Auto-connect to DSL

Is there anyway to connect to my DSL service without having to manually click "Connect" in the pull-down menu? (The <-> icon on the menu bar). I'd like my iBook to auto-connect (the way it does with Airport) when I turn it on. (Yes, I DO NEED to use the wired DSL in this location.)
I await your advice.
iBook G4, 1.42 GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.4)   1 GB RAM

Open System Preferences>Network and click on
Show>Ethernet. Click on TCP/IP and then the Options
button. Check mark the "Connect automatically when
needed. Now it should connect when you launch a
browser or email.
Thanks John. Sorry for the late response. (I found the answer somewhere else, and did not check back here).
Thanks for your help.

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    No idea. You could try deleting the file
    ... and restart your Mac.
    To find that file quickly, select the above path (triple-click the line), control-click to bring up the contextual menu, and select Services > Reveal. Drag that file to the Desktop, or directly to the Trash.
    This will completely erase your AirPort network preferences, requiring that you select your Wi-Fi network and authenticate again.
    What OS X version are you using, and are you using an Apple AirPort Base Station, or a third party product?

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    From , today
    not tested :
    After we tested the latest Mac OS X update, v10.4.8, on our 2.33GHz 24" iMac Core 2 Duo, we added another user account for the long-term tester. But after a restart or cold start, the iMac would reconnect to our AirPort network but it would get assigned an internal IP address rather than one from our router so it would not connect to the internet.
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    Set the "By default, join:" popup menu to "Preferred networks."
    Delete the listed preferred networks using the "-" button but this time we did not add it back again with the "+" button as Apple recommends.
    Set the "By default, join:" popup menu to "Automatic."
    Manually rejoin the AirPort network using the AirPort menu icon, i.e. selecting the network (or selecting "Other" and typing in the network name if hidden) and typing in the WPA (or WEP) password.
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    Rob has it mostly right, but you might not see just what he indicated. Once you see the "Airport" pane, you will see a pull-down menu in the body of the window (the "By default, join:" menu). This pull-down will read either "Automatic" or "Preferred networks." Only if it shows "Preferred networks" will you see the actual list of networks you have allowed your Mac to join. By changing the menu to read "Preferred," you can see and edit the list.
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    Have you tried System Preferences/Network/Assist Me/Assistant?
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    Hmm. That is a bit conflicting. After all, we don't want you to have to worry about usage running up or having to get disconnected each time you get on the computer. Ultimately, this is a software functionality of Windows 8.1 however. Have you noticed a high increase of usage when the auto connect is left on or are you just taking precautionary measures?
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

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    If I have helped at all, a click on the White Star is always appreciated :
    you can also help others by marking 'accept as solution' 

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    gerald teo wrote:
    why does it keep changing from solid green to flashing amber even though i've not touched anything.
    Welcome to Apple's discussion groups.
    I'd guess that's due to a glitch in your broadband service. You should be able to identify why the Extreme isn't happy by launching AirPort Utility, putting the Extreme into "manual setup" mode, then clicking on the "Status" circle.

Maybe you are looking for

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