Auto approve a resource using configuration file

Hi All,
I am wondering if the auto-approve feature enabled through the use of the file is being used by any one?
I am using version 5.7.1 of the agent and server. And in my agent running on a VM I have the file with this content:
# Approve Platform
platform = true
# Approve JBoss
JBoss\ 5.1 = true
When my VM starts up, I continue to see that it comes up on the Hyperic UI in the auto-discovered list of resources and needs manual auto-approval using an Add to Inventory button click.
I need to programmatically do the auto-approve for a number of resources (that may appear at any time) and hence cannot use the UI to do this.
Are there any agent or server -side settings that need to be enabled for auto-approve to take effect ?
Thanks in advance for any hints!

The inventory can be approved in the Hyperic manager without the use of the API by configuring an file that contains the ResourcePrototypes you are interested in and how they should be handled. True accepts into inventory, false leaves in the AI queue.
I've attached an file that has all OOTB ResourcePrototypes (as of v5.7) set true.
Active\ Directory\ 2008=true
Active\ Directory\ 2008\ Authentication=true
Active\ Directory\ 2008\ LDAP=true
Active\ Directory\ 2012=true
Active\ Directory\ 2012\ Authentication=true
Active\ Directory\ 2012\ LDAP=true
Active\ Directory\ base=true
Active\ Directory\ base\ Authentication=true
Active\ Directory\ base\ LDAP=true
ActiveMQ\ 4.0=true
ActiveMQ\ 4.0\ Broker=true
ActiveMQ\ 4.0\ Connector=true
ActiveMQ\ 4.0\ Queue=true
ActiveMQ\ 4.0\ Topic=true
ActiveMQ\ 5.0=true
ActiveMQ\ 5.0\ Broker=true
ActiveMQ\ 5.0\ Connector=true
ActiveMQ\ 5.0\ Queue=true
ActiveMQ\ 5.0\ Topic=true
ActiveMQ\ 5.1=true
ActiveMQ\ 5.1\ Broker=true
ActiveMQ\ 5.1\ Connector=true
ActiveMQ\ 5.1\ Queue=true
ActiveMQ\ 5.1\ Topic=true
ActiveMQ\ 5.2=true
ActiveMQ\ 5.2\ Broker=true
ActiveMQ\ 5.2\ Connector=true
ActiveMQ\ 5.2\ Queue=true
ActiveMQ\ 5.2\ Topic=true
ActiveMQ\ 5.3=true
ActiveMQ\ 5.3\ Broker=true
ActiveMQ\ 5.3\ Connector=true
ActiveMQ\ 5.3\ Queue=true
ActiveMQ\ 5.3\ Topic=true
ActiveMQ\ 5.4=true
ActiveMQ\ 5.4\ Broker=true
ActiveMQ\ 5.4\ Connector=true
ActiveMQ\ 5.4\ Queue=true
ActiveMQ\ 5.4\ Topic=true
ActiveMQ\ Embedded\ 5.0=true
ActiveMQ\ Embedded\ 5.0\ Broker=true
ActiveMQ\ Embedded\ 5.0\ Connector=true
ActiveMQ\ Embedded\ 5.0\ Queue=true
ActiveMQ\ Embedded\ 5.0\ Topic=true
ActiveMQ\ Embedded\ 5.1=true
ActiveMQ\ Embedded\ 5.1\ Broker=true
ActiveMQ\ Embedded\ 5.1\ Connector=true
ActiveMQ\ Embedded\ 5.1\ Queue=true
ActiveMQ\ Embedded\ 5.1\ Topic=true
ActiveMQ\ Embedded\ 5.2=true
ActiveMQ\ Embedded\ 5.2\ Broker=true
ActiveMQ\ Embedded\ 5.2\ Connector=true
ActiveMQ\ Embedded\ 5.2\ Queue=true
ActiveMQ\ Embedded\ 5.2\ Topic=true
ActiveMQ\ Embedded\ 5.3=true
ActiveMQ\ Embedded\ 5.3\ Broker=true
ActiveMQ\ Embedded\ 5.3\ Connector=true
ActiveMQ\ Embedded\ 5.3\ Queue=true
ActiveMQ\ Embedded\ 5.3\ Topic=true
ActiveMQ\ Embedded\ 5.4=true
ActiveMQ\ Embedded\ 5.4\ Broker=true
ActiveMQ\ Embedded\ 5.4\ Connector=true
ActiveMQ\ Embedded\ 5.4\ Queue=true
ActiveMQ\ Embedded\ 5.4\ Topic=true
Alfresco\ 2.0.x=true
Alfresco\ 2.0.x\ Database\ Backend=true
Alfresco\ 2.0.x\ HTTP=true
Alfresco\ 2.0.x\ Lucene\ Index=true
Alfresco\ 2.0.x\ Tomcat=true
Apache\ 1.3=true
Apache\ 1.3\ VHost=true
Apache\ 1.3\ mod_jk\ Worker=true
Apache\ 2.0=true
Apache\ 2.0\ VHost=true
Apache\ 2.0\ mod_jk\ Worker=true
Apache\ 2.2=true
Apache\ 2.2\ VHost=true
Apache\ 2.2\ mod_jk\ Worker=true
Apache\ Tomcat\ 5.5=true
Apache\ Tomcat\ 5.5\ Cache=true
Apache\ Tomcat\ 5.5\ DataSource\ Pool=true
Apache\ Tomcat\ 5.5\ Global\ Request\ Processor=true
Apache\ Tomcat\ 5.5\ HTTP=true
Apache\ Tomcat\ 5.5\ JSP\ Monitor=true
Apache\ Tomcat\ 5.5\ Java\ Process\ Metrics=true
Apache\ Tomcat\ 5.5\ Servlet\ Monitor=true
Apache\ Tomcat\ 5.5\ Thread\ Pools=true
Apache\ Tomcat\ 5.5\ Web\ Module\ Stats=true
Apache\ Tomcat\ 6.0=true
Apache\ Tomcat\ 6.0\ Cache=true
Apache\ Tomcat\ 6.0\ DataSource\ Pool=true
Apache\ Tomcat\ 6.0\ Global\ Request\ Processor=true
Apache\ Tomcat\ 6.0\ HQ\ Internals=true
Apache\ Tomcat\ 6.0\ HTTP=true
Apache\ Tomcat\ 6.0\ Hibernate\ Session\ Factory=true
Apache\ Tomcat\ 6.0\ Hyperic\ Data\ Source=true
Apache\ Tomcat\ 6.0\ JSP\ Monitor=true
Apache\ Tomcat\ 6.0\ Java\ Process\ Metrics=true
Apache\ Tomcat\ 6.0\ Servlet\ Monitor=true
Apache\ Tomcat\ 6.0\ Thread\ Pools=true
Apache\ Tomcat\ 6.0\ Web\ Module\ Stats=true
Apache\ Tomcat\ 7.0=true
Apache\ Tomcat\ 7.0\ Cache=true
Apache\ Tomcat\ 7.0\ DataSource\ Pool=true
Apache\ Tomcat\ 7.0\ Global\ Request\ Processor=true
Apache\ Tomcat\ 7.0\ HQ\ Internals=true
Apache\ Tomcat\ 7.0\ HTTP=true
Apache\ Tomcat\ 7.0\ Hibernate\ Session\ Factory=true
Apache\ Tomcat\ 7.0\ Hyperic\ Data\ Source=true
Apache\ Tomcat\ 7.0\ JSP\ Monitor=true
Apache\ Tomcat\ 7.0\ Java\ Process\ Metrics=true
Apache\ Tomcat\ 7.0\ Servlet\ Monitor=true
Apache\ Tomcat\ 7.0\ Thread\ Pools=true
Apache\ Tomcat\ 7.0\ Web\ Module\ Stats=true
Apache\ httpd=true
Apache\ httpd\ mod_jk\ Worker=true
Apache-ERS\ 2.3=true
Apache-ERS\ 2.3\ VHost=true
Apache-ERS\ 2.3\ mod_jk\ Worker=true
Apache-ERS\ 2.4=true
Apache-ERS\ 2.4\ VHost=true
Apache-ERS\ 2.4\ mod_jk\ Worker=true
Apache-ERS\ 3.x=true
Apache-ERS\ 3.x\ VHost=true
Apache-ERS\ 3.x\ mod_jk\ Worker=true
Apache-ERS\ 4.x=true
Apache-ERS\ 4.x\ VHost=true
Apache-ERS\ 4.x\ mod_jk\ Worker=true
Application\ Peer\ 6.5=true
Application\ Peer\ 6.5\ Region=true
Bind\ 9.x=true
Cache\ Server\ 6.5=true
Cache\ Server\ 6.5\ Region=true
Cisco\ IOS=true
Cisco\ IOS\ Interface=true
Cisco\ IOS\ Server=true
Cisco\ PIXOS=true
Cisco\ PIXOS\ Interface=true
Cisco\ PIXOS\ Server=true
Coldfusion\ 6.x=true
Coldfusion\ 6.x\ HTTP=true
Coldfusion\ 6.x\ Java\ Process\ Metrics=true
Coldfusion\ 7.x=true
Coldfusion\ 7.x\ HTTP=true
Coldfusion\ 7.x\ Java\ Process\ Metrics=true
DB2\ 7.x=true
DB2\ 7.x\ Database=true
DB2\ 7.x\ Table=true
DB2\ 7.x\ Tablespace=true
DB2\ 8.x=true
DB2\ 8.x\ Database=true
DB2\ 8.x\ Table=true
DB2\ 8.x\ Tablespace=true
DB2\ 9.x=true
DB2\ 9.x\ Database=true
DB2\ 9.x\ Table=true
DB2\ 9.x\ Tablespace=true
DB2\ JDBC\ 9.x=true
DB2\ JDBC\ 9.x\ Buffer\ Pool=true
DB2\ JDBC\ 9.x\ Memory\ Pool=true
DB2\ JDBC\ 9.x\ Table=true
DB2\ JDBC\ 9.x\ Table\ Space=true
DB2\ JDBC\ Database\ Manager\ 9.x=true
Exchange\ 2000=true
Exchange\ 2000\ IMAP4=true
Exchange\ 2000\ MTA=true
Exchange\ 2000\ POP3=true
Exchange\ 2000\ Web=true
Exchange\ 2003=true
Exchange\ 2003\ IMAP4=true
Exchange\ 2003\ MTA=true
Exchange\ 2003\ POP3=true
Exchange\ 2003\ Web=true
Exchange\ 2007=true
Exchange\ 2007\ IMAP4=true
Exchange\ 2007\ POP3=true
Exchange\ 2007\ Web=true
Exchange\ 2010=true
Exchange\ 2010\ IMAP4=true
Exchange\ 2010\ POP3=true
Exchange\ 2010\ Web=true
Exchange\ 5.5=true
Exchange\ 5.5\ IMAP4=true
Exchange\ 5.5\ MTA=true
Exchange\ 5.5\ POP3=true
Exchange\ 5.5\ Web=true
Exchange\ Transport\ 2007=true
Exchange\ Transport\ 2007\ SmtpReceive=true
Exchange\ Transport\ 2007\ SmtpSend=true
Exchange\ Transport\ 2010=true
Exchange\ Transport\ 2010\ SmtpReceive=true
Exchange\ Transport\ 2010\ SmtpSend=true
FileServer\ Directory=true
FileServer\ Directory\ Tree=true
FileServer\ File=true
FileServer\ Mount=true
Gateway\ Hub\ 6.5=true
Gateway\ Hub\ 6.5\ Gateway=true
Gateway\ Hub\ 6.5\ Region=true
GemFire\ Distributed\ System=true
Geronimo\ 1.0=true
Geronimo\ 1.0\ Entity\ Bean=true
Geronimo\ 1.0\ JCA\ Connection\ Factory=true
Geronimo\ 1.0\ Stateful\ Session\ Bean=true
Geronimo\ 1.0\ Stateless\ Session\ Bean=true
GlassFish\ 9.x=true
GlassFish\ 9.x\ Class\ Loading\ System=true
GlassFish\ 9.x\ Connection\ Queue=true
GlassFish\ 9.x\ Garbage\ Collector=true
GlassFish\ 9.x\ Global\ Request\ Processor=true
GlassFish\ 9.x\ Manager=true
GlassFish\ 9.x\ PWC\ Connection\ Queue=true
GlassFish\ 9.x\ PWC\ File\ Cache=true
GlassFish\ 9.x\ PWC\ Keep\ Alive=true
GlassFish\ 9.x\ Servlet=true
GlassFish\ 9.x\ System\ Compilation=true
GlassFish\ 9.x\ WebModule=true
HQ\ Agent=true
HQ\ PostgreSQL\ 9.x=true
HQ\ PostgreSQL\ 9.x\ DataBase=true
HQ\ PostgreSQL\ 9.x\ Index=true
HQ\ PostgreSQL\ 9.x\ Table=true
IIS\ 4.x=true
IIS\ 4.x\ VHost=true
IIS\ 5.x=true
IIS\ 5.x\ VHost=true
IIS\ 6.x=true
IIS\ 6.x\ VHost=true
IIS\ 7.x=true
IIS\ 7.x\ VHost=true
IIS\ 8.x=true
IIS\ 8.x\ VHost=true
InetAddress\ Ping=true
Informix\ 10.0=true
Informix\ 10.0\ DBSpace=true
Informix\ 10.0\ Table=true
JBoss\ 3.2=true
JBoss\ 3.2\ Entity\ EJB=true
JBoss\ 3.2\ Hibernate\ Session\ Factory=true
JBoss\ 3.2\ JCA\ Connection\ Pool=true
JBoss\ 3.2\ JGroups\ Channel=true
JBoss\ 3.2\ JMS\ Destination=true
JBoss\ 3.2\ JMS\ Topic=true
JBoss\ 3.2\ Message\ Driven\ EJB=true
JBoss\ 3.2\ Stateful\ Session\ EJB=true
JBoss\ 3.2\ Stateless\ Session\ EJB=true
JBoss\ 4.0=true
JBoss\ 4.0\ EJB3=true
JBoss\ 4.0\ Entity\ EJB=true
JBoss\ 4.0\ HQ\ Internals=true
JBoss\ 4.0\ Hibernate\ Session\ Factory=true
JBoss\ 4.0\ JCA\ Connection\ Pool=true
JBoss\ 4.0\ JCA\ Data\ Source=true
JBoss\ 4.0\ JGroups\ Channel=true
JBoss\ 4.0\ JMS\ Destination=true
JBoss\ 4.0\ JMS\ Topic=true
JBoss\ 4.0\ Message\ Driven\ EJB=true
JBoss\ 4.0\ Stateful\ Session\ EJB=true
JBoss\ 4.0\ Stateless\ Session\ EJB=true
JBoss\ 4.2=true
JBoss\ 4.2\ EJB3=true
JBoss\ 4.2\ Entity\ EJB=true
JBoss\ 4.2\ HQ\ Internals=true
JBoss\ 4.2\ Hibernate\ Session\ Factory=true
JBoss\ 4.2\ JCA\ Connection\ Pool=true
JBoss\ 4.2\ JCA\ Data\ Source=true
JBoss\ 4.2\ JGroups\ Channel=true
JBoss\ 4.2\ JMS\ Destination=true
JBoss\ 4.2\ JMS\ Topic=true
JBoss\ 4.2\ Message\ Driven\ EJB=true
JBoss\ 4.2\ Stateful\ Session\ EJB=true
JBoss\ 4.2\ Stateless\ Session\ EJB=true
JBoss\ 4.3=true
JBoss\ 4.3\ EJB3=true
JBoss\ 4.3\ Entity\ EJB=true
JBoss\ 4.3\ Hibernate\ Session\ Factory=true
JBoss\ 4.3\ JCA\ Connection\ Pool=true
JBoss\ 4.3\ JCA\ Data\ Source=true
JBoss\ 4.3\ JGroups\ Channel=true
JBoss\ 4.3\ JMS\ Destination=true
JBoss\ 4.3\ JMS\ Queue\ Destination=true
JBoss\ 4.3\ JMS\ Topic=true
JBoss\ 4.3\ Message\ Driven\ EJB=true
JBoss\ 4.3\ Stateful\ Session\ EJB=true
JBoss\ 4.3\ Stateless\ Session\ EJB=true
JBoss\ 5.0=true
JBoss\ 5.0\ EJB\ 3=true
JBoss\ 5.0\ Hibernate\ Session\ Factory=true
JBoss\ 5.0\ JCA\ Connection\ Pool=true
JBoss\ 5.0\ JCA\ Data\ Source=true
JBoss\ 5.0\ JGroups\ Channel=true
JBoss\ 5.0\ JMS\ QUEUE\ Destination=true
JBoss\ 5.0\ JMS\ Topic=true
JBoss\ 5.0\ Message\ Driven\ EJB=true
JBoss\ 5.0\ Stateful\ Session\ EJB=true
JBoss\ 5.0\ Stateless\ Session\ EJB=true
JBoss\ 5.0\ WebApp=true
JBoss\ 5.1=true
JBoss\ 5.1\ EJB\ 3=true
JBoss\ 5.1\ Hibernate\ Session\ Factory=true
JBoss\ 5.1\ JCA\ Connection\ Pool=true
JBoss\ 5.1\ JCA\ Data\ Source=true
JBoss\ 5.1\ JGroups\ Channel=true
JBoss\ 5.1\ JMS\ QUEUE\ Destination=true
JBoss\ 5.1\ JMS\ Topic=true
JBoss\ 5.1\ Message\ Driven\ EJB=true
JBoss\ 5.1\ Stateful\ Session\ EJB=true
JBoss\ 5.1\ Stateless\ Session\ EJB=true
JBoss\ 5.1\ WebApp=true
JBoss\ 6.0=true
JBoss\ 6.0\ EJB\ 3=true
JBoss\ 6.0\ Hibernate\ Session\ Factory=true
JBoss\ 6.0\ JCA\ Connection\ Pool=true
JBoss\ 6.0\ JCA\ Data\ Source=true
JBoss\ 6.0\ JGroups\ Channel=true
JBoss\ 6.0\ JMS\ HornetQ\ QUEUE=true
JBoss\ 6.0\ JMS\ HornetQ\ Topic=true
JBoss\ 6.0\ JMS\ QUEUE\ Destination=true
JBoss\ 6.0\ JMS\ Topic=true
JBoss\ 6.0\ Message\ Driven\ EJB=true
JBoss\ 6.0\ Stateful\ Session\ EJB=true
JBoss\ 6.0\ Stateless\ Session\ EJB=true
JBoss\ 6.0\ WebApp=true
JBoss\ 7=true
JBoss\ 7\ Connector=true
JBoss\ 7\ Datasource=true
JBoss\ 7\ deployment=true
JBoss\ 7.1=true
JBoss\ 7.1\ Connector=true
JBoss\ 7.1\ Datasource=true
JBoss\ 7.1\ deployment=true
JBoss\ Host\ Controller\ 7=true
JBoss\ Host\ Controller\ 7.1=true
JBoss\ Managed\ 7=true
JBoss\ Managed\ 7\ Connector=true
JBoss\ Managed\ 7\ Datasource=true
JBoss\ Managed\ 7\ deployment=true
JBoss\ Managed\ 7.1=true
JBoss\ Managed\ 7.1\ Connector=true
JBoss\ Managed\ 7.1\ Datasource=true
JBoss\ Managed\ 7.1\ deployment=true
JBoss\ Web\ 2.0=true
JBoss\ Web\ 2.0\ Cache=true
JBoss\ Web\ 2.0\ DataSource\ Pool=true
JBoss\ Web\ 2.0\ Global\ Request\ Processor=true
JBoss\ Web\ 2.0\ HQ\ Internals=true
JBoss\ Web\ 2.0\ HTTP=true
JBoss\ Web\ 2.0\ Hibernate\ Session\ Factory=true
JBoss\ Web\ 2.0\ Hyperic\ Data\ Source=true
JBoss\ Web\ 2.0\ JSP\ Monitor=true
JBoss\ Web\ 2.0\ Java\ Process\ Metrics=true
JBoss\ Web\ 2.0\ Servlet\ Monitor=true
JBoss\ Web\ 2.0\ Thread\ Pools=true
JBoss\ Web\ 2.0\ Web\ Module\ Stats=true
JBoss\ Web\ 2.1=true
JBoss\ Web\ 2.1\ Cache=true
JBoss\ Web\ 2.1\ DataSource\ Pool=true
JBoss\ Web\ 2.1\ Global\ Request\ Processor=true
JBoss\ Web\ 2.1\ HQ\ Internals=true
JBoss\ Web\ 2.1\ HTTP=true
JBoss\ Web\ 2.1\ Hibernate\ Session\ Factory=true
JBoss\ Web\ 2.1\ Hyperic\ Data\ Source=true
JBoss\ Web\ 2.1\ JSP\ Monitor=true
JBoss\ Web\ 2.1\ Java\ Process\ Metrics=true
JBoss\ Web\ 2.1\ Servlet\ Monitor=true
JBoss\ Web\ 2.1\ Thread\ Pools=true
JBoss\ Web\ 2.1\ Web\ Module\ Stats=true
JBoss\ Web\ 3.0=true
JBoss\ Web\ 3.0\ Cache=true
JBoss\ Web\ 3.0\ DataSource\ Pool=true
JBoss\ Web\ 3.0\ Global\ Request\ Processor=true
JBoss\ Web\ 3.0\ HQ\ Internals=true
JBoss\ Web\ 3.0\ HTTP=true
JBoss\ Web\ 3.0\ Hibernate\ Session\ Factory=true
JBoss\ Web\ 3.0\ Hyperic\ Data\ Source=true
JBoss\ Web\ 3.0\ JSP\ Monitor=true
JBoss\ Web\ 3.0\ Java\ Process\ Metrics=true
JBoss\ Web\ 3.0\ Servlet\ Monitor=true
JBoss\ Web\ 3.0\ Thread\ Pools=true
JBoss\ Web\ 3.0\ Web\ Module\ Stats=true
JMX\ Agent\ 6.5=true
Jetty\ 6.x=true
Jetty\ 6.x\ Jetty\ IO=true
MsSQL\ 2000=true
MsSQL\ 2000\ Database=true
MsSQL\ 2000\ SQLAgent=true
MsSQL\ 2005=true
MsSQL\ 2005\ Database=true
MsSQL\ 2005\ SQLAgent=true
MsSQL\ 2008=true
MsSQL\ 2008\ Database=true
MsSQL\ 2008\ R2=true
MsSQL\ 2008\ R2\ Database=true
MsSQL\ 2008\ R2\ SQLAgent=true
MsSQL\ 2008\ SQLAgent=true
MsSQL\ 2012=true
MsSQL\ 2012\ Database=true
MsSQL\ 2012\ SQLAgent=true
MySQL\ 3.x=true
MySQL\ 3.x\ Table=true
MySQL\ 4.x=true
MySQL\ 4.x\ Table=true
MySQL\ 5.x=true
MySQL\ 5.x\ Table=true
MySQL\ Process\ 3.x=true
MySQL\ Process\ 4.x=true
MySQL\ Process\ 5.x=true
MySQL\ Stats\ 4.0.x=true
MySQL\ Stats\ 4.0.x\ Show\ Slave\ Status=true
MySQL\ Stats\ 4.0.x\ Slave\ Status=true
MySQL\ Stats\ 4.1.x=true
MySQL\ Stats\ 4.1.x\ Show\ Slave\ Status=true
MySQL\ Stats\ 4.1.x\ Slave\ Status=true
MySQL\ Stats\ 5.0.x=true
MySQL\ Stats\ 5.0.x\ Show\ Slave\ Status=true
MySQL\ Stats\ 5.0.x\ Slave\ Status=true
MySQL\ Stats\ 5.0.x\ Table=true
MySQL\ Stats\ 5.1.x=true
MySQL\ Stats\ 5.1.x\ Show\ Slave\ Status=true
MySQL\ Stats\ 5.1.x\ Slave\ Status=true
MySQL\ Stats\ 5.1.x\ Table=true
MySQL\ Stats\ 5.5.x=true
MySQL\ Stats\ 5.5.x\ Show\ Slave\ Status=true
MySQL\ Stats\ 5.5.x\ Slave\ Status=true
MySQL\ Stats\ 5.5.x\ Table=true
MySQL\ Stats\ base=true
MySQL\ Stats\ base\ Slave\ Status=true
MySQL\ Stats\ baseWithTable=true
MySQL\ Stats\ baseWithTable\ Slave\ Status=true
MySQL\ Stats\ baseWithTable\ Table=true
NTP\ 4.x=true
Nagios\ Plugin=true
Net\ Services=true
NetApp\ Filer=true
NetApp\ Filer\ CIFS\ Server=true
NetApp\ Filer\ File\ System=true
NetApp\ Filer\ Interface=true
NetApp\ Filer\ NFS\ server\ v2=true
NetApp\ Filer\ NFS\ server\ v3=true
NetApp\ Filer\ Server=true
Network\ Device=true
Network\ Device\ Interface=true
Network\ Device\ Server=true
Network\ Host=true
Network\ Host\ Interface=true
Network\ Host\ Server=true
Network\ Host\ Storage=true
NetworkServer\ Interface=true
OC4J\ 10=true
OC4J\ 10\ Application=true
OC4J\ 10\ Entity\ Bean=true
OC4J\ 10\ JCA\ Connection\ Pool=true
OC4J\ 10\ JCA\ Resource=true
OC4J\ 10\ JDBC\ Resource=true
OC4J\ 10\ JMS\ Destination=true
OC4J\ 10\ JMS\ Topic=true
OC4J\ 10\ JTA\ Resource=true
OC4J\ 10\ Stateful\ Session\ Bean=true
OC4J\ 10\ Stateless\ Session\ Bean=true
OC4J\ 10\ Thread\ Pool=true
OC4J\ 10\ Web\ Module=true
OpenLDAP\ 2.3.x=true
OpenLDAP\ 2.3.x\ LDAP=true
OpenLDAP\ 2.3.x\ Slapd\ Process\ Metrics=true
Oracle\ 10g=true
Oracle\ 10g\ Process\ Metrics=true
Oracle\ 10g\ Segment=true
Oracle\ 10g\ TNS\ Ping=true
Oracle\ 10g\ Tablespace=true
Oracle\ 10g\ User\ Instance=true
Oracle\ 11g=true
Oracle\ 11g\ Process\ Metrics=true
Oracle\ 11g\ Segment=true
Oracle\ 11g\ TNS\ Ping=true
Oracle\ 11g\ Tablespace=true
Oracle\ 11g\ User\ Instance=true
Oracle\ 8i=true
Oracle\ 8i\ Process\ Metrics=true
Oracle\ 8i\ TNS\ Ping=true
Oracle\ 8i\ Tablespace=true
Oracle\ 8i\ User\ Instance=true
Oracle\ 9i=true
Oracle\ 9i\ Process\ Metrics=true
Oracle\ 9i\ TNS\ Ping=true
Oracle\ 9i\ Tablespace=true
Oracle\ 9i\ User\ Instance=true
Perlbal\ 1.x=true
Postfix\ 2.x=true
Postfix\ 2.x\ Queue=true
PostgreSQL\ 7.4=true
PostgreSQL\ 7.4\ DataBase=true
PostgreSQL\ 7.4\ Index=true
PostgreSQL\ 7.4\ Table=true
PostgreSQL\ 8.x=true
PostgreSQL\ 8.x\ DataBase=true
PostgreSQL\ 8.x\ Index=true
PostgreSQL\ 8.x\ Table=true
PostgreSQL\ 9.x=true
PostgreSQL\ 9.x\ DataBase=true
PostgreSQL\ 9.x\ Index=true
PostgreSQL\ 9.x\ Table=true
RabbitMQ\ Channel=true
RabbitMQ\ Connection=true
RabbitMQ\ Exchange=true
RabbitMQ\ Queue=true
RabbitMQ\ VirtualHost=true
Resin\ 3.x=true
Resin\ 3.x\ Connection\ Pool=true
Resin\ 3.x\ Port=true
Resin\ 3.x\ Webapp=true
SQL\ Query=true
Samba\ 3.x=true
Sendmail\ 8.x=true
Sendmail\ 8.x\ Message\ Submission\ Process=true
Sendmail\ 8.x\ Root\ Daemon\ Process=true
Sendmail\ 8.x\ SMTP=true
SharePoint\ 2007=true
SharePoint\ 2007\ Publishing\ Cache=true
SharePoint\ 2007\ Search\ Archival\ Plugin=true
SharePoint\ 2007\ Search\ Gatherer=true
SharePoint\ 2007\ Search\ Gatherer\ Projects=true
SharePoint\ 2007\ Search\ Schema\ Plugin=true
SharePoint\ 2007\ Webserver=true
SharePoint\ 2007\ WindowsService=true
SharePoint\ 2010=true
SharePoint\ 2010\ Disk-Based\ Cache=true
SharePoint\ 2010\ Foundation\ BDC\ Metadata=true
SharePoint\ 2010\ Foundation\ BDC\ Online=true
SharePoint\ 2010\ Foundation\ Search\ Archival\ Plugin=true
SharePoint\ 2010\ Foundation\ Search\ FAST\ Content\ Plugin=true
SharePoint\ 2010\ Foundation\ Search\ Gatherer=true
SharePoint\ 2010\ Foundation\ Search\ Gatherer\ Databases=true
SharePoint\ 2010\ Foundation\ Search\ Gatherer\ Projects=true
SharePoint\ 2010\ Foundation\ Search\ Indexer\ Plugin=true
SharePoint\ 2010\ Foundation\ Search\ Query\ Processor=true
SharePoint\ 2010\ Foundation\ Search\ Schema\ Plugin=true
SharePoint\ 2010\ Publishing\ Cache=true
SharePoint\ 2010\ Records\ Management\ Counters=true
SharePoint\ 2010\ Webserver=true
SharePoint\ 2010\ WindowsService=true
Spring\ Application=true
Spring\ Insight=true
Spring\ Insight\ Application=true
SpringSource\ tc\ Runtime\ 6.0=true
SpringSource\ tc\ Runtime\ 6.0\ Cache=true
SpringSource\ tc\ Runtime\ 6.0\ Data\ Source\ Context=true
SpringSource\ tc\ Runtime\ 6.0\ Data\ Source\ Global=true
SpringSource\ tc\ Runtime\ 6.0\ EM4J=true
SpringSource\ tc\ Runtime\ 6.0\ Executor=true
SpringSource\ tc\ Runtime\ 6.0\ Garbage\ Collector=true
SpringSource\ tc\ Runtime\ 6.0\ Global\ Request\ Processor=true
SpringSource\ tc\ Runtime\ 6.0\ HTTP=true
SpringSource\ tc\ Runtime\ 6.0\ JSP\ Monitor=true
SpringSource\ tc\ Runtime\ 6.0\ Java\ Process\ Metrics=true
SpringSource\ tc\ Runtime\ 6.0\ Manager=true
SpringSource\ tc\ Runtime\ 6.0\ Servlet\ Monitor=true
SpringSource\ tc\ Runtime\ 6.0\ Thread\ Diagnostics\ Context=true
SpringSource\ tc\ Runtime\ 6.0\ Thread\ Diagnostics\ Engine=true
SpringSource\ tc\ Runtime\ 6.0\ Thread\ Diagnostics\ Host=true
SpringSource\ tc\ Runtime\ 6.0\ Thread\ Pools=true
SpringSource\ tc\ Runtime\ 6.0\ Tomcat\ JDBC\ Connection\ Pool\ Context=true
SpringSource\ tc\ Runtime\ 6.0\ Tomcat\ JDBC\ Connection\ Pool\ Global=true
SpringSource\ tc\ Runtime\ 6.0\ Web\ Module\ Stats=true
SpringSource\ tc\ Runtime\ 7.0=true
SpringSource\ tc\ Runtime\ 7.0\ Cache=true
SpringSource\ tc\ Runtime\ 7.0\ Data\ Source\ Context=true
SpringSource\ tc\ Runtime\ 7.0\ Data\ Source\ Global=true
SpringSource\ tc\ Runtime\ 7.0\ EM4J=true
SpringSource\ tc\ Runtime\ 7.0\ Executor=true
SpringSource\ tc\ Runtime\ 7.0\ Garbage\ Collector=true
SpringSource\ tc\ Runtime\ 7.0\ Global\ Request\ Processor=true
SpringSource\ tc\ Runtime\ 7.0\ HTTP=true
SpringSource\ tc\ Runtime\ 7.0\ JSP\ Monitor=true
SpringSource\ tc\ Runtime\ 7.0\ Java\ Process\ Metrics=true
SpringSource\ tc\ Runtime\ 7.0\ Manager=true
SpringSource\ tc\ Runtime\ 7.0\ Servlet\ Monitor=true
SpringSource\ tc\ Runtime\ 7.0\ Thread\ Diagnostics\ Context=true
SpringSource\ tc\ Runtime\ 7.0\ Thread\ Diagnostics\ Engine=true
SpringSource\ tc\ Runtime\ 7.0\ Thread\ Diagnostics\ Host=true
SpringSource\ tc\ Runtime\ 7.0\ Thread\ Pools=true
SpringSource\ tc\ Runtime\ 7.0\ Tomcat\ JDBC\ Connection\ Pool\ Context=true
SpringSource\ tc\ Runtime\ 7.0\ Tomcat\ JDBC\ Connection\ Pool\ Global=true
SpringSource\ tc\ Runtime\ 7.0\ Web\ Module\ Stats=true
Sun\ JVM\ 1.5=true
Sun\ JVM\ 1.5\ Garbage\ Collector=true
Sun\ JVM\ 1.5\ Memory\ Pool=true
Sybase\ 12.5.x=true
Sybase\ 12.5.x\ sp_monitorconfig=true
Sybase\ 12.5.x\ sp_sysmonCache=true
Sybase\ 12.5.x\ sp_sysmonEngine=true
Sybase\ 12.5.x\ storage=true
Sybase\ 12.x=true
Sybase\ 15.x=true
Sybase\ 15.x\ sp_monitorconfig=true
Sybase\ 15.x\ sp_sysmonCache=true
Sybase\ 15.x\ sp_sysmonEngine=true
Sybase\ 15.x\ storage=true
TCP\ Socket=true
VMware\ ESX\ 2.x=true
VMware\ ESX\ 2.x\ VM=true
VMware\ ESX\ 2.x\ VM\ Disk=true
VMware\ ESX\ 2.x\ VM\ NIC=true
VMware\ ESX\ 3.x=true
VMware\ ESX\ 3.x\ VM=true
VMware\ ESX\ 3.x\ VM\ Disk=true
VMware\ ESX\ 3.x\ VM\ NIC=true
VMware\ GSX\ 3.x=true
VMware\ GSX\ 3.x\ VM=true
VMware\ Server\ 1.x=true
VMware\ Server\ 1.x\ VM=true
VMware\ VI3\ Host=true
VMware\ VI3\ Resource\ Pool=true
VMware\ VI3\ VM=true
VMware\ VI3\ VM\ CPU=true
VMware\ VI3\ VM\ NIC=true
VMware\ vCenter=true
VMware\ vSphere\ Host=true
VMware\ vSphere\ Host\ DS=true
VMware\ vSphere\ VM=true
VMware\ vSphere\ VM\ DS=true
WebSphere\ 6.0=true
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WebSphere\ 6.1=true
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WebSphere\ MQ\ QManager\ 6\ Cluster\ Sender\ Channel=true
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Weblogic\ NodeManager\ 8.1=true
Weblogic\ NodeManager\ 9.1=true
Weblogic\ NodeManager\ 9.2=true
Windows\ Service=true
Xen\ Host=true
Xen\ Host\ CPU=true
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Xen\ Host\ Server=true
Xen\ Host\ Storage=true
Xen\ VM=true
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Xen\ VM\ Storage=true
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iPlanet\ 4.1=true
iPlanet\ 4.1\ VHost=true
iPlanet\ 6.0=true
iPlanet\ 6.0\ Thread\ Pool=true
iPlanet\ 6.0\ VHost=true
iPlanet\ Admin\ 4.1=true
iPlanet\ Admin\ 6.0=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Application\ Peer\ 6.0=true
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vFabric\ GemFire\ Cache\ Server\ 6.0\ Region=true
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vFabric\ GemFire\ Cache\ Server\ 6.5=true
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vFabric\ GemFire\ Cache\ Server\ 6.5\ Cache\ Server=true
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vFabric\ GemFire\ Cache\ Server\ 6.6\ Cache\ Server=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Cache\ Server\ 6.6\ Disk\ Directory=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Cache\ Server\ 6.6\ Disk\ Region=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Cache\ Server\ 6.6\ Disk\ Store=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Cache\ Server\ 6.6\ Distributed\ Lock=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Cache\ Server\ 6.6\ Distribution\ Statistics=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Cache\ Server\ 6.6\ Function=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Cache\ Server\ 6.6\ Function\ Service=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Cache\ Server\ 6.6\ Partitioned\ Region=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Cache\ Server\ 6.6\ Region=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Cache\ Server\ 6.6\ Resource\ Manager=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Cache\ Server\ 6.6\ Statistics\ Sampler=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Cache\ Server\ 6.6\ VM\ Stats=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Cache\ Server\ 7.0=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Cache\ Server\ 7.0\ Cache\ Server\ Region=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Cache\ Server\ 7.0\ Gateway\ Receiver=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Cache\ Server\ 7.0\ Gateway\ Sender=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Distributed\ System\ 6.x=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Distributed\ System\ 7.x=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Gateway\ Hub\ 6.0=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Gateway\ Hub\ 6.0\ Cache\ Client\ Notifier=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Gateway\ Hub\ 6.0\ Cache\ Performance=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Gateway\ Hub\ 6.0\ Cache\ Server=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Gateway\ Hub\ 6.0\ Disk\ Directory=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Gateway\ Hub\ 6.0\ Disk\ Region=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Gateway\ Hub\ 6.0\ Disk\ Store=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Gateway\ Hub\ 6.0\ Distributed\ Lock=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Gateway\ Hub\ 6.0\ Distribution\ Statistics=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Gateway\ Hub\ 6.0\ Function=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Gateway\ Hub\ 6.0\ Function\ Service=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Gateway\ Hub\ 6.0\ Gateway\ Hub\ Statistics=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Gateway\ Hub\ 6.0\ Gateway\ Statistics=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Gateway\ Hub\ 6.0\ Partitioned\ Region=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Gateway\ Hub\ 6.0\ Pool\ Stats=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Gateway\ Hub\ 6.0\ Region=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Gateway\ Hub\ 6.0\ Resource\ Manager=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Gateway\ Hub\ 6.0\ VM\ Stats=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Gateway\ Hub\ 6.5=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Gateway\ Hub\ 6.5\ Cache\ Client\ Notifier=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Gateway\ Hub\ 6.5\ Cache\ Performance=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Gateway\ Hub\ 6.5\ Cache\ Server=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Gateway\ Hub\ 6.5\ Disk\ Directory=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Gateway\ Hub\ 6.5\ Disk\ Region=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Gateway\ Hub\ 6.5\ Disk\ Store=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Gateway\ Hub\ 6.5\ Distributed\ Lock=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Gateway\ Hub\ 6.5\ Distribution\ Statistics=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Gateway\ Hub\ 6.5\ Function=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Gateway\ Hub\ 6.5\ Function\ Service=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Gateway\ Hub\ 6.5\ Gateway\ Hub\ Statistics=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Gateway\ Hub\ 6.5\ Gateway\ Statistics=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Gateway\ Hub\ 6.5\ Partitioned\ Region=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Gateway\ Hub\ 6.5\ Pool\ Stats=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Gateway\ Hub\ 6.5\ Region=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Gateway\ Hub\ 6.5\ Resource\ Manager=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Gateway\ Hub\ 6.5\ VM\ Stats=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Gateway\ Hub\ 6.6=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Gateway\ Hub\ 6.6\ Cache\ Client\ Notifier=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Gateway\ Hub\ 6.6\ Cache\ Performance=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Gateway\ Hub\ 6.6\ Cache\ Server=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Gateway\ Hub\ 6.6\ Disk\ Directory=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Gateway\ Hub\ 6.6\ Disk\ Region=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Gateway\ Hub\ 6.6\ Disk\ Store=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Gateway\ Hub\ 6.6\ Distributed\ Lock=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Gateway\ Hub\ 6.6\ Distribution\ Statistics=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Gateway\ Hub\ 6.6\ Function=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Gateway\ Hub\ 6.6\ Function\ Service=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Gateway\ Hub\ 6.6\ Gateway\ Hub\ Statistics=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Gateway\ Hub\ 6.6\ Gateway\ Statistics=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Gateway\ Hub\ 6.6\ Partitioned\ Region=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Gateway\ Hub\ 6.6\ Pool\ Stats=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Gateway\ Hub\ 6.6\ Region=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Gateway\ Hub\ 6.6\ Resource\ Manager=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Gateway\ Hub\ 6.6\ VM\ Stats=true
vFabric\ GemFire\ Locator\ 7.0=true
vFabric\ Web\ Server\ 5.1=true
vFabric\ Web\ Server\ 5.1\ Virtual\ Host=true
vFabric\ Web\ Server\ 5.2=true
vFabric\ Web\ Server\ 5.2\ Virtual\ Host=true
vPostgres\ 9.x=true
vPostgres\ 9.x\ DataBase=true
vPostgres\ 9.x\ Index=true
vPostgres\ 9.x\ Table=true

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    Start Thunderbird, close the wizard, goto the Tools menu (alt+T) select add-ons
    There's a tiny button to the left of the search window. Click this and select Install Add-on From File and Navigate to your xpi file, select it, and off you go.

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    This type of setup is not supported by Configurator. You would be better served by supervising the device with Configurator and then manageing them with Profile Manager or another MDM server.

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    PDF Export Code (Originally from here: Simple PDF Export with Preset selection | IndiSnip [InDesign® Snippets]):
    var myPresets = app.pdfExportPresets.everyItem().name;
    myPresets.unshift("- Select Preset -");
    var myWin = new Window('dialog', 'PDF Export Presets');
    myWin.orientation = 'row';
        myWin.sText = add('statictext', undefined, 'Select PDF Export preset:');
        myWin.myPDFExport = add('dropdownlist',undefined,undefined,{items:myPresets});
        myWin.myPDFExport.selection = 0;
        myWin.btnOK = add('button', undefined, 'OK');;
    var myWindow =;
    if(myWindow == true && myWin.myPDFExport.selection.index != 0){
        var myPreset = app.pdfExportPresets.item(String(myWin.myPDFExport.selection));
        myFile = File(File.saveDialog("Save file with preset: " +,"PDF files: *.pdf"));
        if(myFile != null){
            app.activeDocument.exportFile(ExportFormat.PDF_TYPE, myFile, false, myPreset);
            alert("No File selected");
        alert("No PDF Preset selected");
    So far my code does the following:
    1) Runs the Multi-Page PDF Import Script
    2) Runs PDF Export Script Above
    3) Toggles the Template
    4) Runs #2 Again
    5) Deletes the imported PDF and all pages and toggles template again.
    It’s close and much better than the original process which was almost 100% manual but I’d like to remove the Preset prompt from the PDF script and have it automatically select the “Smallest File Size” preset. and then if there’s a way to have it auto-fill in the file name so no user input is required at all other than selecting each file to import. (If there’s a way to setup a batch action for the multi-import script that would be even better!)
    Thanks in advance and if there’s anything else I can provide that would help please let me know! Even a nudge in the right direction will be a big help!

    If you hold down the option key, it will typically show the location. Or you can often hit option-return on the file and it will reveal the file in the Finder, instead of opening it.
    Final option is to open it, and just option-click the filename in the toolbar of Preview and it should show you the location.
    It's probably an attachment to an email you've received. If you have Mail set to cache emails and their attachments it'll be stashed in a subdirectory of ~/Library/Mail. Which is fine.

  • Auto shape properties window doesn´t refresh values

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    i uninstalled fireworks, deleted preferences folder, updated graphic driver and finally called the support but they "coundn´t" help because the product is too old
    i hope you can help.
    thx a lot!

    Hopefully, you realize you can edit the Auto Shapes directly on the canvas. Hovering over a "yellow diamond" will reveal a tooltip telling what property it adjusts.
    It sounds like there's a communication problem between the panel and the canvas/application. The Auto Shape Properties panel is a SWF panel that resides in the application's Configuration/Command Panels folder. Other SWF panels include Align, Path, Symbol Properties, Image Editing, Special Characters, and Color Palette. I wonder if any of these other panels are affected?
    It seems like there's been a lot of problems with Flash-based panels conflicting with other apps or plug-ins. Try quitting and restarting the application with no other applications running in the background. Also check out something like this:

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    Try using one of these video players. VLC usually works with most files.
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    Yes, you can use the API RessourceBundle to read configuration informations.
    Just create a propertie file with your locale, and access it to read informations :
    for example :
    you create a file (i'm french).
    for accessing your information ( strValue1 = aValue) :
    String ressource = null;
    try {
    ressource = ResourceBundle.getBundle("config",new Locale("fr","FR")).getString("strValue1"); // better is to create a static Locale... here just for the example.
    } catch(Exception e) {
    // ooops...
    return ressource; // return aValue
    Hope this help.

  • Approval Process configuration in Change Request Management

    Hello Gurus
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    I am in mid of these configuration settings; please assist me asap if possible.
    Thanks in advance,

    Thanks for your reply,
    I have used BP to create and process change request. Only confused with the standard process and where to look for the change documents, thats the reason i couldnt see the requests and change their status.
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    Thanks for your help and more help on this topic will be appreciated.

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    Hi Khrisna,
    You can get all rows red by selecting the color red in the "Color" and "frequency" to 1 under the "Alternate Row/Column colors".
    I tried doing it and the colors freaked me out (all red) :-D
    Kindly tell me if im missing something.
    John Vincent

  • Error while creating Resource using GDS

    Iam trying to create Resource using GDS and it is throwing me error
    clresource: (C189917) VALIDATE on resource egateq00-haegate_reg-res, resource group egateq00-rg, exited with non-zero exit status.
    clresource: (C720144) Validation of resource egateq00-haegate_reg-res in resource group egateq00-rg on node uhegateq02 failed.
    clresource: (C891200) Failed to create resource "egateq00-haegate_reg-res".
    This is the command I executed
    rclresource create -g egateq00-rg -t SUNW.gds
    -p Scalable=false -p Start_timeout=120 -p Stop_timeout=120 -p Probe_timeout=30
    -p Port_list="23001/tcp" -p Start_command="/egateq00/scripts/" -p Stop_command="/egateq00/scripts/"
    -p Probe_command="/egateq00/scripts/" -p Child_mon_level=1 -p Network_resources_used=egateq00-lh-res -p Failover_enabled=FALSE
    -p Stop_signal=15 egateq00-haegate_reg-res
    The log under /var/cluster/logs/DS says following
    07/01/2008 17:56:43 uhegateq02 START-INFO> scha_resource_open failed [14]. Keeping the old Log_level value
    07/01/2008 17:56:43 uhegateq02 START-ERROR> Cannot access the start command </egateq00/scripts/> : <No such file or directory>
    07/01/2008 18:13:23 uhegateq02 START-INFO> scha_resource_open failed [14]. Keeping the old Log_level value
    07/01/2008 18:13:23 uhegateq02 START-ERROR> Cannot access the start command </egateq00/scripts/> : <No such file or directory>
    However, I can open these scripts and run it from anywhere. I also tested these scripts and they all work fine. They are all set to chmod 777 , so everyone should have execute permission
    Iam not returning any return value from these Start and Stop script , is that the why it is failing

    I disabled the PMF as described on the This is what I did
    1>Added following line in the top of my Start script
    while getopts 'R:G:' opt
    case "${opt}" in
    sleep 60 &
    /usr/cluster/bin/pmfadm -s ${RESOURCEGROUP},${RESOURCE},0.svc
    2>While creating the resource , I used property for Start_command="/egateq00/scripts/ -R %RS_NAME -G %RG_NAME"
    Now , after doing this , My RG is not getting lost. Also , in the message file I do not see the errors of "Start script failed to stay UP"
    However, My Application is not started either.
    This is what the message file says
    Jul 3 16:43:32 uhegateq01 Cluster.RGM.rgmd: [ID 515159 daemon.notice] method <gds_validate> completed successfully for resource <egateq00-haegat
    e-reg-res>, resource group <egateq00-rg>, node <uhegateq01>, time used: 0% of timeout <300 seconds>
    Jul 3 16:43:32 uhegateq01 Cluster.CCR: [ID 973933 daemon.notice] resource egateq00-haegate-reg-res added.
    Jul 3 16:43:32 uhegateq01 Cluster.RGM.rgmd: [ID 224900 daemon.notice] launching method <gds_svc_start> for resource <egateq00-haegate-reg-res>,
    resource group <egateq00-rg>, node <uhegateq01>, timeout <120> seconds
    Jul 3 16:43:32 uhegateq01 Cluster.RGM.rgmd: [ID 252072 daemon.notice] 50 fe_rpc_command: cmd_type(enum):<1>:cmd=</opt/SUNWscgds/bin/gds_svc_star
    t>:tag=<egateq00-rg.egateq00-haegate-reg-res.0>: Calling security_clnt_connect(..., host=<uhegateq01>, sec_type {0:WEAK, 1:STRONG, 2:DES} =<1>, .
    Jul 3 16:43:35 uhegateq01 Cluster.RGM.rgmd: [ID 515159 daemon.notice] method <gds_svc_start> completed successfully for resource <egateq00-haega
    te-reg-res>, resource group <egateq00-rg>, node <uhegateq01>, time used: 2% of timeout <120 seconds>
    Jul 3 16:43:35 uhegateq01 Cluster.RGM.rgmd: [ID 224900 daemon.notice] launching method <gds_monitor_start> for resource <egateq00-haegate-reg-re
    s>, resource group <egateq00-rg>, node <uhegateq01>, timeout <300> seconds
    Jul 3 16:43:35 uhegateq01 Cluster.RGM.rgmd: [ID 252072 daemon.notice] 50 fe_rpc_command: cmd_type(enum):<1>:cmd=</opt/SUNWscgds/bin/gds_monitor_
    start>:tag=<egateq00-rg.egateq00-haegate-reg-res.7>: Calling security_clnt_connect(..., host=<uhegateq01>, sec_type {0:WEAK, 1:STRONG, 2:DES} =<1
    , ...)Jul 3 16:43:35 uhegateq01 Cluster.RGM.rgmd: [ID 515159 daemon.notice] method <gds_monitor_start> completed successfully for resource <egateq00-h
    aegate-reg-res>, resource group <egateq00-rg>, node <uhegateq01>, time used: 0% of timeout <300 seconds>
    4>Also , in the /var/cluster/logs/DS , I see the Start script started succesfully
    07/03/2008 16:43:32 uhegateq01 START-INFO> Start succeeded. [egateq00/scripts/ -R egateq00-haegate-reg-res -G egateq00-rg]
    5>Also , in the /var/cluster/logs/DS , I see the Probe script returning 0 , but this is wierd because it should return Non zero number. When I run the Probe script from the command line , it is returning me non zero value when the application is down
    07/03/2008 16:43:35 uhegateq01 PROBE-INFO> The GDS monitor (gds_probe) has been started
    07/03/2008 16:44:35 uhegateq01 PROBE-INFO> Probe has been executed with exit code 0 [egateq00/scripts/]
    07/03/2008 16:44:35 uhegateq01 PROBE-INFO> The probe result is 0
    07/03/2008 16:45:35 uhegateq01 PROBE-INFO> Probe has been executed with exit code 0 [egateq00/scripts/]
    07/03/2008 16:45:35 uhegateq01 PROBE-INFO> The probe result is 0
    07/03/2008 16:46:35 uhegateq01 PROBE-INFO> Probe has been executed with exit code 0 [egateq00/scripts/]
    07/03/2008 16:46:35 uhegateq01 PROBE-INFO> The probe result is 0
    07/03/2008 16:47:35 uhegateq01 PROBE-INFO> Probe has been executed with exit code 0 [egateq00/scripts/]
    07/03/2008 16:47:35 uhegateq01 PROBE-INFO> The probe result is 0
    07/03/2008 16:48:35 uhegateq01 PROBE-INFO> Probe has been executed with exit code 0 [egateq00/scripts/]
    07/03/2008 16:48:35 uhegateq01 PROBE-INFO> The probe result is 0
    07/03/2008 16:49:35 uhegateq01 PROBE-INFO> Probe has been executed with exit code 0 [egateq00/scripts/]
    07/03/2008 16:49:35 uhegateq01 PROBE-INFO> The probe result is 0
    07/03/2008 16:50:35 uhegateq01 PROBE-INFO> Probe has been executed with exit code 0 [egateq00/scripts/]
    07/03/2008 16:50:35 uhegateq01 PROBE-INFO> The probe result is 0
    07/03/2008 16:51:35 uhegateq01 PROBE-INFO> Probe has been executed with exit code 0 [egateq00/scripts/]
    07/03/2008 16:51:35 uhegateq01 PROBE-INFO> The probe result is 0
    07/03/2008 16:52:35 uhegateq01 PROBE-INFO> Probe has been executed with exit code 0 [egateq00/scripts/]
    07/03/2008 16:52:35 uhegateq01 PROBE-INFO> The probe result is 0
    07/03/2008 16:53:35 uhegateq01 PROBE-INFO> Probe has been executed with exit code 0 [egateq00/scripts/]
    07/03/2008 16:53:35 uhegateq01 PROBE-INFO> The probe result is 0
    07/03/2008 16:54:35 uhegateq01 PROBE-INFO> Probe has been executed with exit code 0 [egateq00/scripts/]
    07/03/2008 16:54:35 uhegateq01 PROBE-INFO> The probe result is 0
    07/03/2008 16:55:35 uhegateq01 PROBE-INFO> Probe has been executed with exit code 0 [egateq00/scripts/]
    07/03/2008 16:55:35 uhegateq01 PROBE-INFO> The probe result is 0
    07/03/2008 16:56:35 uhegateq01 PROBE-INFO> Probe has been executed with exit code 0 [egateq00/scripts/]
    07/03/2008 16:56:35 uhegateq01 PROBE-INFO> The probe result is 0

  • My iphone 4 will no longer connect to my Itunes since 7.1.1 update itunes has latest update as well followed help which involved using mobile device properties no good re installed itunes still same problem iphone is showing up on pc as connected

    my iphone 4 will no longer connect to my Itunes since 7.1.1 update, itunes has latest update as well followed help which involved using mobile device properties no good re installed itunes still same problem iphone is showing up on pc as connected but itunes unable to see it
    any Ideas cheers

    Try holding the power and home button untill the apple symbol appears and let it reboot, if that does not work Try a DFU restore

  • Web browser resource use in kde4

    My testing was not extensive.  I opened 2 tabs in each of 4 browsers and only looked at cpu use after about a minute.  One tab was used for gmail and the other for hulu.  These should test what most people want to do.  I also went to random other sites to see what happened.
    Chromium 13, Firefox 6, Opera 11.5, and Konqueror(using kde 4.7 and KHTML) were used. 
    None of the browsers had a problem with watching flash videos on hulu with Konqueror having the best transition to/from fullscreen flash and opera 2nd best.  Firefox was good and Chromium not so good.  Konqueror would use the most resources when starting a flash video, likely due to the flashplugin requiring a wrapper.
    Gmail was best on Chromium.  Konqueror would only show the basic view and would not render in standard view.
    In general, konqueror used the least resources except when loading and was quickest to release them.  The others all used about the same resources with Opera releasing them quicker.  Chromium would use fewer resources to start but would be reluctant to release them.  Firefox was good but not great.  None crashed or slowed the system significantly.
    Konqueror was slowest on sites with flash and fastest on sites without, using the least resources(on average) in a kde environment but having issues rendering some sites.  Chromium is slow to release resources and I would not use it on constrained systems but was quite fast.  Opera was good for resource use and speed.  Firefox was slowest but not by much and is very good for random websites.

    Oh, I posted this to the Macbook forum as it's ambiguous whether the update caused a hardware/software confliction, since a fresh install of Snow Leopard did not work.

  • I am trying to install iiji reactor but it install but at then end it fails and it say following Feature: ijji Auto Installer Component: iAIFile1 File: C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\Plugins\ . Please help how i can remove this file at plugins.

    When i try to install ijii reactor it install almost ill end but then fail error is following:
    Feature: ijji Auto Installer
    Component: iAIFile1
    File: C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\Plugins\
    How i i remove this file because it says thath already exist?

    You need to download this file:
    Run it and it'll remove the browser plugin from Firefox. Then re-run Reactor installer.

  • Opening my Photoshop Elements 11 does not work. I always get following message: "Could not open a volume of work, because the file is locked or you do not have the required permissions. Undo the protection of the file on using the command 'Properties' in

    Opening my Photoshop Elements 11 does not work. I always get following message: "Could not open a volume of work, because the file is locked or you do not have the required permissions. Undo the protection of the file on using the command 'Properties' in Windows Explorer." What is wrong? I cannot unterstand what I have to do!

    Could not open a scratch file because the file is locked or you do not have the necessary access privileges. (…) | Mylen…

  • Use the command "Properties" in Windows Explorer to unlock the file

    I'm getting this error where, when I start Photoshop, I get a popup saying "Cannot load Photoshop because the file is locked or you don't have the needed privileges.. Use the command "Properties" in Windows Explorer to unlock the file". I unlocked it's access to everyone for the 64-bit and the 32-bit version, still doesn't work. The only way to make it work is by going in Program Files>Adobe>Adobe Photoshop CS5 (64-bit) and manually starting it as an administrator.
    Everything was working just fine until today. Please help!

    If this worked before, and you have made no hardware or software changes you might want to reset the preferences.
    Start photoshop and IMMEDIATELY  hold down the Alt + Ctrl + shift keys.  It is a little tricky but keep trying until you get a reset window.

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