Authentication & Session Management questions

Hi. Apex 2.2.1. I'm going crazy trying to set up authentication for my application. I'd appreciate any pointers. My scenario is
Siteminder intercepts all calls to the application
User authenticates with Siteminder
If authenticated, Siteminder sets HTTP_SM_USER in the header
If not authenticated, then APEX is never called
Pull the user out of the header
Create a session if needed
Log the user in if needed
Redirect the user to the request page
I've followed the example that I've found in the forum and set up a page sentry function to create a session when the user first comes in. After that I try to verify that the session belongs to them. That's not working because wwv_flow_custom_auth_std.get_username never returns a value. I think that's because I'm not logging the user in to APEX. I can't figure out the difference between wwv_flow_custom_auth_std.post_login and wwv_flow_custom_auth_std.login. (it probably doesn't help that I inherited the application from some consultants that left a year ago and there is no documentation on it or even APEX here at my site).

Thanks, Scott. The problem is that it seems to keep looping. You can see from the log that it creates the session, then invalidates it, then creates it, etc.
debug log
     384     1000     Enter 604 - 1 user MDHENDER session NOT valid
     384     4000     session is NOT valid
     384     4100     dn_network_id is acct\mdhender
     384     5000     creating a new session
     384     5010     created new session
     384     6000     setting up follow up url
     384     6010     follow up url is 604:1:
     384     7000     register new session
     384     7010     registered session
     384     9000     clean exit
     385     1000     Enter 604 - 1 user MDHENDER session valid
     385     3000     session is valid 1707655438517376
     385     3010     authenticated user MDHENDER cookie
     385     3100     marker
     385     3200     marker
     386     1000     Enter 604 - 1 user MDHENDER session NOT valid
     386     4000     session is NOT valid
     386     4100     dn_network_id is acct\mdhender
     386     5000     creating a new session
     386     5010     created new session
     386     6000     setting up follow up url
     386     6010     follow up url is 604:1:
     386     7000     register new session
     386     7010     registered session
     386     9000     clean exit
     387     1000     Enter 604 - 1 user MDHENDER session valid
     387     3000     session is valid 2743127946937676
     387     3010     authenticated user MDHENDER cookie
     387     3100     marker
     387     3200     marker
Here is the code
vAuthenticatedUsername VARCHAR2(512);
vCurrentSessionId NUMBER;
vDeclaredUser VARCHAR2(512);
vLogFlag VARCHAR2(1);
vMaxIdleMinutes NUMBER := 15;
vNextPage VARCHAR2(1024);
vTransNo NUMBER;
PROCEDURE log_msg(vFlag in varchar2,
vTransNo in number,
vSeqNo in number,
vMessage in varchar2) is
pragma autonomous_transaction;
IF vFlag = 'Y' THEN
insert into sm_debug_log
(transno, seqno, msg)
(vTransNo, vSeqNo, vMessage);
-- determine if the siteminder user is authorized
FUNCTION CheckAuthorizedUser(vUserName in varchar2) return boolean is
vDeclaredUser VARCHAR2(512);
-- verify that the user is supposed to have access to the application.
-- a quick check of the authorized users table will settle that question
select dn_network_id
into vDeclaredUser
from user_authorization
where UPPER(network_id) = UPPER(vUserName);
return true;
return false;
-- if the session cookie's user matches our authenticated user then
-- return true
FUNCTION CheckCookieUser(vUserName in varchar2) return boolean is
IF vAuthenticatedUsername = wwv_flow_custom_auth_std.get_username THEN
return true;
return false;
FUNCTION URLRedirect(vUrl IN varchar2) return boolean is
log_msg(vLogFlag, vTransNo, 9999, 'redirect => ' || vUrl);
owa_util.redirect_url(vUrl, true);
wwv_flow.g_unrecoverable_error := true;
return false;
select debug, sm_seq_no.nextval
into vLogFlag, vTransNo
from sm_settings;
vLogFlag := 'N';
-- get authenticated user from siteminder. APEX may expect it
-- to be upper case
vAuthenticatedUsername := UPPER(lmf_siteminder_user());
IF wwv_flow_custom_auth_std.is_session_valid THEN
'Enter ' || v('APP_ID') || ' - ' || v('APP_PAGE_ID') ||
' user ' || nvl(vAuthenticatedUsername, '*null*') ||
' session valid');
'Enter ' || v('APP_ID') || ' - ' || v('APP_PAGE_ID') ||
' user ' || nvl(vAuthenticatedUsername, '*null*') ||
' session NOT valid');
-- no surprise here - let anyone view a page flagged as public
IF htmldb_custom_auth.current_page_is_public THEN
log_msg(vLogFlag, vTransNo, 1010, 'current page is public');
return true;
-- redirect all unauthorized users to our no-access page
IF not CheckAuthorizedUser(vAuthenticatedUsername) THEN
-- send the user to our unathorized page
'unable to find dn_network_id for authenticated user ' ||
'try a redirect to ' || '/pls/apex/f?p=' || v('APP_ID') ||
':105:' || vCurrentSessionId || ':');
return URLRedirect('/pls/apex/f?p=' || v('APP_ID') || ':105:' ||
vCurrentSessionId || ':');
-- use the current session if it is valid and assigned to
-- our authenticated user
IF wwv_flow_custom_auth_std.is_session_valid THEN
vCurrentSessionId := wwv_flow_custom_auth_std.get_session_id_from_cookie;
'session is valid ' || vCurrentSessionId);
'authenticated user ' || vAuthenticatedUsername || ' cookie ' ||
-- if the session cookie's user matches our authenticated user then
-- accept it and proceed with displaying the page
IF CheckCookieUser(vAuthenticatedUsername) THEN
wwv_flow_custom_auth.define_user_session(p_user => vAuthenticatedUsername,
p_session_id => vCurrentSessionId);
return true;
log_msg(vLogFlag, vTransNo, 3100, 'marker');
-- the names do not match. assume that someone hijacked the session.
-- invalidate it and bump them out
-- Unset the session cookie and redirect back here to take other branch
wwv_flow_custom_auth_std.logout(p_this_flow => v('APP_ID'),
p_next_flow_page_sess => v('APP_ID') || ':' ||
0) || ':' ||
wwv_flow.g_unrecoverable_error := true;
log_msg(vLogFlag, vTransNo, 3200, 'marker');
-- tell APEX that we are not pleased
return false;
log_msg(vLogFlag, vTransNo, 4000, 'session is NOT valid');
-- we did not have a valid session so verify that the user is supposed
-- to access our application. a quick check of the authorized users
-- table will settle that question for us
select dn_network_id
into vDeclaredUser
from user_authorization
where UPPER(network_id) = vAuthenticatedUsername;
log_msg(vLogFlag, vTransNo, 4100, 'dn_network_id is ' || vDeclaredUser);
-- send the user to our unathorized page
'unable to find dn_network_id for authenticated user ' ||
'try a redirect to ' || '/pls/apex/f?p=' || v('APP_ID') ||
':105:' || vCurrentSessionId || ':');
return URLRedirect('/pls/apex/f?p=' || v('APP_ID') || ':105:' ||
vCurrentSessionId || ':');
-- create new session
log_msg(vLogFlag, vTransNo, 5000, 'creating a new session');
wwv_flow_custom_auth.define_user_session(p_user => vAuthenticatedUsername,
p_session_id => wwv_flow_custom_auth.get_next_session_id);
log_msg(vLogFlag, vTransNo, 5010, 'created new session');
wwv_flow.g_unrecoverable_error := true;
-- set cookie
-- set the followup URL to page 1
log_msg(vLogFlag, vTransNo, 6000, 'setting up follow up url');
vNextPage := to_char(wwv_flow.g_flow_id) || ':1:';
log_msg(vLogFlag, vTransNo, 6010, 'follow up url is ' || vNextPage);
--wwv_flow_custom_auth.remember_deep_link(p_url => vNextPage);
--log_msg(vLogFlag, vTransNo, 6020, 'completed follow up url');
--IF owa_util.get_cgi_env('REQUEST_METHOD') = 'GET' THEN
-- wwv_flow_custom_auth.remember_deep_link(p_url => 'f?' ||
-- wwv_flow_utilities.url_decode2(owa_util.get_cgi_env('QUERY_STRING')));
-- wwv_flow_custom_auth.remember_deep_link(p_url => 'f?p=' ||
-- to_char(wwv_flow.g_flow_id) || ':' ||
-- to_char(nvl(wwv_flow.g_flow_step_id,
-- 0)) || ':' ||
-- to_char(wwv_flow.g_instance));
-- register new session with the application
log_msg(vLogFlag, vTransNo, 7000, 'register new session');
if 0 < 1 then
wwv_flow_custom_auth_std.post_login(p_uname => vAuthenticatedUsername,
p_flow_page => vNextPage);
log_msg(vLogFlag, vTransNo, 7010, 'registered session');
wwv_flow_custom_auth_std.login(P_UNAME => vAuthenticatedUsername,
P_PASSWORD => 'dummy',
P_FLOW_PAGE => v('APP_ID') || ':1');
log_msg(vLogFlag, vTransNo, 7011, 'registered session');
end if;
if 0 > 1 then
owa_util.mime_header('text/html', FALSE);
owa_cookie.send(name => 'LOGIN_USERNAME_COOKIE',
value => vAuthenticatedUsername,
expires => null,
path => '/',
secure => 'yes');
owa_cookie.send(name => 'HTMLDB_IDLE_SESSION',
value => to_char(sysdate + (vMaxIdleMinutes / 1440),
expires => null,
path => '/',
secure => 'yes');
end if;
log_msg(vLogFlag, vTransNo, 9000, 'clean exit');
-- tell htmldb engine to quit
return false;
return false;

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    Hi Rob,
    Using Servlet 2.3 features this can be done using the sessionCreated and
    sessionDestroyed API (chapter 10 of the servlet 2.3 Spec). This Spec has been
    implemented in WLS 61.
    These methods are provided by the HttpSessionListener interface and they are
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    A sample impl:
    public void sessionCreated(HttpSessionEvent evt){
    sess = evt.getSession();
    /* have code to populate the sesion Attributes */
    log("\nsession created " + sess.getId() );
    log("Session id: " + sess.getAttribute("userID") );
    synchronized(this) {
    h.put(sess.getAttribute("userID"), sess);
    public void sessionDestroyed(HttpSessionEvent evt){
    sess = evt.getSession();
    log("\nsession destroyed: " + sess.getId() );
    synchronized(this) {
    hope this helps,
    Rob Worsnop wrote:
    OK. I posted the original message after speaking to BEA tech support. They
    had told me there was an API for getting hold of the session. Now they tell
    me there is not.
    It looks like I have to implement this particular aspect of session
    management myself.
    It's a pretty simple task - provided you expect no more than a few hundred
    users logged on at a particular time.
    Anyone got any tips about how to implement this in scalable manner?
    "Rob Worsnop" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    I have a requirement to prevent multiple sessions per user id. So, when a
    user logs in to our app, any existing sessions he has must be invalidated.
    Does anyone know the correct WebLogic API call to use to locate a session
    object for a given user id? I need to call this so that I can invalidatethe
    existing session.

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    Check the DBC file is updated one & are the connection is working or not.

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    Anyone have any thoughts? I'm wondering if I need to do something in page session management (under authentication schemes) to fix #2, but I have no clue about #1.

    Hi Scott-
    Thanks for the info on #2 - I'll work on that after I get #1 sorted out, since it's the more dire problem. Here's some more info:
    Apex version =
    SSO SDK =
    I set it up as "My Application as Partner App." I used "MY_PARTNER_NAME" as SSO Partner Application Name. In the list of SSO Partner Apps on the SSO Admin page, my partner app name is also MY_PARTNER_NAME. It gives the following info:
    Login URL:      https://sso_host/pls/orasso/orasso.wwsso_app_admin.ls_login
    Single Sign-Off URL:      https://sso_host/pls/orasso/orasso.wwsso_app_admin.ls_logout
    Home URL: http://apex_host/pls/apex
    Success URL: http://apex_host/pls/apex/RBLICK.YOUR_PACKAGE.PROCESS_SUCCESS
    Logout URL: http://apex_host/pls/apex
    RBLICK is the schema owning the apex app. In there, I created a package called YOUR_PACKAGE:
    create package YOUR_PACKAGE as
    procedure process_success(urlc in varchar2);
    procedure process_success(urlc in varchar2) as
    end process_success;
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    Short Session Timeout and Session Timeout in Excel Services
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    Thanks in advance

    Container Managed Authentication. Does everything you need.

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    3) the servlet/jsp uses that session.
    4) that session is persisted.
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    Is there a way to control the database session in APEX?

    Since HTTP is a stateless and connectionless protocol, you are not guaranteed to get the same database session between pages. APEX maintains the session state implicitly. Each session is assigned a unique identifier with APEX. The APEX engine uses the session ID to store and retrieve the applications working set of data or session state before and after each page view.
    The session information persists in the database until purged. Therefore, as long as the client's session cookie has not expired, a user can continue running the application long after having first launched it. This is also what allows a user to run multiple instances of an application simultaneously in different browser sessions.
    That being said, I think the answer to your question is that it is not necessarily going to be the same database session (but could be), nor can you control it. You should use session state.

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    This is a basic behavior in all Java application servers, as it is mandated by the Java Enterprise Edition specification. The ID is used to match the HTTP request to its session object. Basically, the web container will add jsessionid to the URL when the session id cannot be saved in a cookie. This behavior can also be enforced through settings in weblogic.xml, for example, if you are using WLS.
    ADF is built on the top of JEE; consequently, it uses jsessionid in exactly the same way as any other Java application.
    Best Regards,

  • Session management for a web service

    I am building a web service where the user will need to login and the application will need to maintain a persistent session. I am using Apache Axis2 for client/server communication via SOAP/XML. What would the simplest and most common way of doing this? I know I could implement session management from scratch similarly to how a browser does it, using cookies, but I'd rather use standard Java libraries for this. Am I correct in assuming that even though I'm using Axis2, the solution doesn't really have anything to do with Axis2 since Axis2 is basically just a way for the client/server to send messages to each other?
    I've read a lot of information online about this, but there's so much information that it's hard to know where to start. Basically I'm just looking for someone to point me in the right direction on what classes to use and so on. I just need a simple username password authentication and session management system for a web service.

    Container Managed Authentication. Does everything you need.

  • Re: (forte-users) Session management for page builder(fwd)

    Hope this helps,
    John Soper, Information Systems Development, ITS, The University of Melbourne
    email: >>>> Tel: 9344 5612---------- Forwarded message ----------
    Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 16:34:31 +1100
    From: Lyle Winton <>
    To: John Soper <>
    Subject: Re: (forte-users) Session management for page builder (fwd)
    Why not construct an intermediate page after the
    login page that has SESSION_UNSPECIFIED and
    a refresh META tag. The page can then refresh
    to either the login failed or login succeeded pages
    depending on how the login went! Looks like...
    1) Login page (SESSION_UNSPECIFIED)
    2A) Refresh page (SESSION_UNSPECIFIED)
    < HTML >
    < HEAD >
    < META http-equiv="refresh"
    content="0;URL=<a href=
    ""></a>" >
    < /HEAD >
    < BODY >
    Login succeeded. Please wait...
    < /BODY >
    < /HTML >
    2B) Refresh page (SESSION_UNSPECIFIED)
    < HTML >
    < BODY >
    Login failed.
    < /BODY >
    < /HTML >
    3) We're finally in. (SESSION_REQUIRED)
    I'm not sure if this works on internet exploder.
    John Soper wrote:
    (Post from forte mailing group)
    Does this make sense to you?
    John Soper, Information Systems Development, ITS, The University of Melbourne
    email: >>>> Tel: 9344 5612---------- Forwarded message ----------
    Date: Thu, 30 Dec 1999 07:54:24 +0200
    From: "Jaco Erasmus (home)" <>
    Subject: (forte-users) Session management for page builder
    Hi everybody,
    We have a lot of legacy code making use of the page builder service to
    produce web pages. These pages were originally written without session
    management. I'm now busy adding session management to them, but there is
    one problem with this approach and I will appreciate if someone can shed
    some light on it. Here it is:
    Page one is submitted.
    Some validation (authentication) takes place and depending on the outcome,
    either page 2A (SESSION_REQUIRED) or 2B (error page with
    SESSION_UNSPECIFIED) must be displayed. In order to implement this, I
    needed a place to make a decision. The way I've done it, is to pass a
    'virtual page' (SESSION_UNSPECIFIED) to the page builder service. The
    validation is done here and request.PageName is then replaced with the
    PageName of pages 2A or 2B. The HandleRequest() method is then called
    again. The problem is that the ValidateSession() method does not get
    invoked again, thus allowing 2A through without a session. How do I make
    sure that the ValidateSession() method get invoked again?
    The approach making use of templates look to me as if it has all the means
    to do this (redirect tag), but I don't want to rewrite everything if I
    don't have to. Is there a way that a pagebuilder page can be specified by
    the redirect tag? This will definitely help, but so far I've only managed
    to call templates from the redirect tag.
    Is the template approach better suited for session management? It is
    definetely better documented...
    For the archives, go to: and use
    the login: forte and the password: archive. To unsubscribe, send in a new
    email the word: 'Unsubscribe' to:

    i hope this helps

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    hi, I have developed enterprise application using net beans IDE 5.5.I created one enity bean using sql server database.When i tried deploy this project i am getting following error... Internal Exception: java.sql.SQLException: Error in allocating a c

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    I work for a large school district and am having the same issue with several iMac machines. I get a green light and nothing more, no chime, no HD activity, nothing... Here is what I have done. Reset PMU, changed battery, swapped with known good RAM,

  • Unable to update nodes in JTree

    Hi all, I have a JTree, which I have passed in a DefaultMutableTreeNode in the constructor. I have added 3 elements inside this "root". So the JTree looks like this : Root ->Element 1 ->Element 2 ->Element 3 However, when I want to actually delete th

  • Oracle 8i_lite & imp80

    Hi, Does anyone know if Oracle 8i_lite supports "import"? I saw "imp80" in the Oracle8i_lite bin dir. But when I tried to do an import, I got: IMP-00003: ORACLE error 942 encountered OCA-30034: table not found [POL-5130] table or view not found IMP-0

  • Restore original Sony firmware on Xperia Z with Linux tools

    Hello, I tried Cyanogenmod 10.2 Milestone and after that my IMEI was gone and I could not make calls any longer. I now would like to restore the original Sony firmware for my Xperia Z. But, I do not use and do not have MS Windows. I have the Android