AUR and community repo is great.

Lately I have been needed all types of utility and dependency packages, and community repo is often there to provide. AUR and community repo is great! My thanks to all AUR contributors and TUs.

Moo-Crumpus wrote:Still would like to have aur in pacman...
I think this is the wrong approach. AUR unsupported is inherently unsafe. We do have TUs flagging packages as safe, but tools such as aurbuild (which I use extensively, don't get me wrong) are likely to open big security holes for users that don't check or don't know how to check the PKGBUILDs.
We already have AUR in pacman -- the [community] repository. Rather than having more inherent support for aurbuild-style building built into pacman or makepkg, it seems to me we need more unsupported packages going into [community]. This means we need more TUs.
I'd also like to see more [community] packages going into [extra], which means we need more developers. ;-) But officially supporting aurbuild-style tools in pacman is just not a safe idea.

Similar Messages

  • Moving eiskaltdcpp from AUR to community repo

    Not sure if this is the place to ask this
    Is there any reason why eiskaltdcpp is not there in the community repo and instead in AUR. Considering that Eiskaltdcpp works much better than Linuxdcpp which currently is available in the official repos, I was hoping that Eiskaltdcpp could also be moved to the official repos.

    The probable reason is that no TU wants to maintain the package (or other problems, but I guess that chance is small as it is GPL3). Seeing that the package hasn't been updated since 2013-09-12 and seems out of date (check the page), the chance of it being adopted by a TU and put into community seem small at the moment.
    By the way, votes are used to indicate popularity of a package and will increase visibility of the package. So, voting is a good way to start promoting a package.
    EDIT: I was wrong, the package is not out of date. My bad.
    Last edited by runical (2015-02-27 10:46:19)

  • (solved) are aur and community the same?

    are they the same thing?
    Last edited by TechDragon (2008-03-15 12:14:33)

    No.  The community repository provides binary versions of the most popular packages in the AUR.  Community is maintained by trusted users.  Anybody can submit a package build to AUR in the unsupported section.
    Last edited by Allan (2008-03-15 06:27:48)

  • Yaourt, cvs, md5sum and community repo.

    Hey, lately trying to install packages with yaourt are not working. For example, flock and lmms both say CVS and not PKGBUILD in AUR. yaourt cannot find them.
    I tried to download the pkgbuild by clicking on cvs bout I get "AN Exception Has Occoured" error message.
    This is only with CVS packages. Also, when upgrading a package for my system from AUR, I don't use md5sum and I've always removed the old md5sum number from the pkgbuild and it builds.
    Now I can't do that anymore.
    Is there a problem with:
    1: packages saying CVS and not PKGBUILD in AUR/Community?
    2: is md5sum manditory now?
    An Exception Has Occurred
    lmms/repos/community-i686: unknown location
    HTTP Response Status
    404 Not Found
    Last edited by funkmuscle (2009-08-13 00:34:08)

    Packages in community have been moved to the previous CVS repo an SVN repo just like the official packages.  There are still issues being ironed out, which explains the exception.
    I believe the md5sums thing is due to the latest pacman update, makepkg will not just throw a warning now, it errors instead.  Don't quote me on that though.

  • Grass and Qgis from Community repo to AUR

    I noticed that the Grass and Qgis packages disappeared from the community repo. Although they are still available through AUR, should I become worried since I use these programs almost daily on my Arch machines?

    Hm, maybe I start first with 1 ct: I've modified the PKGBUILD of the Qgis  AUR package (pkgver = 1.7.3 and md5sums to the 1.7.3 tar.bz2 package).
    The following PKGBUILD should work:
    # Maintainer: Lantald
    # Contributor: Thomas Dziedzic < gostrc at gmail >
    # Contributor: dibblethewrecker
    # Contributor: Gerardo Exequiel Pozzi <[email protected]>
    # Contributor: Eric Forgeot < >
    pkgdesc='Quantum GIS is a Geographic Information System (GIS) that supports vector, raster & database formats'
    arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
    # update to
    depends=('libmysqlclient' 'postgresql-libs' 'sqlite3' 'jasper' 'curl' 'qt' 'python2' 'python2-qt' 'giflib' 'xerces-c' 'cfitsio' 'qwt5' 'gdal' 'flex' 'bison')
    makedepends=('cmake' 'grass' 'gsl' 'postgis' 'netcdf' 'fcgi' 'python2-sip' 'txt2tags')
    optdepends=('postgis: postgis support and SPIT plugin'
    'fcgi: qgis mapserver'
    'python2-sip: python-support'
    'grass: grass plugin'
    'gsl: georeferencer ')
    build() {
    # Fix insecure RPATH is weird, but just works ;)
    # echo "os.system(\"sed -i '/^LFLAGS/s|-Wl,-rpath,.\+ ||g' gui/Makefile core/Makefile\")" >> python/
    #cd qgis-${pkgver}
    rm -rf build
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake ../qgis-${pkgver} \
    -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
    -DGRASS_PREFIX=/opt/grass \
    -DQGIS_MANUAL_SUBDIR=share/man \
    -DQWT_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include/qwt5 \
    -DQWT_LIBRARY=/usr/lib/ \
    -DPYTHON_LIBRARY=/usr/lib/ \
    -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python2 \
    -DPYTHON_SITE_PACKAGES_DIR=/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages \
    package() {
    cd build
    make DESTDIR=${pkgdir} install
    # create a more user-friendly application name link
    ln -s /usr/bin/qgis $pkgdir/usr/bin/quantum-gis
    # install some compatibility
    install -D -m644 ${srcdir}/qgis.desktop \
    This build also eliminated a conflict between Qgis 1.7.2 and the Grass-svn build I got this morning.
    For the time being all the bleeding cutting edge packages are working!
    I tried to post a comment on the AUR page but apparently that needs another subscription...
    Keep things up! "GIS Archers UNITE!!!"

  • Yaourt and packages that have been moved from AUR to community

    Well first off, why does yaourt even wanna build the package if it has been removed? I did a search in the AUR and all I see is stress 1.0.0-1. I thought I read somewhere that yaourt is a wrapper for pacman and therefor would search the repositories before it searches the AUR for the program?
    [jasin@kermit ~]$ yaourt -S stress
    ==> Downloading stress PKGBUILD from AUR...
    ==> WARNING: It seems like stress was removed from AUR probably for security reason. Please Abort
    stress 0.18.9-1 (NOT SAFE): A tool that stress tests your system (CPU, memory, I/O, disks)
    ==> stress dependencies:
    - glibc (already installed)
    ==> Edit the PKGBUILD (recommended) ? [Y/n] ("A" to abort)
    ==> ----------------------------------------------
    ==> Continue the building of 'stress'? [Y/n]
    ==> ----------------------------------------------
    [jasin@kermit ~]$ sudo pacman -S stress
    resolving dependencies...
    looking for inter-conflicts...
    Targets: stress-1.0.0-1
    Total Download Size: 0.01 MB
    Total Installed Size: 0.04 MB
    Proceed with installation? [Y/n] y
    :: Retrieving packages from community...
    stress-1.0.0-1 9.6K 23.4K/s 00:00:00 [#####################] 100%
    checking package integrity...
    (1/1) checking for file conflicts [#####################] 100%
    (1/1) installing stress
    This doesn't seem right to me either... is it just me or should yaourt be informed on where stress has gone if it has been removed from AUR and not just leave yaourt open ended with a basic error?
    I tried
    [jasin@kermit ~]$ yaourt -S community/stress
    ==> Downloading community/stress PKGBUILD from AUR...
    Error: community/stress not found in AUR.
    but yaourt thinks it should be a package in AUR. But I presume this should be added functionality in yaourt to work like pacman?
    Last edited by jacko (2008-01-13 16:52:56)

    somairotevoli wrote:hmm, works here.
    How long ago was it added to community? Maybe the repo your using isn't updated yet?
    hmm, maybe I should update yaourt... I never thought about it but yaourt will not update itself.
    yaourt -Su --aur
    yes, that fixed it. never thought about updating AUR packages.
    would be alright to add something like this to .bashrc to make this whole process a one time command?
    alias pac-update="yaourt -Syyu | yaourt -Su --aur"
    the answer to this ^^^ is NO, because the second command locks the database. U would need a way to tell it to pause until the first command finished, then issue the second command. I quite frankly do not understand enough of linux bash programming to accomplish that ATM.
    Last edited by jacko (2008-01-13 19:40:44)

  • RFC: Queries about Arch culture and community

    Good day everyone,
    This is a request for opinions from the Arch community, especially the Arch developers, Trusted Users, and long time users. I am writing a review about Arch Linux which I hope to publish within the next month or so. Unlike most distro reviews, which are actually distro installation reviews, I have devoted a lot of space to The Arch Way, unique technical qualities of Arch, day to day use and maintenance of Arch, and the Arch community. In my view, the community of a distro is much more important than its installation process.
    If I may, I would like to pose some questions about the Arch community. FWIW, I have been quietly participating in the Arch community myself for some months now, contributing material to the wiki. Anyway, please take a look at the queries below, and comment on any as you see fit.
    Thank you,
    Luke Seubert
    1. Despite its modest size, Arch has a very enthusiastic community, as evidenced by its internationalization projects, derivative distros, 3rd party repositories, Arch schwag, active forums and wiki, etc. Is this statement true or false, and if Arch does have an especially enthusiastic community, why?
    2. Arch is deeply conservative, refusing to deviate from core principles. Still, within these bounds, Arch permits a wide array of innovation. Are these statements true or false, and why? If true, what are the pros and cons of such conservatism? If false, in what way has Arch deviated from its core principles or resisted innovation?
    3. The Arch community is fairly harmonious, with little bickering, flamewars, forks or threats to fork, etc. Is this statement true or false, and why? (I have my own theory on the why of this one, and the answer in brief is... dogfood.)
    4. How good or bad a job is Arch doing in cultivating new Trusted Users and Arch developers? Does it have a formal mentoring process? It seems the most direct path to TU status is to put together packages in AUR, and eventually have them voted into Community based upon quality and popularity. However, at some point, virtually all of the popular packages will already be in Community or Extra. How does an AUR uploader become a Trusted User then?
    5. Hypothetical Scenario:
    The Chakra Project successfully completes in alpha, beta, and release candidate Live CD testing, and releases its Live CD - version 1.0 - with the GUI easy Tribe installer, to wide acclaim - DistroWatch even raves about it. Suddenly, there are lots of new Arch users, who never went through the traditional Arch install process, who never "paid their Arch dues", and who are not nearly as clueful because they never RTFW. They are flooding IRC and webforums with really, uh, "basic" questions, and suggesting/demanding new features. How does the Arch community handle this abrupt change in its culture? Has it dealt with such culture shocks before?
    6. If only you too could lift cars over your head, would you be more cool, less cool, or as cool as Phrakture, and why? What if you could only lift cars over your head after eating a can of spinach and slamming a six pack of Red Bull? Then how cool/not cool would you be by comparison?
    Last edited by lseubert (2009-08-08 13:45:07)

    Allan wrote:
    Here are my opinions on these questions and do not necessarily reflect other Arch devs...
    1. True.  I believe part of the enthusiastic community comes from the fact that Arch requires you to set up your system for yourself.  So people become very proud of their achievement of getting their system setup exactly as they like it.
    This is an excellent point. There is a nice sense of pride that comes from tweaking your Arch install to just the way you like it. And it is an involved process requiring some modicum of skill.
    Also, people have always been encouraged to contribute fixes or start projects to fulfill areas they see lacking.  Seeing your work become used by many others is always a good feeling.
    Yeah, I have noted this in my rough draft. Arch has amazingly low barriers to entry. Sign up for an AUR account, which is quick and automatic, and get to work. Your status and authority is derived from a roughly consensual meritocracy, as opposed to a hierarchical, bureaucratic process full of gatekeepers, aka potential gateclosers, like most distros.
    This simplicity extends to our package manager, which I believe is a major factor in making the AUR as popular as it is.  (Note that while pacman is developed primarily by Arch users, it aims not to be tied to any distro).
    Allan, could you clarify this comment? How does pacman make AUR popular? While I use pacman to access binaries from core, extra, and community; I use yaourt to handle PKGBUILDs from AUR. I don't quite follow you on this one.
    But as always, the principles guiding Arch do get bent when it is sensible to do so.  It was always said we don't split packages like many other distros, but we do some splitting these days (e.g. gcc-libs, KDE).  We now include info pages and other docs.
    Both of which are good moves. A system should have documentation built in, for those occasions when internet access is down. And I might actually take a look at KDE 4 once again, now that I wouldn't have to download a pile of unwanted packages.
    3. There are flame-wars every so often...  The last one that was probably quite obvious to many was changing rules governing the community repo (requiring votes or 1% usage as defined by pkgstats) and the move to using the official db-scripts (which may be seen as making the TUs less independent).
    That is a flamewar that I missed. How does Arch resolve difficult issues? There is no Constitution that I could find, nor any formal governing structure. Is it as simple as lengthy debate, and then Dred Overlord Phrakture decrees?
    I have never heard of a treat to fork the distro or components of it.  I guess that is because of the attitude of show us a working implementation of a good idea and it will possibly become official.
    Well, there aren't forks, but there are a lot of derivative distros, some of them with very different goals. And there are a lot of 3rd party repositories out there, outside of AUR. I wouldn't call that forking, but it is, I guess, extending. I think such experimentation is a good thing - really good ideas might be developed outside of even AUR, and eventually brought back into the Arch ecosystem. I believe some of Xyne's packages got started that way, yes?
    Here is an interesting factoid I came up with in my research:
    Packages Per Maintainer Ratio - how many packages on average does a maintainer support?
    For Debian, the P/M Ratio is 28
    When you add up all the Arch Devs and TUs, and divide out the packages in core, extra, and community, the Arch P/M Ratio is 67.
    Arch devs seem quite impressive, until you recall that they mostly maintain one version of each package and for only two architectures, whereas Debian devs support 11 architectures for 5 versions - experimental, unstable, testing, current stable, and old stable. (Ugh - is that brutal or what?)
    Seen in that light, one has to admire the very hardworking Debian devs, and wonder a bit about those Arch dev slackers. Yet another T-shirt idea! Change the first idea so it now reads, "I'm a slacker Arch developer, and I eat my own dogfood!"

  • SOLVED-My maintained package is now in the community repo, now what?:)

    I am the maintainer of the package ibus-unikey in the AUR, but now it's moved into the community repo, how can I still maintain this package?
    Many thanks.
    Last edited by tinhtruong (2010-12-28 09:44:42)

    Essentially you don't maintain it any more.  A Trusted User will maintain it in the [community] repo (and should have emailed to let you know...).

  • [community] repo: Movement of orphaned packages to unsupported.

    Hi fellow Archers,
    With time, the number of orphaned packages in the community repo has steadily increased because of various reasons: TUs no longer had time/interest to maintain a package, TUs leaving the group, etc. Currently there's about 300 orphans in [community] and the TU group doesn't have currently the time or interest to maintain all of them.  We finally came to the conclusion that it would be better to have maintained PKGBUILD in AUR than stale packages in community. So, in the next weeks, we'll gradually move some (all?) of them to unsupported. To ensure that these PKGBUILD get adopted by regular users, we'll be handing out orphaned community packages to users who are willing to maintain them. So if you are interested in one or more orphaned community packages, request it in this thread and it'll be moved to unsupported for you to adopt it. We'll be accepting requests until April 4th  but it could be extended if necessary. Hopefully, this will drop the number of orphans to a manageable amount. If not, more orphans will be moved to unsupported.
    Once a package is moved to unsupported, I can't guaranty that someone else browsing the AUR will adopt it. So you should adopt it as soon as it's moved to unsupported. If someone else request a package that you want before you, as a matter of courtesy, please give that person a few days to adopt the PKGBUILD. After that, you can adopt it. Also, once you adopt a package, you'll probably need to update it as some of these packages are out-of-date or the arch and license fields are missing.
    "Reserved" orphans: DaNiMoTh is currently a TU candidate and, if he gets voted in, is willing to  adopt the following orphans: mozplugger, sportstracker, gobby and rsnapshot. You may request them but they'll remain in the community repo until the end of the voting period to minimize package movement.

    The community repo cleanup is completed.
    The current orphans will remain in community and have been fixed/updated.
    I've added myself to the notification list so I'll be aware of any
    Some packages were completely removed from community/AUR:
    schism:              obsoleted by schismtracker
    gst-plugins-png:     Arch no longer support gstreamer 0.8
    mysql-administrator: obsoleted by mysql-gui-tools
    mysql-query-browser: obsoleted by mysql-gui-tools
    multisync:           This app has been actually splitted in two other apps
                         (multisync-gui and msynctool) whose PKGBUILDs are in
    Other packages that were also in current/extra were removed.
    Packages that were moved to unsupported:
    If you want to browse the list with the AUR interface, do a search with me
    (Snowman) as submitter and look for the orphaned packages. Several of them
    have found a new maintainer in unsupported.
    Here's the list:

  • Abs 2.0 and community

    running abs alone doesn't upgrade the community repo, though in my abs.conf:
    root@freedomfighter:/var/abs # cat /etc/abs.conf
    # /etc/abs/abs.conf
    # the top-level directory of all your PKGBUILDs
    [ "$ABSROOT" = "" ] && ABSROOT="/var/abs/"
    # Server to sync from
    # The architecture to fetch abs for
    # Either i686 or x86_64
    # REPOS to be parsed by abs (in this order)
    #   (prefix a repo with a ! to disable it)
    # Note: If a repo is removed, it is still fetched!
    # Repos must be preceded with a ! to prevent fetching
    REPOS=(core extra community !unstable !testing)
    abs community
    syncs testing and unstable?
    Last edited by DonVla (2008-04-16 08:03:27)

    cactus wrote:rsync uses a different port.
    i believe cvsupd uses tcp port 5999.
    rsync uses tcp port 873.
    Knowing this doesn't help me at all.
    I still can't use abs because I can't change anything on firewall i'm behind (I don't even know where that firewall is, i only know it exists and is VERY restrictive)
    Is there any other way to synchronize to repositories? like once in a while a "wget -r -np" on some url? or anything that uses more-or-less standard ports ?
    Or maybe push a package "abs-tree" or something, generated every time repositories change, for users like me?
    Later edit:
    As far as I know abs tree is not quite pure SVN, it's generated from SVN in a form which is accepted by abs. This way it's not hard to also generate a package which contains current snapshot of abs tree. I think that it's pretty elegant solution.
    It probably shouldn't be pushed to repositories on EVERY update, but let say once in few days (or even a week) would be great.
    You even may simply upload it somewhere on webserver (without including in repositories) and put a link
    Last edited by torin_dan (2008-04-18 13:15:10)

  • Docky out of community repo

    Why docky and dockmanager packages are no longer available in community repository and only there are in AUR?
    Thanks and regards!

    The post you're referring to is three months old.  If the package is building again, then what's the problem?  The difference between [community] and the AUR is that packages in the [community] repo are considered fairly stable and trustworthy.  If a package won't build, or is prone to dependency hell, then it stays in the AUR.  As far as I'm concerned, so long as it's a well-established package and will build, it doesn't really matter where it comes from.

  • Community repo (sustainability)

    I'm not familiar with the details of the process involved in maintaining the community repository. However, as an Arch user I witness some of its faults. If these faults are a reason to evaluate or not how things are being done, or to gauge the Community repository quality, I leave it to those in the know. But when a package that has a hard kernel dependency is upgraded in the Community repo and that package doesn't include an essential module which renders it virtually useless, I get annoyed. I need to rollback both package and kernel upgrade. I'd expect from the community repo, what I don't ask in AUR; care.
    I'm not judgmental of the TU (or any other TU for that matter). I fully understand and appreciate all the hard work that they brought upon themselves and the dedication they often show. However when a TU is maintaining well above 1000 packages, something got to be wrong in the humble opinion of this user of yours. It's expected that gross mistakes will eventually happen. And it's when I lose confidence in the Community repo and wonder if it's just not AUR with appointed people to give it a the proper look of an official repo. If the policy is to hold everything that is humanly possible in Community, even if at the end of a string, I think that makes more damage than good.
    The incident isn't isolated. They happen not because we have bad TU (of that I'm positive). But almost certainly because we have overtaxed TUs, either by choice or imposition. Anyways... all this is my my opinion. I'm however, as a user, asked to adhere to the Arch Way. Complexity without complication. I don't expect this to have a double meaning.

    marfig wrote:I'm not familiar with the details of the process involved in maintaining the community repository. However, as an Arch user I witness some of its faults. If these faults are a reason to evaluate or not how things are being done, or to gauge the Community repository quality, I leave it to those in the know. But when a package that has a hard kernel dependency is upgraded in the Community repo and that package doesn't include an essential module which renders it virtually useless, I get annoyed. I need to rollback both package and kernel upgrade. I'd expect from the community repo, what I don't ask in AUR; care.
    this things happen and most cases are upstream issues. i know about powertop and it was a mistake but vmware modules seems to be because upstream deprecated something i guess.(lets see how the bug report is going)
    I'm not judgmental of the TU (or any other TU for that matter). I fully understand and appreciate all the hard work that they brought upon themselves and the dedication they often show. However when a TU is maintaining well above 1000 packages, something got to be wrong in the humble opinion of this user of yours. It's expected that gross mistakes will eventually happen. And it's when I lose confidence in the Community repo and wonder if it's just not AUR with appointed people to give it a the proper look of an official repo. If the policy is to hold everything that is humanly possible in Community, even if at the end of a string, I think that makes more damage than good.
    i fully agree with you. our TUs and developers teams is way to small compared with the amount of packages that we have in the repos. What about applying as TU and help us maintaining(translation getting rid of crap from our repos) ?
    Last edited by wonder (2010-08-20 16:51:17)

  • I created a new apple id for my iphone and ipad which work great and allow me to access Icloud. on my macbook air can't get it to use my new apple id for icloud. Help?

    I created a new apple id for my iphone and ipad which work great and allow me to access Icloud. on my macbook air  I can't get it to use my new apple id for icloud. It keeps going back to my old apple id and doesn't afford me to alter it. I use system preferences-icloud and it just wants to verify the old apple id but doesn't afford me the opportunity to delete teh account or edit it like the iphone5 and ipad. Help?

    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    You need to use the sign out option on the left side.

  • Can't update community repo [solved]

    I'm trying to update my system but any time I try to do it I can't update community repo (I can update the others). This is the output for a simple "pacman -Syu":
    :: Synchronizing package databases...
    core is up to date
    extra is up to date
    community 170.0K 190.1K/s 00:00:01 [#####################] 100%
    error: could not extract 6 ((Empty error message))
    error: failed to update community (unexpected system error)
    archlinuxfr is up to date
    :: Starting full system upgrade...
    local database is up to date
    The problem started after my system freezed.
    Any idea? Thank you
    Last edited by serjor (2009-07-05 17:56:43)

    serjor wrote:
    I'm trying to update my system but any time I try to do it I can't update community repo (I can update the others). This is the output for a simple "pacman -Syu":
    :: Synchronizing package databases...
    core is up to date
    extra is up to date
    community 170.0K 190.1K/s 00:00:01 [#####################] 100%
    error: could not extract 6 ((Empty error message))
    error: failed to update community (unexpected system error)
    archlinuxfr is up to date
    :: Starting full system upgrade...
    local database is up to date
    The problem started after my system freezed.
    Any idea? Thank you
    I tried to extract the community db (located at /var/lib/pacman/community.db.tar.gz) and it throws an EOF error, so may be the problem isn't at my computer.

  • How to remove field in Change Office and Communication Data..

    In ESS->Emp Search -->Change office and communication Data..I have to remove a field "License Plate No" as we are not using it..
    How to do it..
    I have Netweaver studio installed in my pc but i dont know how to use it..
    could any one tell me the steps to do the above task in Netweaver Studio..or there is any other method that can be done..
    It would be great help for me..
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi ,
    I dont know why no one is replying to this question..
    Eagerly waiting for your valuable suggestions..
    Thanks & Regards,

Maybe you are looking for