fe628507430 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "ArTu"}
      7 : <CFString 0x7fe628507570 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "subtype"} = <CFString 0x7fe6285075b0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Cs82"}
      8 : <CFString 0x7fe628507470 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "version"} = <CFNumber 0x2060137 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{value = +132609, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type}
      9 : <CFString 0x7fff7a7bb400 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "description"} = <CFString 0x7fe6285072b0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "CS-80 V2 AU"}
      10 : <CFString 0x7fe6285075f0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "type"} = <CFString 0x7fe628507630 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "aumu"}
      11 : <CFString 0x7fe6285072f0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "name"} = <CFString 0x7fe6285074c0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Arturia: CS-80V2"}
    2015-04-18 10:33:09.603 auvaltool[490:6587] 10:33:09.603 WARNING:   >compload> AudioComponentPluginLoader.cpp:445: ParseInfoPlistArray: Mini%20V2%20Efx.component -- file:///Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/: trouble parsing Info.plist's AudioComponents; entry: <CFBasicHash 0x7fe62850ba90 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{type = mutable dict, count = 6,
    entries =>
      2 : <CFString 0x7fe62850b510 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "manufacturer"} = <CFString 0x7fe62850c370 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Artu"}
      7 : <CFString 0x7fe62850b7a0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "subtype"} = <CFString 0x7fe62850cf90 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "minx"}
      8 : <CFString 0x7fe62850cc80 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "version"} = <CFNumber 0x2060137 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{value = +132609, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type}
      9 : <CFString 0x7fff7a7bb400 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "description"} = <CFString 0x7fe62850c2d0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Mini V2 AU Efx"}
      10 : <CFString 0x7fe62850cfd0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "type"} = <CFString 0x7fe62850d010 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "aufx"}
      11 : <CFString 0x7fe62850baf0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "name"} = <CFString 0x7fe62850c000 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Arturia: Mini V Efx"}
    2015-04-18 10:33:09.604 auvaltool[490:6587] 10:33:09.604 WARNING:   >compload> AudioComponentPluginLoader.cpp:445: ParseInfoPlistArray: Mini%20V2.component -- file:///Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/: trouble parsing Info.plist's AudioComponents; entry: <CFBasicHash 0x7fe628507280 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{type = mutable dict, count = 6,
    entries =>
      2 : <CFString 0x7fe62850c2d0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "manufacturer"} = <CFString 0x7fe62850c370 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Artu"}
      7 : <CFString 0x7fe62850b9f0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "subtype"} = <CFString 0x7fe62850c940 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "mini"}
      8 : <CFString 0x7fe62850cc60 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "version"} = <CFNumber 0x2060137 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{value = +132609, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type}
      9 : <CFString 0x7fff7a7bb400 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "description"} = <CFString 0x7fe62850bb70 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Mini V2 AU"}
      10 : <CFString 0x7fe62850c980 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "type"} = <CFString 0x7fe62850c9c0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "aumu"}
      11 : <CFString 0x7fe62850baf0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "name"} = <CFString 0x7fe62850c870 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Arturia: Mini V"}
    2015-04-18 10:33:09.606 auvaltool[490:6587] 10:33:09.606 WARNING:   >compload> AudioComponentPluginLoader.cpp:445: ParseInfoPlistArray: Modular%20V2%20Efx.component -- file:///Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/: trouble parsing Info.plist's AudioComponents; entry: <CFBasicHash 0x7fe628703960 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{type = mutable dict, count = 6,
    entries =>
      2 : <CFString 0x7fe628702ea0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "manufacturer"} = <CFString 0x7fe628704910 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Artu"}
      7 : <CFString 0x7fe6287033d0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "subtype"} = <CFString 0x7fe628703410 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "xmv2"}
      8 : <CFString 0x7fe628703710 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "version"} = <CFNumber 0x2070137 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{value = +132865, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type}
      9 : <CFString 0x7fff7a7bb400 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "description"} = <CFString 0x7fe628702690 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Modular V2 AU Efx"}
      10 : <CFString 0x7fe628703450 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "type"} = <CFString 0x7fe628703490 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "aufx"}
      11 : <CFString 0x7fe628702ac0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "name"} = <CFString 0x7fe628703760 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Arturia: Modular V Efx"}
    2015-04-18 10:33:09.607 auvaltool[490:6587] 10:33:09.607 WARNING:   >compload> AudioComponentPluginLoader.cpp:445: ParseInfoPlistArray: Modular%20V2.component -- file:///Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/: trouble parsing Info.plist's AudioComponents; entry: <CFBasicHash 0x7fe628701e50 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{type = mutable dict, count = 6,
    entries =>
      2 : <CFString 0x7fe628703380 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "manufacturer"} = <CFString 0x7fe6287033c0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Artu"}
      7 : <CFString 0x7fe628703500 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "subtype"} = <CFString 0x7fe628703a00 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "mmv2"}
      8 : <CFString 0x7fe628703400 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "version"} = <CFNumber 0x2070137 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{value = +132865, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type}
      9 : <CFString 0x7fff7a7bb400 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "description"} = <CFString 0x7fe628702ac0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Modular V2 AU"}
      10 : <CFString 0x7fe628703a40 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "type"} = <CFString 0x7fe628703a80 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "aumu"}
      11 : <CFString 0x7fe628702ea0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "name"} = <CFString 0x7fe628703450 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Arturia: Modular V"}
    2015-04-18 10:33:09.616 auvaltool[490:6587] 10:33:09.616 WARNING:   >compload> AudioComponentPluginLoader.cpp:445: ParseInfoPlistArray: Prophet%20V2.component -- file:///Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/: trouble parsing Info.plist's AudioComponents; entry: <CFBasicHash 0x7fe628616da0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{type = mutable dict, count = 6,
    entries =>
      2 : <CFString 0x7fe628616e80 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "manufacturer"} = <CFString 0x7fe628616c50 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Artu"}
      7 : <CFString 0x7fe628617050 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "subtype"} = <CFString 0x7fe628616760 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "P5V2"}
      8 : <CFString 0x7fe62860d110 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "version"} = <CFNumber 0x2060137 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{value = +132609, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type}
      9 : <CFString 0x7fff7a7bb400 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "description"} = <CFString 0x7fe628617380 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Prophet V2 AU"}
      10 : <CFString 0x7fe628617dd0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "type"} = <CFString 0x7fe628617e10 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "aumu"}
      11 : <CFString 0x7fe6286170f0 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "name"} = <CFString 0x7fe628612e10 [0x7fff7a7e7ed0]>{contents = "Arturia: Prophet V2"}
    Manufacturer String: Waves
    AudioUnit Name: CLA-76 (m)
    Component Version: 9.0.3 (0x90003)
    Component's Bundle Version: 0.0.0
    * * PASS
    WaveShell-AU Compiled for 64 bits eMacOS_Cocoa_Runtime eIn

  • Some help please: how to remove incompatible audio units?

    Hello forum readers,
    If someone knows, a little help would be appreciated:
    When staring Logic Pro X, each time Audio Units are automatically being scanned. All the time I get a window with the message "Incompatible Audio Units found":
    "While verifying Audio Unit compatibility, Logic Pro X encountered 1 Audio Unit plug-in(s) which did not pass the Apple AU validation. These plug-ins have been excluded from further usage in Logic Pro X to prevent possible problems or crashes. You can start the AU Manager now to review the validation results or continue the startup process."
    When opening the Audio Units manager, I see that "AUSpeechSynthesis (Automap)applttsp"  (Manufacturer: Apple, type: generator) couldn't be opened. I don't know how to remove or bypass this plug-in, as the option "disable failed audio units" doesn't seem to work. Now each time I start Logic Pro X, the same message keeps appearing. I also can't find that file on my Mac, a searched for it and also the Finder can't find it.
    Does anyone know how to solve this? Thanks a lot in advance!
    Kind regards,

    I have the same problem but I can´t figure out how to unwrap AUSpeechSynthesis. I can´t even find it in the filesystem with spotlight.....   ;o(
    And yes I have turned on the 64bit plugin friendly option in Automap's Preferences.
    Thanks for your help!

  • Why are audio units not showing up?

    I'm just about out of my mind with this one- I've downloaded a number of plugins, namely DCAM synth squad, Flux Stereo Tool and Magnus Ambience Reverb, but no matter what I do I can't get them to show up. They claim they're 64 bit so that shouldn't be a problem, and I can't get them to show up in either Logic X or Ableton Live 9. I've re-scanned all plug-ins in both DAWs, I've deleted my plugin cache and had them rescan that way, but nothing works. I can see the .component files in my library, but nothing I do will get either Logic or Live to recognize them. I can open synth squad in standalone mode so the plugins themselves are working, they just won't show up as inserts.
    The Ambience reverb is even recognized by the audio units manager and it says its validated and an effect, but it doesn't show up when I look at the available plug-ins on my channel strips.
    Any help would be much appreciated.

    Flux Stereo Tool is only available as a 32bit AU version so that won't work in LPX (or Live9 in 64bit mode)
    Note: 64bit floating point is not the same as 64bit AU Plugin..........
    Magnus Ambience Reverb is available as a 64bit AU Plugin but only if you download that specific version.... (However, several people have reported it doesn't work for them in 64bit mode in any DAW anyhow, even with the correct version)
    Mac OS X Magnus Ambience Reverb Universal 32-bit and 64-bit AU
    ..and according to the FXpansions website DCAM free version is only available as a 32bit AU plugin so that wont work with Logic Pro X (or Live 9 in 64bit mode)
    In summary:
    In order for a plugin to work in Logic Pro X it must be a 64bit AU (AudioUnit) plugin.... not a 64bit VST.. or a 32bit AU Plugin...

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