Aufrufen von VIVEZA 2 in Adobe Photoshop Elements nicht möglich

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herrn,
die Software Viveza 2 habe ich im letzten Jahr gekauft und hatte sie auch schon installiert (Viveza 2, Elements 10, Vista). Wegen Austausch der Festplatte musste ich Photoshop Elements 10 und Viveza 2 neu installieren (Win7). Ich habe wie beschrieben die Software installiert, jedoch wird mir in Photoshop Elements nichts angezeigt. Während der Installation wurde ich nicht aufgefordert den Produktschlüssel einzugeben. Haben Sie einen Tip für mich?
Ich habe die Demoversion heruntergeladen und installiert. Sie wird mir in Elements 10 angeboten.
Danke und Gruß
Holger Winkelheide

Es tut mir leid Holger, aber ich bin nicht in der Lage auf Ihre Anfrage nach läuft es durch einen Übersetzer zu verstehen. Kannst du bitte formulieren Sie Ihre Anfrage in englischer Sprache, da dies ist ein englischsprachiges Forum. Wenn Sie möchten, in deutscher Sprache gehen Sie bitte nach der Adobe International Forums am
I am sorry Holger but I am unable to understand your inquiry after running it through a translator.  Can you please restate your inquiry in English as this is an English language forum.  If you would like to proceed in German then please post to the Adobe International Forums at

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    Guten Tag, Herr Adelberger!
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    Mit freundlichem Gruß
    Jürgen Wehmeyer

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    Hallo Zusammen !
    Habe das gleiche Problem!
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    Grüße, BikeFunJR

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    Adobe Photoshop Elements 12.1 – Update Bei der Installation dieses Updates ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Schließen Sie die Installation und wiederholen Sie die Installation zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt. Fehlercode: U44M1P2003

    Von: Ned Murphy 
    Gesendet: Montag, 15. Dezember 2014 13:48
    An: Hans Ostermeier
    Betreff:  Adobe Photoshop Elements 12.1 – Update Bei der Installation dieses Updates ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Schließen Sie die Installation und wiederholen Sie die Installation zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt. Fehlercode: U44M1
    Adobe Photoshop Elements 12.1 – Update Bei der Installation dieses Updates ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Schließen Sie die Installation und wiederholen Sie die Installation zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt. Fehlercode: U44M1P2003
    created by Ned Murphy <>  in Downloading, Installing, Setting Up - View the full discussion <>

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    Was meinst du mit 16 Bit Unterstüztung?
    die Berichte die du gelesen hast, die sind doch nicht von Idioten, die haben das Programm doch selber überprüft, und wo sollst du dich sons verlassen als auf die Berihte?
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    aber zurück zum 12 er, wie du siehst haben sehr viele Leute negative Sachen geschrieben und berichten darüber und zwar mehrer Leute wie du siehst, und das muß ja einen Grund haben oder?
    Das mit der ID finde ich blöd z.b. wiel so viele Programme brauchst du nicht mit ID ausstatten, du installierst es und fertig, ist doch bei der 10 er damals auch so gewesen denke ich.
    Ich habe z..b immer Jpg fine weil ich viele Fotos mache
    falls du dich mal austoben möchtest, hier meine homepage

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    Try this --
    Go to the bottom of the link I gave you, and you will see
    click that link and then click the chat button to talk to an Adobe agent

  • How can I install Adobe Photoshop Elements Update 9.0.3 after I get a message that Installation has failed and the solution is not in troubleshooting or forums?

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    Colin Hansen

    Try downloading and installing the 9.0.3 updater from here:
    Adobe - Photoshop Elements : For Macintosh
    Adobe - Photoshop Elements : For Windows

  • Adobe Photoshop Elements 10 Error APPCRASH

    I have download Adobe Photoshop Elements 10 trail version, but when i want to open the organize and edit, he gives a error see below.
    Event-name of problem:    APPCRAS
    Name of the application:    PhotoshopElementsEditor.exe
    Version of application:
    Timestamp of application:  4e70c16d
    Name of error module:      GLU32.dll
    I hope that this is that you want to now about it.

    Try it after resetting the preferences of your PSE app. Visit this URL for resetting the preferences: ult_preferences
    I think after resetting the preferences PSE should work fine.

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    error 1402 Could not open key UNKNOW\component\DA42BC*************************\*************834F
    verify that you have suficient acces to that key, or contact you support personnel.
    Appreciate your help.

    Read through this help guide for creative suite which may help:

  • IPhoto with Adobe Photoshop Elements 4 and Adobe Bridge

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    Many thanks for your quick response although, as a new iMac user, the mere mention of the word "corrupt" scares me ! I previously used a PC with Windows XP and PSE3 and loved being able to sort all my photos into albums with PSE3. Unfortunately the PSE4 which I have installed on my iMac doesn't let users sort their photos into albums and the only alternative is Adobe Bridge. I only recently started to use iPhoto after a visit to an Apple Store and it's great being able to catalog my photos so easily. Unfortunately PSE is far and away superior to any editing software that iPhoto has to offer. Anyway, I'll cross my fingers and try your suggestion first thing tomorrow morning.

  • Can't Download Photos to Adobe Photoshop Elements after iPhone Upgrade

    Howdy, I have been using Adobe Photoshop Elements 4.0 with my iPhone ever since I bought my iPhone 3G when they came out and have never had any trouble. Whenever I synced my phone and there were new photos on it, Photoshop Elements would start it's photo downloader program and let me download the pics from my phone and put them in the organizer. Then it would let me delete them.
    But this weekend I took a bunch of photos and now Photoshop Elements startes up during the sync as usual, but before it lets me download any pictures I get a message from Photoshop Elements saying "Downloader needs to close" (or something like that) and I never get the chance to download the pictures. The only way I have to get the pictures off my phone right now is to mail them as attachments.
    A few days ago I upgraded to the 2.2 iPhone software and I was wondering if this might be the source of the problem. Has anyone else heard of any problems like this?

    I'm having the same problem with Elements 6.0. The downloader starts up and I can see the first few pictures in the downloader before the error message comes up and the downloader must shut down. The only way to get pictures off the phone is through Win Explorer. But, when you try to remove the pics off the phone (i.e. move or delete) the phone reboots. The only way to remove the pics is one at a time on the phone itself.
    It is extremely frustrating that Apple has created a decent way to sync music and video, but no iTunes way to handle pictures. Honestly I amazed that Apple has worked so hard to be the standard for music, etc. that they just leave it to the consumer to figure out the picture stuff. Come on Apple.

  • Adobe Photoshop Elements Organizer Stops Working due to Sony AVCHD files

    Hello I installed Adobe Photoshop elements and have been having trouble with it crashing.
    To solve this problem I deleted my Catalog and added a Catalog with only one folder.
    This folder has photos, in JPEG and Sony .ARW format as well as AVCHD files.
    I found that by removiing the AVCHD files from the catalog the SW would no longer crash.
    This really is not a practical solution since my PC has many folders with many AVC files.
    I am trying to see if there is a SW patch or another way to address this issue.

    It might work but this is not a practical solution.
    I have many picture folders on my pc and several of these have AVC files.
    My intention was to use Photo Shop Essentials to edit my pictures. Unfortunately the "Organizer" app crashes when trying to work with my Catalog.
    I have narrowed it down to only happening when there are AVC files in my folders. I have seen others have this issue and I found the issue by what they recommended.
    Sadly if I am unable to get this to work with my current folders I will have to dump Essentials for another application.

  • Installing Adobe Photoshop Elements 9

    I have the CD version of Adobe Photoshop Elements 9. When I put disk 1 into my PC, 2 options appear:
    1) Open folder to view files.
    2) Take no action.
    I have tried both of these, but only #1 does something. It opens my files and shows Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 as a removable disk. I have tried multiple things to get it to install, but nothing will work. What do I do?

    You can try downloading instead of using the disk.  Your serial number from the disk can be used to activate it.
    PSE 7, 8, 9 -

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